Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 19 Feb 1897, p. 1

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./ - e-. k' The ~VOL. XL WJIITBY, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1897. As HL Allun, .%,Chemkst and «*è,Druggist, Jleadquarters for Pure Drugs, Chemicals and ail Patent Mudi- cill es. F-reslî Stock SPONGES from le. to $ 1. ,# "?ooth I3nusbe8, Nail Brushes, Combs, and ail Toilet Articles. A. H. ALUIN, ('1-IMIST S, DRUGGIST, WHITBY, Establishod ONTARIO. 1849. whitby Steam w Marbie anid Granite rks, Dundas St., WH ITB Y. Chas. HE. Smith4 (Formerly Wolfexsden Works.) Ius- porter and Dealer in MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS, Etc. of t.he latest matersal and de-igns. Ail kinds of Cemetery work. Our work guaran teed. _MSuND FOR DESIGNS AMD PRICioi. FARM TO RENT First-class Dairy Farmn to rent '200 icres, iôo under cultivation, balance j-att -. vveil watered; on Vonge street, -,ix mrile- from Toronto. A. S. JOHNSON, 6o8* Church sîreet, Toronto. Fe b i , i WIN DMIL LS. -o10- Geo. Allun Sella the Genuine AERMOTOR, of Chicago. Inteudiug purchasers should examine ibis milI bcfone placing their order. Do ual lot ,jy.agent put an imuitation ou you when you .!s et tise Genunne Aei'ssotor, risorougisîy galviized, sud sarrauted, foi bss mouey. More ci tisese milîs sold lu Canada ta-day than any ailier mate. Tise Aerntor Ca. claim tliey soîl coebal! lise number af wind- lunilI autfits sold lu tise vorld, ai ilie pieseul iiine. Bir. Williamsots, o! Orangeville, sold I127 oatfita duîing tise pasi thîce years. Ail styles of Wood and Iran Pumpa for sale. Auy informsatian regardiug these outtils yl bc freely given by writiug tu Pctb 7, t897-6no. GEO. ALLIN, W HtT BY - Fapm for Sale or tt Rent. ,Lot ~ln the rett of the 3rd con, of Whit- by'towÏsliip, Cottainiug zoo acres of good )and, highly vtltivated. Firýt class build- ings and oichard, aud a good strtam. Ap- Ply t0 WM. BAILEY, Whitby. Ieh ti, 897.-tf WANTED. Farmera' sons or other industrious persons lc>,afit eduÇçs0uO owbom $ amonth wouîd i> uInducepsent. j1 - Ld i"engage a ,t« lde atrowo hbomep. T. H. LINS- ',OCTT, Trito' Ot B OARD OFPIRIECTORS. je v~gS. TO4I BPZCIAL ic.PRI1pv -- ppPRIC -. I IST I looking seil. l- A number o! yauug people front this pLace- held sisal tbey caL a 'stIprW eparty,' et JOs. Foider's last week. MANIECES Mr. Thos. Welsh ji Miss Nellie Sponce &peut Suuday hero with We are pleased to uo Whyte is improving aft of inflamation. The genial face of Mi to be, again seen in oui only uake a short visit. Mr- L. Richardison,( ceighborhood this weel purchase a car-load of A~ sleigb boad of u to a party at 31r. W.1 on Tuesday eveniug. enjoyable tinte. The teinperance ser evoning at Fort Perryj ed to be the centre, namber front bore, wer wore very mach piese 00"'u. lTh.econtent at Sons Bro. Munros sBide won Throughout mach entl and the retsaIt large luc asip. The treat will Friday eveniug. A lai requested. The annual meeting vativo Association of Reach, will be heIdi bers on Satarday 20. Mr. W. Smith mayor, Mr. Robert Miller and dreas the mreeting. Le attendance.-P. C. Gmu wICl Lsst Sunday Rev. Mr. pmeached here., Mr. Caim Next Sunday Rev. Mr. Mc preacb bers. STEIR. aside and think and vote conscientiouisly Besides. several of the Port Hope rooters re- visiingin inday.will we see the prohibition movement fused in psy their tare clown iu the the bus. ristin Lndsy.placed on its proper standing. No Whitby men made any unfriendly de- iB. A. Toronto, Our enterprWag and nuch esteemned monstration sgainst the Port Hope plavers h her parents. townsman, N'ir. J. W. Cîlrt%, is about Io whilst they were lu town. The Port Hopc ote that Mr. John build a haudsomne brick residence on his fine rooters, and rooters they 'vere, ruade so îer a severe attack property in the south-east portion of the much noise that the releree's wbistle cnuld village. The site is a grand one and the scarcely be Iteard. Tbe Port Hope building will be of palat ial proportions and Guide, by its unfair criticism of teams whn r. Wm. Fowlie in, the design of the most modern architecture, win Against their teami, has done more to. r midat. He will and good taste will ho dtsplayed in every injure reai sport than any otiler aer luthe d etail iu construction both of exterior and digtrict.-ýED. CH.) * I~~ interior, sud, wvhen completed, will be con- oeba Columbus is in the venlent, commodious aud handsome. M eadadfml aemvdt ek, endeavoriug w An exciting game of hockey took place on M eadadfml aemvd.t horser. Feb. x6th at Port Perry. Both teamas went Uxbridge. yonafoike, went ont with the intention ot winniug the game. Mr Wm Gibson is. we regret to youn&, shur Uxbridge scored flrst in 5ý of à minntels îeatn, very seriousty ill. Bras'sAshbmuplay. This opened the eyes of the home All report a very club and after 2o minutes hard. play they Mr Archie Miller, of Balsover, was scored At thse end of haîf time the score visiting here this week. stood i to i. At the beginning of the 2nd rillons on Sunday haîf Port Perrv scored iu 3 minutes and 15 Mr John Throop, Peterboro, was ý and Myrtie soom- seconds respectively. The Uicbridge sec- the village on business ou Monday. .of attraction. A tion scored again making the score 3 t 2 wL t eaeh, and ail Port Perry scord 2 more goals, then x Mr I O'Neil is getting lutriber on the bed witb the dis- bridge scored i, makiug the score 5 to 3 lu ground ready to buîld a new barn and Port Perrys favor. Port PerrY--Goal, F- 'stable next summer. Dennison, point, J. McCullough, e point. A > hi e rMMlln fLnsy ilodge has ended Carnegie, f'orards, Anderson. Dennison, Th1e rMMlln fLnsy 2 by goodVansinkler, Simpson. Uxbridge-Ooal, will preacl in the presbyterian church b godmargin. Manard. point, Cootui, c point. Camnpbell,netSnaytth ,husiasm prevailed, forwsrds, Dawson, Lee, Lott, Sinclair. netSnaya h usual hour. ýcroase lu member Referee, Young. Young, the refèee, was Mr- W Gulley, of Stayner, is on a Il b. given titis sco <te-sided that several spectators had to visit to his son, Mr Thos Gulley, our arge attendance in remonstrate with him for the way he ref- fereed the game. He was too tunny alto- worthy blacksmith. It is- about eight gether to do right. years since Mr Gulley visited these liou of somne young men who proved quite an LOCAL N EWS LETTEIl, aunoyence ro many by miscouducting tesl ses. Cerîainly they were not our Kînsale young CRISNICL Coîszspsxixucx. people, but front distant parts, sud evdently for- CKROICL CORZBPNDZNIC. geiîing tbey were quite ungeutlemianly in their1 -0: deporîment. Most smali sillages seud oui a de' -O.---- pumttion of tiî displeasiug nature with' the ex- EROOLJ.Mceptiou of Kinsale. Procteds $sa. New wall papers now in stock. Be Antversar'v sermons prea.cbed here on %ab- sureto ee ternat Hlliay Bos. bath by Rrv. Dr. Lambly of Brookliti were sur tose tbrnat ollda Brs. much appreciated by the large congregationS as-t \Ir and Mrs W NI Campbell, of Sea- Sembled ta hear the Dr. Hts afternoou address bright. have been vîsîting w'th frindswasstnprcially foi the S S scbolars, showiug by rtnsillustrations the attractionof the magnet ou nails, herc. comparnx the chîldren ta small tack sud so oni NIr and Mrs J1 G Becattie. from near up ta the otd, crooked rusty nail. showing how strss. have been visiting at Mmumch more readily the magner would draw the M r ack or younger ones than il wonld attract the VimKrrr's. oîriones a good example of bow mach more A\t their last meeting the Royal readily the- spirit of God "aI dîaw the Voulg lun- tobînt. The longer we liveeinusin the furtber we Temnplar courneil made a grant from gel awsy fron thUe influence of the gospel. He thrir funds for the chldren's hospital, also eave au extcglent illustration of how ve Toronto,. migbî be instrumental in helping ailiers, by usintz Mm (has oakwll thereprsen a a ew candies. first lsirbtng one sud train thtia \IrCha Cok-wll s te rpreen oLe trausmîttug thse igbt tu the mters, sbowing tive of the l3rooklin lodge A 0 U W at couclusively that by so doiug the light of the flrst the grand og metn in Toronto was Dot lu the lesst diminisbed. but pointed out lodgc meetin the dangeraof selfishuess. If we have fouiid thîs eek.fAvor iu God we shonld try to ighten thse troubles A ]oad of hockey enthusiasts frorn of others. but il se do not try tO do any peison hereattndedthePor Hop-Whtbygool but ourselves, the dauger would ho. oui hereattndedthePortHop-Nýhtbylifh'ht wou id soon go out. The discourse was sa game Iast Friday night. They founrd simplifled that tbe smallei ones piesent <c0uld tl too one-sided to be interesting. comprehend i's import. It was quie applicablei The pecil metins inthemeth-ta the oider ones. His discourse in thse eventug The peCil metins inthemeth)- as o a mure mature character, bath sermons dist church have been closed atter run- beiug elevatiug, instructive and very practîcal. ning nearly six weeks. Dr t.ambly Dr. Lambly is considered one of the ablest mini- and bis co-workers in the congregation sters in ibis district and has met with excellent succeas in our neighboruuo vilage of Brookliu. have conducted the meetings with but Special collections were taken ai oach service aud lîttie outsîde help and have met with met saisearty response. Mis Hambron deserves much success. nucis credit for the able sud wluuing tan- uer iu which she took charge of the orgail and M r S S Fax, who some years ago couducîed the stuging. was a tailor here. and is well knowni A felliug of disappointrueut bas been expressed because of bis frequent appearance be- by malty brie of the action of a goodly number fore the public as an entertainer, diedI of the young con%.erts. accompanied by a sprink- at Hluntingdom, c2uebec. last week I liug of old standard bearera of the chnrch eugag- where he %vas on a business tri for a iug iu the old fashioued dance. Suiely it 15 a Ssrt,,tis malter for aider one ta set sn example Peterboro hirmi. ithe youuger Irtis a proceediug we douna eiC- The Ladies' Aid society of the uiunce ourselves but il is lu every way contrary methdîs chucb ill olda soial a m-thodist cliurcli discipline and conseqttently1 methdis chuch -111hol a scia atmet-adîsis should wîîhold frow partakiug in tise the resîdence of is Wm jellrev on old tune fascinations. Now vo are led to bolieve Tuesday ev~enîng next. In conneition had the malter been premnediîated and the effects with thîs gatberiîng tbev wilI hold their of ihe indulgence bren properis tisauglit oui some nf the nos guiliy one vould have bren annual meeting for the election of causpi)cuous by their non attendance. We do office ns.1 not wish ta raise oui voize ta coudemnation of Mr Reekie, of!\Ic\aster univers ity, Oui feilow beîngs, but simupr vish ta direct their attention to public opinion in matters of serlousi a returned mîssionary fnom -South imnport, as auexatsple of ans distasteful nature America, will give an addness on bis ta tise churcli sioudbe fairly considered. While work there, in the baptîst cbunch on it mal' not peihaps be ruinons ta somne il mal' mnean eternal muin to otheis. Que mystery abouti Sunday morning. In the evening Rev this malter presents itseîf 10 our mmmd vhy in tbe j B McLaren wilI preach ar. the regular namae of justice, if it is riglit for methodiats to evening service. par itiîe in dancing. why do ils tombera vush- Messs A Delng.A Kechenandhotd irontils allurîug pleasures fur years ailter Messs A Delng, t Kech tisnd ir conisection sis the churcis of their choie W A Holliday were the representatives sud break ont in a.btld tînte amusement whess of Brooklin counicil R T of T at the the opportunftv prosents itacîf. We are v"r grand council meeting in Oshawa this sou-y such bas iseen the case among soute of oui week MmJ F iri wasals preentcisurcis got-is ht-me. But we trnst aftem briugiog week Mrj FPire wa alo peset 1mariera fairly before tht-i minris tlsey will Ele as the representative oi the South On- the prodigal of otd cousider tiseir ways sud re- t.anio district council. tutu ta thse fold sis fresh deterziuaiion toaish- W. A. H. stain front ail appearance of evil. Bausassas DInr.oory. Michael Chaptuan is quite rît; Dr. Fiahint at- BEALL, S. - Lsuer of Maitage Lîcentes tendance. Residence opposite Town Han., Brooklil. George Neabitt aud Daltor. Wilson. have vist- W A eNRELYD VS.-Gduae oftheOn.ed friends in Otouaisce and Peterboro. Wai A Ceterin"ClDg V T.oronae to On- r)Newîoc Seymnour. of Inkster, Dakota. bas bld meniber of the Ontario Medicat Soclety. adieu ta fiends here and returned home. Treste ai! 'liseaseis of the domesticaaed Mr. W. Nesbétt, of the Toronto street ailvay, animais by thsetoast appmoved metisod. Aisa bas visited frieuds ibis vWnlity and Scugog Is- particular attention ta surgical operatiana su aud dentiatry Day or nigist caiis prrnPUJYLad atteuded ta.Office. and rssldence Itreokila David Martn. who bas ben absent lu Mani- s, cougregatianal1 meeting held ls.st Wed- snesdav. it vas deride-1 ri mis->e sud en large tise church shedls tisis cornuug summer. W. regret ta hear o! tise suddeu deat o! tise littie 4 year old daughfer of Mr. Jua. Brabazsu on Manday nigbt. Tise faneraI îook place on Wednesday. We aie sar-y ta hear aftie illuess front dipis- tisons of Lona GarteI daugister cf Jua Ciorreil of ibis place. and hope loi lber speedy recuvery. Tise W F M S gave au ettiaiutinlatise churcis on Weduesday nigiz, tise proceeda ta be given lu aid of tise !aoishing tndians. Tise meet- ing sas «olt atLeuded, tise collection antouutiug 10 $27 61. A joint deputation front bore sud Pine Dale waited ou tise couccil atiîts meeting ou Satuiday askiug it not ta giant s shop lisconse ibis year tisas sbutting off tise Blaclivater lise. TiPe caîsueil complied viti tise reqts a" - sss& by-lawflxtng tise number e! licenses for the town- ship attIsa tise lnvost passible numnber allowed by las. This action o! tise council is catnud- atory sud sortsy o! imitation by tise Reacis can- Cil sihicis se regret ta notice is eudeavonng te ia- crease iusiead of diminis tise number ai liceuses FPORT FERRY. Miss Meda Prout, af Maîkisam, la a guest of Miss Libisie Pearse. Mr. Lewis Luke, af Toronto, je visitiug bis aid friends lu towu. Hockey Uxbridge vs. Port Perry-Score 5 ta 3 in fayot ai Part Ferry. Miss MWiaule Deanison is visitiag the Misses Brooks at Pine Giose Cottage, Reach. Miss Fie Deniao b as been visiting frieads lin!anni trned -,home on Tuesday. St. Jobn's pieshyterlan Sabbatb scisool have ieceived a nov iibrary, and its a very LiJrUIII 1.. -rilidL.. .19 Itis tataed tisai Mr. W. Hafrîber. forusdof, a select one. FOR CASHR BUYERS. Tyrone. lias enaged as zenemal fart umanageri J. X Miller, G.W.A.. organized a division for tise suminer sîtb Mr. David Martn. ofaithe Sous af Temperance in Seagrave st DRY GQODS-Qveîcoats aud Ul9siers Tise mssiouaiy service lu connoction withtIse Priday nigbt. sere$5$65,$0$1,rdcdt 45o metisedist cisurcis home wiil ho iseld x un . Tise Qshaw< juniors propose contingta $5 50, su ad Sto. Heavy Shaker Sirts, Soc. Black Sateen Shiîts, S6e. 32-iu Shaker John> Vincent, aur popular tovuamin, isad a juPloiS. See postera. Flaunel, 14 yda for si. 36 lu Gi-ev Cotton, nuttier o! tessasd men lasi Tisuisdav isauiing - Miss Maggie Walkey, visa ha been vieiL- sortis 7c, for 5%c lu ta yd Iengthts. 36-în sodfor suner use. The work vas a sitecem 1.111g her esai, Mra. Moliarry, returued ta Union Siseetitîg for 2oc yd. Caps. me's or Mr. Tises. Caesai, af Lindsayud pilot af the ber homne ou Wednesday. boy's, lu cloîli or curt, clearing out at cost. steamer Crarsdela, is at present lu tise emplo fi Die&. at Scarboro,.on Use r3tis t. Hilda GROCRIESChoieat offe, gruudMr. Dosan, cutlng sud. haalilg codai tituber, '»lanchc, only datigiter af Mr.555 Mus fi-ont beans, spécial. 42C per lb. Qui special Miss Maggie Beacock, à pupil of the TorattarbiSteosaed6sonte bleud coffiee, 32C lb. Eni4lisis breakfast caf- Couservaiary of nmusic. bas a aumber af pupils Tise "at home" givea by thé Rayi itemp. fe. 2,c lb. "Ludella," "Lipton's" and takiug lbasons ou tise organ aud piano, at ibis lars last Irlday ovenlng vas a pleasant "Bens Hu'Ii Cey Ion Tesa t 25t, 40C aud 45C place snd ai Blackstock. Succesa Manie. t e'cniug's eujoyesent ta those Whoa atteuded. "Victor" japan tes, special importation, Que o! tisose olil fashionaisle, yeî ,Ieàsu A uion meeting of thise tiodst and 25C, ori44 ibss for Si. Scaîed honrings, nov, eveuts. tookp lace last Wednesdav at tise eslâ- ptésby<0fl51 yauug peopiles s otlgS vii 2 boxes for 25C. Mixed pickles, extra quaI- euce ai John Williants, Esq., iu tise omirilagri oi Be .hbeld in thepfflbytçrtan thar-vison neut itY, 2 botles for 25c. Béat plut salmots, 2 bis vaungest dsugbter taBi. laines Dictey. MondILy evevning, ssnd ist tins for 25C. Mixéd nuls, 2 bs fom25c. 3-lb May thei future ho pleasauit and prosperous. »iss MKentiei, nitliner, isad tise misfpr bar besi Iauudry soap foir 17c- Ever 1tunse ta fan dovu staiteat Sunday eveang Ready" clathes Pins, 3 doz for ioe. Wetiser's 1ToWI LIME and broke tlitrée tubs. Strauge Loa ythe mstuce test, toc package, mares tva litge Mm Paul atd iss Brooks, of Osith-vi27D asfo itt io pis Castile or osimeal 505p, 4 bars for amfii~ga M alrs ia ecle is p 25c. Buterntilk complexion saap, 5c cake. -aMa. À1ff'Wîla* is rcie h Clvé lonyexiate,7 34c lb. Cooklug M idM~ rahazu and family, pointtienl ndi4 agent -for tise baud on figs, Sc lb. Layer figa, toc 1b. Whitby, spen#fSunday at Mi Rowe's. Scg, IsIsnd . iao aid tisai 1110 Boy-ý oints» vii révle théoffice of flisery. 1w PATENT MEDICINES - Sarsaparljal Mu and Mr s Samnels and MriI-.pct. large bottle, 35C. Liver pis, 48 it boel o toc. Bée!, ion aud vine soc., 6yYp pf ijas, Caesarea.have been visitirig a: - it l reparted tisat tise 0OaieMg ie4 bypophospites 5oc. Butter caolt, toc bot- Mr Kempthorns. 1n'>< ,f h-Mil. ditrctwil el- tie. Cougis draps, 25c lb. Ai other stand- M is apne pn udya- )i IW te1h,è a npotet t6 ard medicmnes S-t cleeest pYkeeS. Dr Wi- CaerersesSna tLa-y -it tsc q e uê oe liants' Plut Pille, 35. bartots wîth her fater, Mr Aaderéôa, bratiimtobk place in tovuL, - -- Who is 'very sick. -Ts ricplfeatures çut ëetpe çi Fer soverai astee-a-ýbc ltcbd t Oi t llO pJ" x igpi !OLUDÀT flOL, lam ieigoa<i skating, thyapop l i vioraVry ._ L î, ê ý _____________________very mucit. V t l ison e Iil - S*E uTho$ Wray cowrposod 'ai piece of. îba sr y Mrs sud Mis Royal Ragera isiited Toronto cm Poett r fs Crzt6t"u hda. :ts& Osa h Weduesda, appearéd in thse issue oôfjaa ith2 -e -boumi~I ~ Mr% judios GilssSo.huaissboots qulte a.u n-d M ii Il John lMcG r egor and w-,e ed.4', I soit for someime bact, lis iprovive __ pht~stW fb ileud i s7 Mc-- .- -s.----'a- _ ....-.Ae.. il'nt Ur U f specli8SS series an Saishetisla Mrs GSe, vite ofse lati e*r D (zoo bas bmc vsitug Mr and is Wnt GSof Sainm. Mr Johp Lavtm mid à',ih"J eui t 0 fI hcavy hRoab tg Rl *i" valuayle bofse. uétas 1~ aiter good asm»mýal ndt pqýt i 9, t ber fater, K. jota J4 itti5 4 day eonm W hO ih 5&ft one I MW~ ~IcGeoet, wlo as . bep Thse Goo-Goos la towa. . ".A crusade bas bee u ina gurated bre by the Society o! Saints for tise Suppression of Sin, whose chiot object is ta put down wick- edn-,ss lu higis places, sud te tormeat siuneîs lu coutry villages, soizing as a asefitl vea- pan thse flfth ule of the License.Cnmnls- sioners af South Ontario, whicis reads as follows : It is esolved, ordereil aud declar- ed that no gambliug, tisrowiug or playlng of or with dico, cards, dominoes, faro table, bagatelle, rouge et noir, roulette, viseel of fortune or device, visetiser for gain or amusement, sabolhoallowed lu auy taveru or bous. o! enteitaiument, and ail sncb are forbidrion, oithem lu the bouse or ou the premises lu conuection tierewith. The sec- retary o! tbe societs iad au information laid against Jacob M Brooks of thbO Queutai Hotel, chai giug hlm tiser b e did allow a game of domnoes ta be played, cautrary ta thse ahove ule," sud tise court room vas crowded ta bear tise trial before Magistrate Noit. Idany ai the more advanced mombers of tise soclety beiug present ta wituess tise infliction of deseived punishuseut of tise wretcbed ofleuder sboîîld ho be found guilty. A number o! vitnesses voie called. but ail denied iaviug taken part la the demoraliz ing gante, or having vitesed anytbiug of the sort. Que sîlness testified tisat s0 great vas the terrai inspired by the society aud ils zealatis aecroîaîy ibat a set o! dousinoes vas not ta ho fotrud lu suy batelIn tise vil- lage. The defeuce clhimmd tisat thseraie vas passed la thse yeaî 17,- and vasm- itsited te aur pilesent elvilztian7;,iseuce It bad bacante obsolete. Tise inspectai, boy- oser, praved couclusively that It isad boots slgued lu 1895 by meu stIli living and hold- ing the office o! Liceaw eCamsnisslouers. Tise charge failed for lack, o! evideuco ta support it. lu dlamlssing It tise tagtstrate observed that it vas bard tisat the defeudaut sud tise wltnesses should ho put ta Ise u d incauvenience by sucis fauudatbousloss charges." The aboft appSred iu Iast Sat- urdat's Wald. Whoever le layiug an lu- iormatian lire tis a siould be poslive bofore daiug so ta prove that gambliug af this kiwi has boots galug ou ; ane paty il. tawn whoý isappeneil tao luInBrooks' was a vituess and ho states that ho nover played datuinoos in bis life. It la street untat iMne'host Brooks wili csàuse a vrit ta ho isrnedaganet A Saper for dansaiing tise good naisse et-bis hause. Taire Josis Billiugs' advlce : " Dou't.'> let kt alone sud tise aflaîr yl vwoit ont is owu cure l in te. W. 1. NoTir. Worth Knowing parts. A number from Epsomn division visitod oui division ou Satnrday even- ing and gayo good assistance in the programme. Corne again, you are perfectly welcomo. There is anothor proof in our midst that mairied lifo does flot alwars in- sure domestic felicity. Only a few u'onths experieuce was sufficient ta convince thse groom, .who is not by auy ineans a beardless yaiath.- that it is. botter for mans to be alono and that it is novýer too aid ta learn. A fair audience turned out ou Thurs- day ovening last ta bear thse inimitable E Carsweil, lecture int -tise baU. Lt je several years sinco ho bas lectured in this place, but ho bas lost noue of bis oId timo flue and butor. Evoryone preseut was delighted and vo 'have heard many expressions of regret that ho did nat speak longer, Cralg-P.arsan Nîrptialst Cokschurcis Tronto, vwa se seée avit ai Flvttwoomk Bi-.,. .unitedl ne a"e ta MÈMsDie Peomn, «ioerI . hurn, nov of -toronta. Rés W,m-. Pate afficiated. Tise bride voie ber tsàvel dres etbisisop vIoil.t,-vlLb lairgeil bat ta match'sud ào*Wiedcmroerus vas atieisded by isersMiér Miss Rmti,-v i. Herbeit Shepper4 sulpported tise ga Amidst a sisaverofriîce Mr.. and Moei.,C toar tise tvao, lock te sinfor a itre. a sajauru lu R-sCcUser, ,Nov York" And Arnorican ciLles. caf -- léat - ?4r Dalton M4cCariisy, M..P, was bore on moutlay atteiding tise recoitot. Mins Clara Adants entertaiued a nûàber of boys aud girls cri Fmday uligbLt,. Miss Ramssay, a talaleod. e! ftîonist and singer, aiTounto, gises au eiiertaisnieùt bore on Tuesday evedipg, Mercis àsd. 25c" admission; mats reserved vistanut eatrs charge. : 1,, I -. Rev- Dr. J . gemand miw.. atMr" Tisat ont prices are 25 ta 40 pcv cci - or-Ibo any otiser undoertako Il trlct. Tbat vie hàtéthe. leé ieptêf , est Casisét Wagon -sd 'CeaC la Lisacouuty. Tisat ve cmdtacftuerals wvu dem That ve taise,,Ënpalba iviib tiss do.tbte'nsjertrito Undeil Tisai vo -use kidaud lise. giévg*s J, ciseap eotton gloves.' Tisati i tue aproiaàis w i tâb oad drape lues blsckt Tirat *e-deliver aU iàki~ta-i -on Csklei Wagon or Çaiý-e Thtw'l eee-oe iý%rP NO* 12 :s2 of Liberal Couser- the township of ,n th. towu hall, tpst. at 10 o'clock. rumHunghes M. P. d others wiii ad ,et there be a full uahait. .Reid af Lesskdale 'ou beiug oser there. cMilan of Liadssv sili 1,81

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