Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 12 Feb 1897, p. 3

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t Sat' mnade NI r. liqh - rOu td mnald ()un tdust i i er -essod. 7 th k fur 'i wituessea ouie be required. iHere"t deouion of tehigit morts ustsblbuiing 'the Point af lav that if more, vle ote. àre Pût in tien the msjoîity amnnta te, tâ6tis o uffiient ta invalida.te th. pivibis, T v:]%inlawilling ta hnlge bw"_bO T * on' tbeillogiditiy dthtie vot~6t ~m 0l.9the lm opl - kecp theru bealtby, and îhey wiii pic duce more cggs if they have pleuty c cisaicoal of easy accuss. Thse cost c rycisaicoal is but a trille, cren whe bougit, and if you burn wood in yot e slave thec fine-ashes may bc sifted oS te, and the -black coule savcd out au pounded up in pieces about thse slze c Lea grain QI. coin and- placed un ema piles-wlie the fowis eau gel it -eaal -T. Il is eVýpeýcialIy valuable during tbi spring and sumnier mouthe l oi Uien le that thse blood les lugffi*h andi neel smethîig tcpurify k. gnd 1îis lrou El tise poultrydie>*e orne, dugÉt4ef Smontits. Nelther 4b. tffulgt a ne oue ohmais fvoLn"4 feaderds. Bée. 809 Rive& the other. u~~qden* Tue a aqKtfollowing sectons prunrib the oath b iSTL they muet tae.. There is flot a word 'r, eR STabout fermera' sons voting. The riglt must be ex preasly given before euy cla can vote. aud it is only in eleoting public HRISTOL'SI the case of Paunder va the village of alocaIstha vteandersoe msvoe d Clarsaparilla oaa ae h oerswrestot u #-, and no attempt waa made to argue that fer- L j e n mers' sons or income votera côuld have jAla PaI s VL0vted, The decision spolie of free A ;A S C R - hoders. leesqeholders and householders as; 1hé Gr-eatest of A Liver, t.he duiy qualiieâ votera. d --ÀO Sonc n lo eiîe. Mr Farewell saîd the law prescribed ATLF E ER UFIN Sý1nC adBodMeiie. that. that befo)re it8 final passing a local AFE TN ARSFEIS option had to be submitted for approval A aoPEClPIO FOR to the "duly qualifled municipal elect- w o hi3 Rhe1umnatlsmn, Qout and ors." Section '69 of the municipal actBo OU' ChoicCmpanLq leeribes what classes constitute "1duly MILVrRTON;, 28,'n JUITr, 18M6 ChrnicComlalts. qualified eloctors.' and the list includes Gentitemren-For the lest ten years 1 bad (lensean' lutfy he farinera' sons. This te pot a money by- been trouldIed with kidney disease, being T11V Cenea'K-f h law mortgaizîng the township. Farinera' soh ad at lutervais that 17 couîd not lie in Bons 511 were mit. nentioned in the cuee(if bed et àntgbt nor titoopi to the grou-nd.-I lXunéid&r vs Wilnche8tei. because in a vil- 1 had tried &Il Uiie rent'djieî 1 could tin A Il DrîîcrNt thee ar' nofariera'son . ~ wit bout efl'ect, b ut heard of Dodd's IKid- ine ter ar n friera sns T e Pills and procurcd a box. rei2ulai'cîassf municipal electorse re othppt syIfornow G euerlil Dealers. clearly the onoes te vote on a byîaw of sake a8 well a, for others that 1 amn par. thîs sortnerely affecting public morals. Leotl.y urod &fLer uýsing four boxes. .Iudge Sinclair in hi: hook on municipal joiN fLEY. law liolda ihai the. elec,'ors who may vote Local Option in Pickering. - iia hylaw to raise tavern licttnses are the "municipal electors." 1.4 not thia a SToUFFVILLE Thearumet s t te cruizy (f hvparallel case He does not even men- The York roads' toîl gates were for Th ,rgmntvote th rnyo the onh ti(on lea8eio'ders who have short termp many vears a subject of much discuss8ion lo?-Al optio oeinto'o Iîhp of te run. ' .Justice Burton says that in ail in the county conncil and iheir Mainten 1ickeriiig îouk p!ace ait lîrie s hall, Pic- possible cases the safest and bost way 1 8 ance under the present by lsw May fur- kering, on NMendiav last, before I-ist o so interl)ret the statute as to alîow aI1 i8h machi matter for adjuatmnt. It i6 lionor Judge l)artniell. Mr. Duverinet, municipal votera to exercire the fran- evdn ta acornpel the adjoininb! Torto,~i repreaeiited the liqur ice chise Chief 3Justiee Haggarty says there runnicipalities to maintain the portion 01 etr.Johnt Bail IDow, Whîtby, iejire is a clear distinction betwcen mioney by the road contiàzuons 10 thein would not setdteTemperauce Allianîce ut 'i laws and those affecting ordinary muni- be eqnitable and relief sbonld voluntarily kering, and MIr. J. E. Farewel, C. pal Revernment. . be gzranted by the connity conne'1 where represented the township of ickering. Hîs Honor--l tbink It in quite clear cip justice deman~de it, else an appeal Tlhere was a large attsibdance. that tarnwrs' sons would not b. allowed Imay be made to the Local LeRisîxture Mr. iluVernet oljected to NIr. Dow tw vote iii the case of a money hyla' and we nnderstand that action bas ai represent.îng aîîy rat.epayers whose naineb NMr Farewell-I agree with yourh _ ready been talien in this direction at the are not handed in, iin order that if costs but 1 hold this ia not a rnoney bylawi, eouthern pari of ibe county. are awarded againat the said i'at&tpayeris Mr Dow saîd the point ias as t who are l h oniso okadOtn they inay be beld for the amoutît. qualifled to vote on a byîaw of this sort lutecnisofYradOtro lits botor said that Mr. Dow la allow- lie quoted the language of the clause wîre fences bave been bonused along onle ed to appear %ubject we objectiuiî. utader wich local option hylawa are sid e of many .co the lea.ding roadéi, but Mr Dow gave the. nanies of W J Dale,' passed, wî'îch sass; "provide-d the Mat- bu t the opinion now obtaina tbet ex- 'Win Hunderson, Clarksoni Rogers, Tlaca' ter bas% beeti decîided upon by the elect- perience shows thait snow drtfts opposite Poucher, Ed S Wilsoni, Dr Bateinan, orî'( te u<cialty" i wwh are these fencea are more dengerous than Joshua Bundy, Claremont, Rev Mr Mce the electors ? Croit vs the town of wiiere there are rail or board fences. Auley. Mr. o)w eaid lie uiidertook ail Peterboro shows that te are "the One fence holda back the mnow while the the resporisibilitîca and cons8equiences of municipal tic£. hy sol other allows it to pile up on the higbway appearîng. farinters' sonse be entitîed to vote on sucli and the road bed is gradua.llv raised until Mr Duvernet saîd the bill of partîcu- a bvlaw as this, if they May vote 01 it becomea impossible t a efeîy get off te lais contaiied a groat number (if voters o ber municipal questions 1 To hie mind road ta ss A deputetion from sionR objected to, anîd cf other charges o)f r- there conuld he no douhî on this poni Yonize N'reet will 8bortîy wait on the regularities, such as adnittîîng the pblcThe Croit case* settîed who mers uii connty counicil and ask ite assistance te to polling booths, etc There are se' eral pal votera. riG herumtTerefunîcîpah Ontaio classes ohjected to farine-ra' sons, taon- Mr Duvernet replied that thiés bylaw Gaver contlofThe York oadife wiaIeh residents tond inen net. eîherwise 0u'qli ivlvdaloai- fetigîhîii a e peioneta enc ooukragedthe movement led. l'he msijority agaîne8t the h. law snd Provincial revenices te the citent of n ettoe oecuaetemvmD vas !K, while 104 farmiei' sons t'iis'd hundreda of housands of dollars. by s reduction of taxes ta those erecting The complainte furt ber st-ste that ballots Hîs Hot.or said he would hand in a board fences-Tribune. were objected to and throwîî out that writte n judgment at next sittinig of the MK KA should have been counted for the bylaw j court. So imany people are affeoted witb ton that ot bers were counted againat the by- iii hti a esi ob pdti liv wlich sheuld not have been counted; THE E~iYRESUIEI> îistha itlaces belusanidtane imis that Alei Margacb, a deputy returning The. question of non reidents wh('n se plces . lu yisanceste iL , n get oficer, f reely admitted people t i vtdwsie ae p mt ohcarse.bas'to be taken toa void the- more beetb, and niarked the ballots of llitier- rane, W S Bêtsse, Joseph and John EL-ete farim of the diseaite known as ste votera ini the presence of matis' er- Shea,E A Thoruton, and some others qtiin@ey. We are iuformed that scorei sons; that. James Lînton freely admitt.ed were' taken np. but the evîdence made of rases* bave been tins-ed in Ibis sec- persons U) bis booth auJn aamked ai il notbing clear about iheut, lion. lîterate voter in their presetîce that Soon ibis was dropped, and a recount It. is snrprising baw msny af aur peo- Fred Meen freely adiitted people to lits of the ballots poceeded. Tbhe figurespeobetahangherousps bonth. and that hie lf th. for a tie wîth were foaud sl rigbî, but tive baîlots for carded when infections diseases bavi the ballots and box exposed. locatl option were reserved, four cf wbîch been reported therein to exist by the at- D R Beatonrai wnsbup clerk, sworn-I wltlikoly be hFld good, and the major- îending physiciens. Now there je ni amn oterk of Pickîering. Have rduced ity reduced to 57.disgrace about baving thee carde up, ail papers, ballots, etc., orderel. The The' court then adjourned tlI Monday, and for aur part we would retîter bae liet of farmaers' sons votiuig on the bylas- Feb 15,h. sucb precaution taken than otherwise, aà w An 104. The liat of non.resîdeiit.-4 who a_____t av h mte rpre voted 15 4. a ft ailu e te b avti. matereptea The firet case of thia sort w:is Geo. ib es h pedo b dtgo Whi4,vt iîhir ED ~whicb mnieLiùotherwise bave heen pre butorklanon ot sirs f t me T e .o~ .. vented. None of usoare to have a dis. Mm uvrne bldtha. o hT idîl t he ... ease of any ktnd visit thc eoeaily, yel CouPcil for 1897 mer.. After ail the meuibers had taken the statutary de- clarations of office and qualification the reeve took the chair. Minutes of last meeting wcre read and confiîmed. Communications weîe îead froin F J Gillepie and Arigus McDonald, re rent of hall lai court purposes -at Upter- g rove.' Petition was pmesented by D EIder asking for grant îef wire ta build fence along road whcre driftcd. Let- ter froin M O'Donnell rcsiguing posi- tion as pathinaster. Fiat» Times Pminting Ca, Peterboro, and tic Or- illia Turnes, me municipal pinting for 1897. Applications for the position of assessor weîe read tram the folîowing. Gea Leigh. P Kelly, H McDcmmott, A J McDonaîd, Jno McBeth and hast year's assessor. Frein Municipal Womld me municipal blanks and sut» scription te said paper. By-law passed appointing J E Eider and ina Malone auditors for 1897. By-law passed at»- pointiug F J Gillespie meruber of board cf heahth at Uptergrove for tiree years instead of Thos Mulvahill. Clei k was instmucted te subscribe for seven copies cf the Municipal Worîd, Commission- crs' orders were signed as folhows: J McTaggamî work. uine 20 and 21, Con 8. $uo; A J McDonaid work con 9, lots 18 and 19, $20, J McTagga-t, culvert hune 15 and 16, Con 8, $7.50. Cheques dweme granted deputy returning officers $7 each as follows: W J Hickey, Jne Lannigan, Thos CahilI, Jmo Brandon and W D McPhee. Cheques were granted the felhowing, The Orillia Times and News-Letter $2.25 each tom notice to pay taxes. Hart & Riddeh for pens etc, $1.52: D McKenzie, road tbrough his land to lake $4; D H Evans, sheep killed by dogs $3.33. J McDermott t cord of wood te M Mc- Keuzie $2.50; Municipal Womld for seven copies of paper for 1897, $5.75 ; Reeve and Clerk $2 ecd for services me financial statement; Mrs McLean fer board o! indigent $12. Ceuncil ad- jouu-ued util Feby. t3th, 1897. W R McPHE-E, Clcrk. The New Hook Spoon Free To AU. 1 rend in the Christian Standard that 4iss A. M. Fritz, Station A, St. Louis, MLo., vonld give an elegeut plated book spoan ta anyone sending ber ton 2 cent D tamps. I sent far anc and foud iL if tuseful that i showed il ta xny fiiends, suRd ruade $13 in tva honîs, Lakng orders tfor the apoan. Tii. book epoon le s honsehold necesetity, It cannaI slip juta the. disi or cookine vesseI. being beld lu the place by s book on thc beck. Tbe spoon is somethiug that boupekeepers have needed ever since epoons weîe first e iuveuted. An#.Voue cen gel a sample iB spoon by seding ton 2 cent stampa ta d Mise Fritz. Thie ie a splendid wey ta 'e make znncy around homne. Very truly, JEANNETTE S. ~Co1Coli DoIL&MRRBoA, DV.MNTLPRY, Plsnd ailBOWEL COMPLI-ANMS 5e À Surm, Bae, Qul cm rfor theso Lats-oublea l et H'. SCOTT, PUMPMAKER, WHITBY. (Successor tb H. 77ompsosu.) The Subscriber bas again opened business bers. His office wihI 11e at E. R. Biow's telegraph office, factory at Mrs. Ne-wbery'e house on Brocit Street, south. New Pumps manufactured and aid Pompa repaired. Firat chasa matemial used and wark warrant- cd. Wells dug or cleaned out. Orders solicited. Feb. 14, 1895. R. SCOTT, Whitby sud Oshava. Farm for Sale. The south y. of Lot 7, c-ncessiOti 7, East W'hitby, containing 150 acres more or less, in- cluding about 15 or i8 aicres bush, mostly beech and maple. This farie as known as one of the bes: in tbe townsbip of East Whitby, ard ts situated i %~ miles east of Columbus and 6 miles north ofi Osbawa. Tne buildings consist of a i %i storey trame bouse wîth extension. A large barn wtth sione cellars, horse stable. bey barn, driving shed. etc. A young orcbaa'd of go tiees. Posgession in the faIt of x8). Apply personally or by letter. Di.GE , 13L Sberboilrne St. Toronto. i ~~ P".- utu i t rnthui Ptaat#'r D, DV, S& T ê R CECO., LT» Souvenir --"Forget-m"e-"%lb CLAREMONT Miss Jordan, of Toronto, in bers viti frienda. Miss James. et Tomento,, in the guestai Mra. R. Thomuson. Geo. Reeser, of Lascust 1Hil1, in beme -ipith Oea. Gerow ard w ifs. Mme. Thoaen, of Toronto, is hem. vitit hem 'iaughtei, Mme. Hendiehain. Miss Deîong, of Brooklu, apent sever- al dsys vitih Rev. Leggott and vifs bore. R. Crummer and wife, of Brooklu, were here on Sunday with F. Hutchison and fatnily. The Mission Baud and fthe Ladies' Mis- sion Circle wilI boîd their annuel entei- tainment lu the course of a fortnight or se. S. Bray bas purchased tihe cosy dwel. iing on Brook street souti, ocuied by the hate James Rsw. Mi. Brayuand tam ily vili move bere et once we understand, snd vo velcorne thein ta oui village. The B. Y. P. Union heîd e very suc- ceseial meeting on Monday evening. Speeches ver. delivered by Rev. White, Meuers. Bundy, Caster and Povell. Papenme voe reed by Mme Gould and Evans. Tiie ettendance vas good and Lb. prograt» mucis eujoyed. M hile it might b. thought rather over drawu to eay that aur hockey Lest» cen beat eny other organization aoflte kind on erti, wo vould lîko ta know ai the eddreas of any club tibete presumea ta gaiusay thie above. Friday evening leut oui boys visited Uxbridge, sud aithougit ths ruk vasuaL tneerly as velI lighted as ticir ovu ui, they deieated tb. home Loam 3toO. Titis lu the. face af adverse circunsetauces clcarly indicatea that C laie. mont cen esyvin lte local league championship.-News. vicTrORIACORLNERS Visitais : Mr. and Mie. Connois, of Little Britein, vitit W. Scotit. Miss Mc- Keovu sud Miss Crawford, of Uxbridge, vwii Stewart McKay, MIr. and Mme. DeGeer, of Uxbridge, viaited friende here. Mis. Will St. John and deugitter iisre errived home afLer speuding a fort- night vith fionda in Beaertian. . Meurs. J. J. Seuders and R. Reynolds vere lust veek treated toa efou course of las Grippe. Some of oui young peope e ttended Vroomantou O. B-. Social. The 1. O. F. Basket Social held here a short ime ega vuaevery succesaful et. fuir. The Pig toikthLe lead. Mi. L. Giey'esalJe came off very satie- facLorily. Mi. Gray retires from farta- ing. A Ladies' Aid n.cktie socal vil bic held on l7thTînst., at the home af Mis. ThomaMerricit. The ladie vilConte provided vitlalia or bave bearing the naffle of tise ovuer. Urbridge Beptiel choir vilI provide munie. Bey. Mr. -Stewart <if Sunderland and otisers &erzcx F pected to b. present. NEW BUS-i Wrr, . 1.14, #1ýTJLc MeW HamIar, ont., nu& icarcbrI#,wiOi "I westrc*I tlrh Wft B OU*s Mad YMPMi worm iea.Mfiemivt Fpr 8 QCKieofR Expression oe Qhildrens teeth are <.3 neglect-too often O oeî l on . extracted before Bnt Qug tmdid howo&k - ~their successorsap 3 Pear-too often cause needless suflering. véry mother should have in Dr. S. J. Andrýes, Montreal, saya; "'Quckcur.' overcomes the pain quickly ; gives relief for a long tinte; is especiafly valuable for children'e teeth which huld not be ertracted until their successors appear. It is perecty sfe o ue a aUaMand does flot in jure the teeth as many' other remnedies used for toohahe do." Askcyour druggist for it. - , 4 i-e t. .ý0 wl t.h ,tara- v ILI e mi t i nia, cive MD t. -h Kirby voted and are held to ha non- The Breeders of, Shorthorns. lumber ta build a new bau-n for Mr jn residents, but the roll@ do not prove Housacu. of Marsi Hill. their non eidence, and Mm Duvernet wilI require outaide evidence as to their The eîeventh annual meeting of the Revival services are still -in progmeE naines. Dominion Short-hemn Breeder's As- here. Roht Ireland, Thos PadLett, William sociation met in Toronto last weck. At the meeting of the quarterl Latchford voted asemenhood franchise, Those present f rom this section were: board held here last Monday the Re mon vithout beung assessed at &IL Mr R Dufi, of Myrtîe; Mr W Bigh,,of Mr Stewart was, by a unanimnous vot- Mr Farewell beres t.ted that et Clare- Raglan; Mm Robt Mil11cr of Brougham; invited to remain a fourth year. ment ten blatîk ballets had been put In- and Mm J Davidson of Asshbumu. Mr. David Martin takes Jas Bott's plac Kov ceri vo tell wbo put in these blank jobuston was rc-elected president, Mr at John Rundle's for the next yéat< ballots?1 M"iler was eîected vice-piesidettt for Mi Duvemnet srgued that if ameOna.MDaviso vs0'ctd aJqHN BOTl took a bellot he muet be held La have tic board of directors, Messrs Miller voted.an ontnwr lee otee- T u ek inAolY 14r Farewell said the polI b«>ok is kept eand Johanstonwc c clcîdttec anWd A .go t. eep imen frein votiug twice.ectvad inecmites ad His Houer said be voulê net rule ou the Hoin .(,obn Dryden was elected one InfiammatoyRiuneln s sftI lte matter et Ibis stage. lu the meaa- of the delegates to the Industrial es-hi- CouLI frot Attend ta EH& D.uly Daue 111.e bition. In îthe aitemnooti Mr Dryden -ived Ture. Weeka in -gxii Mr Duveinet reed 1ev fia show that gave an address in whieh he said it was Pain vhen that 44Good *tra» before a bellot is hauded Loae voter a mc to the short hominqm're than any other aUCja olh&nrcuJ)etw cord muet b. made which shows tth. breed that Canada owzd lut rep=thion tic cure,i P8"ami Hia %SYIt Bl voted. as a cattle cxporting country. While in e Fcw Hu~~pciyac Mr Farewell admitted Ibis but wiphes in Washington he,-had,,uscd hiei-. ot ets te show that aIl wbo receivcd ballots did fluence 10 prevent the contiuancc'of Mr 3 A NcStpnt. a -wellv'ksçwu ,iis met vote, tise tubercutia test. He qd aseertaîn- of Gdfistuby, Ont.,' a $ s4 104 FÂJLKERs' BoiNS. cd tisatiIt is possible w0lauatm itla infiaty At thie stage Mr Duveruet seid il tubemttliii in )ntadi, The expendi- y.5: s - IWb t..4c would pîobably b. as vdil et this stage turc of a few:hundretd'dollars woUld put five or i~w.éC*ê r to argue te point of 1ev as ho visether lte departaxent ii a1>SitiDui 10 be%înre aMtit b . kor net the 104 ferinera' sonsovito voted aperation for- eSting ICiJS. Would il me *Oereally :titled ta exorcise the fren- flot be l, e ë, toa;asrange that a , <bat their votes vere illegel tihat voild e fost<~lo~w9would, jpPJy 0 be &officienti ho void the cleotion and tht test 10 ;scCrtath ie <po4Iîtko p noh expcuse would beseved bynolt tk- his animais, :and wh.ose, >iiW * u 1 ing other maters uP lu wbich a lot O pn jt~da~~~~4y~1 Scraniton CéaIl "There le no better Antb: mincd than Ibis." X4ver neyer cau have a supelar ai tbracite Coals.9 GRATEt TOVEP 'inakes dlean, brigt, strong, cbeeîful fies, U AiBO quentities of.Soft Ceai purposes.) ThreshiLng Ca, Celebrated "Morris Rua"St Pas-tcular Caro jin screenmngam lIrs John GrifEn. ai Tburlov, wes found dead in bed, aapbyxised by csil gaa. Brsntfoid's fie Inlaulat yeei vas oly S1.5250 le the Laut six ycauthebs bese ec ocly 081 For Dyspepsia and Bad Blood Humors- Manley's Celery-Nerve Compound.is unexcelled.

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