Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 29 Jan 1897, p. 6

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___________ -~- --. -- -j Er. Dryden's leng. conditions tîcy vorked from bec ta eighi.een Lourusa day, accordieg as the beairtleanesa of their employer led him ta be more or lese exccting, for if ans nati vould not suifer tûe mishi-able comn- dtlions impoeti h. knew another vould be abliged ta for the cakie-ai obt.aining provision for the dire vante ai bis family. When he beard this deputetion hie suc- ceptibilities verseBo vi-ought upon thai. lie could nal eat breai in the city for weeks. Res intraduced a measure vhich phaced dhe bread-makieg.trade u-der tbe conditions ai the iactory lave, sud al this vws remedied in s very short lite. Whcî vas bis sur prise vben labor day came la ses bimsel f plctured on e banner carried by the bakers ai the procession, as bheir liberator fi-cm insufferablo vronv. The municipal îew is t eubject of continuel legilation. Almeat ewerymrem- ber brings in hie yearly budget cf smu.nd mente, sud in many cases !~oeunet kuov anything mxoro about ttecehanges sought exeepîthat ttey have beeu eauggeeted Le him. The comuinittee on municipal legis. lation tas sa bard time of it, but in te end ttey veed cuti Lb. useoss bilse sud combine the good onet fin s geuemiýalinméas. are wich otos ppcu , the statute b9o~ The uioet mo'rtst- change, ofi éeeat yer teCousîty Coancils -Aet Of 1M session. This outs ~t1 i~nbrc ccnnty couneiora, s&hus.uo expene., and, probabY.tisse;vlîa the sïee ime reserving t t iweou#y couveil -aIl te pover* It. foemer- ly cr- cised. Somewho sougbt for'iii houp, favoredsapoëuwâil Oep «* fotàné. meus-" ber frein Méh,=uislpîfit.'-a, U~ owjcg ity baid uuder the old. an ent, -.ge. "e ut _ 'O oW id s 1 P Wo e w o or a u U Wt O Ià -'r, Bon. John Dryden addr.ssd a meet- iagj etbis o u Ienhe Bore on Priday 4 gt laut, there lbing s good attendance cf bot ladies and gentlemen, in épit.. cf the suov storra. Mr. G. Y. Smith vas called te the chair, and in his opening remcrkes nid ne man in the Dominion bas dons so muet for the fermer as Bon. John Dryden, and that no man's sym pathies sud interesta vers mors lossly albIed tqitb agriculture. Mi. Chas. King and Rev. M. Gaold spoke briefly, ýthe lormer remarking that tie Province of Ontario wa. form 'erly looked upan as being aImait exclueîvely devoted ta agricultural purseits, but lat- terly there had bee a change. We arc now developing an extetnsiva ares of riiiiing, and aur lumbsring intereate are as large ase ever. Wo are begiening ta sec the advaetage ai having varîed lines afinI.dustry. $t)ià. John Dryden eaid he wouid be a very unigrst.eiul matiif hoa veste stand on it iy publie platform ie South O)nt.ario anud dulivur au addrese witihout first Lakanliiig the electore for the mcny hotiore heaped upon hîm coetînuously for eigh- lervu yeaî-s pcst. Su great a display cf catidacce call. for an occasional public s eech lui axplanation af hi& public acta. MN any tmportant public matters do not becomne Zhesubjects ai controî'ersy be- tween the ooct.eiding factions in parlta meut, and the public hardly hears eoegh about them te know wbat their intereta are je thetie maltera. Our provincial1 legisiature fille a large booki oi laws eciL year-iar t.oo euch ho ofien think-but people ehould endeavor ta keep theni- selves poste4 in cIl questions. The in- termiesofithis courîîy are hi@ special charge. but stuce undertskieg thie grester reaponeibtlîty oi a qahinet minieter he1 bas iound that aur couaty interests are1 identîcal with those ai the whale country.1 The Province of Ontario vill cI same future dat.e be the home ai a large popu lation-îttaey millionse. Ne havea sglor- îous borntage, bath in extent and re sources. If unuevers ta step on ans of the fatstet spress traies ci. Montreal cnd etart atitmi greaiet speed for the norh vest boundary (i the Province ai On- tarin, Le wouid continus aitiyueig speed for three wbole days and îwo ntght.e be- fore reaching bis destination. Juet tbinkc ofit ! And in cIl this vaat territory there s ti one foot of ground or rocky niaunt boneath which theme doas mut ex- it immense agricultural or mineraI waalth. There us treasure biddec away cvemywhere, cnd a t isbut very recently vs have comrnenced ta leamn ils extent and value. R..ndoubîedly agriculture, minir>g and foresi.ry are ta e, a ur great pursuits for the future. and a proporly represeetabive government muet devute great eeergy ta tLe development ai ibese intercsa, but Ihere are maîîy other things ai perhape minar importance La whirh the attention ai the legisîsture is constant lv called, cnd these La sam.e extent he viilI îry ta deal viîb in this cddmess. Dose cot wish ta be looked upon as representieg agricul turec lone. Every intereet in ibis Prov- ince and Dominion bas the hîghest inter est for him. To belp tLe weak in.oesoaithe higbest fendcions of parliament. The man vho toile for hie living often bas te vreck bis health vorking under unsaeitary candi ions. We have good factory laws, but sîjîl every day cases tnrnr up ta vhci. tbey do flot apply. For irotance take the departmectal stores ai Toronto. TLey bave restuarants in conneclion, but their emplayeee are flot alîoved Io lunch in tbem lest tb. swell customera ai the esbliebment bs horified by the presence ai saleavomen aed mec eaîicg in the samne quarter. As a conesequeuce bundrede af these girls vho wurk for the very smalîest psy are daily lui-ced ou& Iothbr Pub. ce te oouty. Mr Hardy là inttôon the .1>11 had ini mimd Ivo ob- iecte:(1)iessing the number of meoe- bers; <2) epamamg the mimeor councils frein the couaty couneil. <Giving a muni ber a vider districe te reprement enables him to broaden hi. ideas.. Another law cf importance pamd laut sesision vas that to protect the. public against fi-sud ini the selliug cf fruit. A heavy -penalty is nov provided for dealers whoa ssiI a barrel. basket, box ur other quantity of fruit vhich ha. verse fruit underneati than i. showe on the top. Our apple market ha. bee eriously je jured in England by the action of farm -ers and ehippers in packieg dishocest apples. The Americans bai. their oheee market je the aId country by uhippieg aver there - filled " chee8e. For years the sprayiug ai fruit tree ha. received special attention of govern me nt, and vs muoi. give more and more attention ta it. This proces î usele@> unIes noce at the right time Blightb that were formerly eupposed te be die- ees or lightning sîrokes, are non knvwu to result from ths presenos of lu- secOla Mne.h lime in sperit an farmers' insti- tulec, the systeni having been entirely reorganized. The old Agricullural u» Arts association has been dîssolved, ani; in its stead breeders', fruit-growers', and dairying associations forîeed. We bave recently leai.nei that there Î> an immense tract of fertile soil in eorîh weetern Ontario. Had visited that ter riîory atid had establîshed a Proiiccia headquartors there, which his colleagueb had înaisîed shouîd be called Dryden iii spîte af hie proteas. A whoîe t.ownship1 was eold to settlers coming inlut Mbyear anîd several more wiii be taken up ab soon as surveyed. Everything appear- mo grov as welI there as in Manitoba, sud besîides thîs faîl wheat doel velI. The land sella for 50 cents an acre, and ho be- liee nsw setlIers there should pay somte thing for land dis same as bhey did theme There ie a village of eight or tee house, ci Dryden, situated where there in an un merise water power on a river. The zavereiment laaît yearesetablished a bureau ai goad roada. There in in con ni cî.îoc vith ut a chie( roadmaker, vhase1 services mcy bs bad f ree anywhere. pr~o vided ths case can be so premented t.i bim that he vilI be coevinced bis rer vices are te b. of advantage. Mr. Dry- den bers gave a mont lcughable recital oif the meane at present adopt.ed ta imprave roada, exposic)g aIl the icconsisteecea of the constant changesai overseers ani ideas. In ive or six years he believes every raad in the Province yull give ma terial evidence ai the advant-ages ai disr nsw road-making department. The bon îentleman vound op with F, fueny el.ory about a parrot, which had heen leit at home alone with a Boum, sleepy old dog. The Parroat sat on hi*' perch and shouted "Sick himn -severa time-, but'dis dog slept on. The biré hecitme mcd on beîng dhue igeored an» jumped down near ths doga nase, wher. he poured out a fusîlade ai slacg aet h, sleeping Towaer. At laaî the dag goi mad, and shook nearly ahI of the feaîher off the pari-at. The latter jumped up o> hie perch ced took a look at hie sa', piight. "I know whaî's the malter witl. me," said he.- I've ben talking te' much! " The speaker said tbis migh, apply ta him if he tahked any longer, a( ha sat down, while dis crowd laughed hearîily. During ý.he courses aihie addrea. Mr Dryden toak occatcian ta express tht, opinion that Premier Hardy would provo: himseîf c most successfuh stateman welI quclified ta vear dis shces ai uver se, Rreat c man a. Sir Oliver Mowat. A vote of îhauks ta the speaker an abairman vas passed, citer which tht Presbytery of Whitby The Presbytery ai Whitby met las> Tuesday le the lecbure-roow ai Simacoe-tr meîbodist churcb, Oshava, kicdly grant. ed for bhs occasion, the presbyterîîm. .-hurch Beicg vbolly accupîed by tht Whîîby Presbyterial (W.F.M 8.) wbîcl Leld ils annuel meeting the smre dsy. Aiter devotionai ezercises, eonducted bi, %Ir John Radford, the Rev R W'hiteiatn. BA, vas elected moderator for thbe en> suîng year, as successar la Rev J B Mc Lai-en. Remit@ f rom generaissenibb3 wsee oneidei-ed, Presbyîery approvin g oi the proposaila oreduce the number (4 commissioners ta gecerab csssmbly frmn. one-ioertb, se nov, ta one-euxi.b the cure ber ofainjisters aed an equal number of eIders. Presby'tery aise, agreed ta recom- mend the aboilion of tbe billet ing sy8 tom, and the institution ai c fund ta de- fray actual] eecesary travelling expensea af cammiasioners toacnd irom sssembîy and that a local commilîse collect and fureisb commissioners such inionxnattatî as vilb asiet themin tin dieg suitabie se cammadation during the meeting ai as eembly. 11ev J B McLaren, moderator pro teM, ai sessio aAshbum-n cnd Utica. repKortÂed concerxîicg that teld, testiiy tu thbe excellent vork dans by Mr Radiord. licentiste, vIa has been supplying tb,- pulpit for nesrly a year. The Rev .1 .MeLean teedered his resignation afithb pastoral charge ai Claremont, rendereti necesssry by tbe illucas ai bis vifs ir, Scaîlsnd. The resignalion vae accepteci with regret ccd Rev A McA uley, Pieker ing. vas appointeil intsrim moderator cf session. Rer R Whitusmau presenbed ce) encouragung repart as ta, the vork donc by rh. Y P societies vitbin tbe Preshy tery. Al L e pastars reported sa. a the preseebation ai the subjects oai'mission in their respective cangregalions. Th-. Rev Dr Campbell, of Rsnfrsv. va; nominsled as Moderator ai General As;. semhly. Afîsi- cdopting c resolutioi tuankieg the pastor ccd office-hearers oif Sim(>eet churcb for the use aillhe build mgR, Presbytery ajourned ton meet in Whitby th. Ihird Tuesdcy in April. wKITBY PIIE5BYTEitIÂL. The annuel meeting ai the Whirby Presbyterial Society (W. M .M.S.) vas, beld in the preshyrerise church on Tues day 19 ic't, Mis MeA uley, ai Pickering. prssidiusg. At tise mcruiag session i-e ports vers given irom the vsi-iouc, auxiliaries snd mission bauds, vhich vers encoure gieg on the vIole. TIi election ai offleers resulted es folove : Pres, Mis McAuiey, Pickering ; vice- pres, Mis&Eastman, Oshawa ; Mi-. Me. Gillivray, Whitby ; ced Mis Fraaer. Bovmanriiie ; i-e sec, Miss Galbi-aith, Whitby; cor sec, Miss Thompeon, Whitby; trois, Mis Curii, Part Perry ; sec ai sup, Miss McGillivray, Whiiuby; lit sec, MiassBasset, Brwaville. Mis Eastman vas sppointed delegate te the zeneral societjy meeting ta Bs held le Hamilton iu April. Inite afternoon greetJngs vere received frotu sister se- cieties mn tihe tove-Mis Keddis repre- sentieg the Situcce-at methodist, Mn~ Chaney the baptist, sud Mis Bey Mc- Coli the Medosîf st methodist sciety. The stimubaîiug address given by Mns Bail, Toi-ente, vas listensdt te ith ata- tention, sud teucB epprecleted by te audience. Mise Jeesie Paxton led thbe discussion on "Mission Baud Work.' iu an able and suggestive cddress.Moo, sueg by Mis Hicks, Oshava, and Miss Ketcheu, Wbitby, vere appmpriste, sud mucb enjoyed. A publiceimeetiug vas heldi in the. eveuing, vith Ré; Mr- White- Man.u Port Pcrry, the moderator, ini the chair. An eamneet addresi vas giro b 11ev Mr -McA nley, ci ter vhich the Re Dr Buchansu, retuvued missiousry frotu TO, jura Bristol's SARSAPARILLA Il 18 PROMPT RELIABLE AND NEVER FAILS. ]ET WILrLr MAIXE YOU »WELL Az.. pur Druggsi or Dealer for it The'V Gun Goes Qff instantly wbcn you pull the triger Sosi kness rnay conu on sudcnlýY. But it takes tirne to load the gun, and It takes time to get ray for those ex- plosionscakdtsajs.Coughs, col, any "a whatever the zubject 1e, often means pre cedin gweakness and poor bwx Arc y-ou getting thin?JIs ~vurpptteooAre y-ou t tsna,,cnergy and vigor that make "clear-hcadcd- ness?" Do one thrng: bull up your whole systern with SCO TTS EMULSION of Cod-liver Ofi. It Is the essence of nourishret. It doa flot nauseate, does not trouble the Lstornacli. And it replaces &l that discase rots y-ou of. A book teilin mrabout it amm SCOTTr & BOWNE, Benevil,. Ont. Here 111 Ottawa Irresistible Proof That There Is a Cure for DI)abetes. The folloving girn statement is the b.dt proof that diaboies in nôt incurable, sud Ibat there la a remiedy which vil cure il. Ontario, (Jountiyof Carleton, lu vit: I. Oharles Mass, of the City of Ottawa, In the County of Carleton, Blackamith, do hereby solemanly declar as follows: L1. reside ati 18 Bell Street, In the said City of Otiavaý. 2. Forth. past flfteen yeazs I have been a great sufferer frorn kidney disese; among the prornnensymploma of vbich vers »see pains lain y back, hot flahes extendlng frorn the base of the spine up beiveen rny shouiders, dlzzlnées, headacheset«c. Iwvaina a d eate geneafly sud suffered great sgony &aI us The lie.e pain prevented my sleeping, and 1 seerned 10 gel voue oontiuafly. The doclors vho vers oafled lu pronounoed my disse dlabetes. bul theïr Irealment did no ood, andi ihey heM out but lght hope of my reoovey. I vas then se far go»evlth the dimsasthal1 "oud moitam lu b.d vithont help. MIy urine vas of a danh vine coker, and full of sediment. S. 1 lock& huaib 01so!medlicine, but vithou Permanent relief. 4. Reutnoffloma KIUepPIl.IgUs U a bo t MCkrhrrtb7o" sogn$lh ng the amove. I ta g thnz sMd impro.i vtwa contincouon 1am DIarov, afet &le veeks uneso!1DOA'$ ldey rPiU. amarail ftre.trompautanykind. Thearn le d naue, 1u au nov vorklng rlght aicmg evr dyl my shop. IL ttesagre.tsWürmeof Pleasure fer me to 1Sfto thé vorld1tbaf h e~itd" rerof DWO Xd»y-Plu,,&"i 1 =aresoine d"elb«lou eo4seliahboierlgU go e b Ira., antt knvugbt il o!tbe amue foro and afeta maie inder 0db a8tiby virtue ofe! 1>&"" adavMseeI, the Oounlyt e omlebou, Ibs LI dycf -FOR SALS ,ýBY- Je e WILLIS Chemist a"d Drug«Iti erock Street, A TrOubi e bthe flevil. According to the annual report of the departint of agriculture at Washing- ton, thie vieat, corn, oatq, rye and bar- ley crop ci that country Iin 1893 vas valued at.. about $m ,ovo,ooo,ooo. Al the distillers and brewers et the coun- try used about $31,000,000 worth of that grain, or about S per cent, ai the whole aunount. The manufacturers thus paiti the people $31,00o,000 for their raw grain material, and the peo- ple paid back again for the liquors thus made and consumei$1,20a,00o,0oo, or nerîY 40 times what the distillers paid them for the grain. This is the tribute they pay for havung God's bread turneil jeta thc devil's poison. The hotel- keeper is the only man who gels rich ouI oi the bol's pence. Ves. every man wbo drinks his paisonous drugs is sa much the poorer in pocket and de- stroys li s soul. Besides ail that the farmners and the laxpayers have 1sf. an their hands îhousands and thousands of iniebriates, diseased persans, paupers, criminals, widows and orphans. as a direct result ai the business. Doesil pay the farmers ta sustaîn such a busi- ness and pay iribute ta satan ai such a rate as this, ta enable a few distiliers and rumseilers ta build inar.sians, carry gold waîches. andi live in splendor whils their victirns pieç in wan.-The Safeguard. B rooklin. Whitby - office heurs 9. s. m. Office hours 11amt te il a.m. ta 2 p.m. pil privaie Telepho'ie Commun6ltiowI. D. P., BOGART, m.D.gL.D.I. physicais, Surgeon ced Accoucher etc. office andi Resîdence neitte Al gsinl'a Chu.rch, Duedas Street, Whltby. N. B.- Dental Snrgeny lena&l ita branches promrtîy attended ta. Dr. H. Wughtmnan DENTIST. Over Oroas 8& Griger's. Whitby. Ký' Open every Sctnm'day nigbt. W. B. YAIINOLD, D. L. S.. <ounty Surveyer aud Drainage Begineer, Part Perriy, Ont. WX. CALVERLET, KÂ5I4sE HAl R v iB. Having moved into oui- mev premises, ve are prepsred te extend the range of business- AIl vor kpsrtainieg to the tarness.niskiiig and saddhery business viii 1* dons Wesatis- faction. Cellare a speciaity. Cali andi ses my shop and stock. W. GALVEBLEY, Second dcor vest cf olti shop. Dundais Strcet, Whilby W. A DAMS, G:<3NDENTIST. Rooms over John Ferguson's clothing store. Residencc-Nct. i, The Terrace, Byron St Wbitby. Jan. 2ltb, mi&». LIFE INSURANCE. -:0:- Manuacturr' Lite & Accident. Insurance Co., Toronto. l.aigest Capital Stoc Lif e Inarance o. oc the continent. Nimety per cent. c0aSl accnumulations ci surplus la returnedt te . ponlicy boîtiers. AUt ciaimr.san-epaiti vidionS delay or diaconat on pied a!f det or waturity of endcvmenl J. B. POWELL, Feb. lsl, 98. Agent. Wtxtby. .Whitbg <EIIrouickt, Esgt&bUghOd 1806. 1 il per annus in advanee, olberwse $1.60 dubseriptionz gtaysa apayable et the offlue of publication. Thie publlebemr 4o mot findertae 10 deliver thie papues 5 an 'Pott offic but Whtbtby. Ay paper vbotlla"te reachIts destibation vlU be ueplaeed pon uetiftestieu as aamalter 01f eeurlesY. Aâvertlsg-rates nulsby con. tract, 10 cents per -lUne, nepaxhel, fimIls- Ime, and6Imm"cuSepar linme aeh aube*. queut Insertion LfoaI,l eaentspet line. W"All changes fer yeamly aiI-*tlsftenlk, must b. brougbtint l mlalaon mTmsda meumg. 1013» STANTON, Icieus». Gelàm TR1JNK- AM i) MIDLAR MeS, Di lio.bLh No.?, il WodS. M.. I,~i Barrister Countï OrGwu AMoTDý's,u1d Ooity àoiei1or. Offce- South m of CouS ouse, *bttby. JAMISM AcuTbLBDUEg Barrieter, etc. Offie formerly occupied by Farewell & Ratledge, nezI iloysi Hot6l, Brock St., Whiby. DAVID 01RMISTON, B. A., Âttornery-at-Law, Solicitor in Chanôery, Conveyancer, etc. Office - In the Office South of the PosI office, in IkGmlIlaf's Block, Brook Street, Whitby. G. YOUNG SMITH. LL. B., Bsrrister, etc. ,-Money to Loan. Isner of Marris.ge Licenses. Office - Smith's Block, South of Market, B-ock St., Whitby DOW & Mlc(;ILLIVRAY, Rarristers, Solicitors in ChSXicery, etc. Office in Mathison & Eawken's new block Brock St..,VW hitby, south of Ontario bank. Ors. Warren & Moore. J. J. Moore, M. D., F. Warren, M. D. C- -E3E.L: iIOGr 3-S DENTISI. Cor. K.ing & Yonge k3t. Toronto. For the next thi-e montha 1 c= giving special attention le 1ta1iente front s Ma- tance. Amn .1111 mina gplates la riîbber, $8, eelluloid t10. Golti sud silven fiiling verk crovning by first-class operatons ai the most reasonable rates mn the cîty. When in the eity catlih inmd 1l e e' exarn- la. ynr teHeth. I maký ne extra charge. C. 4. RIGGS, Denta't, scut t cocrner Ring and Youie Se., Toronto. wuH ERO& GOAL, LATRO, LUMBER, BEINGLEFp CORDWOOD, BLAB8, ETC. AGENT For the -'PEOPLE'S OOAL CO.j TORONTO. Office and Yard just East of Uptown Station. Whbitby, Oct., 25th, 18U4. A8K YOUR 8TATIONER SPÂRTvICA, TAK-E ýNýO OTHEe, OHA~.s CI:,TT, "un exyv.,au Bittagi0f éI frtuon courts. VOOtNT-Y 0O OTABIO 18UE. WEr-D. C. X"oenelI, Whiîby, Clerk Jan. 3; Poeb. ;Ma Idh 3; P-U2; M&y~ Jais. 2. Juiyl7 Iep. 2; Oct. 2; nov.B Dec. 2. Onuà-D. C. Mactionebi, Whitby, ClerRi Jans. 4; Feb. 4; Mdareb 4; April 8; Ilsy 4; Jame 3; Julyes; sep. 8; Oct. 8; Nov. 4; Dec. 8. BaoIJosAN - bM.Gleesois, Gro.uvcood, Clerk.-Jan 6; Msreb 6; May 5; July 9i; Sep. 4; N ov. 5. POuRPIRua - J. W. ]BnrUaMIIMPart Pei-ry Cîerk-J5Ii- 29; Mai-ch 9; Iisy 15 JuR 0; Sep. 28; Nov. 18. UUsarno5Jc5Ph B. Gonld, Uxbridge. Clerk-J5Ii. 80; lticrch 24; May i9tk; Juy 14;Oct 14 ;DeO. 16. Cç555vruorasq-George Smith, Caneingtce, Jau. 81; March 2b; Mday 20; July 1.5 ; Oct. 16; Dec. 17. BrxàvzitToit-Geo. F. Bruce, Beavertoin, Clerk-Maxch 26; May 21; July 16; Oct. 16; Dec, 18. UPTxEitiov%-Thos. P. Hart, tTptergrove, Clerk,-Ma-ch 27-P Msy 22; luiy 17 ; Oct. 1-4 Dec 19. By ci-dem, J. E. FAREWELL, Clerli of the Fce. October 7tb 18U5. New Llvery and Sale Stables Dundas St., Whitby, J. T. NEWPOIT, Proprietor. Commercial men liberally deai t vith Teamlng done at reasonable piees - Frelght and * e hanleti ai roason- able prices. Àal Mr. Samnuel Bruce bas besu engagE -the past week, cntting chaiffced îhresi 'IDg clover. Th a large rift in the ice on Sei 1e LI ez,,eoding from Ibe estetnsdi Coe aSý, north for a mile, dieu ves .erly te Scuiiog Island, t.hsn it tures seul ý.ýwesterly înt the shore cf ths Island- We are glad te see Mr. John Overet ntagi. $~The Farmers' Instatute had c ii m fleetflig lait Mouday. Ur-. arvey Cooper bas retned fro Bi«Yaerton, ,wbhhu a -spent the. li ,,.avery enoyable.time vas spent ai ti 1:1remeSof 1Er; ,obu Muir an Tusd vitmgh we. MMIuir vau mamnied 4.MeTaggsrt. -ca r corresponds jon itb the #Mny bionde pf the Yomi co.uple in wiahwg tes. sueit oy. ;v .LGUf-pie. eonLVcounofi opr,-eeire, -1Er4 ohn Âdams, vw $st.4as 'aIeîq&1î% 10aïk cause the nialority of big sicknesses, areÉ the trivial derangemnes of the digestionm that most people py noheed te. Goati( digestion (seils sud uil up a man ; bail1 digestion starves him in every tissue, muscle, nerve-fiber, ced brain-cell. Badi digcetion leads ta consumption, blooti and skie diseases, and nervous ex- haustian and prostration. Dr. Pierce't Golden Medical Discovery corrects aIl disorders of the digestion, invigorates tht liver aed preveets and cures consurrrp. tion, blood and skie diseases, and nerv- eus troubles. It i. the great blood-maker, flesb-buildem, sud tnerve tonic. Druiggist1 seiI it and have nothing eise "just as4 good. "1 il have labtely givr Dr. Pieroe's Golden Med9 icai Dscovey a ti," writes Miss C. M. Maiette oi Hioustoa, RrtCo,, Tesa, " and àlb Ris cern pletely cd me of vëý ereioas landi obstinate dis orders in vhich tRie hecuts aacion vas impaireti I baok itî for Ivo Weeks. 1 began te zerec ki-1 dlsmmroet froinMymy Iunsafter eadt b. fouilb dse, andist~u n ror 4" =a-estlu@.s a"~ severl de aaler 1 ,s e.rplse4to"d09,1 wassactuaci"Y bette.. T -e v eavipassea" £u'erv Mveploae b.d drsapOpe.red." 'he man or woman who neglects Cou stipatico je storing ip.,wtIse systgm 4 4 store oilsorema'hat in ini.e blî some serions and, poibl el Dm. Pieces Pleimt fl3i J sure, Speedy esÈl permanenlt çpe Ççr cci »tipa.ZtI.One-fltte " PeU*t" la aîgetI laxative, and t-vo a mild cathartie. T"Le uever gripe. MDelI.ia.erz. Tour home jif * 1.ýM *ithont i*i, sud ~ wdtot Of iis e lIitmeisa Il GAVE AWAY 1Ma ORUTOHEç TE TORY 0P 1fR. .j. McDONOGL OF TIVERTON, ONT. Saftered Frorn Tvo Severe Attacks e Rbeuoeatîsm-Doctors Feiartil th Trouble Was Going 10 Hie HIeart- Pink Pille Cure&di Hm snd ije Gav * Away Hia Crutches. From the Tiverton Walchmnn Anyone Beeeîcg îLje robu&îhe 1 a active fortn of Mr. Jack Mi i'. le maflaging Mr. A.Glir~ business durinelz bi abo&eee>. uScW, would b. cûflsiderýahly siri)rllia. n ., that ouly two yetari. ano ,je nëia c. ê rined invalid and unaUjh. b %èilxw. ruthe adofcrtcîe. Put :s from the extruciatirizaeoný <Of i.. mnatory rbetrnatigitn by ih~.- n'- o WNilliams' Pink Pillg, a the WarchmanCRcI:(.] upocn I ', the particulars %Ir. MCD) f i found working at the hart»,-.. i -n ,i_ Wel snd active as atty YLOun2 [f>Ih.:U country, and in reply to a Itieik., n ar± his cure Raid :. mrie a,, ,jiz remarkable case. Two v-qrq :>L!,> sprnng, whîle at homp in. wue suddenly taken lawn with rmet>. tiem, my feet a&niarikie-s sw .lnz-) ' I cauld flot even prît on an nverm,e. wue in bed for three wFeks unýier >he .F , ef the doctor, and had to ug-e crurciL-Q a long lime after tfiat. The nEcxt pl the rhecamatiem carne back aRate, wor- than ever, attackiniz ail My Joîrim, b. gnciFally my ankies, -keee, hips, - bos and wriets. lTe@ doctor gave m very litîle encouragemenî, and eaidîd wiasafraid of it going to my bc-art an kilingme.I bcd res.d a gi-as d-ii about Dr. Wiliams' Pink Pile., and th cures they ba'l wrough-î, and 1 determin ed to try them. At firet 1 did not coue Mnao change, but betore I Lad ".ken 1~.dozen boxes I was e» macti îuL preftved that 1 bad given away my cruec es and bave neyer reqnired their us sînce. I sîjll trok the Pick Pille for aorr~ time longer and I -bave neyer had a tonc of rbeumatism stucs, and hope 1 cevý May. I eau say th at k- ink P ill1a rured r of à a d ee of rheucaatiom and I cbec1 fully reeommrnd thein to others ecifer*i asI did. Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pille are sold on~ in boxeap beaning ths firme8 trade ma~ and wrapper, (printsd ie red tek>. Be in mind that Dr. Wtlliame' Pick Pisa neyer sold in bulk or by tis dozec huundred, sud any dea.ler wbo offers su sticutes in this tortu je trying tb defrai yon and should be avoided. The puil are also eau îioned agairiet aIl other oaIled biood buildlere and nerve loct< put up in similar form iet.ended to il ceive. They are aIil imitations wliq mnakers hope to rsap a PecuniarY adva tage from the wonderful reputati ochieved by Dr. Williamns' Pink P.1 .&sk your dealer for them. These Pille are manctactured by t~ Dr Wi'l'arn' Medicine ComanaY roc ville, Ontario, and Schenectady, N.1 -and are sold only in boxes bearing tl firm's trade mark snd wrappsr, et .csnta a box, or six boxes for $25 Tbey may b. bcd irmuary dealer, will be sent by mail on receipt of price . Dr. Williams' Pink Pille may be hi cof&Il druggista or direct by mail fi-o Dr. Williams' Medicine Compcny fi-a etither address. The price at which t, pille are oold make a course of tres nment cocnparatively inexpenaive compared with other remedies or inedic

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