Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 29 Jan 1897, p. 1

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VOLe XIÈ. WH-ITBY, ON TAiRIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 29, 1897. end <v'*--lruggist-9 Headquiarterai for Pure 1Prugs, LOCAL NEWS LETTERSI p It] BBOOKLINc Brh-At BrookliOn Sunday 24tbý1 inj . to Mr and Mrs jos Bell, a daugbter. ire or fir-4 ciasa quaiity je being takeri offt Pherrili's pond in large quantities. Misq Munitie Gould of Urxbridge, bas been vîsîutng her friend, Mrs W A Hollidav. Relirbie ihermorneters reglstered ton de- grecs below zejo here on Monday sinerning. UIieîcal amiail l.i.nI *e .. -r F-uc-i-nr -ee 4c;mnn t- hi. 1-uac cte.îh an it. çlof lumbago, but us nov ableP M r C E Scou t of McMsaster coilege, s for-r uier pastor of te baptIst chuirch bore, wiii Fre8h Stock P(lteNGEC FS f ron0 E C preach at bath services in ibis church nexi S L)nd av.2 to $1. Mr. '-i Bickie s stili buying apples for ihet British maritet. i-e sent a car lot îwo veekst Tooth rushet, Na andu es, pwced. another on Thursday of f (iombs, and aI1 'follet Articles. Amnong those who bad a place ou tbe pro- gramme of the Snday school convention ai Ciarernont were Dr. and Misa Lambly and -- Mr J N Dehari. N Mr Frank Olean. of Toronto, vatchrnakor. ,1~. h.. ~has beeta bore for tva veeks sud has bs-en A . eSA L IN kept busy cloaning and repairing dlocks, watches, etc. CHEMIST & IRI'G6ST, Theichildren of the preabytenian Sunday1 school wyul enjoy a free entertainmeitt in the WHIT BY, P ONTARIO. %chooi roani on the evening of Fsidav et Feb 5th. In connection vith tisa meeting contributions viii ho received for n fund whch wilI be equaiiy divided bebveon the chidren's bospital iu Tarante and the Ar- Eetabliahed 1849. menian relief. -Mr John Banner died oni Wednesday rnorning after a brief ililnss. Ho had been as well as usuel tilt about a veek aga. ahen Whitbý Stcam ho vas taken sick wth tagrippe. Ho vas i bus S7th year and had lived on bas farm juat essi of hr u over forty yearn.. The funeraI takres place at 2 o'clock ths <Fridsy> Ma[bIe and afiernoon to the baptist burying ground. The mission band heid its open meeting iast Fnidav evening. Though storrny wvo Gîanitg wo[ksi ther pnevailed the atteudauce vas fair, and ail seemed pleased vith the vork of the children. The programme consisted of readings, recitatiens, songe, sud dialogues Du ndas St., hy the ciidren. and a short address by tht honorary-prtesident. Mr Vichert. Most of Y. the selections vert along a rnssonary line. W H I B Y.The children atervards assembled for re fresbments in the Sumday schooi room. * Royal Templans. The South Ontario District Ceuncil R T Chas.. ]EL S mith, of T vas held at Brooklian an Tuesday last. S A comnmttee vas appointed to arrange for a (Formnerly Woifenden Works.) Im- joint meeting of representatives fram ail the pîîrter aud Ilealler in MARBLE ANaO organizaiious in the cause of temperanco, (;RANITE MONUMENTS. Etc., of for the purpese of farmiug an indepeudont thme laiest material sud de-igris. All alliance tif ,orkers, te look aftor the coming kinds o! Cereery work. Our vork plebiscite csipaigtt. A resolutien vas pas- guaranteed. sed assuring the license inspector cf heariy IPPSEi.iD FOR DESIGNqS AND PRICES. svrnpathy, sud urging hlm teueeo the provi- sions otthe Crooks' set fuiiy enforced. Thse treasurers report sboved a nice balance Ie the crt-dit tif tht district council in the bank. ANT -> , Tht councils were ail urged te ho as Clly X~J ~ S represented as -possible ai the grand council H AYW A D'S eo the order which nicets in Oshava iu Feb. 16h. The electien ahof ilcere resuited as 7 follovu : Dist Councilior, Rev D N Mc- G EAT Camus, Pari Perry ; Diat P C, J F Pirie, Brooklin; Dist V C, Miss L M Hall, Oshawa, Diat Chaslain, Dr Lamblv, Brooklin ; Dist R ET IR IN G Sec, B M dîil, Witby ; D Treas, W Ie-to dersanPcker i n g ; Disteai , W Cassie, SALE iAs u i ;7t E t representativo te grand coucil J Piiealtornato, jas Henry, Whitby. Port Perry vas chasen as the place of the next regular meeting, lu July. lu the evenîng afier thse business of the ses- sion bas beci' disposed tif, the meeting va', ilavutîg fuîly miade up my iiiind to give "ade a public tinssud îhough there bad hp usittesu, 1 viii offtrmr beout ne previons aunouucetiicpt ef this, a number of visitars care net enley the pire- v.gramme undor the direction of Rev W P E ntire Stoc lthvo saa, vho had beon chosen O K chr, ofOs to the people of Wbiby and surrounding W. A. H. country et laver prîces îhaai ever kuovu, __________________ to ensuro a quick sale, EaabIIMMDIr*et@W7. COMMENCING BRALL, 8. - Imer of MamntagLicul fiAT UJRDAY NEXT, W A oNzLy~, D V S..-Oraduste offltheOn mibrof tIsa Ontario MssBora Society J AN. 9th, 1897. uresal izaseài o f t)>.domambueso animais by ths ment a proved melhod. Aie - pantloitiar attention %P ugicalope-.tioim Nov for unprecodeuted Bargains. anmd dentistry. Day or nigt cafla romptI &ttended te. OffIce samd nuaidanues BrokHz Pi<ce Liste are net ln it. Ontario. 1 sut aut te soll. Good mueut go at n. omme price REGARDLESS OF LOSS. SPIRCIAL Dont think tmis ia an old chostnunion you will gob loft. Thie is a resi, FEBRIJARY : PRICE : LIS; straight, honest, ont and out salé. lb in truie I iulionded aeiiing eut lasi, FOR, CASH BUTERS. yomr, but vas pensuadod te vait till the Fal lu hopos Urnee vould bo DRY GOODS-Ovoncoube aud Uli.î botter. That vas a mistake, they vero $S, $6 5o, $10, $12, rednced te 84' aevroinsbea.d et botter. That'a $5 50,$7 and_ Suc. Heavy Shake Shirt pau hep, ov ood mut g wht- 0C.Blak Steo SIrts-5o.--- - _ Q-1 More leas for us rpeans gain te yon. Don't delay, the fia-t tsi ceins vi» tîurely get the Biggost Plein Waim- ing for yeu. faim Prodpce "ekn in oebsuage for goodeata Ilegular Prices. E. R. B. layward.~ Wt"STERI BANK 0F CANADA. Oapfta1Authorized *$4000,000 BOARD 0F DIRECTORS. lipaN COWAM, Eeq., Presidont.t-- RE]UsEN S. HuAzaJN, Esq., Vc.r T. Id. McMILI«ï .IliO D1UXft ,Wq4ae, payable alpgtoCe ~.,.~4ê,United States, and on Lon4one ~r7, ,~ p4~ 4y*le l 'al :prteOf gurope. ý34 - <eu. ~Jonpo avîngWSÙ& olaeotà% aios«êt'octtofq sale#'54f notes. D.____Pxf boy',lu cloih or c.rl, clearing eut'at ce GROCERI ES-Choiceat-offée, grour froni beans, specini. 42e per lb. Our speci blond coffée, 32c lb. Envlilsh breakfast « tee, 25C lb. -"Ludolla," "*Liptem's" ar "«Bon Hue' Ceylon Ton at 25c, o and e "Vicier" japali teas peciai iocrntatii, 25c, or 4%~ lbs lon Si. Scalod bhonigs, nei 2 boxes for 2e. Mizad pickles, extraqi Iîy, 2 boutles for 25C., Beet Pink salmoný tins for 2e. Mlxod tUbs, 2 îbs fer 25C. han beat isuudiy soap for 17e.' 4E Ready'PocletllesPlus, 3 dez fer soc. Wouhes mince amat, toc.package, mkae wlar pie. atil or complexton sp,4Sbinal 'igg, ý5çlb. Layes- fige, toc lb.. PATENT MEDICINES - Sanspani lange boutle, 35c. Livor p s, nluboit zoé. .Boef, Irna ý*ud vwue mc. Syra bypspheaPltb< - .buteir- o, toc I tu. -Coagb If4Ip$s esc-lb., l othorMsi ard~iutIluii5 t -oseit pilou., Usn'PinkPll,55. 1, ~- l&le'Ont 'il. e meek, and rend wlth great intereat. He pro- the Sous cf Temperancin lutus ridinoe. Th'e ente and friends bere. She le mach missd ,oses that a tic rail be put on tbc east aide of folloving officens vone elected for the cur- in the valo. hoi streot running sonthvard from the south rent year : DWP, T Ward, Epsoin ; DwA, We do not a"e wby the counicil ahould lg. entrsnce of the cemelory for abont î5o feet. Missat, Pearse, Pont Perry ; DWS, G Miller, nore Mr. David Antis' application for the. and about 30 posta alternately on eacb aide Greettbaltk - D Treas, C W< Xateman, Mytie;, usesor nt 8 xoo, whon tbey gre payiug $140 îf the street on the weat entrance of the cerrn- Chap, H E Derby, Raglan; D Cou, W D for the passent one. etery, etc. The road bore lu narrew, a ditch Munro, Manchester ; D Sou, J W Crozier, on eitber aide. and very litle roorn for riga Scugog ; D Snp Y P work, P C GrahaiM, Messrs Hawkey, lawkins and Pugh wenb o pas-, and uieraIs coniing front the north Manchester. The mcxi place cf meg istI the Claremont rink on Saturday uight enter tbe grounds frorn the west gate, and at Myrile iu June. A grand concert vas last. We hear that before epring tbey vwili drive on ta the place of intorment ta tho irn given in tbe eveniug. vbeu the towu hall compote for prizos. erer and near the south entrance oif ihe was filled to the doors, vben an excellent Rev Mr Siple bas been indispoaed for the cemnetery. Fanerais entoring the grounds programme vaq given. Xveryone taking past cou ple of weeks vitb the la grippe, but by the soutb gate pass on bo the centre and part acqnitied bimself or herself cneditabiy. tas muchbebtter nov. -Mr Conuors of Broug- to the ,uorth limnit oif the ground and approach Hfere ittlu inaytue barn, occupied the Baptist pulpit last Sun- the veat gabe. Ouly on speciai occasions The follnwing linos wvo composed by the day. are people in vaut of botter tying con ven- renowed Samt Hooey and were bauded te The veather burning vorv troacherouat iences 10 île their horses, vben [rom S0 10 me fon publication. While Sain bas uti-& once, and my kneos 90 bad 1 ca't work at 150 vehicles crowd the entranCe, and the ways mnade bis linos abyme. it shows be ail, can't cut wood, can't do neîhing. Wbat place of intermeut near the entrarice. Sucb evidontly bas a1little inside knovlodge and arn 1 t do this wiuter? Going te freeze te accomnmodation as %uggested by your cor- knovs a good deal more than ho cures te doatb 1 guess. respondent wouid by ne means overcorne bell -ZrDvdAnebd i ndyaho that difficulty, but would requ ire a lino < TEPR PRYRBRY. aapoogrravdapbed ad on Monda y sevoin ie rail frorn the outaide limit of the corpor- UEPRut g OBEY. cave îtorhern and Mnsd pra bis lae ation of Port Porry and Prince Albert ex- u usvllg ie eeAi lads, lt aetau-to-dte ma lsSuda tending bn every persen's lot in the cerne- Thed w p togethon, and vere countod David l nu-odt a nSna tery. Theso suggestions wiii iukreiy rec-eive Msho ok further consideration at a future date. TEE Evera, 'Honck, Hooeys--Sam and Ned, Mesura Varden and Weaiberal bave been CÂRETAKER 0F THE 0, P. G. CEMAETERV. And tbey vont out nights, and, ot to bed. anythiug but veli lately, but vo hope te soc l'au ummer a eiîrthem about aborily. Mre. Samuel Pemnock FPORT PrEAnd bisa s ce w«lautenb y Huk n bas alec had a bad atiack cf neuralgia but as Mr Jue Wakely, of Oshava, vas in towu day ; mc et ou wednesdéy. Se ho said te fiend Bvers, "That bouse It lesnid that a bigbwaymsan beid up a H ockey wel break lu,'" dutch butcher between the 5th and 6th con- Wbity jnio,; layhocey bre extAndthe tok a loc, sitandvioin. cessions lately, but as the latter was armed Wbibay ejunior lyhce brgetAdteytc. ok uiadvoi. with frozen sausages ho rmnnaged Io llght bis Tuesay venug.Houck mcuned the fiddle, sud also tbe boy. way through. The yeung gentlemen lu tovu are mak- And vhat aftenwards happeued you'Il soo n .S Tre tedd b muac iug arrangements for au assembly some- knov.MrD.STunratdeth srnc timein ebrury.For the ueighbors discovered the damage meeting heid aitbihe Rossin Houa. un Wed- Mrei r u aae hobbe nanex- doue, uena s a. The policv holders dodided tu Mede rsi v he Stvie bs, boo ne on xAnd fouud tie gailîy one, one by oue. moud s deputation to Ottaato wait on the Thursday of lasi week. Tbey arreated Houck, vbo je a smitihy, fHc mn Wllferi dLrierluceeng. av Died in the evd con. of Reach, on the 22u4 And wbeu locked up Bvens vas him vltby, I on.WlrdLuirsced nhv int Iya Oiýia th inanttwindanht W.hVence came that dlock ?' Wiliamson lu gbis achool settiemente approvod by the of Mr and Mrs R M Holtby. cried,*s"ri colbadinOtiolwl e t l&n 1noe. Re,.rs ri.nhed. 5 stroug defence iu bis fight with the biechopa. ie jersey cov la no good fon bs-cf. A fev days ago Messrs Weir sud Lang delivered tvo fiue animaIs ta Messrs Bougard sud Wbeeler for alipinont. Se otI Ho m mjoey aec tey id are ,5àcl . Aud. ait te court be did hie boit To dlean binsefof that bad deed, And befor. tue court ho cheved tue eed.1 Thse polar wave orfbila veek bau been But ai bthe court, Houck nover came near, e rather proînacted. On Mouday monniflg Frh ikdtelcadsog la. p Dmuggist Davis' seî-registering tuemorn- Foho pickued tie bockty rande gl cer. ten sioved tIsat thternercury iad geneTeysortticnuyCasdvd, dowu te 24 belov zeo. This kind o! But Houck bad left the c'euntry-slde. a veather is bard on Wood aud ceai. So the brunt of lb ail, upon poor Evers Accident camne. Wbile heiping te load boa-sos on Wednes- And bh o ttiUre bas leat bis good namo,E day rnorning ai bhe GTR station, Master "I commit hlmn for trial' tue magistato - jack Turner vas badly hurt by the herse ho said, i vas leadiug roarimg sud striking tht boy And tie ceunrtien dissolved and bled off to5 viti bis front foot.As soon as possible, ho led. vas taken to anc o! thse medical mou lu And thouçi poon Evors is not lu jail, tavu sud had bis injuries dressed. For bis faitull frienas procured hlm bail Col. N P Paterson, a veil-kuovit citizen But te Wbhitby ho Inter vili have to go of out tovu, lectures this Friday cvening lun'To stand bis trial ai tie assi=es don't yen tht tavu hall,' bis subjeet being '<Tvo heus kncv." lu tht catiedrals ef Engiani. " Mi Pater- son lsas good speaker, sud vilI interest bis W. J. Non?. audience. Sovtuty five vieva vili bec ____________________ shovn lu llustrating tic lecture. As tic abject <f tht lecture is a good ontit1 aW h hoped tat a good audience vilI greèt tc i ' orth lecturer. Ice Races KnowiXlg Thore vas a good crovd and good racing ou the ice on Weduosday, tic finat day. The fastesî lime evor madeonoutic ice vas made - tIsaI day. Thc tolloving races vere keen ly cenîosted : 2.35 RacE-HoudersC'n, 1, , 1, ;Tiat our prices are 25 10 4o per cent. cbesp- Munsbav, 3, 2 2 - Litle Hec-ton, 2, 4, 3 , r than any othhr undertaker lu tuis dis- Lulu B, 4, 3. tiime--2.25X, 2.28, -2.26. trict.1 GREEN RAc-Jesse Sisuton, 1, 2, 1, 1-T tt vobave the Beet Heanue. and the fin- Scugog Maid, 2, 1, 3. 2 ; Prince Wilkes, 3, 3, est Casket Wagon aud Caket Sleigb 2, 3 ; juthmule Mack, 4, 4, 5. Tine--2. 5e, lunttis county. 2 4Ç. 2.45, 243 34. That vo ceuduci fumerais witudecenum. Tht anniversary services lu conoction TIsai vo take mono pains vitb cuir o with the Metiodist churci 1ai Suday sud than do the majorlty et Umdetnkets. Monday vero succestal. on Ssbbatb Rev That we use kid sud hale glovos lustead of jDr Carman preached Iwo fine discourses, cheap cottofi gloves. logical and argumeutatmve- Afhougi Dr That. vo use appropriate door aud arm Carmen's oceku are silver wite, he bas lest drapes, fine floor mga, beautîful pedeS- noue et bis eam-estnean sud vim, sud the tala and draperies lu buack or whiteo. -large audiences tuai iistened te hlm a'ere Thal vo deliven ail Caskets, and, Ceffins lu volnepaid for goiug tohear hlm. Ou Mou- our Casket Wagon or Casket Slelgi. Sday eveuung lie aunmversaaytya vas held Tit we ive every ordor oat personal sud d sud tht churci vus filled notvitbata.udiug prompt attention. 8 the coid. Tie proceeds cf bt days >arneunbed te over $lmo Pdes.nved recoguitiSi Theman fienscf Dr John H Sangster, ucs8op u ri'fhîui' Co. cf Port Penny, vili ho pleasod to learu ihat thc education departmeurt ef Outaxore- *cently commissiouod tho omineut Toronto W. J. NOTT, Mî.za.K Portrat artisirM W A Sbervood, te paint tic doctor's portraitin oilm. This lu oncet Port Perry, - Ont. several historical paintings that vill adora *tie walsa of the Normal sehool lu Toronte. ______________ The artlnt vas most suceesfa. lu bis efforts, îl sud bas producod aspieture vici vil! show WUTVL ri the gonial face of the akilftil doctè& te Suc- Mn, sud Mis J A Pui speat Sauday st Y. Ice1edi ug generatieus cf Canadiens. Mn Citrryvooti. Od Shervoiod's tempolary studio bore vas, MIs» Rogers, of Scanboro, ilslmed'ber n0 dunug bis ten days stay, visit.ed hy scores frieud, Miss Ida Thoriou, Lamtweok. 9 o et rcitizene,.vo voe greatly pie d nu viti bis geuiaiity, suld the artietic e uy MisWSMao spent last wvek inToron- ef bis vork sud the exact reproduction ou te sund Scurboro vlmting ber uaauy triends. .canvas eof tie docter's face Tic portrait Mn George Biruile of Peterboro', 1lat. pre- vhcn fnamod vill befi6=rincihei in 5150. sent vitihbis brother-in-law, Mr BoniEl- if ~., 4% ond CI sp st Pte tag 'clu se e cu at enia ly. cf Mr. Ed. Thorubon eniertiled a groat nef number cf the young foîkms ou Thursda? mct eveming lest viien gaines of aIl kinds e e mi plaved and a most enoyable evenimg vas it spont. Tbey alec hai a instbodist dsqce ni; and it la surprising viat a mumbon lnduiged sel in the Cascluatimg amusement. ail Luet vos-k a young lady and gentleman ut Of Green River attemptod to camo te White- 1Li vaie by way of the pond. Ou recnig the sau ire be made ber go shead, f Scotch fashicu>. od She bad mot gome fan hofore site broko P< tbrough the Ice and yelled fon holp. The MI gout front hehind shonted "keep cool. lut l t>iuig.1" She eveuiually cravied out. luI jiiheno seoins to ho no eud to shoplafters, SI pickpockets, and tlbyes of every Imaginable l ilseipiion. Thre socuns te ho a revive lun lu thein lnenocf business in tiie city. The. mer- L ,chants ou tbc principal stnoote ave peti. tionod the city forbotter police protct L The seaks seein te have ne fou a aixa rnonth's sentence lu the central prison. IfI the colonel vonid ouly givothem a Cud 1iy long tersa ai Kingabon ne doatbi aot of t them vonid thluk w tbeoo e deîug the. ai like again. 1 -The Iollowlng pffcers voie instailnd by Broughama-1 0 0F: W G Gero V. G ;WI' S Major, V G ;J W Toreb, re secy; Al ' Armstronu, per secy ; A E Major, irons; W to Tran, P N G ; T W Lameorsux, cbaplain ; Rj Afrd Hoovr, arden; Dr Huteuleoi, Idi cauduator; Jas Litughliu, R S $<fS Peu- nock. L SS: Jas MalcolniI G; W Grffl. tt OG ,W lrvu. R-S NG ; F Burto, DiS Nic G ; Dr Bateon, L S VG; Dr Brodic, K S f V G. There le a saying that IlGod made tiie cnuntny and muan made the. tovu," but &Ince Y the. nolevations as to the, fine cousplnacy lu Melancthon township sud be» grave yaud-' Insuranco organlzation inthe e uogbbdnbod of Whithy, it veuld appear that thé. conntryý la premty sinful. lunfet acity iluWhIo lm" t into the countyfiudu tauy = eia Ilnig2 tu ioad hlm nstray, ad the dcvii wl hie tal With astouisbiifig atlsfqi lm -'eCity le bad lu parts, but îwhcn 'a ir, willoceéIity. becomos sinfal lb lu abot ther tiatsinfuli place on tep sf tho oantb- et rann once' bas een given ,te i>vld fiesrdlu1 conneeblen vitlt the bKelancthen couupiracy. 'i btlt ho la satid to have au <quai lu Aisuzo , Smith, witu surpassed bilt lu audacity sundi comning, but vas bardiyis equalas a ce- fui dipîcatiat. Sndtb la saitmo s soro one cf the uuembçrs ofmthe sld bague of arsun couspirators ktiown sthe Mank mn ti The anantvint rge --tnXae oftenat Ciaemont on Wednosday su ho kbe sota, with the nana! =ce as5 sports. Tic day vasai l titcoald ho 'de- dy mie n4 asa resuli the shOptig vaa goo& Peeple are suxlously awraltlng brturs The follevuag aummanes sps.k for tin-Of North Ontamo, Sonth i Bt ansd Eaut selves i-F4rat piateh. at 10 bers. vo~Jin> ns,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~M jealOi otPr~ g;VHtiW>t oseph LaugItiu usd the alOWO»ttot 8o 8- ColIe, Bovmaunvtlle -8- Bnnet.Nev- Ma 50, cate, 8 "un, Bovmtnevle, 7 ; s9borneIbaie two of ,bis flnSugesbadly>, jIpped lu, a :ercts, ll,7 bneNeeel tarlipulper. -ierds sveqepl, ,-McaOCb, .Port Penn, 7;behlontehhaxoFrmq. oGold, Wbiuiiy, 6 Second MatCh, at 10. Tii elult su0i-e- Seà. i on: Osborno, Eovmanvila, 9; Hs.tgb *Wiitby,Paiursatr net. 8;manita Bovrsnville -;Boet.tv- w.Ther ervival mlma#éeucing 60 Inlueý md ~ Geld, Whii~y, ;»weruta% niemtiodist, -chud ii~tUl-Agos caute, 6 ~ 55EtTdu & out ere .3fU 41 clai Thidmat5 et .5 binds, sei-1 .from 1aau,, Ww GeToronto, 5 ; J , - TiY"lt., 1 544toluiftie ind B Pick!e, bu-kteon, th is lueosed. thetatln murkfiut Iý ïhèwy. 9u«stied1P I ue. uipor4, MceuUoc.bscna iepi0vlthé aiotue Ire kfqf as - ong two cieiits, khliiag 9out-of bI-.- Mr.. A&àhe7»ç-m5ose bmào'I. vw iglier reixipvere. eUt Usl- DIvla" Court. h ârTiore vus asma!! court here on the z6th bihbthîhstl4~ 371aisi. Ticfollovlug suib-eamebeoil bis Tbefe '!w111 'bu -,' Per u*oer age DartueiL &St ieuvsLaing. woo4# tw«.*,- 41tSm.- ule SAu action teo ièe~ule oý.f axes so!d te nu ~. defeudimg ba.Tecli bs qcssd sud t e ~ -- Nrt> M * o.bs judgflnt e gevrcd ln the osait at Tbeie iel ft* Riïiil% Que. Ii. itphtif iioed prosfo ëw0' I *meiIIe Ungib ugint ia ýdèW O f serviees Of 4 il'di*sp d thtii-nlg1ty ia theic t,6-t "ire.:So ttlet çaie. Judge Dartuefrs-dcavedýbdélo àrt avc p1 of;onthegrounad'of b'iblë- ave**biý&I t , tb nI<court t Tifiree Ryt4. foueew Uý -m ud- -oepediu lupo!so I m, An actin, oso ccoa N in ac#tin oa. par 34Wily 4dcft, Iphoenix Vis. gag ?orid o WN te t Ma' Im rMnsi.ieee.Hrs saitebetre cOMM Iri»e et oaffs lbalngle Meat Mr Ét=êýsfasaily -basve beensi-3'1* wievek. t rThe S S oe iatetlli0t imuauti.b t Of terur.. RuIttsmbo- tiue4st sd kee t fr ffola'iibs- ogagemleits. At avnasabe etn euedyt m-1' eùt i ie liorn lu1 1 ýf'flh j 01) 6r No,-o 9 ao Churcb to havP its say. He believes .Jiurch bhs rights in connectiori with the ntry's governmnent, and that if one would -k with the othor it would merve the good ill. The president called Mr. Hugcgard n proniptly, and characterized suchb tal inf'arnonu. Mr. Huggard, b. said was yfit tu live lu Quebec where people were .rolled by mandements. and had better out of this meeting and go tbere. We re no ue fur bin here. MIr. H. withdrew. Glendlnning said ho would like to taire chalrman's opinion on a, point which ableu hinM. The cburch isa acorded the reren-co in celebrating a marriage. aller ýthe state bas demapded its fée, wbich it rays collecte lu every case. One cannot Iegally mnrried vuithôut a clergyman. y should this be ? 19 not marriage a e right, wbich bas been gcized by the rcb ? The president said he would'not e to give an opinion itiet now. He tbought Jirtb was a thing pertaining tu tho state, tlI not declded about a marriage. Mr.- uerfeit sald the chairmau appenau to itate on some points, and mony who b.d ne here to learn were much disappointed. r. Webster said he believed kt was perfect- safe to lot the churces do as they please. ýthem have soparate achoulusand overy- ing they need. The president-Stop right ere air. We want no clerical rule here. 1 der Mr. Webster to oitbor koep quiet or k. bi* exit. Mr. Broomd4eld said that er since ho read of the midsummer meet- bohre be had been troubled about the ,sident's position as chairmau of -the Pafrate eChool1 board. Ho understands ,s association la deadly opposed tu separ- e chools. Thon how can Mr. Long ho esideut of thia association buldia# suebi an- goutic views, aud at the sme tima se s sirman of a separate sehool board. The. msident said ho la porfectly read!v to dis se this point. Ho kuow* o separate aols are runeluewhere, sud--tpflgs iboagd lu order tu mue tha t tikoe e e mun difleaently. It runa according bu law. they was aill rau lilce the one in the îownu rWhItby there wonld soon be no separate btoule. The prieste dJom not control this Itoul, but he could uaine one abottCour lesý fiom hore which thoy do onatre, and- c ota n e fiure. If sepurates ile ru n tht the. elergy bas -no use for them n d the chole would sogn be stoped. Mr. Blanch- d ask6d If there was not a lutie teacbing fcatecliism lu the scibonl controlled by Mr. ,oig The preident-Ves, 1 arn sorry tu ay 'beve la. Mr. Umpbney said thus show- i afutther inconsisteney, in the chaimaWrs osition, beuidea ruiing twooppoeang boards. r. Flumerfeit said ho could uotaundueta"d ithor the presldent'u position. or his teach- ,g as ho appeare to do eyerything h. peaka agaluet. Mr. Ctistjeiaid hbêwoald Lave likred te eny a word, b;ut the discusi re got into sncb a aiie, sud the chakmian ipears to be asb, u I ntalkse-Io explalu îs duel posIitin arW ,ual teschingethat une.~ s t a loutoku bzêeaea.TI& wesideut- T1% 1e tquatf4éd ta kmitand Ihi en VooW oes at, *veral m 1tU (es, that's whrt'Ilump rom, oask a quetIoj4. 'he pu knawer no Mut* OQua, f5-fl cou veof nî oinis, i leq~~kaI~- rellennion tidenders#a-anal, tose who luutb&o ,dntnd E F a Rlghis.Where 4 > r.ySoottto-oeilte Joâr aud Jet'ibe ueê "Iot~de the, doort Mr. Punuhon, tue liantaiahi*onrist la to ike partv-"ts the moking concert Programn t-ight,'ais.a-numaber of other- slaecIalste trom Oehm3wn. anrft'sd appolated the. foliowlung offic- esfr h year:. Pros.1, R. W. Gniçnnun; rt. .Orniieton ; treus., J"c., Sinclair. Weare umable tu give a tuil report tIts,*e*:. W. pnint this week eomse remiolîseeuc- of tbe rel>eiiion or 18.17, fiom, the. pwn or Mrs spencer, Booklu. ftt&ides f bistodkat ésesrcb keeps-on. there wiiitaâoon beeênoaghL oit 1 butake the foumadatio umrîfor a book. - . -r. Jebb the, oye Mwdlîqit, -wapk4me the beak at Belleille brewtili»g mento s be . trnlenl tra4ut $.~,~ ,defendat-' pliea ddt 4êM eiot ýwlhlnti e peatol é te,4a charge waàsdlslsd

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