Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 22 Jan 1897, p. 7

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WOMEN 1EIA -TE TO &y 4 v. 4; t and Will -Not Even Speak on the Subjet o hir But it is Not a Disgrace to be Sick.i mil llim 1 m 1 mmý Phvýsician---A Foolish Modesty. HEALTH AND STRENGTH CAN BE RESTORED. Not the least amaong tb. many valu- sickly, de$psiring woman, I havA been ,,bjee 5rvices Dr. Williams' hP k Pi-Fistransfornedinto one full of beslth sudi have rende red ta stlenriag vomet, i that eI3rgy, and I feel More thankful than I ()f tdînR tbenm over th. orîtio.l periot eanus"Y for the vonders Pink Pille have comwencîng at middle aqe, commonty done for me." known as the change of life. It s0 ofton happons ti ai tthiR cliuxacte-iO vomen elpse into a stage of chrinme invalidieni Mft. L. Lundahi, Lavant, Ont , gays S;n d the actual danger La liCe which et- "II have much pleasure ini adding my tends the ch&ien gsoS great Ihat a moui- testimonY tc the great efficacy of Dr. cie e bhîh can be irohed upoii to carry Wiffiams', Pink Pille. Boine years ega I the systein over tbis dangerouh ime, is vas sev6rely injnred in ohild biu-sb andi nathîng les@ than a life-savirig invention. hadt t go to the Kingston hospite.l ta b. Vi laiiPr- Williams' Pink Pille yull do opereteti ont. aswui the bospital and fo vrene ti caneafhfe1 s u uuder treatment for nes.rly two months, in a case rerorted in the Dewebnry, but flowing @et in anti ail the ekili of dibe £02z Chronicle. It is that of Mis. doctors was unable Wo stop it. I vent bsuijemîn Stnîtb, wbo lises ati Hanover home and efter still gufféring fDr three streàet, i)ewr5bury. The change Of 1ifs or four monthe, I determinedto go to baij left lier weak &nd mîiserable, witbtheLb.mboaital again, but fortunatoly for constant painsa, diazinestaend shortues me an old lady on the cars, Who noticed ()f breaidi on the sligbt exertion, together my emeei.ated anti vor condition seketi 'm ihclironic rheumatIsM In the heed *'vhal ails yoli, My chilti ?" I told ber ,,,d ovesi. The pain in ber beati wu my trouble and ah@ repliod, "R1efore go.- too acute fo)r words She got no aleop ing to th. hospital egein give Dr. Wil- cither lvy day or nighit, and her egony, îiams' Pink pille a fair trial. I know %4 lip at timos 8() great that if took tvo tbey wilI belp you.", I folloveti ber ad- pepe L,) oid ber in hed. A skilfuli doc- vice, and after taking four boxes the t,rr was called ini but dîd no good. "MY own absolutely etopped. I took the hejeks w,>1111 swil up as lîg as saucera," pille for some ime longer andi my health sald NMrs Stmîti, -My eyés were as red vau fully restared, andi ince then I have as tire and there w" uto gFtting rid of the been bath strong and mtive. I believe lit in tie boad I suflerod aiea from Dr. William's Pink Pille are a bleesing t i sluggîsh lîver and week heart, and st women." eru- v eesîght was go lad %tbet Ob- lrets before me seomed but diîm shadova', tinl there wes nons of MY frIend16 wlio M r. A. C. Fitcbel vuites :-'I take lm- ked for inv restoration 10 healhF.1 this opportunity of thenking you for t.he ýaw an acroutit in a nFwsp)iOr of a enire I1,reat benefit I have reeeîved fu-am Dr. d-inailr 10 Mine tbrough tue utse of Dr. Výiiame' Pinki i 111e in that critmeal Wilaepink pills, and wuy lusband period knowu as the change of life..I nrgeJ mue t try tbem. Beforo '2 boxes had suffered for years from kidney were Ueed the pains 1e98n ta disaPPear1 troubles, and this I suppose vas the li' ff' y magie, and tlie contintied use of cmecmn ftecag.To i he pille for a litû.e more tiean a mnth, omneeto reeag.Te bis Ieft me enpoing as good healîh as vas attacked with spolie of dizzinesa and f-Ver 1 had ini mv life. 1 cunsi der 1)r weaknes, accomuponieti witb pains in-ths Williams' Pink Pilîs a blessing, and as 1, ack wic ould lait for ve e aa kuow there are thouRands of women wbo ie.adfo wicIwoln&gl tsuifer in silence froii troubles havîng the more than an bour or two'e aleep al iasme origin as mine, 1 ami grateful Inight. A frienti vho bail sucoessfally ietié Dr. Williams' Pink Pille in e similai enongbi for what they bave done for mue emergency urgeti me t.o tu-y them ThE t) telnîy story in the hiope that some rom uit wras thai they buougbt me eafel3 suforing sister muay bo simiusr'y belped, tro ngh this cri tical peu-lad, and I air and von bave ui! permission tb publisb aanejyn efc e.tsdtk vbat 1 bave told vou, whîch Btatemienis 'pleasure irn recommendiug Pink Pille Si eau be verifieti by any of my niglibors.- those imilarly situated." Mr@, Frank Murray, vho r-silos near 1 Q)gdenoburi, N Y, says, -1 co 416 yeare liev. Davidi Forbes, missiona-y àa of âe and for niany years resided îîear. Pojier Daie, A.goma, vu-îLes :-"I fée Puesett, 0C~. We movmed over liere that 1 would be remuise in My duty diti1 Borne ime egao and have worii(-d îlîs flot Write to lot you know the vonderfu, feu-m since .M-y bnsbund is vorking ln 1 benefit deu-îved by a yonng lady hersE Ogdenaburg ai bis tuado, that of a sto,n from the use of your Pink Pille. Misi mason, while my children andi mysell Mary Mertin, tbe young lady referu-edt o carry on thlabofum. w as talion ick tivo ye au-ga, and e&U tii -l bave been e great sufferer f rom sick niedicel treetment she undrwent provou heedache, wbîch would génerally coîne of na aveil. Visiting the femily linru; on about ovenin, sund I woulti hoe om cepaeitv as miosioury, I 55w vith 'sor pletely prostarataed, not aven able to1jlift rv that unIes. sometbiug vas doue t4 My heati or help muself in any vay ave rt the progu-esa of heu- troubles, ehý These spolie vould lest for about twenty- would not be long for this world. 8hg tour bours, and vontd leave nie in go0ivas; pale, ainiost blootilesa, andi snbjec veak a condition that for a ew tisys 1 50 ail the distressîug symptome whici coulti soarcelu drag about the houseo. I eccompany aee us ant i -g the vloti.r have aiea lied considerable spinal to an1 eariy grave. 1 urgeti the pae-ou tu-oçble the sharp, deuting taungesof ta Lu-y Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla. The' p'being mast severe, folioving eîong aot.d upon my adice, and I urn rjoico. opine aud ta the back of my ba ti.o say that they have fuily anti entirel, Wvedoctored Snuch, but vithaut __h. restoreti ber healtli, sud in the. ros dosireti resuIt. The dootor told me it cheeketi girl of ta-day you voulti uo£ ru vas due to the appuoaching change of cgieteivido hr ieb li.. 1hoard af Dr. Williams' Pink illPui fore. The yards of beu- gu-auae(n moshe for Pale People, anti aia jter heard of; ta Eme vere these :-' W. have ota the cures tbey hati effectedin i a numaber! yoil.Mu- Forbeo, for reeorrneniling ID of pousona personallu- known tii me, anti Williams' Pink Pilla. They have save ia vas their stories that deoided me taou- d&ugbteu's life andi vo are mor su-y them. I goS some of the pibs,,aud grateful tben ve enu say, sud freolu- gi-v afteu I bWt taken e fev boxes I hati no yon permission ta senti thia teetimoniaý mou-e heedeches for saveral mouths. ThisLni the hope that soine one in similar cih etiuler my heail bogan ta have a heavy oumestauces mey-be benefite.'" feeling, and ti times 1 vas quite drovsy, but no peins eccom1panieti iL. 11nov bave mou-e pille andtithougb I've 'taken. Dr. Williams' Piuk Pilla are oiti oui ouly e fevý I beel weil eagein. 1 don't in boxes beauing the firr's trede mar tbiuk eny peuson coulti stand it a great au2d vu-ppo, (puinteti in red i ik). Beà while ta b. tu-ubleti eê I vas anti stand 1in mid Skiat Dr. Williams' IPink Milaai the amaunt af pain. 1 knov that Pin& neveu- sold inl bulk or by thie dozonc Pille are a gooti modicine anti flly vhs: hundreil, anti eny dealer who ofors -ou they eu-e reproenstti tao . 1 bave re- stiSutos ln tibia fou-m is trying te çlefrau tommeuded thom ta sanie of niy frientis uou sud aulti be avoideti. -Th. "pubi wùuh beneficiel roîts. Oh, my, yes 1 are aise cautionoti agslna l al othor o Th.y -have doue Wondeu-s fou- me.' I do caileti blood builders sud serve taul aljny ovn bausowou-k on the fau-m. We Put up 11n siîlar fou-m lutondedt i have a tiairy of tivelve oowe, anti often ceive. They au-e .11 imitations vhoi wbop the boy.su-eveu-y busu- gottibgin u makors hope ta reap e peouniary etivai leeuoaI havoe milked ail the cove Sage l froinithe wndeu-fui - piia&i atone." schieveti bu Dr. Williams' Pi* e9Pu Ask youu- dealer loy tîhem. une.. H. MoMilan, South Fineh, Thmee ille are manufedtureC aI ORS, ~a *:-'or ovei yeu- I asDr Wi'tiam'e Mediine Oow*a, suol, affi e~wth ubat us genera»ly termeut ville, *Ontario, sudBob ê&sI d N. I fenuale v~~~enu, and wves fou- veeke uût.Iand 5im solt I nlmbosb.uogS lei.sq tsar: ry b.d. At times my u-aS-ilmakadv-ppea 8 Skail hog i ba I I as gaina mga osentsa box, or di »1«.boxes ot ýpéiq I" do b O 6,mby mailo ou eee fpries. tuowtgmn, and I vas torzhbly eo teti D r. Williams' PlnbýPil# my Ie. b My hoad gave* me groat trouble0, at tof eailtugets or dit.OedluY pl -" #,an thepain Wsu -e~iSItouO r Wlim'Méudfip *t ood feSm ~mtu.I .dtu-ed sitAusu-addrou. T»"- 09 à#-= Ufl ap mùedoinos vihout mipsl,; sud, b- pillare au-s atâm~- s Suy hDr.SWpIleIin*aQ*P n TA L K FOI? PUBL ICA T/ON.1 y ed. Coun. Hayward said even that teRf ýd wa a bad sbowing. If we have. got in noon ta [the habit of neglecting ta collect our tilDe it1 Vtaxes it is time we changed aur me- would be ethods. The mayor said that is yery but it wa r practical talk, and lie hoped Coun. k Hayward or someone else would take r the matter in band andi introduce a bet- d ter methoti. At the same time we are re not supposedti t have any money on 'e handi at the first of the year, andi would 1probably have ta borrow the same r- amount under any circumstances. The reeve saiti that.- until the town's debt are pasi he feareti we could flot pi u as time ini the collection of taxes.Coun. ý k Jackson asked why the foi-m of ne h 1 k ith by-law did nfot contain the name of rthe bank from which we are ta borros CW r the money. The reeve said tho conaty t b. couuicil passes a by-law in blank fo-m. la The nmayor saiti the fou-m of the note à - âq the same as urss used lait year. The 60 by-law passeti its varions r"adh'_ ian M, was signeti and -sealed. 1 Coun. Hayward moved for Power for n P-O 'the printing cotmmittee-tô oecive_d aun lmé Sacqçpt tenders for printing.-C id The bonds -of the tu eàssuer and cl.4~ lector were laid, onthe-table for inapec- doen. k. ou. Bwel uedthat bis ib4ait ta appoaiqnt au 1 a888r tnvI ê ~ i~jekS utU ho ~ and u tions ta omS e committees ba* itu4,. ojointoetgo 4 wn DOffiCéký th con hncldothen j .5 Il iYiet Some Suifer in Silence Met Monday night. A letter wus read frooethe Maitin Manufacturing Company showing $1- 831.60o in wages had been paid during 1896. The average number of bands employed was 30. Coun. Smith read the irst report of the streets comrnittee recomnmending paymnent of accounts as follows: John McCarl, labor, $1 3.z3; Jno Bravener, teanling, $i i; Wm Ashby, labor, $2.50; Sam Hughes, labor, $1.88; Jno Rogers, labor, 84.39; Thos Proctor, labor. 85.31; B Barrett, labor, $232; Wm. Newport, teaming, $i.5o; Ben Hawes, shovelling snow, $ 1.35. The commit- tee asked for power to take tenders for 5 toise of stone. Ini committee the mayor stated that the items for cleaning the tannery drain were incurred an the responsi- bility of the mayor and reeve, it being necessary ta have the work done at m once before the counicil could appoint its committecs. He hoped the streets committee would now look after the drain and keep it clear in future. He believes flushing the drain with the fire engine would suffice ta keep it clear. Coun. Smith said the town is indebted to the mayor for the prompt measures he took in the matter, and as the work was filthy Fie thinks $1.25 per day was not out oi the way. He said there would be 5 cords of stone broken at Starrs hilli 1 on Brock street north, and 40 cords ta macadamize Broclê street south from the railway bridge north to the stone culvert near Mr. Howell's. For the centre of the town broken stone can be had at the jail. In the west part gravel can be had out of Lyndes creek. In the extreme south lake shore grave] may be used . Coun Blow said it would take about $200 ta repair Brock street fromn the bay north ta the culvert mentioned above. The reeve said he had learned f rom Mr. Galbraith that gravel could be bought from stone hookers at abou 25 cents per yard. Coun. Smith said the bridge on Brock street at the bay Retore will probably require rebuilding. Coun almost Jackson said if lake shore gravel can ciau&-cS be had at a low price at the bay tterlal cheaper than broken stone for Brock Wocid's1 street south. Coun. Blow -zaid the restored1 ter Who I harbor companiv charges by the ton for ~b anything coming over the docks. Prk Coun Smith said that the town could Os get lake shore gravel laid on the street for about 35 cents per yard, which is cheaper than buying it at 25 cents per Wood-*& yard and then paying for the hauling. lç-qmý In that way we pay no harbor dues nor anything for the gravel. The best way Sol ta buy gravel is ta have it laid on the street at sa much per yard. Then you- know what it will cost before you agree to take it. The report was adopted. * Coun. Noble read a report from the *cammittee on reli1ef ordering payments *as follows:- W Hl Warner, coal ta i n- digents $1052; Jno Blow; coal forr in- F Sdigents. $5.75. The report passed. 1 In discussing the report it turned a ut that the town has no contract, and that while W H Warner charged $5.25 aper ton John Blow charged $5.75. e ýt Coun. Jackson said the matter of coal lati t contracts shauld belong ta the fire and tEx] y~ water COMMitree ta look after, and anc x that there should be a contract. Coun snme time a£ro and ail tenders were for__ WoodS rnoâpbolneo-Tkhe Greal EsgliM R d Inuth. reuhi of over M5 years «nrest toussad of mmseswfth anl knavu drugs, untflst Ist we have dlsooversd the ira. remedy and tru"ient--a combtnation that vii effeot a prompt and permanent cureIna aH stages of &zxsai Deffly. Âhmoe or Eseesse, N..rva.s Weaase, .Eiaieio, Mozl.) Wcrry, FLrcssswe Use of 0>4).,, Tobacc.,, or .AlkooIkS*hwamlasis anl of ,whlch soon lee.d to Insanlty, Consomption snd an ea4d' pave. Wood'a Tkg.Phosphodins hasbeea used sucoeafuiy bu- hundreds of cases tbat boenmed iopeleàss-cases tat had been tresued bu- the maost talented physt- - '-- -- mme that vere on the verge of despair and insanity-cases t.h"t w e re~ o ver the grave-but with the continued ami persevering Use of Phosphodine, these casesthaS had been given Up to di%, were IU E 1.0o manlu- vigor snd heelth-Reaeryou need Dot despair-no mat- ,ha. given you up as lncur&ble-.te remedy laIDo-ow ithin yourW ce, one package, SI; six packages, $5; bu mail free of postage. e wtl kue trjrarsee t ur*Pamphfl t e a5 ny eddreM ..P The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont., canada.. IW Rim Phosphodln. ls aold by responspie wbolesale sd retal drntrifs alu th Domlaioh. le Agent at Whitby, M. W. Collins. Honestly made of pure Rnbber. Thin, Light, Modelled each Durable. =T ta fit ail the :tra thick bail Sold everywhem. They Wear 1 lionIm. 1>KILI* nan ?erryman, at D. M. Mc- livery stable, vas kicketi by a iTuesday morning and severe- >d. He bail ta be carrieti home, Hugb l'ex the third son of the late John id at Toronto an Sunday. Lmonth ago he bad utiergone ation fou- appendicitis and he ,covered from its exbausting cf- The body vas bronght to Ouil- Monday,, andi interment took. i Tuesday. Hugh was a very y'oung fellov, andi was very among his high school felbow autkbol Î. H. Cook wgs nominateti et onn conveition yesterday afteu- contest East Simcoe, At one looketi as if Mu-. Beick's name esubmitted ta ýthe convention.4 us not.-New-Letter. Cufl r S fSltce Làeit Hip Aff!n4-8uepooted Kidosu- Trouble -Relisve sud Por fetly Ou-ad bu- Dadd'm Kmdney PlUs. Toronto j unetion. Ian. 18 (tlpeoial-BD. R. Pisyter. sn ont a difficuit man ta Sund as avery- body heu-eknows thai be iu forems» eit No. 1 Iru- e nU.fe vas 5e picture of buli wbeo oslied upoe bu-yaur correspondent sud tbld bias tou-y shu.- '«In April 18M I suferoed f tom e severe at. teck o c mafeetogmu- bit hp aad the legto I aupooted it Camne fromsomef«m f kiueytrouble s»d me lhey mad bera r.'oonsended I-procured e boz of Dodd's Kidoy Pilis." A&t tlieeedoftbe fourtb dayl1wus etirely - mfeieved but dWslringa pernent cure 1 con- boune toamuseIat sd anotber box sud am aie à cdnealiavia NsOrud but beau cured by DPaSSe Khuy 1>111. Tii. Qobe IAgWum bu labeu pfroe- une ltai cf Kother Gravas WoM zwExer- minator yul ecnuino.jon that it lies o»-«a as àvorm meficine. Buy e botteà, sai ait it dm D ot ploase u. Mr Jaes Hodgo, cf ERmiItou, ahoot Mm- celf ded Mthest»W»aattb.City hall. "1 hae eiht muGsr <eve.y orn lugoo but ii *d....,' e W. have th. Finest 8Bobo- tion in town of Ihose BEAUTIFUL AMERIOAN WA LL PA PER8, Borders to Match LowEST Com. early and getfirsi hol. P. B. WARAM., Bryu-yn' old Stand, Brook St., Whitbl DOMI1NION 'BANK. Capit&l Paid up, - $1,500,000 Surplus,- - $1,500000 Wbhitby Agencye General Transacted. SÂVINGS DiPÂBI'MT. Ittouest alloved shigb.st ourrent rat«. Nouotto. of vithd.raval r.qutr.d mange FAIRBANK'S Real Estate Colum n. VFOR SALE.-A nice stMru and a haif bouse wici 2-5 of an acre of land, corner aof Dundas and Garden streets, Whitby, w"ti fine lot of choice fruit trees, good stable, well and cistern. Ail in firet class order. WiU be sold cheap. Small Prame House and *Lot corner of John and Byron streets, Wbitby, WUI be sold very cheap. Fairbank's real est ate column LO TS-To be sold, lots 324 and 258, north ward. ROUGH CAST HOUSE-On Asb street, north ward, will be sold cbeap. FOR SALE. Cheap. A fine two stary brick honaie, with brick stables. Situated on Byrorn Bt.. Wbitby, the finest residential streethi tii. townf, vithin three minutes walk of tbe post office. There are three lots of laad*ith au entrance on two streets. Houmse- 4o perfect repair. For particulars apply ýtO L. FAIRBANKS, Real Estate Agent,WhitbY, Ont.- Apply ta L. FAIRBAeKS, Oct. 28, 189&. Anctioneer, Whitby. VIMd, yf(>fOR, and Y!TA&~ITY RESTOFRED GOJP EFFEOT AT ONCE. CJATON'S VITALMIEB Curezs eneliorsop""ial 4blIty. w"Okel- ne", sa."ma1 rh«..a eist us, - 10507, 4sals,..correctse fmeuâ.a 0 UIIS ase yeu-ionor 0»0»81s1, mer eahsaspreaild. onvdeu pas. simple,sf u Md nSlelU1e. Doa' b. déel.vd by tutlUon. L a oin dmm noba fit , cw# foi1 oUI.. Inf*ormtps. t fe. %s Hu1 4CIGARETTES Co, i il h&rgi. cor (e )OD, ETC :-: PRICESO OLD Banking Business 1 E R . nds. vluag. an b [w n des C. W i b iCou- ,îh.d. nssi on do yoia Srs al T> N- t. ROCHESTER, N. Y. Retail Everywhere bO. Per Package. 17 First *IPrize Medals. W.S.Kimbali --------------------------------------- GOLD s. <e I :1 ~1~ i j I -ýt -ýl ý 1 bo W, ÀÀ

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