Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 22 Jan 1897, p. 5

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Thanka his many ouatoen- ers for their appe 1tv words and practical Support ' during the year that i. pas:. In 1897 no effort wWl bîî relazed to inake bis stock of Watches and Jewelry thoroughly attractive. The ta8te, the quality and the price Bhall merit a con- tinuance and au extension1 of the patronage 80 liberal- Iy bestowed heretofore. May 1897 prove a ProsporouIs vins of aay loosà papem C&asais 4FRIDAY, JAN. 22, 1897. LOCAL LaAONIoe. I L'utCfl, 'ont buy a siove until you "tflake NMçintvre. Milss Florence [)artiieil leI on Wednesday to spend as mo-nth vîihGuelphi frieuda. mr T Il Greenwood, BA., bas been ap- pointed a Fellow ot the Iinpemial Inttuie, i ondon, 1.ng. Ladies' jackets reduced ta bs su anhaîf pr ce, for i day only, your choice for 83-98, AI ,iW (, %Wallers' I>ud. Allowsy is to spend six usoutha in Toi onto iail for hiting tht man ai Highland Cree k with a boule of vhîskey. M ss Sarah GriffBn, for yeara 0f the Wood- ruft Louse, aud NMm Rolit. Gormle>', Picker ig were rnarried on Wednesdmy. R,-mnants o( dress goods, flanueletes, sirting, îowelînKs, etc., ai hall price, on '-,,Atirdav, hargain day, Jan 24rd, ai W G U. )VW., Mondav eveningJan 25th à% full aitendarîce is earneaîly requested. as niatiers of grrat importance wl corne ho- li-re the meeting. Brother! you are per- -.onalIy înterested, ha preseot. Mr and Mlrs Wm Morcombe, base fine, Pickerng, celebrated tb,±îr china vedding -nr àlonday nîghi About ico relatives and rî-nds weme there, and united in preseoting the' happy 1pair two easy chairs and a hesuti- 'ul hangîng lamp A vtry complimentar>' alidress was read, A mosi agreeshie social f,-vt.nng was sluent. Apprentîce Wanted (Yro leamn the prilîîng business. Apply mi (th usoffice.Cnet lurns' anniversary viii b. ceiebrated on Friday evenîng 2q9th inlt, bv a - Smioker " in the music hall. A good nighi's fun tuay be looked for. Mi Drydeu's Meeding To-aigbt We would agait cali ai entbon ta Hon. lohn I)vuens meetiniz. uhich i iii haheld ,the mrusic hall to nit. Tht reports afi the bon. gentemnans peec et cisewhere throughout the mdng show tien, to be non- pariizan, and mo-st pacicai. Sucb e,xtraa tîamlamentarv duties shouid b@ performedt t,%i evemy merm ber, as nothing else so stmong- g Itends 10 educate people in their aflaire. N ew Express Offices sud Cheap Tickets. The Canadian Express Co. nov carry ex-t mress pamceis and other treigit ta and train îhe folowing places: Kelsa, R C, Neluon, P. C, Rossland, B C. V'ictoria, B C. Waneta, P C. Brandon, Man, Emnerson, Man, Morris, Man, Portage La Prairie, Man, Winnipeg. Man, New Whatcom, Washington 'Ter., Northpomt, Waàh, Sumas. Wash. Alec see E. Stevensen, Whuîliy, for cbeapt tickrets for Eagland. Scoiiand, Irclaod, Brit-1 i-i Columbia, Manitoba, Califoriia. ail Utnited States and Canadian points, mn>'- vieme, everywiere, b>' hoai, rail or ocean. Rates guaranteed right. Througli ticketsc rom Picirering, Tomanto, Mytile, Brooklu and Whitby. Write ci sec Stevenson. Wiithv. befome travelling. and get choice of ten best ocean and sfteamship lines. A Grand Succesa. Tic first of tic Bachelors' balla for tise fý*ier tookplace- on Thumsday nigisi 1mai, ,* vaswont of tht hast assemblies cirer held in the music hall. There vert fuli> 30= preseni, 2S0 of wiom vert dancing. Tht miusic cf tie Glionns-Marcicanovas ecel- lent. Tht gallery vas filed viii apcitators, moosti> ail la response ta invitattions. TIse lady patronesses vert Mrs. Warren, Mrs. <3e-o. A. Rosa, Mme. O'Donovan, Mrs. Dart- neil and Mrs. Annes. Mr. W. J. H. Rich- ardson vas serttary, and Ashur>', Christian, Alfin and McKay commitîce. Eveny detail cas carad ouita perfection. It eould he difficult ta make oui a correct lisu of those prescrit, but we give the foloving, tIse beat ce could secure: Whitby-Miss Greenvoed, Mims Dartueli, Mn A and tht Misses Allun, Mr Ashur>', Mn E D Warren, MisP Bryao, Mr R R Bloc, Mr F W Biiioga.Mr sud Mra i H Dovite> Mn Dent, Mn Doywnev, jr, Mn jF H, Mrs andi Miss Ar, nes, Miss Cot, Mr A 0 Chnusntin, Mfr Cani--eli,. Miss R Camidge, Mr A Ha>'- ward, Mn. Mmesudàis Heuderson, Krs aud tht Misses Haich, Mn Prank Hatch, Mns Fred Haici, Mies Hubband, Mesar Sain, lot and Theo King, Mr A Mecbray, Misa Martin, Mr John McKay, tIse Misses Mac- deunieli, Mn Thea McGillivray, Mr, Mm-sasd. tue Misses Onmisian, Col sud Mns O'Do- -tep, Mn C - 3Peplen, Mn sud Mrs Paxton, Ut Will and Misâ Panny Richai-deos, Mi ehlillen, thse Isses Smith, Miss MTlssP- mou, Mn and Mn Waugh, Dr,.Kra snd the IiIaffs Warren and Dr Wightman. Pott ~er-Mr P M and Misa Yarnold, Mr and Vn. Huteblson, Idine Sanjpter, Dr sud Mm. M el wMessrs Eerb sud Doulas Matas,ý MnMn . aParnisb sud Mn C R AlUnesL Oiba*Mbsa olg, Misa Joeâ, mMIM. - burAs isses MackeyMn sud Kra P Cousui, Miss Pedian, Mn W Parewefl Dr, eos, thse Misses Trecin, Miss Luke, is.» So4*, -Miss Hanson ilr Babbit, Mr Octus Mn sMd Xmnd,, Ï LinA Willismsd M;. Quiet-sU. ewmanvile-MissDelh, ia )IcLuh Miss W oacombe. n Oy UrB Kent, Mr Al=.Wulatus Mn Hepad Melipnr>', Mr CBli.Ms isI*Yuled As the twi5BiF,*ltrto fr a ie su Wbtb7 wiii bold their semI-aùnual district division la ot 'P "- .On PridaY Jaun ad. A large number o0'eletesai4expected. A con- bert.wiii ba givealtJi t ovuhall the saine evenlng by the megubers of the order. Who Waat a ba gaine The Cosmopolitan laonue of the best of tbe llivmtates mageaines, and unili a year ago1 vau eoid for $3 pet annuin. We halve made1 aua arrangement ,by which we ciii seliit and the CUR Oic Efor si go. Saap u Tip. For 50cents: The CHRONICL sud Week-f Iy Globe 3> montha, and large 2EX28 pîcture of Mr. Lsurler's ministers ln 3 colora. The pîcture alone la worth a dolIar. belug takren (romn special, photographa. To yearly sub- acibers to the Weekly Globe and CH RoN. ICLE va viii add the picture at a subacrip-1 tion prIce of $1.50. Pire et Colleglats- On Tbursday morning the colleglate iu- stitute had a close ahave from, going up in amnoke. Mr. Baker had started a fire in the hall stove at the ula hour, sud after per- for'ning hia other tdutiezs Id the coileglate for Henry St school. He reurned in about twent7 minutes to find fiames and amoke la- aulng (ro>m behlnd the zinc whicli proected the wali behlnd the stove. It dld not take him long to remove the zinc, when a few palla of water soon reduced the hlaies. The fire was vorlng !ts vsy directly under the1 stalrway and in a feu minutas longer wouid bave Igone beyond reach and control. A space in te vail six feet by four la badly vrecked. Insurance Agent Burns vas promptly on the spot, aud after examining the amount of damtage sent carpeutera on to maire the ueceasary repaira Tua Tsars la Peuitentlary. Geo. Fitchett, of Uxbrldge township, who wras cbarged wlth burninc the barn of his neighbor Stewart wbils thie latter vas down here as juryman at the December coturt, vas senencd o M -d_ by His Honor Judge DartneU to serve tvo, yaars ln Kingston paultentlary. Fltchett la not generally cred- ied wlîh beluK aIl there, but he knew euough and vas mean enougi ta g ive the naine or one Innocent mn as his confederate. The latter vas trled, and by good fortune acquit- ted. Before being senîenced -on Mondey Ficheftimade another statenient te the ef- tect ihai l vas one York, a name long con- îîected euth onr county criminai records, who asslsted to commit the robbery and ln burnlng the barn. Flîchet ays that York threatened dire cousequence if the former told on hlm. He suggested to Ficheit to accuse the innocent man, and let hlm suffer for the oiher's crime. If it can nov be shovu that Fitchet'a latest atory ia true, York should not only be sent down the fut) tomt of the law for robberv and haro -hur- ing, but should alse he salîed to the (uest crient for conapiracy to convict an innocent ia nsusd have penalties inflictcd upon him. Hockey Notes Oshawa vas beaten at Port Hope on Tues-1 day b>' a score cf 16 ta i. Cobourg pla" a er. oeil Monday night. Game caidat8p .m. Admission xoc. The Whlîby hockey teamn received (h- beat ofinreaiment botb on and oht the nbnk ai Port Hope lest Frlda>'. Mr Chas Snov, Parkdale, an aid Whitby boy, bas been elected manager ofithe Grand National hockey teint. The combinaicu of the Junior forvards vas toc mucli for Bowmanvlle, altbougb the>' alec madc soine brilliani rushes. Mr Douglas Rager,,un old Whitby boy, occtrpled the position of goal tender cf the Port Hope club, sud "filicd" the goal udtl. Mr E D Warren, of Whiiby, pres. ai the hockey club, acccmpanied bis "«pets" ta Porl Hope ta see the gaine.-Port Hope Guide. The Second home gamin uthe leagrue serles viii ha played ou Monday nieht. Ce- bourg lias a siong îcmm sund ne deuhi viii give cur boys s fast gaine. Those uho Iniend playing hockey this sea- sch should give in iheir naines ta the secre- tam>' or manager b>' Frida>' uighi sud pro- cure thelr tickets, as the playeme viii ha cl&a-- sified and time for playlng amrauged on that nighi. The boni cf order vas maiuiaioed au the rink ou Tucsday eveulng tast and prompt measures cli ho taken agmbnsi au>' offend- ers ubo attenipita amise a racket ea a o f the gaines yet te ho piayed. In ail league gaines the. home team Is responsibla for the order marnalucd, and If the>' canuci or do ot do their duty the ganre goes te the visit- ers. If auy diUicnltY arise betucen tee ln- dividual plavers the reete li iPOuemed te seit an#$ he dotenet require the assis- ance of mn>' of the spectators.There are ai- emys seven playere of each aide on the-. nk sud that umnber La sufficletly large vheu auy dîfficuli>' arises, Hockey The Wbltby club visited Port Hope on Fnldmy nighite opley their second gaineIn, the Mland assocation Our boys fouud the. Port Hepera as Swift in hockey as-lu le- crosse,aud quite a* god delos inievtry vay. The gaine vas oue-sded lu -the score, belug 6 te i agaInst Whitby, snd did not prove as interesttig te the sPoctatOrs 49 la usuail>' tie case, ovlng te the vaut of ight, uhbch prevente icokers-on.fi feikeeplng îrak edtq pick - The lWbltby boys vere ut- considenable disadvantage, haviffg neyer played lu an>' but a vol1 lighted rieik, sud e proteat bas been scmt la weuh ibmvient .o havlng tihe gaine playe over bu a botter ligbued place. Toveards the. endof tie gaine when Or boys goa ittule oaed te the atate Of affaire tbmey gave Port Hope a bot tisse, but tse latter bad 2goAiS 100009ght -msdPlayed The. Wbhtby te«S>lleed upa tILi0e5 WSâ Robi Sievai; Pestt J>io Iai .pit Robt DIrreli; forwrnds, Gen, Barest ?Chss: Sîltb, L Pquet, GeÃ" Thoü oaiOl>rt C=eGO, eou point, Resd eple, jitMilan;wonards, W Mcumi5, ci man, lisydea, CrewhsTt.- to.dmesurebt t îathse Wblt' byte fauons JOÈ»0 -iot bo>1 *W been heate .Teviiîtef WaepriIt out for salr, % y~p~tewlka thse firsiminut*O tli. t. oeluutesw*owed t~.~%P.~ iu titis rut- .wtSl> -ce*i go9ai, *blçb - WgsOtb1w ýw v er bebld4 camé tged __ B!argalun day sale of ladîi Our Great 'Anual -Wint>er Sale urdar, Jan *rrd 'your choce fr $3.98 -,sSm themn, St W G3 Walters'. Dr. D. Albert Rose, Torouto, Mr. and >f~ >Iî4c% ci, r. Herbert snd Mr. Doug- las daài, NrPerry, weî-e guesia of Mrs. Aunes for the bail. The Gazette flnds fault because the CHRONicLE does not do homnage te Reeve Pningle, but ht takes came ihat aIl ih anys in bis favor la mnere pretence and flot vords. The South Ontario Sabbaih achool asso- ciation convention in Erakine cliurch, Clare- mont. on Wednesday and Tburaday, Jan. 27th and 28tb. There willi ha five sessions held ln ail, tua on Thureday sud three on Fiday. Constable James Harwood, Cannington, vas here yesterday te answer a charge of bavlng releaaed a prisoner whist in lits keep- ing. Last Augusi Jna. Noti, J.P., Port Perr, îelegraphed Harwood, ta arreat jas. Birney, who »vas charged with criminal as- saa'lt Through sorte mens a reportgo around tuat Harwood had let Blmney go ater arrest, and liad afterwards re-arrested hlm. Tlie case vas heard befome Hia Honor Judge Dartneil yesterday allernoon and Harwood acquiîîed. If s constable vere to release a prisoner from his charge lie would ha lield for thie same crime as thie prisoner. Houa Tht,. 51.5o for picture ot Mr. Laurier's cabinet, 2tX28 inches in .3 colora, Witb the CERoN- ICLE and Weekly Globe to Jan. it 8qS. The picture la the finest of the kind ever produced in Canada. May be seen at the CHRONICLE office. A Blg Shipinut Of huots and shoes amrivcd ai the West Side Boot and Shoc store ibis week. which viii ha sold ai bard time prices. ioc pairs of bouse slippers at qc. per pr. ioo pairs of buttoned boots ai si per p r. Mensa gaiers ai $i per pr. Men's laced boots ai $i to 6$5. Bo)ys' school boots ai 5oc. per Ipr., at the West Side Boot and Shoe store. Burua Nicht. The Highland Club in response to an a]- most universai desire lias decided to give anather cf their famous smoking concerts in celebration of the anniversarv of the Poet Burns an Friday evening 28th inat. AiU kinds of games and amusements wili ha pro- vided as velI as good singing, recitlng, apeakiug, dancing and instrumental music. Alec Cutty pipasl and tobaccy. Admission 15 cia. Colleglata Notas. Mr. Jones' address at the meeting of the collegiate Institute literairy society last Fni- day afternoon on" German Fairy Tales " was most inîeresting and instructive. Short histories were given of the dvarfs, fainies and elves, interspersed vîth stories Illus- trative of the heliefs respecting these spirits. Miss Sadie McCarthy read very-creditahly .The Seven Sîtepers ai Ephesus," as did also Miss Florence Greenwood "Trouble In the omen corner." A vocal soro vas given by Miss B Tamblyn. Mr. A. H. Adams read translations of Germnan atores. Mr. Ilenry Madili acted as chairman- Insurance Promptly paid. The laie J. W. Palmner, hailif, died on Jan 4tli, and on Jan x9îh. exactly iwo weekas, Mr. G Y. Smith, on behaif of the Canadiart Order of Home Circie, handed Mra. Palmer wife of the deceased, a cheque for $3.000 in full of the late Mr. Paýmer's insurance in thar order. The visdom of the deceased in carrying ths mik. and the prompinesa and h-)nesty ofithe Order in paying it piomptly need flot be fumiber commented upon ; but taken altogether the cbrcumstance should udd thousands to the ranks of tht Home Circle îhroughouî the couîntry. People have noc ides how easy it is ta protect iheir ramuil- les againat unexpected death and couse- quent usai. Onr Pouitry Breeders Ahead. Messrs Thos. Rice and Frank C. Hart. Whiiby's ieading pouitry breedçrs. visited t big Ontario pouliz->'show at Guelph ibis veek, uhere th ousands ai chicks put an tIseïm besi appeaance. Mn. Rice s wept everything in hie class, taking fini for single comb vwhite leghorns, firai and second for sanse class of heu, Bfrai and second for single comb whiteockerel, finet sud second for single comb white puliet. Birsanad sec- ond for single comb brao cock, fit-st sud second for siuçle comb broun hen, Birai and second for stngle ccusb brovu cockerel, fit-st and third for single comb brao pullet. firat for Plymnouth Rock vIsite cock, fit-st and second for vIsite hen, finit, second sud third for vIsite cockenel, finit and second for white pulet and epecial for higheat seat-en in tht Keditet-nanean clas. Mn. P. C. Hax-e îook third for black spanish cock, and fini fan black cockenel sud black pullet.. Afer 3 Weeks hiaumber The utter ignomîng afi us tweuiy coluton poiicy ai tht municical 'elections knocked our icen coterm. oui, put ht asleep, as tht pugiliste say. It neyer voke up again uni lastFriae>, ehen ht came forth euth a hur- rah hecause Coun. Beveli gave notice cf a mnotion te have amalgamnation cf tie tovo offices considcred. "Behold the triumph of our policy ?" the Gazette sya. "Aller drcadful labor te bave produced a goat !I' It might bave said, onl>' uhai even this vould not be true, for it neyer advocated amalga- mation until a feu vetks mgo, ehile ce have been talking bu up for years. Every pramincut memben cf the teun coouncil fer eight yeama viii back ns bu siaîing ihat bath puhlicty and privaiel>' ce have been hain- îerng ses>' at hlm on'ibi topie. We might furthtr sa> for thse information of the Gazette aud others ihat vo haveUie and again seen amalgamation furtiter advanced thait lu ha nov, and saUlx>nothiug came cf Ih; se or cotein. had better ont try te faLther the. child util there is one to adopi, TIse Crosse-JacmStabbbug A2kay. Thse evidente et Friday's sittiug lu tuis neetter Milbe found on another page, and "14uid beead before ibis la. On Wedues. -da> of thls eeek P. M. Harper heid a seçond sittlug. - Evideuce wua akeu fromr lames Worfoik,. barber, <lassei) Paquet -barbser, A. M. Gvilpin. Javeler, John Stauton, printer, sund T. G. ackson, brother of the compisît- .,e.Aberiacmu Worfk suad Paquet told much thte saise stor>' asthe. cîber ÃŽvit- itseprobebi>' more fàvorabie to Gurosou on. ortue points. Gilpin and Stauton kueW very-.Uttle ibouttbe, inater, and T. G."Jack- , no diecbbued te give evidemm monyu>' W, a wbih bFa likèl>' te 'affect hlm ebea bis charge of asseutlilng Gros. bas to beansu*red,. M. j wore tIsaiý bis. brother pusbed bbbar.wiy, froïnt Gons &Graugers 4oor, sud ibat he - vetreatutdte thse o9tsIde of Ïsenldews]k,, and rothers dilie spectators uapearýo<ucucd e i& brother occupled -et ttiûe oi. hi fac iiut,-port dde sec Usqçuungdoue. Tz u a )ed thse cas, f« the- k.tu*wn. and b. fec w lspt i o Dow s G iMê inditi 0410 me-iudpoasblyeol t uopo~qi,~l eiso 11st; bebug C.%Ommvcms- TO'-DÂ'Y". Reliable goods a.t positive Bargains have been the attractive features of this annual event, and th&. succese which we have attained in> the past is directly due to our VERY LOW PIBICE8. This great sale will present the best bargain chances of the entire season. We itemize beiow only a fow special balgaina as samplea; 100 Ladies' Cloth Jacketis, biache aud colore, viilb. closed out (for your choia.) at the abaurd price of $2.00. Ail our MILLINERY viii b. cleared eut ai cost snd undear. Bee our $300 Bats for $1.75.C Ra &%m& j AUl our Ladies' UNDERCLOTHLNG the very best g oda at very lowest prices. See our Maies, Vesta ai 250., ,worth 50c. Dresa Gooda, Remuants in Dru Goode, Fianuels, Prints, Sateent, Linons, etc., ail to b. oieared ont at vory close pricea.- W. have the bout and oheapest Unes. Goods in town..# If yen waut a Mice PLAID BLOUS8E or DRESS be sure to see ours. See Our Plaideatai25o and 50c. Fane> Biouse 1vu wOu- e2.uu nmats5for $1U.00.Ifilks ai 250, 500 and 85c- BARGAI N Nov is the time te get a SUIT or a OVERCOAT made to erder. ur pricessud styles are right. Be sure W calian su ee our gooda. No eue osu boas ont pricea. Gents S, SOOKS, SIRiTS, UNq- DERCLOTHLING, etc. at righi priae.. Ail goods marked st Lowut CASE PRIOE8. WI T3Y SALE 0F R E M N ANTS IIAL~' Saturday, FRICE 1897. We will offer Remnants from our different departments on urday, Jan. 23, only, at one Haif Regular Price. REMNANTS COTTONS, LINENS, DRESS GOODS, RIBBONS, LACES, SILK89 FLANNELS, TOWELLIN089 SUITS, JACKETS, MNANTLE OLOTESI SÂWLS, FRILLINGS, BRAIDS, SHEETING8, DR.ESS TRIMIIINGS,. ETC. TIES, MUFFS, GAUNTLETB, ODD ULSTERS, OVERCOATS, HlATS, TABLE COVERS,j DRESS LENGTHS FUR COLLÂRS, LACE CURTAINS, MT. Sat- i j ~ PI i i i j] 'i -I 2 FRIOE. Don't fail to attend this Bar gain Da-y Sale. Corn ear4p, w The Pruldent Housewlfoe will serve lier New Year's caflrs wilih a onp of our Special Blond Pure 'Java and Mocha Coffee, and thuis obtain the maximum quality st minimum 008t,, 137n81& ground wI&i le yoù~ waite se8-lots$ PER Leooo M . c.- IAuctlon 8aIe AUCrIONt SAL E 0(valu"blafartapi Under and by imite eft tee .ocer ceiftelnoil in mcertain, registerd mm wblcb clU bo«producqaet tbe tins.ý snd %p»n wblc",eauutin yu Imade, ibee cUl b. 'for-u auctboetstibe Ryal uoelutbçpe-t Wblîttu îb.coninty.fnsnoo da*.- teiday ot-Jeuu zy,.2 teeve'leck op,.the fllelg-vl wacresCmlotflotber"agi i>' aud Mir. la n SQ e,,- Il 04 DAY Jan& 23rd, Go WALTERS.

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