Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 22 Jan 1897, p. 3

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f y L -ý.ý ourketon dCirîion T.vs4u Hampton MOnday wIL Rinng Stir vlalte Tyroe lutweek and reporta goo4 time. Misé Jennie Ward hau returned f rotn Toronto. Rev. E. E. Howard is conducting revival serviees at Zion. Mrs. G. Oliver, who fr ctured a limb last fat], is improvingj fuîcely and wil soon bc able to move around with a crutch. Mr. R. Avery bas discarded bis crutch and is now movingaround with- out any extra aid. jMr. F. L. Ellis was appointed town- s.hip auditor on the i ith inat. Mr. Wrn. Elford. Carman, Man., is visiting his mother in this village. He talks of takîng two or three good teams of horses back when he returns. Mr. T. J. Clar-ke, blacksmith. and MIr. Edward Hlastings, punmp maker. are among the busîcst men in the village. %Ir. A. Thompson returned fromi $ lakota recently, after an absence ut several months. Jas. Bradley. Fsq ,bai the n! ract ()ft drawing wood lor t he t hcese ttR tory. A meeting of the farmers institute at Sut ina next Saturday, prominent spcak ire expected. Sleighing would bc very acceptable l)rovers are bu\ing iii) all the h(-)g, in thîs local itv. Mr. A. Tavlcrirs working up a beed ring in this vicîflîtv. Mr. Wesley Johns and Mrs. Wmn. Irayor have returnied tw Manitoba. M r. joseph Il. Devaney, represent- ng the well-known firm uof Ebv. Ilain Ç o. called on our merchants on Thursday. NI r. l)e%,ancv is very popu- lar n our bur.. Mrs. aspion, -Brooks .nt held la a very remarkable rsxedy, both tlm IN- TERNAL and IEXTUSIAL une, adlweo- d1etrfx a lniLsquiak actia o b uMv ditréu. PAINî-KILLER i m mrSm C là 111 a. Dlarrhoea. Dà-.emtey, <itsps, tboir ra. and SU bitwel oaapilflii PAIN-KILILER l 'i lm rm 1leknes, 1r eadwche, Pin in lahe Skrk osIlde, Illieunm a IaU mai sll PAfl-KILLER i smrw, Ib DE.It -i i. r MWY »Al) PPXANMsT ir , i. itueâ of Itrimem. Vot,14 PralU94 Se. aeurinae. PAIN-KILLER ~wein i .-at iptr. Parmer, Planterr, galber, and in - r r 1 . lýv . 1<terbaflkyor exteanUtly ,,-in 1 ii ' ita*t ,,,&. T..ke one b..t t t ini n e IBOWMÂ[àýNVILLE. Mr. Chas Cox, carrier boy of the Statesman staff, treated the other members of the staff to an oyster sup- per, at hîs home, Ontario Street, iast W\edniesdav week. A very enjoyablç tîme was spent by ail present. 1.-r. and Mrs. Walter Manning, o! South Oshaawa, visited friends in town last week. Mr. Geo. L. Stevens, of Enniskillen, has moved to town and occupies Con- lin's tt#race, King-st. The raina on Saturday and' Stmday night raised the water in Vanstone's mili pond so high that it ran over the dam causing the soutit aide o! k wto A meeting utfumir hase bail club was slide into thie creek. held in their rut ims on Vriday evening. Rev. C. Parkes preached a very The club hKas b-en fortunate in secur- interestinv sermon ta, the people of his ing Mike C'otirtnev, as piti ber for the, congregation on Sunday nighti lasi, c oming scan.îsn ittn M W1dI~iili taking for his text- The hand of the again wear the tna'.k. Nhâ bd an Il- diligent maketh rich.- fer wtcwtvirl foîr te (antebritige tlub, About fifty members of the Oshawa but der mcn(d, Simcoe street methodiat chut-ch league O)ur popular bîtelkeceper, NIr. John visitcd the league here on Monday ()verend, has liai a sliîg[t attat k 0! nîght last. The programr given by thie rheuinatisrn WVe are plaeltî note Oshawa leaguc was ver-' mucit enjoycd that he bas almost, entîrelv reeîivered. b>' ail present. Mr. Thomas Murphy \vas electcdI Mrs. M. A. lames entertained the trustee here last week. NIr. MurphN members of the Statesman staff and will make a very ecunomîical offiî al. some former mernbers and other friends The publît scbuol will be under tîhe to a chicken pie supper. on Frida>' guidance of NIr. Ramsav, who h as night last, in honor of the editorsbirth- 1roved t bhe a v'erv efficient teacber.. day. Ail prescrit enjoyed a very NIt-. (aughan is also engaged the com- pleasant time. îuîg year ftor the separate school. A lire brttke out in the residence ut A. Cudaher ab>out eleven o'clock a.m., Kow the flipper Saved the Farm.1 on Iriday. tl)e th inst.. and consumned Father vas sick and the morigage on dwellîng, furniture and clothing. ex- the fat-m was comning due, I saw in the cept what waç worn by Mr. and Mrs. Christian Advocatc wherc Miss A. M. Cudabee. The bouse was situated Fritz, o! -Station A, St. Louis, Mo., near Schepler Ftation and was owned wouîd send a samnple combination dip- bv J. Boyle. pet- for 18 two-cent stamps, and I or- Notwitb'.tanding "bard times," a dered one. 1 saw ihe dipper coul d be considerable nuinber are preparing to used as a fruit jar filler; a plain dipper; build as soon as the sprîng opens up. a fine stm-iner; a tunnel; a strainer fun- _____nel; a ick room warmning pan and a pini measure. These cight different W OME 'S W A KN S s*uses niakes thie dipper such a necessary it sella at very near ever>' bouse, And Female Coiuplaînt-s Comltît.(d -] th in four months 1 paid off the morigage. Kidnv Trubls ar Fatl. I think I cari clear as much as $zoo a hîdrev Toubes ae Faal. montAi. If you need work you cati do weli b>' giving this a triai. Miss A. M. LUCKY WOMAN ESCAPED. Fritz, Station A, St. Louis, Mo., wiii aend you a sample for iS two-cent Consented to Try Dodd's Kidney Pis, sap-wie.a ne JOHN G. N. the Premier of Propriet>' Medi. cinea, u.ud is nov Strong Plue Dale. and vlt-on. box Wedding beils are ringing. Oured Fier. Mr. and M rs. J. R. Sonle>' have been visiting frienda in Whitby. n___ Id-. Lpeaac e-e 1as Walkentan, Ont., Jan. 18. -Haif a dol- lar saved a waman'. lafe in ibis town flot many mantstt ago-oniy lazi Auguat, &0 bu exact. Hall a dollar is thie price of a box o! DODD'8 KIDNEY PILLS. One box aI tise far-famed and justly-famaed pilla vas esougis to pot Mra. Elwena Ady on ber foot, sites ah. vas very ili vitit femnale complaint, combined with Kidney tgble. rwitb tii example in view, why tbonld tl'e be a single wornan in Canada toi. tering os tise brink of tise grave, or itoing about ber vork dragged dovn, dispirited, deepondent, and disoauraged ? Kidney disomues are fatal. Tbuy meas slow deatis, if not cured. But there is a cure, and it is tise porpose of tiseo hises to demonstrate i. Hero is Mrs. Adyso tetimonial: Geot.emen,-I have been iranbied vitit a complaini os lied vomen'u veakness and Kidney trouble, 1 raad of the many cures DODD'S K1DNEY PILLS itad dane..1 conaeit.ed ta îry tissai. I bave usod one box and 1 am completehy cured. No pains or backachea bave ever corne bock. I can bigbly recommend tisen tt ail vomnes. You May publimb ibis 8 sa a te belp others. MS .AY Waikerton, Ont.. 4kuguet 8. ,Avy drogglst bas DODD'8 KIDNEY lpJLLS. If your druggistasbould be ont cf tseeS, adldresa the DODD'8 MEDI. CM CI OMPA>Y, Toronto.. Price. ifty uts a box ; six boxes for *i5.. 4w8 aie5'. CstuSSonsÃŽtuIn Sunda>', Rev. Mr. Stewat preaching arinivcrsary services in Whitcvaie, Mr. David Rennie bas icI: our midsî having aecurcd a position in Tor-onuo. He vill be missed ini ihe cburcb chair of this place. Success David. Mr. W. Braden happened vush an accident ast week visile splitîing wood. The axe cut his foot badly. Several from ibis place attendeci dis- trict division in Uxbridge last week, among tbem being Misses Rundie and Soniey and Messrs. Hadden, Rundie, Pinkham and St. Johni. Mr. Rundie was elected conductor. The folhowing are tbe officers of thse Sons o! Teisperance for. thcessuing quarter: W P. Miss M Pinkisaus;.W A, Mr C Sonlcy; R S, Mr' J Allin; A R S. Miss LBraden; F S. Mr RGord- on; Treas, Mr G Reynoids;, Citap, Mrs J R Souley; Con. Mr W Brailen; A Con, Miss H Pinkbans; 1 SMiss Ai Sonley; O S, Mn j Hadden.i Thte Rev, Mr. Stewart hbn started a series -of speclal services iere.- We trust îhey viii be prb4uctive et muais good- Mr. Howsatu is -busy.-aulisg tan- bark to Uxbridge. Y l On accoue't of theýSPeclal services at the churcis thse divisibon viii suspeidý theit meetinis for a feu' wckoé t ur blackssssthlakep rtybu~ T4p soundé'atie anvil' E ecrd umt;e timen tilI ua nisgt T-vo of Walker Soniey's cisiidreai bave beecs selously il wvus ifilamma. tioss of tise Idsgs& >~RlçbkIaràd,.Hoskin vas e~t. trustee ai tise amusai zs11ctipî Of tlý tchad board. Mis argan We tJsey wttlt ~ tégeîved in order tr bM thse other day ï-oub 'ap.fbutter. BIh6 j5it Jns. thse wif e o! Wtiiee. , f a daughter. Mr -,,Wstored twa hundred barets-ý ** orre-packing, when he eàïiiiiè&thsmthey ucre spoiled. Mc~V~?tud~.'Caurtice captured firi wnd4%~Idprie at the shooting match hld t Mr. John Baisom's on the ît&11 ikn. - Mhsaha>hir ran aneedle in her band.some-tlie ago and it cannot be locaed. hçthnknpart of it is going up ber ares.,, Mn. . Lntponi-master, is very sick. Weflingto Scott is visiting frienda Mr. jas Richards, first dcputy reeve ef ?iccnpgss write were visiting at bi b'ote? . F.RIhlards, this week. Mr.TJohn~. Pintaund bas moved has moved ànta the farm he recently pur- chasèti front r. Wm. Everson. Sho&kigtfatches seem aIl the rage arousd heme. We undersr.and there is ta be apoth .107 on the 3oth insi., a CtfAS'S QINTFIENT le a (hsarantoed Camr PRIWOO 0OgtII8 PER Box j We are glad to know ibt m?.Mr.Tbos. swuùt is &aiableita rtomme burhoue bold datiesa Thecwm o j in, ha home Of . Obert JcsI-eteton-t'a fine Young dasgbt- or bas ecme to brigitten their hampe. This village bas itad as n uual nuisis or cf agents tise pas? few days, smre vitit pictures and oqil 1»d uprnga. Las?. vcek x Ms*àWt8onnsd Sott.? vers outtùng obafi, for Jamtes Rowan, when some .ubstaeeeharder tisas straw eaused a brakcfOmrerai dollars ta the ohaft cutter. vitilstise pieces of the kaïve irw in &Il directions. Fortuntely no accident ooourred. Tihe sohool meeting vas largely attend- e8 and an interestiog meeting Wes ite resuit. Tise senior 'trustes, WmD. J.I Beaoook, sk.dto e relievhd from tise position of trustes ise baving ield thse position for twelve yeers asdti dinet wishitotemonopolise -thse business. -À unsuimnous and boarty vote -efthianks vas tendttred ii by thse meeting,.after sncb David Maleom *#à eloted trustee.. Mr. Fired Voie andi family haie ardv- ed home fuses visiinjthefr-friensdin Miss MsggIe and Willie Beaocokhave retnrned front Park Hi» andi epot a pleasant vidsinon19g hiI *lt.@inii tise west.. John Watson sud eç l)ek.bme*r.- turned from Withertan Medmltiouutte, Now Jersey, U. B., viser. tbey ho. beén employed as engineers l in bt?.iU#itfte. tise Union Jaok ta t4~ Stars an&&Otpsp., Qra*k Jobliùn, î. l *egsgod&ssteotr là U&fi -o. ~~h' dai.) for ibis year. Skating on tise Bougog w exeellen. but Mr .Dobo. cf Dobwsou's mill, is at present absent iunlthe north on bui-- Ut. Fred MadjIl, who bhan aghî Egypt school for the pant tua ycari Ièft last week for C hîcago where he intellds taklng a course in dentistry.ln the den- tal college of that place. Mr. James Stoddard. wbo. bas been away frais here for a number of years, and wbo is at present a resident of the far west when at homne. is visiting bis brother, Mr. Hugh Stoddard. The hockey club organization meet- ing took place last Monday evening when the foilowing officets were elect- ed :-Pres, A W Kelly; vice-pres, AE Camreton; captain. C E West.cot; sec- treas, D W Rutherford; comrnittee, A Tisdale, H S Camrton and M H Roach. The practise nights are Tuesday, Wed- riesday. Fniday and Saturday from 6.30 till 7.30. Matches to be played on Mondays or Thursdays by arrangement with rink managers. Wednesday, that day so popular as a wedding day, and the fit-st Wednesday in the new year saw thie union in the bonds of matrimonv of one of Beaver- ton's fairest daughters in the person of Miss Frances King to ane of Thorah',s best known and popular young meni in the person of Mr. Sam Madili. Miss King was the eldest unmarried daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. King, of Bayt atreet, and the ceremony was petforn- ed at their residence in the presence of a number of frienda of the contracting parties at the hour Of 7 p. m. by the Rev. G. A. Rux, of St. Paul's Episco>- pal chut-ch. The bridesmaid was Miss Rose King, of Gravenhurst, and the groom was supported by Mr. Fred Ma- diii, of Egypt. The presents were o! the beautiful and costly order and many in number. After thie wedding the company sat down to an elegant wedding bt-eakfast, after which te happy couple departed for con. i, Thorah, to take up their new course of existence. The congratulations which Sam and his bride receive in Beaver- ton at-e numerous and hearcy. Mr. D. L. Camrnton was up before the heak on Friday and fined $2o and costS Or 2 montAis for drunk and disor- deriy conduct. Mr. Frank L.epat-d is attending Mark- bamn high achool. Mt-. R. Harman has purchused the M4ort-isor property o! i oo acres, adjoin- ng his own on thie 2nd concession. Rube will now have a fine farm where he can go into live stock, etc. About the next t.hing we expect to hear wiii 'e-thaî he has gone and donc it." Well we won't blame bim if be doca, he has about everything cisc a mari wants in this world. U.arried At Bradford, on Saturday, January 2nd, Mr. Mallon York ta Miss Mary Tait o! ibis place. Their man>' frienda join in wishing them a long and pros- perous voyage througb life. The old trne custom o! serenading a nevi>' marricd couple with the sweet and mciodious (?) strains of circular aaws, cow bella, disit pans, etc.,* ap- pears to have revived rccently.- The>' keep up the noise in every case until the bridegroom appears with a gun or puas up the atamps. CUREDI CURED PERFECTLY. Cured and a Permanent Cure. CURED BY PAINE'8 CELER Y COMPOUND., Cured hy the OWyIy edicine SThat Oould Oume Cured by tbe Medicine Titat Can Sure iy Meet Your Case!1 .v.-ww~wwwwwow w vvvwvvwww'~un~'v ~ '~- s t p ~ -.' 7t 7 0No NIuN"Kowz e I. I feu h c~i&njwshab4 toe.Our abeentc fnz*b thÇ4 beut Mack fOor ~the u 1dtetdu4C&'lis "REGALPIBRFUTIN for coul or wood, I'fuiIs every require- ment. lip design and ornz.mentation of titis raspge arectm advance cf anything impreviously attdnrd. Tie ovenS .are 1W large andprvided with draw-out rack, 6oves dooms ined wlth tin, ire box pro- vided with genuine duplezxrate amd It laperfrtandsurol1kr. Fully equipped wkth aven sheif, tea pot sheif, foot oven door tnip, door hearthéand extra large broiling cr toastiag daor with mica frame, madie with four or. six cookîng haies. Send for descriptive catalo gue. THE JAMELBSUANT MFG. CO.. LTD.. a BUoGiVILLIE, ONT. B'O01S A TLM BY WZILILIÂIK BRYÂN &SON Dundas Street, Wbitby. Uxbridge Townnhip Oouncil. Couùnty Council, The first meeting of the counicil of COUNTY 0F ONTAIRJO. this township was held according to The first meeting of thse Council of the law. Jan. i i. Corporation of the County of Ontario, for Ail the new mnembers were preserit the vear 1897, wxll be beld pl4rsuanît t the and took the declaration of office be- Statute ti that behalf. at the Court House, fore ex-Reeve George Dowswell, J* p, in the Town of Whitby, on TUESDAY, the Thecoucilis ow ompsedof Jas; 261 dy ofCJAN., inst, ai the bour of Two The ~ ~ ~ o'lc concn snothmose aiternoon. Walker, reeve; jos. Millard, ist dep- Ail accounts to be laid before the Council uty; Ira Lamp,. 2nd deputy;, Price muat be forwarded, property certified, to tbe Pugh and John Manley, councillors. Clerkr, at least three days before the meet- A by-Iaw was passedl appointing offi- ing of the Council. JNO. E. FAREWELL, cers, the choice falling uponJ. S. Lat- County Clerk, County of Ontaxlo. chum, of Glasgow. for assessor, Jas. ae Howitt, of Claremont, for collector, Farmfo Sae Benj. Parker, Glasgow, and D. M. The south -y4 of Lot 7. cmmfflHffl7. East Morgan, Claremont, auditors. wbitby, coutaining 130 acres more or lous, in- There was a warm time over the cluding about r5 or it icres bush mostly beech andmaple. Tfis farta luknorn as oe of the selection of an aisessor, each member lbgt in the township'of EaM Whltby, and lu having a man for the position. sîtuatcd si3% miles eut of Columubus and 6 miles no ria vnwa n Utiang--onsai-ei Cinn amon Coated. Dr. Agnew'n LiverPiina are coated like a innamon drop, very SmaUl and delightfil to take. One Pill adose, 40ia vial for 20 cents. Their poptilariiy is a migbty whiriwind sweeping competitors before j?. like chaff. No pain, no gniping, no incoonvenienoe. Sasali in aise and pleasant to taste. Most pleasant ut ter effectua. Sold by J E Wiliis. Funny Thingi. Sbe-Don'i you think tbat Rogers is in love with bis yard ? He-He ough:ta obc. He is an al- derman. Askins (mediatively)-Aficr ail, is life ealiy vortb thie living ? Grimsaw-That depend on/!h liver. Cholly (1 1. 30 p. m.)-Yetb, ibere are tbeveral wordtb tisai it ith impothible for me r.o pronouctb. Molly-Can't you say good nighti? Sec the nice bock Aunty Peace bas given yau, Johuny! Now, wtl do say ta ber ? Huit I winht it vas a gun. Mrs. BenitamsAiI men are iars. Benitam-AII msarried men have ta t tic Mi usi Cured 7 Yes, parfecty and permaus- ently oured. Pain'. 0.er l.Compound dose sot, like otisar medises, confer 441 only teinporary relief. làt* vark ii tharougit and far-reaobig,, an t là lag I who, sufeningtroià. disse.sisickuesa, m. urne ot Pmane'a Oelsr opound to rencu their lires. Mrs John Belange,- f St Henri, P Q vhos4.4ughts)r bad bce, j.baoghtte. Iif,'À journey, sud v'Who *as-efÏ,ty sured, by Vain'. (l.lery 0Ã"Pound$ý vnites gladl> ilovin eteXêi4ý inge-isperuanse c f UeW4.kI "Eg mee o snths g 4oî t.sir'UmaIfor your *wuds i we ùr Oei.ry mpounti wblb Iid ýt*0 ote héï in iiep siss t~Je.' -br, ucn- f r m ~ed to i jpgÉ ,,ty daugbp# Oow b Ut Aa .10 lîhisk moM.**w~ tc..(t:t. ?7i Mis Wallace-I do believe tisaa sman could wear hec dresses -aimant rags before iter lsusbaisd vould -o tei Mms Ferry-That is sottse case vits Ir Ferry. He notices the dinginess fmy clatiies before 1 do. I cas tell rben l'ut cting sbabby by bis begin- ng te uahk about hovisca=c money and ho* hmçqemry ýit vill be for us l'AUIî ttle girls,"» naid thse caller, souM b ave, some kind.- oflight vork Dr their leismrebouri. 0f course you [o somotiin utisai way, Susie ? Ta'seàpci4y nkçe. Sa ,feu :,n'MW s Ait nova*laya." 1534 storey frame hanse witb extension. A large bar-n witb tone cellars, horse stable. hay barn, dring shed, etc. A young orchard ci go mres. Possession bibte fail of i89)7. Apply personally or by letter. Dit. GREIG. s . £ SherbonrceSt&. Toronto. Souvenir - - fiForget-me-not," Soranton Goal 'Therè lu no better Anthracite Coul mimcd than tii."' Neyer had and never a have a superior among Am- titracite Ceals. GRATE, BTOVE,4 OEBTNUT. makes clean, bright, quick, et strong, cheerful fires. ALso quantities of Soft Coal (for domnestc purposes,) Tbreshing Coal, &DOui the Celebrated "Morris Run" Smtblng 9Coal. Parlicular care in screen»sg sd deliveuy. OFFICER-Opro5ITE CiRmCnLE, WHITIY, -ONTARIO. E . Soie l OW -0 lui LE, U L N a n3iU«1 or4 -a *Ij <m r.iaWl.mtia a.vrsM w. c, i Ma. J. DAVIS e e s e e e e e e e e e e s e e e h N h tl b v h 2 1 ji p n a s f k kl

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