Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 15 Jan 1897, p. 8

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OSHAWA, JAN. 15, 1897. OSHAWA PAGE Farmers wili do well 10 cail at M. E. May's for boys' ready made ciothing. OSHAWA (?aptain Carter was in îown this-week. Miss M-iy Pollett of Wiarton, is vrsiting her parents. Mr A Spencer. of Hlamilton, is the guest of Mr J bi,întoîî. M ,r WilI Rome retitrnied tii Belleville busi- ness citlege liit îweck. Mr W Smagrt lefi ast wer to attend Ai- bert Coitege in Belleville Mliss (,ullock is visiting her sister, Mrs I Iqiper at (taremont. Miss Annme Walsh, of Toronto, is visiting1 her grandr-nother, Mis Cottt-r. Miss 1erguson, Brampton, is visiting with her aunt, Mrs (ý)ei>Rce. Mr (,eo Sprague, who bas been visiting Mrs Serviss, returnied home last week. Mr., F Fowke, Toronto, was in town last meek visiting with lits sick brother Fred. Mis~s Lou le Thonîs>, of Po(rt Il tpe 15 51511- ing wîth her parents, %Ir and Mtrs i Thomas. Little is rentinz bis -Curling Without ice- for evening parties ai twenty-hive cents a nighi. Mrq Llzzîe O'Connor, who bas heen teachîrîg sclool ai Brechin, is home for the wi nte r. Lîtie is gî-îîîng a number of subscî-ip- lions for theC~i iiE and othtr papers at club rates. Mrs Chîsholrn, of Toronto, rcttrrned home last week afier a pleasant vsiat with her sis ter, Mirs T Wigg. There was no service in SL. Gregiry 's churM hlast s-undas itt Fathrr Jeflcot heing nriWlîitbv ofl'lcîating at sespers iii the catholic churcb of thitîioiî Rev Failier Hanîl of Toronto, was the gîlest of Father Jeflcott over Sundav Fathe.r Hand has many warm friends here who are aiways glad to sec hiîm. R A J Little ba% ;ust gî>t in a line of new nosels, takrnK in the wrîîingb of Mrs U eo Sheidon, Bertha M Clay, Prof Wmi H Peck and others. He bas the Bonnie Briar bush ai 15 cents, anîd Titus ai ten cents. The voung mein if St. Gregory's club wil gise an ai borne tin the rîcar future in iheir rooma oser the Western Batik. li wiil be the first one ibey hase gisen sînce re-organi rzing, and we woulid adsise ail the voung ladies receivrng an invitation to attend, as the bovis always sce that ibtîr guebîs have a gnox-d t1urne. The ernpioyees of the Wiliams Piano Works hase decided the necessary arrange- ment% cari be madie t hoid thetr itinual ball the irsi part ohi Februarv, the date nul Set beîng decideri ulion. This enjoti able aflaîr îs alwavs cager1v toîîked forward ru by rte maî')rit' uf trur * îîulig peuple aîîd twil1nu doubi lie as!uc(ess(ui as iin former years. T4 folowing officers were instliled iîr Victoria i, T B litrige No 55 at ineir la-si meeting W M. W Fisher . 1) M. G Glover. R S, J Smith ,F S. R Perînett; treas, F Northev chap. W Gay; 1) F C. W H-oppier; comminitîe, J tibson, W Ctîaîîey, C Burke,. W Cîîiper - insîde tyletr. J A Smitha; outside tyler, E Arnoid , truster%,, Ueo Lawrence, Ueo Gloser. Nassasu lolîtîsion. The programme ciinrest wbîch has been gîseti hy the nitimbers of the Sons of Tem- perarii e for the ast threc monîba closed Mondas- n.gbt Sîster Ellie Bi<w was cap- tain of mtie stie whie Sis Alice Hoi-bs acted as captant for (lie opposite aide. Sis l-fbbs' side jt§ rîow aittari qulte j. number of marks. vvbich tiecesitales the deleateri ide provid- ing a supper iind programme for the Yviners hefore the moirrb îa vnded. Two New Business Firmns. Messrs. A. and R. \V. Chamb>ers of Milli brook, have purchased Mr. 1' G. Ryley's dritg business ant i!l take chrge of îî at <titre MessB rattîwaié Brus arc p- ns-il. The officers of Cedar Lodge No 270 G R C, A F snd A M for the coming quarter are:-- 1 P M, Bro John Lander; W M, Bro Dr T Kaiser; S W, Bro F L Henry ; J W, Bru R S McLaughin;- Chap, Bru J F Wilcox; Treas, Bro R McLaugbuin; Sec. Bro L K Murtoh ; S D, Bro S Thomas;-,I D, Bro D Cinnamon ; D of C, Bro C A Jones; Stew- ards, Bros J Roskelty and J Arnot ; organist Bro J F Grierson; I G, Bru T G Galloway; T G, WIH Ford ; report on Bd of R W. Bros Kaiser, Feit and M urion- finance corn- nîittee, W Bt us, A Macke - E O Feit aud J Grierson. Boomerang on the Vin. The Vindiciîtor neyer publîshes a magis- traie's case or snything of the sort oaI Oshawa. The only case it bas recorded in, a year was thal of some larmer near Har- rnony who was fined for selling bard cider, and who does not take the Vindicator. Il flot only noted the fact thai he was flned but gave him an overbauliug ae well. Police Magistrate Murton bas irnposcd about $100 ln fines ince then but in Do case bas the Vin. fond il out yet. Last 4veek however, wberxlte tabbing affray Iook place ai Whitby it looked over ilss t and ound. tbat zoue of the parties took lte Vin., and they being al roui Whltby andonot OshaWà, the. Vindicator made a headlne LeÎBfatloD ýOut of il, anti drew the long bow ludearhbln'g il tu the point of(exaggeration, es well as glving ^everal veions gof the àffir< It wo ,p!Iaeflor the Vin, îaoiong m ik- 'ocwd urr 4eo Oawe Oç eptpa r«IéUqý' $0-*weil the circunasance t10 uortz»lis prori led to a great iglaak#1 j'a'whith te wbole scandaI is .fitvbçd ohto abWgvÏaînstead ofI A corresponds-n4i, n noing the closinký down ob a eider n1itt expresses the opinionr that it would be a sert' [,oper tiig for the gosetient to chargre tht owncr of every eider miii a goori round hcense since cudeur ta the cause of riuti more iiîtemperanct thait muaI peoplt imagine. There are mier wto will occnpy- te shîeds of a hoici isitiý their horst and rig buti toiri p ibeut bauds itn horror aitte ides of a mai enîeriug a bar room, yet ihuse same men will store large quanîlies ai cider un Iheir cellars and peddle it ont to hurti keepers and any une tIse who will boy.Ounr correspondent i:. rîghît snd we hope soon to sec the lais sostuî changed su as îo deah witb eider dealers. more severelt'. Tht Fameus Chickea Case. Tht court af appeal has decided iiii-. appeel lu fayot of Mr. Jamies Lenton, who-si urgment againta Mr. Smith for $2oo and cosîs us held good. Mr. Smit's costs wii. now an.ou rt to probabty $1000 Ort 81200 be aides. Ont readers wilh recahl that the case starîed oui of a dispute over some chickens Lenton borrowed from Smitb. Tht latter did not believe te got back tht same puhlet> aud afier sume tireaîs he ted Lentoîs anc bis son arrestd. Tte case lailed, amiî Leutan sned for maicions arrest, and gui jndgmeni fot $soo sad costa. Smith ai) peshed against ibis and bas uow e muefi larger bull of cosia ta pay. Viudicatc'r- Fromn readiug tht Whirb% and Bownauvilie papers we are ai tht- opinion that the atf.irs of ont sister towil!- have fahien int very bcd bauds. Bru Jamest ai the Bowman'.ille Stalesman has madt three or four efforts ta gel mu the iuwu couru cul and we behueve te wouhd make a goot meiniber. Mua-evet, as a newspaper iti te us iii as good or perlmaps better positiot lu keep thit-gs straigbt thau if te ted a seai at the council. lu Whtîby, uf the CHRoNicik ta 1o be believed, e.ery mi fit for tht penitentusty bol whu bas neyer cummiîied ý crime to send bim ttre, has sncctedtd ii gertrîng. intu) office. We tought tbiuîg were bad enougîr in Oshawa but rom th,' die.-siug doicu tht tl.e neigtboring tuavu- liase goh in iheir local papeta perbaps wý lisse muehtolube îhaukful for li Oshawa Of course it was tteclcique that the Cm- ROSi ICLE supportts that was defeated .but fron tht CHRONICLE'S own statements that it i- aiways fait we musi suppose that il oui'. consulta the interesis ai thet itwn in t 11 e ,marks reflecting upon tht coucil elect asud that its osrn feelings have uoibing ta du iu te malter. Town Couacili First meeting Mondas-. The folhowiug commirtees were struck for the year.* Fiuanct aud assessmen-O Mezzlewood, cheîtmau, J F Grierson, jas Provan, P M Punston, %s E Oser. Streeis sud improvenetm-J F Temblv, chiairman, R McCsw, A R McLean jas Ross, C French. Fite and weîer- A Mendersun, chairman, C French, P I Pînahon, W E Dyer. O Hczzlewood. Towi property-P H Punshon, chîirman, S Me. Lauglîlin, A R McLean, jas Rosa, E i Rowse. Pritug-C Frencht, chairnian, J F G;rierson, R McÇaw, F E Ellis, C French. Lîets-F E Elir, chairman, E 1 Rowse, J B Rogets, James Provan, A Hcnderton Ralways sud manufacturera-J F Griersomi. chairmari, J F Tamblyru, S Mckaughliu, O Hezzlewood, J W Provan, E 1 Rowse. Thos Morris waa apiaointed assessor sud coihectot at a salary of $325 pet auuum. There was quire a fighî oser the appoîntment ef a hugit sehoal trustee. Those wha, are attacking salaries i the board had sncceeded lu de ficaîirug lUt. Wm. Bambnidge for public actool trustee, au the caunicil appointed himn a tigh achool trustet, te cantest beiug bttween Mr. Bambridge and Dr. Hoig. D Keith sud G. B. Beck were sppoinîed audit- or%. Accounts emonting ta $158 were passed. Oshawa Business Dlreler7. 9 L. VICRERY. barber. Slmocoe minet. BROOKS' LIVRT, Slnîcoe street, north, WM, JIOLPH, hamoeumaker, Simca. treot. r. B. MCTHERILL, butcher, King St,, Westî. Ou. Parruasce, Dentit; offce oser Rowme's store. A, J. STàxjrx-Dominion pianos and arga.ns, simca. mineeti. W. B. Dyrus, Geserai Agent Ontario Mutueal Lit. Asurance Ca. Agents wanted. Wx.z.zauw J. DiuNms, Dominion and Ontariq Land à4urveyor. Ciil Engineer, Box 57,0Osh- awa. OOMiI-UCUL HOTBI-4. C. Weon, Pr7nietor Miodem hetelry. usat and o oftabty equitpped. 'tbe Micia lln created little or noe x. citetuetit lIn=r setion iis vear. Mr. sul Mr&- Gilbert who have hme very ill. are, thanka te the able trcutnîent of Dr. Coburit, out oi danger. Albert Becket's bealrh dace not semntoj-in prove very fast, stiU we havc bd pes cf seung huni ai worl in lbe spring. We lgeama wtth deep regret tbat George Ht'- land, whu lives ou the 41b con. is very ul and a tînder the care of Dr. Hoîg. Tilt Banner is winîering euth bis brother Thomas. Till anys ihar he has anoiher girl and that - By Ging'" the boys ai-ound bere can'l cui bim out this lime, Fred Ross bas apparently given up tht idea of joiniug tht benedicts as be has ieased part of bis houce lu A. Nicholson, whihe ho keepa bachelors noei t tht other part. Our anuaI school meeting pasaed off very quieilv the other day, E. Pascoe being unani- mousiv re-elecied truste. Mr. Pascot makes a most efficient and painstaking trustet. 1 ofalservie= arc einrh11 -tu ch-c 11isweck iMy, good be doue. TiRv 1Mr Tuither umneha4s.s 7- - --q , -,-- Mls.-Izzle RlgP, who bas been 'VerMi wltbheartubte, la alow1y I'ppigi«. ,- MIT T Conanut ewmred on, Sattirday lmt front hie travels, Iookiug wel ad hearty. Thé Vindicator commence« the ysar by a weekly attack on Coun. Hebdea'sou< ht kept Ibis up ail laut year, but only succeded in strcngtbeaing M r. Hendersons banda. Married-At the famîly residence, by Rauv. j P. Wilson, on Wednenday, jan. 6th,, s Davui Hopper, Claremont, la Eva, vunugegt daughier o [lb. laie john J Goliock. Oshawa. Win. Elloîl sent twelve birds 10 the W~ood<jaock puultry show, Dec. 28th to 3ist, and caplured ten prires. lit: showed six Wliite Rocks aud six Black Harnburgs. His ptizes were six iti, two 2nds; and twO 3rds. Wesern Ontario is bull of large breeders of pouiîry and sucb a sweep is no smail honor lu sîîy fancier. Mr. E lion wili exhibit ai Owenî Sound ou the i9îh. The Oshawa Amatieur Minstrels wilt break forth tbis, Friday, night ai the music hal. Thev hase taletîto lurnu, besides soakirtg eriongi ai your uncie's 10 psy for prînring 10 aunoutîce their show, Tht - lhoys' have practised tîreir jokes sud songa liutil îhey can inun tlrn ofi lîke a buy can siing lip, sud as evers .song, dance, joke sud ancy walk bas beeu manufacturesi or the occasion uothtng wil occur Ihai mas smneih tf ancient times. The artiats are to be beiabbercd froin head lu foot wîth lamp- blark asud burut cork aud grease, aîîd wilî shunt in the dark as weil as before the audi- ecer. No person conld live happy or die comfortcd without heuriug themn. SWIcI, Last Thnsdy evening a large'num- ber -of the members and adherents of Wick - congregàtlonfkalled upon, Mrs. Juo-McCully andi presented ber with an address and well filled purse in ré- cognition af her faitbfi and excellent services as organist. Mrs McCuily, àI- though taken by surprise, made a suit- able reply, thankiug -ail for their gift and good will, 'Ihe company was then made at home by lte host and ttostess, and enjoyed themnselves till a late hour, The long-looked for decision of the min ister of education bas arrived and is to to the effect that a new site must be procured by tht section. This will nu donbt be final, No effort of trustee cau prevent this uow, and the new site must be chosen by vote of the section, so that one of the trustees, Mr Mc- Creigbî, seeing that he could do no further good in eitber of these matters, lias resigned. Should Mr McCuily be counîed in he wîll probably also resigu. At the annual school meeting here tht vote for trustee between Mr GZ Rose and Mr. Jno. McCully stood 38 to 37 in favor of the former, he being deciared elected by the chairman by a majority of t vote. Tht resuit is not a surprise considering that tht success- fui candidate made a personai bouse to bouse canvas. Mis oppouent neyer asked a tan to vote for him, merely allowirîg his name 10 be used and con- sidering that he now promised 10 tht meeting 10 use his influence to leave tht scbool where it is, although at the commission be did bis his uîmost 10 bave tht ground condemned, and by tht way bas succeeded. Tht result is simply a tribute to tht great election- eering genius of tht trustee elect, as many who were most outspoktn in op- posing bim a few days before either came ont and voîed for' him or romain- zd at borne. However, «\,.,eeral votes were cast under proîtqan these are now under consideration by tht infspec- tor, so that Mr McCully may be de- ciared elected even yet. 8 8 14. Pickering Mr. Thos. Sadier is stili very low, The boys have organîzed a football club witb tht following officers: Pres., Judson Edwards, sec.-treas.. Evans Ward; capt., Morgan Pugb; cona., Wm. Ward, Morgan Evans and Wm. Pngh. They are open for engage- ments wiîh any public school team. Tht pupils of S. S. No. 14 bave or- ganiztd a littrary society. with the fol- lowing officers: Presideut, Myra Hol- don; secreî-ary, Judson Edaards; com- mittet, Evans Ward, Morgan Pngh, Arbur MIcAvoy, Ettie Linton, Tressie raun. Maggie Evans ; critic, Wm. Pugh; chairs-an of it meeting, 1. A Lawrence,-programme every two weeks. Everybody wtlcome. Pickering Connel». Mclm bers ou Pickering Council met on Mon iay Jan 11. 1893 Preseai, Raiph Movibray, rreve ; lames Rîctiards. zi depoty reeve; ThoS titare, 2ud dtp reeve ; G Barnes 3rd dep reeve, and lames Ljnder*uiti, ail cf wbom took and sub- icibed tate requîred deciarsiions ef qualifi cation and ofcffice. The reeve touk tht chair; minutes of lasi ibeeting rt-ad and approved. Mi Richards tSecnded by Mr Bearo moved ihat the~ standing commîittes for tht year 1897 tbe composed uf the Ioilowing members by Roadi- ind Bridgea, Richards, Mowbrat', Urderbili; Indigents. Beare, Richards, Mowhray;-.Sbeep iulleci by dons. Underbill. Barries. Bearç * Con ingeacies, Barnes, Mewbray snd Ricdg s-- Carried. L-eiter rend (rom Dow & McGillivray on be- bralf of W R Howst and others ofleuag le pur- TAUNTON. M r A Short is gettîag tht malerial ready ta overhaui bis b-aun nexi sommer. Wt congratulate Mr Henry ou agamn heading the poflset. the election for cotincillor. Tht temperauce peuple are bighiy graîifii-d au the resuht uf tht local option reptah voie iu Bîck- erîng. kits J sud Misa Chars Litihejobus uto Coorties- s'ere visititg Irieuds in ibis ueighborbood las, wn-ek. Mr Neevton Leuder has lakea charge of tht schoal here, Mr Wasson haviag left olu frîhet hîs educaulua ai Norwoo-i. Au culerîsinment tnrder the auspices uf tht- C 0 C F. wili be h-id hte r esday tvcuing iorb i, conslsrîng largeit' of vocal sudruii si rninental music. Rev I-i1 Aluin, P G V C wilh assisi. Aiso Mr Geo Moliday of Brtoukliu AdmiSSion 25 cîs. a couple. The Chosea Fniends are beoming ber. luit iaîîons ncarly t-ver-y mont. Thé- fullowkig officerq have been f-iet-d foi- 18)7: C>îte' Cu'oucilar, W Glasepel vite Caunr[Alîmn, Recorder, H L Paçcoe; Asst R-c, , E Heury, [reas. 1 jeflrcy; Preltute, A Short ; Marshall, .1 Allîman ; Goard, W Wilson; Wardeu, W Leach; S'entry, G Le.ssk; Trusiee, J Staion. EOWMA.lsVILLEir1. Mr. Wm. Trenougit wihh teach at Baker's school for '97. Mrs. Wni. Fishhey, London, Ont., visited at R. Fishley's last week. Mr. Wm, Dustain. Sr., is dangerous- ly iii with inflammation o! the longs. Mr. Fred Qnick. Lindsay, spent Stw Vears day witb bis parents here. Mr. W. S. McKowan, of tht States- man staff, spent Suuday witb f riends in Port Hope. Messrs. Harry James, Columbus, and Arthur Bond, Oshawa, speut Surn- day week with friends in town. Mr Blake Souch and Miss Eva Souch of Mi Vcrnon, spent New year's witb Mr. and Mrs. John Gilbert in town. Nr. J. Wtstaway had the misfortune t0 slip off tht door step and break ber left arm above tht elbow one day lasi week. A ver-y pretty wedding took place a- tht residence o! Mms Catharine Bickell. l3owmanviile, ou Wtdnesday eveniug. Jan. 1th, when hem sixth daughter. \1iss Joanna M. Bickell, was united in tht holy bonds o! wedlock to Mr. R. H. Harnîey. a highly respected citizen o! Bowmanville, by tht Rev C. Park~er. Tht bride was itandsomely autired in cream crapelene trimnmed with ribbon and chiffon. Ater the ceremony was over the guests were invited ta tht dining room where a very excellent tea was served for the occasion,.lTe resî of the eveniug was spent in games and other pastimres, after which the happy couple were eeorted ta their new home, ou tht base hune. The prescrits to the bride were numnerous and useful. Bua-ketosa The niembers of the S.O.T. intenri visil- ing Hamîpton division Sou. Mes H Nomrs bas returned, aller visiting fienda in Taronto and Brooklil. Miss Richie, af Oshawa, has been visiting ber aunt, Mes R Hunstune. Miss R O Simpson officiated as organist asat Sunday, in tht absence af Miss Cowani 0ite a number of'tbis village are on tht Sic liat : NMs S Rabbins and Mie A Rab- bina, Mum Dart, or, sud Mm Vermillian. The following officers were elected by the Bunketon S. 0. T. : PA~ P, Bna j Rolson ; W P, Bro -Brarburn ; WA,, Sister D Page; RS, Bra H Rosa; ARS, Sister Minaie Ih win ; Con, Ena H Winslow ; A Con, Sister Miss Bradburn ; PS, Sisten Mnr H Nomrs; Treas. Ena S Hyland ; Chap, Sisten E Davirison ; OS, Bra F Sandemn ; l.S, Leffée Robins. South Damwlagston Mes S Burgessa la cp tht sick list. Mr James Rundle is vlaiting friends lu Clarke- Even the .Wis est Like great Solomon, admire glitter- ing gold, and sparkling jewelF. There neyer was a better time than now to invest in articles of Jewelry. Prices rule lower than ever before, yet the goods are guaranteed to be as represented. Our store is head- quarters in this part of the earth for 9E"î BAIRGAINS in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware and Spectacles. SEE US ! TALK WITII US! TRY US! BOYD, The deweler. KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA, OPPOSI-CENTRAL HOTEL. Cail at PELLOWS, and see his Wrought Steel R1ÂfrIT GEMS -AT- $ 50.00. Also his GOAL OIL and GAS STOVES $P5.50 to $25.OO0 Met Mo>ndav, Jan. i itir, wben the boliow ing members having made declaratlon of quali- fication and office iook their seats. M. Mc- Taggari reeve, J. L. Smith depuiy reeve, AIex Keichen, R. Rogers and Juo. Willis counicillors. There were no bells toiled or great inaugurai speeches filied with promise" that were neyer expected 10 be fulfilled but the new council quielly settled down to business. Communications were read from B. F.i Campbell askine 10 be appoir'ted asseSSOr for 1897. Also rom Jos. Hobson, engineer G. T. railwrsy, promising to look mb tb.th malter or bridge belween lots 22 aud 23 B F. regarding which complaint had been mgde, Fromn J. E. Farewell acknowledging receipi of relu rus re county council elections, and an account for ehection expenses wss pre- sented. Inn Marris. indg, npplied 10 council for burîher aid, referred to indigent corn- milie, The reeve repcMred Miss A. Moss, an indirent. f<who was fornierîs honsekeeper for laie S Solietîl iu need of aid aud ac pres- eut staying at Mr. Risboroughs at bis ex-j pense. On motion the reeve left lte chair until 1.30 p. m. Cooncil resumed, ail membhers rîresent. On motion the reeve, coonciliors Ketc$îen snd Rogers were appointed Indigzent corn- mittee. Tbe clerk was instructed 10 ask foi tenders for prîniirg. Messrs Keichen, Rog- er- and lte clerk were appoinled a corn- mnittee ta purchase cedar required for road repairs. On motion of Mr. Smith. seconded by Mr Wîllis, a by-law was introduced. and tsassed in' several rerîdines, appointing E R Eddy and H T Langbord auditors. On motion of Mr. Ketchen. sec. by Mr. Rogers, a by-law was introduced and passed Sp. oointing B F Campbell assessor for 1897. On motion of Mr. Willis, -sec. bv Mr. Smith, a by-law was passed compleiing lte board of heàAlth sud appointing a medical heàltit officer aud sanititry inspector. The memit- ers of board of healtit for '97 are M McTng- gart, reeve. Messrs Ketchen, Rogers and Smith. and D. Holliday. sec'v. Jna. J. Moore, M. D., rnedical healtit officer, josepht Waring, V. S.. sanitary inspector. Tbe treasurers bond was examined aud ha' motion declared stisfactory. The reeve mas autborized t0 grant bis or-der for the rollowing election capenses : Wm. Young, deputy reiurniug officer sud expenses, div. r. Si2 ; David Burrns do, div. 2, $8 ; D. Holliday do, div. 3. $8; Jas Balfour do, div. 4, $12 ; F'ranîk Scott, 2 meetings lu masortie hall, $,4 ; C Redtman, repairs lu booth, div. 3, _çc.; Jas. Casseady, 2,5 yds gravel for roada. $z.75. The collector, H. Meen, arrlved alter the council had sdjourned and mosde Ireturirof bis roîlll tte treasurer, ahl taxes for 1&)6 being collecied except non resident sud uneollectable amnounting in all tu about five dollars. Council adjourncd to mccl Monday, rat Feb, at one o'clock p. m. Grand Trunk Iiailway. Chr'istmas ORISTM"S. SINGLE FARE-at one way 'St cls fare, good going b y uy train Thursday, Dec. 24th, or Iridy, Dec. 251h, 14g6, good to returu Ieavang destination not later thau Saturday, Dec. *h, i1&,& FARE AND ONE-THIRD. - Good going au~ train Wednseady, Dec. 23rdT=h ýy gth.or Miay 5tb, zmpsgood to rét'urneàving 4esuation notilater hm nMomUdy, Ju i4h.1i[897. NEW YZAES. SINGLE FARE-Dmc,,'315, 1896-, or' Iau ist, 1897,, gooê to return leavlndes. tination not later than Jan u,89 FARE AND. ONE-THIR D. - b 9 h, 3104 86, orjaàa ut, i897; reluIs- gt anPU4110 î8gg. ~,B;ty aflyour Tickets for, above f«>m Oeb' s"aa y. cos qagyp muet prateet the feeli or the wearer wiIl isuifer serians haris. It must resus. the utrnoet lhuit ef warmtib sud coulent.- Anything botter sdapted to wet, cold and atoruy weather than ont Wint.r Shoea can't be imagined. W. know just whas ,wauted to meet the cas, mil carry thie bout aiboes in the market for the eason. Tou. cen find natbing botter, because nothing botter existe. Shoos, 11k. ours migbt reasouably b. high pî'iced, but lhey're mot. Witneas the ligures : Men's Felt Gaiters, a good aulid sole extra fiue toit, reg. 8WP.....il. 2& Men'a Extra Heavy Grain Boots, he"v feit lining sud inscles, reg. #1.75 ...................-.» Mensa Fine Calf gaiters, neee toe, aewm soies, reg. #1.75 ........#.2 Ladies' Extra Fine Felt Juliet, tInm aces, worth-- .5.....1 ladies' Fine -Button Bootas rivited acsoes, reg 81.25............ - Girls Sohool Laoem Booa......s Boys' ?Fiiiê TacodBoots, aises l to 13,WVtdoes g9.... ModeOt 8ip~p....- 4 Girls' 0"d Bô "s-,Garnet Bipr. Gili Ege reaiug munUbçtio.. Sho~~~i amaniu &eI, 061-o. 1 r . 7.. Miss Matie Rigga pald ber asat trip ta ber pupila hast veeý-. Mrs Robt. Rerri an sIupovig, 'aler belug slck for about 8 montits. -ý Mr Tom Venning itad s woad be st Mr John Jobbs, sr. on Satbrurday lait. Mr sud Mrs Sam Ferguson hase gone ta sisit ber parents, near Bo)bcaygeon. Several initiations and -also instullation af efficert, at tbe S O T ait heir lest meeting. Mr Lewis Montgomery, Chicago, is vsit- ing at Mr. A Taylor's sud Mr James Parr's. Quite a livela' lime at tht S S teachers meeting. The teachers were ail re-elected. Mr Ueo Corfiehd, Royal Motel, intends giving a shîooîîug match on Wednesday neat. The S O E hnd a supper (saimout) on Thursdav nighî hast, lu honor of Màr Clal- worthy, their 1) G M. Mr Bmgham, ont worîhy harricas meker, is floodiug the drill shed for a skating riuk. We wish hlm success. Jot' in tht home of Misses Montgomery. it beiug lte occasion of tht niarriage ai Miss Lizuieto M rt Joe Shaw, of Dakota. The hiappy pair inieud living in Dakota. Bgtab1ished 1849. Whitbl 1a MarbiB- and Gîanite Weiks, . Dundas St.- WH ITBY. Chas& H (1>ormerly Wolfeî porarnsd Deal GRAITE MONý>, tht latetI uateria kinda af Cemeter, guarateed. ,$uszD OR Drs' HAYW. GRE RETII SAM flaving f ully made up business, 1 wUl ai 1 Enti ta the people cf WhiI coutrty at lower prit ta enatare a qîuck as cOMMENC lb JA )low for unO-e 1 &o~ a M o t bt a e W Sprie. RGAI -Don't t"ik tiia you..wifl gel gtraiht4 houe »rbut vas, te.Fas in 1 better. Thal are norme huai Peat hslp, nul sen rthie- Mogre ion for -Dou'tdelay, Suteily gelt!t img for -yos. -- 7atiNl r tao nel Mis ~ CrnIceAs ~âUt.~à';V 1 1 Barnes, chairnan. Report ci' standing committes en indigents That aid be granted to the followlng named from' Jan Ilt to MaY It 1 897. seise the followlop tmotnts, vt: M Ryan il per week ; Y, B->wcs 75 ots per weeh, Phoche Johostea c;l Mrs Palmer Si Se; Mrs Stark Si ; Janie Lise 75M.s:Mys HeaJy $z.25; Titos Le. $i,50. Mn P rOt, 75cts ; Uri Bunenstick $1; . Elion Si42g: Bd Mantle si,- Amru.Uscouibe SOots. lro 1 -sad D MoNabb, aid to Bd Mne iR P Hopper. bal. se.luaid Thos Le, S Your commiueeretcunmeudta h sc tc Toomto generl basphalbe wlaid o'ensali) ti. amx meeting cf the cneL lTaos Botre, Rqecrt of standing conimlttson Ronds and Briges. Tb S - Ud-gfse tcne b. phTcc4 o K#gOtOBd sestof PuS 1,, <.kubbpt ffaIma&beS.h mbtee for th& marne. Té -. VOL. XIL. Leading Drug A. H. ALLIN %%"e ttrtpretenri tu gteI iban îhev c 05tiUS. We do' gise our custorners 'iI i hir mocta .ss the mcst vert 5cr. We don't mn a so-caileri Store.> XVe du nicet ail cumPtitiOn i wbere qualîîy would bý flced tu do it. We don't do a Dentist's bus We do seil Tooîb Brushes 0h their bristies tht irai used. We also s'elf Washe-s-aud ?owders- hulik, whicb is by far th ai way tu boy it. CHEMIST & DR WHITBY, - - A Wmnter Shoe Wbitby Tow-ushlp ConeiL

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