Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 15 Jan 1897, p. 1

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I VOL. XIL. WHITBY, ONTAR1O, F.RID'AY, JANUARY 15, 1897.0O. -TH E- Leading Drug Store, A. H. ALLIN hmat wishes his manv custoiners a «*HAPPY NEW YEAR."- We dont pretendt t seil ynu gootis at icis than tht>- coit us. Wt do Rive aur customers iust as mutch for their miont>-, as tht most piretent 'Oit ad- verliser. We diont run a sa-called -CuiRatl)mug Store.' xcet1 We do meet ail competution in prices, xet where qualiîy soulti have ta be sacri ficedt t do it. We don't do a Dentisî's business. We do seli Tooth Brushes that wiil ot shedi their bristles the firsi timne they are uaseti. 'e aiso sm-Il Tooth Soaps, Wasbes anti Fowders-ihe latter in bulk, which is by far the most economic- ai way ta buy it. A. H.ALUIN, CHEMIST & DRUGCITST, WHITBY, ONTARIO. Est.ablished 1849. A Whitby Stcam MarbIe and Granite 'Nos, Dundas St., WHITBY. Chas. HE. Smithà, (Forxnerly Woifenden Works.) Itu- porter and Dea'er in MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS, Etc., of tht latest mateniai and de-ign. All kinds of Cexnetery work. Ogr work guaranteed. _e*-SIND FOR DESIGNS AND PIZICE$» HAYWARD'S GREAT RETIRING SALE -Gý-- Ilaving fnliy made up My up business, 1 i viiiffir my rusrd to Entire Stock t-o the people af Whîtby and surraunding country at lover pnices thau ever kuao, t-o ensure a quîck sale, COMMENCING BATUJRD AY NEXT, JAN. 9th, LOCAL ,NEWS LETTE ,NICLE COImtmSPaWDZNCE, Mrs Ogilvie left for tbe Unitedi States Monday ta visit ber son, who 's very i1. Mr Dave Anderson is visiting bis parents, Mir anti Xrs Anderew Anderson. Tht camnisaI at Claremnont vas attendeti hv a goodiy number from Asbburn an Wednesday eveni nz. Rev Mr Radiord delivereti a very able adciress on -'Advauce" aI tht social ai Cohumbus Tues- day evenine. NIr jas Balfour is bavi-ug a driving bouse erecieti. Mr Dan Parrot bas the contraci for carpenteflng. Severe coitis are affecting many af aur citi-i zens. Symptoms ai tht grip beînig the usuai form oi atîment. The R T ai T intend Rivinq lbeir annuai e-n-i tertainment the fiast veek ai Februuary. Pulli partuculars laier Tht boys are practising bard for their match with Raglan on Saturday, anti se expect a very exciting gaine, haping success may rest with aur boys. Res Mr Srniiîh ur former pastor, was busy Wednesday ant iblursday transferrîng bis furni ture anti other ,-ffecta frian tht manse ta bis home nov at Smitbville, Parry Soundi district,. vitre he bas heen appointeci oraitieci mission. ary for tva years. Annual S S meeting of tht Preahyterian churcil sas helti Sunday. Tht repart ai secre- uary and tht tri-saurer sas sery favorable. and we- c-pet tsi-n hetter resuits this present year. Messrs Devitison anti Hp-ran are joint supts. tht ather teachers andi officers remaining tht saine. At the conclusion af tht meeting Rev Mr Ratiford asiketiMr las Balfour ta addrcss the achoal. As he r as about ta take bis seat MIr Jan Davisori came forvard and on bebaîf ai the S S as an appreciatian ai bis six vear fears amp- ernnientience presentec im wti wth a beautiful bible. Ht respandeti in a few veil choGtu varda. thanking thein for their kintiresi anti counselhng young anti aid ta folios the precepta ai the w ord ai Goti. GORKENBANK Miss Minuit Kerr- ai Brooklij, la visiting ber frientis heme Mr Thomas Cragg andi Miss Sarah Gibson were unied in marriage an Wednestiay ai ibis ste. We extenti aur bearty congratulations. -1 he annual congregational meeting ai tbe Preshyterian church yull be belti on Wetinesday evening af ntxt week. Evtry meinher sboula be presto t. Mr andi Mrs Aiea Horne ai aur village cel- ebrareti thei golden weddîiug an Thurstiay asat. An unusuai feature sas the presence ai the cou ple that acteti as grootirman anti britiesmai flfty vears ago, Mr Robert Scott and Mis E Anoîber conteat is about to atartinl tht divi- sion. G Miller anti W Phoenix are the leader, on anc aide anti Bert Dobson andi Theodare Saiter tht ather. They are btiers, anti if tbey do not malete fings liveiy for t" next thrte months se sre badty mistaken. We regret iaI it htcoeîes ~- pinful dut>- 10 say that deatil bas again visiteci oui ueighbar- boot. A few days ago il vas an aid and yen- ci able man. nov it is a woaman in tht bloomu of ycuth that la caîleci sway. On Mondai' Miss Letiie Till passei ta the mojorily anti on Wed nesday vas laid to resi in Bethel cemeter>-. Tht sympathy ai tht tnt-ire community goes out ta the bereaveti iamily and finencis. AUDLET Nellioe Waiters bas ganeto1 ber home in York Mr. Bradltey spent a ev day. vihMr, Ina. Mayne. Epîphan>- was duly aiserveti bi' môt of aur R Miss Lisait Omvs bas returneti fronu visiting relatives in Wiogbam. Stuc looks voîl afier ber tnp. gise. Master Walter Fewlie bas corne ta spenci tht witer with bus grantimoiher, Mms.M.N dui Shere. Dressipakers are bus>- in aur neighbarhaod. We wonder shat tis busy rush in tins ine mieane ? 1fr. Selab Omvs bas ual hadt tht peration per f armeti an bis tyts yet. Ht bas ta sait for con- plete blintineas. E L. of C.E. vas led b>- MissesBr>- sud Pardon tast evenîug. Next Tutstiay cvtuing promisesta be a rare essai' treat. Messrs. Guthirie and T. Puckrin areto1 attend thbe convention ta Clarenont for aur Sunda> achool. Of course ail ina> go if tht>- vish Chas. Lynteie l- doing a i-usblng cbapping tzie. Ht also vantsa a eam ai herses, se shouldti tunju, havtog sold bis owu ut a neat figure. Miss Minuit Pardon baci ber laIe Suuday szhool clasa photogi-aphed inlugroup tn Wbitby on baturdai' lut. Wt expecîtao seta band- sotie picture. Most oi us are beginning to believe t-bat aur legialature canîti malte a vorse las tia maksng roadmnakers graveaial newl>-tunpîked roads. Beîveton nci sud rougi ridges se si-e havung a geold violer. We are glati ta bisr ai tht anecessansd honors oi oui- ex-Audit>- boy. Dr. WaitersoaiEast Tor-- auto, beng electeti reeve for 1L897. Man>- boys of AudIt>- have matie ibeir mark in the soid sud heion oseaithose ho are ativuncing. SCUGO. Thtimuncbl ai Scssgog for x87umet on Man- da>- andi orgauized for business. A bt'-law vas introduceti sud paseattppoiutîug P AtIdreti anti Chas Harper auditors, aiseosme appointing W C P.atten asaessor, sud a thir appointing Wti Alidi-et member of tht boardi of heah. . A il-- las' vas passeti appoInt-kg the -feiioving persans te tht offices ai paululasters. fenc-viesers.asd pountikea-pers, risc-For puilmasters sud fence- viewers--rat divieion No.xx. R Prentite ; No , T Henry; 3,JasDa; 4, los Reader; -,& Thos Pearce; 6.Wmin n - 7.Geo Ptdit, sr; 8, Wtu Aild-eti; 9, Daniti Raines; ie, John Rester;-.aLS8E9Fraliel; 12, Wm Pogune; dlt Ahi- pouodktepers--divisn So.IL, 1I nmu, s, Chas iîopt .O roster,, ai-.Thet hie8s- tarr ss lst-taiedt-opr C 1Pearce, Insurimnce agent Stro, being prenuiiuoe foinsurance on t-ht hall. 7Tht tresurer w.. Instced ta ps' H Panons $ga 5,f -r«Crpotuotiprmâting fSr zoo, and il. almik _i&mo of« mrgisratian bock fw bitha, s*nlsgs sd, estis. Thtevisait couicili a ppldrodsdbridge comt.: éee, Cai-taket opewvs Ittr«ate t tarefind S McKinley #t Se wbiohvas paitifor tht me of the hall for -a chumb enteinieoeeLThoa te i-st meUc fthn e vQI 9-( vW hth:vâ c. eld Lm tbe5515514y4n. àM=Uit MTir loOl GmIiet ww* tan RWMthe: 1897.1 Now for unprecedented Bu-gains.. X rice Lista are not in it. &~IM out ta soIt. Gooda milst go at sorne price REGARDLESS 0F LOSS. Don't think this is an old chestnut or yon will get left. Thài is a real, stra.ight, honeat, ont and out sale. 111 istrue 1 intended selling out laut yoar, but vas persuaded to wait tili the Fali in hopes times would be botter. That wus a miatake, they are vorse instoad of botter. That'a past help, now goods muât go what- ever the, sacrifice. Mgore losfer us means gain to you. Don't delay, the &Mst to corne viii suroly get the Biggest Plut» Wait- ing for YOD. iraim Produce taken in exohange for goods at ».- R. B. Hayward. B ARI 0 CNADAI 105000 -30ARD 0F DI CTRS. long Preslde0t. y MjL lé 2, eCbkt., ERS# Miss E. Wotten han been visitingI friendin Cartwright. Enifild division visiteti Burketon division Tant Wednesday niglit. Enfilit brasa baud are taiking of having a concert in tihe near future. Tht epworth league wili give a social here on Jan -2oth, concert anti social ail for îo cents. Tht following officers are eiected for this quartr in S.of T.: WP, Bro W Humpage; W A, Miss EWouten; FS,1 Bro L C Pancot; Treas, Misa J Ashton; R S. Bro T Reynolds; A R S, Miss E Tardiff; Cbap, Bro S Deacoa; Gâta, Bra J Huribut; A Cou, Miss E Huri- buti OS, Bro E Pascot; 1 S. Miss T Reynolds; P W P, Bro E Tardif!, Miss Mary Sanderson- ho retureed t-o Toronto, *viac"e-he ba g<>od Sut-- tion. A zumber frontbieat-ni churcit at Pickeri-ug'on Sunday evet'- Several 'uryowpea1 -rie e t - ed th-iacrsivaI at Claremioàtt ,n,-Wéd-j ne8dY. ir, "Sid CCrayfotd bas reted thbe o14-: skating rirk at Clremiix n islapé parîng forabig ttan ifn hiis W ,:#If Tir. W. Ge. lhaa be visting triends t intis neigIbib1 for..a weel orwto, ,eturned cI MANCRESTECR Mr. Wm, &msbury, af Oshawa, but formeraI- ly of this place, is renewing acqaintances bei-e this week. M r. 1 no. Williams bas heen quite sick during the pa.at twa weeks wiîh inflammatibo. We are pleased ta say that be is improving. Messrs, Gea. andi les. Miller, of Greenbsnk, paxi aur division a viai on Friday evening last Corne agafb inenda, se are pleased ta se you. Our new school teachers, Miss Tille Boltbv and Mr. Percy Frayer, are meeting witb abund-1 aut success. The scholars are pleaseci and that gats a gaod ways. The annual meeting ai tht patrons ai the Manchester cheese factai-y viii he held in the town hall, here, on Tuesday, i19 ot., ai i a'clock. A fll attendaînce 16 requested. In last issue the names ai a fes af the S. oi X, ofilcers were omitteci For the benefit of aur readers we wîsh ta say that Mr. Wm. Holîby is in the chair, sud we are plcased ta say be makes a vcry able presîdent indecd. Mr. Jas, Munro left on Friday last for Buf- faia. N.Y. - shere he has secured a posiion as traveller for the firm aof Foster, Melbotune & Co., af that place. We wisb Joe much prospenîiy andi hope he mnay have every succesa uder t.he protection of tJ cte -San. There was a large attendance ai the Sons of Temprrauce division an Fniday eventng last. No officer was absent, andi over farîy members *ce present. Twa new members were initateci. andi a rumber of propositions received. For the gooti ot the order, Mr. R. M. Hlolîbys sit gave a.n excelient programme. But look oui for squails.for an uproanous lime îs expecteti ai tht meeting thîs week. Mr. W. D. Munias msde is making great prepararians for a urne, andi don't you for1gei it. In behaif ai tht division se ta- vite aur readrrs. who are Dol niembers, ta cotie and jota us, anti so partake af tilt sport while it te brewîng A Large number are expecteci ta juin Ibis week and we hope may jota in and htlp holci down the goal. A number ai aur citizens who are policy bolti- ers ia the Mass Benefit Association, vert vtry mucb surpi ised' laist week. when a cati was madie for more than tsiCe- as mucil as any assessmrent of beretofore. Ail have aignîheti their intention af quitung the company, rather iban psy any maie. Sotie bave ganet ta the trouble afi n- vestigauing the malter, and i 1ud tbat ttht above nameti assozaation ia too expe=sve. In Thursday's issue ai the Globe ai lasi veek, men- tion was madie that a number of abarebolders ui tht company in Aurais bad met ta ses whaî canici be donc ta check the grievance. As a large number ta this lacality are interested, se vouLi suggest that some ont take the matter ta hanti and call a meeting before it is too laie. Rtach Coutncil Met Monday Last. Assessor Norman Stewart; auditors-N C Brown anti Walter Weir. il vas decided ta meet tht second Monday In tach manîbt. Mr McDonaid carredti trougb sa1>y law ta appoint members toi local board cf beaitb toi years 1897. 1898 and z&»ç and ta repeal by law 987. Members appontet-W M Real Greenbank. las Bartley Prince Albert, J DeFoe Utica. Said members ta receive $2 per day for services. A petitton vas presenteti by Messrs Thc. Lambe, John Hookes and twcnty others asing for aid larioe indigent, Wilfred Holliday On motion ai Mr- Weir $5 per month sas gantd Wilfrid Holliday until f nither notice. Mri Wt movet ibIat thet ioilowing persons bc granted tht ioilowing suma for elecio service - E A OChristie $6. W P Watson $6, W C St John $6, Davidi Perkirîs S6, Robert Munro $0. 1 Bartleey $6, Frank Orcilarti $6, )as Baurd $6 and deliver- ing ballot boxes $3. Iacob DeFot $a. Wm Cas- tella $U Daviti Grtgg $2. public hall Prince Albert $2. acheai section- NO 3 $2TMr. Me- Donald moved that the reeve. arst depnîy and clerk receive tenders fer prtating. Mir Lambe moveti that tht reeve andi Mr McDonald be a committe te ascertaîn the advisability af cuîting brush on Brock roati, 13 anti 14 concessions. On motion of Mr. McDonalci tht cierk was in- structedt 10procure six copies of the Municipal Worli for use et the conseil. On motion ai M r McDonald an arder sas granted in W lvr oai1na Doble for $2 5o for cutting brusb on z2îh con A deputation cansistibg ai Messrs E G Wbeeier, ]na Johnston and Isaac Boynton appeareti he- fore t-ht counicil in bebaîf ai canccllmng lease ai roati allowance between fourtb andi fitb con on mai-ah landis. Ste resointion. Mr Wtt- maveti that the clerk be instutoeci ta natify the Scugog game preservecompany thai tht laee-c certain rond ailowances I-o saici company i3 canc:lieci by action ai cauncil onosistat witb condirions con- taîned in said lease. andti Iat a copy of saiti resoltion be forwarded Iot said campany. P. O. QEAJIAM. Miss Maynard, is visiting at Mr. J. Ormiston's. PORT PERET WHITE£VAL Dr Clernens was in tawn for a few days Wc natice Mr. W. S. Besse is in the vale last week. again. Rev J Liddy, ai Keene, and tht Rev D N Missionsry Mat Ellilott as in the sale last McCamus, exchanged pulpits last sabbath.. wtek. Howard Hadgson returneci an Tuesday ta - We are nev having local option pure anti simple bis studies at the Agriculturall coliege at Mviss Besse, ai Ciaremant, is visifing ber Guelphi. cousin, Miss Lily Besse. Dled -On Sciugog Islandi, an tht îoth rbe baptist ladies mission cidce met on Tues- mast., Russell C., infant son af Mr H H Mc- day last in the baptisi church. Kiniey, aged, 7 nionths. Miss Paterson, of Claremonit, la- staying a Hon Jua Dryden will address a non- short time wiîb ber cousin, Miss Ella White. political meeting of bis canstituents in thbe We are pleasedti t hear ai Miss Laura Pugb's tawn hall tuis Friday evtning. recovery frein a si-y serious aîîack ai branchitis. Dieti-At Prince Albert, on Tbursday, Mir E. A. Thornton bas retnrned to Nova Jatn 7th, John Ellîs Bongard. qecond son of Scotia after staying a shart time wiîh bis parents. Mr andi Mis A Bongard, ageti 25 years and TeMse uhaIBoin*-àeot 18 day. 1 vsitedthe formeras cousin,, Mis, J. X Pugh Died-On Scugog Islandi, tht î2th mast., thi% wtek. Margaret Anm Muirhead. beloved i vie of Mr. andi Mms L. G. Antis, aise Mr. anti Mrs. Mr Philip Alîdreti, aged 4o years. 4 osontha Albiert Cou1ina, ai Port Union, sas visiting at and t5 days. Pemeoa B înk this week. St John 'a preshyter-lan chnrcb chair bas a Sotie miserable titan persan bas lateiy pois- good reputatio- ai is evidenced b-y the oned tva cailie dogs belonging to Pugb Bras. several caila tbey have bad recentiy for Mfr. Gea. Hasîing bas also lest une. their services in outaide villages anrd towns. We noticeti Mr. Metcalie, aur former teacher. In last Saturday's illustrated part ai the vas in the sale an Sunday. We vere pleasecita Globe are tva engravings af ecenes in anti sec hi and trust that be enjoyet ibaLn-elf. near Seagrave. Ont ta Seagrave ; the other Mr. John McKay. of Dakota, la heme alter is the Nonquon river, and are good pic- spcndinz several ycars in that state. Ht bats turms as thaugb be andi the weather dont quarrel The Bey Dr Carnian. ont ai tht ablest much. men in the methodist ministry in Canada, Mi- and Mrs. donnors, of Brougham, Sunday- will uccupy thet methodist cburch pulpit an eti vith Mr. andi Mrs. Sîpie. Mr.,'Cannois Sunday. at-th inat., and prcacb thet anniver- Sbert-ly intentis I tsuty for tht ministry et tht sary sermons. baptist denomination. Port Peri-y Races Oui- vterinary has traded hbeises witb a i6th net annual race meeting on tht ice af century dtucbman, of M1arkbam township. sud Lake Scugog. at Port Ptrry, viii take place by ail appearances tht Hellander had ih put up on Tuesday and W ednesday, Jan 27th and bis neck fui- once, 28th. We have not seen tht programme Parties wishlng te purcisase a goad cutter r'tbut presume it viii be as gouti as usuai, coulci nat do better than eali upon aur genial wo days af fast racing mnay be looked for, fevusman. Mr-. W. Gerow. lie lias several ro I an) ssnrry to report that there ts little or no improvement ini Mr. jas. Greg's health. Mr N Marshall, who bas been nt home for a few weeks, has returned to bis situati-in in Cleveland. Messrs. E. R. Eddy and H. T. Langford have been appolnted ta audit the township books for la.st year. By advertisement k it ii be seen that the township council bas calied for tenders for the cedar needed for 1897. The baptist mission band will gve an in- teresîing entertainment in the church next Friday evening, 22nd inat. Dr. Lamhly preached annlverssry sermons at Noi wood an Sunday and lectured in the same place on Monday evening. Tbe first meeting of the 1897 council was beld on Monday asat. A report of tht pro- ceedings wîlI be (ound in another columo. Tbe I.O.O.F. bad their installation of officers Iast Friday night, after which they enjoyed an excellent oyaîer supper at the Sebert bouse. The Sgnday services In the methodist cburcb wgýre condnced by Rev. E. A. Dove, formertyon tbe Greenwood circuit, but now completiog bis course at Victoria university. Mr Frank Walker in home from Ibhe Parry Soundi district, wbere he ba-% been working ail summer on the new railway. H-e intends retnrning there early in the spring. A typographical error made me say last week that tbe late J. W. Palmer wss a scbool trustee wben he resided in Brooklin. Tbose wbo were acquainted with bimi in those days would know that it should bave read -~school teacher." Mrs. James Bligbt, wvho is n0w over 8o years old, has recently had a very severe iii- ness. Her condition is now siightly lm- proved but ber friends <car that because of ber age there l i tile reason to hope (or ber recovery. Winter is reslly jnst beginning. Tbree menths of cold weather yet, but we are clearing ont our stock of overroats, ulster%, blanketa at greatly reduced prices, froit 1 te 2o per cent. oùl regular prices, ta casn buyers. H olliday Bros. The siébool foot-bail test» vas reorganized on Monday at. Tht officers elected were: Manager, Mr E R Eddy; capt. Jas Scott ; treas., Wilbur Vipond: secretary, Ernest Liddle. The team le open for a challenge rom any public schooi. The snnai missionary meeting of the cburcb of England will be held inbSi. Thomas' church, on Frldayjan. î5tb, at 7.3o p.frL, the deputation consisîinq of tht Revds Rutral Dean W C Allen, of Miibrook, and Canon Parncomb, of Newcastle. Our townsmnan, Mr. B. F Calnpbell, bas heen appointed division court baliff, tbe of- fice vscated by the death of the late J. W. Palmer. We have not learned whetber this viii mean Mr. Campbell's remnoval from our idst bâit hope he cao arrange to, atili reside iii Brokln. Speclal'revival services are being hed in thet methodisi eburch titis week. On Mon day und Tueaday the meetings vert led hy Rev. E Farnswortbh, of Scugog. Dr Lambt- ly, the pastor, bas taken charge of the other meetings sud viii protsably continue themn next week. Mir jas Lee, vbose home la at Greenbauk, venience of tnc publie. aome have sug-j but so ba bee livng i frinda ~i- esteti that a petit-lauslgutd by those go. but ho as ben ivin inMontana or ngt-o t-at office, lt e mt ta Postiaster seseral years, bas heen vlslting bred ei-t Generail i uiock, asking that tht' goveru- for a tes days. Before going t-e the vest meut make aliovance su their rt catk-ý farm. Ht is nov engagesi an a shep ranch Abert postoffice, as t-be Git goverpuent is anti st-aies t-bat olti bard times bas as much in paver andti ii make any reasonabit re- ai a féot-holci in t-bat count-ry as he bas near- quest-somttiuies.- I woul i sget a way cm home, te salve t-be poblett : Let eacis man vhoa The Sout-b Ontarlo district cauncil of t-be11as a bôrs that drives ta that ofIRe procure R. T. oif T. is caiied ta meet here nexi Tues- a eapl anti ring sud fiLsten- each ring a day, i9)th nat-. This la t-be annuai mpet-ing the sidevalk ; e«Moue.vii lieomts*d wben officers are elect-td and tit-er spec Teihalsms-rttonrsa -i fusiner s transacteiànd tht session will i e-1 uligàidttpt- maW ii i eic 1>- be fnil ut intereat te t-ht members ai thtevtaiahvyrsoibi-. order. The provincial grand council-of ibis Hdousbreakbg ai-dem yl hol ibt-s nezt meeting lu t-hais- Magiste Noit- la btasy bqre - usteigatiug trict, at Oshawa, in Februar>-. t-hrte chjirces laid agatinst »àraneyHt~k SpeciRI services wili be held in the haptiat - Saiis H6oey sund Wbldy Ewspvh s cburcit nexi Sundsy sud4 Monda>-. Rev, J. 'Charged wwkh breaking lnoatis ous f i- F. Barker, ef HamiitenW, viii pi-acs at bat-h IL J W"Illamsau at-bplàce.stisd limg a services on Sunday sud on Monday evtuing . iiwsut-af tioties& vilaàbisd ateigt-da>- tes. viilha serveti lu thé churcis abd ia pro. cWiel. CoutIl> ttone-Ftuei apo gramme of atidresmes recltatbus,. sluging,! cuttnq foi-tr iat. vr'ti a et-, viii ho prtsented bn vhlhbe foHoiavng heardon, ida>\evis 1", , sdScotine are expecredti tatake, part :-Mir. P. G. Mode, up tô i tldisli4t d ,t* carie.veJ'iwtt-- ot XeMaster University, 1iss Caot> é locu..usas et tWbe e*Auod tise case as ad-, tionlat, Toronto, Mr. W, S. TicAlpietise Ja; -toT 1-s! Aath inst IÀW*TIers Misses Haliiday sud Hàlliday S-s. jday eveubng iI-Cý utsl cKlb Mmrliai-iy Meen ret-urnetibis eol~tss $pkmdc4 amq My; H lutn*0.lock-up lslt raIl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~m anMna ftT el -ttileti 0'ibail foi*iyýriw -vbweas Ioandi beholti, rol o Moda o-I o erhishe ares ril k 1it-h Wao'as t-tam on recor4 lu t-he bltory oftbe town-1u - ad tesi t-h lIlt ofthe ship, so (air as 1, cas IteMLboiughbUni-.Mieou I I -poiedatlpowr Mar. Meen abmusit quaUed ssv eujel- oh. Istoa co tau tir",oearrt-, he returnet ista io Ionjatt. git w vicb wasga tbat w, 18>-be Dou; ft. loaw o at t-he date of the fim aueeÏtîý l'aIcouncil for qa* at veitt siae Is tic se rea t-bat yeai- .Thet oiàitau-les>- vas Sso,61o7 î-~~-<~o.ieiis a t t-la andi thei-e vs'an extra ' ' r <e. o att tersuto unpali on Dec. e4th, makitXgi-stalai0 ofj *dting it s not kté» $822 106--8-67 vas cou 'et ni ibe aÎvby nlv inm e t baac4733 wasSrittiiK-itn tpl. ~~ o Wear ed einthis maoo viilt-ske wsrning and. - ~ . Ichange t-hais vaje quickly, spd t ut oser as oesqlm> , # L- I'lïf(befoTCthOY vil be ln a siniliar posF1 ~~~~on rtbiie In la ut-bait>'hadai.y.- EêsMeueeaPP" uffluon Ji tî 1 Wî 'M gct have. prot nt ut auh--YUUÏ lica choose frotand pi-ices art so that no ont cas squeal. Tnoaur carrespondencs Isat veet il abouTi! have reati tht site ai Mi-. Thomas Beare, af ja daugbter. Tbis ajubilant these days oser tht arrisai of the ste one andi bis reoent electian ini the municipal council. We cangratulstMr. Thos. Ward, o(~ Toi- onto, but foi-mailly ai ihis bnrg, upon ligreat auccess at tht Christmas exachinations, having carrieti off firat banors Thos. ta no sianeli at his pai-tioniar va>- of domng things. Mr. Jacobl Turner. ai Brougham bias rented the farm laid>- occupleti hi Mr-. fohuMoore snd vii in t enesi- future remoeten oTr Mtoore bâa rcntcd tht Burton lai-m. ovncd by mmrs Ibos. Ward, ant ilii vaik il for tee few years. Thtea-*tvenu"ryservices el" tht mnethcdlst tenth line cburch viii be pxésched on Sonday next. On the folioving Mondav tvening a grand concert yl he given. As t-ht>-gcersil have a goaddînetitit their yparly concerta, a gi-t many wili doutilîtess go fi-arntill village. An Arabian prav-erb sa"s: -Who a knovset. and! knows not that he knovs no#, ila afotW- Siha hum ; ho kno o nad k»ow thât * he knowa ual, la humble-tcac hbim ;wbp kiiove, but knovs not that be kuows not, is*P ak thim ; eho çovsand kuoýva iliito cvala- aideibehorffts geotwtiOàw*cholhhlm sud heeke bosssud led-b"orneWd. Tbgydid not collide vltbauývtbig1ltheyg'ë__bouse- snd tbcua on wvntaggcw a We Iblal daîtý-i Mof the »poing divâsinu abhouiti be sou iWaltetd, a.ifor Instance peo- ple residin; oia biwbfa tuile (osi Whlîevale hbks teoaoBrdu Mm Ioo"t-e aedone.Sn fi- a 4Àmuddepsl by-Iav. C2M, brutder, Beaie, It. JôhS ilbe as togb inte near fatum týat Aeb PsaéWIgslstdy of ehildreiVs cbsacteArwlibc rmate asmsptssor'foi- seool-îeacbts u m ongeao. Po se..oastinte bock edncatbonsts baï 'e beom de~ vafing aa g-et demi af attention fa s-the pycso- logy-ofchuildhood. Tht mmssappovd iode mehod la Io educte t-leudvduibltças t" ,, bai-dieusysse. A-depuiatioohauiablti osm tht Minimer t tWi, îbethe iG. W. Rose, The tmuversasr aivkes of lle hptecti-i took-plioo unday lu. Rey. McAtplep sd .Pi-lîsipal ih. preaebctl.splcudd sermnstaoà ver>- «esdt hose. -Tht*"dg g 1v - thbse choir, Cherrvood nhodsad be Wievalh itsetboUstcbofr>vas i!"a excellent. -aïhe- Monda>- eveisgfoiiowingt-beie s O sMn oi er,:~ pprseeved -in tt' basent uof"i' ehuehfllosdb s. mmarsisnld nnaesTnd. i.. in t-coda remied 'I Il i ,'are r v al i se ii f ort. d anad S h e.9 .h a t s y the ('uni- L. but $1. 61) ib .44 -.3o 'ale r 1 Wedtiing beils A happy event t-ook place ou Wedntsday, Jan 6th, at tht residence ai Mrs Duncan Christie, Utica, wben her danghter Eva, sas ùmited bui rraeta Mr WQ'm lapp, of Lorueville. Rt, Mr Lro>- tied the nuptial knot iu bis usual happy way. There vere about one hundred guests at tht vedding. Tht bride vas tsecomingly sud prettil>- at- tireti in white crepon and voietht-e cnst-om- ary orange blossoma The veil vas also draped vit-b orange blossoxea. The brides- imaud, Miss Mary Christie, sister of tht bride, vas dresseti in ci-tan crepon. Tht bridegroot» vas attendeti by bis brother, Mr Wait-er Lapp. After the veddiun er- mon>- the compai> repaireci ta thle dising- roomn, vhere a aumptuous repast vas served. Tht pi-taenta given ta t-he bride vert beantiful sud shoved tht esteecan l wbich m ra Lapp la beiti by ber iriends. Tht youug couiple left on tht evening train t-o s pend thei- hontymoon visiting frienda lu Toronto sud Cabourg. Tie Post. Wanted i arn in receipt ai a communication from a Prince Albert citizen, vho la a loyal citi- zen anti a truc party manu: bis couapaint la, t-bat- ai the post office lu that village there are no ti c pos. Belng a country office maun' of those sho go ta that- office drive, ant if theur horsts sil sot stand they-ýar compeilet tiakethrelrbouueselftwbere.t tic them wviile ther protare -heu* ' Some thiaik t-bat thtetmse of that bnrg, or thle avuers of tht builiding, or the pat-lmasters shoulti set thai a suificient i number ai tic pons are ;paced for tht con-.

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