Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 8 Jan 1897, p. 8

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Beautiful+Sto -0F- FANCY (;OODS-- includes ail the latest ideas and nove It es.à CI-IICE PERFU.MES- n handsome Cut Glass and Fancy Flot tlt-s CHRISTINI\S CARDS. CALE NDA RS AND 1I300KLETS n endless variety. ('ur ste k s large. wcll a9sorted, and Itbttter value then ever befere. - ior Inspection I nvited. A * picasure to show our Geods. T. G. R"l"L E Y~ Simçoe St. south, Ofihawa. OSHAWA, JAN. 8, 1897. OSIIAWA PAGEt Farmers wuli do well to cali at M. E. May's for boys' ready made clothing.ý Mfr C 'Naîker returned trem Buffalo issi week. Mr McCulloch, et Cobourg, 15s vsiting in tain. Miss Amnanda Bond spent Sunday in Msnple Grove. Miss L t>lcott, Bowmar'vile, is the guest of Mirs G jacot) . Mr Geo Thompson, et Rochester, is visit- îîîg his parents. Miss Mjabel Goodmnan is visiting friends in Toron to. Mr Stevens la the guest of bis cousin Mi \Vallie Fostet. Mr andiMis M Cawker were in Bowmati- ville over 'Stnd.îy. %Ir andMi rs j Beaton vîsited witb Gaît relative,, last cet-k. Mr A liall, who has been visitîng ini Tor. oiito, lias reiurtied homne- Misses Aniiie and jefn;e Newtoii visited wih Kinisale frienids ivPst week. Mirs Taylor, (Xlhnrne st., left ast woek te spend the-aiter ir, Montreal. Mr John Sheridan returned lest week frcm bis vîsit wîth Sonya fîieîids. Mr and Mrs T Sheridan returned home thîs week froni Bowmanville. Jer and MIrs Wrn Doidge spent New N'ears wîth Lindsay' relatives. Mi C Th4)mas spent the last three weeks aiith Us bridge (rît-nis and relatives. Mi W Beinetthas been spending the- hodîlays c' ah H'ow manlville friends. Mliss (i lisýe (Goyne has returned from a îbree wet-ks vîsit with ber brothrr in Dra)- %Ir sn is Wnt Met-citt have returned1 borne aller spendîng th ioidays with Whit- tîy relatives. Mliss Hiattie James reiurned in Toronto on Mo4iidas. alier a pit-asant month's vîsît wîtb NIrs Il h-aunder,. lir Kaiser and cîfe îeturned from tht-jr wedîiiîg tour tn Meida% , and have taken îîp thii-icrt-sidtetice on Ai b.d s'. Rt-v Ii Fc,,sser. <of Nec-market, ailI preach n t-e christiati chiiiçiî on Sunday. Rt-v P F-letc.her-i wll lake l-ic-r Prossers place. Officers wiii he el.-cted for the toreign nis sio inSt (Georcge's churcit on Sunday. Rtv l'roi Welsh, of Trinity uîîîverîîty, ror- ento, wiii bave charge cf bcîh mornîng and evening services. Rt-v G W McCoil bas decided to hold re- vival meetings, whicb wîlI be ci.nductt-d in the hast-ment cf M,-dcaîf methodist church. Tbbe service-strt pr<>mptly at 7.3e. Tht- public is invited te attend. Saturday afiernoon tht- childrefi et Si. (.regorys chucch. whe teok part in thei malîne New Vearas afteinoon, had the-ir1 photo îakt-iî in Iheir costumes. Tht- child- ren deserved credit for tht- nanner in ahlcb tht-vatnithroug h thivarieus parts. It was at-Il aoîth tht- prîce chargt-d. INe st-t ont- et tht- Lindsay papers bas cemposed a rhyme-ac kîîoa it isn't pot-try -about the girls in ail tht- important toans in Canada. Ont- part et it rt-ada like thia Boamanville girls in their bats waa rost-s, WVtife Oshaaa girls have turncd up noses. Tht-rt- atrt- semany passengers vaiting te go on tht- atst hound train MAonday after- neon that tht-y had to be hrbidden to board tht- train until the- eue front the at-st camne i. When it arrived the end car aas de- tached and tastened to tht-otht-r trai, wbich aas quickly fillt-d aith tht- aaitinit petoplt-. Tht- emplyyees cf the Oshawa Street Railaay Company, ai an expiessien et their estt-tm fer thc local manager, Mr W P Ster- rat-ker, prest-nted him vwith a Congo eak cant- on New Vçars' eve. Mr Sternicker was somewhat iurprised, but expnessed bis apprt-ciarîon for the- courtesy. Tht- Brooklin hockey club came bt-ne New Years' day te tny tht- Oshaa aicki. The- game vas a vçry friendly one, snd weil fought out on' bothi aidestht- hofie club he4ng tht- aigîners by 5 goals tâ "2.' The- Oshawa bockeyists were qi;ite.ý' sanpned Saturday merning ahen tbey i '10ipthe daily papers et Whtbys -bigvcoy over the Victorias o-f Toronto. We thlnk -the clas et people vbo _qulckly tire cf things and likq-schange oukbt to We iatisfied.vitRi Canadien vwesteW. -Queweek ve have suca andI skating, uetrt eek prob- ably vq have watsRer whi casea sopît-of ns te sweat. W. aav a pîourig glry- floweir NewvYearla omorts whicb Jookqd su» frt-sh as if the igbv.t~e TRie followig. ffcers w4ere eletetd t tii. lea .ma.thn 7aL Pïi, 7imià" k1. ,u be"ii l~relatives lu Co=or. kfq. OuJan z2th the. ladies, aid of the presby- terlan church have arranged te give a lec- ture on "ERngland, Ireland snd Sco-tland."1 There was cet a verv large atiendance nt thie rio& New Year's night, owltsg te the soit rondition cf the Ice., Te 3Mtb battband! was in attendaîîce. On New Year's eve the emplcyees cf the Orhawa street raîlway compaey presentecl the local manager, Mr W P Stericker, witb a Congo oak cane. The ladies cf Simcoeent. methodiatchurch ai bold a social on the i2tb Of Jan nt F A Guy's residence. Retîeshments will bct served and a good programme ahi be given. Admission î5c or twe for 25Ç. Out Of 38 lady votera le the suutbeast waîd ahe plumped foi Ald. McCaw lasi year he oniy get 6 ou Mondav.- Punahon get 6 of themi, Rogers and Glenny o each, and we suiopose the other 8 have either died or else moved eut oftobwn. Oîîe's lady fîiends soon scatter when he jumpa the- brooma ic k. Mi and Mis O Hugrgin's bouse was taken possession ef on Nýew Vear*s day by a num- ber of their friends and relatives, it being the 25th aniliversary ef tht-jr marriage, After an address had been read, Misses zqella and Frankie Heulden presenîed tht woîthy couple with several pieces ef silver ware A very pleasant time was apent by aIl prescrit. On Thursday afternoon Mr D Fraser, the- Scotch journalîsi, aiho ta waiking 6,ooo mile., on a wag'er Of $3 000, re.ached this town and was the guect cf Mi W Husiter oser night. He waiks on the railway tracks and la con- fident ef wîntîing the wager. He sarated irom Aberdeen, 'Nashinfien Teiritosy, artd wil) end up in Boston, Mass. Miss jennie Deaiborn's manv frienda (raom Bewmanville, Oshawa and Whitby pleas antly suîpiised ber at ber borne, on the base mie, on New Veais nigbt and presented ber with an address and a beautiful opal ring as a birtbday oli'ering. An evening ef social arnitieçt lwas spent. Oshawa-on-the- Lake The- annuel nominations were held here laal week in the large coal shed, a large number being present. hMr Wm Wilson took the chair-whicb was a large Coai wagon-and called the meeting ta order. Letters of regret acre read frem James Bishop. Sheity Horr, and Humper Smith at neot being able te attend, and they aish' ed the- electors a happy New Vear. The- proceedings opened by Mr lames Cameron nîominatin g%5r T S Henry for mayer, wbich waa seconded by several Mr David Moore being beard the leudeat among the crewd No ether cames being propcaed for the honorable position Wm Nortb cote declared him' elected by acclamation. Mi Henry net being present ne speech was in eider Mi Jackson Smnith's name was mentioned as pound keeper, but owing te the- fishing season rapîdly advancing he decliued wit.b thanks. AIl the old council was again re' iected. The- meeting broke up with tht singing oftheicold» sang, - "Wben tilt Schooners comte again,"- and a13 repaired te Mallory's pavîlion, wbere* an informai dance was beld, Moore's orchestra furnish- ing the- music. -Viudicator. Vindictor : Arthur Mc 4illIan, ef the Tc.- r ente School of Natural Science, ta spenditi bis holidays explorîng the lsy of the land tt the norîh of the tewn te sec if it is favorabi foi an artesian svell. He bas examined tilt Gibbs faim carefliy and is of the opiniot that a weii could net he located there witl' atv gît-att-r supply than can Ut- gel from ai ordinary well. Ht- aull continue his st-aid farther north. E S E-dmondson bas ais. given sotiie attention te artesian wells, ant bis digging on Prospect Park gives hlm ei knowledge ef tht- surtface formation. Ht- iý aise cf the- opinion that the underIl>itî gravel ta net favorable te a at-il that wil yield any large ameunt et watt-r. It is use less he says te go dean inte the rock, toi Utica shale which undeilies the country (rom aaest fWbitbv te Newcastle, does rio hold wholesome water. -The Pedlai Meta Roolfing Comnpany tried a deep well bu prttr boritig a week had te return te tht gravel formation that was reached the sec ond day's boring, from which they have con tinued te receive a tairly geod flow et water This practicai test confirmq tht- opinion e tht- opinion of the first two gentlemen namled The Resuit eh the vote. The- vote in connection with the toan edec tions wili Ut- ottîud in another column, a- st-Il as the- naines of the neai council and riea truçtees et tht- board of education Tht-rt-aa net se great a disposition to set-k office as there usually is, as several et tht- ieadîng men et lest year'a ceaincil aithdrevt reit the- art-na. Tht- result aas that ne%% issues and nra cembinations waere tormed. The bitter school fight winch cursed Whit- by's municipal fighis toi years bas* been grahted into Oshawa's civic affaira, and tht- warhare on botb sides is becoming open atndt pronouîîced. About haIt tht- membera ol tht- board cf education and a amail section et the- toan cou n.ioîa are agitatingthe ques- tion etoverbaulîng test-bers' saleies. Those who aie aoîking most preqiinently in thîs direction declare on tht-i bunor that they are net aeeking te mak 'rTeductions. that tht-y are ocly In quest el informatio~n fur themat-Ives and tht- public; but out le tht- aard the- cry bas gone eut tbat the wer bu te cul salaries. These aho oppose the move- ment tor disturbance are not in the stightest doubt as te abat tht- coverl agitation mea, and tbey de no not believe for a moment any stateffient tending te apreed the beliel that the agitators state tht-i rt-el object. Tht- schoel question bas takçn anether form which pîobably addî more fâel te the'lire tlîa coculd have bt-en imponted inte the stîuggle from any otheî source. Il la get- ting te be a party van, the panty ofeagitationi being largely Toi-y, wuhle the Grits held -tht- tort.. That there is greaf» danger cf harm groaing eut et tht- stiuggle ail admit ; that any good ailI cerne cf at tht-rt la veny little hope. There must ho sonuetbing te, fight about, and unfortunateîy tht- achooli are te Ut- tht- bone of contention this time. lu s very sensible article tht- Reformer of lait wt-ek îried -te calm public feeling, but vltb peor success. Tht- Viendicetor lendp its cdi- tend l"vwe, " er shiclds by anenymous cov- t-ring any abo vtsh te scnibbl onoricheagi- tatora, but spart (rom tbat taRses a stand ot preîended Indifference. lu thie trustees dec- tiens the bises balsuced with,'thie graine on. either sidt, and cea tht- malter r este upon tht- appointmenhs te thie board' by thie tean and cncils. BROORW LIVEY, aimeo areenoetb. WK BOLPH bhrne»s maxer, SimMos treet Da. PATruasea, DentieR;.oee. o-er ou' store. W, m. DuGenerel Agoni Qàtnie 'Kutmal Lit .esnsue C. gen13a4, ai WIY.TAIXJ. » s, »omI$î>ysn4 OIo Ludureyr Cai -'PeM.lz 7 Oh suS.ou p. ~ ~ Ln w o0m,-os. Ble Rend. OffMceove, Dormn" »Wa314 ~slmioo Street, Oshavak. IL a . MÂT ,-B&Iuri tn9roqqeerts. y ~Chna 0 oc" r, Tinw'are, and pancy (=4. uro T'eu »î Cires.130,rady au B ulteaa spois.It--vory osp ,VmBuis- Watthmakers and Jeweloe. )Doglenstu wslchea, e dcs.jevelery, stiver- ware, spectacle, etc. Xngrving,- gold and -silver platiDgÇ snd old -gola tln"-tuUe oer. Fine wteRs, cRack, and j.welery rpki$ng a Ipecially. ENNISKILLEN J. Lee has returnod te hie sohool in Pickering. J. W. Virtne jn visiting friends in Pennsylvania. N. Byers and fatnilv. spent New Year's u ah frionda st Manchester. Robt. and Miss Stevens, Maple Groeo spent Sunday nt G. L. Steven'i. Miss E. A. Virtue wbc bas been home on a visit has retnrned te Toronto. Rev. J H. Mallett, of Scugogr, hae been viaitinR friends at or village. A. W. Mitchall ha@ returned te Tor.- onto, to resume bis studios at tho Univer- sity. Mr. Nob1ê bas taken charge of our academy, and we predict for him every saccesa. A considerable amount of monev cbanged hands bore wben t.he resuit of the election was heard. LAwis Montgomery, cf Chige.go, ig vis. iding friends in this vicinity, after an sb. sence of about ton years. Visitonrs- F. Parker. of Bowmanville, guest of A.- W. Mitchell ; Mrs. H. Rem. mer, Miss N. Dunbar, John Loo, Bt F. Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. Harris. cf Fordwick. who bave been recently joined ie the hnly bonds of matrimoni'. are visiting ai Win. Montgomery's. We exteud o'ir hearty congratulations to each of them. and hope the marriage in their case wili not bo a failuro. Tho annual tes nt the presbyterian churcb, was a decided succes as usual. The proceeds were net quite se largo as istuai. considering thf% weatber and rcads Osehnwa choir contributed seine verv rihoice solections tei the musical part of the programme. The recitatiens by NIise Wh ite and Miss Mackey wero aise, of excellent character. Elackstock Sebool reopeeed on Monday last. Good openinit for a music teaeher. RuBorerof a weddieg in the near future. Fred Williams visir.ed friende ie Ma- bec. Rumer of a ah ating rink beiug et.arted Samuel boar bais retureed te Bow mac ville. C E was beld on Wednesday oveeing tast week. Great excitoment about the eloction [st week. 'Ne regret te record the oontinued ili- ues cof Miss Beacock. Fred Bbortridge bas gone te the fron' for the winter montha. Mesurs Lee cf Pickerinug, visitedl witL Joseph Taylor last week. Rrs Hewe bas gone to apend the wit;- tier with friends in Whiîby. Samee talk of James Holmes putt.iei !i s racer in the races at Port Ferry tiii- wie ter. Messrs Woed and Knigbt, Bewman- ville, spent a few days lasi week with friende bore. Messrs Fred Marlow and Herber; Priti bave roîu-eed tc tihe Triiy M-d- toal College, Toronto. James Parr gave s party on 318t Dec. It was tbe annivereary ef ibe marriage oi hie daughiur Fannie, Mn. Lumii'. The St John's cburcb tes came off ie great style. Col Patrorson gave su ex. collent address. The proceedo were semeihieg over $40. George Kenner, oeeoe our oldest set- tIers, bas Keue te bis long reitieg place. lia lived te tb. ripe eld age et 92. Tht ftineral took place te, the Methodist cburch ocemetery on Wodeesday lest. Thie followiug officers were elect.ed by the Blackatock 8 0 T fer the ofliuing quartier: W P, bro Jamnes Brrce; W A, Sisiear Sinnie Manlew; ChaP1Uin, Bâster Ida Parr; F 8, Sister Sarah Moore ; Treas, Bro Harny lyland : B 8, Bro Fred Hy Land ; àJI 8, Bâter Lius Taylor; Con, Buster V Hoeey; A Cen, Bro Bort Bruce; 1 8, Sister Beaeock ; O 8, Bro Willie Wilson ; Or, Bro W Veale:SIe Y P W, Sisier F, Park«s. Tyreae Thie road hm&v» been in a terrible~ statie tRis lut week. . A yogugson arrived at the. homo of John Phare lait week. Jennie McLughn liesgene te Oabh. ava te speud the ainter. -t a pstra are econduoting a veeRi of prayer in thie hurehtRswek A monary iiisutnq WM 1l ho beld bore oee eek trom ne%ý8ud>t Jn 17tb. Jdames Virtu -acésd a lp* . turuingeoffier in Toronte,01s on Mn Harris sma ler aqltr amj from West Torntuo Jmietiori, réu.j ing friendu horseIbis .k. Saturday. qýlebor.aved wIhdemàftuiï have the sympashy -of Lb. nei* in thefr vsry sad)q. lbs asmual shooI eise, wu hlte on Wedasdy 'of -luit w, k'ýwb.s - ýetrustes«. Oo T ~ OIé , W l»m, Clîon er.-- »a Dnointe&I. UMM eSp tu'me. THE COISYT COUNOIL. lu tewn- 0CGalder 84 28 15 J Hl Long 106 94 69 Ob"s King 85 108 62 fu Whitby townhip- B'k ebop Brooklil 15 14 98 95 80 68 Ashburn Calder 50 142 175 110 477 Long 86 4 12 9 61 King 28 59 59 70 226 King's total 619, CJalder'@ total. 578, Loegz's total 527. King and Calder eleoied. RAMA. For Ceuuîy ocunecîbr- Divisions Nc 1 2 84 B.roomfield 37 7 4 13 Brown 00 2 1 7 Gillespie 66 101 103 51 McRae 7 4 0)0 00 BRAVERTON. Simcee Division, (Beaverten, Mareaed Rama. Thorab, Total For Ce. Ceuncilor, F J Gillespie 80(1. 64 . Wm. Brootnfield 589 Alex. McRae 464 ~ " D. A. Brown, 451 HIGHLANDS DISTRICT. Webster Dowsa cil K ester Uxbridze 281i '49 140 Uxb Tp 363 662 11i Scott Total 355 997 i9 83ý. 389 640 BCUGOG DIVISION (Reecit, Port Pt-ny and Scugog') Resch- 0 ci e -c r Carnegie- 71 48 25 107 85 66 25 76 503 P Clîntie 154 162 Q9 94 97 126 77 147 956 W RIam z8 8S1e 45 19 17 21 17 155 HIGEI..ANDS DIVISION. (U xbridge tp., U xbrtdge tean and Scott tp) Uxb îp Uxb town Scott Toîa: (lt- Lowswell 662 149 29 840 W J Ke-sîr It 140 389 64-1 R S Webster 3b3 283 0>63 15,09 !Dowswell and Wcbstei elected. OSHAWA. Nortbeast Ward- .lam McLsughlin ...................... 142 F. Y. Grierson......................... llt' Eienderaon.............................. làM Joe Iodon ............................. 87 S. H.Saietoe ........................83 SouthesliWard- P H Punshon......................... 128 .J B Rogers.............................. 117 R. McCaw.............................. 115 Wm Gienney............................( 97 aCRooL TRUSTRES. Sontliwest Ward- .10 OGuy............................... 98 r~ H. Carswell........................ 85 Noîthwest Ward- H B. Sinelîs............................ 60 Woe. bambridge...................... 59 REACH. Dr Faber of Soarbro in-in tpwn. Wiio .Rau was with hi. parente lust woek. Miss Grae Wilson bas retarned te thie Univrsity. Mr Calvins Fenton, cf the Toronto Furnitore Co is'hero at present. Mise Hannah Whaley cf the City la with ber siater, Mrs Gec Hastings. Miss Clester cf Port Union is with ber oncle, Mr David Annes this week. Mr Connor was in the vale lait woek in the interesta of the Maple Leaf Inaurance Ce. Mr Walter Major's baby is et proBant down witb the meulIes, bot isnet ser- i4Qusly il!. Birtbs. The wife ef Mr Thos White ef a son. The wife cf a d'aughter, aIl doicg well. Min N ellie Thom pscn. ahois iattend- ing sebeel in Toronto bas returned tue the city afr.er spending a, week withbher par on ta. Mr John Reesor teck 'ais borse, Whirl- wied Jr., te get shod tihe ether day and &orne one fer a joke teck iL and bid it fer a short timo. Conseqoently ene mac came near baving tac black eyes. Do8ths. Frank Oke, ycuugest child of the Rev Mr Oke, died on Satorday. January 2ad at Wbitevale, aged 1 year and 20 days. The foceral teck place ce Mondey. Was boriod at Bowmauville. Mrs Truman Borton, atter maîty years' absence from Whitevale, in bore tii weok viaiting ber many friends. W e are pleased te sea ber sud aise te see ber leoking se well. Tbe ichool meeting teck place on Tborsday lest tic select a trustee and other business. Mr John Tool jr. wui ,ýelected to 611l that position. Everything was reported je geed order. Miss Richardson of Fergus bas assoie ed commnd of ibq Junior division ef tbe school. Sbe came bers highly recotn- tneedjed sud we trust that the tender aboots wilU receive the boit ef training. The Rev Mr Siple presched oeeoe the' strongeat temperatice sermons over prescbed ie the village on Sueday lait. Elo osed some very convincing and for- cible arguments in faver cf lecal option. Some evil. disposed person or persona cut aed îlasbed Lew Hageruýan's barns in a moit ihameftfi way ce Satorday night last. Thore in nothing mert, con- temptible sud sueakieg then a trick like the above. Oaieg to, the death cf Mr Oke's child, Mr Kirby cf Altena eccupied the Methe- diii polpit ou Sondey night. Colds muit b. quite prevaleut if one îhould judge by the amouttof coghing and berking dur- i eg the- services. Mr C GOborne viaited frieeds bore lest week. Sons et Engleud are iecreasing their n ombers. 1Mr Donald McCalloch was elected s chool tru-stoo. Mise Rit-chie, Oshawa, bas baen viait- ing et Mr L Reattoire's. J Il Real, reeve by acclamation. Thos Lamb Mis Mabol McClloch ha& been vieit- 2nd deputy rt-ove by acclamatoti. - ' ing frienda in Oisbawa.1 For iat Deputy- SE Ciagir 27 333489 53 35 9g ý WM Wt-ir 85 65 32 31 50 74 .54 77 For Councilors- E Berît- 6 14 32 61 46 56 25 43 idcDonald 33 66 48 71 56 45 39 6Ç P AParrot 61 41 1i8Se 16 9 41 W Soephen 71 45 16 6o 44 54 33 4ý D McDotuald and Wm Stepheu ei«-ted. RAMA. For Reeve- Divisions Ne. 1 23 45 Adams 58 85 ,26 27 4 Cleeveley 5 28 25 6 10 For Councilor- Carrick 16 24- 46 26 il <Jronk 81 22 35 3 8 fleavener 48 19 8 00 2 MoKinnon 36 26 20 16 7 MeDondoîl 14 43 il 00. 1 McNulty 25 45 19 8 8 Adams, reeve ; Cronk, Carrick, Lunon and McNulty elected. PICKIItG. 77 123 lai 77 -105 69 105 Me- ist 2ed 3nd Rt-cieD R D R D R ad z Grange Hall 8029 1499 3955 r4-89 Margaeb'sPickeelT a34 lit73142 29 6 48 1 0@ rhal, 941#9 9l46 414645 Liverpol Msrie 40go1881 4240 -472!3 Cher"yood- 4634'37Î9 60 'Z45 XÇ Kinsele - eî 16 7e-26 " 2064, Broeghm. «X '30 î8 8530-7.4 L * Bnogbae..sst35, Sz-I49ý39603 WbteaJ ~ 6à 79b68é ioubo zi -M ebl,8h3 744 32 1 8 50 34 29 Aicas& -M 46ot: Totals-M Wbuy 7o8, Peuceler ~s;mao ity for Meww P 2j -Oevo370, Rit-bardi' 7s0; moj for O.Be;t- 66. Hm.' top-493; Oui sj (e Ecsu.73-. Rmns63,Os borl e 28ýos99 S-pg. Mr Bradley's wood sale possod vory well well, from 850 te $80 an acr. Migg Wigg, Oshawa, wil presido over our academy, being the ftrst achool ma'am hore for ever thirty .years, wben Miss Strickland was mistrese. Grand Trunk Rail way. Christmas Neow Tsars. SINGLE FARE-at one vay 'St clas fare, gond goiwg b ay train Thursday Dec. agtb, Or Frld Y,, Dec. a2tM,8l, good téettuin lt-a »g destina:tion net later tRan Saturday, Dec. ;26tb, 14&S FARE AND'ONE-THIRD.-GYOo goiug by tnWededa'y, Der. n2' atrî- Moy, *a4t, orn 4h=d189h, MEW , dii M SINGLE F4kRE-Dec. 3îti- 1896, or ra8u, 197, go", to retîrus et-viûg dès- - natos t leter tin jas ud, 1897. FAR" AND ONE-LRD. - Dec.4)W 4&Iods;jýe»m411. 18e7 Buy aI.your Tickets, for abovefrom STUtRI =-Pu,'Oslsawa ky. (Colsa *ny, .Even the Wi888t Like great Solomon, admire glitter- ing gold, and sparkling jewe1p. There neyer was a better time thari now to invest in articles of Jewelry. Prices rule Iower than ever before, yet the goods are guaranteed to be as represented. Our store is head- quartera in this part of the earth for 9:et BARGAINS in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware and Spectacles. SEE US'! TALK WITH US' TRY US ! BOYD, The Jeweler.' KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA, OPPOSITE CENTRAL HOTEL. 1 all at PELLOWS) and see his Wronght Steel R> GE MS -AT- Aiso his GOAL OIL and GAS STOVES -FROM- $5.50 to $25.000 A Wmnter Shoe muet preteet thie foot or the wearer wiii suifer serions barie. - It mnuet resus.e thie utmost limit of warmt ntisd comfort. Anythiug botter adapted te ast, cold snd stormy weather than our Winter Shoes can't beie hagin:ed. W. know jusL what's wanted te moot the case, and carry tb. beut shoes in the market for tho ecm. Yen cen find nothing botter. becana. notbing botter existe. Shoos 11k. ours- migbht reasenably ho high- priced, but they're net. Wituetube figures Menas FeIt Gaiters, a good eiilid sole extra fins foît,'reg. $160.1.. 1.26 Mou's, Extra Helavy Grain Boots, lioavy felt lining sud insles, reg. #1.756.......-0.......0..81.50 Meule Fine WaIfGaîtera, neodi, tee, soy absles, reg- $1.75 .......* 1.26 ladies' Extra Fine Fait Jaboet'# tura soles, v@rth 11.25...... ...90 Ladies Fine Button Boots, rivited Gî. Sohool Laood Becsl-....... ...1 Boys, YinêJ.aosd Bocitmmsoil te Méell8 Oarpet Slippr. ..... Lds'Callpet 'sui ...s...........9 la;- C. carter, VO0L. XL --THEF Leading Drug A. H.L ALLIN- wîshes hi% manv ctý '. fAPPY NEW We don't p'retend to seli you 9C than they cost us. We do Rive our customners iusta their mion-y, as the most pic- vertist-r. 'Ne don't run a so-called -Cut Store. " We do meet ail competitiori in pr where quality would have ficed to do it. We don't do a Dentist's busines' We de seil Tooth Brushes that m their bristies the first timn ased. 'Ne aiso, sali Tc Washes and Powders-the bnlk, which la by fai the moi ai way te, buy it. A. HO* AL[ CHEMIST &DRUGC WHITBY, -'- Eetablished 1849. whîby Ste am Marbie and Granite Woîks; Dundas St., WHITBY.L Chas. H. si (Pormirly Welfenden porter and Dealer in M : GRANITE MONUMEN- the latest imaterial andc kfnds cf Cemetery work gusanteed. HIAYWA GREAT RETIRIN( SALE Having fhlIy made up My a up busfiness, I Win offer my ]Entire te th. peopleofetWbitbyhnd i country at lever pnices th"r>9 t e osure a quick meal, VCOMMENCINQ BAT URDAY NI JAN.. 9t1 Nov for unprecedsntod Bu4 *~~~a $TO isea ot in iL' Don'& thiaRs itis auanOcl ouet T» Lt i% true I intondesi - yoar, -but vas pRirsado theie Uin hRopos time bottait -"Ta&vasuslm aevomé ietssdof -be peut h.IP, nov gonds mu t- -Don't islaLbiret 1 xng fryoD ishken lu exohango foi îtg ein* ro B Sini 1 ý 1

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