Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 8 Jan 1897, p. 6

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IsmiIscnc~of M.O&r8&officeed, and the Americmns vere SUP; .4 tbo- *Mm, *ith 'hi d Mbelsj posed to be ini hot pW'U. t-p3...4et the' ïWI0ft epo. Mr .n (Lynde) Warren. The carrier of dispatches wu P11 h yaoeei -- d to much danger, notwits g ii-,bt b.e ontemt had beson oogduoW d THEWAR0Fc8i e waS aCComipafied in his journey -b3 and promused to d6 hisdent, for the in. T h eT E Wr O FC a a a u lt t er18r12r. M n cr- 4 t a e t este0f divi i n N o. 6. )r. ibbs, ai-l.. logbosesonthe ahre eit theaksa îtrcpt tesen mshag, tthough a defeated cacdidato, said h. The etters n Cintecep thee mssaes, and a life inl could amie stili', but not ail over bis face gourl log bouse on the horesaof heslskeccesr fiti candidatesed cotild.coH. or on the banks ef rivers and streams war thenc is sacrificed without cern- running into these riatural hrgbwayS et punction, when deemed necessMr. attuibnated his defeat to bis living t e bPA LTICUE -4ONWTEK. commenCe. By and by paper money was issued, vuhetO inDn Hemte s Km.alMcatcctfeicbuyrut5kEI c Ba In sumnimer, a century ago. the waters an-isede qd i cenSwr Try, try agftif. bitr. Vrooman madie a Onrt sweffwl tM yke fetenstdotietb=5Iy BoC of Ontario wcre as azure aind transpatr- paid in gold, redeemabeatte ls few suitableremark, and s id, aoeong brgcoirert w g 5h nde. oe sibe of11mbody Hep. ent as now, and the breezes whicb ef the war. It was boom tirnes. Ail otiber tbings. that lie feit under mrater *u*Me hamundteewin hn caused tie rîpple, and splashed the legitimate demands were paid by the Obligations te look te thbe brut in erstsber freda rbty Ryckheman'. Eootng ur e ng rnetwitb liberal hand. Land o e onbptaiee eoe M.blt .W ecorOceNta Publcaven pebbly beach were the sanie as to-day. goveroumentnhp huevrbeoe.M.ber lite and bapinu.. OS lw10rm&nto And aise their dark suillen frown in ap even wben partially cleared, Brethour, wbile accePting defeat witb awY.s he PubieBOc!E %%,inter forebrr<ed cvii tiien as t docs at and th e simple wants ef the settier geed grace, said tibat he boped to e à aSTAUHET e A clurabI senti the prescit utie. The tullin oon easily supplied. AIl were yet in the snccesofal candidate at smre future tume. NO«igtEEBoL sirone wth the same lrstre, and the prime and viger oet',Ife. Mr. Jas. St. John saîd he htitlin.EzeuoWhiebîti» yeben nlrelhosuared und tlrrv <I rire starrt haicis wa as And te many it appeared, there tihretagbthe bole o f tn tstitdid net er enla duce berbitbubeRyakn aEe oty H gat bnvee jintr lac would always be a glut of land, and hurt biin ithbe leazt te ho defeateti end OCe." 'The aboie tact, aeen Ici c'e e arri and 'rybuis, ad eyuth adp msdte 'Try, try agtain." M.Tt ment maSo by ber meiber, 31-George White, 3 o a hnse rmtenm lstgold. aMr-pToraiesti n iS5, Hamilton, Ont., dated july s., sg&Block tacs exnse Throm tic nonsaîof trarmy andnet, who beaded thé poli, thaciked the belote J. F. Monck, Netary Publia. oinn saw tue saille rrsrng ruiî, ndwr- n hesionally there weuld be toucd. electers fer tibeir confidence ini a new sasA COUIBIIATION »IS1-rrmng» - SWOmw ->( - Ocd%%ic1 , n h arma onumse ypîrant for a iseat in the conil. Mr. 8TATEYIENT StADE. Br te niernloe.made, a good imnpressaion by the few re Ont.t, had 4 ia t f lo trouble, aheu. Broci rfwts r :oî:î;a: oivte in- In baortaHopa, oin menmî dbrilas is e ii iejoouncilnOatise e ewman. Mritrouble nd orourpt Offi PortHop. soe mc r~OlCflg~ mark@ be rmade ici thanking the electors W&aetrequenu.lYrlcturbed at nikht. test bis appote - ladsa,%hc teax cr-o their riches tried te surpass ene an- for tibeir votes. Mr. Howsorn weund Up iwa e~ ac a.Hia Kdne,* are nia a andA on wba ch thre plow iras left no fcr- other in the high valuie et the army thbe meetig by attributing bit. Williams' cibcian ontpaoncrert; il thd ees. deb sucSgg tO eis leutisn ctede.Tce aboie face.«be lote J, W. Se ruw, we finni the sihole vrew transtorm- brIlwith which each lighted bis pipe. scest isee5o are h et rycmc' "otycure."; He m-wýasea don crli n the cerrrc of one ifetinie. Thre Tire money wîth which jabez Lynde ing disporsed #ft»r evote of than.ka toe tt e Ocey.JulyO te boe Ko0. . . ey rrrt their ias dense and as danger- bu t the house. afterwards given by oairman. ow, uy1) m jst h:wnçigcbrld ofthtie whirte %liss Elmina Lynde te Ail Saints____D____r,__ ritan, as is rire triirÀrless ocean te thre chttchr her tathcr sald. - 'ould have Mu COURTICEens mrariner adritt withQut cirart or corn- bought ail the land from bi's heuse te uo Mo, vr, Arthur Rr.irdie, et Detroit, is J.J But to tire incian. the chrld otf PerrYs ý Corners." That is a bleck of EAST WHITBI(. bere spending a tew days wrth hîs 1rdS5. i~~~~~~~and erre and a quarter miles snua"., ut iprns -ei ntr odadca I rlir ferest. rts waysswere as ciearly de- par*Rev- rire.Denyre e snestHee andinsteinwellad. o firnen as tire paths ef the riv et, tire.lake Icast: ndpobbl e meant 2,14 m Jaes StocJks. Councilee-myr reb sidney, Pîcklen , et Mng eden, Ma i and the orean are totehOe frali.which, C tr ériaîC. A E e Stocks.no cnzie eb, sbee lsGUYh, mteran1 irtt ier in strearniet or hatcherv, %an- Lut-a mac's lite censisteth net i erJn erue rSiny ike o odn ai u1r~ti te ret .ranic btwith e abudacee the thi'g whch ire PORT PERFI. triends toc about a rnenth. He likes rrnerrrng eertaurntv, rÇturrns. yr â possýessetr.' -le that loveth sîlver Reeve-Win Rose. Cotiniilrs-T B it wellout there Ph veut, ( to n i;thlrcce agarn. shah net ire satisied with silver. Rundle, E H Purdy, Samnuel Jeffrey and Tw t u raksooeswett ii,- .te mseî,es, the trees et the hn ae a resfred, the onom r Dtrn WhitIýy on New Years' day and got Cbu: sby a law divine, sought and termned anXettto h ee APLA. frtadscn lc suta h e ound perfertion. The streains fui1 of ony ot lie was sought in ther exc ite- isanseodpcesuutinhe ei wae. nduvriurg rtr însflwe mnt. he ojet home et the Cari- Reeve-D Grabarn, sec. Deputy-D pigeon match held there. Messrs A. attel taan vr tire lakies,The obedia oetwm e en disurbdT J McFhee. COUncilors-Jno bicCorkeil, Gay and S. Brooks are bard te beat. 1ereniiialiv h ae.Tenbeain oet stootndsubdr) ai oeadJoMNb.Miss Ida Wilson, et Oshawa, was beec rc te ,showcredirILS iittle nuts te convivial paries et men wbo desiredDvdReuadJeMNb.f fatten the bear fortits winters slumber. lite, and would have it more abundaut- tUXBsIDGE TOWN. visiting at F. Courtice's last week. And tire ma ' estic butter-riut tree gave y Mayor-li P Harmaci. Reeve- jas .l.iss Fester, et Torento, is spending nut t tie ongwrtetevnnns t treAt the beginniug ot the century, the Richards. Deputy-Wra Poster. ~a 1kw dayfat our posmasters'. brrght. wood)( lire of the log house. waters et eut beautitul lake splashed on cliloa-North ward-C H Nix, A W Mr. John Brooks is an the sicklist. Tire ireautiful black squrrreî sprangitpebysoeathydt-a. Croéîbyýîand Jas Forresti. WeRt ward- Master Norman Davey, of Picker- v fror limbtrumb logth reetos Then, the young mac and the maiden A j Gould, T C Nichao andi Wr Low. ing. is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Ira 1ri rb ln h os as diligeutly counted the myriads et Eaat wrd-J A Lord, A Merris nW Tl. and i wthirts roal krnstcrlk tire grey struntr and thre red reigned i kngs and qucens sasi h glorcous heavens as tbey de J Crozall, Tb Intclo.e ~v .Oe arong tire branches. te dav. At tbe dawn et the r9th cen- The ?B.wb iefaut sWhi oevale,.wa . inerrda Tiren came thc sound of the wood- tury tbe lad and the lassie leved a-- at-R v- Joep Cueeo.CendirsE ezer buy ewaiuggon ntMond a man's axe. and witir tire tailiuttire taldently as tbey et its ciosing heurs. ReAlunJo e Cugls S W oeorse A Bîr bOngtherth nst.onthowite e adtrbeurumaiteewsAndi what manly man, witb swelling -Alle. n ogaSWMorA BrhO h 4his. h ieo pin ad hebeutfu mpl tee ws eatha nt ol tâtmot eatiulA olile.H. S. Phair, et a son. C herd rni utterrrlgs et wat Soon atter ofalbeart bs ettls ldha st uitul SOFVIL. o drtagoons wrtir their clanging saireî- I et ai earthly tals.Aasto im wiho T1 'îLMr. jas. Ceurtice is visiting bis Pol s,itires carne un. anti infantry soldiers kosi htjyu ud~t Reeve-Rateliffe. Ceunciiors-ba&ker, daugbter, Mrs. (Rev.) T. Brown, Can-- wrti rted couts wended tîîerr way trembling trame, bas net had wbisperedi Stark, Macdonald and Dunean. ton. th(ihtefrs yterdl o-nhrerta lodstery.Fo Mr. Thos. Nicbols bas" purcbased a titirtire frrest v in ' afrethrron-. ruer ear that olw dold e eri.IDS&. ouse andi lot in Bewmanville, where iltrrsed wrirn infetir-ida therei .c E. W. Mayor-Smyth. Reeve-Ray. First ire wili meve in tbe cear tuture. -ilrseswer sttîned utrtie 1 rideuicfdeputy-E Gillogly. Second deputy- rf \1 t. 1.tb---t-ne.fri-tre-u---e-i W M Robsoci. Counillrs-Nortb ward Mr. Thes. Gale, carpenter. was eut AI irtWtiin dsîutirs.And fus eld- 1 ~i1fd- W Pedler, A Hemn and J D Grahami in the corth country last mýeek anti an est ,rris.lawkins a nd Svlvester, werr F. Bryant bas returneti te taesup bis East ward-A D Malien, J Killaly end bougirt a large quantity of tirrrber. rir1rritd - rerr.tr.r c.rrreswlilestudieis at the Torontoe Veterinay College. G Bryan. Senthr wad-Dr BtirrosB MersGbnaniSC rtcae rhrrrIrfie lirz L rde wa egaed Benj. Depew às renewicig old acquaint- Baldwini, J H Sootheran. geîng te the Toronto universiý for t-tUTtst pCijriicbtu rOîimrSsiarv de- an ce. ~vaoo.aoie em prtiller.rit Miss Pound and Mies Parrish are visit- Maot- Elland. Counclllors- War and\N&9,(]()ate rinciptîat as ngfind eeNo 1-Henry Best, N T Delehente, Chas ----- 4 .~n ssgul o th pinepietiat ar H. Spooer bas retarned Wt Toronto B Robertson. Ward No 2-A L Davis, 14 Iritist SUppr rrt wat, ian awtul scourge. Junction. THGDuiBoetN1.WrdN 'I ~ But dcf'nýiýc ar,(arred n ina TH G onn, RoertNeil.TWrUP.o 1 Bucýtteri e at.rieon ru ae 'Mms. McLean is visiting at ber broth- S-J B McWilliamu, Adama Dawsen, J.1UIT U rre.t i tire rei..nten ru thei ers, Mr. W. Brethour. H Cebb. Ward No 4-W H Meldruna, el le,%~. orrthe , atrxru petletetir egot riI M. rtor svpiigber smMr. Ju Grahamn, John White. Fiîa *e& That's ourit rrfrit sctteeW.reOie.tir enrnv- frR1% aniv'ce te every R irri<iin chreck. r- a ditietenit thing. BOWNANVILLE. Buw;Y' As n war, tire ieif rnien ru, tteely Ont scirool openeti on Monday witilheky IC-y surtrrrcd irrrrtan î lesre eri sua r.Rieareo asprncpalan Mes Maor-R B Lescemnbe. Reeve-J K aiiing woman and t-ir1, and i ew slergir îrrad-ý of îfriir grrId vt asl Hart as assitant. There ie a good deai Gaîbraith. Depnty reeve-K O Jeffrey. ther:'s nothing equai te â unted aslai oi*ionmiho talk about eugaging a second assistant, Counilloer-West wrd-Jno McMurtry, INDIAN WoM.VAN's FSBALM us Lt' ts entpa nsedetbfJ B Mitchel andi J H 1-ercy. North tue tthi~ rf i'trturce wthrr wirr~.eirbois bdiy eedei. wrd-Wn Mc aJpb hPattisen and for purifying the blood, ,A Ai this stage. (;ene-al Brock, .west- many giving oniy one vote for eue candi-WB y sdANLu ar2-R o cte&M.DvinSvsümwt ward bounti, drete up te tireirouse et date. Fer reeve, Mr. Brethour hesded M[eCsw,, B J Rogers anid P H Pucishon. our reprcSnitstfrc, seid: Mr. Lynde. un Lyndes creek, and de- thre listi hers but was ultirnately îeft ba- Ward "-as Rosa, W J Provan sud C- Doans Kiclne3r Pills arc lice best kidcic sîret irmmedîate cenvevance te Toron- ly, Mr. Vrooman Seing elected reeve by Fren3Faoc. Wad 4-Àauel Mc yth djfleverheadtif, ewThcyh tc oveu te. He anti iis aid-de-camnp were a large majority. Fer Onrt deputy, Mr.agln Giro.AHcdro. thdsrsnkdlyribeihhtbu clati in long plaid coats lineti with fur. MClygai the meut votes ici this divi- »i4UOTON. affm sUd maide« siroge, bappier mmn of Tire suavity ut tire commander-in-chiet sian but deteate inicithe end,.by Mr. uvTr. m FrîetyLIvtse.Fr's epas baReverpemtroe was manifest even in the wayside log Wetberall. Of the councilers Mr. E. T. eàe-Pum indptyLM if vapisacotbkwr«Ifth inn. at o h rate h iteWilliamas, V.8 , beaded theeliaI bers, a< otie ooddpt-xcees acndTeu aewssnîtoeidssd p o v e d t bp eon edftoh etu p a mcg c a n i . et-li m e q d m g b Canadian girl et the bouse, who for prveele a neetttaw ningcntt- oncilas-d meebIrinL rod.îeesus daletanc-nc, eiitccii dates in tireeod. Mr. Turner,.&a nov U- wrFE oER.ngt erlo ra aiee rmsv four score years bas net ceased te sor- ih 1 atoage $ls«k rowto iisuntme> nd Co. rui-piant for municipal honore, came second rraggrt. inut rese lebiIndbtbet-5'igo moud, iris cempanie:j, paced tire flc>c.tr nhe lin therendbt. ssatTh e wad e0'--J L Smith. Couricillrs- tô le iimtic e ra.elmohaay -The kings business requireti haste.'"h eainteedcTehl aaem hien R Rogers snd J Würmi. $- 1 bW a gvit (to eydcesVusf Mr Jbz yde ahrsmn t fortably 6lled by those waiting for thee *tfti~e o ikh de a Mr ae ydahrea fn returne trom thea other diviuionse, being -tired, weak cdweut>,à= . W~isrss mnean skill,wîhtebstrn bi entertaicied witir music by the village Recve-W Crozier. CouloaMa - ,1 meit ofCtRie wo "ý=wiines stables, drove over thre snow, threnxgb banci, hy ate on sdysinty1-i. pn- wet1s - tirl okse the serpencine toest roati, dowii anti fer returnu fromn Macla. When tbey Plumb. -m r. ' up tire dangerens Rouge bis, andi en- veto banded ici, thse votes voie con Mg*Pom.hUdug stm, ai 0 baie SOI taku itb * tereti, in three heurs anti five minutes up, snd Mr, J. 8. Br-abitzon proeeeded te ZLLA later, tire yard efthtIe Gevernment read thse sesuit, when it waaaerand > .- , ~ eu éhie *'r 1ta ,fi8d -,not pee" Uiin bouse, Torontoe. that semaeue haïk peipetrated a jeke by Veonu. Y"Oouneilors-vest, iard-S lu summer, îreops on march de- ecdngwaak eduu owvf, fBO, iOudJs sdn.S'i mandeti ne bouse romin; but in thse r-Rhtratuus 3,e'Praeivsl etisat n4 nain~ tbe folloviggnlmn r ou 0mn2kïwrdNs de 'lIrbm4 ~ - ~ depth et wintem, sometinses with vife have b.en electei-,-Fo eeunt3r 0018009-1migaoie 1pi s tdueo and chiltiren, the soldier siept on thre ors.-John GlendinniXg and mOmen .uolou noed4l Sholbr. d fleor ot the log taverci, and wherevetray ev-Jea. Vroomau !eaIdq * o6»eôr ne mri. & No l -tlt else shudIter couid be found. lui the tv-mno. Weathrali; 2nddputçy. ward nigbî orne et these guests afome and, Edwardî, mc; couotiil Mr ure $," with dexterous,- band, cut froni thii ad E:.ýT. Wiitliaaust VS8. -Th.e "i - neck ot Mrs L ynde, whiie she slept, a was then eosilet teorderand Mi..Geo. $LI . ' th*-,Ia 51*1U$ valuable string et gold beads, whIbh li seleeted ehairmmn. t-m J 40. serves r.o' fil .ratéeýthe loy, -moiis 4ibO,ù orne .1 the eaiulù,,« . r grade ft~r eompogng ths efks±dst prmsnt t FOR harsususS file ot.thc day, .. sit ti drus 1aq oà e tsu r4wLu- on anotlz&e ssonfficer bW giSeS ISuUIô ki -f9b1io1 it4rW-OW 7 < 4 advauce wafiCdbe sbôis sochorsi -aaea bcu 4 -of igbt everY 'gt Si srle of_ value, 1eO41I wo- :oý<Àî thnsadie-i infbfl1tia o.1 r_1 id c I .. -- ~à oehm flIwiRIdIU O.DZIS' *iiting. ~FL lau a'.' - L~GI. alter (oeuty Crcwn Attorney, saud Lty èolicfior. Office- South 'wing of , flouse, -Whitby. JAMI1s IUTLEtiB, iît, etc. Ofice f ormerly occupied aâreveil & Rutiotigo, cext Boy ai Hotel, à St., Whitby. DA.VID ORMISTON9 Be A-9 rney-ai-Law, Solicitor ici ChanaerY, veyancer, etc. Office -Inu the Office t et the Post Office, ici McMillafl's r, Break Street, Whitby. G~. YOUNGJ SUITRI. LL. B., lalaer, etc.,-Money te Lean. Issuer f arriage Licenctes. Office - Srcu.tir ýk, South ot Market, B' ock St., Whitby. DOW & MctILLIVIKAY, riatema, Selicllesi'nic Chancery, etc. -e in Mathison & Bgawken's new block -k St.. 'W hitby, sentIr ef Ontario bank. rs. Warren 2&vMoore, 1. gore,MD.? F. Wf4mtei, M.»D te heurs 9. a. mn- p- Privaie 7Teleph% Com lUlC10 1). p. BOGART, 1DLDI .sicaû Surgean andi Accoucher etc. !e andi Residelice next le AUi vit' urch, £>nnd5.5 Street, Wbitby. N. B.- ital SurgerY ic itis branches preflstly înded te. r. . ightmian I9ENTIS T. flmn O &en TvMy Bsitpi'd nigtb. 1 i COUWn W O OTÂIO 18M~ Wurrscl-IY. O. Macdonlr, WhItbyi Cltrk Jan. 3;Feb. 3; March 3; Apx41 2; a June 2: July 7 SeP. 2; Oct. 2; Ntuv. 8 OSHÂWAD2. C.macdoil 1,Whitby, Clerk Jac.4; Feb. '; M arch 4 pril 3;.léai 4 june 3; July 8 Sep. 8; oct. 8; Nov. 4; Dec. 8. BaouaRAU 19M67lesonGreelOO9, Clerk.-Jafl 6; IMarOiMa ;Juy9 Sep. 4; Nov. 6. polt, pBylm - J. W. Burunhm, Port - P",r Clerk-Jân. 29; Mdarcia 9; Mây 15 july 20; Sep. 28; Nov. 18. UXBiDoxJoseph E. Genld, Uxbiidget Clerk-JSIi. 80; Match 24; May i9thc; ju1 14; Oct 14 ; Dec. 16. ÇAI<5IWOTOw.- George Smnith, çaflnicgtent Jan. 81; Mardi 2b; May 20; July 15; Oct. 16; Dec. 17. BZÂ&VxRTOiNGee. F. Bruce, Beaterten, Cierk-March 26; May 21; JuIY 16; Oct. 16; Dec, 18. 1 UPrsReaOVz-Thos. P. Hart, lgptergToye, Clerk,-.Marcb 27; May 22, laly.17; Oct. 17 Dec 19. Now Liyory and Sale Stables li Dundas St., Whltby, J. T. NEWPORT, Proprietor. Commercial men iberally dealt with Tearning dune aI reasonable priceis. Preight sud Baggago icauled t ea eon' &ble prices. A cal1 eolicited. 1 DENTIST. YÂRNLPsD.L,.. or the nexi thiee motitha I a=mgi'viP- w. ic fNOD .L 8 PC& upcattente pattents tram a dis- ,unly Survayer sud Drainage BEnleer, tance. Amn s1 ùig la s in berl îmtPetr, Ont.$8, celluleli. s$10. Q tel ani mueratoflisi OtgryOn.werk crowBini< yfis'Ciu pmty. a teMost resvniable rates In thecty il. CALV ERLE Y* Whenintheiy callinic andi let me exam- ine vOurt tth. I make ne extra chage' HÀ&RN]5MjjIAzES, W'ITBT. C. -. RIGGS, Dexitat, uouth est corzeir Hving me-veti inte ur new preuttes, wOeKing and Yoge stes., Trnt. r, rd to extend the range et business. Nov. Sth, 1892. he wr1'e ttXii e ihe xrnessmakng ___________________ ma eaddlemy business 'Vil' be dons la salis- actiou. Coilars a sPecisltY. Cati and vee. Dsiop anti stock. W u.H @ W A INERm second dar west et olti shop. Dundas Street, WbitbYDELRI ------COAL, W. ADAMSY AE (:ýýDE T1STýCORDWOD Roonas ever John FeMgtsefl'9 clothing store tiesidence-No. x1 Tie TerracBrnSBIB-ET Whitby. Jan. 29h, r8&». LIFE, INSURANCE. AGENT For the PEOPLýE' -te:- - COAL 00., TORONTO. InBirnrBflC o., Toronto- Larltut Capital Stock Lif e Instsran<te Co. ou thSe continent. Ninety pet cent. e &Il acocuitone et surpine is tetuifeti to the pr.iyholdiere. ÂU claicrie are pad wilbout dolay or discounit on proof ut doath or oeatxitity o01ocidovznont J. B. POWELL, F'eb. lit, 93. - Age-nt. whitby. U.bihtb» erauidct I.t&bIiihOd 1856. 01 PeT &aum lu adyvme. othervise o1.r»0 elabscriptioDe aIways payâble il thse oafce of ptabicUtioli. The pûtibherr do not ucidertake te deliver thse paper at "Y pet officebut Whltby. D ar wbleh flatle te rpubiits dest nation wl11 be. »piè u o tification sa altrof oourmy.AUv«Wagrates mnuisty ee- tract., oetso T lice, u@piol, Îtn %oXtîoU5, »a4 ô6eente pet lice eseissubse. quen t insssiOD Looel,10ote «l" e i JW'h.I chages for yarty *a&v"rti"Monte must b. brouein lunet laer tissu Tue,"y RaI1&y Tme able, Glas"» TuitI AR»M1o ~ go .-!W- ce2 z! Uptown Station. Whit.by, Oct. 25th, M84. A8K YOUR S TA TIONER SPÂRTICÂ, mmI n13W ?AIMIGPP3 TAKE NO ýOTIIERe- sOTT NUS8 ZELMA RAWLI à CHÂRMING SOUBRETI ÂTTBACrS LARGE àAIDE Bhe Telle Bomethîng of the Il Necesary to Make a Suc. tist-Many, Break DowrL Strain-An II2terestiL,(~ Telegrapb lReporter. Frooe the Queb-c I eSgrapù, Those who bave attrriirAlt, ances at the AcaÀlery ut M ii- wii readîly cucede tulat \À Bawlston le one (if ttje t ir~. tes on the stage. SL i - ia cian sand sarmri u~~ iimperson3ator ebows ir-Lâý sbove the averarze tw. r ,ways, a mischreëvouls ' and a Captrvatrfginty :l- srsrn for drawinz Iarwf alone confine'l co tbArtae seused ef a character 1% ir Lt1 eorne in contact witii. I k ý nature, amiable rjuaiàeiû, a'. th&& endears ber t(r, ai. (k. been 80 otne as to hr acqnaittce. ATl-rai tive had the plo>srre r4 r, With Mi93s RaWiStron Vwi.;r biographical sketch of ti-r lisiled, u tritee6CQr)tttrt.k.î D)u.ring the course of til- Rawlsaton let ont a secret, wr. eented te shlow the-Trrr publie. For many ypars stue the beat part of ber turne to tlrne8 practieiing at tic Pia- heurs a day. it je not tu&,rtf,. !ita, tbat undér a strain oft,., belzan te feel the etfec4s c -VOUS Cons5tituitionl her çbaild, and apparently rr su1ad stood the strain with-11t ber studies,utilIshe bal P'-' which elle desired te tcconmP many other artiste who bavei - she completed ber work, gra, tbe higbest honore, and Jîrel, ter upon her stage career. 1 of over study, anid long bours. te tell npon lier, and altboug.' interfere with her cli mbiniz Il farcie as an aetrees, she verY s' qOgiiEMt of the facithat se i'ng rfrornia strain on the nl threatened sooner or lftter t( * ioniy te ber bealth. lier fin not intierfere with ber enizaz prevented ber tronc participai of any kind. The nervouenei t esncb an extent tibat ebe bel tam te insenunia, and stowly bl powers gave out, and sbe was ing a obronie sufferer tronc bilty. After trying rnanY rc' prescriptions, she one day re>i tisement in one ef tbe darlyp ring te the ceniplete re-covpr lar case as ber own, wutirl1 Williamns' Pmnk Plila. Sire rnany patent rBrnedies idiat deBpai red of trying any nIl thing seenaed te influence bier preparation, and sbe ventin Chase one box of the pille. bad used b4flf thiemile be an immediate improvrerent rzý tien, and 1by the tirne she he or-three boxes, she wus a di man entirelv, and te-day ih actreises whlo dirplay a better perfect bealtb tiban orir rce found Misa Rawisaon in wbf tapon ber lsat week. The sugizeeted by ont reporter sie the Pink-FilIs in Miss; Rawlstl Sion. " alwayis carry thetn she said, "and would not Se entt sema; altbougb 1 doc noi pakyor dealer for themn. Theo Pillà arc macnftactui Dr Wi'bsm's Medicie Comp Ville, Ontarjo;» and Secheneo -aud ane sld onlylin boxes 1 firm's trade mark and wrap eot a hou or six boxes f They may b. haa rrom any wil b. sent by mail on receip, Dr. WiTiam' Pink Pillaeii ofiffil druggta or direct by Dr. WilimM ' Medicine Cou *iter ddrs.,The pries ai pMlléau uold make a couru msent eomparutively Mcxi "Mmrd with other remediel Mfr- EdwaT VanCamp, of WUlIand Edward 'Witheagt j. r ter, J. E. FAREWELL, Clerk olthe Peace. By ordi 'Wbitby. ()fflce bcursýjj SM to 2 1D.M. ,F&9% rer urukilà Ud wà-c>-- -- .. - 1 ýlc . gýropenevery SatutdaY 'n'gb&* 1 --. .. AUC 3 -FOR -- -A»-

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