Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 8 Jan 1897, p. 5

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Ir. BamN Thanke his many custom- ers for their appreciative 'words and practical support during the year that ie past. In 1897 no effort will bit relaied te make bis stock of Watches and Jewelry thoroughiy attractive. The 'I Scott repahs @ a& o. f pas. Tise.are meoral cases cf scrlet lever. lu t Mrs M is?"lwÂ'ryer Mr. Whlt. Robson bas m.cured a situation in tise club bouse of the; Toronto club. Mr. WIlmot Pîke, cf tise Woodrufibouse, speut tise egrlyipart of tise veek lu Toronto. MMa. kobsofi, ilamefts Corners, bas been visltlng het daugister, Mrts. Swean, aitLittle York. Ladies' jackets teduced to baîf price on Salut-day. Bat-gain day, Jan. 9tis at W G Waltet-s. Mr OBrien yull be in tise Whitby Pho to Gallery evet-y Tuesday, Friday aud Satur- day of eacis veek. Mr. George Warkup, au ancient Iand mark of atniers' Corners, lu this tovu, dicd on Tisursday lest, aged 83 years. We guaranie s larger circulation tisan cuy five papera in the leoutity, sud insert smali advettisemeuts at 25 cents per veek. -rIasate AiktBum 'Ci ,là àw,ý the guesi cf ira. Abruistub -lir.Geo 1speat xNa* K~eBàubu*en anVdltisGtosa Me*srs Robt BlrreU snd David Fraser, Qreenwood, spemit a fev duys la tIWn lat week. Tise local o ption bylsv, wviîcisas voted un lu Kingsvllle, vas defeuted isy a majorlty 0C9.2. Saturday. bat-gain day only, Jau 12, at W G Waltet-s.' Tise munlepal grant te public schoels bas been discoutintscd and tise Legîsiative grant SU viii be psid lu J une, isased on 1896 attend- ance. Wl Tise Messrs. Harkuesa are stilI buyiug as boerses. Sec ibeir local ln another columu. They viii visît Hampton, Bîack»tock, Ses- grave sud Mytle nexî veek. Mr. S. W. Lowel Ieft bere for Nev York vesterdav. from vbicb place be vili sip B C0 taste, the quality and the Mr, Jno. Waugh, B.A., B. Paed., principal fàrge'san'pie c-nsign.m'ent of bhis evaporated of the collegiate institute, and L. C. Smith, fruit to Hamburg, Gerrnany. price shall menit a Con,- BA, principal or Oshawa high school, have Th.e new town band spent a couple et het n appointed by the educational counicil of bouts on Tuesday night serenading the tinuance and an extension Ontario, examninersaiat the Normal Collegeneyeltdconirs Thyddft pracîca exmifltiol5.have rime to visit them ail, but carne back of the patronage so liberal- Reports are fiying round since Monday with piles of money. lv estwedhertofre.Maythat the vote in Pickering on local optioni Mr. A. A. Bugbee, who moved here four wil hae o b tkenagan ecasepeotevears sago froni Aicott. N. Y , to taire part in0 n corne instances misunderstood the ballot. the Whitby evaporating works, returned 1897 prove a Tiiere is nothing in this talk. The ballot withbihs family te bis American borne on was the only legal fut-m of ballot possible i Wednesdoy. He earned t le bigbest respect -this case. of ail our citizens whilst bere, and bis re- r os per~ou9 David Fraser, of the Aberdeen Recorder, moval maires quite a bole in the (urlinq passed through here on Tbursday at 3 15 P club. We wish Mr. Bugbee every auccesa. m. having left Toronto et 8 3o a. m. He la Swalking to Boston, and expected to reach School openng. o odywt Oshawa before nigbt. He is a fine iooking The collegiate openedon oda'wt man of dark complexion about 30 years of many new faces in evidence. The public age. His undertaking la to wallc across the achools have their full compliment of pupils continent in 6 months, starttng without a in ailtbe divisions. cent and not asking any help by the way. Burns' Annlversa.ry. w / e ~ IA When he arrives at Boston be is t.o be well A full attendance ia requested as tbemreet- dressed and caoeto have $io ii bis pocket. ing ofibhe Highland Club on Monday eve. Qî Beitîg a mati of good address, he la able tO The manner of ceiebrating the comitig secure any amount of help by reasons of Burns' anniversary wilI corne up for discus- erpianations he can maire vithout soliciting ion ~OffciaI ContyOrgatL-rKO5 reia-anvthing. He walks on the railways, and B 01MW CLnt c)rga--Iargt Crcua-egisters at every station, and ao secures ABg Shipment tion 01 gany inca. pap.e cina the station aZents certificate to the eflect Or boots and shots arrived at the West that he is walking and notr rding. Side Boot aud Sboe store this week, which %sill be sold at bard time prices. ioo pairs 1 7. Re W C 1 Concert, of bouse lippers at 9c. per pr. ion pairs of FRII)AY, J.>.S. 1897 AIl outstanding accounts againat the col- buttuned boots at SI per r. Men's gaiters legiate institute for late conceit are requeat- et $i per pr. Mfens laced boots atit Ite$5. ed to be sent in at once as prompt s-ettlement Boys' achool boots ai 5oc. per- k r., ait the LOCAL LAGONIOS. is desired. F. C. RARE, Sec.-Treas. West Side Boot and Sboe store. lui e iv' t' 'ee~nw 1rînts ai W Hockey. J.dandLeaue aaimffr Dte ft-s IjIiptecs neThe first game ifi the Miln ege jereMLah W. Palmerbiifo h is Waleîssenes will be plaved here on Monday eveti- division court of thîs county, died et bts Lîsin [n'tI lo a clore utitil VOU ng the iîth. Bowmanvilie will try issue recîdence here on Tuesday, of inflammation. see Jake MClî)ti-re witb the local teani. A fast and dleani gaine He was born in Bowmanville on Nov. 9th, Mr 1) Wt rie.t rry'eî, carne bere rnay be looked for. Game will be started at iS26, and studied at the common school ()n Mondav t-) vite S o'clock. Admission toc. until he secured c certificate for teaching. Mr Jno c(ulluiZh,. ste of the corner soon Horses Wanted. He then taught public schools for about drug store, wq, in tan ! il tiitday The undersigned will be ai the followinR twenty five years in different parts of DarI- The crinlinai 'u',tî' e audtrl; are sîtîng places for tbe purpose of purchasing bot-se.- îngtoii, Whitby and Pickering townships. this Yerk .aj_ý i, (,,rit%,auditos. lo exper. The mustbOnfrretire8ngeafronmrteacbingom bech started atedaboot Mri. Frak aI..tite ote adtR yl, lnor ge export. They uat lie fromseotou tat-s and choe store in Brooklin, but after three Mr, F ank F>nivrilth rendR nvaltospn.i of cgendihn goofronditooton.oaponor four years be closed it ont and camne to Sundy aîl Mnd~' wth fiena n îltn. oundsudin oodcoJndito.h capto, hitbv to reside. Soon after movinif bere, l.ades tke~ wrth$î.redce'i is~ an ît Blcksock ia îah Sagrveabout 2o years ago, be was cppointed bailiff lit -alrdav, itargan da>'.,an r2, aiw Jan. î.'th ;Moyrtie, Jan t4th. of this division court, wbicb position be hau \Vale-s.The Piremens Bail ince filled. He vas a wise, shrewd, quiet, %ir. and Mr, I ,eo i'ectcher. Huntsville, Taken alttgeher, there mnst have been methodicai mati, much devoted to his homne the latter A 1li ojit i'f Mr' I ibiciy of titis hetween fotur and five t1undred people on and famuly. Herwas fond of bis herse, and t'aNn, are lt-tre ~si the floor and in the gallery at the fit-tin always kept a good one. He was a keen N l i M( 'il VoIkiflaie off ban line, annuai bail New Vears' eve. The assembly patron of atbletic sýports, anid seidarn missed ( ' tiario i..urs .Irge, Bel wcs a granîd success iin every scribe. Tht a game on the atbletic grounds. Mermarried rt.-itaea coIrse n11 buattiess and brigade gave the people of the town a Miss Wasber of Dariington, wbo survives si'rthnd lllendid dance tn the excellent music ofrlii, as do four sotis-Frank, of the law firmn Gorsts orchestra, while the supper set up of ldington & Palier, Strattord - J. Milton, Sontfry agsemihie' Ai the rrsîtlenT1ç of hivToZd asa first cascs in every respect. of New Mexico; J Allen, of Illinois- and Mr andi Mrs John lileit. of the Siturt lefl 10. % Wî Kirkland called the tutrt in a Murr-ay, seho is ateinding Tt-tnîty college, i.lnast iensl tA iitî-ss the niar i muai îelodious voice, and Messrs C Perry, Toronto - and four daughters, Mrs. Dr. t ttet tîgisi ,îîhîe. s~'titJ vIKinnoî and \Vin Smith muanaged the Langstaff, Richmond Hili;Mr.Re. M. tr \m 31 30. un..,îîndoseil odu flor rnot acceptably Foiciier, Illinois , Mrs. Wiekwin and Mrs. fo'nf )1lrunie. Ont The Rev Mi NMan- Watsonî, Chathami. H-e was a member of T), lgierirme'l te ciremotrite ai foir 'Ciik R a. the I. O. O F. and Home Circle, in the M-(',aies. of Ttr,,nto. was briieç'rnitd, Teb eart, ob Rachel. in thv dire dictreas. latter of which institution he bcd inaurarce %A hie Mr ttiIelIr., acted as iit-oons Tby cry bas teut tht heavens, aud reached amountiîîg Io $3,000, and $i,sco tn the for- nira n. the tbt-one. mer. Me qiso bad $t.ooo in the Canada Assembiy. Thy teaTs at-e counted, and tbe ruby drops Lite. In Mr. Palmer the towu kGses a The-genlemn of%\'ittv uidoc an as- Froni infant veins that flow are known to worthy citizen, one wbose life la an ex. ht!rll grîlr neui ln o Tuv tl een Hin ample tb evet-ybody. Mis familli'mourrut setthv ti he-huit ahoitThr...i evn-Who cornes 'bv water and by biood" to give a great bas cand atond parent, and we sym, ne. the 1oh Twin baptism te that beloved head pathîze witb iî-hii'very mucb. Speech by Hon John Dryden Uuciasped in boseou wam with fond em- fethPOClsdATady i',,srer'. wrrutpli r) yesterdav annotinc- brace, AtrtePl lsdATaey flt a nun 1î.rizan addiyrss hi the Hon çiJno. Seeking asylui by the tiver'a ide. It took a long toue on Monday nigbî to gel I 'rVîlr'î on or ai parli imrntnrre qiiesý:ins in Soon shail tht tyrant baud be cold in death, the, conlt finished at tbe different pollini toi t itîsic hall Se-e. oit Friday, jan. 2, E arly tbe giad behekt chahi oudly cound places, but wbtrn the resulta 'vere announce( \t r lnvi,-i] Brî,ckvitll- ()n Thirsdas-in iypt's distant land " Bring back my the usual after-mneetitig tookr place in ti sontIl' cnunicil chamber. There was a big crowd rnd addresced the Ilairy Associatiuti of rhenri quickly shail each broken heart be and an unusuaily noisy one, this being tht 1teSbound., fit-st elecrion for years tbst wound up te thq Separate School Trustees And healed shall every wounded spirit be satisfaction of the fractious section of tbg lTe set)atae s t~ rtilee-, have heen Taire heart, the loved aud lbat shail gneet population. They ail rusbed lu there t-e te u-.t'eî as uio' -North ward, Thos. thee scinbot from the battle field, and it was obvioui tî'},'re ceiîre wartî, J. Ncîteýre , sluîîî At gates of peari, snd thon chaît test for aye froni the fit-at that very littie effort woult 1 rdtIii. Lrtg As Mr las. Lonlz ta de. H Tt, nýond adcrw. LL s tart c figbt. Several of tbe victorlous carn arnofreririrtg as the tepre.eniativeotite HT ILR didates appeared te be imbued with thi 1tî sc s-ol board, C-ol. O'l)onovan îc lîkely Hockey on New Year' Day feeling, and used language teuding te ii iS e elected to that position. Tne Whitby hockeyltes piayed thiteir firat crease the bitter feeling, rather than te pot oh for Manitoba and Europe tut-n et hockey on New Vears, and won. OHon fitise roubled waters and smooth mia '-ue F '-revesen Whthy fo cbapAs usual tbey sougist strong opponents, and tera dowu. Tisose wbo had any previot tir ei F,r tenan Scotlan. oranhBtlt- ound themin inthe combirsed VictotiaSsud doubts about tise low ebb wvicis Our rou tihckets ihta, MganiSotan, ICaonia. ail Granites of Toronto. It vas an afterucin poiltics bas reached. had tise doubta quicli i 'tColumitasanitb Cana ian orints, l gamne, aud by the tume the puck was put in iy aud completely dispelled by the perfora UieSttsadCndapons n motion neat-y30pol ee idu oac bii o<paetee. Noue of tl whet, everywhere, hi' boat. rai or oceat. -Y30casl ee ie u e n ethe oo lce t Rates guaranteed right. Througb tickets winîthe struggie. Tise Victorias set sali soeecises amoianted ta mucb, but tisose4 fro Pu keing Toont, Mtti. Bookin ra reaneC paeand recorded two goals Messrs. Pringle, Jackson sud Robsen wel and Wtrby Wrie otcee evenotibefore the Whitby boys isad spit on ciseir very annoying n, itr tma a adWhhity rtraelig.snd etecoeo ada onyto a inu eacb goal, iseen abundantly obviou.s 10 alilthat no go< ien 4est ocea n and steamnship hunes. but our boys opened their eyes to, vateis onu-e ould be erva en by us epiec a repetitiôn of the performance. The gaie teevld on die tisI en vcolde ap Mns. Watt-eus Retulisceuces. g-e.v botter1 as tume vent ou. tise Whitby ts lcoat dietsi ioc f On anuither page we publish another sec- boys getting inII 5oifl fine vork. By hallishearrng tisetu sing mud violently for I tion of Mrs. Clarissa Lynde Warren's tume thse score stood 510O3 in favor of Whit bot.Tevs etingvasof a chias ,~eînîcecesoftht early dayc of Whitby by. aud tise crod vas crazy wils enthus. er visici teuded strongly 10 owdiorn, ai j an viîniy. her la erbpe o oherissi. Biti euirey viisot pactce ud-i sortlv alter it vas ciosed Culio h iu j836 tise fte lxadrOgtn Peis fausîl lie on Sunitch tre0et. fclovtuL B mefore reainng uere ut-osa ceeded, securlng a home l ie ucsseo iiig Y ott tedpth Ie rud lot jfuri on, cf Witby, It baviug 1a bI"sedo, a etise dot be4weedte viatercepted bIY t .acsa, hdb ainsi) clearance sud.a 10g lieus. Tise faml. sdtetain e t, afin& sebo vet hwlu eiurely igttémgay. Grass do tben ton lnanusuber. veto thse firat te land te o Dotn bloi ndniovmera, tsIhmve ako testdaclc direct at Wiitby by vater. Thse Iaading t bc aine 'clOCIk train, spos islisthe eatered tise stome.Tise tvo jacfrsons Wb- was. pecalou-laY angrots.Trans ebtMàl'Wým#-dldnqLtstop=tsr. 'bey tien ed to Gros.a Gyangtes door, sud tJs wu ,rre fou semtso l aneky s ie ?r alont tise linoe As fatw rnty cros- tac a vody alteratlotl tbroulth Ctise 'ere pusba ed tiroan enangltcupt ote liere thoywalted.Cazide st'stioued' Gboisselzed s.long 'red.isanVd ç c weedatoui sh or.Tieaesd a n_ e', otUi lde'@ tbe-trck, sud klfe, sud T., .Jcko artaott btO oWatdby one now long forgotten News Moore ireuaIedOu tÏise aortlsside te ses bis ta look cnt for il,'Abert pulfr4-#tm f LarsyLalvu trtset e1f WImUSfilesoK yadb ietan pr ie~aa ud beld It for s tinte tpre~m~~ twibrd cm. 5mé.sou Geofe tb*tt gciig e At tise 55il "timoea, -mâ enlg ot itistise knif, 'buüîts-stbo<lýO *~~ 5, clttMitMldWthtogi<vetm m pesai~ iood à*O fford verygo*iUl .~~~uB- macs aud bar » the t*o ", e t M~ ~ u. .oresa# thee lterclhance of lin vMU~~ assuaaed h. .ýt!be doer a few nieG U~ -........... - ..-..-~.-...-. --.--...... - - .~ - . - - ..-- .- -~~--.---~--- a --- . - - . - - ~. Gë F. SEWARPIW4 Our Great AunuaI Winter m,'~T~ A .~7b us g- a- - i 't -I - Sale - ,. t, ~1 i. Reliable goods at, positive Bargainelhave been the attractive fuatures of this annua1 event, and the. uccess which we have attained in the pagt is directly due to our VEIRY LOW PRICES. This great sale iii preBent the beet bargain chances of the entire seagon. We itemize below only a few special bargains 6s samples: 100 Ladies' Cloth Jackets, biscs ansd Ail ont Ladies' UNDBCILOTHlNGI Nov is tise tume te get a SUIT or au thevey bstgood ata very lowesi OVEIICOAT made te, ordor. ur- lor, wil be ciosed out (for your prices. eeour Ladies' Vesta at 25., prices andl stylos are rigisi. Be sure te boice) aitithe absurd price of worth 5Oc. cail and se our ols. Ne one oaa beat i2.0. DreaeGooda, Remuants in Preour cs Gooda, Flanneis, Prints, Sateena,ý Gent& TIES, BOCKS, SHIRTS, UN- Linons, etc., aIl to be clatod F oui aie ca rgh ri « Ail eut MILLINERY viii be clcated "'veY 01close sa We have the beat snd DERLTIG ia ih rcs out at coat and under. cheapest Dresa Goods in tova. If yon waui s nico PLAID IBLOUSEj Bee our $3.00 Rats for $1.75. or DRESS be aura to, sec ours. Se ont Ail gooda marked at Lowest Seeoi $00 at fo ~ Pialasai 25c a.nd 5Oc. Faucy Blouse CASH PRICES. Bee ur 2.0 Ras fo $100.Sîlaia 25c, 5Oc and 65c. C~ E STE W1~RT, BARGAI N DAY 'WEITBY3. SALE 0F R EM NTNS IE~ILIF SaturU>y, Jan, FRICE 9th,- i ~ i r il j ~1 I E >1 I i I 18970 We will offer Remnants from our different departments on Sat- urd ay, j an. 2nd, only, at one Haif Regular Price. REM NANTS TrONS, FLANNELS, SUITS, 'ENS, TOWELLINGS, JACKETS, ESS GOODS, MANTLE CLOTHS SHAWLS, BONS, FRILLINGS, TIES, DES, BRAIUS, MUFFS, KS, SIIEETINGS, GAUNTLETS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, ETC. LACE C ODD ULSTERS, OVERCOATS, BATS, TABLE COVERS, DRESS LENGTHE FUR COLLARS, DURTAINS, ETC. I ip'RICE- Don't fail to attend thi8 Bar gain Day Sale. Corne early. wi The Prudellt Hullsowif will serve her New Year's callers with ae 'oup of our Speoialegd Pure Java and ý Cofee ana thus obtai the m imxUu quality ai minimum éost. Fres& groun4 wI&ilo you wait. ~.s.~38 TB. ER AUCTION SALE sOf valuable &aM propeity. Under and by 'virtue of tdm power cf sale contaiued lu a certain rq0sterd ,uortgug, which will be produoed at the ime c sle and upon wbkch defaul la ymeut, bedu~ made, tiere vIiib. ofered sarle by ijubie auction at thse Royal botel, la-b ovlu Whitbi,ln thse q tycnutte otTej- day the twelft day cfjanuary, Î4~7 At t;Z o' cIoçk, ocôn, thseIblwûvibe landsansd premises. iîz:L%.Tbe h ft acres of lot sumber tandty sud tbo tweaty acres cf lot iube hit-one, b, la ts seveutis concession f the toiwmsblpof Wbltby, la tOe out f O.ntsrio. ,Tbi& ilo " , les qaeU aettled district about Myrtle. Tiseeare éeectu oitresles a kog boia. vitisfrime *ddtiogs and frm ba iSotisaJo ca '6 ,-Térms~ tTeb per. cent- fmtm liéyt b. mu itdoyw *îtbt ti ofi,lu ~t i~io Headi _-C T liN % G.WALTERS. M u si1C. inD. tet ./ ON9 ela OC- 1

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