Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 8 Jan 1897, p. 2

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j - ~h; ~'Wv~ êiat - rr<,'----- 4' '-v rn~. O- - n s- r - <Y; - -- r' -- 45- Chari"eM.HKuteh4Vêg& et Headache'î CURED PERMANENTLV M'Y TAIN Gd1 Ayer's PUIIS - ti 'T was lroiihled a Iong te wth slck beadache. It wus usually ecoinpaulsd eUih severe pains lni the temples, a seuse a of fulîies sud tenderne3s lu oeeoye, a n bad taste lu m ymouth, tonçue coated. hauds snd feet cold, sud ickness at the stanmach. 1 trled a good mauy remedies h recommended for tbis compiint; but It was Bot until I P Began Taking I Ayer's Pis s that 1i recetvedi anythlng lfke perma- B nenlt heniefît A single box ef thffeepilk did the work for me. sud I am n w fres f rom lîsadaches. aud a well man. C. H. HUtrreNSuîs.East Auburn, Me AYER'S PILLS v Awarded Mdal at World's Fair .LyeT'a 8arsapardUa da I..J3B8Li. OORRESPONDENCE ORILL lA. Eue jubile..a Mn Fred Webber is net t-et fifty vears old, but next week he will cele-g tinate his jubilee. Mondav beîng thep ittiethti tme that he has served as a re-t turning officer. Ile looks gooti for tutv more elections. and we hope he naiy be able te celebrate his centen- n dry. Asktng for a grant Reeve Fîsher, I)eputy-Reeve Robin- ' n \Vardcn Birddy. and Countv Tfrra-utrr S-anfordi waîted upon the Ilion.icConiisironer oet Public Torro )'ntoi, on 1 ednesday of ast \A rrek in rvturence te the grant for the ncrw ir n bridgeu ver the east brancti of tAie Scnvcîn. IThe Gover-ument Engin- cur 1ri~î thc ç'dcns subm-itted, and prurit sud tu i nspert -the work within a f I -.%. 'n ]Broeke ber arm 1' iii ici in thii bi'nhtun i ng notôrieus f-rit he iinibr o t ýerI- j'naccidents týt r(,a but iling perlestrians. i.On -Siii ni aN citti nt. a hi le return ing trom churt h, M r, f(' 'Il Robertson tel, op-c p>sitt e ec'. cNiillers residence unt \%ct'(>tru and, roirrke lier amni iust bciuw tIic- houier. The accident Is a jii lirie, andi t w ii he soîne weeks be -u ir kothcrtsen regains the use oi ur ajr il. Paint ni accident ( iniirsttîtanaft(ernoo)n thr-ee Young li-, ah 'ut i135 N ear', of âge, Albert 1 1itnie. Masse'.. and \MontguomerVr, wer-ei ainuî-ing thenisri'.e'n, shooting at a mark1 noir the resiiJent e of M r Little ati Da)rt mioor. Massey hart ireti, and re-1 loarimg tie gun. a mutile loader, hand- cdi t tri vuufg Little, w-ho takîng aim, ;ruiied the triggcr. The gun exploded, L.<--rating -iti les leit han i n a dread- t(iî ianner, anti thruwtng the gun t ir' îugi a witnd'(w sîme distance from w1here the boy.-, werc standing. Word 'a d, îtwidiateiy sent lt rîliîa for med- icai aid andtDrI irlcitrst druve eut and t 1-<nt ai iu ben bef-ni, and- bore. Mrs Dale, o! Teronto, visiteti her mother, MmIs S Bar-ker-. Mr James Clasedale is thnough at Mr W lettrey's. anti is going back te, Cartwright again. Mr John Snowtien hati a very fine coilie dog killeti by a falling tree. Pleasedti t see our organiet, Miss Gèrtie Foley, home again. Miss Car-rie Heail has gene te vieil ber- uncle, north o! Toronto. Mr- Thos Sheridan andi wife, o! Osh- awa, and Mr Will Trenouth, of Bow- manville. visiteti at Mr- S Snowden's. VROOUANTO Mr. Ai. anti Miss Annie Lowes arc visiting aI Coltiwater. We regret to learn that Mr. Wm. Ruttie îu stillinl a serious condition. His many frlends wish 'hlm a peedy recOvCry. We ar-e pleased to learn that Mr. J Glendinaing bas retur-ned home sgain. life bus beosu statioued at Nova Sotia fbr- t4. poàt t te tontbà. on wtiat Faine's Celerv Compounti ha.- tiene or is doing at the preseut lime Every day it is making well rheumatic neuralgie, dyspepzic and sleeples mer-tais, anti giving a new life to thosi afliieteti witti kidney, liver anti blooi dîseases. AIl classes unite ir praising an< r-ccemmentiing Faine's Celery Com peunti as the most effective o!fniedi cires. The more physicians know c it, the mere do they earnestly leconi menti it for the sick. If you wouhd b well, happy anti vigorous alI tItis yeaz begin at once with nafure's healer ani i ife-giver. ALTOZEA Mr-s. J. Davis, o! Bloomfield, spent Suntiay ler-e. Mr-. Hender-son removed froni our rnidst hast week. Dr. E. Patter-sou, o! Tor-onto, paiti us a flying visit Tuesday. Emocb Kester had a family hcriug o! over- forty for dinner oun aS. Mason Flumûmerfeit, o! Green River, paiti us a fiying visit on Saturday. Our new teacher. ,Mr. Macdonald, will make lis home at . Lehman's while in our- midst. Mr-s Jacob Stouffer u-turned on Sun- day fr-on a few weks visit with triçnds aI Cedar Grove. .' -Eld. H. S. Wîsmro! outJe' preached a _'s"romu 9 tempeanc here last Sun4ayevehig. The funeraI Of the.late Hiram A .very tooki..plisc her-e- -$uuIday reeuu The - seriIce wp ,con4ucVod by, -R«, White, -of Claremont: Who preà-hed Ji sermon of muli h.i,çfîot _- I I David Annan returned home on Fr1- lay from a recent t.rip to'the Old Coun- .ry. He witi likely leav on another Lrip ere the'sweet spring titue retiiflis. John Avis, of Fairport killed on Monday a sixteen months old pig that weighed 500 ibs. - It measured seven nd a haîf fret long. D! J H Eastwood, o! Peterboro, cal- ld tjpon bis numerous triends here on Ehursday. We are ail pleased to hear of his continueti prasperity. Quite a large number of chiltiren in )unbarton are suffering trom an epi- lemic prevaient ir that localnty. Rev Mir Chisholm, Geo White and Geo Parker each have members of their famulies under treatment. but in each case we are happy te st.ate recovery is expected. We must-congratulate George Kerr, on his appointment te the position of rustee o! our school, tie having been xppoinîed te that position at the meet- ng on Wednesday. John Fields retir- ti after having served the section faith- fully for years. But for some slight dificrence et opinion on the part ot tic trustees. the meeting was au agrce- able one. William Bell, who r-esided on the Squ ires larm south et here for some time, dieti at Port Perry Monday, ageti 57 years anti 4 months. Some time ago tieceaseti was sever-ely gor-et by an ntur-iated bull resulting in a severe in- Jury te his spire and since that time he has been an invalid. The funeral took place te Grovesitie cemetery on Thurs- lat' wtien a large rumber et friends fol- uowed the reniains te their last resting place. The ber-eaved tamîly have much sympathy in their bereavement, as Mr. Bell was much esteemeti by ail who knew him.-News. SOLINA, Mr-s George Wiibur, et Bowman- ville, is visîting at tier daaghter, Mr-s W A Thom. B Hopper, et Oshawa is visiting triends. Mr W Ashton is on the sick list. Mr and Mrs jabez Leach, ot Whitby, ar-e visiting at Thomas We.stlake's. Char-les Hill, fr-om Streetsville, is visîting at Walter Vice's. Mr Hubert anti family, et Enfielti, anti Miss Walton, at D Tramners'. W Lamîman has r-emoved Mr Lamb's gourds te Bur-keton station, and ship- ped ttiem te Manitoba- We learri that tie has starteti a store there. THE NEW YEA R. How You Mlay Feel Happier and Better Than in the Past. Paine's Celery Compound Will Enable You to Thoroughly Enjoy Life. Act Promptly and Your Tondest Desires WMl be Reslized. Mary et our reatiers cani truthfully confess that the year just gone by wa.5 te tir a p Mrod tpain, suiffering, condition. The rnarket is proving a decided success. lots of produce coming in and àsgood prices being paid. d The presbyterians are training their young folk for the entertainment they A iutend giving sb.ortiy. - The co"xiltee appointed to arrange - for the S. S. convention ýo be held on Df the 22nd in the methodist church here a- are sparing no pains to make it the )e best convetion yet held. r, We ezpect to be able to. rnpor some id weddings in the-neax future. Iow the Dipper 8aved the Fim. Father was siek and the. modgs1, on the farn imvsnu n uhwub Chistian Advooae viiere MXies A. M. Frits, of station 4, 8t. louis, Moti wonld oud a samp îs oombinaSiob dipp' for 18 twô cent stampe. sud, IOrderod one. 1 sur the 4eppo4puld4;usai1»> s fr-uit jar8llr; a194'D dimmpe *se*U strsi~er;a f -u,.l;a stainer unDsl; a iok Ïcol» varnung auda.Pint meou- are. Thoe baM»2afl ssmaltes the. dippor mach a uoosos q amote ., veu t o Workwehiland itlilaantiv near ï,r hus.Âdiafuruoah pmid ob lii, moiqý%«è' -tink I Ji clo,& moli M -*20(1a =motL1ifi MUNYON. Thousuds Idorso 1W8 hp edHio atl'fm ols Dru ggists Kept Bus>' Handlng out these Curative littie Pelleta. Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Kidney Troubles, Blood Diseases and Al Nervous Oomplaint8s ad Throat and Luug Affec- tions Positively Oued by Munyon'is Im- proved Homoepa- thic Remedies. àsk Your Druggjiat for Munvcün's Guide to Health Buy a 25 cent Remedy and Cure Yonrself. Mr. William Grant, 876 Adelaide St. West, Toron to, sys: --For three yea.rs5 I bad enfferod with rbeumatisoe in the right knee jointý It was much ewcrileu and very painful ; in fact, being inflam- watory in forru. A month &go I had one of my attacks, and it was very se vere. I ws.s not able to walk or corne clown Blairs. I begati ueiIg Muntyonn.s Rbeumstà.m Cure, and in seven dtaye was entirely well." Mnnyon's Rbe-umatism Cure seldom fails to relieve in one to tbree hours, and cureis in a few days. Prioe 25c. Munyon's Dyspepsaia Cure positively curesailU forma of Indigestion and slowa ach trouble. Pries, 25a. Munyon"s CoId Cure prevents pneu- imonia and breaks up a cold in a few hours. Prie, 25c. Mnnyon's CoaRbh Cure stops couRhs, night sweats, silays ee(reness, and speed ily heals the lungs. Prie, 25c. Munyon's Kiduey Cure speediiy cures pains in the back, loins or groins sud &ail forme of kidney diseae. Price, 25c. 1 Munyon's Headache Cure stops head.i ache in three minuteR. Prie, 25c. Manvou's Pile Ointment positively curps ail forme of piles. Price, 26c. Muuyou's Blood Cure eradicates all irupurities of the blood. Prics, 25e Munyon's Fewale Remedies aro a boon to ail women Munyou's Asthma Remedies relieve in .9 minutes aud cure permanently. Prie, Mnnvon'@ Catarrb Remedies never fail. The Catarrh Cure-prie 25o --eradicates the disease from ths systern, aud the Ca- tarrb Tablets-pne 25c.-cleanss sud tisai the pnrte. Muuyou's Nprve Cure is a wondsrful nerve tonie. Pricp, 25c. t Miinvons Vîitalizer restores iost vigor. Prie si$. A separats cure for eacb disease. At &Il druzgistB, mostly 25c. a vial. Pereonai letterB to Prof. Munyou, Il cLnd 13 Albert et., Toronto, auawsred with free medical advice for any disease. ZECPHYRE, The opening of the town hall on Christmas night by concert given by T. A. Baker, Joe. Baker, Mýiss Scott and MNIiss Querrie was a decided success. sThe hall committee deserve great 1credit for erecting one of the best halls Medical Ativiser," would pi-event more than halfthUe sickness in sny familY. Il gives Use beit advice fo curng common aliments without a doctor. It tells ail about anatomy sud phyiiology sud the origin of lite, snd in a moet valuable, med- ical wark. A free copy in paper covers sent for 31 one-cent StaMpi VO p&Y cOst Of ces. toms and mailing oWsy. World's Disem aary fMedical Association, Buffalos . Y. For cloUs-bound, send 50 stampa. Mr. Chas. Bullock anti wife, Hunts- ville. Muskoka, are visitiag at Mr. A. Hur[bert's. The genial face of WS. .HutIbert vas seen in our village on Satwrday -asat. William looks veli sud'intends VO f esîde ini Daringln* - Master WiUie and Miss Maggi Bea-I cocit have goue'to visit tlieir uncle W HI. Taylor, cf, Pgrl< HM-,Ont., LOur, -eaeher- has been visiting ýhi& Ire us MLîfford and Lindsay. 'i.,iand i ufe haVc 200010t MNDS~Y A carload of horses were shîppeti from tuis sr.ton on Saturdar. R. P. Hoover is rather indisposei this week, although on duty. Mas. Stokes and Master John, o! Toronto, are here with Mre. Hopper. Mr. and Mrs. Turney, o! Coîbourne, are here with Joshue Buntiy and wife. Mr. Anderson, of Coîborne, is here with bis cousin, Miss Annie Goulti. Isaac Hendrehar, of Bloomington, s'as here with bis brother over the holiday. Charles Brodie is in Iowa just now attending the funeral et his sieter-in- law. George Reesor anti wife, et Locust Hill, spent the holiday with Reeve Gerow anti wife. Miss Annie James, et StoutTville. is here with W. Dowswell ard famiiy for a few days. David and Walter McFarlane. et 1er-ente, are here spending the holi- days win.h their ir-ottier James. The Bazaar anti concert on Wednes- day evening et last week reahizeti about $toe for the presbyterian peuple. General roll caîl at the baptist church on Thursday atternoon fellowed by a social tea anti business meeting. Mr. Powery the new section man has ar-riveti with uis family anti now occup- ies one et John Barry's houses at the station. Miss Thompson, o! 1er-ente, spent Xmas with W. Henirehan and wite. She was accompanieti home by Miss Laura, who wili remair in the city for a short tîme. We under-stanti that by the will o! the late jas. Rew, Er-skine church has been tienateti about Si,8oo. He hati ne relatives in this country anti failiug te hear frorn those in the olticountry, te whom he hati written, the church feil heir te the above amount. A veryrnelancholy tieath took place rear here on Chr-istrnas merning. Hiram Avray, who resides with his ageti father anti mother, on the 4th con of Uxbr-idge, at the towmline, comn- mitteti suicide by hanging. The father is heipless, while the mother is over seventy years et age. anti teere being ne werk the unfortunate Hiram bec-ame despontient, fear-ing that aIl hantis would starve during the winter anti hence the rash act it is thought. He deiiberately car-rieti a chair te the stable anti standing upon the same atijusteti the rope anti jumpeti off. Much sympathy is felt for the olti people, as he was their enly support- News. The inewly wedded couple - step hrough the dtoortof- the fu- tr.hepass fromthe hsppy, Prhougbt1, psent imb an av n eo f p osai- 1bi ities..The fu- tbheymkeit- what their health makes il f -ha ppy or mis- ierable -as suc- cees or failure- full of- the love and bnightuess sud joyfulnee-s of mutual love sud helpfulness, sud healtby, rosyr. rollicking chiltiren, or, tortureti with pain and sickness and mutual fault-fiuding sund An interesting law suit, in regard te pr-eperty at Sturgeen Point, je ikely te corne betere the courts at an early date. A suit is being instituteti by Mr. Wm. Simpson, who purchased the hotel pr-operty frorn the cornpauy who conîrolieti it, agairet the Craudelis. Lt is claimeti that the latter have leaseti groundti t which they are rot entitleti, anti iilega&liy coilecteti rentais. Louis Dyer anti a number o! boathouse own- ers wiii corne inte the legal fight. The lake avenue anti water front is the boue et contention. There is a gener- ai law that ail landi cere thirty feet trom high water mark aiemg the sher-es et navigable sireams and lakes is pub lic preperty, but ef cour-se thie iaw dees rot appiy te Stur-geen Point.- Watchman. SOL D A TA LOSS. Iu order to convne t-be public t-bat Dr Acnew's Liver Pill arse far superlot ta any liver pili ever placeti on the mar- ket-, the manufacturer bas fer the paît six monthe eold tbem at 10 cents for a viai et 40 doses, or at a cisar loss of 50 per- cent- eft ieir cost pries. The truly wouderful merit of Dr Aguew's Pille is nw reeognized in t-bree feurîha of Can- adian homts, sud frem Ibis time ou tbe retail pries for a vial ef 40 doses will be 20 cents, or five cents a viai les; ban is eharged for ether brande of liver pilla They are Pnaller, eheapesi and boit. Sold by J. E. WilIis. Help your cblîdren te grov istrong sud ro- buit by counteracting nylhiug that causes ii- health. Oas gi-sat cauose et dises.. lu chidren la vernis. itemove them i vinbMother Graves' Worm Exterminator. It neyer faili. A Louile special sythlb.Republicans Îiii coutesi lthesetion of Kentucky 'a smgle eleclor. Tan cannaI b. happy while =ou bave corne, Thon de ot alay ln getting a tofo!01oU. vaY's Corn Cure Tt remavos ail monde af conm vithout pain. Falur.evilbh.à is un- knovu. # Elon El L Fierce i. dead. aspd Tn yorm He served tva 1er-ms niCupes.sud wus twioe Mayor a! Boston. Mfake YMu Own Iaiitrn. Your*bome is incomplete Witbout if', and the ris 'swithm rech Of ail. i ozdopet o!. fr My ovu use--sud ilvas sc bandy audcouVesilantI went Vo tak- in«orderz forhh.m 40d odlou day maai»g ove. $5 ïolear. --Is givos bre&k fronibs, V wyola u Write for eou.. I got my nte f roihim. JasepbDuup v'a* onmuutted for MIsl a Obattian Oak the ob4g.oêsabotiiÉgXwBacoo, cf Pavert owuilup - A atbiuut.41e iv ,r Railway people report that the volume of.business done by them this Xmas season bas been unpaîalleied during the hast twenty years. The Grand Trunk ran three special trainit on Thtirsday to meet the increaseti passeuger traffic. On the C. P. R. lires the trains were matie up in mauy cases o! 10Oor 12 coaches, with îwo engines attached. Freight traffic was also abnormahly large compareti wiîh other seasons. Several dogs--valuabie anti other- wise-have been poisoneti in îowu dur- ing the past week or îwe. If ail the mongrel cure in lewn were seul 10 the happy hunting ground by the strychine or ary other route it would be a god- senti; but it is too bati that rea'lly' valu- able anti useful doge shoulti also sui- fer. The trouble is te sort the chaif f rom the grain-every feilow thinks hie dog is a daisy, anti wor-th a pocket- fui ef meney. W. H. Fleming, et Lindisay, the young man who for-geti Mr. George Gootierbarne name to a cheque for $2.700, was sertencedti t one year in the Central prison at the 1er-ente gereral sessions on Thur-sday. Before beirg senterceti Fleming matie a caie- tuliy thought eut speech te the bench. He saiti that he was ver-y sorry, anti appeaieti for mer-cy on behaif o! bis mother anti home, anti for a chance te regain hie position in society. Hiq honor commenteti on the serioueness et the crime, but let the yourg man off wrth the above light sentence. A medicai man in towr bas been in a rather gloorny state et mimd for about a week past. He was the r-e- cipient, by mail, et a miniature oak coffin, with lateet tri-mmings anti plate glass front. The only thimg absent was the corpse. The medico is puzzledti t know whetber the sentier intentis him to prepare for death, or has sent the coffin as an intimation that he buries hie wor-k weil under- ground. However, there wouiti be a tuneraI sure if the douer coulti be locateti. AYER'S Hafir > VIGOR 'o. W. 2%nwick, o9 =i#b, Nm. 0.9 sys: IlA littie more one~~ hA botioo Ayr Har yigor hair wasresored ttsorigi n H.~~~~~ot F.FNwcDib, . MGterwth ofHair g ously wasque aunt. I tsrledýà feaor In chould l. rnenOt- And Aou si on th appao myba s and th r igo aond I ~atonce Vo us. . mIC a shortN. n a. - evr rsetof hc rowth of aî a bfor n iHaïrs.' Orl t ean a - hdth ar ou ARS Aite Vdat Iifo aL J..aYER Gor ., LaaO!U, bSSu .3 k outb.r' ca l acre sultk HI easils fear1 shul he ouenly food. Abu si mo that wihl builad Baby Uphomea eak ons-er 8 t- adI eatut on ceradu Is Chanc alshorttueiy is bean si pe sieîiiand h ighiy e utverypreptonfr ifanot, ofelic a efilren andinvalis. - Mirs. A.WATSN CC, m.na St.,ew VIla, VIGOa ndVIALT ARSTOAREDM OR.DJ. C.CAM &TCO.,iCEm . ..A thr e geea tohpca debll t.vabui- 1 àa mpra terh ,itut io m. ime- te.oh aease loybti-osue onal *nCalyrdoin les Food ldo simple, fctul ideimande.hl Dnrtiv p. eve l iation s infnteto 1dlcate chtt iler ent adsi ond cure- I ormtn, afundes, t. isea CATOED. OBOTNMAS ppie it rn ight have a O îlstime of the year.-Time. The Hall Rate-1 iterIing Value aud Pull ini Diamoud Dyel Sixteen ounces of silver, fo; o! 818.60 ni sIlver dollars, can -oday for $9.94!1 Tlnnk well of the trse VI suvr dollar if its coinage *er and auimited. Jut anoth8t impnortant tho, balie It takes from two 10 5eof the eooemon imitation the, work tibat one single pac vimnaDyeswvilldo. If y s koovby, weWil tlYoD -.,.--. -becUethe iogrediimteor dys do nôt poaslesthe stres 5ye ngp~e5o - -g A fire star-ted in McGowan cellar last Saturday from the expi of a lamp and hadi t nut been t prompt wrk of the frernen a mt astrous baze wiîuld ha-e rit, The firemen hart threesreani turned on n fou r min utit-sa ni,' ed the fiamnes. Tnc r: rr-r rt the i<)al oil tin k ati! <t -n, v- feed on. Thr- flîncr-. i î da d - r-ndr-d th ,.- i t cr r Ir! burnirig ,it- w'rda ~ -'t (jinz andi f) a i -ni rtr ,1 -- (< titu 't'ru. It i Living chcaply %4hr li,ifi î-,-, )n Sui'1,ýtitt <t<w-c ,itînîn <irn rt hx r ~ rr c x uhu ri îî1 t' h rti :r ene r-rr-tiv.lut if'rrrrrr ri a tarrrr. fthi ý2 ,1 ;l r y, ýft 7 i TLhey owrate rifrbut f ,1d tîh ti-g ttr- ,tr »' funris te proceed te their next nioent until the 'CaPtrnn carl.va';- qýwn andi raised enougfl1)', Cibnto carry him awav. Thr deceni. way for the armny to nuficers. When a corps r-annot its offîcers there shouiri Uc son sieor of relief at headquret the camp be broken up. It humiliating for a mari te ha%.-, eneugh muney to take himselt out ocf tovn. and it is certaîr arivertîsemnent ef armny managc Tribune. Mr John Beaver. a former boy, who has spent 'the rar;t n'Whi'rby, has purchased the- barber shop from Mr Brim - Jack- is a first class t 'onsori and is quite popular with thi people ot the town. H-e r' sien Monday mnorning. S U hi M. Go sBlow. At a meeting Of the îown C Tuesday eve ring it wa> ordt the surplus monies be appileri ing fund. In the flrst place mistake te levy for more than essary, and it would be a gre take te apply the monies in. rrther than the pur-poses for was raised. panier than the Si'es. Lt is a good thing that the t, is heard but seldom In Our i otherwise, we would need a 1, tic asylum. as w hen the alarn t ed it seemns te, ring every bit et sense out of some people's h leaves them dlean daft. T into the building-if there is in so doing-and tear and smn thlug they can lay theirh stand on a çounter or shelf lanterns, glassware and ,oth, ables on the ifloor; then cli frorn their pcrch and walk o( Mude tfork-handles, threc latd

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