Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 1 Jan 1897, p. 8

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' -c ('r, ,,., ~, r r. j- ~ - -' -~ 1' ~ ~ -'.-- MP Beautiful + Stlock -0F- .*,,GOODS* FANCY GOODS- includes ail the latest ideas and novelties. CHOICE PERFUMES- in handsome Cul Glass and Fancy Bot tles. CHRISTMAS CARDS. CALEN DARS ,,%ND BOOKLETS jack Le Roy la vlsitlnig le Toronto. Geo Farewell la bomne (rom the SSo for vîsit. H Whitiug. Hamilton, s"nt Christmas le towe. M A James, Bowmanville, spent Tuesday lu town. Fred Scott, Montreal, "pnt Christmasa with G Scott. Walter Wright, Rochester, apent Christ. mias in town. Miss Ruth Welsh, of Montreal, la visiiing with relatives. Kate Talbot is home irom St Hilda's col- lege for ber vacation. Miss Ida Conant, Belleville, is visiting ber aunt, NIrs T Conant. Miss White o! St Thomas bospital, was bomve for Christmas. Mr M Smith and wire, Toronto,. are visit- ing wth Mr 'Vanstone. Melrose Gould, of Toronto University, is home for the holidays. Mrs Thompson, Simcoe si, bas returced from ber Rochester visit. in endless varietv. RevJ NDtiver andi !amily ai Elkborn, *i Our stock h large. -ell assortcd. and Manitoba, are -isiting with relatives. h better value tilcn Cevr before. Mr Sheridan anti wife are the guests of t Y otir Inspection Mnîel A~ r Trent,ugh anti wie, Bowmanville. la pesr oshow our Goods. Ollie andi Louie Algîtire, of Brighton, are b * peaur 1 te guests of their aunt, Mn-s Hawkins. a (,eo (lenniv of the Philadelphia Dental c i.,oliege. is home fti Iafter thhofialiys. T (3 R'Y ~ bj C Ditngle, Chicaga, andi Guy Dingle of T . G . R LEYTilsothurg, spn.lt Christmas in îown with l relatives- i ~ ru git, The chîltiren of trie separate achool give h heir annnal concert in the music hall New Simicoe St. south, Osjaa. Y ars afternoon This scbool bas built up a neputation for themseives, sud the peuple aie nover disappointeti by their effortsa ____________________________MiýssNI O'Brien, th" contralto (rom Hamil-F ton. shouiti lie in itelt a drawang card. P Dr R. M. Armstrong, ai Toronto, bas UfIjnncl. the dental office over Ros.ýes, formerly accu- i pied by' tr. Patterson. Dr. Armîstrong bas hati a large experienco in die practîse ai tieitisti y andi will guarantee first casas wor ta at lowesî rates. H-e will open the office on OSHAWA, JAN. 1, 1897. Monîday next, Jan. 4th. We wishbhimevery '- Messrs. O' Brion & St'edhami are makingq a big splurge ibis week. Tbev bave Messrs Campbell anti Hewitt, ai Toronto, paintinp £~C1 TITT I II flfl a lot af backgronds and wings for use in I I~ Il V Il UJII'wUitheir photegraph gallery, and with their OSHJAW Ail fi Ignfilnt Jrie ofcameras they will now be ableto do o qual to any that can e produced in Canada. Mr-. Jas. H-ouden, who is a candidate for Farmrs wll d wel tocallat M E.counculor in the northrsst ward, la a man ai Farmrs ulldo ellto aîlai . E goot busimns capacitv, who has mate ac Mayas for boys' ready matie clotbing. goot flst of bis own affaira. His business has necessarilv madie hlm a public mati inr OSKAWA.every senso, asot ho shoulti make a goot Mr ant i Mns Ormn Walters are visîting in rcOuncilor. We hope every elector in the Orono cward will givo him a vote. R Lovekîn spent Christmas in New- R Kirkpatrick. Cedar-Dale, take.s a pater- castie. nai interest in the shinney plavers ai that W CinaronTorntospet Crismasend of t'he town, aud bas gut .îhem loadeti in Cînmo, rt, pnt hîsmswith the notion that they are just the versv in twni.stuff that can do up anything that cari buckle j Coati, Montres!. spent Christ mas with a4 skate, and they wani ta moot those youn has parnrts mon who meet on thse upper pond andi play Miss () Knox, of Toronto, is vîsiting with shinney so fast that tbey mout the ice. Cedar lier parents. Dalie, so Kirk ssNs, wanis îhem ta camne Mr '-han. i, f amilton, spent Christmas down an New Veýarsday and learn 10 play. ihj K.%le'. The union meeting will be contucteti rixt Miss [<lie Flîn, Toronto, spent the holit week anti will be .eld in the following tisys h ,me 1 chun-ches. . Mondai' Jan 4th, Baptisi church, Walen rigi.Bufalo N ,~ hme orsubjeci. "Humiliation anti Thanksgiving," Waler Vrght Buiao, . Y, s hme orTuesdav in Preshyterian church, subject. the holidaNs 'The church universal," Wednestiay praî'er Mn andtI Mr. mIDai nes, Toronto, spent meeting in each church as usual, Thurday Xoias In town Simcoe st Methodist church. subjeci. "Famn j Bulland spent this week in Toronto,1 ilies anti schools» At 7.30 the meetings vistîng wîîh relations. wili hegin, when 15 minutes wilI ho devoteti Mr andl Mrs MçKav spent asat week witb to praise. Mr and Mir, J McCaw. Town Nomiastlona Miss L.ulli 01Oti, lo.vmanville, visiteti Montiay night's nominations came off very with frientis over Sunday. qoietlv, but the result shows a wholesale Messrs Clarke ant iMcCulloch, Cobourg, change in the town counicil. Mr. W. F. spent Christmas with J ;regory. Cowan, who for seven years bas proved ore Mrsf. cLaahln rtunetiTuedayof thse mfflt able and popular mayors in lrmasî wîiuh Tyrnereltins. usdyCanada. bas withtiraw aint Isat, as has also- gro a isi wih Tron reatins.Ex-reeve Coulihard, anti Ex deptitv Dingle, Mr. ani Mis McKay. Toronto, spent andi Ex -councillor McLaughlln. These mon Xmas wth Mr. anti Mrs. McCaw. are aIt public-spirited and accomplished J B. Jennings, manager of western bank, municipal politicians. Mr. W. J. Haro bas f'enetanguishene. spent Xmas in town. been honort-d wiih the mas-or's chair by Vs'i LIuke and Miss Emilv, of Moîreal, acclamation, anti a hoUer successar ta Mr. spent X mas wih thiir motlcr, Mrs J. LuIre' Cowan coulti scarcely have heet) found. He Mrs'-, oodard ofDetoit isspendintlooks very mucb like a Man wlno for the next Mrs \Vodwad. o I>troi,2ssoven veara wiîî give as gooti service as dit the wînter a-th ber parents. Mn- anti Mrs F ihis predecessor. The reeveshipsgo totbree Pattte. verv clever youug mon, Messrs. E. I. Rowse, Mr& F Redmonti. Toronto, returneti home J. F. Tamblyn, and O. Hezzlewood. Each Mondav, afier a pleasatît visit with ber of tbese mon bas bat sufllctent previonus ex- inother. perience 10 malte the raitepavers feel safe in M rVi. A. Hlart'. who has secureti a giving him a reoveship. Many eew mec goot situation in London was home for the andi several of past experionce are etber holiays. electeti or offering for the cotincilorshipo. in Mrs. j Tbompson. of (;ananoque, nec Miss' wards i anti 3 the members go lu by accla- mtion, while lu 2 anti 4 thore will b;e a rot tlie May, is home on a short visit wîth bma gtfr et ucuni.Teol ber areitswarts in which there will hoe a vote for Last Suntiay night Most oi aur churcb scisool trustee are Nos. 2 sud 3. The follow- chumrs rndereti excellent Christmas mtisic. ing is the fipIt. For thse towc council-- The' Catholie cheir anti Simcoe st methodist Miyor-W. J. Hame, acclamation; reeve- choir pretiareti excellent music whîch de- E i. Rowse, acclamation; tst deputy-J. F. ligbiti the congri galions. Tamblyn, acclamation ; unt depuy-O, The chrîstian orkers' church was fillet Hezzlewood, acclamation; No. 1 ward-W. wîîh chîltirent, parents anti irtentis Tuesday E. Dyor. F E. Ellis, A, R. Mclean, accla- nigbî. to wîîness Santa Claus dispose ai the mation ; NO. 2 war-R. McCaw. Wm Gien- goo t iings to is sai! suhiects. A verv ney, J. B. Rogers, R. Sugten. P. H. pua- lîîteresîing program was given by the chu-. short; No. 3 ward - Cas.pus French, tiren of the sehool. James Rosa, jas Provan, -acclamation; On Montiav night the cinematograph gave NO. 4 ward-A. Henterson, Jos Holden, its first exhibýition, Il s a wontierfuî instru- Sam Mc Laughliu, J. F. Grierson, W. H. ment and delighted everv one present wîîh Stainton. For schoot trustees-No. il, W. J. itis performance. Itis- operateti byîwo Burns. acclamation ; NO. 2, H. T. Carowell, ellectricians who came from France f:om theJ OGu;N.,H.BSa esWt rîage to Miss Louisa Lister at the residence of Mn S F Lazier, Hamilton, on Christmas aiternoon. The Rev Dr Smith, assisteti by Rev W J Routletige, oi Brantford, perlor- niedth ie ceremnony. We wish iim mucis loy and nettiet blass. Lasi Montav nigiti the folloring officers were electet ait the Sons ai Temperance fan the udxt quarter: W P, fln- Wallie Fosier; P W P. Sister M Lansing; W A, Sister Alice Hobbs; R S, B~ E Marris; A R S, Sister Bertie Benn~ F 8, Bno A Hall; Treas, Bra Ellis; Cati., Bro Walter Thomas; A Coud, Bra Charley Peacock; I S, Simien Fosier; O S, Bro Frank Crossutan; Citap, Sister Mary Nowton. The Vinticatnr's mind la undergaiug a severe stralut lest the CItRON ICLE may not have a libel suit lu hant. If ane dit not know ibai Bro Nlciso1son's beat las nairow that bath of iw oyes came oui ai one istle. hie course as a jaurnallat rouît suggest sucit a possibiity. i is thse desireoef such men as tise editor of tise Vindicator that thîe public utay loak ta the newapaper. for cbarity, goodt aite sud generai couesel ; but choc the public cornes toi *Mac up sucis joarnals le tise llgbt ai thicr itwmoàs con- duot toarnts acis otiser, insteati of being honereti atndirespectedthtie nevspspera aie placed b.neath contempt. A vr rettv wpidng took place on Wed- nesday afternoon at tise bouteof Mr. S. 13sar. Icer, "Mu.ple Grere," wiseà 190rIsaçot taugbiteï, Misa Poly Barker anti Mr.. T sosn, one of our vl kue wasr. chnawemthtie entract.lng pertie. 'rhe Rev. Dr. Mvn,, 0f- bese<er, têbea- tial foot.MIe" L 4,Brkèr cted ou biridoa "d li viite .r.,J*lMbd, Unetsoporatier et Darlîugto14s Sl- tte bd.$é m Ts bride leoketi vemayyPrely êeusrffed, vsie niwlÉê prhtlom * er the onl rsuet :000:- Oshava Buatmess »freotsY. I9 L. 7101E. barber. Smoas street. BROOKS' LIVEBY, Simcos esSf, nartis. WM. ROLPE harnea makar, Simeose stresS. r. B. MOTHEBSILL1, butoher, King B., Wst. Da. PmAT onw, Dqntist; oce ever awues store. A. J. 8TÂLTE-DomIIUU iian pl ndsatrgais, Simca. street. W. E. Dm, <iGeners.l Agent Ontario MuSsai Lite Asanaute Ca. Agents rantet, Wu zAu J. Di£wa, Dominion sut Ontarie- Land fturvayar. Civil Engliser, Bo- 67, Os&- cOauwscut Hoxu-J. C. Woon, ovitr Mtodern hostelry, neat Msait tïby equipped. D. M. Ton. -Oster for balIs, seb.,Wd dingo, Supporst, .. *te. ,Aita &il hintset' lS. HOULDE - Whltby-osisaat Uqlne. Lesves Oshawa st 8 a M entd p m, sud Whitby at 3le ant d4dp s joms r OaiMsaiouftur-o neA.eraeu carts, Wacgnsdabu ai b set UM" ions Sauvaspaliser sMtdeeeratw, »ouler lu watt paproeiliUng tsoprambids M ail, vazuasmu, bruaits,.wno*<sse JANSI Puma*ê, damer la i.aa, ftafrsseatin has.'Jobbhsg a speil. s5=m ew : NatsryPublie, <iesavYauoe,, o. )m»'té 1qs4& 00"s .1er aalhîIon2Banj-ap town"hp buu b.d mt representtioa for saute years, sud It la but iglir to glve US at least one member out of five. Therefore we sale every electar of the lownsbip ta give one of bis votes ta Mr. Rosm Nominations. PICKER:IING. D R Boton ,returning officer. The followng uouintionsau were madie. For Reeve-Thos Poucher, R R Mowbray, A Bayer, Gea Gerow, T P White, ;asa alta. Oea Parker, F Roach, A MeAuley. For iraI deputy-P R Hoover, A Boyer, 1 Richards, J Hit, R R Mowbray, W H Burke. For Second Deputy-Thos Beare, W G Barees, 1 Buuty, J Richards, rbhos 0s- borne. S H Stevenson, 1 N Hartop. las Thorn- ton, Ed Wilson. For Thard Deputy-Thos Beare, E Wilson$ W G Barues, R Buuung. Thos Osborne, Wj Clarke, Chas Palmer. For Comcilor-T P White, Ed Wilson. Gea Toole, ["boa Carter, WJ Michoîl, J Buudy, f[Under- bil, R Wilson,) Heuderson, R M Bateman. THE SPEECCH ES. Gea Geeow sait the counceil of z896 bat prac - tiset economy. The purchase aI a roat machine hati eflectet a great aavîng, anti wonltadvocaîo tho purcbase o! anather. The township bas a arge surplus which ia very uselxi iu retiriug te. bentures. Regartet thoeflow couuty council aci as a eooot move. Thos Poucher sait that noats wore in goot condtion aut camparoti favorably wttb any îher municipality. Counciliors of last year s'ere ail goat umen. He bat startot ai the bat- tom aud wantedteto horeeve. Was te layo- of ocal option Bolieves Mn Mowbray as apl>osiig, him mnerely because ho is a Conservative. R R Mowb-av expisinet the increasot school tax as arisiug framn a change in law whîlch comt pellet the courical ta raise $î5o for each school section insteat a! $îoo. Ila atemperance titan aet bas always pursueti a consistent course. Hat teItit necessary ta subunît a by-law taen-e- peai local option owîng ta the largo petition pre- ioulne d, Thought tbat the question ahoulti ho iettled hlm the people, nat by the councik Jas Hilta was uot a cauditate. ý as Richards thought that a vote shoult ho ta on on local option, sud was le laser o! bav- ing it taken in January. Rat toue bis tiuiy while at the coun.eil board, anti was a antidate r Finat Deputy Reeve. Mn Bayer differed wxth Mn Poucher on public questions. Thought that the aIt ciuncil aa good ane. Was ini lavor of baving Mfr Mowbrav electet reeve. Waa flot a candidate. T P White saidt hat it was the duiy af the ratepayer.; ta seau ciosely the actions af the nouet cil. Experience la very esseutiai Taxe% bave beau grawiug. Lxtrawagance existeti. Mare money was ex-peutet than forrnerîy. whicb shoulti not ho the sase. l'ow was sagoot rime ta select ecoeomical representativmea. Wntcal candidate. Gea Parker waa surpnised ai Me White's state- ment negarding the finances, which are not as bat as statet.. Thoogbt the council shaulti tegistate rospecting the payment of taxes. Thbe couuty ai York was abaudonieg tallalu inte County af York. This couecil shoult ho matie .ap af mon able ta oppose the Rouge bridge af (air. A McAuley was apposeti ta toîl gales. Local apton was the main quest.ian. Was in favor ai lýiving it a fair trial, wbîch il bat flot had. The' township camparet favarably with other mutà- cipalities. Waa uat a candidate, P R Hoover uhaugbt experience iras essrtsl -, Fi- lookot ai the finances differentiy ta M-, White- Was in favoir of temperance. Wab a caàndidate ion- Fin-st D-rputy Reeve. W H Burlte was uat a candidate. l'hos Beare thougbt the finances ad, right. eould stand for Second Depiîîy Reevo. W G Bat-esa was a candidata for [bird Dep uty Reeve. If electet would do adl ho coulti lor the to-wnsbip. JBunt, was net a caudidate. 'os Osborne lat been asketi ta ho a candi- titate for Third Depuîy Reeve, anti woult do bas hest ta serve the people if electeti. Jas Thornton was ual an the fieid. Et Wilson bat been keepaug quiet (or several years. aet was net now a candidate. Loc.al option was the principal question it stake Thought that such a largo petition warrantet the subutiasion of- the by-law ta a vote of thxe people. SS i tenonwseut a candidate, J N Krtanop waias candidate fan Second Deputy koove. W J Clarlte woult net stand. Chas Palmer was net a candidate, Gea Foote would retire. Tbhos Carter was not a candidate. W J Micheil wouit flot ha a candidate. J Bundy was not a candidate. Jas U ederbl cas a candidate for councillor. Ail retired bot the Iôllawing, wbo will go La tthe poli. For reeve-R R Mowbrsy, Thos Peucher; fit-st top reave, P R Hoover, T as Richards ; secoed top rtee, Tisas Beare, JNHortop; third tep reeve, W j Barees. T Osborne; councilon. Jas Underhill, W J MÂchell. UXBRIDGE TOWNSIP. Nominations resultet as tallons :-James Waiker, noave, hy acclamation; 1jasepis Milard. it deputy, by sc; Ira Lamb, 2et depuîy. by ace. For councillors :- John ManIy. Prices Pueis. D M Morgan, James Reid, and T P Gnifiths. Mesars Morgan anti Reid subsequeni' ly withdrew, beasing hfaniy. Pugitanti Grffitha ta go the POIL CÂNNINGTOU4. Nominations for neeve, councillors. anti school trustees cere belt inethte councW- chambe- frum 7 îo 8 p ut, There cas a largo attendance af raie- pavera. The followiug nere noiiatet-Rev -Dr Gillespie, P 1 Anderson, W H Hoyle, W A Robinson, Dr Binghaut.j T V May, >io Sitarpo. AU rotireocepi Wi A Rubinsoianti J TV Mayvisanillgtotsepol. Çoxinclors -P J Anderson. C F BicI.j TV MayW A Robinson, jSbire, Dr Gllespie. John Hay, F Bleu, W H Bckll, I na Sharp. Dr Bingsaut, A I i e. S bool T rus oem -D r Bing ian4 D r Giti, Wm Sutîtis, Wut Cassidy, C C Mc- P a 1 nJT V May, H Brandon. JaSharp, A Reid.,R, Noble. -At the citas ot tise nominations Rev Hoylie gave an explWI cçut oi tIhe financial position of te village, dsý=~gtissealter ail Indelîted"m ras pait ai tise eMut- i thse year tie non ouncil noulti ho able Ito ecangSbusines nibs ur- plus Oif*$42ïs linas';40-0feeto<tob. boraaid otiser supplies miountla40S , , itsmas inent ras greed rus -kèg, sd tise çd dates corplixsiened tise'e>tqWWai xSg61cr l gtooti cash turing the ye=. The public sebool bMad. <*aotasaghità o,4wir man, gave an cqnaliy saisfssty u*age of. Seisoal matants. For ose heu on Mdoeday Phea. dorit, &U -latbe Îb.esIsl no,11)tnimtl CE 415ai cndiates toit inthe flor -ibaenstiWgyçar. 'TiefOlw, vi -tise ouiois: ý -Yr~se u Graisas, Dovk ?e 4cRaa eeuîW -da ci, Pe.For et ev.çhoRe.M. ci t Ic The uomination for the office af retve, deputy reeve anti ecuncilors for the Township o! Thoral) anti Village of [eaverton took place iu the tain hall hon-o on Monday last.I. Tone was a large number of rgtepavers preseel, who discusset the -iffairs of the township afi Ttiarah. The reeve, Donald Brown, gave a very aatî.sfactory state- mont ai the receipis sut expeudulures turing the part year. Aauouuced that ho woutd ual ho a candidate for the reeveship for ir897. The fol- lowing are the council electet-neeve, Peter Mc Dougali ; deputy reevo, fHenry Morrisan ; coun- cîlon, lamesMcCallI Johe BurgeuasnsetJohn jardina. BEA VER TON. Thos Trple3ven, neeve ai Beavprtou, atidresset the ratepevers ai cousi'Iorable Ieugtb. explaining his actions i the council rout durng the Iasu year, anti also aItihe counti' council, anti retiret,. Tisa followibg nero nominatet set unlesa saine retire wlîhin the urne proscribet hy 1mw there wiii ho an olection. For reeve-Gea R Proctor anti Duncan MoMiillan. Counciiias-A D M'orrison. William Joyce, E S Bell andi William Mlcîntyre For School Trustes-Dr Galloway F S King anti J S McMillan word re-electeti. TOWN 0F UXBRIDGff. Candidate for Mayor-F N Raines R P Han- mnan, John Hunier. For Reeve-H A Crosby. J H 0 Brion, jas Richards. Deputy Rove- Wm Foster bv acclamation. Candidate for coui-atWard-Jas Walker J A Lord. A Morris, W Tbursk. J Croxcal. West warti bv acclamation-A J (3oult, T C NjchaIs, H A Nantis wart by acclamation-C Nîx. A Crosby, James Fortest. Sebool trustees electet hi' ac- norîh ward, T Chapple ; cesI card, Thas Boyd; esI ard. jas Walker. a.AS-r WHiTRYi. The following net-e the nominees for thetotan- ship o! Easst 'hitbhy.-For Reeve-G E Mow- bray. A E Henr-y, Robt Grierson, W Smith. D D Dver; John McGregor. Deputy reev-las Stocks, set., A E Honry, R D Paner, Wmn Breut. Cooncilors-L 1 Coryeîl, W B Guy, A E Henry, W Davies, John Rosa, jr ,John Mc- Keuzie. Wm Brout. M J Holliîiay, E Kîvaîl, E W Smnith, G E Mochra', S Roben-t. A Fare- well. Ail nominatet for reeve ntiet except Rabot-t Gnierson cho was electet. 1: cas the same with dopury reeves, J&s Stocks, sr., being toclaret eletet. The followingr arc still in the fieldi for tbe council: Guy, Henry. McKenzie. Roas-. At on-~ o'clock nominations claseti anti the retnrniug officer vas callot ta the chair. The council gave an account of Isoe stonartship for* the pasi year. Messes. Smith. Dyor, Broui anti Ormiston criticsedthtie exponditure, mart par. ticularly the outlay aitie soutb endi of the town- ship ant-assandi heidzes. andthie amnnt pait 10 constable at Cadar Dale. The me-ting clased ai tarit alter ail the wind bat been expended. Niminations for reeves anti couneilora nere eild in tise tocu hall. Manchester. Tne cierk presited.. h ras anc o! tise oaitlime gathenings. Tisere waàs vet-y lîttie time rastet inl preliminar- les, for no soaner was tise meeting caflet ta or- ter by tise clark tisse nominations began ta pour in, nîll sortie thirty-one naines rere dm1' pt- posot anti secontat. The follocing la a liai o! tise nomînees :-For reeve-Jautes HalmanJ M Rosi. ' No.-men Stuart. meuts Muera. Peer Chnlstie. Amas Stone. F ort deputi' reev- Joh Parkc, MD.. Wmn M Woir. T E Craeg. Fur sud depuiy reeve-,r E Cragg, Tiss Lambe, Win F Dobson, Wm Stepisen. James Pearaon. -For counclors--aues H Leask, J A Millef, Wesley L.eeke, Dnaît McDodait . WinSte- ph=on John Muera, F Earclsutnn5Wi P Wat- son ElJWbeeler. B14ah Beare. Trhotna Bar- reit, Wm C Si John, Rahi M Holtby, Albeet Willams. Noarus Stuart. Peter A Parroi. Al ihe candidattes for the office af reem exeept Mn Real baving withdrw, 1Ur Rosi cas declarçdi elmete. Dr Park detçlcati bing a candidate for- fii deputy reeve, iberofore leaving tise contest betweeti Mesas Weir andi Cragg. Thse andi- dates for sed depoaiy seve oxcepi Ur limbe 'UI wibdrew, sud K laibe ras tcired elect. et. Next folS" bacoiv eeduig procosafor cous- <iairs, w eb resited la ait retirlng excepi Mes Leas, McflomadStepben. Boesud P à Parr<a. *ho bave ail signifaed iheir inien- dmof aiigisaing t oui etishe potils nMen4y, Jas.ýh tlâaqg. Anuafiermeeting cas tson or- drbf abt ecftie Ho ora <emy daanMOw em (grt ! berts twalmE 1. bern eaala4letsdw- ise eauaD&dur, gthse yev 1 itig tseaitawoe, - -A 'a îta,-mnss~ iîaesltnstLa~d.osai snc.vle, Chistmas paaaed i lf very qultely ln Our burg. JMcCullocb, whô has tanght two. y9ars le Kiesale, la spendlug tbe bolidays ai home. H Bradley Is homo afier îwa years toachlnir ai Uxhridge. Ho inteuds followîug the law pro- fession. 1 Christmnas ai Mr. aut Mrs, DeMarra, Mr. aut Mn-s Chas Gowett aud daughter, of Sparts, are visting at Mia R Hascley's. Misses Rachol anti Dolly Wright, o! Toronto, speut Christruas with their pareuta bore Mrs W Welcb anti Miss Mable Welch are spenting the bolîdays witb frîeeds at BBoli, Mr anti Mrs W B Bickell anti family cene guesta ai Mr anti lrs Savage, in Reach tawn- ship 1ai week, Mrs S Davis anti daughter, Mes W Granat, af London. are geesta o! Mn andi Mrs Oea B BickelL Rev Mr Adams, of Orona, nill exebange pul- pits witb Rev C Parker, w§'o goes ta Ornanata preacb anniversary sermons. The Christmas sang service lu conneciion vush the methodist Ssabhschaal [astSunnay cigisi was very largely atteuteti. Tho singieg hy the priman-y classa wss very iigbly appreciated hy aIl preseut, as was also the sieging anti recitations by ather members of ibe achool. The roanîts ai the nominations Manday are es folow :- M ayor- R R Uqacouthaetoelctet hy acclamauon; reeve-) K (3abraith, eleciet by acclamation; teputi' neeve-Jospph Jeffrey, electeti hi'acllIamation ; louncilors-uaorth yard -L Corcisb, M A James, Dr Hilliar. W Mc- Ka7. Joseph Paterson ; rosi nar-J A Mit- chell, J Percy, John McMurtry. L Tale; sonth nart Henr Hambloy, .Archie Tait, k Worth, J LyWe0 BEAGRAVE. Mrs. A. Beaty ai Toronto, accompaniet by her.sister Miss. Amy Otis 's spending the Our Ssnnday school entertainment went aIR first class ail titi thoir part well, çspecially Miss B. Dewart of Toronto, andi the Recale family. Miss F. Stevens, we regret ta say, iutends leaving our burg ibis week. Sbe will ho gNeatly missed lu the Sabbath school -andi choir. The beat wishes of al follow ber. Mr. jas. Lessk af this commuuity as in the feld for cucilman. We think a better man than Mn. Lt ask could not have be nominateti as he belongs to thie clasa af men wbich are ceeded irn our cauncil. We al kuow Mr. Leask's icterests will b. for the wellfare of the township shouiti ho be eiected which-we think should b. the case consider- ing bis ability ta f111 the position. Grand Trunk Rail way. Chrîutmas New eOo.s SINGLE FARE-at one way 'St class fare, good goingb ny train hsdy good ta rotur eann411gDÇCe tIi inat later tissu Saturday, Dec- s6th, z4&6 FARE AND ONE-THIRD. -Gooa golag by an i-trin Wednesday, Dec :à TursM = 2 4th, Or "Frids sts goo timto etr aving destnation flot later <ban Mouday, Ja4 t4,1897. NEW TEARD SINGLE FARE-,Dec.- 3Ist, 1896, or 1as st, 897 eotto reture 1eaviurdes- tatios ot il atiÎJau sd. 1897. FARF, AND ONE-THIRD). - Dmc poiis4 r5, 896, or janast, _x897; rttssa- uY alyonr Ticket for atiove from &TBRIKBROsiava Ry. Cole ageoc, IF YOU ARE~ LOOKING vire fonce a god bing tu some laes@ snd Was a proper esod*ture which, wtil save tho stalute labar. 1 r leu the field for the county eguncil. Michael O'Donnel la a candidate for tho deputy reevoablp, if there was ta ho au dc- don, but If the extra candidates for counilor would retire ho would take nomination as a 00111- tillar, and thug save soute of the expeuses ai ae eiection. He foued (suit wiîb bis colloagues in the nounoui for their extravagance. If was .brouh him, another grant was proctirod (rom tho Goarlu goverrement on tbe Moulk Rosd. HIe claimeti ta ho a resident af the. township loeger than bis oppontent, and that be hat i aso iaid more taxes thsu McPhee, aud that ho had a botter riRht ta the position for these sud other reasona. Gea Reati snd John McCorkell -de- fended their actions during pait vear, 't being their liret terut lu the coucoul. Had learued a few thiegs ie municipal maltera1 anti if elected wouît do their hast to serve the people. D J McPhee took igsue witb Mr O Donnàeli. antidd- retideti the council le theîr actions during the past year. Ho took up the charges matie by Wl UDonneill sot abowed ihat the couencil was not far fram tho mark in their actions. They «d not claim perfection. The other candidates had flot mucb go say, thanket their moyers and sec- ondersand elîher retured or placed theuiselves le the' banda of the electorate as the case mlgbt ho. F J Gillespie came le laie. Was not a candi- date, but waa lu the fied for a representaiive ai the caixnty c ouncil. E3cplaiued the actions au tbe valuation of the couuîy sud tbougbt this township yeî too highiv assessed. If elected woeld serve ta the besi of bas abiýiry. Alox Mc Rae, of Thorah, being in the audience, was sked to come ta the platform .Ho was a candidate for tbe county. Thought ha was ual useti right at a meetingboIlu inBeaverton, where îhey bad ptediged theinselves to abide by the decision oi that meeting aud afterwards placedt hemacîlves in the fieldi. Ho would look after the inioresis aif Mars as well as of Thorah if elocted. These wss a large gatheriug. The îowu hall wss full sud the ratepaycrs seomed interesiet in the proceedings. Gall at PELLOWS> and Bee his Wrought St1eel -AT- 950.00. Aloo hie COAL OIL and GÂS BTOVES -PFROM-- $5.50 to $25-00. A Wmnter Sho, mnuet proteot tbe feet or thie wear.r will suifer serilu harm. it mùU troulize the ututant limit of waruith and coxpfort., Ânything better adapted to wet, cold and etormy weather than ona Winter BiSesm can't, weiragined. We know just wbat' ,vanted to meet the. cae, and .aMrythe b« hat ni the market for thi e sson. Yon can flnd nothing botter, beeSuse nothing botter exias. Shoea like ours might reasonably b. hîgh priced, but they're not. Witues the. figures Men'a Fait Gaiters, a poil soliA sale extra fine feit, reg. $160 .... 1.25 Mon's Extra Hay Grain Boots, heav fait = 9in and insols, reg.,1.75.................. 81.50 Men'a Fine Calf Gaiteçrs neoila tan, sewn soles, rog. 1175 ........ ....81.2r> ladies' Extra Fine Volt, Jiliet, turu ëoles, werth $1.25 ............ .90 Ladies' Fine Buttea Boots, rivitedl sales, reg $1.25......... -97Î Girljs&Shool Laced loon.s........ .75 Boys' Finie Lseed BotÏ. amil11te 1- 8rivi doù reg9e. ..l M;n' 04pe I ~p. ... .40- lAdieqý CarPettSim ., Gilt Edge Dreas4îg, J aneaUbotale... -C. j Scoît receutly sold a hor.se for $125, whlch shows that there la moncy in the righl kititi ai barses yot. C Mackey bas givec up îeachinR ater three succossful years bore. Ho e neets 1 f9fiow the farming iedusîry. The coutestinl the division bas closeti, E Wat- tee's aide being victorious. The oppouents served up the oyatera lu abuotiance on Tuostay eveniug lasi. Visitora :-Mrs W sud G Hpzzlewood tiaJ Dyera: Rev G McCullocb aut G Bryat, Tor- anto, nt Donald McCulloch's; C Heys. Buck- ingham, M Pascue, Tornnto, Misq Pascoe, Sa. lina, ai R Pascoe's; G Tramoer, Salins, la visit- iug at T Wotten's. On Mouday evoning the followicg oifficera a1 Hoîborn lotige, No 2=, were electet for the en- auing year as foliows:-P P, W Stute; P. S Bray; V P, S I)eacau ; C. F flurîbut ; sec. j F H-urbut; mes. W Humpage; aurgeoni, Dr Mitchell; tst cout, F Griffu; sud com, j Web- ber; iuette guard, B Powell; outside guard, W Gniffin. Chosen Friectis officers for the onsuiug yoar as lollows, council No 109 :-Ps Couccilor, W Griffu;n CC, S Bray; V C, j Gi 1het; rec, B Powell A R, T Haill, treas. j E Dyer; Pros. P Soucb. M. 8 Naucelcîvoîl; WJ Ormiston; G, j Hubbard ; S, D A Francis; trustee, S Bray ; surgeon. Dr Mitchell; auditors, D A Trainer, S Naucekiveil. Bawmanull Mr Wm Benett, a! Oshawa, speci Suetay witb moueds bore. Editar lames sud tamilly spet Christmas ai Bîsyside, Enfield. Mr Lucous Vaustone, of Toronto, speut Christmas wiîh friends in town. Mr anti Mrs Thos 1 Sherian, of Osbawa, are speudiug the bolidays with frieots bore. GREÂlF RETIRII SALE -- Having fully made up ms up businesa, I1ciloffdrr n) Entire ta the people of Whitby ai country at lover priea es to enisure a quick &sie, COMMEN-INQ SAT URDA.Y JAN. Nov for uùprecedent.ed Â?Priee Lisatare not init S(am ont ta 5"B. Go( saine price REGÂRDLE, Don't think thia eà an 7 0 v l g e t I e K t it ia true Ii nt.ed year, but vas persut tbe PSU in ho"o bettor. That wmai arewom~ instead of pst help, nov gooda oser thi esorcnice. More lonfus ýameansv suel gtah. B71g tabou. lun exebmng -' -~.sa.. -r - - ~.t ,- - For an appropriate HOLIDAY PRFSFNT doc't taau to anspect our large stock of Watches, Olockp, Jewelry, Silverware, Spectacles and Novelties, nt ail pricés, snitable for a]l Purses and people. Rich men's qualities at poor Meule prices. selected expressly for yeu andi each article marked ln pIainfigurei at a price you eau afford to pay. A cloud-burqt of beautly, tradiant wîth good values and sparkling with low pricos awalts your inspection at Boyd's Jewelry Store,> KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA, OPPOSîI E CENTRAL HOTEL. P.S.-We cordially invite you to came early and secure the choice, and aioid the rush. VOL. XL Leading Drug A, H.L ALLIN Js hcQ hI ;maný Vie don't pretenri 10 sel! you han tbey cost us. Vie do zive our cilstomers lst tiwer monev - as the mlost vert iser. We dlon't rnm a so-called -C( Store." W," do mieet 211 competîtion in where quality would ha-a fced 10 do it. We don't do a Dentist's busin We do sell Tooth Brushes that their bristles the first t used. WVe aiso, seil Washes anti Powders-r bulit, which is by far the nT ai way to buy it. A. EH. AL«« CHEMIST & DRU( WHITBY? - - 1 Established 1849' whitby Steam Marbie and Gfanite Works; Dundas- St., W.H 1T B Y Chas. H. SI] (Forinerly Wolfenden porter andi Dealer i GRANITE MONUMI the latest materiai am( kinds of Cexnetery wî guaranteed. _"-SB>M FOR DESIGNS HAYWA' ti tg

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