Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 1 Jan 1897, p. 3

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tir i .,A NNU/ÇL FnEPO-RT. 0/ he Bcoaimd of Education for the for ihe year 1896. Town of Whilby1 The Board of Education presentsathe folowiniz brief report as te the condition of the tewn lichuols , and as to the Recepta and Erpenditures ofthei Board during the year g6, jhThe Bloard la pleased te, report that the staff cf teachers in the Poblic Schcols le moch jhe sanie as that of lasi year. the only changea being that Miss Thenipson, of the Dondas *1. Senool. and Mr. W. Hf. Greenwood, the Mode) School assistant, have been respective- fy reptsced by Miss L. Woodcock and Mr. Chas. Smth. The Model Scbotol, compri-ing Dundas St. and Henry St. Schools, has been efficient- ]y condocted during the year wiiii the following staff -- Principal. Mr. jas. Brown, ici cascs Provincial, salary .............. ...... ...$ 950 00 Assistant, M iss A. Burns, salary ............... ................. ....«.......... ....350 00 Miss C. Fraser, ...... . ............ ...... ......... ......... ......... ...... 300-00 NIiss L. Bot rowman,'..................... ......... ......... ......... ....300 00 Miss B. Andjerson . ....... ......... ...... ..................300 OC Miss R. J Mitchell, -.................-............ ......... ......... ......... 300 00 Miss Thompson, -Jan to July, salary ai rate of .............. ......... 300 00 M ' iss 1L Woodcovk, Aug, to Dec........ ......... ...... ......... 275 0,-) Model Schooi Assistant, Mr. Chas Smith, saiarN ...... .... ...100 The attendance durîtrg the % eai at these îwo schoois bas been as follows Number on the Roil]...................... ........................ ........ ...... ... 22S Average daily a tendanit . . ........... ......... ......... ......... ......... ...... ...... 146 Number on the RoI]]........ ... ......... ...... ...... ......... ...... ...... 167 A verage daiy attîr-IdAtII e .. ..... ........... ............ ......... ...... ...... .. ...... 1t TFACIi F R I N FR.-\NI Ni, iWT.MC)1EL SCHOOL. Number on the Roll................. ......... ......... ......... ......... .............. ...... 24 It is verv pieasîrrg iiie oO or i eotta h u ro teaciiers-in-train- ing ai the Mode] -tchi),]dothe. ast twir vears lois t.een much larger than on previous years. schori has bever t i' i rrl e durinkz ire vear Se the Principal. Mr John Gaie, as- Number ron the ki:I ...... ........ ............... ......... ........ ..... ......... .. Avr a.e fi lio îr A . .......h ...a..î.î ....... ............. ...........................90 cý Ilr. \V. A vrlin, irerrli .......................................................eo O Mr. nG of it Jonc. g B A , 1oule r i . . .ch ,). .. . . . o o> Mr. . G endesonF~T1 cli1E t,1orrTrK.rciai, T 1wTUgT Ec..........6 t Dui ar e S tthei]rsistr -ri- ofth ntitault hs brriti(in) b theBird toreort nihai sucesrs. î H r 'i, tio for thSes ad liiv the F invd r he osvte 0aceiblst yInueon e of the mo1t the af.Ite aiiie if \I.tr WSWs licerta'fuiowMAs sind h Badhsseu h Nî,nticrhe ort R]ist.i, Mr. . Il lioarh lAit ..............'ý...... ...... ....... ................. ...........10'o M . .G anJrireRît>]irtas s Crer trnei l, Sedathn, oetche.services..o.. r... Thos( Ailare1ý'qieçarrs cas d11h) r.s vr adi s-grat accetan the Bterpordt the atth a- ii;ecýra ,tin ru ep1iernitr l A ss dr hor t ense eaetoras wserved e aus No efortwil be parir as rhe Fre-serrror t),%orthe-stafft ontisonstttheBoned of teduca- sucsfiltii "N T Nu t. t> ii iT Ni .PNIUE s6 t '>rverrmrn-tlit irani ...... .......... C ori nti. , ratit ... . . .. . .... Coîns Irctl r.îtit.. ...... .......... Fer-s forVFi t rratr)ctu 1I xa4nriifiatýits Fees fir ii)r a r1ier1) t] x atfils .. .. F ces fini 7lPu( ]............ Nhuîrct1ruu.Assesuirren.,.....--............ r>- ~ (,r.rvcrnmerrt i.ranîi.............. (,ove.rtrneni ('t4rit. NIi ric -' Counie Grant, 'vlI rI S t Fees, Ti-achers in-Trairrrng Fer-, Non Rest-ent Pupils Municipal Assesanrent ...... 2, t .~ r i4. C hi. (IRMiSTiN. '-tec T rea s it re r TAKE ONE O! Dr. Aguew's Liver Pill e off r dinner, It wiUl promotA digestion snd over- cnine any evil efiecte f o! tue earty 4ntirely vege table Do not disturb the systie w. Safe, prompt, activA, painles andl pleas. ant-iGe. a vial. Thise eûective littie pili i.s upplauting &Il the old school naussoos purgatives. The dexnand is liard to keep up wiîh since placinz it on the Canadian rmarket. Take no 8ub9rututue. 40 doses, 10g t I drnggists. Eaighty iu Every Hundred. Suifer More or LpsS Froni That Most Offenive o! Diseases, Catarrh-Thst Dr. Agnew'a Catarrhal Povder je a Wouderfol Reruedy in Testified te b>' Thousanda Who Have Been Cured Outriiuht-Mr. Alex Edunondson o! Rosemruth, Ont., Says : "l have beon troubled vitis cstarrh for a great man>' years. Have euffered grestly fro teni. I hsd tried ait tho se - esiled cures, but never received an>' reie f rom theas. Sesing Dr. Agneves Catarrhsl Po-wder iargely advertiaed, 1 determineýdt o UTry , although very scep- tcaJabout any relief, but I vas very gry-su*ad agreeably ditappoiuted, -for io*efireti dose 1 reoeived ver>' greati reliofl>udto-day 1 can hone4t]y say that itba red. 1 keep it constantly in thé bo*o - wONO e find It a quick cure fer 'e1d int-th head. It gives almocet, instant ré- - jf have neo ieÇtancy in P 1limu ittheisbest cure fôr eat.arh, and hri YV rsJ*d iii te ail uffererfr oa tie Ml4. od by J. E. Wdha.o r r .u~a~lttupt o cf the. àihiî i\IIENITIR E. Teairhers Sýalaries ........ ....... ....~5O ',-ecretare Treasurer .. ..................>o (Carctaktrr.............. ......... ......... 195 0v, Vue[l..................... ......... ......... 97 .7Ir t xarnrire-rs .. ................218 4Cr R , pa 1rr%........... ...... ...... ...... ... ..64 41 Duis -.... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... 40 10L t>> nting and Statioliere .......... .... .. log 1i, Chemicais . .................. 59 62 Librrarv ... .... ........... 64 83 Irîsurance ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... 88 50 i )tilgaie tri Trustee Association.... 6 5o F:ag ..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......î16 25 ý'unrnîsr Postage, etc ............... 4 00 $5569o04 t>11 1 r"(HerrîlS. Teachers' Salaries ... ...... ...$3685 00 Mode] Scheo Assessment .......... 130 001 Secret aryTreasu rer....... ...... i cçasiortah Teachers .......... Caretaking and Cleaning ........... Furnace ........... ...... ...... ...... 'riritgi and Sîaîîonerv ..... ...... Repaira ......... Fuel .... .... ... Dlcegate Io Trustee Association. Hîsiorîcal Chans...... ...... ...... .. Postage, etc ...... ...... ...... ...... .. 50 00 11 00 383 00 168 on 61 71 105 67 249 79 6 5o 2 OC 2 00 $484 67 JAS. McCLELLAN, Chairruan. To Cure R.HEUMATISMW Bristol's SARS APARILLA Ir IS PROMPT RELIABLE AND N'EVER FAILS. MAlL Ask your Druggst or Dea ler for i L- A Chu=n That OhurnB in One Minuteê I bave been in t4Ie, dairy buaicesaal ny life sud bave msny tiues churned for an hou>' beforo botter would appear, 80 when 1 hesid of as ehurnithat would churu ina minute, I ooncluded to try it. Évery day for'&week 1Tused it, snd npt only could 1 ohurn in a minute, but 1 got more #*4' -botter' butter tissu vwiti thse oommiohpmt'ThisYery'.1importaut into L'40 "tobatter-maer. -Tise charu owka ais at iI hr nor- 2 ~ r b rii nl~tsnS'Ixtiy se- couds. IhaVe Mod tva ýdosas> et these 'l4os'thb, m e *irin lume thï a miuite, -eobt-One. YouOeauOOb 'tai a nr.grding tht A DeyvR p MUNY ON. His Modern Methods of Cur- Ing Disoase Woîk Wonders, THOUSANOS TESTIFY, Grateful People are Daily 'Telling of their r.ee from oes dread Disease or other by tise use of Munyon's Im- provedHomeo- pathîe Rem- ed.ies. Ask Yoor Nearest Druggist for Munoncs Guide to Health. Select a 25 cent Remedy sud Cure Yourself. Mrs Kennedy, wife o! the weil known house buîlder, who resides at 300 North Avenue, Toronto, eays :-l sniffered ex crucîating rheumatrc pains for the past six or seven years. For the laat few ilonthB 1 could not even walk arotind the house, as rny entîre right side vas laine I osed one bottie oi! Munyousa Rheumatisni Cure, sud the leftct vau rnarvellous. 1 now recommend it to ail rny friend8." Muon's Rltpumatismn Cure seldom faiu8 îo relieve lu one to three hotîrs, and cures lu a few laya. Price 2.5c. Mluvons Dyspepsia. Cure poeitively cures ail forms o! Indigestion sund storo ach trouble. Price, 2,5c. Munvon s Cold Cure prevents pneu. monia snd brptks up a cold in a few bours. Price, '25c. Muuv Dus ConRh Cure stops coughs, niglit sweats, allaves sîrenes, and 8peed ily heale the loinge. Price, 25c. Muuyou's Kiîlney Cure speedily cures pains in thp back, loins or groins sud all forma o! kiulnev disease. Price, 2.5c. Mnuyou's Healsohe Cure stops bead- ache in three minutes. Price, 25c. Munvou's Pile Ojatinent positively corps ail forms of piles. Price, 25C. Muyoun'a Blood Cure eradicates all impurities ot the blood. Prioe, 25Sc. Munvou's Fet-ale Rtemedies are s boon to ail wor.nen. Munyon' Astluma Remedies relieve in 3 minutes sud cure permsnently. Price. si. M novon's Catsrrh Remedies neyer (ail. The Cst.arrh Cure-price 25ec-eraldicates ithe disease froin the systerr, sud thbe Ca- tarrb Tablets-price 25c.-cleanse and heal thé parts. Munyon>e Nerve (rire je a wonderfol nerve tomec. Pries, '25c. Muvon's Vitali.zer reetores bast vigor Price, $1. A separate cure for esch diseaise. At ai) dIrnjggsts, mostly 25c. s viel. Personal lettere tu Prof. Munyon, 1l tnd 18 Albert et., Toronto, ani;wered with froc medical advice for any diseste. A COMBINATION e« RARE, SEARCHING POTENT E69ENTIALIsTiLLATIons FOR INFLAMMATIoN EXTERNALLY F'or ail Pains, Achee, Bor Jointe, Sprains, Bruieee Scalde, Burns, 8ting1, Bites and Ciblainis. INTERNALLY For Colds, Bore Throat chlnroup.y stli ex ist. If any m an, wo i.wesk ner etc.u dM excesse atovre bvlotirnesrt and write pom, ii snd honfietilgll>' sud r If chy arge th pln wpurne duswand l vas hooatd, aor r nopfferg frein«y ofvthe ebiit>', Lamr cfVeorsud Ogaie eartnoss.it of chavge nthtb e lan Isud ibrefre1aowu pieney, but as 1 nout througb w>'-omm ex. j perience bow te sysapathlze with sncb auffurers,! I amn glad te b. able to, auulat au>'follow-bbw te a cure. 1aIMan veira're eoftii prev"ieo of quaclcery, tar I mysfitf vasdeoeved ati, impcaed uuunti) I aearly lest fsltb'iana-' kibd, but reja to yte abat- bm à nov pet <sot)>' vol)asd happy oncoe suad am desir- out theretere te inake ti t!> s4wlsaoe cure knovn te aiH. If yois vii vîeth tme yen cm Myi>'upon bel uW yd sud $ie prond' utisaction et havng base etgreat service tg oe lu need vil! be su&t4ebt rwdorsi trouble. Abseite scic aurd e- e sil ver te eovsr pe t«e>sud sddresa, Mir., Ggo. G. Strong, NeothI>oetvood, Mieb. Every ingredient iýà M Iey's _Celery-Nerve omè. Pund is a blood Maker aitd' health giver.. 1f You are wè,Ik or rundon trr. Ders" t M Wi x Wate fbr Oowu. Ccv. giviug milk require a large amnount of water to provide for the ex- tra secretion which milk furnishing necessitates. There is no way to fur- nish this vater-so good as to allow the cow constant access to at. A cow likes water that is somnewhat warm, and will drink it even if as warrn as blood heat. When used to this the cow mnust be very dry that will drink4 freely o! water whose temperature is down to 40 or 5o degrees, as this or stili colder most water, not artifically warmed, is during more than six months in the year, Part of the ad- vantage of summer dairying in increas- ed product is because cows have suc- culent feed then, and have then al- ways water that is warmed by sunshine and contact with warm air. We cari to a large extent secure these advan- tages in winter by feeding ensilage or moistened food, and giving cows cold water. It is a common mistake to suppose that if cows drink less water only the mild and not the butter pro. duct is lessened. Drinking too little, especially when a cow nas dry feed, makes à cow feverish. Her mîlk is less in quantity, and instead o! being better is also lessened in value. Cream from such milk is hard to churn, because fever has dried out the moisture, mak- ing a harder covering of casein over the fat globules in the cream. New Shaped Oheese. Squtare cheese is not unknown. but the fact that cheese is put up inl 20 lb. boxes is new perhaps to many. A firîn of dealers in New York recently received a lot of the finest quality full creamn cheese, put up in 20 pound pack- ages. The package is an oblong box about 7x7XIO Inches. This cheese is made in New York state and bears the state brand. -We have met with an excellent demand for this cheese," said one mem ber of the firco, . from uptown grocers. and have got i c lb. for it, ý'c more than for the highest quality in round cheese. One advantage that wve dlaimn for the cheese is that it cuts bet- ter th*àn the ordinary cheese, being cut square instead of a V shape, thus pre- venting it from drying so quickly. From the urgent demand we have for this cheese, I %hould say that we will handle a considerable quantity 0f it from now on." Your Cought like a dog's bark, is a sign that there is somcthing forcign around which shouldn't b.e there. You can quiet theii.ni but the. danger may bc there 5ust the. same. SCOTT'PS EMULSION of Cod-liver Qil is not a cou gh' specific.; it dmc not merely aiay the sympto=e but it does give such strcngth to the body that it is able to throw off the. disease. You know the. old proverb of U the. ounce of. prevention? " Don't neglect your cough. A bock which will tel YoUMmr on the. subjcct sent f ree om re- quest. Yom dn«glstkeepa SSaU'.Emul icof eCÇod hvr 01 .Ptit upin 50 çts. a.nd $1MOO ares. SCOTT & BOWNE, ShUWÉk, Ok A GourousOfear. (Publihed b>' Requesi.) Dear Mr. Editor .:-Wil lYen khU.dY n- (ovi the readers of your valuable poper 'bat I vil! gladly aend PREE te any Sufiererfrein lcst Manhococ, Nervom ebiult>'. Niht LaSes, Varicocleimotemcy sud the t of youthful folly, particulars of a iple and Inexpensive numansof aelf.cure vhlcbfter bç- ing huoehuggandiiniposeciupofor ysb by quarka and patent medi Ï 13pr e qo~ be in a (qv weeks Ihavecý_ _îbu e sio give avayt n-c e a vtàu a ap medicle busioesa. but l im, lps4to eu hm!oiv an uffaer sin wus £ ceýfor , itaiiy boey n by viii eus i ws ,e- Hudreds bave tbe=e nd ured ibrougieÏAd- vie.Cssnobn lr viii I al1 awps-f drd i dollar» tofti epcL 1Addffl c0 deuQtiQail' uenclo Se ararpîci vel=L Toronto. Ont.RfesdP Patrick Uoudt a Kontrse Ii«ispg--wui blovu taq PWM .bY *DAXpIdO OfduiI We.WW Dr. Ohase's Millions die annually through lack of care for the kidneys-the first sign of kidney trouble noticeable is a single pain in the back; which gradually develops into that dreaded malady Bright's di- s'eae--one of the most alarming symptoms is highly colore urine giving bricklike deoi&-o not delay when the slightest symptom has aperd dey troubles are easily prevented in their es.rlier stages-if neglected they may become obstinate, chronic and perhaps fatal-medical science bas proved that al kidney diseases arisei~rom an exoess of uric acid or kidney acid poison in the blood-One of Dr. Chase's kidney-liver pis if taken weekly will neutralize this acid and prevent any tendency to Bright's disease or Diabetes. Have you any of these symptoms? Back Ache, Dul llevy Pain in the Bladder or Base of the Abdomen, Pains in the Bck and Sides, Unusual desire to urinate, Scalding urine with passage obstructed, lied or White deposit8, Tired Peelings, Weakness, Dropsical Swellings, these are sure signa of kidney troubles. YOUNG MEN With backache, wesk back, deposits ina the urine and otuher symptome of kidney decay should not p<,stpone using Dr. Chasses Kidney-lïver Pilla. OLD MEN Troubled with etricture, impediimenta obstructions, stoppage of t he water, or a trequent desire to urinste at night vil! find Dr. Chase'a Kidney- Liver Pila a gr8at reliever. KI DN EY-LIVER TrESTI MON UAL J. F. Browning, Carpenter and Joiner, of KIngston, Ont.. writeo tbe foflowlng testimonial GenLlemen. -I was troubled w1lhmy kdneys fèorteearg a.nd was orelie to arise tour and five Lmsangtt rnt.Tepi n akwsterrible 1 have used enough pli=trs nd pilla; to stock a drus s@tope, and obtained no relief. The doctors pronounod hycs opeless and advisedmme te go teoToronto IHoorltai. and 1 had made ni=p m Mmdt o when 1 eail your adrertisemnen lin The Toronto Evening Newg callin g;yOur 1 lItge great K. and LU M wbich I teck the meaning to be the KNTHTI rLA R PTJý and bein g myszeit a member cf that order i had confidence ln the naine. and 1 pronounce thernithe. Workingmans r[riend for since taking thern re«uiar for three menthe, 1 ca ayfI arn entirecured. andX had 1 taken thern years ago, wouid have itaved hundrd.otdollarn doctors'bill Ver trly oum J. F. BROWNING, Kingston,-Ont. Axk thoge who have tried and been beneflted by Dr. Chase's Kldney-Ltver Plile about their wonderful curative powers. Dont be skeptical. One or two doses of Dr., Chase@Kidney-Uàver PUila a> mean the saving cf your lite. Th"y sot gent)> an& effectuaily. and do nct ini an>' way lnterfere with your daily avocaâtion. A POSITIVE CURE FOR KIDNEY TROUBLE Brlgbht's Difease. Liver Complaint, Headache. Billounss, Costivenesa and D)ysppi One pili a dose; 25 cents a bom, or 6 for $1. PULLS Wo wIII give $500 to any person troubied w«bÏh dIseSO& of the kidneys that Dr. Ohasela Oombln<d KIdn.fy and Liver pifl wiII not relleve or cure. .*.*~,d.d~.,w*.,.oe m.mwu'wVr0W's~s vw w b-u No Man Knows . thseperturbaton ef Spirit s voman suf- * fersm cooking vit!> a d steve. Our ccnstant aim has-beeu to fnrnish the best article pcaubûe ferthe nsPerteflded. The * "RGÂLPERECTON"P for cool or wood, fiflfs evesr >'eqnfire. ment. The dresign and ornameu.it.o aftls ange ardun advauceof anyuhing prvins>'atteuapted. l'be avens are laRsdprovided vitdaw-out rack, aveu dooms Iined witl i n, ire box pro-: rvideti witgenuiure duýpicxirate an.d It equippedvi£hoVen sblf, tea pot shell feotven.oerilipdaarheathlexfa v lsrgebrogrteaStipgdoorwthmc fime, matiee itis four or, six. coaking. - ioles.Sged for descriptive cataogue. TH IrJAOWSMANT lm !: Co., LTDo.. - SeOKVî LLS, ONT. E E .4 E E q E E E E E E E E E E E E flundas, Street',' Witby v CATON'$ -1 ýi,«

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