Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 25 Dec 1896, p. 4

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T îs the -anaone e latter oýet e-cilIy _t lius state het drciates isilt tola ,st a tdrgee (i-futait h which lias itever t Let titiAnieîicari id pîtr itantical casteri I i wless s til-i lrit or wîid t -als, i.it alwayî. the- scîtu îtrv irsitiof ahithe- IL, Y r r v %v'urd Ilit-sa . y îxieflt Io latnd, tubher, min- cliînt.îe, t-t i. dla tis, t tt-livertce. oii and religuio Canada has itever 4,ur;)-î-sed lbt- anltvpart of the- .sorîd. peti;he are t- s eiatted for self-govern- aient anid have titure ailvanrced institut ions than siv. Its sons are as staiwtri, ts dauglittri- as handsome and virtuolis lis people are as 1rtiserous. andi îetl hcv i i tiles. mtill01 ion f oudtveioîied we ilt hi niusl lefitre niatit v t-ets becorne tie set-t tif itîietise aidn <-1ed iidu4trv. 'lhli t ret- r rtver tiiadi- ail t it s ht-autiftul. extril- sive t-maid niagti fitcnt Caaad a t rust iîtsi-I oui. FlittcIre g.îs, attd t.tal anîd ail bet-eaii est-tv rlai, Inîii-raîi e vcry rock an itotui- taint. lti1ulty tiet-t-t vgrat ilof ils soil. 'trt atiIlleiS 5 tetst ihutfilt- -tir îouîg iitt-it i un awaa v iute United States. To lhtîî tredît lie it saidtl dît whr-a tht-v r-at-h Amuît-lAn itiles thiîr sujuerir î-tiatioiî. tii lv tarinîg, iîteg rît y, intlr y, anti] cht-î-rfiîl apptlti to ii iîtt< swin ihem suIthutil poisltins, îBut &ati.da thils loses îtan ,1ft Cier nuitsIt-enit-rr i! irta s O (utr boiipstr-r Io take ilteir cirntes of it-long i-t-r' ce ta Arnericait cilie- rather (hallgît ilt tis;itess ini his at-w îîîutitrv oaitlir owiti,-k where tht-v wîiîd crrtaînlv have Io aitet hardslîîîs ii a uime, but aauli f iililv laîconîe inîdepelitit C.1ntais havi-emiaugli of everytiîg but Wasttcd sympathy. A mtrttIam Ii r- ri e wa,-t i îg sý aupal V, an Cutta. S1iaaish ruile is a thing niot mut-hi stitglit afler tiha e who have t-ver k-nown the- trt-attr freedori wlîîcýh santie nattons eni- iy. lutitf people whose hearts are blet-ding tri Ile t- t--e af Cubas--,frtedam woitd study int lte haracteris ucs of tose who set-k ta bit-cotiacht-r ilî-raliîrs, i lit- mit-lit ft-ci thai tie- itiis nai -i lal. (t-n.Mat-t-, wha %A ïOs kiiied last %wet-k, was nitiiiîg mare nai rt hart tht- athm-r enîd ai Lattis Rit-I. Lîke Rie! lie wa.as a halfliroed, atnd lias at-ver datte i1i iili but fet-it:înt rebellioîns. Hîs la-t lirevrîtus effort iitritis ltue lasîtd t n \ -i-at s, dut iitg wîhictîunie lie lîad a baud or iiîtilcirers andti aut- de-crs inthe nmountauna, a .ittlage-d the- sr!tole cotintry, atît murd- i 1lit- M ititesîtie h-?erv ruffian iim tht- i-tt wrtl fl)tt-ei (0 hi- %Ille, ju-it as tri-dloig noia inl it v-r%, pirt of the i îi - qiii's Matt bsat-hi t forin no t-s tritrt, atîd. thotigth ie Anierit-ali- go il, id rI ilii- , rit-rs . lie has neyer ,,eîiat-ed -gi-ilrai tri hatttc utiîess hy way (ii rs u- .. t-lilv Oui sajnie bioriidPîiiig 1);f,( c tir t v liv tltichi hishbaîdittii aoîtît tir-st Os.ititst-tuu îty neyer had tht- tut k tiu-lu \\e tzict al oui- news about i ii tiuoliA rîîî tcati clinels. and att l)itii. r liti;i ltai t ur Yanukee cousitîs tih-d t)1i ttîko î- i --tt- t-are oppres- L% iît -f til t- -raimital, eflete mati- rtit !tes iri tapoie.' Ttt- mnuti-hsoughi-.tor lurt-t-tua ai Cuba would brut- about a cot- illiioi. o id ut.r(hi>-anid ct-rided civil waar 1- rai r-ntiti-blactk-, andi whîte-, and tht- i-e -' - tU i be utli thtt îîitedS'-lies would tu- I ý;ood -!I exiit- t-i ake psîsîîaandi t: 0 l' -tI Ict-e Sain is aîîîîîîg at Hase ta Vota for Ca. Counallor. t telectuti lu.s tata voies, anti may, r-i ir-i vte tcisce fuir-tint-caunddate, or aonce t-ut h or iwoa tatidates. If he waats ta iii ui-t tvutcutdî ieste wiIh mark his btallot lîke this' __ Jamcs Joînes, Ni'eomian j x ;5 Gea. Smith, Agent - - Wî. H-enry, Merchant x Ifan elector wanted ta vote tisece for Geo. Smlîihatone, lie would mark two XX*s opposite bit i me ahane. ht secîns ta us tht-se directions shaulti be elear enoughu ta atitb t-t-dis-i lias been accusîamed ta voting b-e ballot. Couuty CouDncu Elecitons. Pickering District No i, Pickering-A Johnston anti Gea Gerow, acclamation.- Wbitby District No 2, Wbitby town andi Whitby tawnsip-J H Long, Chas Calder, Chas King. A vote ailIlibe required. Ontario District NO 3, Osbawa anti ast Wlitby-W Couithard anti John McGregor, at-et Scugog District NO 4. Reach, Port Perry, and Scugog-Messrs W R Ham, James Car- nagie anti P Christie. A vote ailIl be re- quireti. Hiiçblands Division Na 5, Uxbridge town, Uxbridge township anti Scott township- James Richards, R S Webster, W J Kester, and Geo Dossell. A vote wiU, lie requireti. Brock Division No 6, Brock townahatp anti Canningtn -J G Umphrey, W J Gilbs anti Henry Glendinning. A vote seul be re- quireti. Stuncoe Division Na 7, Tborah, Beaverton, Mai-a, anti Rama-F J Gillespie, Wm Braom- field, Atex McRae, and D A Brao. A vote will lie required. C.umt lutaties Heretofore there bas been à wembership 0f16 in thue Ontario county couatiL Last year theys-am i i t tys. anti coliectetiper dici tees oiS33each, or $tt66. Then there was miheage for 34 of the 36 members, amtutting ta $300 mare. Tse total cost ai legishation spart from ' atiatlei vmust bave amountedto itt6oa hast- year, 'iucludbngte warden's $zoo. Tise -ncw 'ýcMiituwill be composeti ai 14,amembe89ls b-0i sel, Pribably gît eigbtt or teti tiys dos-ing the yeur a t a et- tbere avilI le,$8Soor, $9ou savei aiù hall ai Ibis saviug wa>oult hlpu to' stabuiuis a pub- lit libras-y lu"> vetygod illael Theee"tuof a as-ten ailI J prove a Ves-y it irel>smpaw e ise r itor* Tory ail1 get 1las s4sp *tb ,aau0or tise emoi4-t ojie the casting vote for Warden., .àWarden will not hXSvearns à ta . peide over as huas j4he cmayor awa i lis towtu counil..-e ne scheme ai establishings bouse of in- -mstry in this county is in a r ather un'ortuu-t atu position. It hba been twjqe votcd on and rather badly defeated by the ratepayets of te county. No specifieti achemne was laid before tlaem, and hundreds of blank .ballots were mat, the votera feeling the responsibility resting on t(iem as bclng o great ta v!ble In the dark ecUber onre *ay or the other. The cuuntv council cannat, tht-re- fore, vef y wilh take action towards establish- ing such an institution until sucb ture as a cleariy deined scbeme lis been laid before the people anid endorsed by a vote. This cat flot very well be braught about inside of twa years, as the present caunty council la ele-cted for that teri, and could flot very well bring on an election in Januar-y, 1898, as there would lie no couits cousicil election at that tume. Froni this it wouhd stem as ;f the house ai refuge questiaon has several vears yet t ataiure. Of coturse un the niean- tinte the caunty counicil might have a coi- milltet- working twa ',ears ta perfect a scheme for submission ta the cleciors, but evEn suppose it were carried it Ytould rneaun ive year's delay bt-fore any relit-I in this di- rection could be given ta tihe poor. Thiat ait%, legisiative body shouid have a measure iu hand and be unable ta accomiplish any- thing in less than four or five years is a striking commentai-y on ts uselessîreas to perform public funcîmous. A caunty counicil has flot ruuclu discretion ai-y poaters, but parliament has left it three valuable fonctions to perforni :uhe rmakîing otf good leadîng ronds, the special care ut the poor, and the assistag oi public librar- ses, good roads, good treatîcrti the îî<.îr, lrite su-t-ad of knowledge. The ct-uni i councilor atho goes ta the counicil otaox-sed ta doing thuese things se Slmply a ineg tive quantitv, a hindrance ta progress. We quite agree with Mr- Calder thuat local mWuni- cîpalîlies t-an best look aller the roads but trie trouble arises from the tact that they dont do so, Every outgoing reeve and dep. uty wants ta show that he has ieduced the taxes thet housandth part of a mnill. To do this they vote against ail public works ai .îny importance, bath at the local and cou-nty t-îuncih. Their firsî thought la not what tht-y ought to do t-r what the public service demantis, but wbat wilI the tax howlei-s ai their municipalities say? They admit the thing la right, but their niggai-dly constit- ueutti daofot care for right, lbey say. The cry la ta redluce taxes, no matter hoat. Tiiere shauid lic a big itupravenuent in tht-se resptects in the new cou-unty .ouncil. Ment seeking ta become members atili have L-rger districts ta appeal toansd atih able ta take atiter grounti. The man who dors tual go la the cou uciltot hetp education, the poor andi the i-astis, had better nat get in the place where a useful man atoulti make lis mark there. If we secure a sufficiency of rubî.c lhhiaries, zaod raads and a hou-ze ai refuge as the rt-suIt of the new county counîy counicil, the- good efiecîs ai it uili hast a hun- dreti years. GoUeglat. InsUtte Entertatument, Boxiîug îight in an Englbsb theatre la the only kind ai show that coulti be coîpared ta poauharity amoirgst thet- ownspeople and r-sidents ai the suri-ounding country wiîh that giveit by pupils af the Whitby Colleg- l ite Instîtute. Crawded front pit ta doit-, est-a thîoiitgh at popular prit-es, the- proceeda of tht- attendance in thue music hall Tuesday nit-ht must go considerably towards increas- irîg the deserviîug fund-paymnent for the- lpino at the institute-ta athicli il is ta be appliemd. Prampty at 8 at-hock the Whitby orchestra, eight strong, playeti an averture, anîd tht-n Principal Waugh in the gracefut way ai whl-hi he ia so pleasing a master tMade an inti-aductary speech which was fe- lttitously apprapiate ta the auspit-lous oc- casioni ai ia first appearance befare a Whiî- by audience in the capacity ai chaiman at an enlertainuient tht- programme aofathicli cfnsistei ai numbers cantnibuted by the boys and girls ai the institut. Ht- explaineti that there atoulti le no literai-y exhiitians- the entertainient causisting whuoîly ai phy- sicat dill wiîh musical accompaniment; sind attempta at artistic-arrangements ai very youuîg childrmtruini tableaux. A well deserv- ed tiibute ta his Ielow masters on the staff of thue brsîtute for their cordial aid aud sup- port in the work of îreparatiau and espec- ially ta Mr Henderson ta wloî was due the t ion rît-tessai-y ta attain the aki Il and precis- irOn in the vai-ous m1pvcmeuîîs was païd b'y Mi- Waughu. Thc cafhium lights were late tun starting through te operator frani Toronto bt-tnt carried tbrough tu Oshawa, so tiat the tileau-Thue man aifteHour-Santa Claus prcenting mimerons presents ta thase wba s0 bappily hati takea ticir parts during the evening, wsm lai- more fittingly given as a grand finale andth ie opening number seas au cxtemporized fancy drill by a large close of &la a arratigeti lu wehite witb rainhoat sasies. This set thc tone of the wboîe sbw-pretty evolutlouîs, muaically accompaneti-ant WOU lte warmest butes-et and applause ai thse great crowd seho werc witnesses. Tisen came club, dumb-bell andi ring exercises, interaperacseit beautiful ta- bleau x- "The aid year ont andi lte 0w yeaz- in." 'Under tie Mstetoe" 'tMarrlsge ai Dabay and Prnce Bumble Bee,"Il64The Angeha taughu.t Hlm," and "Diana," this hast an especîally fine ane. Master Herbert Barnard in Litle Lard Fountelroy costume anti Master John Barclay bn full Highlandi costume seere pages who seitit uainsome bows apeneti the portais anti discloscd thue lavely tableaux. ,Thien came Ieasasuit Bt arma" between Isea mounteti cavaliers, lte difierent bouta bebni opencti andi cloSeti y bugle annauincerneuts. Tie fun of the as-. satiît at arma ran fast aud (wloua, contagions laugbter sweepbng in regulas-ly recurrlnjg seavea over the great audience sebose risibi- litîes vere tlnuuoughly ai-onéd. ew s the Isea parsýthef cprograime 140clsl- man matie an u. ounem tabout tit choral society'laîital met"in d tadlg so expresseti bis botrty approvilt o - te movement. Thse sodu y s»Irt a f81wa stirredtt tsedepUiby riWe spletndid ebow' tng in muitary duîldisisuyc biy amlasof stal wart boys wiltise regutrSoidfr--EneId rifle ai thse Canadusu sallîta.. No puase coultile ton wat-m. for tise ,eiactacas and. case selta seicis ibis <laCu <,êipton*lsnt youtbs weat tirougi tise severe oxesugise îbcy titiaunder thse çommandi ofVCadet Bo- gart, of thseR6yail',ilitas-y Collegei, Xint stan, a*hs (. tuate vjappeata tobloste fortc bohlld*rs asîd puopgrôsidesj 4n agdebre- ale opportunlîy of shoiIv beaCpt ek7 dersS n hmascompliified Inthut ' *fë cassional drilla he, coul te%',àidw i niteïr regular',wO**ICIAtititte. Tise- "Uritanuila masch and -Groupia<,-*ffle» tableau -àna se tralte evotqncot. > ti-lit and paiilotlc sô*#*t the i0sah eroa' tnui, ae La rror tJ4nm lu Our rep otzlest we U eýtd eet1B'g the cruies wlith the nie *1 M. L. T. Bardiyvw ehc wctow vewy -mach T egrêt aWM-~ zoȈiderabIyý hurt thereby.- Mr. Taoalw sp-eehdenotaood Messrs, IDow andBarélay$ and as-steé language used wats strub.ger tlian'we fet was warranied we tbougbt by exngeratlng MT. Titmbiyn's words to so burlesque the matter as ta tender the Incident latwaaul. iristead af offensive. Me. Barclay, tgards teuse af bis naine in the nmaner deseribed as a very serions miatter, liable ta injure hi in many ways, and upon hearing bis views we it-eI tbat lie bas gond reason to complain. a!tbougb at the trne of wrlîinu the article we bad flot iboughttoai Ilin that higlit. We are very. very sorry, and desire ta express aur sincere regret thRt we incautiatti- ly made use ai Mr. Barclays Dame ln Ibis un- warranted nianner, and habten to witbdraw the language in thai part ut the- report oi the meet inkg, also ta apalogise ta Mr. Barclay for aur error of judgm-nt wbîcb hurt bis feelings. We hope that no persan understoad (rom tbe report that any %ort of affence was% intended. and tbat Mr B.atrclaV wiIl amept ibis retraction and apalogy as the hest amenda it is ia aur power ta innke for the injury we se ubintentlanaill caused him Whutby Town Loa Death af C A Canner. Duning recent years no brigliter or mare energetic boy bas grown up in this town than Charles Adame Canner, secand son of Mr J C Con ner, who died of cansumption at the family resideripe here on Monday nilit. F.very person who visited this town an Sat- urdava, as well as every resident recails the rosy cheeked Charley Conner, wbo sold his Saturday papers by the tbousand. Clever and smart af foot be won friends by huridreds, and was se successful that out af bis selling of papers lie laid away several hundied o llars in the savinge batik. Next lie was postofice clerk for several years. and kept ail its records in capital shape. A year and a balf ago lie went ino business as a jews-ler and statianer. This was wbere lie made a niistake Vautb and want ai ex- pert knowledge in eitber line rendered it i mpossi bl e for biita tsucceed, sobhe assîgu - ed and gave ail ta bis creditars He had in the meantime learned taelbe an opticlan, and sooni went to New York. wliere lie found a first ciass situation and a good salary. 0f a sudden one day in the early summer of this year. a iree an d almast instantly fatal bleedinL ai the lung seized bim and nearlv praved hisdeatb. This beuîarrbage was shoartly afterwards followed by another. and after treatment for a time, lits physi- cians sent bina ta Canada ta recuperate. Wý%hen pear (barley arrived here bis friends hardly knew bum The hand-aoîne red checks bail became bleacbed and sunken Ris figure looked a foot taller. his upright carniage and vigoraus gait badl given place ta a stooped attitude and a slow movement, assiqted by a cane. Cheerful and hopeful yet, lie vjsited many' ai bis frierids dail y, sarnetimes in one direction, sometimes au- other Braced upby the false hopeaoftbose wba linger with lung disease, deceased de- clared there was na conqumrptian in 'bis trouble, merely a tem porary affliction wbicb would soon lie remedied He returned ta New York, but only for a tume For weeks deceased bas looked upan the sliades ai ecd evening as perliaps the last vision of the liglit ai day, and wben the morning liglit came back lie viewed it witb dim eyes as possibly lending a briglituess ta bis life and soul whicb would lie earerlasting. He died as lie lived-cbeerful, brigbt and bappy God's will bai; been carried aut, but out hearts are ail filled witb sorraw at parting with Charley Canner. We express aur deep sympatliy with bis parents and friendg, and especially do we caudale witb the fond inother wbose pride Ubharley was, and wha has for the long montis watched, and hoped and prayed at bis bedside. Mr. J. W. F. 1-Frrisôn, the- musical directar -nd ctiductor ai the chor-il socîety, met the miembers Wednesd iy nightit mthe mnusic hall w here almost at the hist moment it wa-s found uîecessary toa meet. Upwards of thirty voices were tesýted. Mr. Harrison, fromn the address wvhich lie made at the close, was most agree- iaby surprised at the quality of the vocal inaterial upon which bce wilh wark and prom- itied pleasing resu lts framn the first rebearsal. The reguhar weekly prictice meetings an W<cdnebday's will hegin afler the hallidivs. mont of my lime for two yeaui to the ina- provement o( aur streets, and MI s if ehect- cd, iake it iny special study fcr 1897 tD ams im saightenlng out ts fitiauces, andi in ctittiag down Our taxes. THOS. DEVERELL. Wbatby. Dec. 24. 3896. ]Reeveship 18S7. ro0 the Eleotor ofo the Town of Wh tY* GENTLZgI:- aving sred you lu the icapaclty of Depo *Ree for lite past two years o r.à isfacaidt(r 'dm ee dleVO.4Jp<* ý I <anpolgtut oves- six-bund ~dollars ümt I bave ftcused to tj4 townl>y moy 1owna Wsoaal work ,beside tis luadi S-ervice. I amu (avorsise laeu ln~ ils. sarnPiug exps of tbe vss Ohristmas 1896. We have no Living Curi8oities in our Store, but (5OME ANID The R e l1 LOOK AT TH.EM In Ã"ur Dress8 Goods Department we have an excellent range of Silk and Wool Plaids, which are selling fast, and are specially designed for Ladies' Waistq. We have also a new assortaient of Tweed in So ns Boxe. Glow1, Dress Goodls, in patternls and quality un- equaliled, at 12j-c. and 15c. per yard. Our Underwear Department for Ladies and Obidren we show a-full assort'ment of sizes, suitaVl for the smallest child or the largest woman, For boys we have sm&I5 sizes in Shirts and Drawers, at 15c. each and upwards. In Men's Shirts and Drawers we have a-very heavy ribbed lino at the low price of 35c. each, sold everywhere at 45c. and 50%. We purchased the en- tire lot of one Ene of Al Wool, find will give our customers a-Bargain by iselling theai at 50c. each. These goods were neyer before sold at less than 75c. gDWhen in doni't forget to see our lleavy Ail Wool Children's Rose at 15c. per pair and Ladies' at 20c. In Coltoits, Flannele/tes, Towellings and Towels Mue value we offer cannai be beaten. Our stock of Handkerchiefs, Tics and Gdo'ves is now complete. Our Mantie and Our Tailoring Ready-made CloIIzing Deba r/mient is wetl assorted. Department is under the management of a competent cutter-, In Tweeds and Woristeds we are showing a complete assortmaent and we warrant every garaient a fit or money ref-tnded. Ilemember the place, ANDREW mi c i me RO s These goods BEA In addit Unes of Dxi 65c 50e Ti Lustres. 3-5e i-5o for Ilc OVE RCOi $10 for Mlen's Twe( $12 '-50 for *$i lar 4.5e, 50e Shirts '50c,1 Children'is H( se. LAW-LER, le have a 1uI1- ani lici i eoL kila Strpeand1 !ha Aci. *QR0RIIS, Selected exPressly for.- the Holiday T rade, whicls we are. offering at I3u yur Chii--ïtmnas SAVE., I G&EE Tht- W. F. %1. meeting on Thursc their officers for lows: Pi-es, Mrs pres. MIrs John ist, Miîss Maggie Grand Worthy 1er attended a meI ai the grand Divii Toi-onto on Frida,, It is tald in a w secret that there down in Egypt ne yaung man frai important part. On Weinesday sîdence ai Mr- L B scene of a quiet w ond daughtez Davidson of Ash and wife. We o gratulf.,ions, butn regre-ait lasing o esteemed young 1 We regret to h venerable friend iously iii,- Hope ta report bim bett - Miss Jennie Ph visit. Mr-. Blake Cou -Tyrone last week. Mr'Samuel- Eve apple - business. ,A cQntest is b mimbiès of Mt Mr ndMs Br .indfras MrsC W Osbo ,days .with friendi Annual Meetin~ was beld Tues-day~ sboiwéd thêt a la-gi had been done du' we have some Dead Bar gains. Groceries hr

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