Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 25 Dec 1896, p. 2

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- - -tt#- -k- ta. t .i -t -f-s~~-- - ~ cit tv -f 'Il -edCod risED 'LUNGS Whîch Doct ors itailrmd to Hclp, CURED BY TAKINC AVJWD'Cherm 0- ;S If ttit; b i fi 1;'l.t i mie Consulted a Doctor t'f tIntl onf iXftMi1n in v lltiinr-a, 1i1tathm -- ý1t ofILItie let C üiio ie a t-a i i lafi -:i - (. t-ne st-tue înîiltci- ;l 1I o iil vk %as fluii i 'ahr'î î.- ti -ti P)t~ At in- t ' 'ri: Àfe t a l t i Ara (i ,t le - Itii -îtta r it-i I i-ie ttii - Htghent Awards et World'a aIr. Ât/crs I>Pia Cure Iifdgestion. LJORRESPONDENCE BEAVERTON. NIr -hui ti-s. Itt-r Imita-lt by the E-u,' ik Siitts iltiirîi-J fiont l.unîýt i, 11ti ii r- at Ilt à -i1o-A. lie i tti a$ t n u iýU t r \V 1) i 1t)Il('-t(a- f (vunrribetl bol)] Li Iltlt [1 îleit.awteare 8str-y Loel îî t--tl i~-ul-ill. He Is bu f- ritg fi-ti Il iii ttiîii of the 1 l lmu gim ( t1l 4 ' bi1tln(i11 i 'l--Miasbeerai a ttlicted witt 8tt- l Cbf tr, bu h!- f-r a ujumnher of yaars. 'l'le jurbatit-rs -C tlst house, Rovi tilri -atI ilteir tienda held an sY t-r supper on Fniday, I>cc. 4th, as a cclt brtot t-mlJ the clîîsing tif te deal vit NI t-3sors. ("raams Bn-ta 1 twas a Oîoî viijoyable affir amnt the oyster 100 at itjthe tv(rttfu:rt f-h ee lo- miud pripctses izettinig up a shoi b-tý orn Chlistmisi eicaaiii. It i8 t bt- b- jipd tbat the band doei the rhiu,t h: tie, -iatitr amati th rtmtre vim s ha t it-y utial y (do, aîîd ainthar. evetît suecCr 18 ass4ure-I theuia. t tanr 'illuag".outleil ailI this year b couiidt-nably cîmamge iran complexion, a oun wortby rateve, Mnf F. Trelaven, i netunang (rnm tise itifice, aise a couple br the c-tuaacî1lorâ. Taie county coumaci 8tru-ggle anad ttc North Onaraio hys elec t.0ma mi throving thme vlliage coutscil inti Lihe shade andJ the atruggle vili doubtiesi bu iniucti lese inr.eresriîrg than the bii Onme. nr. R. Duras;heath*s auction sale lasl Tbunsîlay vas a highly auccesaful effaîr evenythine goiîîg et e fair figure. Mr Durishcar.h as ioviag avay from tovin anad thene 4re lots we could louse battei than Dck.' Mr. Geo. Leacock vho has been i anîg et the elecr.ric lighr. business et mark-et, retunmaed tomte lest Fxiday. SANDFPORD. vork. New- T. W. 'Imylor and vile vere visating frierada in Toronto fast week. Mm-s. B. Hardvood iàsipeadmag e week with her friends near Uxbridge. Mr. J. Watsaon of Beaverton vas in our villiago fast veek. D. Envin and James Risynolda vers in eux- village lut Monday. They vene pu-ting up one of H. Joncs' famaouz ceai ranges for Mx-. Wm. Moore. The Sono of Temperance iatend bcId- ing thein meeting in the Oddfellov's bal in the future. Wm. Gibson of thme ixth cou. vas in out villiage fast veek, andi informe us, ho saw a large flock of vild geese 8abbauh larinlet. 'He thinks tbisé in a sure Msing n open vinter. Ih lin said that o)ail sina <ail, but wviion 03 eeuliv. enakes chjia timne of the yoar vo drav Lthe line. An item in the Teroante Star informa us that n fariner in Pickering township bas a caif witmh tive legs. Freaks of <iis kmnd are becoming quite numerous, as oux- bureber deolares ho kiiied, a beast vith ive legs for tihe Sandford ayndi- caLe. The aame of 4arnes Qriigiy ils roquent ly mentioned as the mian wel qualifiedl Le represent the ratepayeraiL limte counti> board, If long and faiwüfui servies" count for anyuhing ,Mi.,Quiiloy Ought te b. roturned by aclamatioun,. Robert J. Mooro and Rf. Lundy hisv. under construction & abuiMdluçil taré- architeôturai.deosigu Combluedi withtrit- olsas ,Worlabap. -;'Xt 15 îýtnd. fe -comp lit1to ta Labothé spots offenwben lu Santfitedi -à- - Theo blaqkmitli hor rîe d auorder f Wl, at4o.cpesty Lêmkï 4 omiütt --40 uGDfortuli1te a»té haé fà,-righ 4<IIê 4 -teken og li -ettait bêx.ý if Lif e- LuIt 'm *-eu bore ot. olow .., wuabile o tattend YJ JI X I.M85<tiaots<hos*ZU O@ aday, and w esre ptoss-N o jack herai ju i ' ough for dom f ot, A o f r b i êq a a a l youse beatr i k 'bout tose miles to Me.W 41ljrsnc Bunday looking ýcousiderably o onetcat i bayuub putsuarindt 'yupde forko in de.w.id In ul em off day. IibPn ~du ren.0t gai Hanonrli t t te ~ ~ I~ yp'e d H moe pat îc amThe Bp it *, hior wyl furniah h e&i Mr *z t Trie oa p e dn -trdied at tii. reideSo er sou k Cmbnethe Be it M là bisroo tod criaisuondavo e Brodk-S.adTurneto, esdrvoAio T uod ayS . iiT hrn er, h ear . GO Q hL q,,m b w Y 4 sr e ve, a go od im e i a ex p e ted . h Mi ss L t. G e e o f th e City , i .s lp en d in g Tueda inha 8th ea.IIstm.. Mr Wm Turner had the misfortune t o er olidys nder te parental roof. W e have iii upon reliable authority that- av a vh e vr c ed of b lht The yong people etmoyed ore good W. G. Barnes, of Gr-en River, wil ho a T YC R R MPL wagon by the street car tvaok and apiliing skating on the pond for a few days. The candidate for municipal hnrinths T YC R POM L out on the street a lot of butter, eggs etc. 510W 0on Tuorday put a stop to iL. township et the approacbmng election. M-r Joseph (Joulter, who has been in M aitn'jaeoear tc n He hae not as yet defined bis position. Iii Ithe Mfost Obstinate Cases the employ of Pugh Bron. for the lastit uplments on Wedziesday last wao a Inuumerabie stories are going in con- Vh four yoars, bas secured the position of Bucce88 lia verY way. Good prices were nection with 0nspocter Ferguson'a recent W eeAIOhrR mde foremau for Mr. Newrick Wilson of the being paid for everyt.hing. visit to the Gordon flouse. For the sdi- Fail. 7th con. Wbile skating on the pond Satordday fication of those who apparently do m3ot Methodi8t Chrio;tmas chimney which niglit IinsO Madden bad the misfortune know, we night eay that the hotel was came off on Fziday lut was quito a suc- to spr5Jfl une of ber ankies. the ornly place îqe&xched for liqucir. The DOCTOR YOURS ELF cess. The programme was a very good Mr W G Word eonducted the league search of ony othor place was flot for a one for children'g geL up. Proceeds $20. meeting last week. There wus a good mfomfenlt considered. MNIIY o:her atoresfl i 8Â.a attendance and evprýV one appeare<l to ho are h4-iinL, circulated in connection with IfYuAeScws Oj n eJIl atisfied with the meeting. The hie visit that we do riot conaider worthy I o Ar 1 ÙYD ugiUsi foi Quite a number froin thia village et- league is increasing in ruembers en'r Of denial. M inon'. pC U . lui10 tended the achool concert in Blackstook, week. Mt Zion league is expecr.ed dowin The nomiraation of candidates for co-un- uiui UIel eîn-~j which vas good. Proceeda 84,41, which is boe this week Wo talte charge of thme y couticil honor-s in thîs division wiîî a te be naed in the purcliase of mapa for meeting. tako place at the town hall, Brougham onenew suî;uu I1Cfl. ~Tih. market hore on Wednesdays is Moda nx, 1scie.,roniincnga Last week Mr. Wml. Burr and Mise veil attended. The buyeru ire paying p. ni. D. R. Beaton ha& been appoint- and Cur Yurself, Rozîsna Hfurlburt vere marnied. O h o nc'fralgo a- rdc.I 1-I 1iiotin older. If more than tw tollowing evening an oid tLime concertyohveneranddornrkto candidates are ;aroposêd and desire to - took place. The musical instrumenta y80haend yo ryulb. cnvied ui msakg o stand, a poli yul be demanded. the vote Sergeant-M11ajor Jamaes Kpnney, an nid consusted of cow belle, in borne, tin pans, one. to be taken on Monday. January 4th. at soidier in her Nlajflsty, service, residing homse pistole and ehot gunas. We suppÇose There wiii be preachinsi in the mnetho- the saine timneand in likpumariner as that et 89.5 Que' -n atreet, Toronto, Baye :- th cocerrch hono otenwmr for town8hil) representativ ci. 'Lagrîppe left tue a complication of dii- ried couple. The music vhmle. not of a etcuhbrsonhe2hi8.IdJ The anaer tlleut; hstthe ;pik eges wa a vrY ieR an.Twoc assicai nature, had one menit, vuz: i Spiak will be present to condnct the ser. The anaer ell ustha th Spnk eses I wi aver sia mn. w as loud. It is said these concerts are vices. As the time for once more takîng -111l8ii i.illed with what froni cellar t o (if of Muyon's Plooli and Nerve oeO h oa pinb a sda i Z a r e t t T h s i e e n t h t ? l r p i î k a ? i - C u r s m i e c o p l e e c r e . H a v e D o t t o b e r e p e a ki d u n t i l t h e y b e c o u x e p r o fi t , - a v t e o h cIo t i nbna v s d s îzarett Ths mens hatMr Sinkant- Cues ali a CýmPeteetir. ale.g near bia dipconree wili be in behaît cipates a risi< in the prire (<f that grin been in euch uloti bealîli for yeare." Obfe.the teuperance cause. A good et- Those wbo work at.the mille are pieasoed Munvons Rbeumnatisrn Cure seido The Rev. C. Parker, of Bovmanvilie, tendance is requested on Liais occasion. aat the reception ofl'fhe wheat as itr meana feuls 10 relieve laoet be o ru n delivered an able addres bore on Sun- 't i Itmi ,aIl he ground up before beingIure onaefetlaa. rep 25e. andday ;also et Blackstock, Sabbath mura- reînoe'd fromhere. Mnvons ys piCur iieîy5. 11 ig and evening, ta large and attentive She-, Would you love me just the rs. vd roih. ek- pandhrai-~res afl fomv of'g nîesLî ur onadstomycaiMgregatione. Hia addmesses were im- same, dearest, ifI were poor instead of Mr. . awesrpRiedhe ak aec rà oue riceoIdiesionan. om pressive and eanast appeals to bis boni- worth a million?" wbillenaîing the fire hall Thursday even- ahtobe re,2).esi h a fcrsiiiy e Ihv eîtrdaslri in,, anid ba8s nce bf-pn uriahle to) Icave MuýnVon's Cold ciCure lîrevents paen- csi h a fcnsiiiy e Ihv eitrdaslm he hou-c. Noirs. Fawk-s has boeo in monte 'and bro-Rks up a cold in a few The methodiat pooplo iii Blackstock vow neyer to discuss the financial ques- p-),,r health f,,r s,,mo( vears and Thunrsday houri Prico, 2.5r. expect a good time and a large crod on tion again"- vomîang was ihe firtuime she had attend- \Nýtnvon's Con!titicure stops congbs, ( hrms;tmas day, at their te& The Bey. _________ e<il a C-arheritig of any k i)d for sm nielbt sWFe te alys 'ene, n sed -. Johnston, of Toronto, mui oxpected I ryei re vears at lealit. %Vo- trust that she :Y beals tl'e hmacs Price, 25c. £0 deliver bis popular addreteî onuIîflu miav soon réýgaIin tîe use of her ankie NMunYon's Ki-l ney ueepeiy 1u ence.fl Tn a \Ve tinuist congratulate oui fo-rmt> ii i tebock. loins or eroins Rnd ail i Mr. James Scott and Mr. Robt. Dickie~ wnrnmîJ.L.Spîuîk upoii 1oetfra fkde lsac.Pie 5, have been cutting chaif for the*iPECTORAL sirrak of gond llick that has heenria ttvnd- MnYona ;HeARdache Ctir-e stops head- ers. Good work ms being done in that PoEiî ive'y Cures I nZ Ihmm By Lime way vomutt jusi. herei ache in thice un utoq..prive, 25ceie. CUH n OD rmaktathat gentleman ha% ei3co-iiî- !Nun "aP lOntmont popitiveiy ir %sl m urre al] fcruif of Pile. Pre.25Th lseiccreadrdulaunhîtiauau bhmg j rtel înauîy such streakis curin~ izhs sj,ûutrn Mnv1e 1 C r ricte s ailc Tkh v8eptic ca ip e vnreally maoie up i L litre hel-low.A h-wnmeut hi a2 lie with NtiviltzPlooi ue rwoae al h I mm ase if heni e auaîîou, ine p Li son-ntesfl< I iiia iié,iir impririitsof the blond P 'ce, '25c t e, u eo hm a btos rà*k hRono mnie . Te artfv*pu t irro wbemllo ' disar a nnAenergetic ;the ouher t'ick, ittiesÊ. peevîsh QC.'ti&S hndno 'tnv.Thepany ut ii ont- Mus-es einle om-de ar eboon j #,,jwithi<ut fa,1ce. 1 lie va&k man weiRhs the - Tt v.'-,.,îS. ~rî <tci niassgis'ed £î t-îu oCloin ore i oedown The dyepepticinay b. able o <an.rra pltte bis experimrirts. The resuitilt I Nlnson's Agtlitma Remnedies; relijev in (Pdo rettV iOod work one day, anti the next t a r i a m p c las ( f a pec iliar S tî p ba e n t L irtte q an ] cu re per x an e t y . P rire, 1 *!cv tecause of &smne little tatiicreton i a t -,ho meév ho alte Lu oI 1)nouthinfr et alt.M13 via uce.The i_-b' iés s id t(, bolsu 1.- Mos'sppt- 'at~i ontpt r o -, r i r t i t a t o f a i t c t i c l i v T h , t h - r T 'mtdt î p a t i ' n t t h e C a i ti r 0 f t t j t i t o B dav M r Spi nk -tioa t'heq' -fr 44 1I ho (atarrît Cfir(-pnme25ec eradtcqtîeç1 ttIln sri- S1e 1. ymtostr k) frbis e -iretri t i- fr. tVht. - ade5-fo l~se.a nd t he Ca- 1i--11 at? tiqhaa hAcie, <i7lzngs-, S'trkn. Tahiota- privme 4t W,27c.-eleaase and g,îî,I-s',uterttite, (lul breaoth, winoldy Ioc t., i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h arar rot uk e i ih ob- hparthuin, taitiani ditne8â afta-r eau-ng ~ii - it su I :;r::nr.I-e i5 ih ~ i, -r' erue 1 'wndrfl 2îise ari-o ticatiooe of derfuklnts.oý Ii7 lpar~rcte 3Co otN t ir pt-ri;e4,%a-ran- atib-la1-es, rirr is woier.u -r t.it cI d .We0.are a eiuet. an s .- -: - i n tanaLn-seo iuît .-Prie-,mr-etc.'.;b 42 - P be r tt a I i r. o P of M n on l Y ni reei i.P r os 10$ pg t e tm :.,r Instances dft1oni Tye arereËTttYv*WtITEVtLin A Etrtev-erl(tum, . M n. Hector Braton is 1s 1.aSergia31ecents in daysp mn ttcdcalciry catioh friendi.ý N Thin?. Look about you!1 See for yoursclf 1 Who suffer most from 4Iepessness, rnervousness, nervous dyspepsia, neuralgia, despondiency, gencral weak- ness? Who are on the cdg of nervous prostration ail tg: urne? Those wlia are thin, Opium, c141oraI, bromides, hedcepowders, only make matters worse. Iran and bit- ters arc only stimulants. To ke curcd, aund cured for gS&d ouneed a fat- makiznfoo ou want new àlo, rc blood; and a strong noryc- tonic. SQOfTPS EMULSION of Cod-liver 011,with HY hs phitesIs aflthis. It fthe e tissuts, maks ricli blood and strengthens, the nervcs. Bock about itrSe for du .aents. For sl by ail druggebb at 50c. an Tîy-, -RLy sPraufà rx, ofst Mvt0» Jos.ph Fuon 00' tW -a sp.dinebi Xi, T xoùbe .:ç l 1 rMEN AND) WOMEN MADE WELL Brtuqhana Union Sahbath schnol Xmas rit- trot- on Thursdas- cveimig amnd report a Gratitude Cornpelsi theni Lu Testify t-o the ue Curativte Value of Dodd'm Kîdmi--ie tIni. lnning and sister, M-r-s Platts, cf I Vlahs-Tbe Greates' Discovery uf thc Toronto, spent last week in the vaIe. to 9th Cenitury. If wo had the say about t, tise brick a rathvay that tai beeti laid acrois maia n s-rmeet, a-ould esitn take a weik. Ttoy are es Simih Fala, Ont., Dec. 21.-Thi vil- throv n in pmomisc uouaî1y and dnivîng over lis.ge can produce evidence indîsputablo hen s arything bu lant )e t bat the diseasce st feared by meta andTi he itteot i rl whpleas b i v uînen are curable. Tvo velkaovn Tel.e 1 ir t asbe l Sta znsgm. .îî£etfy toth ef cc with scarlet lever, ve are giad t£0 say, u8 ft Dudd' s Kidnuy Pilla. They have beon mrvnniey mcured. The Fot-estona held an oyater suyppen at e rNo lidey disea:: insno far advanced the Bessie Hotel. There waa qute a e cure, Bright's disease disappears, dia ine5 spent. 96beotsi inoonquered, -goui subsides, calculi The Gm-een River football team gotm tan 9are disolved, weak bocks are made stnong knocked eut of tmem at Stouffviii, luit it rheuusatisrnvani;hes, tr<ugb the agoncy Satmxnday. hn iiatn h ho. Thousande of Canadiens vho have suf- - atc ev fromk pae t eowi -fered from nomne form or otîber of kidm y otengatch vhgahvi o lCesta Gerov cotrplaint, to-day enjoy perfect hiealth-p et rthaisks to Dodd'a Kidney Pille. ADeailH anorlc fWnTr Dodd'a Kidney Pilla are Lime cure, they Ab igdat thean, rueof bWm Tur, D -cure beekache, woak back, bearîng-dovn Trneri. at Wti eside aed of bear s . -seissations of vomen, rheumnatic painTunratWbtvege87ya. vherever located. They cure Bright'@ Tihe funeral toolc place on Tburaday lest, diaeaise. They cure diabe tes. They cure to Lb. ievlecmetary. Reva. Sipbe thasm for al L ime. They have cured sand Oke conducted Lb. services@ - othes. Tey vii cre yu.1 A fev roui bore attended the bazsar at rrôn't tae our vord for it if yen don't Pickering on Weduesday and Thunisday - iuh to. Inquire of those vho have been eveniiogs-of lant week, cnred. Let those vho bave tried Doddsa Miss Day weni into tbe city SaLurday Kîdusy Pille speak in thoir bebaîf. haut to seo bier littl#'baby sister. * For exemple, road this scatement from Mr. 8tefford f 'Toronte apentTu$ a veli-knovu citizen of a tovu inBEastorn day at Penne - t Thuya Ontario ALbTOtDc lt-ar Mr. and lit. Thomnas Ward spent a- GrLMOfNTEia t., bs se Lroubled -r fev days in the. vals laut veelr. < vith Lumbago for over a year. Dôcitora Larves ficksof imev birda -bave been couid give hbu no relief. e hin o is e rs laLely.t-C cured. He o ya ;-".aI eard of the won~- Ir. Ed. HaWkins of Toronto Quiveraa denful cureis offctedby Dodd'& Ridney- ty wras beys hasIt week. lui Pille. -I1thught I wenld try thons. I Mr. and Mlra. Judeon Puglaeiu19W44,be bave ried oesbox, and Imuet at 7 fdey d>with fylisuda in àhsu-a.. have cured me. I bave no objection to iMr sad- lre. Levî iis*s. of rta - llboving yen te publiih this, am yeu 5ee ville s&M Mr abti Mrs -1 ïsbs lNner ofai fit 'noIL nia> help othera. >ebr or , atau~ - "HÂRRY GRACE, Ott&af St." gr ower ére lut lis efuit'*M oCf tRi tâte MrSWm;Ula a4t -i fl&?TN.Lily Beau, lan homie trom ,Tosronto, 4*l ié: Rev Dr. Wi*mvn, Terontoi prmahedi iook mucli better t* âs e fo two able snd instructive iormeune on Wltsa,- Sunde>, alse gave *an in!Etesiug ecure Ma ni fjor aU d soù, , b.é , on Monda> oveuing. Total s'Mount vs-- tht#hing theur clave _1thî sok. The- " ceived-thankioôfforini, lind tur on as or>good -as. th i bv lecture. about86LQ pad iêb* 0 Mv -aibury Mitehl i s itLI is pgbu 4&gàe n .S L oe 4ïiuvo Io U Toront5to, .arebtme, for hoâ&i.y TIihé, Y acompanieti b1) afr istrsatdn we4du i ëIMine Dve'y, di8 -S-U The public oUIIorblJsv M~ont, 010pTuesdayel rcül~ *ttel - e . lu or l4apt weeonc -rp statedthtisr. .e d ril lt ' r GARA? CËOWD AT 'TE MOTION To STOP A vo' QUESTION RULED OUT.- PAvORED WITH SOME i' 198--#25 To TH W AGES PAID FOR HAILLOS Tue Lownacu e jsl W lest tLime Monday aight i teadlre<l an-J fifty rat.epay 1.~t obj ect of tbe gathenjo &l unIten)ance aga:n&it a hatctod but by - soîne of th ba-ve the plebmacit.eon thu stifled. There were Do commun at thîs tmeeting, aud thor-, Î)8 no business leit eçer Co)uacil (OUa Deverell freni the streeras comamit PsYi&g R F0garty 611.', atone, and G M Rice Si The comîttee bad an a, IH Crosby for $,3 7,5 for L1i iugý au onthuilding, baci place efter three euccessiv thse youtbful celeltratrsr The commmîtee reported ti malter, but lthe niasor pi: the coancil bad ,slready pîF inz back waber cloi,-ts ail Hallowe'en, and b.oraid r. couid refuse lMr Crosby. fartherstated bhat it v ttiinizmo bimt1jat those thiagi were not prosecutec he vere la offce as mayon yees- nols arouad he woul e'e4 with the boys and thaLxfeeis 03o mach like vo around legîsîntive buildini extent that Lbe town bas anme to get them moved Jackson îaid that he-undei niRbt watctman a mdgiven several parties Lo Police M per to ho proceeded &gains; further «had been done. T tbat if no information veri do no good to baud in ni- icc mairistraLe. Deputy 1 made ao matter vit baii been dene W*itl a view to 1 boys, tho town us 18RI il.u te protoct the ;atepaye-s 0 erty, and con W t iupellet accouijts as theso. Coun tbere vItre sev-rai cases oi acter in the seutLiswîsrà, a others vo shoulîl pay tiiez1 cf Coun Deverell, MNr Oros ed8 $1 50. Cone Blow brought ila Lova property coLunittuee, payr.nt these account Granger sec. $86»22r M C $1.50; John Blow, coal, e~ conmnt passed wîthout discu Cna Noblè'read a ne] relief .omnitmîee in fâvor o sumaMisMr Jenningii, keep $13 50; Matheson Bros, ý (Joli-y, $1 -5 50; f) B 1vickt Mrs Murphy, $8; M C Lm.' R Colline. $1.95. Tbe ct - Reeve King broaglit in t the finance comunittea mn f. these aume: Dr McGiilivra ance on the Coui ms famila-. diphtherie, $20.75; W C T cornmittee repontod advorsa W Tamblinea applicationi taxes bec-ause ho is net nu- mnet ealary as he ms- eoo- wau the opinion of the co the iaw dos not allo-w an-. witti aseegsments, et thlis year. -Cont, Blov objec el Ayer's Pils Il would like to add my tfestimon y to thât of others wbo have u.sed Ayfr'i Pitils, and to say tliat I have takpn themr for ,nany yearq. and always derived the hest resaits roni tàei use. For Stomach and lver troubles. and fer the rp ofi Iieada.che caused by these derangemn~ts Ayers PlUs canuot be equae. tl.<i my friends ask nme what is rthe i!, remedy for disorders of Lthe stomach, Liver, or Bowels, Yhy Invariable answer Is A yp,- f il) Taken mn season theyw!Ill bierak uP, colif. prevfbnt la grippe, check fevser. a' retzulate the divet~sive organs. They are easy bt ake, aul Are the best al-round tamily medlcine 1 havP e-'ýr known."-M4rx. MY oýso WRider .&ve., New York City. AYIE3RS PILLS Mghet Awards Bt World's Fair. .9 er'. Sarsapar4ja for the blood. : Gi've The onlv the t a i -l -by-~' up a wcak cuns- a t tîibon gra.:u;-* da n ce alUy but sureciv 1.ý Martin's 4.,ard i n i1Food~ $>a sim ple, scukntic and hsgbriv* I nutritive preparation for infants,: 1delicate children and invaiids * K...RRY WATSON & Co.. S PA R T1CA lM VIOGOR, THIE NEW WRITI2NG PAPER, TAKE NO OTHERS Augu s S1893. FAIRBANK'S Real E8tate Column. FOR SALR.-A nice atory snd a baif boune vic 2-ý5 of mau acre of band, corner cf Duzîdas sud Garden strecta, Wbitbyi viti, fine lot of choice fruit tuees, gold it=le,, w el i an d c ite r. A U i nlu first c ia. orer. Will be soid cheap. Sufalt Prae - Hliuse sud Lot, corner of John anmd Byron streets, Wbitby. Will ho sold very cheap. FOR 8ALE. Chcap. A fine tv" story !xrick-bouse,. vfitbbrick stables. Situ itedon '13eouetu- IW bitby, tihe fin 't vs1 l aVsret lW tewn, vîthin tires maemzt-es walk af t4 htf office. Therc are thre" lots et land wviti, a#, entrance on kwo »treetir. Roua. la perfect repair. For partlcutars' spphy.to Real Este Agent,,Wbltlby, O*à L FAIRBANKS, Oct, 28 g, Ancu"Oneer, whitIy. trp -or 8toiwî. - RESTORED IN 30 DÂYS. G000 EFFEÇTS AT ONCE. OATON'S VITALIZER. Curf a goeeai or speolal deblitty. valkefta- ne"S. sperSasorrzmtýa, euimqiz sý Ipo.- temoy, pares, etc correct& fuusttonai 4lsorderu, caneed by errc*s or oic ame, quioklY restovlni2 leS Z-azzhood in old or young, glviag Vigor sud strimgtb uhere for. mer weukae provîjle4. Convëeaa package, simaple, effectuai, sd legimat. CUîm la QUIOK &AND TROIROUGH. DM"# bê-decetved by itatonm. insiat on CgusVttailZU»&S.telut »94d Il ypur drui- n1deeuot nuw. 11. Prtce 41 Pa, pke.,4 for wrtona guâaae0eemj#eu o00». Intun'taglourv6we, eScét, Iresd OOaidmulm.l. &ed un statement ofeau ansd "eotc.for s w0k'striitrsatmsnt. Ouiy one mut 0oeach Pers«u. C~ATON »ID. 00. BO6TON, lmA. oondi over a year, duringi -lje 1"di00L bave, £wioe spf ljaLealy griot of $25 Ç~matejr was laid over - sJf er it hie been beld stage»bca'ise nimbere of -ed "-tli *1 gthïmseIre iiito bhwr f thé W-O memnbers appeïred adtl, Iittie or notbin of the quei tbe matter lid been longi oensidermtài-o . Oouueilloî gran, Con Rosonsaid t ý.*o - by e~ . àmdq 1 -AND- and VITALITY

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