Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 18 Dec 1896, p. 7

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CH RISMAS CARI The Real Qld Reliable Santa Claus on hand with ail kinds of Fancy - New Years Gifts. For You and 1,000 PRE SENTS at 5Se L)'- fo r EveÂ. 10e, 1,5e5 Consis4inlg in part of Boxes, PerJ. Boxes, C Glove Boxcs, Ladies, Dolis, Toys, B'vks, Fancy Cu/s and Saucers, Mugs, A ibuni 1hildrenz's Tea Seit , Silverware, Gaines, Children's Setts Kn Gents and Clildren's Silk, Linen and Lawn HandkerchieJs, nzs, Pin Trays, iije Fork and ,Ties, Gloves, àÃ"Il. Spôou, Iv! tts, Etc., These gooda were bought specially for the Xmnas Trade l-**ýFor Cash. AND WILL BE SOLD AT- BEAT O ALL O PRICES. In addition we well make Special Reduction ini all lines of Dress Gooda. $1 Tweed Dress Goods for 65oc; 50o Tweeds for 30o ; Serges, 60e for 37je, 35e for 25oc; 50e Brocaded Black Goods, 35o ; 50o Black Lustres. 3.5c ; Nice Serges, 30e for 22o ; Melton Serges, 15c for lic ; 32-ineh Flannelettes, 10e for 6e. f Great out In OVERCOATS :AND :-ULSTERS. $10 for $7 50 ; $8 for $5.50 ; $7 for $4.50. Overcoats $7.50, for *2.75. Men's Tweed Suite $7.50 for $4.75. Black Dress Suits $1l-) 50 for $7.50. Men's Shirts and Drawers 30c, regu- l ar 45c, 50e reg 7 5c, 75e reg $1, $1 reg $1.25. Top Shirts 50c, reg 75c. Great Bargains in Ladies' and Children's Hose. 25c, worth 35c ; Ladies' Ribbed 20c. çT YOU P Don't Forget, and Rubbors, PFRJCES. to Remember -*HAYWARBD* is determined to seil his Entire Stock this Winter and quit Business. That the reason for such Low Prices. Somte say Caish and One Price, prices to r.ake them Bell. I say Cash and 1mi Gromorieo: il tho Doit agi 4 Ibe fine Raisins 25c. 3 ibe extra fine Raisins 25c. 5 Ibs fine Carrants 25c. 3 Ibs finest, cleaned Patras Currants 25c. 2 lbs Orange or Citron Peel 25c. Best Shreded Cocoanut 25t. 8 lbs Icing Sugar 25c. 4 oz. Nutmeg 25c. 4 cans Corn, Peas or Tornatoes 25e. 2 cans best Salm on 25c. 2 tins Kipperd Herrings 25c. 1 lb tin Jam 5e. 2 glass cans Jam 25c. 4 Iba best Mixed Candies 25c. Mixed Spices, Lemons, Oranges, Nuts, &c Vory Bout Toas aLnd Coffou. Pure Moca and Java Coffee, 40c, regular-50e.' Moca, Java and Ceylon, 8Oc, regular 40e. Breakfast do. 20c, reg 30c. Fine 25e and 35e Teas for 20e ; 35o do. for 25c. World's Blend 25c. Kolona 40c. Butter and Eggs taken in exehange for goods at regular prices. N.B.-No Turnipy Butter. Remember the Best IBargains are always at HAWARD'S, Whiltby UX BRIDGI. A R Long va. Ch»an ad Renry Crawford. This case, alter two adjourntnenr.s was concluded at the police court hefore .1 P's HamiltLon anà J. E Gould. The defend- aut8 were ordered to pay A R Long $35 fur injuries recexved %cid $5 fine each, bla eidte8 the cos. Aitogettber tis case cost8 tue Crawfords abo)ut $100, wbieh io výrv detar work for assaulting a constanle, and wîi no doubt be it warning Wo theixi am wt-il as; others that a onstable lu the îca of' bis dut.v iusi. notLbe inter- The bargatu craze. L waéa soinev.bat arunqinz last Satur diay -ot ece tîe country shujîpers gt the LUoui sttiocn in Toronto. Tî'tere were ai gremi, wny of tbemn, and as tiîeY lboed' Ii[ tiO iLe gtste swith thir but tiens the forgot the chanee and turned sa s iual to the Ieft, with the resuit that he found no railing there and feil off the car. Thi@ bappened a few minutes after the train had left Uzibridge, and when h. recover- ed consciousuess be found himQelf beside the track in a swamnp and witfiin two eet of a pile of stumps, in the l2thi cou. of Beach, or, as one informant toli us, "thirty 5ive teleazraph polos from the Brock tosd. " Lie tnoved along a short distance in a dazeti way and fell jute a cnlçt-rt Getting (.ut of this ho made for a farw itunse fr.,m which shone a IighL, lnt te owner of the premiees took hiw for a tram>p andti ireatenen to dog liim off the place. He went to another place atid wasi driven to the tewn by Mr Ilugh Gegg, arrIvirng here about nine o'clock. A suarching party of twelve had started out frnm RIiîckwater , ei~Lh of them wttie. li guard -would stop tilew and' tnrued back and four came tbrongh ta es V îiai Parcel la too big to aite on te Uxhnidge, findivit their man sale at the CMa -,uni express it." Some oOf the1 Revere Honse. Beyoud bruises Mr Ra. 1u t.ert of enornaoua size antIdià was Io net hurt, andi bis escape may 1>. con- lta 4ondcr the railway authorities ob- siderqd remarkable.-JournaL jL-. cBuilt thie owuers of the parcels loaicreëtfallen and weery, and bang arutILin u an ndecided rnanner fora a 0 mtutt or two, tieu trudged off Le do thei' inevitable expressing. Some people say N .R A there ta absolutely ne saviug in buying goo,, in uToron to, -but even sulPPosBing there were a saving in buying goode in Toronto, it le unpleasant te see well-to do MfIli Lau women, (womon especiali>, î.akîng 1pack horses of théoeleven to save a do.l-tr. We say Ilwell to-do"' people IAI8A1I&MCU WjUaWWÂTÉ'é IlecautsiSit ls nit the poor wbo have tiaxe 9vMeukMutb V pAdonhoaîs .,Torontot and moniey Loo pend in a city distant UWên"v$tba4R7 es "KOOtmva eonured trom thoir own home. Tu al bargain .ntimey atu.Phyuiol mWithere wwno obmSo li:-ters we say : ho fair.,.bêdeoent, if yen u Ot IpTOh«Itguft on f hmrilinbs. «%o cau t be liberal, and bu# your goods er te iwatk"*I LOeycr',cv where you make your living, if the. goods* ber lite and bwOpnom . S oen 1U.'>"1le.s von want are in the tewn at a living bd W. qïow 0l.Not7fth1io. sW@eN SATRUUNT@W FA GEA1TZMJ Baird vs Wilcom was an action t36110MbS~~.r <l is afo~v~ ,waï trxed at the County Coart Sittin t sma dnS ber bIrtb, bus boe ntlrolp oud sd ai Toronto on the. Srd imot. It W"asu anthi'gSn" ay&m bOt otp byfyks som act.ou brougbt by Robert Baird o efl me audbovs b«- p.n I asiMme staSe township of Reach agait H W WiIoez Snq tHi1aOnt., fi2eui Juy s cf Lh. town of Whitby, te recevtÏ,b«k aîoni4y paid to Wilcoz ioue dYtivew UIKTWDITYUW w years ago upon an assigamottof a mert-1 SaEMUIIT EAI>E gagé. The defendant bat! eh roi9 Per >¶IE.IWtBI18VbOOUIS. Trm c-nt interest cempoUadet! A t*hwlbdue 1 $M eubelb date of the mo«gâpge '- whieb -tâUldfr 9i qsiy gChut<t, ILoetbIappts rer cent, and in the. sBSgWflo f 1s!o*'- betyed i i ffl. 5<14.. a ov tà »4 gage covenanteâ that iii.th e toxd»d ompam Stswu c' b over was due on thb nortO4. - abtomttete pý*W d wards, lpupo nacmoné.rtb prt- ~ IO gage, teMserrtstô S&UIOw' 'I ' 16tber rate. after th« Motgage Waa duo tii painifulii or I. - ___________ 'IE L~...,%E.-.a.W Michael Breunan, who in under sen teuce of death at Barrie for shootiug the late J. H. Stratby, is improving iu health and th. petition for the commutaion o! the death sentence, the circulation of which was istopped wheu it was thonght that his8 dineas would provo fata, xas re.i imed.. Many are signing iL including &Il the jurera,_ who recommend him Le rnercy. A Record Nfight. Twenty-five new niembers iii a bingle night je the record o! Orillia Lodîge, A.0. U. W., and at the ucit meeting of the iodge (to-nigbr) another score will prob» ahly ho initiated. This uuwonted activi- ty in A.O. U. W. circis in the resuit of t.he resuit of the vigit of Grand Organizer FEU,. whos. powera of persuation seem to' b. of the highest . The 25 were initiated on Friday evening lust wben the metnb- ership of the lodge rose to the good total of 153. Master Workman Second wus in the chair and aft.er the initiation, G. 0. Elill mabe a speech on the. advantagei of being a Workman. The. Wonknian vill continue their -5'bargain bay' ili to night after which the. regnar joining fees vill bo oharged. Another old landmnark and early pio- ncer ha pusaed away în the. poison of Mr. Michael Bowers, who départ.d tu" lif. at bis lke reuidence on Saturday, Dec. 5, after a ing.rintz ilines.-eathte ripo age of 88 yea*. Hoe vasu:born inI 1808 at Dublin, Ireland. He came tei Oriia, in the. year 1882 -frein near :New- anrket, onuog tetwir ohad lived for 1Quwrs, Therr wxvast4thatî timo but eigbt moun vIhat i.",known -as, the, beautiful two 6fOeUla theprun It iapr.tq .11 Ueabllahed t1iat tii, vroked hud and ot ao ittiat urginginvowna a!sttîe uam woruiiot,.eiet fOriI$a. ýîThe <i Mrs Geo Coone visited Oshawa friendai luat week. bIrs G Douglas spent the Thanksgiv. ing fioliday in Bowmanville. Mrs MoGrandle and sou, of Bunte. ville, are spending a few weeks in towo. Mr Augus e icLean bas returued from one of bis business trips to the norwi townships. Mesars A MeFayden, Geo and Ralpb DeLury @peut the. Thanksagiving ho!iday at thon' home bore. Rey Mr Tuoker, of Toronto, occupied hip i;ou's palpît lu tb. Methodi8L ehuicli ou Sonday evnng. We are glNd te learn that Mrs Hlarper bas secured the contract for carrying the~ mails dnring the eoming ycar. Mr Geo Smith le at proeut in Whitby acting as jurer. Mie tSmith acco>uipan. ied him te visit friends ini that vicinity W. nnderstand that great preparatiYns are being made for the Sunday Bohool Convention whioh wilI be held iller. eariy in the. new year. Mr John Carter spent Sunday ini Lindsay. IW. suppose John fin'dB thït an ccmaiona! vigit there makes life worth living, Su te speak. The lit.rary socxoty meeting- last Bat- nrday eove»ii-g wae ug an asufflu. The. proga waexcellently prepbredi and great interes- ast Wa* enin',t4e de bats. WIho ecatalogues of, -'tii- Publie Iâbray avj bemnrec4ived 4 nd , xrê "'m .very qvay ane 0iO ist oê f, books wàld dô cai4*osnw a ThI. fish night ut theytaitýpY,$6~ W« a AgmMtat ucoOSTbmovm necta-gretqp&» ktie 4 of the. pi çrâmtèmn"; e Mm .,i oxmdW.Up rturne4 ox te.SAI, ê CHRISTMAS Raisins : Choice, Choicer, Currants: Choicest. Fin e, Finer, Finest. GOODS. IPeels: Nice, Nicer, Nicest. Figs: 0 Good, Bettei, Best. Lemons1, Oranges, Nuts and Gandie8t, Top, Quality; 1We beg_-to advise ->.to the, P bic thaàt c ~T "i E. R.p B. Price. "'su' Mb

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