Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 18 Dec 1896, p. 6

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Barnard's Xmas'lus. goed as te state whether or net be be-- Mr. Dow _ then addressed the meet- lieved the salaries paid in this public ing. He said he would make ne ex- school are right. tne el oM.Tmlnsetar Mr. Fox fought sliy for a long time, tended rptem rk. -T ambl ntror- but flnding that Messrs. Galbraith and diary earkps. Lt r.waswel knfor Jackson were bound to have an answer,thte aopsdMrTmbyfo he finally declared that the salaries in years. his reason belng that he regard. the public school are aIl right, ed. Mr. T. as bein g unfttted foc- the Mr. Galbraith.,~And they are ail principalship of the institote owing to right in the institut-e with one or tw hie frequent displays of bad judgment.' exceptions, you say ? After what those present 'had seen 't»- Mr. Fox did nei answer, but took nigbt it would be unnecessary for hini occasion te say he had ne connection todsueta oit-r aby with the Gazette or any of the ideas it bad made tha*t point plain te them alL proposes. He jes net in in favor of de- Ast M.Fo Mstt Aiets h'ne grading the coîlegiate institute te -a stands froni that gen3iemuLn- that he is higb echool. Believes it should - enet in favor of cbaning the institutè kept as it is and kept at a bigh stand- itoaî ' chol1 weey wauts ard of efficiency. cheaper teaclers, Tîhé board1 has al- Mr. John BaIl Dow was then called ý ke u h ettat~ uponby he haîmanbutMr.Foxcould.gt-the lowestpossible salaiy. He objected. He said the meeting was ba- en s ud hûs ofte kriou fo cailed to hear the views. of ratepayers ,f nyyet ad âsnver'knw n oyj in the. soutbvrard, aad_ heobjette-dollar *hth coud _ ed-saî *-,,, an uptown Iawyerbeing impô d into this warcl te discu8gsébuoiol nattere. ofwîh-ihooe ÎWý The people of the SOUth w#cl re tfully ý14iïeinâiute. b capable of discussing thir OwniêtTa1rit Mfr.: Graham oeuihided-Mt' ýF6*,tbat ç4xscatio6uaJ '> thée .onih ward scool, heUic ,iý" Fox ia. M r -Fox h";,dmde al-'. 1z by b «n. ô.eýý address, but Md i4tita'erg4' S&pe about sopth yard sch luI4 î leoi a 1e-> .p pl11es, .,.nased with- iwiedge; but Mr. .any sc ruples a year or when he sat throughout with Nîr. . H. Long illegally Up:vîngz a place and neyer once pro- ttsted. NIr. Fox was flot s0 nice about was matters as long as an illegal member ilo r. lie could be kept at the board who would .~ai)(>ult school be ready to vote him (Tamblyn) out of .ât taxes are high, his position as head mnaster whenever t >i plans were to be the matter could be brought up. M r. dit this meeting for knocking Fox says there is a cheaper and better ii down. Is sorry, that as yet none staff this year than last. How does he the trustees from this ward are pres- know ? Was Mr. Fox ever inside the nt to discuss these matters and give school to learn what the quality of ais their vi1ews. He (Smith) ie in favor teaching is? Neyer! The gentleman of cutting down, and will support any howls and shouts abouts matters of candidate having that policy. But the which he knows nothing. Mr. Fox efficiency of the sceooîs must be main- takes upon himself without a particle p.ined. Mr. Smith again testified that of knowledge to say one teacher is bet- he knew nothing o! echool matters and ter than another when he knows noth- produced a paper from is pocket and ing about either of them. Then he read some figurcs from which it became says this collegiate institute is the worst apparent that in twenty or thirty years in the Province. It is perhaps the at the counicîl board he had ýearned smallest one, and cannot be expecied to littie of towrn alTairs either. surpass those in the caties, but hast year At this juncture Trustee Fox enter- it won two first class certificates and ed. and was caled te the platform. and sixteen seconds, which was asplen- H-e fire it laid înto Trustee Blow for did- showing, one equalled by few suggesting the calling of a.meeting and schools within many miles of here. It then flot coming here to speak. M r. is in the higher grades that this colleg- Fox then took fromn his pocket a roll of iate institute succeeds, and anybody hrown paper fromn which he read bis wil agree that it is more te, a man's vlevs, which appear te be confined to credit t.o take 3 first prizes than thirty collegiate institute matters. He said third prizes. As a matter of fact Mr. t is a great burden. and believes money Fox has the presumption te caîl meet- can be saved in many way~s, but he cani- ings of the ratepayers and plunge into not get anv other nember of the board the discussion of questions upon which o second biis motions. It is the worst he is totally ignorant. The man sim- collegiate institute in the province, ply knows little or nothing about col:' eng worse even than the Port Perry, legiate institute affairs, and refuses to [xbridge and Markham high schools. talk about public school matters which The teachers' examinations prove this. are possibly within the range of hie We are told that teachers will not re- mind. The speaker then took up Mr. nain here nnless paid good salaries. Dow's past conduct towards himn (Tamn- le would be glad if we had more evi- blyn), declaring it was the result of dlence that this is se. W'e have a malice. From first te last Mr. Dow ( ieaper and better staff this year than had been the centre of a cabal. which 1ais1, and had better keep on in the was continually sitting in secret te saine direction. Teachers should be hatch plots for his (Tamblyn's over- selected on their ability, and net their throw. Mr. Tamblyn then turned his -ilor religions positions. He has attention te Mr. L. T. Barclay, whose t1u taith in the wvav things are run at conduct towards him had been a con- he board For instance Trustee Hatch tinueus course of duplicity, deceit and haid %'îolatedi the law by being a member treacheri. He declared Mr. Barclay (zf the board whist a $14 accounit from had pursued him as if impelled by the 11 ar.Ch & lire. was passed. Then Trus- most infernal hatred, as if prompted b>' tee Ferguson had bougbt cordwood and every evil desire thnt can inspire a Chaijr. McCiellan had signed a cheque wicked heart, and had subjected him bor it before the board knew of it. te every infamous insult, unhol>' treat- Mîr. D. Gal brai th. --Does net Mr. ment and hellish torture that can be Fox know there was no meeting of the infiicted upon the souls,-of the damned. board that mont b, and the man had te Mr. Tamblyn had reached Oie climax iiai\e his morte%, of denuniciation in administering a cas- Mr. Fox said he did net know wheth- tigation te his enemies, when the chair- cthere wvas a meeting or net, hut man suggest.ed that these personalities ihmnght that there wasone. He wouild could answer ne practical purpose. and not say that the board was the loser by asked Mr. Tamblyn te take up 'natters tfiese transactions, but they were illeg- more likely te impart knowledge tO al. What he %wailted was te cut down those who had corne here te learn what thint4s. Taxes are ve-ry high. He tbey could about school affaire. nnmght mention that Mr. John Smith Mr. John Bali Dow was then called M. E Sine -sr scbuo l taxes dfe o upen, but before he could respond Mr. ir.a 'EI. Smith.smoesco ae John Smith rose and took occasion te thnNîr. Fxwsith owmhofM. remark that wilst we hall know that " î.Fx a sedhwmche1r Mr. Dow his a honest man, and wilst Sîh's $56 was fees. and replied $i8, we hall recognize Oint 'e hie well quahi- hift S sth oalaon lc ied te talk hon these matters, we hall Mr. (e a tu sch r nd M. Fxbas heur hown hideas and muet flot be Nîr. (,liehrd aih ended Mr.ab Fothee oready te falhin with heverything thi~t îe ad ai nohin abut hewot Mr. Dow says. Mr. Fox his the ir~ Cookia Cotton Root Compound ta sold b;r ail respousible wholesale and rétau & drgusrlus ithe Dominioni f of Canada ancfpÎiite States for One Dollar per box IAlbert E. Major and wifé,were here o 'n Sunday. JohnMairs bas bis new kitii4xen ai- Most completed. Thomas Beer.has re:tirnedhom fior the winter. e Rob ert Price is gattin4g the niateilal ready for the ereccuon of a- verandah, -'D Stephenson bas rente& t rôn bouse in the njüorth ward and fe z ow 1ii n possessi4t of the saoee. The Home Circle membevs yufl 1h an opster supper sonie time In Jat1ugy , The b a4of healhfi e r £Mbnday ýand patsàd somi4Imptn - Beatie i t onseq4i,<4i<nê 1wé it sIaughter hotisefrom---tin ur ims ts le r,$,ýp . P lL - SOL ID SIL VER ColeSpoons,. ..4.00 TaSpoons,..........6.00 Sugar Tongs........ 1.50 NalFiles ............50 Seals and Erasers . 1.00 Coat Hangers....... .7.5 Valise Tags ......... .75 Key Wings and Marks .50 Thimubles ..............25 Match Safes....... .2.5 Souvenir Spoons..... .35 Enamelled Paper Cut- ters .............1.25 NICKEL SIL VER Tea Spoons at 35c, 50c, ,0 cut would no ..nount from the cevenue. Thegov- filuch larger sums tocol- c~itutes than to high schools, other grants go up in proportion. 1he way the law now stands we do flot pay a dollar to educate pupils outside the town. The county has to foot that part of the bill. Our collegiate insti- tute only costs the town a little over $2ooo per annum out of nearly $6ooo, which is its total cost. It is argued by some thatour present institute building is flot good enough, but it is healthy, and he believes rather in spending money in salaries and equipment than in marbie halls. Instead of criticising and hampering the institutes progress we should ail band together for render- ing it more efficient. in order that o.ut- siders may be attracted to town. The town is well situated in a splendid part of the cou ntry, and we should keep up our institutions so as to be ready for a great future. Our lake front is one of great beauty. and will before long ,be a popular summering place. and then the south ward will become famous far and wide. He notices that several parks have been laid out recently, and the sum- mer population will be here before they are matured. Mr. A. M.RBosswaSnextoall.d. Ble eaid the people conld well trust the board of educatiori to hiandle tbe scbool affairs weIl. He (Ros) pays over $60 of sohool tax, and almost every member of the board i.s a heavy taxpayer. Their ùwn intereste dictate to then the neoesuity of ecounizing in every way, withoui de- scending to actual meannees. We are boand to have the bi st sebools possible, and find it so difficuit te raise fonds go keep then up that the board i.s ever striv ing to save monev wherever is cau. As to Mr. Hatch's account h. rniRbt may that it waa made tir of strait itemns cov- ering a wbole year, fur 1it.Iu things bougbt by the caretiakers or chairmnau on Rchool property. It was the sanie with the pur- cliaâe of wood cornplaiaed of hy Mr. Fox. Mrr. Ferguson got a chance of a good ba-r. gain, and being ever alive taoie saving of a dollar, h. took advantage of tb. op- portunity. These matters were ail bronght before the board afterwards and satisfaotorily ezplained toall. It would be a poor chairman of a couamittee who could not be trusted to make a bargain for a few dollars' woth of goods wbeu h. got an offer by which perbapes everal dollars could be saved. The law waB flot passed to meet such cases, but to pre. vent boards awarding the different mnen- bers profitable contracte at bi&gh figures. Mr. Rose said he and Mr. Dow and the o.her members had always worked ini the Lbest of harrnony with Messrs. Fox, Me- Clellan, and Blow, and regarde&tbem ss valuable and cartable members of the board, weil qualified to look after ita in- terests. This bronght the speaà g to a close, and mnofions were passedV anking th. chairinan and speakers, after whieh the maeeting was elosed and an inspection of the difierent roomss made by Messrs. Fox, Rose and Dow ta note what repaire, if any, are wanted. AT Mr@. Mitchell whose house was destroy- ed by fire last week, is now living in Jer- man street in the bouse Iately occupied by Harry Jerman. Mr. Jerînan lia etone to Atha where he lias opened a black- Smith slîop. Mr. W. T. R. Preston bas apologized te Mr. W. F. Surumerbayera for the statemnente fabricated about Mr. Sumi n- erhayes in the re -.eut Dominion election. Mr. Preston a"s paid jhe cosaof the suit. Mr. W. H. Hall, er., is new iL the field fer representitive of Markhain division in the new Ooupty Concil, yorr vote sud influence àe solicited for bis election. County Council nomination will b. held in W~ebber's hall, Unionville, Mon- day 21et imet. at ue ooclock ini the af ter- noon. Mr. a. 1P. Crcuiby is noniinatiîng officer. lrving Bell was before - Mngiatrates Wilsoon,Yanzant sud Lapp, ou 'riday evening hast charged with carnaliy know- ing an idiot, one Mary Aun Mend. The case was adjurned*unt4t Monday oveuilag when a fuartiher adjourniment waa made' for one week. Monday morning by4the deatti of Sain- nel Charts Ath, atte asprolougedilln. Markhain Villaeloes one, of Iu oldét citizexis. The. deoused w*j»- well-knowi thopghout thus 4i4ict s=d4ii.,ffl qu Wedne«Uday ves attended by s bonit of old time. freudsand, moxirnera. Thie de- ceas.d osxii b tbis Country lu 188$ as ' canxberfB.M'.4i.iý.$~ hé wa irs Owèm, &n& per doz per doz each. each. each. each. each. each. each. each. each. (ach. 75e and, 90c per doz. eaoh Blow SaIt and Pepper Bottles, on Quadruple' Plate Stand, a week ago $2. 75 CýTo-Day $1.25.1 Hundreds Ebony Backed Hair, Clothes, and Hat Brushes. Military Brushes in Leather Cases, titted with Silver Initiais. GI1BSO NS, f WATCqES. I.,adies' Solid 14k Gold Watch Gents' Solid Gold .......... Liadies' 10k Gold Filled Watch Gents' 10k Gold Filled Watch Ladies' 14k Gold Filled Watch Gents' 14k Gold Filled Watch Gents' Solid Silver Waltham Steam Wind Watch .... Gentis' Solid Silver, gold inlaid Watch, large size .. Ladies' Gun Metal Watch .... Ladies' Enarnelled Watch with Chatelaine in Case.. IN Nickel WVatches for boys. . .. WH ITBY. EJ. JOHNSON, BROCK TREET, WHITBY.0 Store Obzen Evety Evening During Xrnas Haûlidays Un/til rio A . m. Johuson's XaGifts: BWeseV Carpet Sweepere, Mehintock's Eiderdown, Quilt8-and Pillows. Vaucy and Ea8y Chairs., Býamboo and Wicker Furnfture. Em~pire Decorative Pada fkw CbOirs. B3e Our SecQnd Nloor. Save express charges -by' buy', yurXas P at hôMe.,P%-»ces extreïratIy Iw e- c $1 7.00 35.00 9.50 I8.0o Thie j 6. rio 8.00 Ný e 19oç GoId Filed SPec/acles andEye Glasses, 10 years warrant .... $2.50. of *Bargains in Jewelry ai BARNARD'S, o ONTARIOO These g: .B 1 j la hues (i 'j Lustre 1.5e f. GROLERJESI New and Choice Goods. -AL.SO L argest, Best and Cheapest ..ASSOMTMENT and ]ar ~ 0F.. Glassware up le îeglte Wîtl wUtCLhful guard Wonid s say "That parcel je rue big car; go and expresit.' parcels were of enornieus ne wonder the railway1 j-cLeil. But the owners looked écestfailen and wi nround ini an undecided minute or two, then trudio inevîtable expresing. S( ~.thepe je absolntely ne sa, ,goods in Toronto, butl there were a saving in4 .Toronto, it la unpleasanitt men and _women', (wom msking.,paek herses of the a de1lir. - e Bay " well because il le s tt -the poor and money to spend in from'thir own home.1 ean'1t,, lbeisd4b where jeorike .ygur liv 'Yon waxnta M luthe.t WH ITBYI XMAS Croekery IN THE COU,'NTY. Fancy Chinaware, Elegant stuif for HOLIDAY PRESENTS. sure and visit ZAZ M .Z, gz 1'P Àý'l àeze, \, à me i Ï,- ile - e

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