Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 18 Dec 1896, p. 4

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±.£rristmas 1896. l,. ave ai- Regardieas of s crN'tnq evil went ,eara ta s4top il, and will t ius evil machincry ? The . l sav Ves or No on Jan. 4th. anallilt be ' t the barroomis ai£ again opened they ,1l likely rernain open for a generation. hose who vote to open them ahould con - aider the responsibility restlng upon them. They had better vote ta stop their own drink, and ta save iheir children from acquiring the habit. Iii this sgt nien should try ta have stase, and nu persan causiders it a sensible trick ta drink liquor. Saine talk about lierjur>' ' Will anybody point us out a case whien s licensed hotel keper wss coavicted on evideace ? The perjurv cornes from using liqur-riot fromn cithtr license or local option. Others say there is illegal selling under local option. Sa there ta under license. Such argument.s are otily for thase who are seeking an excuse to violate their consciences and mianhood b>' voting for whiskey. To say thst temperance aiea are mnean is another device. %V'hat do they sy of the mani who makes money by selliug liquor ? What do they say of the man who myakes a beast of himaseli by drinking liquor ? Whàt doîthey sas- of the brute who sets bis brain mad and maltreats the wvile sud children who are dear to his heart ? The man wha argues ta renew these licenses dots il in spihe of is honest better ;udgment. Be hie alleged temrperance mari or toper it ta ail the sanie. Il ta whiskey hie waiîts No person votes or whiakey unles lie watits it, îhough sontie pretend otherwise. The qîte-suloît t simply Drink or no Drink. The aniswer ta N'es or No. Be honest about t., and' vote with s clear conscience on one side iii the ot ber. Sehool Nattera - li w-s a bad thrnw-dowa Trustee Fox g.îse- the Gazette at tht souîb ward meeting. (t mi cotern. bas been expaading itseiC about bit F-x's ideas sud suggestions for a couple of %e.rs, but ou Friday aîgbî Mr. Fox took occasion tu puhlicly annouace Llhat he bad ut-v-rr urîîîabed the Gazette wîtb any sug- gestionrs, aud that he repudiated ail uts views atti iîuîed tu hini. There are five sources of revenue to a high atstou)ql or collegiste lastitute : G-ov. grants, coun,îtv grants. county apecisi grant%, fees, aud taxes. Four of these -are grants sud ees. anrd oniy ont taxes 'Frot» tht four we drew Jast vear $3600 ;t dom the taxes 52450. This mieans that se draw more tbsu $3 ot»t os everv sS tht institute cossa. Oshawa paid s670 Iess s tiares and had ta collect $2300 ini tas-s ibis s-ear sud W'hitb>- oniy $225o. . 0 ,ve been teCounty ,ts hadl been sub- ,uson and Robertson .ehen the court %vas open- ou nced that both candidates -,jall daim ta the position, and that .,<reed ta have the election voided. This .vas recorded as the judgmnent of the court, tlnd as no order for costs was sought by eith- er part>' each will have to psy his own. Towan aftera Our review of the councilors would flot be complete without a word about the new clerk and treasurer, Mr. joseph White. He has eatirely remnove&~ fromn people'a minda the belief they bad that no clerk could be uund equal to the task of filng the late Thos. Hustou's shoca. Mr. White bas a thorough knowledge of towu matters, and handles its -business with perfect accuracy. He is cou rteoua, obligiug aud pains-tslug in giving'fthe fullest information to every- body about everything. For nearly a quarter of a century the fond- est hope of Coun. Scott's beart has heen a desire to be deputy reeve. He has given long snd faithfül service ta the town as a councilor, andil a Carly well posted lu town affaira. Added tg this he pussesses a fair amount o! Pbility and legialative talent. He always attends to the bus:ness couaicil entruats to hlm, ond la ever preseut at its meetings. He a make as good a speech as any memnber of the town council, and perhaps a better one. It looks as il his time had corne. and at any rate he will give the other fellow wbo may aim ta l>e deputy a horst race fur ik. Never- _,o the place as ,ed niayor, the Very ,dit olicer that we have hîs presetît intentions are Abut we presumne that aft<-r . ..<îg years ta bring abotit a reduction in town's debt he will st-ay %itth his job an- )ther year at least to see that it is carried past the critical stage. Whiiby and Oshawa have learned that the head ofthe corpora- tion in tike the head of a department. 15 pays ta, keep a good man as long as possible. Reeve King will drop out at the end of the year, and will seek a place ini that useless, made-over body, the cou nty council. This body is neither as ornamentalnor yet as use- ful as the Dominion Senate. It has no pow- ers or legislative functions to speak of, its ai- mast every act being directed by mandatory laws. Truc-lit could eqtpiblish a house of re- fuge, or could make its mark by cstablishing good leading roads, and by nrgauizing pub- lic libraries la centra! localities But these thlngs that mîght be done it ls boath 10 do. and the law only permits it to do suci. other things as are by statute directed. Vet it has col us nearly $2,ooo per annum ln members' fees and mileage. tjnder Mr. Hardy's new law it will be lesa cumbersome and expen- sive, but not more useful. The most inter- estirng part of its functions wlll stili be the election of a warden. The members will go into secret caucus as though a king were be- ing aelectcd, there will t'e cast iron pledges taken to support a man of their own political atripe, who wil1atterwards be thrown down by treachery as usus!. There la uothing very special calling upon Mr. King to re- main ln the town counicil, and he prefers ater tweuty-two years' of most useful ser- vice ta seek the case and pleasiire of the new- fangled body whîch inherits a naine and a place of abode, but in empty of everything else. We hope Mr King may be selecied for warden, because if it be flot ta seek evea this empty honor we do not set why such a prat.ticaI, energetic man would take a place there. Wbtby Town Loona.& JJe have no Living Curisoities8 in our Store, but we have some Dead Bar gain-9. t- eOME ,ANID,,.LOOK AT THEM In Our Dress Good8 Department we have an excellent range of Silk and Wool Plaids, which are selling fast, and are specially designed for Ladies' Waists. We have also a new assortment of Tweed Dress (3oods, in patterns and quality un- equalled, at 12j-c. and 15c. per yard. In Our Underwear Department for Ladies and Children we show a full assortment of Bizes, suitable for the smallest child or the largest woman. For boys we have emal sizes in Shirts and Drawers, at 15c. each and upwards. In Men Shirts and Drawers we have a very heavy ribbed lime at the low prI-. of 35e. each, sold everywhere at 45c. and 50e. We purchased the en- tire lot of one line of Ail Wool,? and will give our customers a Bargain by selling them at 5Oc. eaeh. These goods were neyer before sold at Iess than 75c. 15When in don't forget to see our Heavy Ail Wool Children's Hose at 15c. per pair and Ladies' at 20c. us tu the oamer members ai councît, Com-) Take a look at Gilpin's Xmas. silverware modore Jackson bas been somnewhat promin and iewelry as vou pasa by. In Cotlons, Flanne/et/es, Toutellilngs anid Tazt-els M/e valuie we off'er cannot 6e 6e a/e ent, snd is a public spirised man. As chair man of the lire sud water camniittee this year he had an experieuce which is common wlith public meuý. He had to makre s water reservoir near the college. sud because he would not doublc its coat by letting people grab in ail directions, as la alwaya tht case wtth public works, he has ouud shat there la a good des! of difference betwcen the me- thods oC doiug public sud private business. Ia tr>ing to hew to thet une he bas found himsel! abone lu every commitîce. Our taxes arc higb, but town affairs are assuqamng good shape. Tht debeuture debt oC the tout t as follows: music hall sio,ooo, Atlas Wooleu Milli 6400, Martia Works $iS, aao, Fouudry $zo,ooo, collegiate inaltitute st,ooo, consolidat debeutures, mostly rail- way debt $53,e373. Total $95,973-33. Tht town owes lna ail about $rao,aoo, but bas as- sets to about the ssme value, consisting of the town hall sud surordings, thé collegi- ste institute. public schools, 817 ,0o0 o! a sinking fuud tbe towu bas lu the bank, te fire englue, town parka, the Martin loan o! tio,oao, uou-reaident taxes, etc. The tax rate is hlgh this year sud will f;e about the same next, alter which it will laI! ta about 2o or 21 tOutIs. Deputy Priugle Is a clever aud experi euced man, tbough somewhat addicted ta 'l'lit retîriag trustees this yesr are: North thie habits of the mucb talked-oC flea-his w a t(1,j Ohn Ftrguson; centre ward, Fred whereabouts being somewbat doubtCui even liait-ýi ,s'întJi sd, James eCclellan. Me P-î ergusosn aud McLeiIan are aId and t-xjo-i -iîct-u meint-crs of tht board, wbase k nia Jedgm of the businessanad interests of the- -i nîoIs is coniplete Mr Hatch bas s,-r'.td two vears.. and bas gîveri verv tar flitsiteni ta the position. 'Ne have not lir' ds tier or not ths-se mnen aie wiling lu) st i e lontger a tihe huard, but s-e pre- anime they wtl! each 5'tand or another termo, ai ii tht-y do better men canuot be tound. The Gazetle reports Mr Castle Fox as rst.îtiiig ar the aouth suard nee',iug ou Friday iglht ast that M r. Joh -îbni' iths tax ta tht colir-giate lastitute iast vear was $6o and Mr. E Sleçs 851. Mr Fox said aoîhing oC the sý eu \\ bat fie said s-as that Mr Smith's s tui axes and ites for pupils amounted tu $56, anid Mr S;Itp's Su a little inore-than th i s)w this Mr Smith paid $t5.40oCo col- legiate itirsitîrite tix. and the balance ta pub- lic tbl, exceptiriv, tht ees. Neither Mr Sniîîlî iior Mr Sf ett shou!d kick nîuch about Ibu-ir taxes these days, for at preseas tht pour Icousebolders ofttins sown are paying a laree >riut of titeir taxes silice the achemne, sa-luh the Patrons of tht legisiative assero- hiy heiped tbe wealtlty armers ta saddle oti the reat oC tbe tas-n. It being the opinion oC saine people that Mr. L.. T. Barclay was backiag tht Gazette ini itb atieuup)t ta degrade aur collegiate ia- stiîute, that gentleman Look occasion at tht meeting ai tht achool board last Wedaesday ta repudiate Mr. Newtonanad bis ideas. Mr. Caatle Fox followee suit ou Frîday uight. Mr. W B Priagle is aisa talked of in ibis saitîe coanection. Wben hie repudiates aur cotemo. will have narv s coadjutor lu îowu. Tiie statua oC the collegiate was neyer un much danîger, aud il la gritifying ta kuow that people ahI listea 50 no false economiat.s who througb ignorance o! the facts would de- stroy it, and wouid then firîd s high schoot far tmore expensive. Tutsday's Gazette bad neyer a word abaout tumuîug tht collegiale into a 83o00 hlgh achool. Findiug people uaanimaously opposed to its ideas it quietly draps thet ubject, sud ut may tabalatIbis malter wlth the msuy ut gave a liai o! tao wteka ago that are ut ver spoken o! again after osîr cotem fouad lîseif iu tht boit îbrougb their advocacy. MR EDITOR : SIR-Having notictd your article iu !ast week's paper rafcrriug to tht finauds!l condition of aur coilegiate masti- lut, would say thal your remarsekansd fig- ures wcre not ar astray. Tht aunual sste- nient ai!! be outInlua feu days when thae ratepayers ail! set for themseluts that tbqre lias betu s reduction of-$2zo ou our teache*s' salaries, that tht upplemntsry C. granulla $23,3 more thatitlait ytar, whlch lesa proof loi- gond atteudauce sud good wonk doue, a id that tht municipalasaennt1lastarws $2528, sud this ytar $2200, lesi cashI unexpended about $?o, Itavîng sa difie lu favor o! bawn of about S400., Lsd t lato remembtrtd tht Insurance t Ibs ea-r la 1 sud tht board sîso bad to, expend $64.85 nauce Committee. wben you are sure you have your finger on bim. OC bis abiiity t0 fil! tht bigher munici- pal positions ew people have any doubt, suid he bas certainly dont thet owhi good set vice lu miauy instances during tht thresr years be bas becs> la council His main (aultilahis bocus-pocus ltle plana to attain popularity or to put tbrougb council some useful legislation sud some doubîful crea- tions o! bis own busy mind. We opposed bis election twice, but be won, sud we have sînce given ovcr opposiug hlm sud bas-e speut two years tryug 10 sîudy out wbat macde ather people take bit» up la spite o! our learned sud powerful opinion to tht con- trary. He bas turned oui mtach better than we expecttd, sud îîow we saat support hlm whilst bis erstwhile- ardent admirers are bending futile eflorta 10 remove hlm trot» oC- fice. Tht succession as retire fails 10 bit» Cor 1897. sud if be will do as weIl as he kaows no better qu-alified man could be se- lected. We do not kunow that auy other councilor aima at higber honora ibis year, althougb probably Cous. Burns bas ciîerisbed bopes oC rouadiug oA bis ancieut sud modern mui cîpai career by golng tbrougb "tht chair".- Ht bas a kuaclk o! getting eaected, and no- body wou!d be ashamed to vote for bit» for towu councilor, yet it is said o! him ibat no supporter o! bis couid ever be found in tht ward be bas represenîed so long. Sti11 he alwsys headed tht poli It used 10 be the custom for the venerables ta be eiecttd may- or as soon as ail their bair bad turued whit aud faltu out, sud wbeu ont o! thet» got into the chair fonty demous could ot cbast hlm oui of It for two years. Tt ls unneces- sary ta picture bow mucb Ibis systet» of pro- motion coat tht town, nor do wt mlean to say that -Mr. Burns would do barmâ as mayor ; but the dai la gone by when a mayon of ibis town la elected lu order to do bonor to tht ama. Tht ides now prevsiiing la to make* the man do honor to tht office. Mr. But ns should wait a couple o! years t111 Mr. King grows weary o! tht monotouy o! tht county council, sud then he mway have a place ln the county senat, . Coun. Robson bas pursued a very igodei- ste course duriug tht yesr. He la a gond cou ncilor, who probabty aspires to no htgber honora than bis ward can give hlm. Coun. Smith looks calai and uupertunbed. sud site idly ai tht coucil board throughout the ytar, bis ofliy duties belug to put throuzgh an- nus b-laws appoibtaog J, .Poelas- sor sudJames Frixugle - coliector. llem'tlgbt savus ia couple of! bundred dollars by reôn. ganizing the tows service, but be la coâteut ta talke * mpoi ltboiit golng the lengtb of prsctisI, IL" Mr. BeseU is a ftétrate coute- clnàJOla* el! plexsed t.oserve bp cente ward Il ïubey ust him. Mr. P»ê*rellcoeuld -sot ha hasbét m-çbalné,asofitt«» and I b. il i"tlwu tat poii .*1 oger ibis toun wifi haue finittss m walk:&.. He do.., tiot -bother bis hesd aboût -e otheeafallà! fcqotit i tmébsg i enéke'bix ",owms v , ra'scN4-14 Noblé tei a bIet enotreur lug an expenlence whicb pay makebtmaýutes hîgiienin 1a yea or two.'5Si. M' #ýef1 10o1 0 afte te toirs pgp.sty a eol ber bn'oodouty M&' Bow, tmsecn.ol bd no(kn«sIwiC If you want a cheap., serviceable overcoat Ferguson's is the place ta get 15. Tod's will be beadquarters Car ail foreign fruits tbis Xrnas. Orangrea, grapea, banan- as, le mous sud ail kinda of nuts. Nothiag nicer than our special gold em- bossed photos for Xrnas preseats. O'Brien & Stedhamws photo gallery, open evet y day. Life Size Photos. Henry & Putney, of Oshawa, made tht firat sud oniy liCe sized phatographs ever made lu this viciuity. Photographa. .Henry & Putney, Osh awa'a Ieading photo graphers, wîl¶ psy rsulroad or stage (are ron Whitby on ail ordersa amounting ta three dollars. Annal Meetmg of Checker Club. A meeting will be'held at Bandel's hotel, an Tuesdsy evening next 22nd, as 8 o'cmock. for tht purpose of r,.rgEaniziag tht chtc ctr c'ub. Ail checker players arc iuvited tu attend- Closang Concert ait the Coilege Tht Ontario Ladies' College closed for t! e Christmas holidays with a concert on Tues- day cveniug. Tht programme was an ex- ceptionally fine ont. Musically the fine'st sud most applauded number was a violin solo by Miss Nellie Smith, daughter of Mr. Lymnan Smith, principal of the Oshawa high achool. bliss Stnith's clever plas-iug was ac- compaaied by au obligato ou tht organ b> Miss Gcrtie Ross, snd on tht piano by Miss Dallits, B.M., Toronto. Artisically though. ln so far as the eye wss concerned, as an aid ta tht elocutic>uary- efiect, tht dramatic hur- lesqut, -Tht Ladies 0f Athetis, -reudered ina Greek costume by the senior elocution cîas, young ladies o! exceptions! personal charma, was tht piece de resistance. Neyer before in its hissory bas the coilege had so enthusiastie a class of students as aow. Tht prospect for the reopeuing ater tht vacation la very bright. Death of Alex. Ogmiton. Ont o! our oldest sud mot rtspected cit- ixetas, Mr. Alexander Ogston, paased away on Wedniesday, the 9th instant last as To- ronto General Hospittal, where be had gone sorte few weeks before ou tht ad vice of his physician for special trealmeut. Mr. Og ston was born at South Basa. Aberideen- sbire, Scôtlaud, lu the year 1321. Hia an- cestors bad_ resided there for huudre'.a of years. In 189,5 whilst vi-tisiug Scoîlaud Mr. Tbeo A. McGillivrayv vsited Netherhill fart» iu the same parisb, sud near the fart» resideuce noti ced a keystoue bearmg the inscription " A. 0, 1743, "-Alexander Qg- ston, 1743-it being a stone used in the erec- lion of, a resideuce by decearsed's great graudfather two years before ibe jacobite rebellion. Deccased wîthbhis usother and ststera followed sbortly after bis (ather, Atex Ogstpu, to Canada in 1836. Tbey came up frot bintreal.ou oue of thtefint steamboats that landed emigrauts ai Whltby barbor sud, -haviug been translerred froin the steamer 10 scows, were -irecved on shore susid great rcjoiclug by the father, accompaiaied by tht late George McGlllivray. Tht fainily set- -lied upon the 0&xon homestead, lot .33lu the t 41b conceonof Whiîby,. now owntd and! occuipied by tht Mesurs. Robb, nepbews of deceased, where the subject of curr sketch coutinued to reside -autil tht death of bis brothc George iu 1879i. &fter tisespn part o!tht timeaMb at h~>s~d th a anc-t tht old ho=sM*téd. àr. O- ston wasa& gentleman Of qui&._1sd retitlug disposition, s great readeý', ep6i<ally o!fbis tory sud science. lHe Wýs fond of qulzzug those who were etter lesroed àw- pedantic on points -of matheoettils or hiê suad many of tht latter clasm wbo asnlked sg9 deceased opene bis quitdlags, woaI4dj himself hopelesuly tanged up and lwandeflqX) before thetitlk bad proceee y ' ai th utes. Of ancitait hlstory Mr.-Oto b> very tateivo knowledgq-sua on btn sud m:anv ctebrsnchà of iee he waa able to disfflur»every kIarnedly. 'ofa Is- fly of four sos M dfiv e damglitexs, Mia. surivor., Mr. Alexatade0<godon wasmeue marrie&L The . nr. -topl4teon Suday' frosithe -uidcnof -fis, epbç w Mr George ARobib. tatbe* i« nIon untioiYy-miwa Our stock of Hlandkerchiefs, Tics and Gloves is now complete. -'% Our Man/le and ,Reaa'y-mnade Clo/kingo De/'ar/n t is viell assor/cti. Our Tailoring Departnient is under the management of a competent cutter. ln Tweed-s and Worsteds we are showing a complete assortaient and we warrant every garaient a fit or money refunded. IRemember the place, ANDREW mi Gci me ROSSO LA WL-E R, 1~ hi~o a F~11 a~i Woll A::arIo~ ~Iack ai St aple and Faucy Selecled exp ressly l'rade, wthiclz .4 for the Holiday me are offering ai Way Dowri Pri ce~. Buy your C.hristmas Groceries here and SAVE MONEY. me CeLAWLERi f - LIUA -v. Ii~ 'i CLAI C. Derusha ha, here. -Elsweorth Ersv Mr.Tnn tbre w ri-î Mr. F-flr Wjh ere 111 'Ili, r ils a lr ,~ 5v r-, i *- \Iî~- ir tii- ~lrs NI 't-. Ti r r le-gue is ww. '. r mec ha i\r-- TF 'rsv4 -,rqi -Rîrkuî'tr' f Jrnai aat wecul l-tt b- Me.hî ýsixyea toan Wto attotOpt J *G OCE lES9ýýF

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