Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 18 Dec 1896, p. 3

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PAIN-kILLER THE CGRE'T \(Pamlly Medicine of the Âge. Takon Internially, It Cures Diarrhoe Crm , and Pnin int)týe - Somc/, ore Ihroat, suddcer Co iàs, Cou ghs, etc., "e. Used Externally, It Cures Cuta. Bru!mes, Burns, Sea/ds S.' rn/l7s, TOo)thclche, Pain in iîhce, c/Varaîiýr.i Rhoumatiasm Fros?'d Feut. 5 Ofi vrattaînn ,, k , r attî'ir'r1 Me vtn be.r t,uatn,nv 1,,î. t,- t- t, , m. "" emst tPain, and bmw il.t., ta..d -e<t -nfthini- ha& y-pt "-t""'"e.- it. )air tK tt.r, ai. r th. ot t~vs.uabeiis ,y in. e , t.ne ,e Il b 1rilmcm as '-'s frm.s rparn ht 18,Ï117 ,a,1 u- K i N Pen)P.,LE perch of honor. Lot t e to prance votere vot.e as they tuLlk, regard801uOf party politie8s&a dleavo ant home the mn wbo oan so, ably 611 the bill on eiher side. lu our humble_ opinion if tenaperaKloe workers would vote and pray as tbey talk, regardiese of a man polîtical status. there wo)n!di neyer Ue aLther liceîiae granr.ed in Pickering township. We will calrnly await results. Mr. J. B McC.îfough visited bis borne last Sabbatii. Mrs. Stephensoni has not recovere from ber recent illinesa yet, and las tili confined to trhe bouse. Dr. Moore of Brookli i in charize and we trust we uiay eariy bear uftlier recovery. Remember, oid maid friends, vour da.% of grace is nearly np. Leap year will SOoM)ire a tlîir of tht. past, and psst op- portnnittes can never be recalled. If at firet ynrî don't succeed trv. try again. Speciai servies are still being con- die ctd ere hý*Rcv. NieDonalti. pastor if Ile ic ciit. About thtrtv names have been hande i n wflo wIll identifNv thieinselves with the rnethodist church tf itiis place. NIr. lialicv Weatherall, wbo has hieldi t ic 1,sitîrîn (f 1ostmnaster here for o-ver tell \ cars pas,., has handeti over the c '~cr1 ri cn i sit 1 n 10 NMr. f0. Rodd. M r. \Vtathierall has, moved down on 1ih faii kit untli of Salem where he a t i t arry ()ntriextensive farniing opi- ritcrns 'cvry much regret tha'î 1 nit e shotîid fin i os Munipipal gostp i c îi tilt1trh u i-tsumnV b.c kthes notice aleagatin , t' j *'Vc ai aIit'tettt' Ir ,r-ý i1ta sittiate(l in NI r. Rodd's iLnost interested. Ni r. PI'tC-he-r il. gt1 tttt'. ck kîtrn.This should flot be. to offer hiseiffotr lte reevesi.il), adit huo i% enpae nOrsoe ruakt.s a straîgîri.tentrace-a-i 'i- utt!btcbripcdinorsre nti-temperanop lIeopls art sMt1twiltt 1w1here it woultl have been much more âerplexed to know wl o si!î nid o, p) -Fe f, n 'itIî.r ail as ît is much morc 'Ukiend 'ihos N, w ,t}rsh:F î , î h i lt t.ot),and îth le friends and neigh- ',"oioe for olr teuips'(ralîte atIvocate5 t,, bors tr.iu ithen icstore the couid bring select a nan 10 rt.ltresent t reir cause as' teIrriîînt.îr asvvell as theju neigh- he cornes out abovA boarri. mand ieclitre' . i) ris. 1Itwtver. MNr Rodd is not to bisi down on tbLitjiqor tratltc for 1ici- ii.tnc. tl ctîrrcnt reports are correct. Pring township. 'fut. ratepiav-erB have art -. îr-a tttl have allowed Mfr Or%-is to eften deciared for teuiperanre reotrinithwai ive kcîdt i n the store tilt he retireti Mr. Pouicher sa 'IIF;itintist 1-e grartîcti aidut W (cbcrcgýn, butNIr On.ris was flot sbould he re1resent the îownshiip fo 9 r t-ecaloii, t this desire. we learn, anti in the reeves chair hie wt'l do luIiistitit Cc tise qttcntlv "'e find ourselves in M r. te furthFr tîisr lestres. If tire'tctuliter Roddii bat k kîtchen when we are in ance people of tlrrs tonwîrtiqtvan carrY a thc Kisalc post cotiice. Hoa),,ever. it Lemperance iut-attire iby tbce votcte îf the u r lbc rrrnoved to the store early 1in people certaiitlv tlo-Y can select a straig.bt hSirit(I'o7 temperance mnan, s;uclu as Mr. Poncier. th'ttti ir It Io an old and we helieve qrutte true olten vote 1îîlitit rer.titj iIrt ltitîeir te tpi erance priLcilitm ansd tutu' te u.ne itf lte i n reasons teu. p'ýrstnce mesu-ures are an bard t ' u xelnv to carr *y. \Ve mu-svto otrr tewiIerance -i hi. ians bave issueti a set of votfre.-'IIi r w p1olîtîoce a way sud v " ît.i ni samps. N ru bave noticeti for thre local otiorn 1by.iaw titat ta worrk stiiiri about it in the public ing eo efficientt 'v ; place al. tii-tic-ad of r:. the puilIlle mu (onrr mten thlat i l IIpledel .-J hav.î esire." thens-It-e. î' ir caseof e1jtraný--: 'jçrosc \Vevier is glad those refuriin. haunnt lt'r it.le 4 ! at- r ' rIni.\ tmshavebeen ts s Liedi sustatr.ed Il a vo-r - nirrnw inîajorrt.v lttts , - -NUit nuiewvvu ecl all. in iiioi)i a lefiasesc . t-- v Iiqie h,1 urecl CYtl ulon e IL st"late hsi. metany i't llic can lick tbem. vou k now.' pots fiaw itav'- bem'n verified and are "tmna\, callNMr Buggies egotistie wvorktnc iiaRrmtnniI(utlv N od V Cali, a cincefl(cte 1i f von choose," she doribt as to the workingý of the kv law, il tai. "but trtere's one trait 1 admire in wtîtk i t i t.e entire diszatsfactio Cf tIi' iii rît.Ilic aw gives bis wife credit lrarroom jîrop;rietIirs I t liq l1ke Uit-O ftor Po,,e-sing' excellent jutigment. I starji [noli- 0 eIiiultîer to @logoil Itei*d ont thintk that's very egotisr.îcaî.- for tire rci. ttt wa'er anti right t4irl -Ys.t s, "lier' hrîsband repîleul. tirel 'v jîrtvai, rt as Sure as t"Re (t0iti t 1cde htteas h slce vote as w.' îa;k tîrr gooncaluso wîîî re-'li estabeueseeetdhm cerve a sl ro, defeat. P<m.tiurGriod nd \hell she miarrieti.' ri glt )8 (Ini[tu' bide of tetm pm r )ne cadli ..'If vru haven't been takin' a bath. and eve-rv tint.'. 'N'ile t. b Ili tantd ail 1Il eca r ritîvb, " declared MNr MWeary lits iiiise.i'eu.are bnsily eîca ila ir î,à\- . tt. sen a -lui ron lo iner.[t" ire "ih - (ues-,, l'Il have to own up. assent- aIlte esînvtit ittitena. ri b ' d Mr Iismal Dawson. 19: Cntry u'Wtt.Wl'tStI -ttii t1 'What d'ye mean by it? this accursedti ratfic infls sat i'- in oti' etonbttatsat' powpr. Let us(Io our i ;I:t re anti simple. and vîetory will i tnu.rr.mosi nckae as u red iv.j 11ev. MPI)nna]ld lias crnncnted a weekIMpr.oV.ement tn hnmaegra of speetal services, colînien(-it. at 7 , Mr .RGaaaehsmd ra o'clock each evenîniz. Thte inuetîngs îiproveenîtz un his restaurant for the have been weýlI attended, scr- l n e wititer seasan. ont on tht. ile of God anti 'lit11 Business thoir handto tehie gospel p(trgit, otýiters The wt'rking clam- is glad that Mr Gi. B. have rnanifseed a uleire 10 do SIu-t bnt as securred ail the standing timber on fa.iled to corne out ant i cairrîrlrti ouoîpt poplar' P oint; what is noir fit te make te the rhnrch Metings wi.î continue square timbeýr he intend.s te make puip this week. Ail deeirous; of doinR or re- wood of. In fact it is said the. thing will ceoing iiood shuuld attend the meetinags.1 be ail pulp before he quits. The spriDg weatlier, like raany of onr ,Vimting ne igh 1bo rs audfrien-d s, côanglît -'oîId îLh-e fore part of tibiaweek, cansimg uch hbegs mud and mnch barder and drier roadas. We return thank8 to our frienti the weather chêrk. Mrs. Spence Taylor, of Gr.'enwood, was interred in the Salemn cernêtery on Monday aset afr.er a prutracr.ed ihîne8s Of so mronths. 7- ' r. Lawrence Las fiuisiîed remnd1.lling hte boude now occiipied by Mr. Newton. t It now presents a cozy appeararîce an'l ne dotibt wil ho rruch more comrortable for wiuîîer headquartreris. Mr. Jno. Lawton'e old gr.'y iriving mara sbook off this inortal coîl fast week. She wa.s an oxceptionaîly gol driver but after serving ber day and generation falthfully eue gave up the ghost. John, lilce any other wise provider, bas reared au excellent vonng driver w bile the old Oot was sr.eadily failing and now ho bar. an ext-cýlient road8ter to take the place of the olti woru out teteran. .1. X\V. Stephenson mtih does consider- ablI tre deiling, of bite lie bas chianged a few Of course aIl horse. traders get the ltet of tht. deal, thîs we ail expocir to hear, especialîy wben crhey relate the. story. We hear Mr. Meal lost a valuable cow a lew days ago, canse tuuknown. Concil matters are beRinniug te boom onle "tore. Mr. Arthur Johnsr.ou and R R Mowbray will be ropreseutativos froni ouroounity fathers, wo undersa.nd,shouid they corne eut bead* of the poli. Ihie yet ber tbeV will meet wilrh opposition. T ePoueber asi;beir champion. Ho wi 1 De oPPOQed by Mnr. Gerow accordiog tprent reports sud te the surprise of Înany Mr. Gerow bas, or clara he bas, taken a flop sud is now on the aide ci temperance aise. Surely he muet think th -~e people of the muuicipauity are easily hoed wimked. Ho s têtmpenance Mn, ho wbo wuaseaswratlry Wben bé could no% -bnug about an imumediate vote te repeal the. local option by-Iaw. Nov te uit the turnes and puIl frein ail parties we find ho js'r6-adY te champion aven the. cauge ef wpernce Wh*t iIlI ntot ane men, 0 olu ord:rin.o accre a position on tbo euclboard?2 $4roly tbe temporanc* votler@ to a man will not'-be mîslsd , ay' ê4bter bymen Who are ready te promise thing iin order te gît upon the desared Mr. A. Nfuybee. vife and daughter have gone te Bellevilie te visit oine rela- The New Hook Spoon Tree to AU. I read iu theObCriatian Standard that M iss A. MJ Fritz, Station A , St. Louis, Mu., would give an eîegsmtT phated bock spoon to anyoue semding ber ten 2-cent stamps. I sent for one snd found it is useful that 1I sbowed it te my fiends, snd mrade $13 ini twe heor", takiug or- slors; fôr the speen. The book spoon isaa househohd necessity. Iii caunot slip intro the chah or oooking vessel, being held in the place by a hook on tbe back The apoon la sornetbimg that housekeepers bave needed ever since spoons were firat invented. Anyone eau get a saurmple s-p'ron by iseuding ten 2-cetmt stampe to Mmrms Fritz Ttis is a splendid way te make Money arounti home. Very truly, JEANNETTES. Bev. Canon Richarab, Benda a Record o,ý 15 admit ne dlaim te, the 8100M which ho got haist asessieiv and vill hand àt over fer the good of the ceunty. J0. BOTT. r Marr This Girl Qick. ý y fini PERSONAL INTERVIEWS. With People Restored to Hea.lth By Ryckman's Kootenay Cure. LoNtioN)-, SEPT. 29gtb, 1896. S. S. Rvekman Medicine Co., Harailton, (ont. Dear Sirs,-l take rnuch satisfactioîn in scnding you this record eoneerning persems living in London wbo have useti- 'Koor.cnay Cure,' and wîtb whorn 1 have bati personal interviews anti can voucb for their statenients. NIr. C. B3. Hanmilton, ageti3-2, a mihher, anti bigh- lv respecteti citizen, was troubleti wir.h Sciatîca of a very aggravar.eti type for over twelve vears. H-e began taking your medicine last spring anti bas now gaineti entire freedotu from pain anti does flot suifer anys' smptr.os of the. troublesogie disorder. NI rs. Sarah l3urdick, ageti 68, widow, bas been lot' seven vears a t'ictîrni of Eczenîa. She tv.a.s unable to wear ber clothes anti frientis hati to wait on ber as on a chilti. She began tii take your niedîcine last Marcb and is now wir.hout a blernish on b er bod y. Eight bottles o! the rnedi- dine cureti the disease tha. was r.bougbt to be incurable. A rnost asr.onishing cure is, thar. of Mr. Patrick Rvder. aged 7o, a retiret fainer, well anti favorably k now n. lieWd sorely aiicteti wir.h inr.ermîr.rantr.reurnarisrn for sorne thir-tv-sîx t-cars;. About a year ago he c0ulti neither dress nor undress him- self, but after r.aking your excellent mette tue, the rbeurnatisrn hefr. him andi he is nor. only weIl but a very active rman for bis vears. Nîrs. Sarah Jutige, living in \est Nissouri, bad neuralgia anti rheumnatrsrn for r.wenr.v years. She has useti Koor.enay sin ce February hast ant iîs now perfec.hy cureti. I-ad ber suffering continued mruch longer, she states, sbe %would either bave been in tic asylurn or the grave. Mr. Nlc- t.owan, 85 years of age. bas endureti agont- turing thbe past year frorn a dis- case of tht. skin calleti pemphigus. Hîis wbole body was covereti with angry sores and ulcers, and he never had a moment 1s relief lrorn pain anti risery. lie took your met icine anti he bas be- corne quite rit of ailltisease, onlv tht. scars remaining to tell of bis horrible afflic.tion. I have much pleasure in writing the abovc. antiarn certain vou hatve the hearr.felt gratitude of ?hose whom vNou bave relievet of suflering byvyour val- uable and excellent "Kootenay Cure.' Yours truly, j B Richardsonî, Rev Canon. Memorial Church Recr.ory. Plue Dale. A large number vent frorn bore te Suntariand to bear the Rev. Dr. Carman preach last Sunday. The Div. cf the S. 0. T. bore are again incre.-amg their mîumbers, several having jomneti latoly. Our Vackernith hero is gor.ting up some heavy aleighs. Mr. D Truax la coing the. woodwork. Anyone ueeding a good servicable pair of sleieha might do verse bhan leave an order vitb George. Mr. sud Mns. Harman are spenduug a few woeks wmuh frieuda bore. The Patron lodge hors disbanded aud a few bave forrned themaeelvos jute a far- tru e If stuy man, wbo la week, nervona and dobi- litated, or wbo insaufferiug frein %uy of the varions troubles resuîting frein youtbful folly, exceasea or overwork, will take hesrt and write te mne, I will send him confidentially aud fro ouf charge the plan pursued dy wbicb I ta@ completely restored te perfect beslth aud man- bond, &fier voars of sufferinir frnm Norvons tffbity, boss8 of Vignr and Orgaure Wmakness. 1 bave oothibg to seiliaud therefor, want -nr money, but as I know through mny owu ex. perueuce bow te sympathize with sncb atifforers, I amn glad to bo able te aasiat amy fellow.beiniz te s cure. I amn t'elu sareof the prevalenco of qnackery, lter I myself waa doeived and irnpomed upon until I nesrlv mu-t faith in man- kind, but I rejoice te amy that I ami now per- Ioct!y weli snd happy once more aud Sun desir' ou@ theretnre to make ibis certain moama of cure knowu te a&t. If you wili write to me yen cari rely up<on hoe nred and the prond satisfaction of ha ving bAeso f gresî service te one in nead wili be aufficiont reward for my trouble. Absolnte &secy ssurod. Send 5c. ail ver te covor ponagemRoand address, Mr. Gea. G. Strong, North Rnckwood, Mich. MUBat be Dissolved. Kidnoy Disease Ca» Only Be Cured by s Remedy Whjch ln lu Liquid Forin- Comnmon Senne of Soience. For a disordered stomach or sick bead- ache, pilla sud powders are flot without effeet, but when these mame remedies are said te cure kidney disease the couamon senne cf science rebukes the eaim. TUhs insidious sud growing disease yll ot b. driven fron the.systemi unleas a medicine in given that wilbhdissolve the hard sub- stance-uric aoid and oxaisate of lime- that give rime te the distres ansd pain that is comme» te ail who suifer frein kiduey complaint. South Amsricau K!d- ney Cure is s kidney specifac. It. disse'. vos these bard substances, and wbile it; dissolves ut aieWhb"l. The cures effeoted leave rie question ofits menusa. Sold by J. E Willhs. Whoe Baby w« ellk, 'vo gae hft CABLrl whenS oevas a oend, heoefsdfor Castonia. Whezi MmbecmmeMus, mise c1=9 te o ria Whenibh.bsd CUn.go ?» bMOSUIBL Lord sand Lady Aberd'fbm vWatod Brandon sud sttendod anumberof-t pb1iofuations. Few men better known or-more bighly esteemed in the miniieterial ranks in Canada than the gentlemani whose portrait accompanies this. Although now retired f roin the more active work i the ministry, ho bas beld almost al the more important cbargeq throughoult Ontario as a pastor in the Metbodist (Jhurcb. Re is one of the pioncer prea<lbers. A few 'vords of bis te fellow- sufferers will be tiaken in the spirit which he. .intends them, feeling that in publishing to ths woa4ld the great benefita he bas denived frein hi#' great cure he is but doing bis first daty, t- mma-, and, ini a measure, fulfilling the oid command, I" Do unto others," etc. About ton yearu ago I feit the beginnings of what is c-onminIy known as Eçema. The disease commenced i my saanud spnead entirely uvsr botîh sides of my boadé and ais e veloped on my hands. During those te» yeasIala a great aufferer. - I tried mnay aupposed remedies and smre of the beau pbyicias-spec- ualistaouh ekin dusesea.-treated me. Beyond aff.cting temporary relief, I received ne more benefit and all faled te effeet a cure. &>nie time ago I vas led frein read- ing and investIgating nmre reliable testimonies I1 readti the newapapera to try Dr. Cbase's celebràted Omntment. Thse frit box gave mç se mucb relef that 1I kit waiated m pensevenin. As Iw-rite thisl1am jurt commencng en the fifth box, and, juding frem the rapid improvement effcte, Iam certain tbst befors the box is ccmpleted I sha be completoly cured. 1 think my cure almosit a marvel, and shall be ploased at anytime to answer any inquiry fromalike cause. Hsving .uffered se much myseif, 1 give this testimony forthue benefit oi others. Weil rel. Mr T.H 4.. ready for the f ray Mr John 8 Brahaz,,. the chair at 3 o'clock, anù a very aippropriate speech, deut the offices of the. ssocîatron vacant, 4 requested Mr Geo St John to take thb chair until the riew officers were elected, which Mr St John did. On taking the chair MIr St. John caled for nominations te fill the office of Preaident, resulting as follows: Mr John 8 Brabazon, but de- clined to acce'pt as he had heid that offi- ce for îhý. past two years and was ili favor cf it being pa8sed around; MeBsr,, Geo Shier, G-'eo St John, W H White, Jas Brethour and J G Umphrey were then nominated. Mr JaS Brethour suc- ceeded in capturing the office, amid great entbusiasm, and wil pregîde over Brock Oonservatjves for 1897. Messrs W J (ilbbs ànd Jos Thompson were selected Vice Presîdents and T H Walsh, Sec. - Tieas. Mr Brethour, President elect, was con- ducted te the obair by Mr John S Bra bazon. Mr Brethour on talcing the chair, macle a brilliant speech, and predlicted victory for the Conservatives of North Ontario at the neit election. The following were appointed deligates te attend the convention to be held at C tnnington on Dec 10 --Wm Fair, Wm Brewster, Wm Baird, Ed MeCully, Robt Baird, Dougal Brown, Tim Doyle, M Chambers, Irvin Johuston, Chas E Francis, Thos Foster, Aloi Brown, Jno J Thompson, Geo Shier, John Miller, sr, W Hl Taylor, J Gi Umphrey, John Mil 1er, jun, John T Edwards, John Francis, Geo Turner, Geo St John. W J Gibbs, WVm Junkin. Jas Vroomnan, Julius Shi.er. Jas Doble' W H White, Jas St John, James J Murta, Andrew Followdown, Mark Howson., Wmn Brade». Afiier some ot.her business had been tiransacted the. meeting closed with cheera for the Queen, Sir Charleg Tupper and Mr Whit- Dey. A i Il H A MESSAGE TO MEN. Proving that true beneety and philanmrropy stîhh exist.

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