Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 18 Dec 1896, p. 12

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4 I a nd t Fancy iRA l<LETS ý mcli assnrted, ,and -ialac thîtn evcr bcfoue. i I s~'î îîîî I vîted. A 1îltasure U) i-lu' i îiar t (ls. T. G. RYLEXT, Simcoe St. soutlî, Oshawa. OSHAWA) DEC. 18) 1896.1 OSHAWA PAGEt 0811AWÀL Farmers wîil do well to caîl at NI. E. May's for boys' ready rmade cloîhing. lit wîlI pay any p)arties conteinplatiiig bily- lng an engagement or wî-dding ring ta sre the large stock of Felt Bros. Oshawa as they will selt is rnoth very cheap foi cash,. (;enuine diamond 14K. onlv $ý. Thev are also making somne special offers in Gents', Ladies' and Boys' gold and silve!- watches. Seetîhem. Feit Bros. A. Mackie has demoralised trade n Osha- w a. Mrs \V'm Denean bas returned frorn her Chicago. Mr Fred Robertson bas returned home firom Tara. Mr Breen of Cleveland, is in town Iooking up old frierids Miss Hi James, of Toronto in the guest ol %Ir Hrs Hi Saunders. MIr and Mrs Tapin of Campbellford, vis. ited wth Mrs Dr Henry. Mr John Goyne, who bas been very iii wih fever is able to he aaounid again. Rev. Joseph Sowerbv, of Guelph, is spend- ing a few days n town.witb relatives. Mr. B. Chase, left lasi week te taire a course in the Belevill"Business College. In ordered clothing of ail kinds A. Mackie sînply makes everybody wonder how he does ia. Miss O0(,ovne left Tuesday for Drayton to spend the Christmas bolidays witb ber brother. Mr J Hopkins bas returned from Toronto and will assist bis parents in the bakery business. A. msckie guarantees perleci satisfaction in order clthing every tme and 40 percent off regular prices, think of t. Mrs. LeRoy, of Toronto,' who bas been visiting wih ber son, Jack, for the last thuee weeks returned borne on Saturday. Wbile Mr. Goyne, of Kedron, was coming into town Tuesday morning lie had the mis- fortune to run mib te trolley car, whicb re- sulted in a badly smashed buggy. Lieut. Richardson, of tht salvation army, farewells on Sunday and goes 10 Toronto, Lieut. King, of Portage la Prairie, Man., wili take bis place. Lieut King is a gond .musican and will be quito a belp to the local corps. The 48th Bail Band concert in the Music Hall on Mionday niglt was a great succese. The numnbers wert weIl rendered and the tht spççtators got a treat never before pro- sented to a local audience. Tht vocal solos hy Miss Would were charniingiy rendered. Tht 34th Batt band assisted the Highlanders. The huge stock that A Mackie is booming at tht present lime consistes of general dry goods, mens furnishing, otdere<l and ready made clothing, carpets, general bouse furn- ishings and a fullotn of groceries and pro- visions, ho takes farîn produce in excbsnge for goods, issuet coupons with tver pur- clisse and gives good useful presonts. We wonder why so many of Whitby"s young meni have to corne to Oshawa for blieir girls. Are te Whitby girls shy, or are the Oshawa girls more attractive? It was quite ansing tolitar sonie of the remarks ont of these yeung men macle wbo cornes bere quite often because his name appeared ir tht paper as a personal. If hc-is ashamed of having people know wvhere he epent his Sundays lie should certainly stay et home. f Tht Christiaun Workers held an -'utograpb social at their churcit Tuescla> niglil. An excellent programme was given when tht foflovi;rg took parie: bMessus. Alibitson sud son, Adents. Haveuson, Murray', Caîhoun, .Inch,. Collis, F.-FalIing, Cox'sud J. Shorts. Misses E. Gurnmow, Ellils sud Mus. Hlcks. Tht Rev. P. Fletcher accupied the chair lu hie usual happy style, vhite Editor Mnndy addueseed te audience. Thtis body f peo.- ple au-e bouud ta-booui îbeir çburcb. Everi" Tueda>' eveulsg &# exteeibffly good pro- gramme ÃŽ& gîven. Tht pubiçt le invited snd no charge ls mado for Jnhittanc. Tise Vindicator fSuds <batishe C181LoNîCILa îl ey much mlstsk*àn l sppd!rig what le the. objeet of de promnotof te ,move ta reglaté te salaries t hIJl * aned public sc ia~chers. W. trut w.are wmoug in *tmavufc'in-kt hum-A'.é a liawà* glire. we 0e on. 01 It Sn of <hi vbem peaus me w. btvvewlt 1 avîcogo oint cut .idan, vlsited iu Bow- rikand chidren, oaistetroit, art .%ith relatives. (wynne, of Dundas, bas'entered the W11minion bank as junior clou-. D)ean Harrie, St Catherineýs, bas been con- iduciing a mission àË- Si Gregory's cburcb. Rev J E Qcigly, D D, e native ot Oshawa bas been app'îinted Bîsiiop of Buflalo by Pope Leo XII 1. A. Mackie is carryirtg on tht mnost stupen- dons clearing sale, at the old Wghtnian stand, ever witnessed in South Ontario. Tht 34th bot, orchestra wilI- give another dance i îhe-îu roams Fridav night. This wlll bei the lasI dance tbey will give Ibis sea- son Gea McLaughtin left on Monday for the Maritime 1pro%ýinces to take charge ai the McLaughlitî arri:ige Cos business mn bhai part ofthe 1) miion. Everybodv, shotîld see wlmat Alex Mackie ks doing in Ohaabt-fore niaking ati and winter purch.is-.ts. Youi cannoî afford 10 waste a dollar these bard trnes. Trie following art the officers of the Si- ;regor vs club: President,ý C Crowle%ý Vice Pues, W O'Connor; Secu-eîauy, B1 Wheeler; Trreasurer, L O'Connor. Mu Chas Reinhart, west of this îown, wil! go extensively imto the growth of tobacci, nexî year. li is generallv ssserted that fint tobacco cannot be grown in these northeni c limes. Mu Govne, from near Kedron, drove it town early Tueseav morning, and while driving morth along -Simicoe Si, the binaj wheel of his buggy was struck hy the earl: irolly'car, anîd sorne damage dune to the utg. To ail readers of the CHRONICLE : if I cent save yau six dollars ont the cost of s sixteen dollar suit made ta order, cornpartd with an>' taller in bbi-. coumty, i wiil give you a free suit, now keep me ta ibis offes, Alex. Mackle, Oshawa. Commencement Exercseos. Tht Commencement Exercise-s cf the Osbawa Higb Scbool in tht Music Hail lasi Friday nilzht attuacted an immense crowvd ot people. L K Mlurton, Esq, chaîrman of' tie board, puesided, and after a few opening rc- marks, tht schoot gave a rollicking chorus, "'Commencement Day bas Came." Mu L C Smitîh, principal, reviewîrd tht work coverei by a cour-se of tht schoc.I. This fotlowved tht- presentaioît of cirtîficates. Rev Mu McColl puesenled the Commercial cirtificaleis. Rev Falier jeficoti the Primruay and forn iwo cirtificates, Rev Mr Talbot tht Junior Leav- ing, Rev Mr Fletcher prese.nted prîzes tor- Eritrance anîd division one and two, Re% Mu WVilson gave the prizes for divisions tit and forîn. At adduese by Mu jas Brovan, principal of Wbithy Model School. a duet by tht Misses Ri-e, sud as olo by Miss Mabel Thoimas were pleasing additions te the pua- g ram. Tte LaIe Daniel Lick. Tht tiLje-cî of ibis .aotice was bora in Mont. goruer> countY, N y, on thé 14hb Of lebruarv, 1827- He wu the second sonol i ten and S.phte Lîck, who came îa Cainada when he w&, in ras third year. The famniiy loeated in th, townihip afi Markb4m. and were ther foui yefars. In 1834 iey nîaved 10 lot 34 in tht 711 concession ai Dauliiigtoit, upon which was ouîý 1%e .mall clearing. With uoady aud wilîing hand!ý land was secuued for ail the sons of tht bouse ho d. la early htie, Dantel, who was active asic prrstvtrtug. look advantage oft lie educatiena faciîities thon at hand, sud scquîred the profi ciency that qualîfied hîru for a sohool touchr. a pursuit which ho iollowed successtuily for veau' in Canada and the United !States. bn 1855 be marrîed Miss Elizibeth Mitchell, and tatughi school lu the present village of Solina, froc' which place lie movaed te Bowmanville H-arbor, wheue he was book keeper, til the G T R. by divertt'mg trade. lost hlm bhis situation. Thon lie mov'-d ta lot 31 ta the 7th concession of Darling ton where lie alteruiaied faring sud achool teacbînlg urtil 1862, when ho purchased the norti 4o scies of the A Faiewelî propeu t>'ini H-ai rnony, and re-sided there, s successfut farine, ill 1892, wben ho bonglit propot'y on thie cor- ner of (-entre sud Medcalf sire ets in titis tewn. sud lived a liue cf case and retirement- He wÉL« uoi a uugged. but a, bard worklng rua who bv skilful maitattement acqtsired coasiderable pro paut>'. A man of no pruud profession y'et a true Ctinst4au, lie wouabipped in the Christian churcit tho latter part ofuls 1ide. lie bd gond abiliti ami ruade gond use nithemn. Hie trnihfullness and honesiy weue neveu doubted or qîiesttoued. He brevelled ibrougli Europe land Amnerîca largely, and vas able 10 express himeelifiuently. sud to îalk tatelligontl>' about what he bad heard sud seen. Having a enial, disposition ho wa» an entertalniag cSmpanion. suad many friends enjoyed bis conversation. He vas taken ilIlu Ja>' last of multiple nervius. or paralysie ai tht neuves, agaissi hch ho struggled manlully sud paticntly for the mastery but b>' degrees gradu. aIlly grew wouse. potvxthsiandiag everything titat skill and attention <Suld do, until Satw-day the 5ih inat, wbtn ho peacefuly ase away--tle ftuai break lu ibis generatiost beLaickfamily. He was alursys a UÀberal la poiitics, md siways Jacknowledged to be a sourceof strength .gc'- fience and encouragement ta t pan'. lie issue of bis mauriago was <huee soiu sd <te daughiers. ali fwbamsurvive bm uiept the eldebt son whodied aqed 2.a.- r.d tbe ecWu daugbber. who dled >n ianfaacv. IRh sonE&i weod ila living on the Eut Wbithy bhosestead. H.erry le an accouatani in Dotroit. Tht eldest da ughte is the wiiof Mr 1E Hiukson, and the youngest le a teachor ltving at i qîne Tbt)tn- oral uras laugel>' attended, sud the lest sad rites were couducied, uader laeocasicsby b>' brettera fraistht lodges of lWbiîb sud yOshiawa. The bereavcd faînîly have te beart- ï-lIt sympathy of the community-Refoemtr. ilàL. VICKERY, bau-ber. Btmom et sta. BROOKS» LIVElaF, iScanestuet, north. WU. BOLPH. harnois. maker, imees street. r. B. MOTHERB&LL, butuhor, King ât, Woot. Da. PA&TTRiRUoN, Deatit - office ever Rovs's X.. J. 8Ax.m-Doîslna,PbmnasaMd organe, aimca. steet..1 W. E. Disu, -enral Agent Ontario lutual Lire Âsuu-rios Co. Aenýt* vated. WILLIAM J. Dnàms, Dominion azd Otala Land durveor. CivilEngineer, IBom $7, Osh- CosîxmoxÂz HoTnu--J. C. WOOD, praprftor. Mlodern * hastelry, gusai Md0 eeku$by equipped.. D. M. To.-Osterer fer Dalle, Assenblies, Wml-. dingo, Suppere, etc.. eto. â1S<o a0- W»ndi a lon. Hlouwuu- Whitby.Ositw& ,atagulins. Lenves Ouha$ 8Is amand .9 Pulhaud 1aur CAi, DWU5OUfT «ffni atgsS slelahet catt sp, my jmm aBum,, paiteraa ees*,. e*e 13o n «*c. " The utfmtt chi*1of Harry Pankheurit flkm - Canant amd daughters were in 4he jitylat week. 'ý Brooks shij1îped eeveral car loads of f.pples last week. blees Frank -Reese, John unningharn, E Fltebr, m. Genaay tl S McFar- iainý-1eft ou Sunday- for Cote St Paul to go to work in the Canada Uge Tool companys works there. Plne Dale. (Too late for last issue.) MIr. C. Boit, of Sunderland, preached here on Sunday. Mrs. Jno. Hoskin is quite sick at ber son- in-law's, Mr. Win. Hall. Mrs. Richard Sonley, sr., is suffering from a severe attack of inflamumation of the lunKs. Mr. James Rennie is exhibiting somne fine catlle ai Guelph fat-.stock show ihis week. There is 10 be a Christmas tret in con nec lion with the Sabbath school here sotte tirmu during the holiday's. lariculars later. Mr. Ceo Frazer had the misfort une to lose his onily cow last week. She is supposed wu have (lied from the effecîs of a wound whîch she received sorne trne ago frorn an axe iv the hands of somec person unkiown. J. C, BOTT. mafleld. Mu. F. Ashton is vistng ai Greenbank. Mu. J. S. Ashton sud Win Humpage visiied [oronto on Saiurdsy. We are plensed te see Mus. L. Niddery sudl Misýs K. Ountuston arotind agalu suter ibeir recet line as. Quste s number f rom bere att,-nded tht oystet supper aiL Rag kan ou Frida>' nighî lait snd report a gucud rime.' Mu W. Avery bas reated Mu. W. G McCul iougb's farm. We expect ho will sean be takiny anto hiruseli a wtt e. We wish hum succeas. The Sous of England of titis place are goinu, te have the White Rose degret coafcrred upor. tem by ihe Ha-mpton brethuen on Wednesday ovonang the 23rd insi. Thty intend haviug a oysteu supper at tht close. Ali brethuen welcorn- Tb'-re le sorn,ý îalk of s complaîni beinir lai1 be-fere the council on nomination day ln rrgarc to the ptank which was Lefi here %boutia e ouuarn a hall age for sidewalk. It bas neveu been laie tnd some et them are mnissng. Men wî o au' ippointeei te look aller tht business of the town ,hip sud negleci to do sa are net fiite be theure Ra&g1an We are very sorry te beau that Mu 1 Burns i, ill. We hope for his recovery. Tht Forresters h'ud a good turri oui ai theiî cyster supper on Foda>' eve. Proceels $2;. The whole topic naw is the Xmas fair ta b beld here on tht 22-id insi. Eve-y one welcorne Tht ueadq are very bad just nOW,-itdon"1 %pem as if ve tre gotn)g te bave sltighing for1 Xrnas. We are much pleased te set so mac>' arenci the pray.-r meeting at Mu M&lyous. Ht sý mnch worie aStlime of wrtng. We were permitted te have the piessure o bearing a negro lecture on Sabbaib ove at.et, place in the lemperatîce hall. tie gave a verN gond address sud sang ver>' well. We believe that doge are again at ehf-ep i- liug. Mu J Barle>' had two killed on Sund;î> norning. Tht bags vilil be qitte heavy as su- u'aierstand te canno recover the leçs as th, she-ep weue runnîng on tht commnons on the Foster fox farrn. We wotrld ad vise others who ihave sbeep oui 10 keep tem in, for tht dog tha- womres onteuili worry maire. It seemnia s hamne (or sheep te ho pickiug their living ibis titie of tht yeau. Jas. Wilkin le hauling ha>' te Toueonto Wm. Hubliard îe geing te Uxbridge te attend schooL Mu. 1 ac E Disney' le comniag back ta Batsam to keep store People are bus>' b2uling out the wood tbat the>' houglit at the sale last week. Mu. Philp le living in Mr. Blaekbtrs bouse. [-e wili keep store sud post office. Mu. las jomes cnt hie baud while killing pigs Ht bad te have the wouud stitched up. Read W G Auinouu's ad. Tht atteudiagi physician ai Mu David Briggs balds ont ver>' lttle hope ofbis recover>'. . Mu T W Brookes ai this place ie locu.l tes agent fou G Marshalsud Co. Londou, 0Oaî. Quite a number of pou-sns fucin ibis neiibahr- boond vet te the oyser supper st Raglan last Finde> nlgbt. Mu Edwina Carinieoal, itaving spent a yeau or mare ia Waterloo, lowa, utuned bomne s 1ev days ago. Mu Jackson. from Wbtthy, sbipped a -car load af applie fhor the C P R station boue to the east ane day asat week. Mur Chas Sornherger's good e etsblpped b>' tht C P R from bore hm st ek <o Parkdale, wumithe efail>'expect te ucido. T7hrongh tht ver>' wnat laitsonfaIthe Rev. Mu Buaner. oit dus circuit, dwing tho pasi few weeks about a sore of persan-s houe have cern ineed ta lead Chuistian lves. Mu- Dowson, wbo bas bs worlsgthtRun- dit iaumn, movoed ta Port Pou>' lst eek. and Mr Wtles. vit'bas latel> bsu occuping Mu Kenîs hanse bere, vil mvo on litebnâù vaca-, ted b>' Mu Dowson. Aceordlug Ia anunrmet, teRev Mu WeîbmofaiPrince AIbeut, leta putsch. here ne= Suda>' mauang sud addross the SundayF &Bea t he aften, nud Rev Mr- Redford frai A*hita à&iste occspy the pulpit ile eove. Dlng. Those servi=o eu acoonectias witb the fueowll lfforino; tbo S s i rlends. AI the tofàst eOfhà["Ana& Tuesdey aftm*-ti«ti, v eel Soe ny vse Poemeby O uànl:isg Mu- std H ai the laieEdwîlu Haýtes a hasppy couple taok the sWfrci evening for TarentOx Pbe!~ veek sud comosencs haqsekiq Saom stxicea mlles traom beSc wise for me te altempt to ds" wMy awn lut) saine <ua iOter* the brtde bÏb>' lieu as>'.fuie Suaday leblool disse Of Yom' seemu mot 4y-lq bave becs i ane vho mot ber-M ber vert iu-esesor tht-Issu fli eu th ve r l,..SItein ia ssuIelas a St*sid $lil1 ith bela"rese ofl et *tilý ie P Radges on &E, aquWe-w<tdditig te RevIdeM-u=e, kard, foumeul>' aI gto tldtet daugitor bi ieTbe tek rain<ome Whitby Town LhoaIa See the Xtuas Cake illumination st Tod's on Xînas Eve. ýTaffdy ont y 8c. IL on Saturday aI D. àtathson's, Mr. Cih7as. Smith le in Toro'nto this week wiîb bis brother Alex. Tht best of crearu chOcolates orly 40C. Petr pound, nt D. Mth-sorî's. Todas bau-gain titis week 'gill be home made vel vets at 9 cts per boak. Cbristmieholidays et the Ontario Ladies' College cornrenced yesterday. Xrnas bargains at Mu-s. Allin's are wondtr- fui value. Please caîl and examine. We publish a laTgCely increased budget of local and county news tbis week. E. RB. Hayward will give big bargains ln ail depts on Saturday, don't miss thern. Mr. Herbert Adams, Port Perry ' was in îown Ihis week visiting his cousin, Mr. F. H-oward Annes. Miss Mlichie and Miss Argo, Of Fergus. nieces of MIrs. Dr. McGillivray, were her .usseve raI days tbis week. Mrs. Wenman, (net Miss Clara Howard,) of Souris, Mani., arrived in Wbhithy this week wheue she witl visit relatives during the win- ter. 4& per cent. loans made on well limproved farms. Write wiîh stamp enclosed or call on Reynolds, Stauks & Co, 124 Victoria St., Toronto. Great slaugbtering of boots and shoes still continue Mi tht new shoe store. east aide. si and 81.50 boots for Soc. Everyhody wel- corne to bave a pair-Corne early. M. W. Col lins. Too Late for an Adv. Mr. A. M. Gilpirî's beautîful Christmas stock ofjewelry and silverursre arrived too lat 1 permit of lits însertiîig a large adver- tisemenittis week. Ht bas a fine stock, as his window and shelves indicate. A Big Sbipment Of boots and shoes arrived at tht West Sîde Boot and Stioe store this week, whicb grill he sold ai hard tirne prices. zoo pairs of bouse slippeu-s at 9C. per pr. , ion pairs of 5uttoneýd boots at Si per pr. Mens gaiters ai $! peu pr-. Mens laced boots ai $i to 65. goy-s' scbool boots ai 50c. per1 r., et tht WVest Side Boot anud Shoe store. 21mas closnng. Tht Schools close on Tuesday the 22nd inst wben the pupils of tht Collegiate wili givo an eniertainiment in the music hall to raise funds to pav off tht debt on the piano. Tht whole will be given wlth calcium light effecta. A large bouse confidetly expected Admition iS cte. reeeuved seîtà zo cts extra. Men of Enterprise Tht business men cf Whitby are bound bo draw trade. sud their extensive advertis- ing iunttis issue enablts us te issue twelve pages iucîead ai tigitt. Ouir traders are .plendidly stocked with seasouahît goode fer tht holiday irade, and their enterprise ie bound te find a liberal respoase frein the purchasiug public. Wtitby je ne shoddy town. Its business men selI nothing but first clase goode, and aI tht rigtt prices. A Ne-wspa.per Triumph. Tht Toronto Globe issued its Christmas number lest Setnrday, and it la net saying ton much te ciasau>' i as the meat magnific- tnt issue ever pnblished b>' a Canadian newspmuper. h contained .52 pages, twenty of which weue illustraied inu capital style, and printed on fine papor. Tht issue be- toketis a inarvellons dispîs> of ettouprise, and gives futther evidence of the iead The Globe bas crer ail ou Canadian journîtîs. Aithough flot aspiring Ici equal The Glaoie, The Mail aud Tht Wortd published large and splendid Saiurday issues. Two Excellent Teachers Principal Brown was tht recipient on Fui- day aflernoon ofai llusîrated edition oi Tenuyson's Heroe sud Heroines, as a tri- bute of respect frorn the modelites. Mu. Brown le uecoguuzod as one of the leading oublic schooi mon <4 the Province. Mu. Chas. Smith, wbo bas presided over tht fouuth seniors at Henu-y streel during the mnodel teumn, wa.s alsa presented as Fridsy last, ho«ing tht recipient of s gestlemauns couapanton. Mu. Smith yull îesch et Balsasi next yoar. Eacb of tht recipionts replied ta the addrcss in suitable îeu-ms. A Uâttle Traublosmen. There are many' complainte about the pressing mauntu- in wh.sch ou rival hjps porters solicit patronage et the' juaction stiota. They haven't pulled anybady in tva yet, bat their efforts la gel thet tuado places many peaple in a mast undosirable position. Many people are threatening to j umtp off on the. dark aide of tht train sud walk np bowr, rather than bit made thtesuhi- iode aof contention by tht bus men. We b'-lieve tht rules of tht uailway compaîuy areviolated b>' alloving such troublesome Suvassing, sud aur woutit> friend Hop- kins will prabably have ta interfère if there hoe not su carl>' abatement of lte nuisance. coof iCsttlng the HM&I Reove King, treasurer of the commitlee ta spend the counîy aud municipal grante 1w- prov'ng lte bills between Wbitby and Oshawa, banda in the fllowlng figures for publicutios : Receipae-couat>' $*ao, Oshava sud Whitby $ffl, Whltby tp. snd E Wbitby $zoo, J. Lick $5o, subscu-iptioa $6c4 total Sgio. Expendiures-Starr's bibl, voulu-ac rce$î85, tatra vou-k 826; corseter>' bill, Uss;at bl*ckstnlth shop 851 ; Moores bill $415; vWest Of Mor'. On opposite bill $91 ; engnters focs $75; incidentaIs S5.5oa; total LS(> 35o.This Icaves thc committot $5o uhot, but there are are some e olectlon yet to make on tbe privat. subecuiption that vas cîrculaeid.' The Voal Society' The firsi genou-aI meeting of the Wbitby VocalSocietyy wil bu leld in thet Ã"ddiellows Halr on Wedhesday evening unt, Dec -%,rd at 7 'COdkC Mr JI W F hiatrison, the musical director of thte ociety vill bc Prest totemeet thtmember.- 1: le demie- ablorîbat cicr>' end that lnt"ds o e#ad Vantae ftht course of practicatInstruc-' tion ia vocal musie widcr this accauîpI ,bed cd artlet, wboa i: t t1Cr F 1NFarlgton, bos hadth t. né e intconuatIn% cboral clasisbm n> ùuisican ln-Cna, shoield mel uiathet ial etigbeweeu M,liHisôer sd t4<lI otety. . Tht ,roç)n Granger, acc., 62c., Geo C Wbhie $1 33, Jno Newport $3, Hatch & Bu'. *3.13 Total $90 14. Dr. McGillivray buought in the an- nual report froru the comniitteonischool management '"which was ordereq 10 be en- larged in foi ni oi tht annual alItement and printed for distribution at tht annual nomi- nations. On motion of MIr Barclay the sec- reîarv was instrucied to procure fiftcorî cop- ies of the Schcol Stabltes of 1896 for the use ofîbhe board. On motion of Mr PVarewtll tbe commttiet on printing was ordered to have blanks printed for tbe use of the prin- cipal of tht collegiate institute in sending montbly zeporis tb parents aud guardians as to the standing of pupils. On motion of Mr Barclay the committet on scliool properly was instuucted to furnieb tbe collegiete in- sîllute w th a cyclosiyle or other similar in- strument for dutplicating examination papers. On motion of Dr McGillivriîv the saine corn- mniltte was ordered ta provide lamps for tht institute. Tht board then adjourued. Town Coancil L The annuel meeting of the town council ta pie&s a detailed financial statement took place on Tneqday nigrht. A letter was read from Mr W W Tamblyn, asking 10 ho re- lieved of taxes on his salary as ho ig not noir receiving a salary. Letter front board of bealth enclositfg bill-of fées Of $2075 frotn Du )AcGiIlivu-ay for medicine u.sed in attend- ing tht family of R Collins. afflicted witb diphtheria. Bot referred to finance com mittet. Reeve King read tht detsiled For an appi financial statement, whicit showed tht don't fai town's debt to be about $c5,oo with assets of about tht came amount. There was an Wths expeuditure of a little less thau $2,400 On streets during te ytar, about balf cf which Jewe] was for lumber. Thteiectric lightiug cost8i about $ioo lessa than lest yesr, and other de- S p:rtmente about tht samo. Tht reeoe aI ail pri sadthat after aext year the debt would b epe reduced te lese tban $63,ooo, sud tht ssving poî. lu sinking fund snd interest would maire a men s Pr g-uest red action in taxes. Tht town bas and tact S13.500 temporarily discounted in tht bank, ai a ri but Ihere iii sufficient on thetaxe rolli b pay ciondbti aIl calls and leeve a balance. Tht bill for values i interest ai the bank du.ring the year was awaits yi $57 _c. Tht town pays .554 per cent. ou money borrowed aud receives 334 peor cent. lf on ils sinkiniz fuud in tht bank. T ho reeve L>OU 8 paid a high compliment to ChairmanV Deverl cf tht streots committet for hisex e celleat wou-k during the year. Ht said that KING 1 more work had been dont for $24oo than 0 itad been doue yeeu-s ago when the annualO wrant was $3000. Deputy Pringle said it P.S.-We ws an astonishiug feature connectad with alanse our municipal institutions that men couId trish.n ho found to tuansact ail our business with - rsh out compensation, and with a faithfulness' whicit conld flot ho exceeded if eseit were hoing remunerated with a large salary. He ssid the chairman cf tht difféent cerm- mittees titis year had given the mosî WJaLL1 thou-ough care to every detail of business. Tht question cf clappiug on a per centage wbert taxes are nal paid by a certain date was huought np The reeve said il did net work here. Tht poor people would have an extra burclen placed upan them hby sncb a plan, and their taxes ai-e hiiter titan they can psy now somotimes. Coan Scott ex- pressed the same opinion. Tht council thon adj ouu-ned. ~ Mr Wesley lobns and childàen, Mus Win Frayn aLd chiîdren, Manitoba, are visiting their friend e be. Rev. Dr. Workman. Toronto, will preacb lieue Sunday rnornng and tvening, and lecture Mon- day nigbî. Thteauai îhank offering will be taken on Sumday. Thtetnnaimeeting of tht Liberal-O'onserv ative association for the wosî riding of Durham was held bere last Friday. There was a very sjir suiendance, showing conclusively that tht cause is on tbe wain. Thoro wss a public meetinR bore on Satnrday callod by the township cannai to diseuse the new counny concil net. There wss qite a gond attendance and the morits of the act was pretity woll ventilated, Mr. E. N. Varnum. lot 26, con 6 Darlingion. was arrested by Chîef larvie of Bowoean ville last Frîday for î'lief:; ho spoat the nicht ln the cooler and got hie triai the next day. Me amoited bis gudt snd su h wae bis fluet offence be wu, let of by paynR the cuets, about S&. 1: wme hem Mr. Chas. Rogers of this village Ihat ho stole twco pair af boots and some other articles wbile hie bouse antd buggy was standing ia Benneu's shed, Bowmanville. Grand Trunk Rail way. Ghrlstmau3 Now Toaiwu. SINGLE FARE-at one way 'St Clas faro, good goiug b y.ajtanTiuaa' Dec. 241h, S j« orUrdý4ec621, god t rulita ug detautua latex 'tian Saturday, De ý-61, 8&,& FARE AND) ONE-THIR-D. -Good, goiug by anytrin Weieedy, eç i3rd, Thusu4aY,,24th, .0? I?7d"' 25eh, uatl atert4 IOu dY,, Jan4th. 1897. NIw YEAU&. SINGLE FARE-D,P=,3it, 1896, or tnaton çt ltr itian eu sd, :897. FARE AND ONE-THXR- é C. Bu i yu ikes, for abovme frors- SIRRCY iI OhvaRy o' ruy Oabaw Y.;Lw IF YOU ARE LOOKINO VOL. X Xmnas Tu )ropriate HOLIDAY PRFSENT il 10 inspect our large stock of Clockp, iry, Bilverware, pectaces and Novelties, ces, suitable for ail Purses and Rich men's qualitîte at poor ices, selected expressly for you i article marked in plainfigures ice you con afford to pay. A ur51 of beauty, radiant with good and sparkling with low prices Four inspection et ed ewelry Stoi,f ST. WEST, OSHAWA, )PPOSI-IE CENTRAL HO-rEL. cordiaily invite you to corne .cure the choice, and avoid the at PELLOWSY and sec hie Wrougbt Steel -AT- qp50.00. Aiso bis COÂL OIL and OAS STOVES -FROM- $5.50 to $25.00 BOOTS à SHOES. Seaonble Footweor -AT- RUBBES, OVERSHOES, FELT BOOTS1, LONG BOOTS, Ail New Goods. EAVY PLOW *BOOTS, 81. s:mm Oerm: Ladies'Bttou Boots,, standard rivr#e. at..i.................. Girl.' <O .Gralu ~ttx ot 11 to 129,1lté 29 i.... GirWH.ay Io.dB0o0s4good Bava'1%Fine LoedBoots rVeted, il $018....,. . oh ', . &-. . - - Ourk*iinDe#r M[ IS Ti an on_,- r UPHGLSTEKÂý n t0ou c 'L ~tique fîia . Anique Oiak iaash R, Parlor Set>,, ( , '- 1- Si d cboa.-d - 1*.0. MN Budrocin Seutt-, pi"' limfing Table, 41lýavt. Ch:ldren's Rockers Alother egoodspi poriia.tlvche.-; u,tful atuG WI"î-.ng v. i . t st aseri WVm Established mabi G anit j Du n das WHTB Chas. H. (Fermtuly W( porter and Di GRANITE X, the latest mat kinde of Cent gwuau-anteed. "Sg";D FOR ID micSTER-1S Cipitdal Athor -BOARDO01 JOHN COWAN, ESQ. RIEUBUN S. Mat T. H. MM Ganerai Banki Drafts issutd, Ps, ada, United States land, payable in per ceî't. allowed o and credtted baîf>' 5pecial 4att W'T7è' fft Bôokýe1 NQP 97lc 874e SOc C . bn 1 «, t e ronidt.

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