Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 20 Nov 1896, p. 8

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GOODSzz t ]3OTTLING WA&X, JUTBBER RINGS fruit jars. ai FIRESIEI INSEOT POWDER, POWDER GUNS, FLY PADS ANDJ PAPER, TIA.NGLEFOOT, (sticky tly paper. of Prescrjlî»on, If and Fam;?y Reup;e rccezes our care/ui fersonal attention. -AT- Ryley's Drug Store, Simcoc St. south, Oshawa. OSHAWA, NOV. 20, 1896,. Hemu, Cedar Dale, bas moved ni lûto Ot M J.Hem, Bowwanville, la the g e ýcfMneffotOqMd s ttshe adbk, t yle. CIOT w> Mia J A Schofieid andi cbildren are ylsiî* ; tfld W«g. eres lhln ing. iluPis. . Whiby lnt Tht 34th baU't. baud. baye received ae r- ôfieI l e -unifornis rom Ottawa W . iCahe lser *ifî b_4Y5ce 10Atbêlàt S Miss Wlgg bao been engaged' te teach at Mra D Tud la orôt general- ho.'- the Eufield school next yesr. pitaI ubdttgo ment for a growth-in Mra. J. A. Sebofield qnd children are visit- hér nose. nding nt their former borne lu Paria. ther page of sasle of stand- n~bsing timber ,cou 3, Reach, the prop- fOIY lu Oshawa, the ulfe cf W. H. Marks cfa erty of AI.ewu Esq., ou Weduesday, son. In Oshawa, the ulfe of AIf. Farrow, 01 Dec. 2ud,s a daughter. Atu-y child cf IRetbeu Sennett Miss P Hezzlewood, uho bas been visitiug fu yd 1 in luthehbouse a pece ef bread frienda, returned to her home in Michigan that ie sreo it po is o iutnedfor on Monday. mice, a ~oec t ti o uape The most reliable newspapers of Great cario tuton. Some tise ago the family Britain announce the fsct that the ?riisceoi lost a li by i being acalded. It fell wto Wales will visit Canadaluin 897. a tin tg water. ') Mis. Smih, mnother o1 the ex-memnber for e iSaeuowssrce South Ontario, had a [ales ekçm par ta on Satnrday died on Wednesday which she stistained sericus injrs, ek e Deceaaed was a mînister in the MissTheesaGarrttUijflOS nslatchurch for s great mnany Yeats, Miss heres Gar ettuoe ofour young hm d to resigu on accout of poor bealth. IS lady nurses in Belleville hospital, is lying as 78 years old. Service will be held dangerousîy ti at that institution with'îy-i Methodiat chutch this morning, and 'S phoid lever. 4 y lil b. taken to Belleville on the At the monthly meeting of the ladies' aid 3 a mi train for interment. of nxecal( st chu rch beld in the vestry lasi week the following officers were elected President, Mrs G W McCol; vice pres,Mi R Grey, treas, Mrs W H Kirby. OUb*wa Dusinea Dlro«OtrY. Deaths ,acEY abe.Smo tet In Oshawa, on theti ith inst., Bertha Eliza I rbSier Stoereet.rI beth, eldest daugbter of Joseph and Phil BROOKS' rEYSmcêtetorh mena Brockman. At Thornton's Corne ff'. ROLPH, hameau mâker, Slmeoe Street. East Whitby;, on the î2th inst., Alice MTEanIbtbr igS- 0t Lawrtnce, wîft of James Luire, aged r .MTESLbthr ig8. et years. CIE. PATTIESON, Dentiat; offeece ?r URO'r The Flouer Mission wilJ meet at Mrs. store. F. Blamnev's on Friday at 3.30 p. ru. r t. J. STALTElS-DOZfllfl.oflpianlos ad organs, Mission desire te extend their thanks t t Sixucce sStt dlireciors of the Mechanic's Insantte for t use or the l;brary for meetings du ring W. B. thEB., General Agent Oxtarie Miî1tual summer months and aise týb frien ~fdLiteàmsurance CO- Agente wanted. well wishers ubo have se bI , mrimener WILU.Mj. Dnà-ss, Dominion a"d Ontari, ed theru wîth donations. Lanzdtturvoyer, Civil Engineer, Box 57, Osti Ai a meeting cf the Oshawa Min ecria' swý Assuciation held last Frlday afternof, tht ý,oumuE4cXiAL gOELx-J. C. Woen* propriet-or Rev. J. P. Wilson was enrolled as s M ber, Modern hoatelry, neat and ooiwrtabi, and elected president cf the assocîat p il succeed the Rev. J. S. Clarke, remnov ejfroni [. M. Ton . --ceterr or Balte, Assonîblie., Wed- i ne association-madearraug11ut for tht annuel union Thauksgiving s ývice will tic held lu Mtdcalf St. church, z6t inst., (ll Tht lecture given by Mr Carswve tht UTlweil knowu tbmperance orater, ln th to«1i OSH A W A A GE hall Monday night s exceedingly it rest- ing. Tht hall was utîl filied by i ap preciative audience, who beartily e îyer his amusinz anecdotes, internîixed hi tht tales of his temperance campaig Tht OSKAWA. chairman, Mr Wm Dyer, opene wit Farerswîl dowel t cal a M~E.praver, a: d made a short, practical a res5 Ma sr bys' red mdo eltcl] hîng. F. Tht Rev bMr MacNab of Toronto, o upie< tht pulpft of St Ge,,orge's church last S nday it will Pay ans' parties conteinplating buy He is eudeavoring te raise rnoney 'o beil lng an engagement or wedding ring to , clear tht fliting debt of St Albon's ÃŽathed tht large stock of Felt Bros., Oshawa a, rai. Ht took thetctn commrandmc!bs loi thev wîll seli this month verv cbeap fot cash. lis text iu tht evening sud preached igrant. Genuine diamoud 14K. on.v s5. They aad ist n sroi,, explaining eadti com also making some special offers in Gents', maudment in ils turn, and peiuing ouit ho%, Ladies' and Boys' gold sud silver watct'es people break theni whttî they are not awart 'ýee them. Feiu Bros. cf tht fact. Tht Harbor Company bas put in a î,ý herse power motor for operatiug their elevat -Tht editor ore tht CHRoNicIEu will b(7 or. Tht power is supplied by the Oshawt ie'lt id at Lttie's book store, l atcly P'oks-rb') railway company and tht ucu arrangemnen. t-vrv- Wednesday as usual. Special term, la 50 (ar giviug every satisfaction. Mr. Ster 'n >S.bcrîptions an)d clubbing. ricke-r teck à numaber of the manufacturer, of the town dounciudeya.ajs MIf-ssNI Lansing Sundaved in ScugogZ. mtor work. Electric poweruliiTr Mrs. G Rice, Whitby, sisted iu town last cotrrse or timf be introduced where Steam 1! w ts k. uow used as it lsa èaimed te lie cheaper atnd Mr A Thonipson speur Tuesa in R ow-t, saftr. ma ri vi 1)e. Miss A O'Connor, ia visitiug with Brechin Mr Clark Bennett, of Toronto, was lu town ovter Sunday. Mrs B j Rogers leaves this week for s visit Io Rochester. mr A m Salter visited t7ourtice friends last weefr. Mr sud Mrs A Sleep, Seagrave, was lu town last week. Miss P Chosie, of Wbîtby, speut Sunday uîtb ber parents. Mr H Graham, or Manichester, was ivi town on Sunidav. Mr 1 Law of Pickering, visited bis brother M A Law last week. Mr. J. Provan, who bas been visiting lu Scotland, bas returued homne. àir. jue. Luire spent Sudas' in Port Hope, the guest of Mrs. Wm. Stephens. Miss Eliza Sheridan left Ssturday morn- ing for Toronto for au extended visit. %Ir Doltatd Spidal was in Port Hope on Suuday, the gueat of Mr. W'ill Sketch. Miss M. Morrow bas been visîting in Port Hop)Ie, tht guest of Mrs. F. Sainaburs'. Mrs NI Finnigan, and Miss E McCormack paid Columhus a flyiug visît on Tueadas'. Miss Iris Macirie will spend the winter in Port Hope with ber sont, Mrs. W. Macirie. Mr. E Scales and siater are home frorn Toronto, beîng summoued te their father's tedside. Mrs. Rot Buck, who bas been visiting wîth ber daugbter here, bas returued home to Port Hope. Rev. Dr. McDiarmnid, Napaee, was in Lindsav lest week ou a vibit te bis sou F. A. McLiarmid. Mrs j S Luire, and Miss Eva Luke arrivedi fromn Svdney, Australia. ou Saturday, sud willi peud tht uluter here. Mirs. D. Lawrence, Toronto, sud Miss Lawrence uere vsiting Mr. sud Ms-s. Ç Lawureuce over Sunday. birs. J. S. Larire sud Miss Eva Larke arrived lu toue on Fridas iastatnsd are tht guests of Mrs. S. Trewin. Miss Phoeee Hezzelwood, who bas bien visiting relatives lu toua for the '-aft tue wleks, returntd te ber homa,-'Michigan on ond.sy.- Miss Grac ~.-'le presided with trident accersssUce'at tht orgas in Simicoe st. Meth- o<jlsi church on Sunday, in the attsence of Ur. ceiger. Rt r. Fater j eficott retu rned (rom New ,,- on a Satürday icoking hale sud hearty 't hiea trip. Htetellect ed quite a sans of' OW.m >br$St.Gregory's chorch. Mm. and I Ms. -McAdie ube bave been ÀëesaDtgs a5weueks 'with Mrs. Hyslop *uetheir rettapi ,fs-m Euirope, started ou Ioud"..for Utb oint îüCadflac, Mich. upche tW iob.ditatffl iokipg after the 0jeyýqs41 0fthe' yônh of'Q»bàws, and isl 00wir Ct"uspIming iiibilding 0< a Itebm Ite f OWn pgppk, - Wes -te by A the nt wuu 1 Chief Jarvis, 01 Bowmanrille, speut ten daysder htintung thta season. It la saio Uat the-reason he did not get. anything là that uhen he saw a deer ioatlng arotud ht wou Id. fromn force cf habit, yell "znoy.çop Even a deer knet tba i S j recovered himatif tht deer would lie beyon bis luriadiction. Itas said Ibat lu another ten tisys tht chief would have orercomne tht habit snd had great luck-Vindicator. Mr. R. A. J. Littie, who ha. uow taken full Possession ci tht bock and statiouery busi tiesa lattly carritd ou by E. E. Rogers, is prepared te give bargalus lu sheet niusic. staionery, novels. memorandum bocks, aud iu othet lhues. Ht bas placed some large orders for Christmnas goodsansduil rush onl somne cf the present stock te makre reom for tht utu gocds. Ht la csrrying on a strictly cash. business sud ta prepared te, taire orders for any paper, magazine or bock published lu America. The Reformer huts up à quetation <ron ancîher paper sud tuakes il the lonudation for a remarir that tht CmRer'rCLE canvasses n Qshaus for priuting. Of course ut bave a perlect rigbt to do so-at least as much igbs as Bro. Muttdy bas te go te Whitby every tise there ia anythlng lu sigbt there, and,hlrasthe parties todeails who have tht disposaI of it. There la net as great-a-aihin- er or beggar suter patronage lunttis couuty as tht publisher ofthe Reformer. Ht should be tht asat man te talir about people gciug au y place te undermine ethera. Lasi Friday eveuiug the epworth league opeued tht baseuteut of Metealf st methodisi chîusch with a scald cretmansd pie social. The place was filied, aud efter they ail had- partaken of refreshmeuts, tbey preceeded upatairs te tht church, where au excellent progransme us renctred. Misses E Rive, M Keeler, E snd IËverson, àMessrs Paul Adams, joblin, Courtice sud the Gordoýs or- chestra t6ok part; after uhicit Mr J J Rat of Peterbore gave a lecture on '"la Marriage a Failure, " which alone was wortb tht mensy charged. Ht kept the audience In roar_.ot laugitter. Ht uillialways 6e snreoahs4 'veicome auy tinte he vi ha.,wa. "«Oskcsbh$ .o-tn l i v!dence lu tihe Vindicator, faxieus te- measure smords1 wjsi*'ris. Ht la a mach harder tian to dl. iose !titan was Diogenes asat spriug, forth. reason titat wble Dlogenes taiksa ýg tisal sud left hinsseif opento tecricianiOaoeb contents bituself uitb askluJ diuficl ie- ticus rs c Mine8og i e ants ;US te prove everytbing w. write au tht 'sabjecL, Every writer should be prepsmed te'O do se, but as ut' .-have, net lime -te» attend te '41 ..Oikoel's wauts, ulso appameitlyhuaa -Uninit ed timeitte, d4evote t tteunlet45" andit bouud to cbewiît -ot, iWe"asicbt'4Wtedis. prove uhat ut bave MtatW, 8.aiie1ttbsdis-ý cussion proceed the s4er cïut. e . f wi citarly disproves, amy as6emtioti Wof où itt seules tht poimt,' mxd we#l1t fbsly acî Titre. inontha frMrDe" .--~ anti cnvkitd '014 W.- f ýrjnu sucainaf~luisté'Im dirige, ouppers, etc, etc. Amo a.aMae oi flouers. [o0. HOULDE - Whitby-Oshau'a stageue Leaves Oshaws at 8 a m and 2 p m,, snt Whitby st 10 a m and SP nm. lomu sCaeAt, manufactunrei of fine carrnages carte, uagops, and aIl kinds of cuttersaac slelgbs. Rdpe.iuiug a apeciaty..1 Jouir B»zuainter and decorator. Dealei in waltiapers, ceitug decoration, yatntp fAmzs Pxra.ow. dealer in stoves. fuinaces, tin uare, etc. Large stock kept cocstantl y cm band- Jobbiztg a spe"l.ty. Simcoe street north. (j.. K. uUTo!sq, B. A. - Barrister, Solcittor Notary Public, Coursysucer, &o. Money lend. (>ffice over Dominion Bank, 61w Street, Osavwa. IL . E.M.a.-Lester in Oroceries. Fane y na.l~ Crocer , Tinwa.re, and pan"yGoo4sm Teaes ud Coffees. Boys' ready sMe enuia V specialty-very oheap. &ucTies SAxza-Tbe subacriber iwîIl bo lua sua, et the central Rotel, à riday 0f ea@L week trous one te 53ooocik Pm., te suake ai sagement@ ultb paillai ulshlng te havessbi- P. Là.ImT & $oir-The leadlng taioaiimf and gente' ftusihing housof! Osbmewr' Spedid saormunt of tweeds, worstedsi sabirt cviareetc. alusys k4e VELT Bus - Walichmakere sud Jewele.l'I Dealers lu vatohea. clocha, jewelery, ailiOr' useseace, etc. Egavlng, grold tait sUres- pl&tind old goîd rings made oV«t Fine ustali, cuk. and jewe WreM t Itsllewing in this vicinity fa nearly ished We congratulate Mr H Martin ou the a dition te his househeld. Mr Mark Holiday's plowing bee wus atÙ atteuded, about fourteen teanis takiug- part- Miss Suait Hug-o, Toronto, bas been visit. iîig ber mamy friends in ttis neîghborbood duriug the past week. Mr Frank Ray bas retprned front Mani-1 teba for the Oluter, but is goiug bacli again lu tht spring, he haviug taken up s seetion of laud. Tht zmembers of the league of Columbus sud Kedron churcbes are endeavoriug to make tht meetings profitable and interest- iug. Youug people cau improve their trne by atteuding. The Rev H 1 Allen, uho has been laid up with la grippe, uas able te take bis pulpit as nouai, taking for bis text,1 "Wben I am weak thon am I atrong," sud delivered a moat eloquent dibeourse. A ueek fromn îtt Stindav Rev'br Marvin ulli preach special thdtiksgiviiig sermons, aud la thaultgpffering uill6e takea. District division cf S. of T. takes place at Hamptont ou Friday uext, sud car. sons are nsaking preparations te take part lu tht evtzuig programme. Mr. W. Haucqck bas been r"-engaged by thse trustees Of S. S. No. 4, ai the sasse ,Maart.ý as lest ytar, $24o.- If theré -àa acoefse contmunity lu Darisanscouàlst jI ,. sent- where among the poor people cf Darlington. xA. ~ Gar bas he !tC< 1t bee~~M't Bowmnauvills i4u cl-hOb. 4~lest itt was paliedti eiSpet t10ar oo,< birtisecb,,,aasengthe mes fJ), lb, îthe stante wmm test -Aêt'-e s~s a tilut and lIn - kîlled bis tçn1 lease them t fr score of tse money. Midgley ube are gla i te. Ib wlthûeùb *bî Ourn eirîl it udMeLaugbin,,perfomed',au opperatien oathiirtiy, sud at .prenet abe la dolng w.IL Mr.Jonathan, Plvtrrdone fQt~oldeat )resideuts c f -titis pacdie&on Thuraday lait 'fier a iery bÃŽr1e-iitcknea., XIre tune- al wslargely attleudtd. 'Rev. E.'E..1How- ard coud.tuçted the service. A Wl!e, four sous, and îwô daughters survive bita, tie. sons live iu Clevelaud, Ohlo, the ther iu Newucastie. One daugbtgi' lamuiried and lives lu Haydon, the other ls stilli tome, and bas the Sole care of ber mother, uhO 1la an invaidlt Rev. Dr. Marvin sud wlfqPoreIvsitinef frieuds lu Cauuiugton. ~ o~Ie We regret te auuounce the, th'.f InWy. Florietta Wyborn, dah«ýÃ" fe y born, alter a two weeku lltEss. h mw inrg parents have tht syoepathY Is the ubole cOmmunity lunttis, th* rsad beteavemeut. Mr. R. Hockin and datsghier, Qf or""IO are visitiug at R. F. picharz Mr. R. F. Richards, ulft and daugbîter5,_ were in Pickering over SnudaJY. Mr. W. R. Courtice spet Sundav ln Whit- by. Mis. j. Milel e Dt machbebtter at tilDe 0f wrltlug. POIST PU . MLr. Wm. Brock ia conhuned te the bouse by throai trouble. Mrt. Win. Halleren. cf Liff<>td. bas bten vWiting fitenda iu town this past week- Rer. j. fH. Mallet, cf Scugog, returued ou deer. Report says that the.uew detective la a!f ter thi, salpýs ef those in town who oeil cgars on Sun day. Citizens beware. Docors Fzvcmor sud Clemeus have removeï their offices go the oid stand opposite thetotee nall where tbey can be fotuad setUed in their ame ý')flloe. The R. S. Williams & Sous Co's tunet will vtsit Port Perry the latter part of uext/weck. Crdera îeft at the Oriental batel or aijes3op Puruiture Ce's office wtfl be promptly 41tced J R Garbitt dead Died at Toronto geueral bospital, on SO'turday 141b iast.,.IBo R. , .rbuit aged 3,3yeà 1. h# ,ieceased, a ycf tg man of swent-tbr Ï years. aas fo~r the Pasi two yeais 'atd for Ms.Harp- er wt ot f thbts town. i The trial in which J. M. Brooks w.-2tthe po. minent figuhle resnlted wintue case be i dstni&,ed Crwu Attorney Farewell Precnt 1the deteuct aeng condncted by M4r. Rvro~ of Totonto, .olicwtor for the Victualler's Ass9hon ol thLt ,Id. Jonathan Laç of Mancl 6ter -takEs tht ti Nio r. MuOu Coates, h'o will go or t c rad as generaf agent for iht Noxo Cu As Mr, Laneîsta MbIy known as atru<worthý mnan be will make/ good local agent, and wt,- do hîs beat forth patrons of ibat The(Royýal$saae f 'S'Agr. o Wlho Dkd on 8cugog tsl ç -tbl6h ifhti, ]oa ~.der. in bis uxuety-eo & rbe deccased ~beeD a residet of ~ lr about ff y~and wne oa Oth,1 faims oit the Island and us recognized oneto the promin- eut agniculturi-sts cf t,i cio4 Beng cf a rePServed nature hb c eroccuptpdany public office. He wus one of «KoSe men who atteznded to bis business and by,ýndustry aqi ffulity hc ha.d aècumnutated a tiSe property, ýo that uhen the deceawed leti bt farlà bche bd more tbau enougb to keep him*oinfortable dtring the evec- ing of bis lite. Thé late joseph Readcisi usaa n of houer, ogWwhose word *as as good asu bis bond. and die<respected by ail bis old friends. The large frperaf on Wedne"sdshoued that the Reader fatmèy ta held in bigh esteem w i this cormuit. esrS William sjoeph keader of cugog aes o f tise cesd W. J. NorT. Port et r ausSU.B. lar.oy G.. W LIAX50, boarber,- neit to poi 1S @fo Oefth.-3mo IzIha.-]Un aaToiïoorhaîtrecelvad baS Mfulnr ad Isurejiarod toq a basa 'ab, - 7-'70 Qoansaf an4 ti iNoe a We hope 1 gentittut 1ried MRc son lias ret. luacsafrly d 'reports huv4ct just no*w t ni3w that t, election laes »"d the gold mnen be t fft1 mes,.IU'buightCtiup aj Th iso g 8a rep ocfthe tue p i.lfnmaS.S. bNo ' 5E for thetbiii er. 1'WCips- A -Y.VaIl ladpn r obXL66 loke CI M",2- ý No rflçaig mouîh s8; bighest atu, ans; avesrigeattendance 4t4'W .Wk, LAiet, tea be. BARGAINS. 1$ig Bargains and ..>pecial induce- ments throughout the whole store. The keenest buyers are talking about our lowr prices. The attractions in prices and large stocks to select f rom aire without a parallel. ]BIG- BARGAINS IN NEW CAPES AND JACKETS.- Our» large, direct importations of German and English Jackets and Capes are now here and our' stock is coin- pletêt Better values and More corrdct styles were nÇyer sho'wn. We are quoting prices away below former sea- sons. Our gjetat object in to make a large turnover which we can 94lY -o bY offering very tewupting price!. ' resGo*'Ms section invites you mtu .taguificent assortruent. ~~'and and Gerznany ail cou- ir quota towards the make- assortment. Most of. the béauties shown by us cannot be -seen eieewhere. Com n ansd go through thent and buy il yog 5Fwuit to. Mil ner bas alusys been saIgld bere a d that it c' utinues tq*p.ýïn part o<(thisbusInçu ss ore~ .~cao~alu y5 dtp apJs Di-ess Mautle mak ing, 1-n- -l1 it branches aspe ~sywîth. ira E.]ELLI .(d KING ST. WEST, FOR--.@ 8]tamshaip T h ek j,.ng d o n ," Poruz , a good look round nias a S <YD'S. ir%«* d-Y- aeock that's alutavs rheLi i IPELLOW-S Also Me WGAL GIL and GAS STOYES- -FROM- ~5U5O o $5-000 ~<$S je' LON( SE 'e e j!ýiU-' rat Onhawa Railway Co'u t -"' sbaa, r 51h, î8oW I ~'l' ~ » 4 Dispensingo, 1

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