Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 20 Nov 1896, p. 6

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lesiu4~byto e ind il broke mb 11111e 14 rt nuaed, vwhite 04"pd, to- "ý4lo yenume. it -y.t, mamma ' asked il1sM. fellovw*ho badl staidraway from mahel tbat moI n uorder te mee.hie father et vithiLie fleet. Sis -mo*her lied amarine glas-a& Iuxury that-ber Dosg'hboneen'vied hem'. la such ceaouvoaLier as this. if Liey oould net.distingulali the.men, they could et IçasI make eut the gigantbo numbers on the salle. ne vould have remaiued a long time vatohing hie fatior'a sloop as i ao amallor and imallor in Lie distance, but hi% moin lad hlm &*&y. -They muet go bock to, the bouse le ihein wonk. They loit.red along the hurbon, vhich *had lest its animation novw that il. fleet of fishlug croit vas ge.. On the. aide iovamd thi evasw a few amal boats voro waitiug tiliLie ses vent dowû a 1111e befuoevenîuring ont.,d -on thse olier aide' h#4 Ia 40sen slip. Wéee ducarlg tlefr drgoos ofcoisdtk mnle Furner. stopped mechanieally in the middle of the-quay te look saIaafine Euglish hhreo*muter, Lie Harding, -vhicb came evomy:w-eek w;th a cargo cfceai. A sailon, leang on tho rail of the slaip, av hor ndw ved hisesap gayly le hen. She hurned away sud hunnled, np lie Rue 4de la Falaise to erhome. Two heurs lator thse lungens of the Rue de la Falaise ver. greatly snnprieed t. see Mamtr Fournier, thse evnem of the fishicg sloop T 672, hâatening angrily homeward. He had.net enter.d the ions. before his neighbors ble ute learnuLie reason of hie sndden rotin-n. j Whyiba i.ocorne béck 1h v a ia v'tiat Liey had of leav- ing port, withl al als set., vhatever tiae weatiur, vhlis vwue'kuowu &IIup and doms Lie cousa as Tropont »I'ig ]Rér backsty ihad beon broker, sud Fournier lied laid te corne bock te port for repairs.- Thweevoe alnoady undon ansd once heolied hie men at vork he à" lcorneup1t e. hOIa vif. a moment. 'Tonr vife-siae heu gene out, but &h. *ÃŽill bebàck dfdirct>.' Hevsgo nnn himmseif a glass cf hile vine froni the' pitéer h. bldrdavu Liat usoeing before Ieaving, vhen ho noticed in iutànd open on the. table sud Lie peât beocle il, *li *et vils ink. 11 -vas hiâeson s peuansd lukstand, but alte liai. 1.11ev neyer vrote du the iI4 i.csladed Liat hi'e lemutave been vrshinq. Alacosi aL the, sane ie- meut ho notsced a letton in lié bine Vase on tihe mantel, end iiýthoutl thinking ho opmaed iand réad Umns. Fournier: ~ ~ . 1 love yen more than a eI m plot. yon to, set a tisie when voe au Meet. Yen are iree-your huabsnd in Êbne.. - HAaaT EVANS. 64Màý God r coued Four-nier, 6"Harry Ré' kae him -vol4, lias handiorne 2agli lor- f theoB ug, who bad rulsd m I luouhomo in 4W ts»feU.v, ustaIllnéFournier Mhh*.* àw vith' omÀexof, a .H ap te- ush the, squay sud e ls.8s*lahrmn -we bherd ~ iusulting etr,-,.nd ah. WM 'wat ewer hmehe medur -%êumd ioveyaIutn W-edbrough% beok the corps. of ladion-l .4ma. oowding *0 the ecuoani çt that ppart c f tii. 00"4tmasterYôiut- nier had givenorders to reltrAO *0 t* loaing hm*' catch of fleh, in order tpbn.y theodead. 4 Aooompsmted by 1wo of Ie uim, h. made his depoeition liefire tii. commis sionor, and the latter bad. in sigu tii declaration that ""the. b%>y of #àdrowrnod man had been reooovred by the. St. Lau reut at a point 15 miles 88 W of Spit- head, measuring 5 feet 10 incii. in beight dressd in a bine woolen shirt trousers cf gray cloth aud neokerchief cf red cotton 4 no papers, no marke toe s- tablish' idotity ; supposed, from the. place of drbwning, in default of othur evidence, te have been on.e of the. crow of thi. Harding." Early the. ccxl morning a fanngraI pro- cession tiaversed the village sud bore te the i.ut!. church thie romains of the. un - known sailier fcund by tii. St. Laurent. Behind Lthe coffin walked lthe salorsof -the. St. Laurent, theik master at their iioad, and boiiind th. mon game the. wivos or mothorp cfthie sailors. .The. religiota oeremony was brief, but r.spectfally followed, and the. nnown known doad was cooducted toLtee eeme- tory by the. groat family of sailors of Tre- port.wiio honor tiiemnelvos in ilius hon. oringathe romains of others. "Ge t yoursolves roady." announced Master Fournier to hie mon. "W. go ta, mea diretly. ' Fournier led his wile t. a littie knoli a few paces away from the cometery. Ho wiahod te speak with her withcsut witnessos. ttWife," ho said, "do you' know for whoin you have orne te pray f' 8h., trombled aud press.d hem hua- bandu bhand. 8h. had nevor seen hiru so bolemu. &Tii. man wo have just buied was Ha&Mr Evans-wait 1"' Mme. Fournier tnrned paie. Ber hua- baud tendered -her a _piper, stained as if wich water. "lWife, I have doubted yen. Mypun- ishment in to accnse myseif cf il. 1 rend. the letton Iho daned ho write hoy ou, and 1 have bien very miserable. i.h other night wheu this drownod manwus found I alone'searched him. I could net show te othera, net even te the commissioner, tie only paper h. mad ou hlm, lu a lIjtie bag cf oiled silk. The water had dîm- med il a littie, but 1 have read iL neyer- tiiels. It was the answen writtIen *t th hand seme Englhsh sailor by Mm,. Bounier: SiR-I love rny husband.Thtsbeol answer 1 can make te yonrletter. Iisbali, maynotbing te my hoLsband, for ho uld kilt you.. Neyer corne here aguin. "N? f'o, do yon fordive mg f' 8 j)h, My peor iiuid, ho* you have snffew !V#r' Fromt liat dal Mater Fournier grew feuclrou, Oln a iiialmissel.i Canler H. A,.-Crosby introduced bis'motion at thie. town council this week to encourage manufacturers. Exemption., from taxation does 'flot look like a -big inducement, but in these days.;ý,'cf low interesC it means more thtn It usod to, and at al events if- ;Q as. mucýh as tutow .Un wurdld b1-e An od and ighly respected rosi- dent of tue township cf Scott died at bis'residence, near Zephyr, on the 5th iust., ilu'the poison cf, Wïs. Bur-ns. Deceased vas lu bis 8otls year and bad been comparatively active. aud smart up ne vwithin a week cf hic deatu. He had resi4e4' lu Scott for lorty years, and for ziýyeaîm cfthiat inse occupied a farm belouging to kdie lob respectedý Geo Smiths. Mr. Butais leaves-a widow, and a lgrge ý growu Up fansily. Tiseý funemal to ça ~eouMoasday te Ux- bridge Catfsolie ceémetemy. seffice b:- inglieldatthcsurcb boe. ýSbeep bredesvii înite rested ýin the flloving stat*mcnn -by Lise L*âiday litu th .- b lad e lo*t 'tb ýWhîlo twô f-ur town boys, Mesers. A. Osbore iauILJ. Sinclali-, accmpffl. id by W. Wulker, -of onowr 'skr3imhhg îhrugh -a piecof voodi near thse town, on a squirrel hunt,9 ee day thus wrek, nigit camne on-and they décided te build a firé gnd rnake a meal of the garde they badti bpged, consst- ing of two red squiffoLs. when a large collie ceg, attractcd no doà~t by the smell of the stew. came racing îhrough the bushes. At first gtimpse our tieroes took it fora large black bear, and throwing clown their gains struck eut ona the run for a Ureo each, where they climbd for safey. Afe room' ing id thse limbs for a toie. ô of en- and seeing nothing more of the bçar, they dropped te the grouud and rau for horne. . 'Cy" mwears that the next time he goes huuting he'll carry a razor. On Saturday rnorning last as -Mr. Chas. McClung. who drives Mr. J. B. Martyc's delivery wagon,, was going down nhrough Lover's Lane, he sooed Up in the waggou to put -off some lads who were hànging on behind. While coing so the horse'stoppcd suddenly and be fell over the front of the waggon. his head being be(I9ween thse boises hind legs. The -horse started to ru n but he rnanaged however to throw hims'elf te one side. the wheels passing over bis legs. The horse rau down te the enid of the lane where the waggon was up- set and the animai feiL Charlie pick- ed himself Up and managed te iunn o where the horse was and succeeded in holding it clown, until help came. Fortunately ne bouies were broken, although he was bruisef and shook up pretty severely. "a " traVilew. Mr. John McMurtry., Perrytown, age 92 years, di ove Up no Bowmanville in a buggy last week to visithis sister. Mrs. J. Stevens, who is iil.- Mr.. M cMurtry bas his faculties as bright as they wr fifty years ago, but, of course ho as nct as active on foot, but ho is a Ieak able man for one of bis age. Thse IKubb e.. We are pleased to learn that ssaters are beginnîng wo materialize in cocnec- tion with tthe New Rubbor Co. Mr. E. White, the secretary,' was hero on Tuesday and bas arranged, to returu te- day, whisn some of tise. ladicg direct- ors will b present from Montreal and Toronto. Tise intention is te go on ai once witi tise erection of the. building, which it is hoped will bo readi for ,tuéý machiuery before th eend cf Deceuiber. -r. White alrçady basotr . iged for the manufacture of Uetii lnos of goods,ÃŽ amounîing teo ver $-175,000..e- le alse has an order for aeo.ooo bicycle' tires. This augers well for t#e succesÉ. of thse instituti on, whiicis we hope wiIV" prove a valnable acquisition to tise' town.-News. REBIJILDINGB Sthe Old and Broken-Down House. Eepig the. Structur in Good ?illiug It- With Heais, Comfot and Happiness. Wbou a houe. beooquca dilna & su beyond the *ulIbn# of nepair, il is '- r O rbodieui -ben t , perli carod four .so#c1, wac bnokpm u-4v sand whenlie vn-ýok of rebuffldig le-'net éosmenced ins Mme,' aheary~,em the waslld asdasottm. aI e la brî ache Sorm. livrr renf its1 a diSt phil WÀ Th. fi «d fi audfi Recesa wbether has any of milîki vcry ex~ duty. saIt for hal Ã" afteritlser-t te- devei.op,' found than month was coinstant ssij as importu lu @1 Oita~ 5. Wa Mls; to Per- v pord- 'W are, ÏfC cod- vraluable .,",-T-he cd, wlth ïi over the b( ypophos- '1abeaid. daelCWay sLf anig te ascertain Df sah todairy cews mg upon tue supply clusively tisat -k lai glee tuat human are kept without aud cluring tbe last iod -tue milk vas ý The -cows were eeach daily, and was again allowed 0fo, the -sait, it was rease for tise haif ýunde cf milk. A res& vater is just o ttawa 4ThtTherels 1> iiyet0utt a thse or4Ji;eg tise ~e-bi,* xm Wvo bl>a as. klie. D&YID Dthé, - >Col$. BaIniSIUr, ete4.;monei té . oan.lerý CI Mlage immsos. O«Ce - 8 'î jBok, oth fMaket, Bock 8*.9 hty »0W & McetLL1RAYX, lasrrstezs. Soticitors in. Chsncsry, etc. Ofi.in Mathiunn &HEawkene new blok Broek St, WhitbV. souLth ot Ontario bmnk. Dr8. Warren if Moore# . M oore. M. D-, F. Waren, M.-D. Brooklin. -Whitli3. 1 te il ob.m. Office heurs il1 a= le 2 P.m. pe- privait Tele>hotteComwuncaiwn. - D. P. IIOGÂRT, %.D.,L.D.S. Phymicais, Susigeon sud Acoucher etc. Office »ud Reidence neuite oAui is' Church, Dundas Stfot, Whitby N, B.- Obetal BurgMy i &Uils branches proflhtly attended te.. D r. H . Wightmtian DENTIS T. Over G o mpGrne'u WhItby- týr open eyvery Saturday eisbl. W. B. YARSOLD, D.L.S.. couni>' Surveyer sud Drainage Beneer, port pemi ,Ont, WRE. CAL6VEaLET,9 Haviag moved into our nov prenii, v "ae pepsred to extend the. range of busineis Ail werk ,perisi=flg te 'lie harno ms-5ki and saddlery business vii b. doue ho satis- facton. Cons»ara amcialy. 01 u d aB" my shcp sud stock. W. CALVEBLEY, Second door west-of old slsep. Dunda S zm.e, WhàhbY JNO. NOBLE, -R lERi iALL KU4D5 or- L6unber. utSi«I. -aab. » s id Eitadb _$WbAl ordern or informati*on can ho obtaiued frons JOHN NOBLIE, Dundas Stretp Whitby, opposite Mr. A. C. Wul- mou'm reslclence. [Whitbr. APril 4ti. 1894- Istablshed 856. t Loo, 5ben0 fl lv iyb)4eua mie~ Sa tah*--.Jiop*blse ao~t ffce'but'-W Airs courts>'. fortlsl ut nl bye - mt#l Io s$s-lu »t. opiiI~B5 'iOgg T@2ami I ceaiee ln. aciabe Bou. 4; Nov. 642.IWht. p0i*T OaMao 3.nW. B WhatbyPort4 hn.;P.4 M29h; MarWI; Ly jume8 J20; s ep. 828OY- 8Nov.v.84 Clek-Jaa. 8;Marckh2; Iay 15; JUY 9 1.4; eNI ;D.16 3&a. 81;ler-Jn.2b; Msrch20; By 5;.U 15l ; o. 7. No. 8 Uz,mz-o hF. Brue, BuzbvrId4 Clerk-Janr80h 26 2; May 1 uy19;O.1h6'u 1Dec 1. 'Umrn»Va-F J Gillespie, UptergrVê, Clerk,-Miarch 27; May 22; 1 uly 17 ; ot- 17; D 1. By order, Oeber Tth 1895. Olerkolt h. heace. hoi Llverj and Sale Stables iDundas St., Whltby, J. T. NEWPORT, Proprietor. Commercial mon liberally deal t vils Teaming doue ai resonable pricels. Fmclghtsud Baggage hauled at reason- abo prces. A calS sollciled. DENTIST. Cor. King & Yonge k3t. Toronto. For the nout thmee monthe I a&= giving speclal attentions te patients fhem s dis- tance. Ain stili mekinge plates in mubber, r$8, celluleid *iO. Gol d sailver fflIing vwork cr v hn y fimsl"lae operators at the momi masonable rates in the city. When. in the City callensud let me examn- ine your teeth. I matie noexotra charge. 0.H. BIGGS, Dentasi, meuth east corner Kîng sud Yonge Sts., Toronto. Nov.8th, 1892. W. H. WARNER. DEALER IN GOAL, LITE, LUXEER, GoP.»woo'~ SLA38, E?1 AGENT Fer the*PFOPLE'S COAL C0., TORONTO. 1Office band, Yard-just,-East of Uptown Station.- Whitby, Oct. 25Lhe 1894. AXYCUR STATIONER' ~J~RTIG0Â4 TEEI~W R~G AE, tawv, IWiCU'7 tbtst net ifntt eg sseep areu I fi 1 IVAR.OF -

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