Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 13 Nov 1896, p. 1

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ÎAFA ST . WEST ci 80 eue a shint lie k'riown by iti rge and Omafl them a ca1l, ou will find, em wind," '3Irnond ring&,,- ioD's. hae caught broý utý _E "Tnl KNOT iyD's. %#S Pl'y Flmship, ri't let it slip. iettling down,"# town )Ok round ),S. always rigbt, Sand night, rnîng light,' i cut loose tise, carve the goose.. IOYDS. old, 's gold," r scold, 0V y ' S. t corne, or send; v depend, ILOWS, eel S. qq50.000 )5.00. 3otwear New z)ods. )TS, $1. indard Boots good v e ed, 971o~ 874o SDealere eet. A.. 1897-=o SUPPLY 0F COID LIVE OI1L Jrxst Received. .~#Oc.a Pint. * THIS OIL IS PURE AND PALATABLE, -.CHElMIST AN'-D DRUGGIST, WHITBY, ONTARIO. âm- House-cleaning time is here. We iave a larger and better assosted stock of %vndow shadea this season than ive have ever shown hefore, trom 45C- Up. \V*e use the best hand painted opaque s'iade cloth, with Hartshorn's sprrng roller. Also a fine variety ef cernice peles. Ask to see our isiest style et v'ndov s( reens, to fit any vindow, at 30C. each. Ou baby carniages are al ef tht latest de- sîg is. Gieus a cail betore purchasin-g elsewhere. We are taking special pains te combine elegance wîth economy in price ard ge-neral utiiity. Our stock is complete in Heuse Furîishinga. We iinvite buyers to cerne and set us. it wîil save meney. Leading Undrtaker,- IE. J. JOHNSONel BROOK ST., Established WHITBY. 1849. WhWbý St8am MaibIe and tý[dfl8t Horks1 Dundas St., WH ITB Y.LJJ Chias. ]H. Smith, (Formtriy Woifendeu Works.) Ima- porter sud Dealer iu MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS, Etc., ef the latest material aud de-igns. Al k inds ef Cemetery vork. Our vork guaranteed. -9r-«-S.ND FOR DESIGNS AND PRIcES. Miss Beatrice R Decker, A.T.C.M. -GRADUATE 0F- TORONTO CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. Pupil ef Mr. Edward Fisher. Teacher cf Paoot.V 1- rterras, etc., apphy ai resideuce, %Vîtby, Aug. 27, '99. COUNTY BUILDINGS. BU/I for Service. Thorough bred jer-sey. Tenussi. Anrt)v te M. Coffée, opposite Gross & Grangen's plaiuing miii. G. H. SONLEY, Wbiiby. Mfay 21, 1896.-tf, OATES FOR SALE Aýbout 5o good ]Par= Gates' $1 40 eacb, at DOWSW1LL'S, Sept. 30th, 1896. for sale ai Claremeut.1 WANTED A t o nce. en ergetic mati-or wommnin each towu and couuty te tak<ç cbsge-Oforder de-1 parttuent. Steadyexlya. G d Pay. H. D. RIGEM î;to lt Sept. 29tj, 1896. uoOt Farm toRwt The west half cf Lot;a1n4 sootti b#l(f -Ot 3, 9th concessio f dtJI nb Ci Iê', ering, knowu as the- -I rýg à fm- '4ill be rented au favoràaletPys9ê4I$t able tenant. Apply et iip e WOL, XB , ONTARO, FRJAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1896.,0.5 the building o wbelstlbe diifi.cuty would be ln a measure evercoae. Ih 'bont too laie te do se yet Things bave cerne te a strange pass when Edward snd WilliM 'canne: bave a quiet, sociable glass cf whisley togetber withoui 1Johnny pcki ghis unwelcorne noue into the pie., ste and costIs aàa pretty big prie for fnigas of the good stui. We have an idea that Wni., cculd get it at a mnore ïieeana"e rloe mucli nearer borne. Moscf our sidew&asar e n in apple pie order. Howrard Calvert, whe bus spent a portion of the summier lu Muskoka. is borne. Miss Lile Besse bas &one to the houpital te learu to ho a irained nurse. Mms Judson Pugb spent Sunday in Oshawa visiting a sister who bas recenuly passed througb a prelonged iless. It is quite probable that the teil gates snd market tees will be aboliahed about tht end of the year if ail accornts turu out irue. We are p!eased to bear of M.r. Xryden's recer-' ery frem bls recent ilinesasud tus th<at bu Viii enjoy good bealtb for a long time ta corne. We notice that M.r. E. A. Thornron iu in towu a#ain. He ta a traveller for T. Milburu & Ce., cf Toronto, Eru is a young man tull of lite and business. Mr. aud Mis. Arthur Aunis and family speut a few days of las: week ai Mrs. Thos. Pugh's. Tbey had been attending the funeral of the laie Mrs. Purdie. wbo vas a sister of Mrm Annis. 1lunlus White bas gone te Buffalo wbere ire bas securel empîcyrneni. Roy Majzq vii seon follow. This makes tht feurth young mau who bas gone to îbaî drty frorn around here .i LOCAL NEWS LETTERSO OHEONicLE coEEEopoNDICR, Misa Sarahr Derereil, cf Whiîby, is nisitlng ai Ms. Wnr. Speuce's. Grain dots net seeinite be mnoviug very fast, as tht farmers are valting for better prices. Tht nigbî cf meeting of the-epvorth heggue. viii bereafter bu Weduesday liustead of, Tuesday. Mss. J. Amsbury, et Oshawa, but a for-ner resident cf ibis place, was reuewing ac- quaintances bei-e last veelr- Mr. Percy Frayer, of Caesarea, an attend- ant of Port Perty high achool, bas ben en gaged te teacb our uchool for next season. We visb him'every success. Mr. David Lyle bas seutetu jas. Priuce'u farm near Port Perry and is busy mering there at tht present. We vish Mr. Lyle and tamniiy much prospertyylu their uew home. Oviug te tht illness of botir father aud moîher your scribe bas been unable te per- form tht duties of scribe duriug tht pasi fev weeks. We are piessed ta state that they are much better nov. Ms. W. C. leard aè fanrily mored te Epsomn on Monday veeli vhere they vilI in future eccupy and work Mr. Arcbman's tarm vwest ef tht village. We vish îhem every prosperiîy lu their nev homne. Mr. D. J. McLean bas purchased froru Mr W. C. Heard the blacksrniîl shop aud ad- yoining dweliing. Mr. McLean is a good workman and having a good trade we are pleased to see that he intends te remain here. During the pRsi few weeks tht attendauce ai the schoolhbas beécome so large <bat the onetleacber couid flot do justice. Tht trus- tees therefore secured the services of Miss H. Martin, Port Pesry, teo oiciate until Christ mas. Mrs. Aikins-on, ont cf our oldest citizens. had the misfortune lasi week of talliirg and receiving several injuries. Ai such a ripe old age as hers onre canriot veather the bat- the as younger folks. We hope she may soon be well again. A contesi lias ccmmenced ai tht Sous' lodge. Captains Lyle and Graham are be- ginning<o get their aides into shape. Owiîrg te some un favorable dircurnstances ne con- cert was given lasi Friday eveuing, sud in censequerice both sides vili give theis enter- tain ment tbis week. Ai tht close cf-tht con- test, which viilbe some time in December, thetr<eat wili sesuh: in an cyster suppes aud concert. The winning aide wiii he admiîîed free while the losing aide and public wilI be charged. A good lime may be expected. More anion. Some dissatisfaction is being expressed ai present by the disrespeeîfui conduct cf a family that lives Rt the forks of tht road be- tveen here and Port Perry. hi appears that the parties in question have tht reputatien of being disord erly, aise abusive aud using irîsulting lauguage te passers by. Sncb actions are becomiug ta nobody, sud -no, person, yourrg' ladies especîally, lileté Ie bu raihed ai in sucb a way. If tht parties have no respect for themselves ve wouhd suggest that tht authorities talce sorne steps lu tht matter. P. C. GRAHAM. Thene is some talk of fermiug au epwontb league.1 Rev. Thomr preached a fine sermon lient on Sunday.1 The congrezation cf tho baptiat cburch tneated their passer to a surprise an bis brthday te a good o]d tashioneti donation. Mr. Siph bas tbt love of his flock and tht rsyeci cf tht enlise cornmnity. Collecter Hutchiosecu bas been mnakiug bis annual visit te rbîs iocality coilecting tht '«stuif-" Get your r>laerial on baud for we ail have to whack upf Taxes are higher in ibis section ibis year on accourat cf uchool repairs. We boas that Ted Derusha, formerly cf ibis place, but uow cf Markbarn. vas arrested on a charge cf stealing a bicycle outinl Mankcharn. As there vere ne evidence cf a convicting nature fortbcomning lue vas sutxsequently discharged.' We are sorry îo staîet iai Mss. Dichaca. vite, of Thomnas Dicksu tfoserly cf ibis place. but, new cf Toronto, lu dead. Deaued vas mrred but about ont year sud leaves a saah chiltu. Ms Dicksou's tueur rienda ber-e greaily sympaibize, with hlm lu bis sad horeaverneni.1 For the lufe ef us ve can'î set wby <the churvt< of Englaud visbes to introduce seciarianlnim iq> the public school. No doubt ai some remote. period aur uchoels viii bave te bu cornpletily secusalizad. If ail the different denominatrous, wotuld do Likevise it migbi htlp ta briug about, national schools. Tiýere vas quite a 1ev ouit to Markbarnlai- Friday fscm ibis section te tht ploving match. There viii bueue a mile veut of this towu on Tharsday nexi ou tht fanm cf Mr. Tvetdlie. It is sometbîng unusual for this part cf 'the town- ship te have one. There are ne professîonal p!owrnen living round about berm We notice that Rend Master Campbell atuvo- cts vide tires, sud why sisouldout hc for the ungona nse4sî at' be esut: Qfbe ae nmi more or lmesa I bhonnd destryers. be, rest ef the province aheuld take tht tranuphe cf tht city of Ottawa, vhicb bas passed a by-law compelling the use ef the vide tire. Nearly al EuropeaL countries use tbern. We bave noticeri quite trtqueudly Ibis sururer ibat bosses, catîle and pigs have been haring tuii svay lu the village cemetery. We kuov thai it makes ne difféereeto te<oue wbo are laying ihere, but it makes tht graveyard bave tht ap- pearance et a very uegiecttd place as saure et tht monuments' are uearly shovetu oves, sud' tht raihingu are in sanie instances broken. While ve do not keep a cartaker te look ater the graves, sîil ai tht saine rime, a gi-est maary people vould like ta Leok afier their eus frieud's graves, if there vert any encouragementinludaiug se. These animais do uot beloug iopoor people but te persens vhe bas cousiderable of lifes necessaries arouud <hem. On Menday lmst Thornas Mclntyre sud -bis son Norman vert srrested on a charge cf fraudul- eut removal of gootus frorn a tarin ovned by CoL. Burton. Young Mclnîyre vas imia*uedatey dis- chargtd as ih vas cieatly ubovu <liai heb dilne baud iu tht maîter. Tht luthier vas remaaded ti Fsiday. Mclnty're vas a tenant on a faim ôet Button'à sud bad a dispute about sea. epais.- vhicb Mclutyne chalma vere net doue, ýaasflely building s barn. McIntyre claiured *àt the goadoi vert moyen epeuhy sud t<mbacbudii nos seek te, bide bis intentions. On Fridy hue ap- peared before four magistrates sud vas1disharg- cd ot vioiaîlug the lav luin y respect.- Tht Colonel is eus about S6oo besides ail cste. Mclntyre oeetuhim ivo years seul for t S fr. viiciras reted ter $4oo a yenir. Only -$z00 hatu betu paid in uthat uîne. la airs apnný --the Ia' regardlug tenants lu net qu1is nighL, We wculd iketoknovlùtIbis WaltU A voman viii brou a ste-a sudsethaitte côffS data net hoil oves, vaîob thtcast thm itýe-dot nai stal tht remuant of thè t en raihq kdtiben table, dreas the yougest bey, soiït Ltab~'lesset Io tht toast, s =rtht otireal ao f, p"eieors te tht butbher, Sht os do ahi at once sud not baîf ry. - Ou theo'ibet -bad àm bas aises dene vonders. Ht busnalgt the oéan, bc bas penetrateci <theuysseries cf the lai-y beaveus, Ire baslu arnsSd thteIghbtg u madet itpull street cars and 111)4t ibe grat tes of theenrd. Btbiec ant finit a spo Olf e ihread Mlu bis wifè's wovask obê, hi a osdis- cart er Wpockit n s4ress hang inthle cloiet, bu au't irltpg ut-clothaon Ïtht liesu got the rrgbt tutu up, ansu d , qhi -*bes i h7f is mewuhu vbile dolniih1 lie Io ïat b persn hth4tç e e ai' in-.ajéu<cs vith out bsuglta'>,*.é, th<eIbaM sud g b.1e'r1tb 1d *tOSIlW411X :and eWti. tt' Ãœd't' e ol mv- t GUY~OrI- aea SE7s., , fIer et Karmiae Joss sotuobýD Mr. T. H. Wilson lu llkely to hold monthly aucion sales througb the winter for the dis- posaàiof gooes andu property of any kinal that may be bronght te hlm. We wish him suc- ces&. There are again some efforts beiug made 46dbave a weekly market establlshed bere. Tt ý ahur certain that it ceuld bu madie a stdesand u hope toaswon sec it a perman- Rev. D. N. McCamus, cf Port Perry, will preach mlssiouary sermons ai both services in the Methodist cburch next Sunday. The collections for the day will be given te tht missionary funtu. Tht W.F.M.S. of the presbyterian cburch bave been very fortunate lu securlng Rev. Dr. Mctavish, of the Central Presbyttrian cbuircb, Torento, te, giva tht principal adu- dreso at their reunion on tht eveuing of Thinkngiving day. Tht executive committet of the Brookliu branch of tht bible society met ai tht restu- ence of tht presideut, Mr. C. A. Allems lest Tlzqsday eveniug. It was decideu that tht ennuil meeting shall be belu in tht Baptist church on Dec. zoth. Rer. Dr. Laxnbly and Mr. J. F. Vichert viii bu tht speakers. Make a note of tht date. Thrievas the usual large attendance at tht Mdouday meeting cf flnanciers-and others hehd iu tht council rnom aud there wa* Do appearance of any diminution lu tht interest that bas been taken lu these gather. luge duriug tht lest 1evwteks. There lu no dcoib t tht these discussions are ansvtring a gocol purpose, aud they shoulu bu kept up ail enter. If the silves question gets worn thriad bare, as lt-doubtless wili, there are letsof oîher subjects te look lu te. Monthly report Brookîlu public scirool senior departrnt. This report is baied, upon written testsr in tht following subjfflOse -7Geegraphy, grammar, history, coqmps- tion andu drawing. Jr Il-Bessie Scoir.66 per cent., Edith Langfor4 63, Lizzie Delong 49, Louis Seburt 48, Lena (Celwilt .48, Henry Houkins 43Y Lerov Bray 42, - iOWî Aém- strorrg 42, JOhn hllslIOP 41, Ëy4týR*O, 39 J no Co ton 38,e James, Kerr 37,. Edith ,Bryant, 32. Sr . 111-Can le, rlggs .o, pet cent.,, Maud Wiciit 66, Philip Frayzr Gz Lillian Skinner 57, Umwny Rabi nson,53. Fred Kînge- bury Si. jx:-IV--Osbôrne Pherrili go per 'cent.;-Clifi EEFdd-y n Bertie, Goldsbro, 72,' Davnh t4euf. 7,ýGerie' MahallS6,-W.n *nit- Pheirrihi 56. Candtùllnigs 5& Wtn A Hock- ln $. iMa îdMend, 4t1.-Watter BigP54Ã", James Becket46.o; '-SrIV-Eduh ifusèbd i76' per çent., Mary Fowie 69, Nelie RisIo p 6e, -Elle BurrougySiy, MoudDelong; ,-" Gras 47, 11liisoKnmigbt 44 Ot~n teti~rrzs otsees-the RoyalTernp- tails he dot d vert large attendance at their Ïregulair uteýtlatg*dungf lte isommer mcnts, aIl tht tuer raîenuàl- Bodetthi, thert bave b.d f , tht stime élperiencerym thew-ehre'lôt bdu antîng thèse whôla fîir !ace-'-Inî tbetfroônt - seU ns luthMetbo-. disi ct*b sSn~ totke part in the anuulse*lc~ 'ihk ic bis -iyeur ceiebruîed dthîite~etfft à'-«'-rsar-# cf the institution oftheouinel, tlfèr* was loýuent prof thaî Rayi Ttir trlat'to Bookhin la neither d«ad hor ylttt.-, 4v. 1Dr.,Leably, wvi-% Miau bei- f thto4er-, coqcluqîdttss deivr-, wie~4~db ,e s, ren uthet tezt'Plto. 20: 1, g ua moceer tc. Tt- large edilice bd evry: sittlng oftupi1dad tht close attention: with whicb tbey listeue te tht e wrs of the speaker sbowtd that ail vert thoroughly in- teresteiula tht great temperance question. Dr- Lambiy m-adee h very plain that his pal- pit vili give no uncertain soutud on tht quts- te henever- opportunity ofters. Ht gave .1tas bnis decideu opinion that iwo krinds cf vine«are referret tInlutht bible and <bat these Who malte i appear otherwise etber do nôts knowb-r else are perverting tht sac-. red wrd. Ht showeu that science andu bible teaching confiru aiecl othes as ta the efiect cf strong drink on the pliyelcai belug., cf mati. Ht gave sereral instances of cases' ibat huet corne under his own notice, of aiea' with wheuu h a($ been in timately acquabt- edN etberlu berybood 1 or inter years, sud wbo baviag reacheu fame sud succes' lu their', professions snd been wrecked andu xalnaâ, br-tht cura. cf drink. H. ruaide a on wbiskey «trials. Many peeple are askiug if any citizen can swear out a 'seaàrch warrant -and send a Constable to search au unlicensed botl, aud institute proceedinga against citizens who are supposed to drink in unlicensed hotgis, and prosecule such parues wflbout the licensç in- spectr aithorizlng sncb prooeedings,,as was done in the eight tria last Saturday. Your compesitor rnixed rny article on - the lquor trials"I witb the ediîor's, the last fiteen ines were no: rny writing as I knew nothing of <base men bavlng anythimg ta do with Newton's hotel. W. J. NOTrr. Port Pery Buata.e DhUWoy. G. B. WzLLIaM5oNq, barber, non te paolfie Oct., Uth.-S mes. ltnznmny.-Mm ~TÊoome bas reoelve&her uow lu stock of milllnoery aud lasprepWrod te. tmm out firut-clsu milllnery in the Iatest stylos and low pri cee. Btanplnig dou e t order. Sept. 19th.-8-mos, W H CLinE bus fer sale three 5004 seond. haudf"par ehaters wftb ovons, whlcbh.oiii »Ue loep for cash. Cmii aud Inspoot thora as tbey are good bargains. Mr. lyas* Lawrence bas boom iadispouetufor a few laa b-it is rapldly recovering.. Rer. Mr. Shiaw accupied the pulpit bere on Sunday leut.lii dte absence cif Rév. Mr. Rad- tord. Mr. AIt. Fluber bas had an air moter erected ou bis hotu. les vil! use it te uts tulles: exteni, aud expets 1<10give ee" stisfaction. Mr. Andrew Wilson wiii tootu occupy tht bouse lately vacated by Mr. WSn. joues. Last veek~s flue veather enabltd us to *afely bar vest ar rooc%. Most et tht farmers are nov ready for winter.- Tht books have arrived for the S.S. llbrary committe ta select By a week from Suuday ve expect ihem to bu ln theur places aud rtady for distribution, On Friday tbtre viii bu lnterred lu the cerne- tery here, the remnls et the late Miss Maud Hubertus. Mucli symupathy is expressed for tht bereaved mother andifrieuds. Tht Royal Templats shoultu btar lu mind tht meetings cf eut lerige boe sud endeavor to bu more regular in atteudetice. Meetings every Friday eveuiug. A full atteudauce is requested for Friday eveulug, Nov. I3ib..- Miss Lizzit Balfant, Egliug:on, upent Satur. day sud Saday wiih ber parents here. Mss. Smith Wilson sud Misa Loule Wilson, Scarboro, were vislring Mii. Wilson, cf the Wil- son Honse, a few days of ibis week. 11fr. sund Mms. John Heron, Scott, speut Sun. day wiitheir parents hete. I nat about two vesks left to, malce arrange. ments for eut beys la ge: lu shape fer foot bal on Thauksgiving. We hope tÃ",séé,thém lu good shape wcon and ready for matches, PORST PEUt. Mr and Mss W Lally cf C4»burg are visiting sL.aL4y's par-ents. jf*iBrmsener sud H Aflb"r betu au tht ik isi! fW some days. ucWParnisb, Toronto, vas bere ou Tues-. dI~aeadn Mrs Currie's tuberai. Beàî' lu -ràîud- tht concert où Tuesday even- uIagte , rtht-auspices of Ont fireuren, I ~ 1 d o t Ppr ry.ou h t 8th lut, A gnes, e- »uî~ ~ ~ ' cfi ti u$çxre, in ber 76cb yeur. - 4rllDrydeqaand Allier;. Orchard reîurned frcm deer hUniiUgou Wedoiaiýs4ay of ibis week with a fiaser .- f S~, SeWlt§ýy ruW Andrsnvu è,de Mc- Grattan éf Ux. SevesralCsegi sud are o .t plac, inat -t» dsmonp t4alr41.ofuz;liera r y oned renuwe thtto -Xu > lnoj,4eu hrt- B ell i'fn Pot Pfrr, on the h ieoîunthe tsiep uof te bibýosyrw eQntsb h evauer ofedinsMrGe oe adierp.elu< oeg Prr illhv sleve Qnake opnheirlu - Mau-rled lu. Pt pe*m.rA aed anh in tetht ing programme wuli ho given. A silver collection tu aid of the parsouage innd cf the Chutch ci iag4Nvý. 231h. ai thé resien*o f t aam by',the Rev R Wbiteman B. A., WinClintock, ir.. to Blle. danghter cf tht lageEglvard Wal- auer aO f Rtab. - Thte usual umail boys celebsatecf tht vblskey olot ibis year ln Port Pa"ryiustead of Guy Fawkes'. Th"y had seure fout or fire so-calhetu Gury Fivkes aud <bey paradetu the stréets et tht tows to their heurt', ceaient, sud finisheci by burning ibenu.1 lu yens Whtby newscohumunu at week yen had& U __ s-rs L., HHurd, Toronto, for- modry Miss Okel cit]Port Perry.,aqed 36, yeua." 'asa an erre, ut vas Mr L ýH ilurdforernerly ,pl t1is tovu, sud *ho marreciMiss 0ke. a doster cf Mr Gto 01..eof ibi place. At âmie of wsuing, .Tbursday U Brooks' liquer trialislailaprogresiF .belteMagtrates HRper aud Nott Bf saurers ceuni for àuy- -<bing. "îispromises_ to liu a ratherUts ly'triaifor ruas- 1baur ouce ncerned, i es sa id tWbe case cf spi t ;ttht bôn(otu i IL-it lbelle-' Iav la uhl i drn-,pi-OIrblted.boursbittrM We seI Fu-reral ýSupties *for a good deal Iessmoe. lkan is asked by a9ny $other underlaker. Goûd. *Work at Low Prices. Jessop Furniture Co. W. J. NOTT, MAN&GER. W. C. St. John bas gone north deer huntine,, M'ss Meggie Merrick speut a few days wih- Oartaqa~splbMr. Colleran, bal a very sC câsil ~~o 140e tlust wek. Tberl %ras, argeatenc.an at the quartovtyI servie h~~o~~nday lasi. ITbe- b4qn olding a neçk.* social ML ~ rsudmiss1da RIndST,çIo, Sco«,vusedw:th Mr. Chris.-Fair. Sanders Bru,. bave satlsfatSeiydips o their T«rouo grocery business te Jas. Quibb4 Esq.,- lately of Mount Albert Mr. tu;, ý lrsoeI bad the management of the tuam there bas returnet and is spending a btIlda with frieutus bere. Mr Walton is going tia move onto tbefium lately accupied by joba .Hayues, Geo Ryod a e Iab~ruog and le uyslginiandgemii shape frwr.-- The: RevMlr1Real, OfWodvmie, OCta the. pulpit litre en&tnday apd ~u~t The Rev Ur Stewartwiu prèacls-a empB ançe sermao- o tbé,_1edvso bete onl d&Y. On Monmday ->evemng a.pie social b. held in t1iWeÈdo1b-ouset. A go06d rgmmne îi at ig-PrepM- and t~o tnjoy L cJ The. Best Hearse -AND- Casket Wagon. Mr. Geo. Walîers is off huutiug deen iu Northern Pariy-ySound. We are waitiug an xiousiy for a taste of veuison. Visitors :-Wrn Fowie, cf Brock; Miss O'Loare, ef Teronto ; Mr- Mackey, ef front etd Ms Henley, ef Boxgnove ; audj Sitea, We are giad te know that Mr. W. H. Stnitb, et Whitby model school, bas been engaged fer tht Bairgetuville sceol for- 1897. Tht choice is cormnutdable. Suc- ceas te the incoluer. Mesra. Tweedie Brou, are baving thein large bar-n (l08x47) rapidly pushed fonward Mr. Halg sud gang, cf Beagi-ove, ai-e doing the carpeniering. They say tht tituber is the besitbey have haudled for soine taule, Mount Zion bot tes cernes off next week aud ne doubi rny fro eiltre will go, but the pnice ef 3oc. staggers us. Wby sbould a ricb place like Mi Zian imupese auch a tax upon a good natured public. 25c. is ample.' It is net too laie te iewer i gud surprise tht visitera by a returu cf 5c. Mr. Chas. Lvnde bas just fliahed a ses,- aon'a woi-k oet treshiug and bas atarted chopping tes the public. His men, Mesura. O'Grady and Vickery are good hands and~ have added te Mr. Lynde's pecket by their rsteàdineas. Chas. chepped hast Wedues- dav. i is lîkthy be will get ahi lie can do as the price is right. TOWN JfIE Ms. W. S. Gould sud party have abat four deer. Misa Parker, cf lTor-ente, us visiting et Misa Ir-vings. Mrs. McCullougli sud faily are moving jute iewu this week. - Ms. West,* wbo ha te aching our uchool titis year, bas been eugagi.-d for anothcr year. Miss 'Maee Smithu, of Conbett'a Point, bas been visitint at lier unclc's, Mr. T. lem-* Ineti.> Tht farinera in thib vlchality have lbeïr ap.' pies sud turnipesUgathered. -'-They bc are s very good crep. NMs FroW, Of Osliawa,.mwbo as bt v ls it ip g f l ýep d e i t i s v i c i a lt y , r e t u r zi d t e ý jmpýeâthebose ud.rbgv by pttsu l »aa tle blck-board,-t= wîniovusudattw Ifflp. Oct. zt, 5X&6 FAR5fTa -J- '<9 PROMPTt PER80NAL SERVICE. - Ont, - 0 0 Port Perry, 1 1

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