Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 6 Nov 1896, p. 5

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Chanrcey Depew eU thera«"incomparahl%, and maany of your neigh- bors who are colopoosnt i udges are loud iùa their praise of this inoat indis- pensable writing imple- men t......... Gold Pou., * in Silver, Pearl and Ebony Holders BELIGIITFJL GIJ J110. S. DARNARDY ... JEWELER... VTIII T ýY-. OBiai county OrgafL.-LargeuBt Circul&- tlon of any local paper mn Cana"a FRIDAYY NOV. 6, 1896. LOCAL LACONIOS. Ni -- rssie Fisher, Toronto, is visiting ut Dr %Iedrum'.. L-:en Don't buy a stove until you set -lake Mlclntyre. \Ir C Burnhamn. Peterboro, is enjoying a week, s vacation lucre. NC- ay Dean, Milton, visited lu town îhi, %uu-k with frieuds, the g7uest of Mrs. d.W LBris ide ~ Ni Mecklenburg, scientifi optician, wiil be in iown at the Royal Hotel. on Saturday, N,, -. Eyes tesîed froc of charge. l',)-mpoxied on account of rain, Dr. Starr's sa It it will take place Saturday, Nov. 7tÀI. at 1 (oclOck. L Fairbanks, auctioneer. A %oung chap in Toronto was fined S2o and c.)sts for ý-ci atclîlng plate glass windows. hI %Aants a litile of that sort of lau enforce- meT ;n Whîîby. N1tIes. W S Gold, John Griffin and John NMcCullough are deer-shooting ut Lake joseph. Mr. Fred Hatch did not, as usuai, juin the party. low ir. j T Wilson, mail clerk, ieft on Mon- dâv to spend a three week's vacation witb -. ;,areruîs ut Napance, and ùir W J Law- ille. rene vias taken bis place. iiteea .laughtering of boots and shoes stili corniirue at the new sboe store, east side. Si ani $i.,5o boots for 5oc. Evervbody wel- carne to have a pair.-Comne cariy. M. %V. The Bell Rose Emslie Concert Company T iii give a very interesiing and varied en- tgur-ctaitnment in tise music hall ou Mondav even:,ug, the i6th inst., under thse auspices 0.00 oftlir tethodist aabbath schoot. Seis i-e- 7 50 b erlrd ai Allin's drugr store. Plan opeus oo on Munday, 9th inst. Popular prices. C;o The (,azetic's attempt to print a local page oo 1ý%aice a week bas wocfully petered out. On 0O Tut-sday it came oui with threc pages of To - 50 rn:lit fout\dry print and one local page 00o îeî ukp of adverîisemneris and a miscellan- 7-50 eru, .ssorrnent of clippings and other ZstCi, w:th haif a dozen locals put Iin 10 fill Homue Made Bread latties wishing the above can be supplied l,% ( ;mrg ai the residence of èhr. Hcenry (0Ior .(t Mr. Pringlc's grocery. Birth s \lis Theo McGillivray, Wbîtby, of a son NI- kev j Cbsholm. Dunharton, of a son MNI s1 1- %Viekets, of a daughter ; Mrs J J ('rnrWhitbv, of a son; Mrs. Frank kieg. (Oshawa, of a son; Mrs. jas. Brodie, (Uh1awa, of a daughtcr. St Andrews Day Tht anniversary of St. èàndrew wiil be ctit-hrated by tise St. Andreu's society of Wh:iithv and Pickering, on Mouday even- wr1 the 301h inst., by a concert lu tise inu-ic hail here. An cncrgctic and repre- -cntative committee is bard ut work, and e v-r vth ing g ives promise of their labors e- suiting in a first clas concert. Do not for- grt the date, Monday, tise 3otis inst. Farewell to Tisjs Yates A vexy pieusunit time, witis a tint of sud- n, -~ i i i , was had ut tise Royal Templars' rou.Whitby, on Weduesday ereniug of ladt week, lu riew oxtishe impeuding re- in ,val of Mr Tisos Vates and isis estecmed %N i- and familv to Toronto. Mi and Mrs Ntsare bots memtbers of tise select de- gr,. in Whitby council No. .57, and Miss Iotra Vutes of the royal degree, ail of tism earnest and enthusxastic* workcrs, erer ready 10 do their sluare in furtisemance of teruperance or any otiser good cause. Mr Yates will be vrxy mucis missed, not only a-. a Royal Templar, but as a weli known public spiritcd citizen. A more kiud heurt- t(l and obliging muan it would ho isard to fitîd. and tise wboie towu will sadly-mnigs hou kindly, ciscerful face. Said council pre- se n ted hlim with a beautiful morocco bouud copv of Bugstem's compreisensive teuciser's bible as a memento of tiseir fraterual es- tee tn. Wc trust ise muy ho vrxy successful in bis uew spisere of labor. Halloween Celebration - This dread event passed off on Saturday nighî with more tisan thse usûal stir'li touS. "The boys," to tise number of fourscore or more, turned out ready for opealons about 12 P. m. Thev first seciîiodtise lrgest *:W~ative building in touR antd pluced- it at- the Main crossing. Brock andi Dundaatreta One of McGeary's cutters wga set 'a' ride o is domne, a aigu announciàS tise( D sny 'Co. bad moved to -tise mÎiket blc was nailed on its roar, a saguof "tlCkeo @5e", was nailed beaîde tise ventilator sahula nei end, a igu of the Whttby XHdge ÇOPpSUY attached to tise front, ,aàd'l'oiiol ZéS'wouma carriage signontheotherëiid. ,e* this wbole establiuhment was hIVot yards streamner saabnou4i4 a clearing ont sale wisfdlwiniu- Out Of business. Tbf. si fer of aigns, usdtisehi be recgnlzed.NeXt, Ceedod to tise Cuaot*% ferred tise back tensive repairs. Special music will be ren- dcred throughout the day.. including the anthem "Thou visitest. the earth,"'*ut the evening serviceý. The Rev Frank Heaths- cote is the special preacher. We are asked to state that prayer and hymn books muy be had by those who may Dot have them upon enqniry at the entrance to thse churcis. On Tuesday eveuiug, xoth inst., there will be a social gathering of ail member of thse congregation in honor of thse occasion. Town Conncil. Met Mouduy nigbt. A letter was xead from Mr. G. Y. Smith,, barrister, asking a rebate of taxes of Mrs. M. J. Foy, hotel-keep- er ut the Whitbe jInction, on acconat of ber hotel being burin by fire. The matter was referred to the finance comuittee. Coun. Jackson read a report froru the fire and water committee ordering puyment of Oîoo to Major Harper for pumping wter for street sprinkling. A motion t6-grant $25 to thse W.CT.U. was aliowed to stand over for a fortnigt, some of the members of council bingof opin on -that the free reading room' docs not serve the public to a sttMcieit. Jksomoved for new cosiugsbetweeu R. S. ormack's and Mis Allin's, and hé- tweeD Hewb' buttcher hop' snd Htch Bros'., but thée concil re-fused to tuke tihe matter out of the eunde of the streets cons- mlttee until that bodY hî4a bad tiMm o'>con- aider aud ree~rt UpoU ik tise Crosiasgsli queton W.ereltWrià~lly laid by prîvate par- tli, and ita*pper ia CsteuDeveréli objéct 10taldnig ibentover tethe touS urow. ?(ext came up 81*Xter k*Iotty qustion,. tise goden accouit. Ouir éaqr recsiil tbatý W"i -a the bllt-for Ioi, "r* ro i'~tle. . D J. AdaM1, Pori-ery udhi SOI DUglas Adams, w«e s ueste of XMs Aones thîs week. Chier ýCootqbêeCalvyrl*y asl;»1-us to an- l~o~~ :h ~wsmtusbdb uit off the streets after 'Nov. i,5th, acéoring to b>'-law. There 13a fine for neglecing titis moatter. The G.T.R. have issued a uew, complote. trme table, comblnig ali tmattets connected wlth tihe preseut Grand Trunk raiIway a»s- tom. It in a firut cdams ne table, the hest that han beoit placed before the public for a long time. The comnbi nation sale at bMr J H Long'$ on Saturday was carrnec on from zou a. tu. until dark. Auctioneer Scott talired his voice from a mellow, sîlvery tone utti! it was as course as au old fog horo A great deai of stuif was sold, smre of it ut fair prices. There wus a good attendance. To keep apples and othier fruil, store the barrels in a cool- place. Heat destroys more apples thau does coid, and alternate freez- ing and tbawing' is also disastrous. The location for the storage of apples ia there- fore more impçr-:ant than anytbing else. Stoi e oniy sourtd and perfect applos, and do flot allow even one to be bruised, as an im- perfect apple may injure ail in the barrel. A W Campbell, provincial road inspector, is autbority for the sL'temnent that $3.5ooo,- 000 have been spent in money uTr statute labor on roads in Ontario during the past ten years. Properly directed that money or work wouid have muacle enormous improve- ment, but much of it bas been wasted and a greater amnount than that has been iost by the efiects of bad roads on traffic. Bogus Canadian hait dollar--, made in China, as pure as the genuine and an al- moast perfect. mitation, are in circulation. The bank first discovered the fraud. About $2,000 worth of these coins were shipped from China, and there ia more to corne. The coins bear the date, 184. They are whiter than the original and a shade larger and heavier, There are also ten-cent bogus pieces being dlstributed. Wili the Gazette please explain what the election of Memsrs. Rutledge and King has to do with Mr Henderson's salary. or ho.w the CHRGNlCLE'S support of these men bas hindered the amalgamation of the town offices? If our cotera. has haif a column to spare twice a week to the discussion of amnalgamnation let it titate bow it would stig- gest that ths thing be done. We makre ttuese suggestions because it bad become so abundantly apparent that the Gazettes zeal in these matters arises entirely out of its de- sire to pltch into Messrs. Rutledge, King and Henderson. Some publishers would scorn to prostîtute their joarnal to s0 harpe a purpose, but the malignity of %Ir- Newton knows no bounds, and always precludes bis hocesty of purpose, Farms to Rent. We guarantee a larger circulation than any five papers in the county, and insert amail advertisernents at 25 cents per week. Clearing Sale During the next sixty days the Burns & Co. stock of boots in the store north of Hatch & Bro. will be sold at and under cost- On ist Ianuary the balance of the stock wili he removed to Oshawa. Bar- gains in every size. It's a Good Tbing-Push it Along The CHRoNicLE is pieased to know that the suggestion to fortn a choral club iu Whitby macle ini a letter to the editor of this paper by Mr F Howard Aunes. which we publisbed last week,' is beiug very favor- ably received by the muusic loviug citizens of the town. The nezi thing to do is to call a meeting and organize, those who are will- ixîg to carry through to success this highiy commeudable moveinent. Cotiegiate Institute Notes. A series of extension lectures has been arranged to be delivered bi-weekly in the assemblv hall of the Whitby colfegiate inati- tute, commenclng with Fniday, Nov. 13th, The first four lecures are. announced as below : 6 to i-Silver vsÎ. Gold, Mr. A. G. One would tbmuk to hear tise town council- ors and smre others tal& about the pranks ut haliowe'en that tiscy kncu uotbiog 0f the town 's service. Tise chief constable is> not paid for uatching tise town eltiser day o>r nigbt. Ho la supposed to corne uben cal1ed upon. The oid toise about not bèinç found when wanted doca not isold good in Con- stable Calverley's case for ise ta always ready to do bis duty, and oftcn spends whole d#ys on duty altisougis only iired to ho on caîl The nightwatchman is thse man who le hired to watci tise tOwii ut uight. He druws thse big sulury, sud lhe sisould do-tise work. Wby councilors sisouid do-atotoâf otn about Conotable Caiverley siot being eutnt- huliowe'eu ,tq watchstieboiwoe aun t imagine. Ho is usot ega& t o us ht- watcising any more tbn ie ieberé 01 council are. As rega -stise u0achetdo». by tise boys on Saturday nigsit. t- was mot worth talitu so mucis about, N;ohamm vwas done wortis spenklog ot W. 'i *ce tbat W~ every tovsz inatise connti, a s-eof-trîcha were playedi.obiu. of hem allitte auspo$ug h la îrue,,but ot-vicioue. There tes.otpart of tise town's service wbere tiser. iaii us9.0 taile aud as littie -public, ervtc -n»à,,b~ ttm cmuel -- ThssnmeM,*ndalloeia mut #tttbetwd.. w. ýUil.wtbea $pgrNi ftIe mpeho. 41 per cent. ioang made on *wèll lmproved fari. Write wltis stamàp enclomeèi or-cai on g0nuolds. Sturkis & Cz, 24, Victoia SLit, I'stmaster J W Binham Pp Perry, wau lu touts Saturday, risitlng bsà aUer, Judge Burnisam,, uo la now amoicon- valescent again after hia recent illness. Memars. Major Harperj. P., and Inspect- or Ferguson visited Pr Perry on Mdonday morning to taire up soute liquor triais, Mr. Harper Fitting with Mr. Jno. Nott, J. P., ou the cases. Mr. Thos. Vates and famiiy ieft bore on Tnesday for Toronto, wbere tbey wiIl reside ln future. Mr. Vutes la a worthy citizen, an exemplary man, sud bas a model fantlly. We wish them abundant success lu the Queen City. .Herbert Cassidy, Toronto, on Monday made anotber attempt to lower thse road re- cord between Toronto and Wbltby. Unfor- tuuately the arrangements were not cout- plete, and there was ýno person ready to catch his time wben hoe arrived bore, altisongb it s obvions that ho bad reduced the re- cord from 1 37A to about 1 .34. However, it willi not do to bave any doubt about the te- cord and Cassidy cannot claim it until he lias covered the distance with botter ar- rangements. Thse concert giron by thse Belle Rose Ems- lie Concert Company in the opera house lat eveuing was a great artistic and finan - cial succeas, and only whut the splendid programme given by these talanted artistu, deserved. Bell Rose Emslie is one of the ctevereàt readers that ha eer becu here for ber reudiugs, whether funny or sad, were equally well givep - Charles Kelly's grand busso was as gx-eà as ever; time deuls very kiudly with Mr. Kelly. 'iMiss Kelly is a vrxy clever musiciau. playing with equal artistic skili the piano and mandolin, and has a very sweet contralto voice which she uses with great art. The audience was a vrxy enthusiastic one and encore were the mIle ofithe evening-Alnionte Gazette- In music hall, Whitby, Mouday eveniug, Nov. i6th. Photographs - Henry & P +-ney,,Oshawa's leadiug photo- graphers., a ps rm road or stage (are from Whitby on al orders amounting to tbree dollars. Coming- Jebb, the emninent eye specialist and ln- ventor of thse fa mous Recherche Optometer. for pointing out every defect and diseuse of the eye and sight will be ut Ailiu's drug store Nov. i8th onir. Consultation and ex- amnination free. See small buis. Treutise of the evc and sigbt free.-49-2 in. A Big Shipmeut 0f buoos and shoes arrived at the West Sîde Boot and Shoe store tbis week, which will be sold ut hard time prices. ioo pairs of house slippers ut 9c. per pr. i00 pairs of buttoned boots at si per pr. Mens gaiters ut $i per pr. Men's laced boots at $i to 8,5 Boy-s' schooi boots at _%oc. per pr., ut the West Side Boot and Sboe store. County Teachers' meeting. The Teucher's Association il meet in the collegiate institute bei-e on Saturday the 14tb inst, ut 1. 15 to listen to an uddress by Professor Newlands of Kingston wbo bas kîndly consented to discuss methods in teaching vertical uriting. As Professor Neaurands is the father of the sysemi in Can- ada a most interesting address may be look- ed for. Trustees and all others interested in school work are cordialiy invited to at- tend. Thse Bailey laquest Thse at sijing in the Bailey inqucat was held on Wednesday night. uhen noting new in wuy of evidence was prescneed. Tise jryreudergd a verdict cxpressing tise opinion thathe died froua the effecta of a corrosive poison upon the stomacis. No blame seems to be attacised to any mexuber of tise Bailey family. and thse mauner iu whicis Levi L Bailey's deatis was brougist about is us mucis a mystery as ever, but it is vrxy probable tisat it was caused by some accident or agency wbicis places no re- sponsibility on unybody. It was avrysud ýW» Gkol Oddfellows' Building. Quahity. E~'1couru e ehave the styles, n hey dé. SWODWe havýe thse finesî-sîock of Dres, Cmods lun. towLm. Our Prices, Colora and Styles are thse very Iaieus. WSee our Fancy Boucies ' n Dres1patterns ouly. No two Dresses alike, at 6oc. yard, regular $i.oo good&- IJarNew Tweeds, reg. $1, our price 75c. New ize of ail vool plaids, reg. 75c.., Our price 50c.. BeautifUl WLine of Plaids, reg. 35C., Our pricç 25c. Se' Our Tweeds in ail colora, at «Oly 25C. yard. SPECIAL,.- IWSee our BLANK.ETS ai $Ioo and $1,35 a pair. No trasis. £WWARM U14DERWEAR la now a necesaity.-- ------Have you secured your upply ? Jý'eare makîug HEAVY Sales of thege goods now. Perfect in Finish. Pérfect in Fit and v"r WDsrabie goods,. at lowest prices.- Our Underwear is guarantccd not to shrink. Tept theut. 8&'See our Ladies' Underdrawers at 25 Cents per pair. with Vests to mnatch at 25 cents cacis. SW'Ladies' Manties made to Order in tise very latest styles. See our Mantle Cloths. Wt'New Millinery, New Hosiery, Gioves, Corsets, Ribbons, etc., at very lowest Cash Prices. IW-Genuine BargainsiluMEN'S FURNISHINGS. Wle have go:tishe Goods. We are selling them every hour. WýjSALES GROW HERE BECAUSE WE SELL CLOTHING THAT GIVES SATISFACTION. O. E. w SrTEmW".ART,, Go - WIIITBY. WALTERS.-. 'We Lead in Manties, and our immense Business in thia Branch of Dry Gkooda has been bulit up by the three great induceinenta which We in- invari.ably offer to the public, diz: Manties at $2.50, worth $3.50. Manties at $6.00, worth $7.50. r - 1>~ The Latest Styles, The Best Materials, The Lowest Prices. Our Stock f'or. the Fa/I Tra*t of 1896 la larger by far than any previons assortment and at thée saine time it la diatinguished by ail thse mérita of former years Our priceS are lower than elsewhere. Manties at $4.80, worth $5,580. Manties at $7.50, worth $9.50, skoud insj5ect Our stock-*ý WALTERS, mo- -om Talks. The 'Exceptional Qualities of -cQnýVuices the. Mst ic ,2and lb mo- WliitI »aok lu WM. TILL', 0 o0 uutr Dsp STOP IÂXD-vTBLYK, 'ER- and give Stylish Heavy Cheviot Jackets, ail wool,- at $4.90. "Kolona1" - OCeyiou Ladies who wisk bo make the most of their money flbe fore purckasing- elsewkere.

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