Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 30 Oct 1896, p. 5

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o. le assoirt. ades anad ildren'8 anid NEW\ AND DAINTY VrORCELAIN CLOCKSa $ol îîî S3 FRIING SILVER TEASPOONS of nCw amti beautiful design, Ouily $6.50 per dos. GREAT .BIARGAINS. iJpo. Sa Barnard, ,%,WATCH REPARER'qà -v- IIITBY:E -. OVER.. Âeos and Sto give 1--t COODS, 1Ilues now OLD. rs- lne. 'S Gos w on. $,regu- -g 7 50 LI Soo0 g 6.oo g 7 50 g 5.00 g 750 g 12.50 S 12.50 1200 lis. yle, less 57. 50 for -n Ilenen 45c, SOC, ois-as 3monîli. .lying aI se îanship at the 101. U ead s, ý,etc., [ices. ,cialty. FPdDA.Y, OCT. 30, 1896. LOCAL LA.OONICS. m, Fred lrown, Toronto, was here Sun- Hard' i i n in g tables, 4 leaves, only $5 rssgoxds at exceptionally low prices at Last week potatoes went as low as 20 reta Per butbel at Uxbrîdge. F:rst cia-s photos from Si doz. up at O'Bren 'lz Sedham's gallery, Whitby. R. Mci,oaan, an ex-Wbitbv boy, is sec- ara',treasurer of the Urbridge board of By an error of the typo we stated thait Pros Tate-,, îstead of Thos Yates, was oovng to Toronto. Mn. WSnî Caiverley bas moved bis harness Foi cio~ss the street. to the place once ocuped bv Mr. J. H. Long as a grain brokter s office %r awil gve the CHRONICLE, \Veekly Globe and Farmners Sun 15 frionths for $t.So. Thirs s the test offer ever made by any Canadan newspaper. Great sl.ughttfring of boots and sboes still cont,'ru'- at the new shoe store, east side. si and * is,)boots for 5oc. Everybody wel- coure tu have a par.-Come early M. W. Apigeon shooting tournament was held at lu~Whb nction [ast Thursday. In thte amateur i-, Tony Bandel woni both eve,'La Dihplunlop second and Ale-x. White- law ;riI1 - [roessional prize was won3 ble \\* ~' ,.id wth R. Kîrkpatrick, Oshawa, A SnaaPfOr $3 3-5 A itiev sýi!s(rtber on Tuesdav ordered the CHk WIi:\eeklv (ibFamily 'Herald an, W\evCci v 'ýtâr, antd Saturday MIail. mn all Kr pge-. a wtt-k, for $3 25ý. A Year of Plenty. Tis i,. a st-ar of abondance. [n fruit, VEr.isand cereais il i-t bard to te.l wý' s m greatest quantitV. Ptrople are able ro -k te heir cellars this fi for a few dot, .- $ ai-, ilbu>' ailt hç ap-)Ies, pots- tocs, prmrîîklrrs, turnips, beets, carrî,s and cabr'jges a tanitly will require t0 lay away. A Big Shrpmnent ()! anud shoes arrived at the %Vest Sîde I Bor arid Shoe store this week, whicb ahl be sold at bard limue prices. ioo pairs of hwi,e 4lîçpers at 9c. per pr. ioe pairs of buttuned b',is at si per pr. Menis gaiters at $: per pr, Men's laced boots at $ito10$5 Ro.% sciiil oots at soc. per kr., at the WVest Side B(-oo and Shoe storeu. Suiccesîfut appeals. I' 1e corgratulate Miss Carnie Grose and blr Bron txavey on the success of their aPPeai against the resulta of the late depart- Mental examination. Miss Grose was award- tdailenior leaving on irst ciass certificate and Mr. t)avey secured a junior leaving or Second ciass. These makie sixteen seconds and iwo first class certificates awarded Ibis year to the pupils of the coltegiate. Dr. Hare s Lecture. Tiiose who have neyer beard Principal Hart lelîver a lecture are flot aware of the trear tht-y have missed. On one special brne Of subects he bas probably no equal in Can- ada, and be usually bas a week's engage- Menu annually at Grimsby to lecture 10, large auditrices. On Feiday evening, Oct. 3oth, li &il g i e one of the muat inleresling of al lits dicourses on the Harvest Fly, ini the 5Bch0î,l room of the methodiat tabernacle. The- lecture is in aid ai the W.C.U.U., which iStUlion 15 striving bard la raise funds 10 Mitiltain the frece reaçling nooni durring the Coîrrng winîer, and Dr. Haret gives bis ser- vices 10 the union fnee. As the lecture as sc(ý' good, the object one oi great importance, thé need of funda pressing an-d the pice of ad- Mission low, (no cents,) tbere should be a large audience, and, our word for it, thase Who attend will hean a lecture which wili prove a Ineat. Renovatiron of AUl Saints» chnrch.- "2qI work tha at sb¶ing donc on AUl Salit8' church is just about completed and ail wil be in readiness for the. otpeming ser- lices on Novemiber8th. The design for -tbo Pauelling of Uic ceiling has been gha4aly CLonceived and weli cxecutcd in ai ts de- týiI. A visit te thc churcb la neessary t çive an adequate idea of what bias been' lotie. The 'border of Ï11 tUic PoAscl..'t saae, lb is doni 'arkeaV'tMles'UIM . lit Yellow ground-fieiar.de4I8 £54 ttdfi4*i'i alernating acoasS -thebrcsth ed7 thaded vines rmnligttbtoughoutê, ?f tic nave. The emtXepPic* Uinjai- l 15 uatre-fojj ii form wî$UI arme =1 havîng alarge Stainta»d ei tire miiddle W ýlesast rolm Chaince c bilnu Mr. Embree Burglarized. On Sunday eveniîîg last while Mr. Luther E Embree, principal of the Parkdale col- legiate institrîte, Toronto, and bis wife were ai chu rch, their residence aI 33 Beattie Ave. was bîarglarized and $3o in îoney, including .u rnarked check, was stolen 14 the thieves. The visitors also took a quantily of silver- ware, but this was afterwands found in an adjoining field, wlaere il l[rad appanenîly been dropped in the burny ai fligbit. The do- meslic and cbildren were i the bouse at the tinie, but tbey were not aware of the nobbeny until aller the neturn of Mn. and Mrs. Em- bree, wben it was found thal entrance bad been effected by culting the shutter of the side window. A Good Company. The Metropolitan Dnamatic Company f611- ed an engagement bere on Monday, Tases- day and Wednesday nights. On Manday- tbey presented "The Golden Giant Mine" in a maniner that cannied the bouse and sent the crowd away loud in praise of the per- formance. The individual members oëtbe company are aIl strong un their parts, and life is given to every part of the play. The pounding of the ore crushiug macbinc-with- which the third act opens is .realistic, but la onlý, ln,.keeping wiIh the coinpary's scenery throughoul. On Tuesday nigbt the company perfonmed " Down the Slope," which as net as good a play, but was equally well repre- sented. Little Mabel Connors danccd and sanag each niglat in a style neyer equalcd bei e by a cbtld of her age. Wedding Beil A very popular young couple wes mariled in Iown on Wednesday, Mr Nanaàn E Col- wlll, cîdest son of Mr T G ColwlU, and Miesa Blanche Maynard, eldest datighter of Mr jas Maynard, bcing the contractiag. parties. -The ceremony was performied by Rcv John Abrahamu, the brdesmaid bcbng Miss Mlinute, Cala, Toronto, late of Whitby, and- the groomaman Mr. J. Clarke,, of Toronto.- Misa Laaoii, cf Toronto, played the,'wed- ding match and also mtany' appropriate airs d tin he subsequent proceédin "'. 'The we~g tock place u trJatmei-Maynard's realdence Àt 6p.II. Thé t'e'-psta, so far U, we conid ascertain ehstr naies,, were asfo- low rs Abrabgm# , r and Mmiind-Ma Nqellie Oeàialstpi, Mr and Mrs C Bàtenu"' Mr s B'atuBtman" and Ml 0 Bat eùüa#r mr GosdM" Sa rabH* U# - Via K4wWao G. WalteWa. Barrie buao utk « tpteit Use lDan't buy a tove until1 you snJake Melntyre. Mrt. B. Simàmons, merchant taller, Osh- awa, was in îown on monday. Orillia ObJected te the bîgh Prices anid dld1 ntpatronizé Guy Brothers freely. M4en's ready made tweed suits a4% excep- tonally low prices at W. G. Walterm'. Lest week we gave Ney. î4th as the date of tbe North Ontario election trial, instead of December î4tb. The Reacb and Scugog plowing match tekes place on John McCîntock's farm near Port Perry, on Wednesday next, Nov. 4th. Rev. John Abraham preacbed at Ashburn on Sundav Iest, the presbyterian-pulpit bere being very acceptably filled by Rev. J. Rad- ford of Ashburn.* Robertson, the wafcb thief sent here froni Pickering, waa sentenoed by His Honor Judge Dartnell on Saturday te, one year ini the central prison. 4 and 44 pet cent. boans made on wIl lim- proved farms by joseph Stonehouse, 124 Victoria St., Toronto, agent for Messrs. Reynoldsa, Stark& & Co. of London, Enig. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Roberts, Toronto, spent Sunday at His Honor Judge Dart- nell's. Mrs. Dartnell acconipanied themi home on Monday and will remain for a week. The rush of wbeat froni the Northwest la so great that the G. T. R. la storing 75,000 bushels bere until a slack tume will permiti of its transfer ta Montreal. Tiie warehouses et Midland bave to be cleared out, and the railways bave to pay extra storage occasion- ally 10 maintain their bold on the traffic. The Gazette still talks about Alderman 9cott's mail contract to Brougham and says that Liberals declar it was cancelled because iwas imprnperly let. Our cotem somnetimes dlainis t10*"voice Re(orm sentiment," but it has not got this mail contract mater rightly int its thlck bead. Every contr a ciof the kind in the Dominion which had been re- newed without new tenders has been can- ctlied. If Mr. Scott had been a hot Reformn- er the case would bave been just the sanie. Correspondence with the Postmster General is our authority for making this statement. Births At Whitby, on Friday, Oct. 23rd, the wi(e of Mr. Frank Humphrey, of a daughter. Home Made Bread Parties wishing the above can be supplied by calling et the residence of Mr. H-enry Gould or at Mr. Prîngle's grocery. Sale of Thorobred Stock. There %%ill be a big sale of thorohred stock at Ray's stables here to morrow, Satturday, at îo o'clock. Those who want some goodi live stock, implements, or hbusehold furni- ture at auction prices should attend. Prises on Field Roots. Mes srs. John Vipond, Brooklin, and John Tbompson. Whitby, have reported their rewards for field roots in connection with the Ontario & Durham exhibition, as follows: 5 acres turnips, jas Stocks, Columbus, Jno. Morrison, Brooklin, Robt. Craig, Brooklin. i acre mangolds, Jno. Morrison. Half acre carrots, Wrn. Wilson, Oshawa The Record clipped down. Geo. Nicholson, i, years nId, beat the re- cord (rom Toronto to W'hitby on Saturday [ast, the abbreviation being from i hour 45 minutes and 30 seconds t0 1.38.30. He rode with a heavy side witid and was thrown from his wheel by a mishap on the road, be- sides having to walk up Post's hili, which is being repaired. He was paced about one- fourth of the distance. The previous re- cord was held by TuIlocl' of the Wanderers. M edal Winners Tt is a malter of universs.l interest that the Art Houe of Prang & Co. have consented to produce the great premîum picture, "The Orphan's Prayer," for thé Faniily Herald and Weekly Star, Montreal. Prang & Co. mav be said to be amnongst the greatest miedal winners in existence. At all exhibi- tions thev carry off honors. We hear that Fully 8m people, old and young, turned out on Friday last 10 welcomc Principal Waugh, te witness thc' annual commence- ment exercises of the collegiate institcte, and te cheer thc winners of prizes in thc annpal sports cf sehools. ,No bettet cvi. dencle conld bave been adduced- of the town'ls uniflagging inférest lu educationt, and cf ité determlnation te pusa oaewmrd in- stcad cf backward ini edc=4tlOn, 'as sonie pessmistis,, who knov àoblg m cane nothing about educati4iz, armarc ting. Chairman licCle:lan occeuplod Uthe chair. Principal Wangh opeved tii.cc- eé cises -witl auanadclres. capresuive ot hie, pleasure ln fmding .uch ent*usi"ssmPr - aling latiis1ow _luregard teuaiu al-matters. Uc sad he 1eit ervousin at-ý teauptbngto handit &achoolwhu±h-bad4 beema nmaged by- scb aus illustrions succcspima of bead naistemrs.Tben -c1I ùinmte ,atherl -0- -o-. Comforts~ An eeotOâof them :for MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN. 'Of course we have the styles, and Our Price must attraot, and they do. IWOVU-DOIeu. GOOdS. It *Mb pay you tls buy yé~u.r Iirp g"-ds t Mir Cha. Derustia,. Pickering!î ptipùlar batbeër, Was ln t.own on Sundav.-. -O'frlen & Stedbam's photo gallery, open Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. .Mrs. Davey, Chicago, and her daugliter 14i1y ane in town this week, the Cuesta of Misa Ramn. 6 pieçe solid walnut parler suite, plush, wlth siîk plusb banda, for $32, worth $45, at W. Till's. Editor Clarke, of the Pickering News, was ini town on Wedncsday and honorecl the CHRÃ"NIcLE with a cail.- At Stratford on Saturday Georgetown de- feated Wiarton for the intertuediate lacrosse championship by a score of 6 to 3. His Honor Judge Burnham las seadily im- proving and will soon recover froin bis re- cent attack of pleuro pacumonla. Large sale of new and seeond-band wagons, bob-sleigba, cuttera and fanm gates aI Dowswell's, Claremont, on Saturday, Nov. 7th, 1896. 5,o00 bushels of apples wanted at the Whitby Evaporating Works. Farnera, now is your chance. Bring in the fruit. S. W. LOWELL. Whitby, Oct 8, 1&)6. The Free Reading Roomn wilI b. fonmally opcned (or the winter to îorrow, Saturday night. Those who wisb 10 contribute per- iodicals to ils tables should place a copy there before 10 rnorrow night. Oh for Manitoba and Europe. See E Stephenson, Whitby, fo: cheap tickets 10 and from Engla.nd, Scotland, Ireland, Brit- ish Columbia, Manitoba, California, ail United States and Canadian points, any- where, everywhere, boat, rail or ocean. Rates guaranteed rigbt. Through tickets from Pickering, Toronto, Myrtle, Brooklin and Whitby. See E. Stephenson, Whitby, before traveling, and gel choice of ten best ocean lines and best railway routes. Miss E. M. Ladd,. whoî many of the people of Whitby will rememben for ber lecture at the Ontario Ladies' College last winter on George Eliot as well as her clear rendering of some of ber beautiful poems, will again visit the college On Friday evening, Nov. 6th, she will give ber popular lecture on Robert Browning. During ber visit she will also read (rom her own poerns. Lecture at concert hall, O. L. C., Friday, Nov. 6th, at 8 p. in. Admission 2,5 Cts. The Weekly Globe. The Weekly Globe bas been enlarged to 16 pages, and is now unsurpassed by any weekly paper in the country. We mnake a specialty of clubbing the Globe and CHRON- ICL..EaI $1.25. An old Whltby boy ta the front. At the Gutta Percha and Rubber coni- pany's bicycle races held at exhibition park, Toronto, on Saturday last, Mr. Gus Pennel, Parkdale, formerly of Ibis town, won the haîf mile, the one mile handicap, and took second place in the five mile bandicap. Thtas do the Whitby boys spring 10 the front. C. E' wi STEWArT Go WIrTBY3r. WALTERS. 'We Lead i Manties, and our immense Business in this Brandi of Dryý Goods h"a been buit np by the three great inducements which we in- invariabby offer to the public, viz : M anties at $2.B0, worth $3580. Manties at $6.00, worth $7.80. The Latest Styles, The Best Materials, The Lowest IPrices. Our Stock for the Fa/I Trade of 1896- is larger by far than any previous assortaient and at the same time it is distinguished by ail the menite of former years. Our prices are lower than elsewhere. Manties at $4.80, worth $L.50. Manties at $7.50, worth $9.50. Stylish Heavy Cheviot Jackets, ail wool, at $4.90. L adies wko wisk Io make the most of ikeir money -skould inspeci 6e/are o urchasing- elsewhere. aw- Oddfellows' Building. Quality Talks. The Exceptional Qualities of e "Kj£olona;' our stock mo- Whitby.- WM ILL,ç 0 Furitur DaI, 1M STOP A YD 2'HINK 1 storê fot ý hrt time. for Good W rMIIISS- nuup o GodMited Kattratsgood ticikng OoodMape odtade fkr.. convinces the mee t cheers-,tha - Now P1ald..===~ WALTE R'S, (tv-ý'We have the finest stock of Dresa Goods in town. Our Prices, Colors and Styles are the very Lates W~See our Fancy Boucles in Dress Patterns only. No two Dresses alilke, at 6oc. yard, regular $i.oo goods. W~New Tweeds, reg. $i, our price 75c. New ine of ail wool Plaids, reg. 75C., our price 5oc. Beautiful, Iýî'Line of Plaids, reg. 35c., our pnice 25C. See our Tweeds in all colors, at onliy 25C. yard. SPECIAL. ffWSee our BLANKETS at $x.oo and ti.35 a pair. No trash. UWWARM UNDERWEAR is now a necessity.-- ------Have you secured your suppby? I Weare making HEAVY Sales of these goods now. Perfect in Finish. Perfect in Fit and V~t fADurable goods, at bowest prices. Our Underwear is guaranteed not ta shrink. Test them. IWSee aur Ladies' Underdrawers at 25 cents per pair, with Vests to match at 25 cents each. WfLadies' Mantles made t~o Order in the very latest styles. See our Mantie Cloths. W'New Millinery, New Hasiery, Gloves. Corsets, Ribbons, etc, at very bowest Cash Prices. IWGenuine Bargains in MEN'S FURNISHINGS. We have got the Goods. We are selbing them every hour WSALES GROW HERE BECAUSE WE SELL CLOTHING THAT GIVES SATISFACTION. ConsWsency 1 Thou n a aJewel. The Wbitby Gazette talks (neely about the patent medicine advertisements publi.shed in the CHRONICLE. Upon reading il we tunned over last Friday's Gazette and corn- menced counting the pat. nmcd. advs. on ils 4th page. We figured it up 10 nincteen, wbicb took our breath away s0 badly that we dare flot look over the other tbree pages. Nineteen on one page, and it barking aIt us for baving a few. What a neck soie people have on them 10o bawl -. Stinking Fish " while the odorous finsters are in their owrs pockets. Some Newspapr Saaps. $i. The Weeltly Sun, (Farmens' Suný. 8 pages. chiefly controlled and edited by Prof. Goldwin Smith, and THE CHOONIrCLE, 8 pagea oi county news, in al 16 pages weekly, for $i 10 Jan.i. , 1898. $1.25. The Weekly Globe, 16 pages of general news weekly, and THE CHRONICLE, 8 pages of lacal news weekly, to Jan. 1, 1896, for $1.25. $2. The Satunday Mail Empire, 24 pages illustraîted. the Weekly Mail-Empire. and THE CaisoNICLE, for $2 a year (the price of the Saturday mniil alune.) 92.50. The Toronto daily World and THEn CHRONICLE $2.50 per annuni. Thest are flot briler plate sheets printed in Tononto type foundries and palmed off oan tbe public as newspapers. Tbn Presideatial Election. The Review of Reviews, in ils Noveanher numbet, publishes a series of letters on the political situation in tbe closlnq days of the campaign in the great States of the middle WesL. Tbcse letters were wrtten hy fair- minded and trained observera of Aicrican politica, and are valuable as giving truthful piclures of one of the ruosî exciting Presi- dential contesta in their National bistory. Professors Folwell, of the University of Minnesota; Ely, of the University of Wis-' consin ; Henry C. Adams, of the University of Michgan ; Dr. Washington Gladden, of Ohio; Mn. N. O. Nelson. of St. Louis, and equally caîpetent observera in Indiana, Kcntucky, Iowa, and Nebraska, patticipat. in this symposium. The Review discusses the state of tic canvgsa on the ceve of elec- lion wîtli the editarial candor and per-spic- acity which its readers have come to expect in such a criais. Comamcement Exercises

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