7- ý -o~n the bilhest present priée and wilI somepetty crime and punisbed. Our cotem. -make a big Ibing ont of it. Parie, buck. dm s fot take the trouble ta show why the wheat, bay, straw, butter and eggs are also just ow mch mn~y nti ovemment sho.uld fot empIoy detectUves t0 higher. Everytzing nias to go up lu sym -_ ________________________ pathy with wbeat.Thswhhaeow -satisfaction you are loosing feret ' t 1 breeches of law in one repc modittes for sale will fiind a good strong -tili you buy your Drtdgs and m9orethan another, but rejotees on generlmrkîfu n -brngape.O an -Medicines. Get pour pricples, and says "«Served him right! I otber page will be fouad correct figures for Wen lquar detectives vishted Port Perry the Toronto and Whitby markets. our readers willi reta1ltbat a gang was or- Rèeeipts andi Prescripti n ird to murder them at Myrtie, and the The San Life Assurance Co. of Canada. e Oe u h Poros et opeol ever.entcrting license laws in This strng and reliable company 15 now WC) e . (t 'I h s N .T PotPerry waa goDeg, for Inspector Fergu. represented in tbis country by Rev. J. S. FILLED AT son states that durlng the twenty years he Clarke of Dur town. No other company in has been inspector lie neyer could force Canada ls <bing sa large a business, or pay. Port Perry wltnesses taotell enongli truth to In a ra rft oisplc odr.A seur ço viton i nty per atei igias ive per cent. per annum bas been a N ew Stock of L a e ' coldbkooded idea for the Obsrver tore - l premlunis at the last division of -We use none but PURE Drugs Joice wheri a fellow maortal getq in jail, but profits. The sun flot only pays what it ment of iNew Drs Ga -and Chemnicals and offer none our readers muet bear in mind tbat the mos promnises, but In a number of instances much tpopular mari that could be thonglit of in more than it bas promised at the lime of designs. A complt ag enforcement of the liquor laws. Liquor greatly pleased ta explain the plans and m e v s ,a GenUin e Paient MAcd*czntes. drinking bas been the cause of almost every advantages or the Company ta ail persans great disaster that bas ever (allen upon that who may have the most refiote idea of tait. - town, but still even illicit grog la a sacred ing out assurance. Cail on him aI hie resi- thing tbere. This la the nineteentb century, dence and you will be satisfied. too. Schools and churches and good laws To Correspondants. Wfe have also a New and Co pee G oëlL îve Oîl ,.e have falled so far to remove tbe old prejud- A Suncaînna, New York.-The distance 5o cents per pint. of Ireland against the excise detectve. ta the wharehouse at the bay le îwo miles Mie n's ana ~"Nearly Tasteless. Wben will the llght dawn? ail but r2o yards, or a little over a mile and nieteRAL . TOW Overcoats, Shit n SENERÂ TOWNENIQUIRERS....Ail the J ~ 5f,,j WltbyTou Locis.electors of a state for each candidate are put <'~ r. l I Lj), Uibrldge bas a lady barber. on the ballot together, ecd set being under Benutiful weather this week for baulîn uteebe fte at rning itUI turnzps. For instance, under the epublican emblem, 1 V CHEMST RUGGST, Alln's or ureessecesandfiavoring wbîch iS an eagle perched on a ballot box, R GG T, ettracta. teewl ei e York state 36 namnes of u e t F r i h n electors who are afterwards to meet with ali MEDICAL -: HALL, Mr M Williams, Port Perry, was in town the other electors at Washington and select yesterday. a president. Wbile it es very well known tue tckd ih hoceasot Brook Street, Whitby Rer. E. S. Row, Torouto, was in twn teoerttMcinley 8th eubîa ____________________ Wednesd ay. candidate, he must vote for the 36 McKinley C A I G , a e_- _ Indian sumrmer this week, or some other electors if be wants him for president. He kind ofsammer. will vote for the whole 36 mind. Whichever pieadw urne vr e kgt <'L' tU t. c tW .Wles. ~ ~ 1 Washington afterwards ta select the presi- h eto aifcin SioatW. . Valer'.dent. Somne people have the idea that each thVetofstsa Mrs John Adams, Port Perry, was the state will be divided ap into districts, and0 guest last week of Mrs Aunes.* that ench district will vote for one elector to WHITBY, IOCT. 30 1896s been working in the convention which selects a president, AJ WHIT Y, OCT 30ý189 Peerbro, s i ton ths wek.butthis is a mistake. The voter either Mr. G~eo. McClellan, of the Standard bank, marks for McKinley's 36, or Rryans 36, or A L NRW ___Bowrnahville, spent Sunday in town. somebody else's 36, and whicb ever party has the rnost votes its 36 candidates will ail The ited~n States Iolon.. M Nr C A Conner bas been very ilI for a be sent bt he electoral college. TepeietothUntdSae sntweefr past, bat was easier on Wednesclay. s Galions Capture<Ifd------------- The res den of lie U uiî d S ate IS not T here should be a bicycle record betw een m l p c o ~- elected by a direct vote. As divided Ibis Ailin's drugstore and thc Harbor Company's LicenseInpce Fergason bcok a trip yearthee wll e 44 elctos vted or.uffce.out to Saintfield on Wednesdar in search for yertherme ew be and electors 3Otdfr ofie.' éd aeTee at tS falland winter beverages. Word hmd been 'I h e e m et fte w a, s, u d i ta e s 23 r M n's r e a y m a e T e e d p a n s a S î o o, re c e iv e d th a l H o te lk e e p e r N e w to n o f th a t more of thein 10 eleet a president or vice- $1-25, 81.,50 ta 83.50 per pair at W. G. Wal village was serviug up a gooci quality oi- preidnt N prsn ots irctyrorMH these refreshments.. When Mr Ferguson ar- Kinley or Bryan, but for members of an ý1r.Hebert J. Campbell, of Buiffalo, came riveci there he founci Mr Ncwton servlNoe4*4r home lest nigit, on a visit ta hie parents, Wrn Ledingham, Myrtle, with a beverageBel electoral college, which bodci lects the pre- Mr. and Mrs. Smith Campbell. sa whoiesome that it might be sald 10 con- sdent and vice-presi dent. ý"o Ibis electoral j Jh itn rmnn amro anmadikadldig eigta TT T~~* cliege each etate elects a flamber in pro- i onLnoaponnn ere fNrLdnhmapae ortion te, its population. acpathnPceri ng, bas, after due deliberation, pur- taLdnbm perd 1 enjoy the zaQ EIVE town nominees for members of the college chaseci a Chicago Aermotor. liqaid, Mr Fergason asked for a Dip, but____________________ -there are six parties in New York each Mr. W. H. Hopper, Chicago, l home for (Veacirevetaee fatnone iha tU ck.tî rnning a set of lectors--and ail the names a boliday adt ranblchifmaoyhdbe ukd à -is nt de wasi and a boat of other names are ail put on a bal rheumadasm out of bis joints. tucket, but tbc whiskey mc fo ru u Ilot about as big as a uewspapcr. Thereileso M e t(gs helddw rontent)u u much mmrGee Stargeeonwhaeleballot from theywhen the inepector collared it. Neit a ive- 10votera are allowed to vote in one poîîing city on Sunday add paid a riait rtobis gallon detuijohn was bookeci. In ticafî# e pce, and four arc allowed in at a lime, Parents, Mr and Mme mno Sturgese. noon tbey ail took a trip ta Port Perry to REach will have from twenty ta thirty min- Mme Milne, who bas been visiting hem celebrate the discovery, and -as a mark of utes ta look over bis ballot andi mari- t. ster, MmePAnes, left for Detroit last week hie appreciation of the inspector'e idelîty to hn lsw r n rcey Rach of the 45 states clects bbc following where she will be tic guest of hem son, Mr the liquor ifiberest Mr Newton subscribed ChnaGletnd i..uep. number of mcmbcrs ba the clectoral commit- R H Milne. s.5o and caste ta the fancis. Mr Ferguson Dinner and Tea StC ep tee of 445 who select the president : Ala- The evaporating Warka here are taking lu also left word for Mr Ledlngham ta cen- F 1rcTCof bama ii, Arkansas 8, California. 9, Colorado about Soo bushels of apples daity. Farmers tribale as a prrtaker, andi most lilcely he Choice Famfly G oeries, Teas, 4, Connecticut 6, Deleware 3, Florida 4. Il- haci better 4ýeliver Ibere than feeci the apples will put up Sîo andi costs for lie gooci of Uitrutht.,Ec linois 24, Georgia 13, Idaho 3, Indiana 15, to farm stock. order. FutE c Iowa 13, Kansas îo, Kentucky 13, à 6am .ne 6,EclrgMuiaClte.y t* Louisiane. 8, Maryland 8, Massacusets115- Some parties bave been destroying prop- Encoarace MusicalrCulture Xicizn 1. innsoa 9 Mntaa . Ms*erty at thc Ontario andi Durham exhibition EDITOR 0F THE CitRONIOLE: SIR- sonni 17, Mississippi 9, Ncbraska 8, Nýevada grounds. Tie directoire offer $Io reward, 1 was fortunate, Iwhile ln Port Pcrry last Nc ampsh esy 0irew nertnfo norainWhih il week, in acccpting au invitation ta a practice 3,rewe4,*New JrecI, e e nertn, o ifrmto i.wi P zcstoS i York 36, North Cao1na i , North Dakota convict tie guitty persans. meeting one evcuing, at Mise Yanold's. of ao» reon4,Pennsylvania 3, o th S aîh sit b sn- - 1023, Oeo , 2 o T HECHRONICLE offers bbc lowest cdub- techoral caswiici 0ass Cnih- SaroIina 9, Soath Dakota 4, Tennesase12, bing prices of any paper in the Dominion, ki erlmikcalfcmsitoso ou Don't b u bfo caU.ingan examining Tea 15, 'Utah Vermont 4,Vn a , No ohe pavier ia announced a club with knd, bt afl ever-cbarmang Gipsy cahn ,3. , 1s irn ,icnsi 01n nA hous ero tcopera -of "bbhe Boemian esokad prices for yourself. hinto, , et irini 6 Wscositle Globe for r.5 months at $1.-25, or wiîb the Girl," anci thc eify Twerocapkcaca 12, Wyonaig 3.-Total 44&. Farmcr's Sun at $1. Our cotems are trying Gr,"d T h e îfulpryTong,Iexapreieof y he Chances appear ta favor McKinley' s fakes ta fool people int paylng bic oldan evbutflpr-ogexesief th wietandi tic saddest of humnan senti. Vr &4?,.F1eETTE 0F e lC t i o n , a ndb o u i c ta i gi n i r c t A i anp i e . T e y a n a c t a mya r t e n s et e s t î r h u t o n o f e b e e n î w n î ciis sabu bcinta drcto.A t clubbing wiîi ail tic papers, but do not met, as thicdonrbtoofewe wny the same time il le bard ta oraoi a correct atate pri*es, and tiirty of tie masic-loving liesdq- idea of the situation,.b addtthaieetlmno ii rtylk-sd out ra ted .- H o n . J o h n *D ry d e n b a s re c iv e d U R O I L d o e i c c a p t p r n - t n o-9t r m n m v m ntodiff n ; e e T C le * ,a et ev e ca t t ro d e u c e th ae b f r e iw rd that bisnew co ony at N ew D ryden ing andi offers bh c low es î clubb ng pr ces of c ub eet a ci e*ort hes ese ve m e a c hra at m eh m be s, îtb b wu f hib y, lu e an ppe i anda Cl a th oe cony f ntheo, on bb xtdaofGc SOfcb eilaesuolî, or wîdaîrr amngt ....* Nvnbe 8gAtceenocl lf 3 A lg o m u, le b eco m in g p o p u la ted at a rap iâ a n y o u wap esaper in C a n a d a. C ahff e ff P i -juicaaha otce b g e cipo , 1 b c y ar i i t r r o n o n he ln g Ui im e u p ln f r d -rAte Titis shows what a little booming bywcn~" nwsae oPfnng classical music. Tîcre la talent enoug H ihsPrcs ad nitinotecan.Ru fhninsters, ean do in way of tllling up aur 10 Cents Admission hceaso(o(bcit omauocetafrtuGTJI a ed s 'h aoffO.oerUzo6 troat wet.-Flon. Blar ake bas e- Rcv ]Dr Harc's e cîVre in tbe tabernacle Thc adrantage of skilful and accompliabe<l(Sgnd)Gocal. Ma~.u trne«[ te Eugland. achool room . takes place to-nigit, Friday, !unconerablte Ontario a auesav wlgeiat Dno7Ta' & Dow ýMCGiU-i.Ry. Oct 3oti, insteaci of bonorrow as announced technieralie one.aho adies' Cohlege 15 no -e & locjýtal atrf S . hast week, and -Uic admission fte is îo cents benefits might not come (rom well-<lrecteclca, WVV.AJ 8an. Panisfoyoiio~ msted ofiS cnts.efforts la Ibis directian? 1 respectUully urge -- aiTueda Dxl.Ti prspct pont10Newpomts Bas and L"l. been sadly nieglige'nt aion&thee avenues o bu ûedaynet. hepropets oiL t .Remember andi leave yeur ordemsata New- artistie cultivation, .le net the present an MfARKET'BUILDINGl, WI TBYu FAI ,BteK, tfieelection of McKinley for president, andi port's carniage siop or livery stable' for opportune time to mate a start ? Will not witle Canadlans may rejoice la the event omnibus 10 junction or up bown station, also tie CrtRoNJCLa help i attamning so desir- Réal E8afr# Coum >ecase f bs sundvnony pîncple, ~for livcry. Note Uic reduced tares from z2o able anucund as tiat aimeci at-thc Improve- -D -hies b on lumnc l i i lec t cents1 one way' te 15 cents, and r th~ round ment and pleasure 10 be got ont of ticheE nica~ens a enewal of the McKinley tariS on trip frosi40 cnste a et.'4petr-msclclialno uectzens? ali-V 1/ O iaeoysda £ its umt vicions priaclple. Wiat Uie elc- duedfars.Wm. -Newpomi 4e n. fully youms, F. HoWÂRD ANtiss.Wiby, rwr i ogvnfrIfrainbue- witb sî- çofai e. ofIan&oref thon cf Brynuwould menato us le bard' 10 llaillec'n, ct 9,'6.eaiung to tic conviction efsny eparties £fun4D fneas dt fGaî rui t' ea, Wjbv~wt ýsay. He 15 backcd by every .ocialsî, Tomorrow, Saturday, Igbî leaflaowe'en, T" baîd injring otik atIonwj teayo the nd jaudti5tel1 Ai lâit .z iS odr Thec folly of tbe Ontario législature inter- fik bs(h tttlehihieybo l-Wmn.Dna llmiu oin rpaitx , self bard. -Sont. specimens of boyitood will Wlieat. white. 80 re 8Sc; red winter, t a'yec u b1rw, Ui>. proseb j<rig iU yug coles iho i rgadgo In for comquîtting d pretitoswb a;gom. o r e. ~Barlcy, 2510 350.Oalt#; uted*i landt< - )d)iý~WIly;aSeo $~mailgolaaplyIlutrated jmat now. *wilLgeH>otiu hiiseif and-the eet 800d sî ç.loa,~t o.Hy ~~ o~,3D .1n~ Ibis county Uinee sets of old peopl rb cae. We boetle beys-ivill b. ,Buckwîesu, 32040 o o.Ryc, 330 o.-Su&* Près'1 liwing ach -other te deatit becaus lcydecent, snd confine theïr tricks lu banmiese 8ýr$Ss. Bu 1b'lsxic o ,b s4 à uc~q Mie uo amnlages, whiio at Mldlaud a joies. Èverybody tan appreciate-a gond Eggs 15, CîBynrone, l, e, uci, 9. flol bas beca commltted for triai Joke!, but a plece oftn etutonTrcs c. oaoa pra .t~o bomife h e le a way a. ir ls dearly loed beld bring puinisitieni upon thbcbad tfDrnssd hl. $475310 SS$0.' ob $a4d_,'ê -. -e, e and ma., r.e4 ter. 7 i ;Je,- 10 #3. W0of ~zumftn~ He- uzuugnî aie w hl'- Perpetrabes IL " BeeI-iW,. $41086 _M eigiteen, years ohd .and ,nad toath te that WNiOaG , __ elect Jlu s curing bbth lisese , but as Ih turn e ssg , 4~ bufra wow ulkyrjaeh ave alncotceased teoôffer anyfpimn Souto Wiea4 wite, 82 o 8 red -viaer,ç of lte fanmcns mear bore sipp.éîla* asnrly S ~a4 ppi- rcqreer of 'sabUaiand âùapl st nlp n<ac>îdt ~ - W~~6c ac.~u~ ~Se iii q NEknt Iantl-- a-o-a- , £wWtj(rt. ode in the latest ishades and Of Ladies' and Children8 Reangmaeo e ay-mad Suits an ?mn DoafeS.IIG9 V NEW 'AND poRC ELAI N SoLID STERI: TEASP( of new and be: only $6.50 GREAT . 8. BCH - VwmTH LfERNS of SUITINGSOE garment turned out to give HO S se. Gold Exoitement. 0:9 to ]Roms1az DQfl't forget to eall at, Haywardy'c Lola Comiiiy Organ $10» oi auj' local p FRIDÂY, OC1 .Hardwood dining tabl -'Dress go;ods at except W, G. Wahters'. -.Last week potatoes :Cnsper busheî at Uxt Firsb cîas photos .-0Brien _& Stedham's gý ~R McGowan, 'au ex yetar reasumer of tie an error of tic Ths ates, instcad i ~Uving tb Toronto. *In. Wm. Calvcrley i tibop acmoss thc street tccupied bv Mr. J,.1E ý'brokIer's office. We will give thc C --Globe and Farmer's Sui 'Tis lelte best offer .tanadian rucwspapcm. Great slaugiteringof -Continue at tic ncw s $r and $ c.5o boots for z -tý,ome ta have a-pair.- -Collins. pigeon shooting tot h, iîby junction la' anmeur ciass Tony Bai wlti Comp. Dunlop secn iaw 3rd. Thc professii by W.S.-Golci wlihR.1 _second. à Snap for $3s. - A new subscriber oni CHRONICLE, Weeklv G -andi Weekly Star, and 6I-8 pages a- week, for $3 A Year of Plenty. This la a ycar <if a vegelabies andi cemeaî 'wbîeb is lu greabeet q able bo stock ticir cella dollars. jio wilI uy a 4oes, pampkins, turuipt cbbages à family wil A Bit Shipnient -Of boots and sioce Sie Éaotanci Shoe t( ilbýe-solId aI bard tin uianshsippers aI gr- boots at ei po #t$1 per nr. Men's lai e*tSide Boot and Si -e çongr-atuhate Mfi gaslte resu atlexafùualOU. asenior leavinlg or ir -Davey sIcr tlf*erst chua ce te thie pupiýs of th, n-loe who have ni -deliver a l"ctre hibave pissed. .and he usu fly -h e3nnnaly ýt Grim - .On' Frida ,.gLe oaei of thte se. lis FALL and -WJNTER GOODS, at the surprisingly low prices no'w going, is better than GOLD. tock fully assorted in every liue, Everything flcw in Dress Good, extra value. IPecil Oothing Sale now on fen's overcoats, velvet dollars, k4 rega. ,Ian $6.5. 'n's fine Melbon do., $6.5, reg. $10o0o fiheavy Uleters . 5.00, reg 750 44 4 6.oo, reg 8.oo extra do. ---;.....7.50, reg 10o0o Duthe Overcoats ...5, reg 6.oa- )uthe Uhsters ........ ,o reg 750 )y'Overcoats......... oo, reg 5.00 en'a Tweed Suite ... - ., reg 7,5 ..beavy cuits... . o, reg 8.50o tgfine tweed suite. . 8.5o, i-cg 12.50 fine black suite.. 8.5, reg 125 fineécoabandvest 8.oo, reg 1200 ffen's Tweed pants, at 85c, $1, $1.25, $2, gUlar PnîCc $1, $1.2&, $2and $za5 90Meu's Smocks anmf Overalîs. ,liadie9l Coats, st ycarls style, less m haif price $9 coate fon $4; $.5o.for $5 for $.2e >u undcrwear for ladies and gentlemen ýt ail competiteri, t 25c, 35c, 45, 5,m 75c, $1. Sçc theas. Our objeet is toseli-net profils-as the whoie stock ustago this month. tember yen save moncy by bttying at RIWyW arE WDs. RMPROUE nfTD at ýtie fille n.Çà Qn" Of Suits and and Range :Ld.