Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 16 Oct 1896, p. 4

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You'i NyerKnow -just how much' money and satisfactiont you are loosing -tili you buy your.Drugs and -Medicines. Get vour Recerpis and Prescrj FILLED AT W ILLI8 ',-ff -We use none but PURE -and Chemnicals and oflei -but GenUzne Paient Mcdù» Cod Livez, OiE-, 50~ ~ cents per pint. SNearly Tasteless, J. £WILL4J CHEMIST & DRUGGIST, MEDICAL --HALL, Brook Street, Whi WHITBY, OCT. 16, 181 Thanksgiving day ini both Canada the United States has been proclaimed Thursda), Nov. 26h.-Messrs Watu Carneron and McMfillan, members of Manitoba government, are in Ottawa try to settle the Manitoba school question i the Dominion governmen.-The Don~ ion governiment bas decided t0 appoint c mussioners to investigate the difierent p vincial penitentiar les under govern m contraI. E. A. Mereeith and J. B. Noxi Toronto, will- commence at once on Kij ston pententiary.-Hon. J. 1. Tarte, M, isier of Public Works, will visit British C umbia soon.-The Ottawa Free Pre Liberai, says the lives of the cabinet n. isters and Liberal nernbers of parliamt are made miserable by office seekers. also announces that the thing is useless, the goverinent is de£ermined flot to inti duc. the spoils sys£em in Canada. -T Young Liberals of Toronto have passe< motion condemning the interference of gc ernment officiais, eluher Dominion or Pi vincial, in elecions. Honest men ofj patties willl ndorse this move.- Whtby Town Local.. Indian summer. FilUp your coal bîn. Collegiate insitute sports to-day. Get in yaur potatoes and apples. Scott repairs ail kinds of pumps. Thursday was an ideal autumn day. Miss Maud Annes is visiting in Port Perr Commencement exercises on Friday evel ing, 23rd mast. W A Holliday, of Brooklin, was in tow on Wednesday. Mrs. Waltz, of Toronto, was a guest at tE Whitby bouse this week.% Mr Chas Jiodge, who is well known ber has opened a barber shop in Port Perry. Peter Healkay, a resident of Reach, we placed in the county jail on a charge of i sa-nity. Idr John Rice says that bis apple yield thi year will be upwards of fifteen hundre Mr B Waggoner, of Kinsale, vas in towi Tbursday.Mr Waggoner la negotiating fo: bbc Purchise of the.Whitby foundry. - Six Richard Cartwrîght's son, Lewis, va buried at Kingston on Tuesday. This i th - Icfrat break iu thc family. The funera was pivate. Màr. Geo. W. Wilson, Toronto, csiled or tise CHRsONîcLE yestcrday. He has beer * spendiug a ew veeka vacation yul h hL --parents at Rosilu. Nev<±astle igh sehool was tohaly dcstroyý ed hy fine last Saturday. The bas is up wa!ds of '$8,ooo ; iusured for S4,ooo. The fire was, vitbout daubt, the work of au in- ceidbry. The iuberior of Bandel's botel is recciviu1 decôration at the banda of Mfr Chas Miier, wrho is a'pronotsnced paloter of tle up-to date style. Mfr Millet has been lu tavu but a short tine and las already doue sevexai fu ineces Of vork. A social, musical, sud literary evcniug '-j- vi e, given by Mesdames Carson sud Lavler for their "talent fuud," jn Al Saint's sehool bouse, Truesday 2oth mast., at 8 p. ms. Au excellent programme. Every- bfdÏ Invite, 25C. Cpnstable Calverley selzed sonse efiects on -Tuesday b4elonging to Jos. D. Thompson, cf the base hue, by virtue of a distres warrant ls-edb eUcry Meen, collector qI ae fox the townsbip cf Wbl£by. It la thought tisat asufficitent amonut viii e xoallzed to f(uliy ôver »bè cootas d taxes.- An ualicuned botel vas raided at Otter- ville village, isear Woodsock, on fait day, a. nd tels 'gallons cf Wblskey sund alot 'of iiottled beer sebzed. Tise.IquSr was stored Inth oqN&ate oMie.., OnuFrday nlght thlvesbroketo t« office, mmde Off wltb I~ 'the «Whier, asud-leftltIàmuacio uti valu*: "Sacxed tte tse memosjOf m4p.te Y 'Mt. a le.. Wbo vas 1 0k keofer- Ruie yPM r &M@arm. On Fridgy lust Mr. e~Rtc.'. 41tle aoný four years oIdwis pramulatiàgabout the house InvestUgating things, as la the. custozm of Young Canada, when be came acros aa bottie of on or sinoke. He tasted it of course and found that he had a mighty warm moutb. He ralsed a noise and a doctor was cailed in, when soothing retnedies were used to.stop the burnlng sensation, and the * boy was sôca as nght as ever. SC"o Sport fwanvlll oigaistte foot bail tqarn willplay at t4,e aubui gaines here to- day. The following events wiil be rui off thls afternoon on the athietic groUnds, at the collegiate institute sports : High jump--seniors and juniors. Kickiug football-seniors and juniors. Puuting the sbot-seniors. Par~~~. zoo yds. publEcslc baponhp.-.srs. 5/ions We bad occaion a mona ago to rail at- zoo yds. public sc11ocl cham pIonahip-j ra. tention to '«Farming", a new farmeral' uara zoo yds. public achool, any age. zin* which has ta.keil the place of the Lîve 80yspulccoobs oyasfae Stock journal. W e are flot agents for ran sd under. ing it, but we do so because we beiteve our 8o yds. public school, girls zo years of age. fariner frienda have no conception wbat a 6o yds. public achool, boys 8 years and Iw , fine magazine it is for a dollar. Rvery far- under. mer should takre it and the old and rellable 6o yds. public achool, girls 8 years and Dusbut always improving Farmer'. Advocate. under. 4 DrgFarming is illustrated ecdimonth by about .5o yds. public achool, boys 7 years and r none a hundred enta as good as photograplis. under. A sk tLo Runaway. So yds. public school, girls 7 years and Commdor Jakso lasuferig (ou 5 o yds. public school, 6 years and under. *jfle$. lame leg, the resuit of a wheel coming off W mil-e championship collegiate institute. his buggy. Il seemns that be desired ta taire 22o yds. chamnpionship, juniors (under 16.) the shahts of and replace them by a pole zoo yds. race--seniors.u To do so it is necessary to take off the front zoo yds. race-juniors. l 7j qr wheels. In replacing themn one of the niuts Three-legged race-seniors. W e h a v was hy mistake flot put on. When the acci- Three-legged race-juniors. dent took place Mr. Jac-cson attempted £0 zoo y<ls. race--ex.pupiîs. Jump from the rig and sus£ained a strain lni Relay races-juniors and seniors. the ankle of the rigbt lcg. Consolation race. Soniething uk ppu rty Football- Bowman ville vs. Whitby C. I. It1 is little to be wondered lit that there is. To Correspondents. such a tremnendous demand for the Famîily Last week we had a comnplaint sent in that O3 Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal. So a correspondent had reterred ta a Young 0 a C (.. great ia the rush that in August or Scp£emn- couDle as doiug some courting. Ail the ber the publîshers had ta refuse ta adopt vorld loves a lover and it is nice for Young new subacribers, their splendid printlng people £0 do a liti sparking, but no ttews- equimen£beig aleadytaxd ~0~ ~ Paper writer should refer to such cases per. equimen beng lredy axe toitsut.sonally. 1£ pleases Young people £0 teel Most to catch the mails. We hear the pub- tiat thev are courtzng on the quiet, althougli lishets have flaw got their lightning web everybody knows ail about thezu. They itbypresesspeeded up and their mailing aP- liate to be referred to publicly, and no writer itypliances improved, so they can accept a5 iII should violate îgood ïaste and hurt theirSh rvs a ited number of new subscribers. Those feelings by referring to tbem in any way- h r s a who have been permli££ed a private view 0f even by hicting at their courtship. Recent- this season's prerniurn, " The Orphan's ly a mnuvih ad some marriageable daugh. Prayer," prcdict tFat the demand for the hers stahed us bhat lie did flot allov local Family Herald and Weekly Star titis au£umn papers ho corne inside bis bouse because lie wili be enormous. And to tbînk that sucit a vould probably read in the fi-st one lie un- - paper is oniy one dollar a year ; coming folded a statement like this - Who vas the eiv -~' every week, with one hundred and twenty- Young man that drove up the sideline last eight columnns of the beat readinit of the day, Sunday with the tlu bay horse and the yel- N w S o ý96 . and thc latest and mast reliable newa re- low cart ? We are on ho you, BiIL You cord, is simnply a thing that is beyond com- should mire your visita terininate before __prehension. the wce sina' bours." Thus nevspaper Bengongu as &a n tertainer. correspondenta flot only refer offenaively to the Young man's visi t, but tbey maie a base and In working their talent fund in connec- insinuation to t.he cffect tiat lie stayed un- 1for tion wi£.itlite baptist churcli, Mrs. L T. tii dayiigit We bave frequently written X snBarclay and Miss M. Ray succeeded on Fri that it is thee business of a newspaper t try AI soday nîglit last in giving the people of the ta do good, and the writer who bas space atA N 1 the, town one of the Most cheerful entertain. bisi comnmand should seek ho benefit instead ing ments for many a day. Tventy years ago of injurinig those around lim. One is qaibe Pvitb Johuny Berngough used to amuse bis play. often enougli called upon ta use liard words ni- mates and aduit frieuda by drawing pictures ýwien evil people do _wrong, without seek- 0m 'f tbe jPr71izient men of the hown, a.nd it !ng opportunhues to fêay people by gossipy pro- becameiapplarent to ail that he bad the facul- insinuations and uncalled.ièr references to let y f o jbig hbings in tbat line. Frday delicate matters. JE S E again draw the town celebritica9, andsde dabotSnaoi eiL ng- amuse and etranbis o1A A4..A.ds to The udneahoSnayfLvi. lin- otizer dvlpent ofbasnexrao Wlth Bailey, aged tg, son af oui varthy towns- geis ifimicry in vords is flot sec_-Ma, M.W ley, vas a peculîarly sad) ond to bis imitations with thbe crayon. Risaflair. The Young man vas seized with viecal' be made ho do sriei any dia- violent pains on Friday last, andDr Mc- cnt lect that is kuown ho iim. He cani weave Gillivlay*called in. He diagnosed the case It side-spli£tiug vyarns every nov and again as being seule inflammation of the stomnach, as bîttzng off politicai or social matters vith but was dissatisfied after treatinent and cal- ýro- apt puns. He ean taie off elocution, oper led in Drs. Warren and Eastwood for con-4 rbe atic siuging, 6tage-struck performers, in sultation. Their combined skill failed to d a fact anytbing that ia open to mer-y ci-id. arrest the progresa of the trouble and on] ow- cisin. Bengougb is a man of tic world, wbo Snnday night at 7 o'clock the poor fellow 'ro- understands the wiole of the vanities of found relief in death. The doctors feit sorte- ail hie, and it is bard ta Say vbetber hie excels wbat worried about their failure to check the in dra*ving Pet, pictures or word pictuires. disease and sought to flnd out mýore about The ladies wh? thus secured Mr. B. for a the case by a pat-mortem examination. pight's entertainment have laid the town The sîomach vas dislodged and found to under an obligation, have been corradcd and eaten tbrougb in Mfr Henry Wilson vas one of those ap- tva places. To destroy the stomnach in sncb Pointed ta canvass in Pickreriog ho find out a manner vould require somte solid corros- the feelings of the people in regard ta local bye, such as arsenic, corrosive sublimate, or option, His field of labor was the sontb something af the sort. Coroner Carson Don't buy eo ai end of the rownship along the lakre shore. In summoned a jury aud drove out-beorecal tvo days he found 86 People, 5o Jadies and Bailey's and viewed the reinains. [n the tue stock and pri 36 mén vho believed in temperance. He afternoon tbc funeral to the union cemetery r.sava that althoutb Letke Ontario affords a vas a very large one. At night in the y.gaod beverage for thi-sty people, there arc Queen's hotel the examinat.ion of vîtuesses u---v.vý ESTAT]@ 0F n- stîll people aloug iha shores who long for vas begun. something more spiritual. Inquest-Dr. McGillivray described the vn On Monday marning we received a rather symptouis of the patient when he vas called flatering letter from an ex-Whitby boy, a in Friday niht. He diagnosed the case as he graduate of Toronto university and a corn- acuite inflammation af the stomach and at Thse uEatkets ing educationist of that city. A paragraph first vas hopeful of the Young mian's recov- WH!TBY. -,read as follovs : «I 1look upon the CHRON. ery, but on Satnrday Dr. Eastwood vas ICLE as the best local paper in existence, It called in consultation. Dr. Warren also vas Wheat, white, 67 t0 68c: red bas a host af excellent correspondents some called. Sunday saw sierious signs of ap- 65c; goose, 50 ta 52c. Barley.2 as of hhem writiniz with a cutlured style. The proaching death which camne ah 7 P.. Not 18 £0 2oc. Peas, 42c £0 5,5. il staff at Yaur office is one of the £est yau viii satisfled vith the unusuai nature of the caseSra,8o.Bte, ci i flnd anvvhere, and as for your ability as an the consent of the parents to a post mortem Cheicuan, per pair. Soc. Potat< is edtor 1 vîlI always have the unbounded re- vas obtaineci. Dr's McGitlivray and Eîast. 40r- tta 5oc. Honey in 6o lb cal d sec£tht Ipa yo asa ried. W ocnducted it, and on reaching the fratres, si.2o per dazlapples - oloc dto achtha oranvasfoud11 be pcfor rei; aab 2atafocperbusel Mamob, n~verabsouts. -BiR Heads, Let Io l*st ocean S.S. fUnes, aud thee heat rail. IvieSap was. Stsgýph7i ,Wbitby, before eau ess~ r-a m edemtTHuItSDAY, OCT. Ža.-Faxm stockand hailsje Farmers Sale Bille a Mucis rivalrY erists betweeu thc Markbam moents belongig o Geo Rabinsoîj, lkg3, lu and Stouffville IacrossO teazus.Stpili the 7th' Cou. Wtsilby- Townsbipmm"ea won Uiecehampioaal î fbse M ldl le B»okln. L Pairliaka, noioeex ho i< I ý trit by.defeating Boavexton, UT -eau OCh ci.a6r-6-utinsaeo Marham Màklu~n acosse enthusiaste tise promisesof Mi JosHro< o 9, w qtë éI sk that tWe-~teate la superlorand Cou. 9, Whitby, f or> e~etesd' LhaVe dcposlted -la a arked check to Cover ote antcksdiplmn&Se tisai elxed pt1 yS£ifvle b at 1 'clock ; no reserve. , L Fairbanks,. viii~ M 94a4brn sd oge ganse a&Ud tise -Nll4I suniber 'of goas sred to coun-lt. Iflic 8 m ýmeting of tiesë teýims wilI xl ke ATitD,OT 7 y6Sl@e sfi- -aterest in- tise bUdJaoelsa fgigrad lt. ipRotfipç,, jer' T- - - 8ýeyndy* milrbe* ani sd _ 10 tetaýk* tiseWabsl al c.u _ ___ pI, mu Dry Goods IHOUSO, Se urDes od in Ail Wool, at 1291 and 15 cents per yard. No better value vas ever show. ePark's Celebrated Flannelette, the widest and best mace and for the ow price of 7 cents per yard. When in our sor' )rsets. We have the same brand of Corsets advertised in 81.23 and offered as a hargain on the following day every day in the week (Sunday if necessary) is 81.00. We aiea have the 8amne lne of ail wool shirts and drawers at 50c. but advertised a pca value bargain day at 49,c. by those cheap city stores. Toronto papers last Thursday as8 wortb (Friday) at 98c. Our price for them Ail Choice Patterns- Fit Guaranteed and Prices ta suit everybady. DRE.WM. HOs S . doEIVED Ow, Ohoice ffew Goods.1 China Glassware and Crockery. Dinner and Tea Sets, Cheap. Choioe Family Grocerie8, Teas, Coffee, Fruits, Etc., Etc. Cheapjor Cash or Trade. Prices /0 Suit the Times. ifor you rsneG uubr ig iy New Dress Goods of ail kinds and al colors. 30C. OastAT E T N $1000 saoISPEWAL AT E IO Eggs. i4c. ces fia &-- --.S. 'f' ner u o75e per bar- j J..L. pc-ara 40 £0 60qBEOU zàw.. r basket; pluma 1 inter, 73 ta Toux' a'ley. î6 to 37c- Cats ________ ON -HAND. Fal iv, Muller, %a ags. 81 t£0 ic 5per pair. 25 ys, per lb,8 to per bush, 3o to £0 7c;. (rames, rorkmanship cal! St the .Lter Hcads,j cents, etc., eut pticcs. sp1, ly 1IGHEEST' PRICE.--a sa J.I. Downey &'Co. OFFICE: GordIon ]eldr-um, M.D. L. . P. DNR c;î Offce-aa ReideceNorth ÊEndof Th.~~~ým tN~QeYIOeB Offie Hor~0- 10 ~pm. -tion Of Our 25C. lne of Cash- mnere and Tweed effects, and - they will surprise you. We have a nice assortment of m anoy Tweeds. One I>ress of each pattern.- at prices that will make- yon open yoeur eyesl. SFarmers ! Remember- you Cao bring your Butter and Eggs and-, gtet a Dress. HAYWARD 'Barirlrer, SoHicitor, rfotary Public, Ux ion Soe of hsestbor-bredsud gis pIsM ýIemerns- etù, 'i sbsei iom 4OlLwmPie to se i ithrficfe, tu - be zg6 20~aom àg 4Si~~wnusàxevit THELEÂDINGo tf lu nof a FRIDJ LO< Mr. R. Col theria. - H-ardwood at W. Tilî's- Mr. Chas- town Suudai Mr. Jas. F from infians M rs. H. 1 street, injuri First clas- O'Brien & Si The Whîi ruff's hotel t ter's sport. Jimmy Saq Murray hou Washee Chic -Messr. M Honor Judge justice accou this quartier. We viii g, Globe sud Fi This is the1 Canadian ne MT. W. O ar-ivcd bei-e lier two chilc P. Rose, snd Miss k.-1f, assistant sup pibal, Cincin also of this t( Prepared selI beiow thE of dollars wo- be forced sali is no doubt a est and goodi CoUins, Est Messrs. J. jas. Walters, rode ta Bowr ence baving that town fi-I them soughl Sunday nighî and "the aid order their i -rounded thix W. H. Pipe Wells cleanet Black Fed -Whip, on We tveen Whitt dence.- Find --Lick's-or at t --GyBros'-M Th'ris com; niffght to ago ~wffsgood, tb weroe goaod, s --.good, thse mu et feinaes cx - sundreds coi - - y appear-, - asbogt In o;to I V sO~ tï n v a NE PO RW Soi Of ne, On GREý LPO. oi loi mi- M 1 Every lad, se DR M'a R 0 Winter

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