Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 9 Oct 1896, p. 7

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19; 'ay ly 15; Oct: Beaverton, [6 ; Oct. 168 LTptergro,pê 7 ; Oct. 17 ! TELL, f thePe, Stables 'prietor. t with rices. atres. oS. roronto, amn giving arn a dis- in rubber, ver filling )erators at the City. me exem- ira charge, 3st Cor 1FR- Jam5es .W8.Aoleos. IAImost Passes Bel ief g.jas. E. Nicholton, PlorencvJ.e, Zi ,StrugglOt for Seven Long Yr.rm wfth CANCER ON THE LIP, A.ND 18 OUR=D BT Mr.'cilonqai" consulted doc- IÀors V. lo lrcsci itsed for me, but to Do purpose; tihe cancer began to Dit into the I'Iesh, ,qpren.d to mny chin, and I suffered iu alg,>tiy for .e'en ]on~ years. Finally I i coe-ari takîng Ayer s Sarsaparllla. Ji a week or two 1 noticed a Decided Improvement. Fnroirsgied by this resîîlt, I perse- vc; lutil ln a niontis or so the sore uîi.tr iny chin began tohbeai. In three my utnu p began to beai. and, alter n-imz thi Sarsa parilla for six months, the tast trace of!the cancer disappeared."1 Oneîsy'Suasap aillia Admitted at the World's Fuir. ÂYE1Vs PILLS Regse te Bow@"a. NERVOUS PROSTRATION. THEL lî N CAUSE 0F MUCE -MISI-JUIY AND SUF'EIiNG. The Vlctiai ilelpil..s and Unretiable-It ht S.îp.ý the Constitution anîd Makeis Une i uvoluutariy Ask te Life Worth Fron th iheI.ndsay Post. * I l his at leact cotnnendabie ta bow be fore tlie iievitable. but wiat appears ta be inevitable inav be delayed or alta gether aveted. Wliat were conpidered Decesanîv fatal diseases twenty-five or eveti 1ten ye ar ago inii nany instances are ER, iio now piaced in that cateizory-tbank-, t ié.-.ioal and] scientîfie skîi. Lfe is FLESi \\r e mlust eilier control the nr WOOD# ves ur ti:ey wili master u8. Hysqteria <May pruve- fatal. It ren(ltrs t1ue person ficttei lielpiess ansd unireliahie, and Cast' a cuit inîsîs shadow upan a bitherto bru,.. t aud c1ieeîfui lite. IL sape the con- ELîîuuuu aild zakes one involuntî.rilv PLE'8 ak 1"- l'le wortl living ? M àifs Fann WatFei, l1aiig1iter of MN. Henry t\ atsou., O0. livuîg, on lot '22, in the toç%nstilp of' orn- Vni~,\ctoria couIuîv, le 0an0 of iliose E ast of s ose lit for yeais was mnade rtuîSer&b.ý East of froiu nervous disease At the age ai tV.eîçe Muss. XVaî.ba mlet wîîhî ai aicci- dieDu' Aljch so 8enîotisiv affecis.d lier ner vS u îuî tiat durn the suliscquent tise ve.rS elue was ..îshjectedl ta very se 'itir nýrvo11S, prostration, resulti:niziin con N ER vu5 siou, WIîW unconscicusnlet,. for t1îree or four lýours at a ime. bhis condition CoELnts.-, untîl ia.rch luts ss heu sue l1ai an ici-easedi and prolonized attack by- whu.tu she teas comnpletely prostrated for tbe spae of a fortniîtht. The disease PO afteieýi thet optiC nerve that Mise Wat- 80D was forced ta wear glases. Many reint-lues acwre tried but with no avail, and 1-uth Mjiss Watson atid ber friends feared tiuat a cure could flot be obtained rÀ 1 ~ ustitl v Dr. Williaims' Pink Pille were su 01j_, recowmended by varions frienda Vna tue you ng lady decided ta give tbem a trial. 'A hall do'zen boxes were bought, and liy the tîrne one box was used there *IEtit Sas h'u impnovemssnt in ber c-ondition%, and bt-fore the baîf dozen boxes wereý useI. Mlis8 Watson was, to use ber own ------- -, a different person altogether. lier .ýn tire nervous system was reinforced T T, to suohu an extent tbat she iu now able to ONT. diîsplse wîtb the ueof the glasses which O. prevuous fssîing eyesight had muade neces- ce that sary. Miss Watison is now a staunch ;ring, Oz frîcanl of Dr. Williams' Pink Pille and 85 of bu & avF. -l have pleasuri in recomnmending H. Leoig t1jeul to ail siînilarly affiicted." 11ev. D sco'rr- - Miîjîlr, a friend of the famiiy, vouches Scfor t,îî, facts ahove set forth. Dr. Williams' Pink Pille 'are esold 1ul r ID boxes bearing the firm's trado mark and wrapper, (printed iu red uuk>. Bear A ~ In naind that Dr. Williams' Pink Pille are 'lever sold in bulk or by the dozen or =~ted ..bundred, and any dealer who offers eub- d P r e ESii[tes ini this fortu ie tryiug to defraud l . Ytîu and ebould b. avoided. Tho.pubii lire also cautioued againet ail ether Bo Oalled blood builders aud nerve Loulou, .ýPtlt up iin sirnilar forta intended te de- ~~v.They are ail imitations whoee raakers hope to reap «S peounjiary advau- tage from tbe wonderful reputatior Bchîeved by Dr. William.' Pink Pille. Your dealer for theni. Tb.8. Pille are manofactnred by, Sbe Dr Wi,garn's Medicine Company Brook-- ville, Ontario, aud 8obeueeway, N., asare sold only iu boxes b@sting the. r irra'ki trade mark. snd wrapper, *itÏ0 Scents a box, or.six ,.b«Mes for $2.501- qTbey ny.M ,. y.i '-i r.Wiliams' Pink -Pille niayb bU4 Of ail druggisla or ditect by iefro» Dr. william#'MAIn .Pilla are sold. Theabove councUi m errsuant,.to adjourntaent in Township hall, Brodùg. hani, on Monday. Members ail present, with Reýee Gerow in the chair,. Minuiites of previ- ous meeting read and adopted. Your standing committee on sheep killed by dogs reported 'and racorn- mended payment of the following ac- counts: Timnothy Reddin, one sheep killed by dog or dogs, $4, being two- thirds sworn value. Ail of which is respectfuîîy submitted. On motion of Mr. Richards, chair- man, report was adopted. The standing committee on conting- encies reported comnîanding payment for the following amounts: W. J. Clark, printing collector's slips, balance on voters' lists, and affidavits re sheep killed and damaged by dogs, $35-70, also officiai envelopes, $î.50: James Hubbard, on account, S3; M Gleeson. Division Court clerk, fees in appeal of Hoîbourne v's. Trip, $î.5o; Geo. Hoît, costs in appeal agatnst township engi- neer's award, $3.90r J. H. Long. saine reason, $2. 10; Hart & Riddell, blank forms for clerk, $2.44. Alil ot which is respectfully submitted. On motion of Mr. N'lowbray, chair- man, report was adopted. The standing committee on indigents reported and recommended payment of the following amounts: D. Dafoe. for support of H. Ellison fro isi. to 3oth day of Sept., four weeks, $5; C Lynde, for support of jas. Rainie, $6.56. Yorcmittee have had before themn a petition from J. NI. Miacnab and thirty others asking aid for one Edward Mentie, and %vould recommend that he be paid $i per week until Januarv îst, 1897. Alilof which is respectfuill sub- mi tted. On motion of Mir. ilts. -chairman, report was adopted. The road and bridge commnittee re- dorted and recommrended paynment of the foilowing accounts: Robt. CcN-ie, repairing bridge and culvert on side- uine between lots 26 and 27, con 7,.$ UW. Carleton, building small culvert on 7th con. near Brock Road, $ i .o. Jno. Blandin, opcning gravel pit on his premises and rîght of wav, $2 . James McCormack i1 5xyds. grav-el, also cedar for covering cuilvert. S2. 20 M1. Swallow repairing culvert on B. F.. 5o cents; J. H. Connor. posts, railing ar*1 nails for breakwvater 0on sideroad near White- vale. $3. 10, also for drawing timber and building twvo culverts between lots 2o and 2 1. 13. F., S5 ; Geo. Klnlc>)ck, timber, posts and raiiing for culvert on 2fld con., between lots 3o and 31, o (. 5o - Asa H- ubbard. balance on road job on 4t11 con., ýýo cents; Chas. Brad- ford, drawîng cedar and extending culvert on Kingston road, opp. lot la, also repairing cuivcri opposite lot i i, $2:. i1. H. (Connor, building cuivert on sideroad between lots 16 and 17, con. 2, and drawing timber, S4: Ralph Forsyth, repairing bridge and drawicg zravel on Altona road in 9th con., Mr. Forsv-th to pay for gravel, $î. 35: C. H. C. WVright, C. E., surveying and repairing plans for two contracts cut- tinL2 down lPost s h iii. Kingston road, and inspecting saine, $8: A. I3urreli, repairing hîi on Kingston rord west of Dunnhaýrton ;asper contract: $'13: -A, road contract opposite lot 11, $3.35; Andrevi Linton, opening road between lots 6 and 7 in 9th con., $30; -Thomas Madden, building culvert and grading 'hUil on sideroad between lots 10 and i i, C-On., 7, accord ing to contract, $8; Jno. Wilson, gravelling on sideroad between lots 2and 3 in 4. con., Si 5 5o: Jos. Tripp, turnpiking between lots 2 and 3 in 6th con., $250; W. Goîd, gravel sbpplied road div. 51, also right of way $io; Jno Anderson, bonus on 36 rods of wire fence, completed as per town- ship by-iaw, $4. 5o; Henry Boyer, 303 yards of grave] supplied patbrnasters, $24. 24; Geo. Kerby, repaining bridge opposite lot 34, 8 con., Sî.25; S. Carle- ton, grading sideroad between lots 24 and 25, con. 2, as per contract. $33.75; Wm. Lotton, repairing cuivert as per contract,$1.25; W. Mi'cheil, gravelhing on north towniine, haif con, $475. Ail of which is respectfuliy submitted. Your committe has considered the application of Ed Evans to rent. north-, end of sideroad between lots 14 and 1 Î5 in 9th con.; would recoimmenidthait said north'end of said road' bE rented to him for the Blini of $:;a year. Your committee,beg to ackriowledke à communication from 'L, Johnston with reference to repairingÈ culvet -n 6ath con., and would, reçýcomrnend ,th~aï the first*àeputy reeve cxïumine. ýtb' sanie and.-magke -the nee8r rpaitra,. Onsmotion of Mr Pouz<herh'î iuý reportwas'7dOpted. Mr. Richards,, seon464b M mov'es i tithis "councdo iiow adJ»urni to meci again on ,Mô;îday, i6th day of October neiÈt,* at the hour <of io a. m. for the transaction of general businets. -News. CLARSEONT. Robert Micheli, of Toronto, is here now with relatives. W. Bundy and wife have returned from a sojourn with Guelçh friends. Geo. Hughes. of Toronto, is with his brother at the station for a -short visit. Mr. and Miss Hyfield are with Ai-1 bert Hyfield at Kirkfield for a short va- cation. Mrs. Thomas -Pugh, also Judson Pugh anrd wife. of Whitevaie, spent the Sabbath with Thomas E. Pugh here. A. Pugh is with bis people at Chat- ham for a short time. John Howe has vacated the Hutchin- son residence and is uow domiciled in one of John Barry's many dweilings at North Ciaremont. C. V. Michel] and two chiidren, also MIr. and MIrs. Cook, Toronto, wheeled down here on Sundav and called upon their numerous fiiends. Rev. Siple conducted a public bap- rismn here 'on Sunday in th.c church. The convert was from Whitevale. Rev W\hite occupied the W,%hite%,ale pulpit for the day. The Baptist Young People's open meeting on Monda%, evening was well attended and the programme much en- ioyed by ail who attended. These meetings wvill be hield every two months until further notice is given. Coroner Eastwood is conducting an inquest at Uxbridge these days on the body of an infant found secured be- neath the warehouses at the station. Several ad îournments have been made. already, and a verdict is not yet. Mlisses Linton and Hood, who have opened a millînery and dress-making shop in I3undy's block, have announcedi an opening for Fridav and Saturday~, next. Abigai Forsyth and MIiss Jewell wete quietly married here on Mondav by Rev. White. The ceremony took place at the minister's residence. The bride is a native of Port Perrv, but has been vîsiting here with friends for some weeks. The villagers unite in wvishing the happy couple ail prosperity through if e. Saturday. Mrs. Civne, of the 7th con., drove her pony to this village and whiie getting something tightened about the cari in front of Graham's blacksmith shop, the animal to>ok fright and ran away. The lady had hold of the lines when the beast started and she 'vas thrown voilentlv to the ground and her shouider dislocated. The runaway coliided wvith J. D. Mc- .Xoshorse and cari in front of Hop- per's store and the said rig was con- siderably damaged while Oie horse was thrown down. This did not stop the pony, but oniy served to delay him for a time and change his course. The next dash was for the bote] and upon gain ing the platform a tumble was ad- ministered, and the beast was captured. IT Tfou &8k pour Drug BRISTO'S mi"s Ferrier ham. Oro= are, spendi >fglst or Dealer for it, -ton and mi«s Aucie Ing a week at i ak. OLD Gran by new patterns -are added, to fit ail the Rublýers areChiraYs ",p4ýt e" Tbey, are hoil' ynigde, of pure rnbbr, hin ltat. Ia &I.dmlu. GOLD ,4-%CIGARETTES Co, ROCH ESTER, N. Y. Retail Everywhere ~C Per Package. 17 First Prize Medals. Sole Ag9ent at Whitby, M. W. Collins. It wryabout Winter...l IF-mvl - - ;ý-,wYou'1l feel ready for anything y7 "~and everYthiug in the way of weather, if you have your cloth- ing inteijinesi with Fibre Cha- mois. Lutyear's experience b ~ has proved it to be the only b 4 ~< perfect warmth giver, because it bis light,, adding neither weight nor bulk, and yet offert a com- b plete protection froni the flercest blasts of the coldest day. Wa.ter- I , proofed by the Rigby proccus, neither rain nor sleet can pene- perfet oudoor ~ ~dtrate it and every one can enjcry PSC*Oudor oçfot ndhealthfixl warnith ail seasoi byusg it. Think ahead and ensure your comfort by having it put ini ail ordercrd clothiug, and always find the Fibre Chamois Label on every ready made garnient you buy. It seoUs now *at 2S Ce@nts -a yard. .4 4 q .4 q q I I ----~wwww w w w w w wwww~'wwvw~q W.have the Finest Bse-c tien in town Of thoise BEAUTIFUL AMERICAN WALL LOWEST SPA PER& Borders to Match.. Corne early and getjlrst choice. P. B.» WARAMI,. Bryan'IB old StanI, Brook St., Wbutbw- DOMINION BANKI. 0&pital Paid up, $105000000 Surplus, -$1,500 000 Wbitby A geney. General Banking BÂVINOS DEPh2BTMIINT. Interest aflowed at hlghest current raise.. No notice ef withdral 1required E. J. THORNTON, Maager and leading dru«"aselhe STAR LIFE ASSURANCE Coet., 0F LONDON, ENGLAN». Established 1843. Total funds ln band .......$ 18,01,774 Bonuses add9,635,706 40 Total daims p ~ . Total amouni - Assurance lni force Dec ' 5....0 7,26K 40 68,5 daims paid '95 amount- ing to........,380t4ek83 Grants a world wlde and Indisput*ble-., poiicy. No restrictions as to residence. Profits increasing with a,ge of' policy. Immedlie paynient of death dlaims. Interim and coipound bonuss added; Every description of Lite -'Asàq4surýiio policy granted. Local agents wanted'. Most lib~eraItrs Apply T H Itarter, GneralAetTo- onto junction, Ontarfo, Head Office for Canada, No. î dlad St. at Toronto, Ont' 1Gen. Manager, A W BRIGýGS, s. lune 23, 1896-3fl0 TrutCPu.,~ W.A DAM Si c' E N ,t>r It ii-B-1 ooder tbatr bers, which are- flot the saýï shape as the boot, shoul4,. uneonif6rtable. t JeS 1 skilled-patt4' this wdutn ,bo ope f rff Miss e, lePailssn't W. Kim bald :-: PRICES, Business dA- "Count Vour Chips!"e e'f , -before buying theni in. Dont take any one's word that thex.ight number Z «Lof ,bles"and "ireds" and,"whites". are there. Leather, workmanship and profil make any shoe, but very diff- eren t kinds according to the blend. See that.you get al /"'the' red " and "blue " chips you're entitled to when buy- ( ng shoes. You can always tell by the name and price stamped on the sole. Goodyear Welted. $3, $4, $5. CATA»Oux 6"The Siater Shoe" x m - - --- 1 M-mwmm-w»mmý 9 ai v

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