Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 9 Oct 1896, p. 6

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It ail came abopt tbrough listenin at the parlor door. Eavesdropigig * 3lways a reprehensîble proceeding, an, iwhen indulged in by a person who ha good grounds for tieieving that th person s own self forins the topicc conversation likely to be overheard -tl[e practice becornes altogther u i pardonabie. Without desiring in th least to justify the breach of good man net-s committed when I, Emma Sun ~- metford, applied my ear to the kçy hole of our best room door on a cet tain important occasion that happenei quite recently. 1 arn contrained ti think, nevertheiass, that there w& somte littie excuse for mny behavior. You sce, it was like this. Hamr Butterfield, the son of Col. Butter field, of the British armny, was desý perateiy in love with me, and 1 hope arn not overstepping the bounds o, maidenly modesty by admîtting that1 was very fond of bini in return. Harry and 1 first met at a dancE given by a mutual friend, and as. in the manner of the story books, we fell in love with each other at the start, we were not slow in finding out how te strike an acquaintanceship. Harry was an oniy son, and 1 a sole surviving daugbter, so that we had sometbîng ir common outside the affection that dÎ'kýÇ ùs together. f-Iery iived with bis fatber, a milii tary iofflcer retired on haîf pav at Ken- sington, and i resided with 'mine in a littie villa at Clapham ; but aithougb -the distance separating our two abodes was great, Harry generaîly managed tc spend three or four evenings a week on the Surrey side of the Thames. Mly papa had formcrly been in busi- ness in the Barbican, but having -made bis pile" be so,!d off his borses. *with the exception of a favorite gray mare, and bought the aforesaid villa, which benceforth became our home. Hart-y was connected witb a riding school at Knightsbridge, aiTd conse- quently knew sometbing about bot-ses, so that on the evenings he visited us he used to spend part of the time con- versing witb muy papa about matters eÉquine, while the remainder, (consider- abiy the larger portion) be passed in mny Com'pany discoursing of love. One evening, afte-r working himseif up to the requisite pitch of passion, Han-y made me a proposaI of marriage. Although 1 bad long seen it coming, of course, 1 pretended, in a woman's t-e- gular way, that bis offer had quite * taken me by surprise. and notwitb- standing the fact that I was dying to say ",yes," I assured him that 1 could flot possibly give him an answer for at least a week. As I expected, be was so pressing, however, that I consented witbout futther delay, and fell into bis arms in the usuai manner, wbile be whispered vows of eternal constancy and so on. It was ail very deiightfui, Ican assure you, and when it came to a protracted ending. and Hart-y had taken bis leave in the way common to loyers, I retired to rest the bappiest girl in Clapham. Hart-y had toid me before going that he liad some littie business with my father in the morning, and said he wodild sieze the oppoortunity thus afh I was therefôre naturally anxious as to tbe resuit of the interview', and when it began to get unduly proionged, 1 was quite on thorns. My solicitude at length became so great that I left the housekeeper's room, where I had been vainly eqldeavoring to ix my at- tention on some preserves that requit-- ed trying 'down, and stole, on tiptoe aiong the passage leading to the parlor whéere my father and Hart-y were en- gaed. *The door was just ajar, and without really thinking that I was indulging in an unladylike action, 1 bent my head forward and listened. Hart-y was talk-* "n.-Site enjoys pretty good healt.h, I suppose? he asked, inquirinzly. "Capital, " was my father's answer. ',Never bail an hour's iilness since the day sbe was born." It wa.s kind of papa to say tbis, but ,,of course bis statement was flot- liter- 'al correct. Everybody has ilness,.a~ some tme or other in their .iesauci 1 was no exception to the rule. As a chilci I had had whooping cough,'niea-ý ales and yhie croup, among othler' iùan- tule coinplainui, îsaY ndtb fhéd -ache aund tic, douloureulS11 tuçelI ba4 W Uup. $ut. s uippose, i was be- caus I Iw~ts adea- Pr*aiôf keP- ingtn aIneus a~nuh s_"sible7W est !,'"uterd i* iï h> inktiasinng m g9 ner, 'that 'prevented my developin1 is something of t14p kind-at once. - As ii idwas, the blissful fraane of mind in wbicl '~Jhad been wrapped since the previoue Le evening was. as the meteorologists eay Of decidely inclined togive way. AI. i, tbougb fçeiing that I had heard enough, n- I tboujbt that, as 1 had listened to se e much, I migbt as well bear a little n-more. 1 bad flot long to wait. -l reaiiy must say," Harry went on, "that there are one or two points about h er of wbich 1 don't altogether ap- ýdprove." ýO I had quite deveioped a temper now LS wbich even pàpa's response could not assauge. y - Wel, " returned my parent, -"of course, I don't pretend that sbe's pet- fection; but, take ber altogether, sbe )fwon't be easy to beat. All the same, 1 1should like to bear wbat you consider ber fauits! " Yes, indeed, and so sbould I. Wiic bot-ses wouid flot make me go away from the door now. '-Well,' sa:d Har-y, commencing his éritic ism witb a deliberation that madel Dmy flesb crawl, "she is passable about sthe bead and face, I admit, but bei neck seems to be unduiy long, and her shouiders bave the appearance of beîng ta tri fe too broad ! "Broad shoulders are by no means a drawback, Master Hart-," be said, 'for 1 tbey enabie ber fo accomplisb a great -amount of! work. - 1 Yes, it was true. A ;ot of labor did 5fail to my share and had done since m y poor motber's deatb tbree yea-t *prevlously. But I went at it cheer- fuliy and witbout complaint. Work, even to the point o! exhaustion, be- *came a pleasure when performed for an appreciative father, but it neyer couid De so when donc on bebaif of an unsympatbetic busband. (Husband' Tbank beaven, Hart-y Butterfild was not that yet' .) --'And then, you know, - went on my lover-save the mark !--- ber figure is somewbat disproportionate, and sbe is decidediy fat! -, It was a gross libel! Ait hough flot in the ieast addicted to tigbt hacing, 1 coull assert with absolute accuracy that My it new blouse was only 18 incbes round the waist, and I was quite com- fortable in it! To cail me stout under such circumstances was a cruel un- ttut h. 1 feît tbat My love was fast giving way to an aitogether different emotion, and it would need but littie more to tut-n the scale entit-eiv. Strangeiy enough it was My father wbo appiied the hast straw. -Look here, - papa said, after a mo- mentat-y pause, "I'm sure you onhy need to get used to ber to to ap- preciate ber value. Take ber a montb on triai, and il, at the end of tbat time, you don't like ber, let ber corne bac k agai n! " Tbis was more than 1 could stand. The idea was monstrous, and bow my father could suggest such a thing quite passed my comprebension. Its effect upon me was magicai. Tbrowing pt-o- priety, good manners and everytbing else to the winds, 1 rusbed into the roomn. peating bis words. "&You are iii, Emmy," he saii, -"or you would flot talk in this strange way." ,I 1ar nfot iii, " I said, rising from the sofa to pt-ove the truth of my state-1 ment. "Look at me for a moment, Hart-y Butterfleld," I continued, facing my lover fearlessiy, "4and let me hear fit-st hand what you think of me. Am I passable about the head and face ? Is rny neck- unduly long? And do you consider my shouldérs bt-oaci and'my figure fat, eh ? Answer me to my face, sir, for I know that is your -cfpnion of me ? "4Emmy, you talc in riddles, which 1 cannot understand." "Iinot yopr opinion of me what I just Sfted ?" :DdyoU flot-,g.ivd, ±pxession to My papa a ili whie*go?' "11 ertarnly n*cd. tiiose oýr aia tera, ùttot icllue$tivwthyOn, chut-ch. 'Y MY ex4prs"il are vasu-se d to, e us-toI lt/s8.a Ploasure For Mr. Davldson, to SPOak. An Esteemed Citizen of the Ancient Capital, What He Thinks of Paine's Celerv Compound. The fohlowing letter frein Mr. Wm Davideon, of No. 2 Oliver Street, Qnebec, P.Q, ini so very plain and lucid that it s requires ne explanatory remarks. Ris eobjeet ie to draw the attention of the sicli t and affiicted to that fontain and source r ef life frere whicbho received supplies of r new health. He says: "lIt iu with eincere pleasure and grati- tude 1 rofer te yeur Paine'. Cehery Ceom- a pound, and the wondreue biessing that 1 rreoeivsd from itB use. " To tell the trutb, before using it 1 bad littie confidence in it, but conchnded if ht did me ne good it could net make me any verse than 1 was. IIbad suffered for yeare frein indiges- tien, liver complaint and kîdney disease, and began with Paines Cehery Comnpound -in erder te give it a thorougb testieg. rMter a fair use of the Co'mpeund 1 arn as well as ever I wae, and ail ry trobleï bave disappearsd, and I arn enjoying good bealih. "Yeur inedicine la a wenderfnl oes; ir is far superier te ahi ethers, as it truly gives life, and pute the entire ayptoe in s b ealthy cendition. As a purifier eft tbs i bloed 1 find it bas ne equal, and I hearr- i ihy recommend its use to al sufféerre" Can stronger proof than than ýbe abovi. be requi-ed te cenviece aey eick and dis eassd man or weman that Paine'. Ceiery Oomnpound i. the boot modicino li th# worhd ? * Snrely, dear reader, yen wiIi admit that it i. werthy ef a trial. Yen are seeking for new health, and therefore eeed the very L'e8t. Be sure you ask for and use only "Paine's," the onhy genumne cehery preparation li the venld. Facts, and Figures. The deepest gold mine in tbe worid is at Eureka, Cal, deptb 2290 feet; the deepest silver mine at Carson City, Nev.. depth 3300. To have an invention protected ail over the worid it is necessary to take out sixty-four patents in as many di!- ferent countries, tbe estimated cost o! wbich is about $2!5oo. lu the' various- alphabets of the worid the numiber of letterstbries frein 1 2 to 202. The shortest alphabet is that o! tbe Sandwich Isianders, whicb bas 12 letters, the Tartarian, the long- est, containing 202 hetters. Size for size, a thread of spider siik is decidediy tougher than a bar o! steel. An ordinary thread will beat- a weight of tht-ce grains. This is just about- fifty pet- cent. stronger than a steel thread of the saine thickness. The hargest place of worship in the world is the Coliseuni, in Rome, vhich vas consecrated as a chut-ch rnany yeat-s ago te prevent futther desecra- tion; it fotrneriy seated 8o,ooo specta- tors. The next lat-gest is St. Peters, vhich eau seat 54,000 wors-hippers. At the present tume there are owned and controlled by tbe railt-oads and pri-- mate companies of Amrtica nearhy i, - 250,000 freigbt cars, or, in other words, enough cars te make tvo con- tinuous trains t-eaching fr-om Boston to San Francisco, witb an englue for every forty-five cars. Christian Endeavor Convention. Thft Ontarno County .ECovnRo Theo.La là e able~~j, If yuamr un down Il b a fooduswellas SThe P, à L. Emulsion WflI bnild ycu up if y=urgannjiiskhl The.D. & L, Emulsion Ils the best and most patablepeanl f Ccd Liver 014, agreelug wlth tiimoedl cml Stomacha. The 0. & L. Emulsion Els b.d by teicml lgphysicians et Il'ho D. & L, .Emulsion ls a inarvellous bah àproducer and wut» give you an saptlt 500- & SI Per' BOtti LBe sure you gel 1Davis & L*wutEULouC. U the gencifo Self-Sucking Oow. A bulletin on the subjeet of self suck ing cowe bas been issued by the Nortb Carelina Experiment Station. Twe re- inedies are propesed : Beil a handful of quassia chipe (can be get in drug store) for several heurs in about oe gallon et water. Wash the cew's teats in this after every rnilking fur ton days. Ahwayi, wash every tire before ilaking, ueing a gahien ofoclean water in which a spoonful of Pearline bas been dissolved. If th,- milk tastes et qoassia feed it te pige. The bitternesof the quassia romnains in the cow's memory and prevents fnrther triais at eucking after the ton days. The otlier wethod consiste in slitting the tengue near the peint ussd te draw up round the teat in this tot f eucking. Fasten the 00w eecurely, and draving eut the tongue shit it a littie te ene aide ef the middle one and ene-haif te tve nches eut te wards the front and near the peint. Thon foed on soft bran ina8hes fer a 1ew day. until tbo weund heae,, and it witl be impessible for the 00W te enck after that. One cerrespondent tried chair frames and side bars until tired eut and deeperate, when the mutilated tengue oursd the habit. IT I8 PLAIN AS DAY. Ail those terrible backaohes, limb aches, beadaches and B dozen other kinde of aches are simaply the resait of the fail- ure of the kidneys to take the poison ont of the blood. No use trying to te healthy witb uric, acid and other poisons floating trongh tho eystem. The sensible thing to do is t.o get the poisons eut. Doan's Kidney Pille regular.e and strengthen the kidney.î and good health follows as naturally s night foUlowe day We cannot givo one-hundredth part of the teetimeny wo roceivo, but the follow- ing oertiftcate from Mr. William Kirk land, who is employod with Mr. West- lake, the weil know briekmuon and con tracter, furnishes very concluisivo ovid- ence as to the geod affects of &hie excel- lent medicine. Mr. Kirkland said, 611 think there is nothing as good for kidney trouble as Doan's Kidney Pille. I have had a bad baok tor tliree years, and suffered frein ter- rible pains in both eides as well. "1 wuaso80 are that 1 conld hardly bear to toucb myself, and waa hastiess, hape leua and tired nearly ail the turne.. j alec soffered B great deal with neuralgfa and dizziness in the bead, -and felt as if 1 wae in a stupor most cf *the time. "My appetite alec was very pogr, and I bad severe craoeps in my legs. Since taking Doan'e Kidney Pille whiob I got frooe Mr. Willis' drug store, Whitby. Ont., I arn wonderfnlly botter. The pain, eramps, dizzinees and stupor are ail gone. "I "enjoy restfnl sleep, and my gppetitè has returned in ail it's old-time force. Doan's Pille have due me far more good Shan I could have expected for I hardly boeeod my case*curable. I now feel like a newman and it took just two box- os to produce this gratifying resuit."l -FOR SALE BY- J. M.WILS Chemnist and Druggist, Brock Street, WHITJBY. a Genereu Offew. Deapr Mr. Editor .WinIyukml-n forS the. reader fpev an ~ u ts 1 willglaâiby ind Pffllsù,*to asyQw Lest MahONrosDbltNih cf youtbfu oUpr umof!as sipleasud tnexpensivtem oss f«Uemcu whi<ch afe e ing lmbùgged and huposeu m:*ryan,s b3g quco mtntnidk!es brIk sud Ire me- a fwwà..1bsantbS,~~Él BuThlted Oounty Crown Âttomna , ad Couiity éooitor. Ogioe-8onth lnig of Oourt Route, Whltby. JADES E JUTLEDGEg Barrister, etc. Office former,>1 ocupied by Farewell &Rutledge, neit nsyaiHotel, Brook St., Whitby. DAVID ORMISTON,9 B. A., Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chanoery, Convoyancer, etc. Office - lI the Office south of the Post Office, ini McMiIIan'a Bloçk, Brook Street, Whitby. G. YOUJNG SMITH. LL. Be, Barrister, eto.,-Money to Loan. Issuer of Mgarriage Licenses. Office - Smith's Block, South of Market, B., ock St., Whitby DOW & Mc(.iLL1VRAY, Barristers. Solicitors in Cbancery, etc. Office in Mathi;son &~ Hawken'B new block Brook St., Whitby, south of Ontarlo bank. Drs. Warren à. Moore, J. J. Moore, M. D,, F. Warren, M. D. Brookîin. office heure 9. a. m. te Il a.m. Whitby. Office heurs Il a.m te 2 p.m. Pe rivate Telephone Communicaison - D. P. BOGART, M.D.,L.D.B. Physicae, Surgeon and Accoucher, etc.- Oiffice and Uesidence next te Ail Saint's Chat-ch, Duxidas Street, Whitby. N. B.- Dental Surgery in ail ite branches premptly attendsd te. Or. H. Wightman DENTIS T. SOver Grass & aranger's. Wb"itby - t Open every Saturday night. W. S. YARNOLD, D.L. S.. Oouxity Surveyer and Drainage Engineer, Port Peyry, Ont. WE. CALVERLEY, HARNE55 MAX"R, WEITBT. Ha-rng moved into our new premnises, ve are prepared to extend the range of business A&l work pertainixig to the harness-making and saddlery business wil be dons to satis- faction. Collars a specialty. Cali and see my ahop and stock. W. OALVERLEY, Second door west of old shop. Dundais Strcet, Whii'by JNO. NOBLE, -DEALER IN ALL KINDS 0F- Lrumber, ShIagloSu, saab, Dors mdaummlis Tuwmlug ama I ret45&wtUE. jairAil orders or information can ho obtained frous JOHN NOBLE, Dundas Street, Whitby, opposite Mr. A. C. Wil- son'. residence. Whltby, April 4tih. z894. Esitablihed 1856. il per annmain. uadvance, otherwise $1.60. Bubserlptions alway. payable et the o2e. of pubUoatton. Tihe pubflahezr do not undorlake te delivez the paper at 187- pos oflice but 'Whitby. àmygï wbleb faits b reaeb ts 6,destination 1b. replaeed upenotifleation asea later cf courtesy. Advertisxug rate$ nunie..by ecu. traet, 10 eents par Une, noupariel, flrst lu. sertion, snd 5 cente per lime esêhh aubee- quent insertion Looïls, 10 oente--per lin. W~AII change. 'for yearly advertiseents muet be brought liflot latex than Týusday, morning. ENDUEON àh GRAHAM. JOHN STANTON, oremain. Po.peo. Iaflway Time Table GRAND TRUIMRAND NIDLABD No8 EpesiDalyMal....&48ar No.-19 I&V*pu. -an il afy ...... 8:06 P n ait ffl 8 M p 1 Ditbip0fThe. Dtij OOUNTY. 02 ONTANIO169 Macdeneil Whitby li Jan.9; Pb. 3Mfrch 3; April 2- à% .Iune 2: July 7 Sep. 2; Oct. 2; NUI. Dec. 2. Osx.&w-D. C. Maedeneiî, Whitby lek Jan. 4; Peb. 4; Marci, 4; April 8; X74 JuneS; Julyb; Sep. ai oct. a; Nor. i Dec. 8,0 BUOUGE&M - M. Gleesony Greeno, Clerk.-Jan 6; Maroh5;y*aU 5; u ; Sep. 4; Nov. 5. Y9 PORT PEnRR - J. W. Bnrnharap,, peMr, Clerk-J&n. 29; Mardi 9. MgyO15 Juiy 20); Sep. 28; Nov. 18. UXBamezF-Joseph E. Gould, Tlxbridg., Cierk-Jan. 80; M&Ech 24; MSY;9th;-d; 14; Oct 14 ;Dec. 16. ,J1i CÂNNrseTON-George Smitb, Canniu'gton5 Jani. 31; Msrch 2b; May 20; Juiy là; () ' 15; Dec. 17. e BZAVsRTOxq-Geo. F. Bruce, Beaverton; Clerk-March 26; May 21 ; J uIy 16 ;(Oct. 16; Dec, 18. UPTEROROVE-F J Gillespie, rptergr0,, Cierk,-Marcb 27; May 22; 1iuly 7 Ot.17 Dec 19. By order, 1October 7th 1895. J. E. FAREWELL, Clerk of the peuc, New Livery and Sale Stabile Dundas St., Whitby, J. T. NEWP'ORT, Propriet«r, Commercial =en liberally dealt with Teaming done at reasonable prices. Preight and Baggage hauled at resso. able pnices. A calsolicited. DENTIST.î C0,r. King & Yonge St. Torento," Fer the neit three months I am givân special attention te patients frein adWi tance. Arn stihi making plates in rabbet $8, oelluloid #10. Goid anid silveir fihlin werk crowxiing by firet-chas. operate)sn the moot reasonable rates in the cite, When ini the city cali in and leit me exW! ine yor teeth. I make ne extra charga C. H. IGGS, Dentist, seuth east corin King and Yonge Sts., Toronto. N ov. 8th, 1892. Wu H. WARNEI DEÂLEB IN COAL, LATH, LUMBERY OYORDWOO AGENT For the PEOPLI GOAL C0O, TORONTO, Office and Yard just East Uptown Station. Whitby, Oct. 25th, 1894. A8K YOUR STATIONER -FOR- .SPÂRTIO, TN EW WBITIIGla TÂKE -NO OTHI ýC HA S Sco0 AIUCTIONEER; -WHIT1Y. S Ibe u n rig'n4 d -- b.ge s c a n u & I frnk ý Will hkstat Ji' ; I i It is at least con f4ore the inevit&bhe. be inoçitable may 'igoether aver.d. %V - neceseanily fatal di '- even ton. years age 1-etnew plaoed in t ,te medical and se: î.5WOet. We must e-; fl, vesor they wvI pirove fatal. ~.icted -helpiese -reàt acentinual Eh - brxght and cheerfut Stitution and-' mal à8 Isk "le 1ewortb Watson, daugbter o lihving on lot 22, in Ierville, Victoria Co -vues. life for years t fr ni- nervens dise twelvo Miss Wa ts dent which 50 SOrioi vous system that d * iv yeare ebe vas Vexe florvous prosit- - vulsiona witib unco gXr fourheures t a ocontinued until Mam n xcreaaed and* vhioh she vas comj '.- ,the space of a forti ~feeted the eptic flOu vas foroed tei r!em-edies ver. e n&both- Mise W. _ ýfed ha a cureci rna"tely Dr. W--i strongly recemnmeng 'Id lb. -Young lady tral. A hait doz, d-bY the time oz --au, imprevernE before the ha] Ims watsoi rant" E.E Pass ». a.2. Nichci CANCER ( AV&E] Ur. Nicholson si tors -who presc nepurpose; the1 Etinto tbE spreLd te my ct aWee aktwO I Decided lIm Knecourged by versd, until In a under rny ohinit inentas rMy lip t1 ulgthe Sarsa theLat trace of ýAy&' yS - NER VOUS 1 'fiE FIRE Q EN1 -MISERY AN E £ <£Te Viotim Hflple'ý It Sape the C, One Invehuia * ~ Living. Î'From the Lindsay Post ro nérvous ku exteit t with tkie it faliçg eye lie Watsc E Dr. Will 1have piea cewcl of aboie *-Vioe~Prea-Dr.

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