Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 9 Oct 1896, p. 4

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Iindue.*: h. 35 m ls fn,& - M ediciney stuay Fr d io. Ca OJ g t Own&C" sp ale O o cm . anures P z to È O>'atu- t'e.e i o"i¶oit. No oet e 6-4>I=e11M ofiMr.vR. .tPparPpllothxFBroke anar ~THrSD, POCht. 22.n~stockae o cm sdb irk plejý_hbad8sfor op , Worth, = .- F I pi WýWT1's.,at inj9j -10lotR 31 lu te.il COU. - Whitby Township, nea, bV eylary Tuesdîy, Prida>'and Saurda>'. Lar -We use none but PURE DrgsO'Brien & Stecihain, photographers. -and Chemîicals and Offer none A grese eveulng's entertajnment in the -but music hall, Friday Oct. 9th, Ulien j. W. A sk to See OUI - ~~~~~ Beng ugh will give one of bis popular humor. in Al W o, t enz P en AdcneS mission- Seat rh.ervecl at AllUns 5C d.gl Wo ous neeeai me~* Al wlco e. 5C.id.who haa seen th, Appleal1 Cider! l Ood L iveMr Lowe, of WhtevaPorating, cidrS E E U S W9hve P r and vinegar works, begs to announce Chat ý the cider m l ii be o en for Ci sto incider B E O K E S Eh a v e w dta nd lgr5o cents Per pin.nalking on Saturdays the rath, i9th and.-26h 9* Nealy Taseless. and after that contiuuotusly. Also bis yard tewds n [~ Neriy asteess. will be open to receive dryug apples during the easo comenctigSept. té 1)11 . M. bread md cakst-are . o uold at Tgoo Yates'. . raancaear odt Give him, a cai when yon wante 60c 41 ÀE rI LI Yanything nice in that lune. Seotia vas i CHEMI8T& DRUGGIST, lishing Co. The hree best papers of their de ae the sa MEICL ind in the. country are published by this $1.3e ndy y re 1EIA9 : ALL, concern. of whijch Mir C Blackett Robin- vr a nt son is t he able and experb.nced manager, eO i IoW e o Brook Street, ~~il The Canada Preebyterian, The Do oie&C. Brok tret - Whitby mninion Ocidleilow, and The. Week. _____________________ Mr- T. H. Greenwood who bas attaine<J OFFICE: Sh ir ts an d .D ra« quite a reputation in Londion, England, aWsas av h there ta deliver a course Of lectures this vin. 4MARKET ULIO Hry (t~cnce er on the Progresa of Canada. We doubtvau ýgidy flot hat Our ovn Tom wilI makte bis mark n the great metropoliq of the varld, whilst MMRM at Che samne ime performing a most usefui G ro edu ,M .N t c w and patriotic service for this beautiful and G ro e t c WHITBý2, OCT. , 9. bounî iful homne of future millions. If every led a ,M D 90 19.Canad iau vho leaves our shores would akre L. R. C p. EDINB URGH Ail Choice Pattert rC h samne course Canada vould become Cmv. ' ~ s tpltolj0orably knOwn throughou: h ved. Fre-.y@18fi, ucifaiiCUu8.N T TT IPoleca Ntes uenly .hilve we eard of Canadiens who N 5 ~ ç t There seeins to be 180UodobPha9r6017h ~euic fte mnanpbi no n outthtMr enied their countrv lu the United States, Office and Residence North End of ~. Sifton viii be Ministe, af the Interior. The might prove itjuriaus ta hir feig rTeTR Â E Y O t government (cars that Joe Martin would be prospects. llany partsroThIreiaud and Scat too bard a m n tCa mange.-~Ho0. E. J. land are rougb and almot barren, but never OsteH nu, 0 a. .t .m Gibsn, PovicialSecrtar, iscre did a resident or such districts appear on and 8 to :10 .m tp.m. GisoPrvnca Scrtry s rdited any part of the globe, vho did flot proclafi mad8to1)p Witb an intentioni to start a systein 0t Pro- his love for the land of bis uahlvity. Te fTipoeCmuiainwî fie Vinlciai audieuug of municipal accounCs. If sogtC.frbs aso iaTi orCe lie does soin. awlul bungles and robberies reason hat mortals muse roam, but hat love ---- Will be unerted.-The Dominion parnta. Of cOunîtry neyer died or even dimrned in Meut vas prorogued on Tuesday, and viii hef r brea ts, dnetefarnravrActin al Diot m eet gain iii F eb ru ary . ...y est r jîy ,s could rem ove it. LeC a m a n o a o rCh. 0f o r s., a ie , î s m l i e ~ . e c Papers innounâced hat Hou. Sitton wauîd cutyo bi adoto n, but lethuy al oteTb bsrerhecidînruiosro R andubs etl heMntb legisiature a dastard wbho denies the land af bis birth, T. PH[LP to se i by Public Auction, vitoutR mdturn it over ta Hon. T. M. Daly, Con- where bis acnessepi ooal evai I bYPuem lies. L tNo , Boe servîtive. prOvlded there vere no Opposition graves. If a min Chink anythoorablef Front, inticnsis of ickeung o t o îfl n l B r n d o f o C h C o m o n . ~ e s o u l c r d it it a il t a th e la n d h a t b r e d R H T R S D A Y , O c to b e r x t.1 9 6 h , a l~ Charles aud Lady Tupper celebrîtea him. Mr. Gre.nvod uCol rvsta A vl L rpry :Hnseth s é9..î san - eur golden weddingat Ottawa Yesterday. Canada can breed boys Ca1face th.s tgîe agedb rpemre, 1yersed.s ILmae +-Lord Rosebery bas resigued the leader- of the busient centres of the wonld, but isa aged, x biy mare, yeraixhsu wae mhlpet he ritsh ibeil-Lord aud hat the% cii carry the naine of their birth. 5 years aid. Ct"~-r 0w el avd - Td A e de nh a oe C . R tri e b tisi n ce her . an d m aire it resp ected . COW d tue to a 03ve at bA p 'i, z co , du ta c e 0et l Umd o n e C . . s ni e h n e n A T em tousand I onllr p ictu re. 2 1d uAel, e o , d a u e 01 acb I e tt e d o a ~ s i s f a v r a b l C a h~ t n i k r s. I t is d o u b t fu i if h e r . s a la g e r c ir c le o f C u w , d u e to c a lv e j 5 t b D e . o w deIrc m v deliihted subsc t ers n e vh l o ld d ai e st F b, z c ow. due t ai vet * DrhmEÃŽ,bI0~ than hose vho have the good fortune Ca b. due y, z cow, de ta1 Cowuve 51 MaIve ch on the subscription lito h îyH Naldarch. 1 caw, due tapcaJve 5,bh lune, i cow, We regret, and we have no doubt, so does md Weekly Star Of Montreal. The piper u e ta Se l Juiy, z cow, due to a cmv.aoth wery oue who lias ever attended h. On- itseif is simply grand. Que would almont Jan-.. 2 yeasn( aid, bi fer cOii 2 temi, 0# &Duhm xhbiintht h dre-tiink Cie publusher vould requin. a mint at bomn, cyesoÃŽng i z yer, id, î theae u ll, QO a ST P trio & D nha ex ibi ion, Cha th di ec- bis back t a urn out such 9 p i;per as h . w iîb pf e r ee. Sh 1 e up -8l e, I steO-r e bull. ~~E 60p fid themselves, fter severai yeirs of Paily Hrald and Weekîy Star us eveny ambs. 5 s-z white 00W, 12 pg,4mnb aucealng and unselfish libor, hemviiy in issue, and it grovs better and better ec i.IpeetiMse wezTrno E est m uies-i.edofenti 'eek, But otatnhng0 ec i.Ipeet. Pg 4Mts A ore honorable or a more Uintel bauuulpemum1hî be Fa iy esîehrows agn Ia aie dwgnvodn n1o Toinreontkoy t o i he m o n t a s t n i s b n g f i l a r e t h e u o e r , x s u k y ra l e , 1 d is e a r r o . 1 s e t o f i io n E E O U R P US C B L R , eretrof tihe atove associatian it pubiisbers Occasiouaîîy preseutto tbeir sub- axe,zrdenuca ao, tpbgy Kqtna t ar ine akbtr vlut hnever dif Ca ttfind, and it is nemi!7 ascibers Thirreputatian for ti e s dxIcockocrp agoer.1t uyck i *io haie that their best efforts have e- ide as the continent itself. This le aid to <II, I a rofseigplow (Willtru k;*z n%>î L8 r e at , 2a nd 8, ad rmter l ue2, a an uc. BlWsuI Blight recognition tram he 6e tihe budiest season the Painil>' Heu-aid mnd ivin plow, (Wbitby make.) e scuffier, z 'Ir, eut-n Md byusnss men oetChus intet>i- W'i tr a a ice it was firat frouad. root pulper, 2 cutters. HMnes - stsoi ~~~~~~~ m mil>cun>. Acount>' fair je d ; and the vear is Ca e commeronira n u bnes,2 e fsinge ar ne___s. Fa rrSo e h ap S to e y Iety imum e se benefit ta eve y class of the a way [at iii m aire ne vsaper subscribers clucs.-About 7 to s of tu moe hay , A G E NTofor t e r eon A toati e Sehool Il) ~m u lt , a d e m ke bo d t s >' l~ e ery he e s mp >' stand aghast. A t an tons Of cl ver and im ot y oixed, 4 actes of tar. - D yeing C o., and the D eleneAt or , F dbesmore te stimulite and encourage, by enormous expeuse rutnnag far up into Ch. nips 6 acres of corn , qua"r racef otce.W L PA R AT O T J lend!y ivalrY and keencaptin huîdvehiChtC.ubnerofC. r.Pip cebaepreiiteaoeat- Dr oods fose,, r 2 ad1 Dres Gproyad. 12 n centeryadote vlu as nee Lo ues naaean fr thse law price of 7 cents per yard. When inor'tr me brand of Corsets advertjsed in ian a bargain on the following day saine lino of ail wool shirts and drawers at 50c. but advertise - pca rat 49c. by those cheap city stores. sda pca ieds. Toronto papers [ast Thursciay as worth NEW A PORC ELA SOLID Si GREA -fnow.n duO. 8 .. ........H E -.j Ft G aa te n rc st ute ey o y i TE,- Z~VV M. RO sS * made expréssly for m2y numnerous custormers, with better paper than price. Other splendid value ut 1, 2 and 3 cents. Exercise IBooks in r. Rubher Tipped Ponciis frein 10c. per doz. up to 50 cents. IRubber Ail the Publie and High School Text Books. et. Note Papor 5c. per quire, andl superior Envelopos 24c. per package. 'er.k. The hest inx the muarket. Also Agency for the British Anierican uli stxk of Patterna always on hand. l'OR 30 DÂYS. i let asieseosatevillproc oneed 0-d-senuten-.~frms t. betlou matters ire waxing very bot in Dr. Jardine, of Sunderland, vas in Cownf th Ceeae amg egd oiy fioe the r tlE c last week. w ildteeo ýngýgr nyfrteChIea r or 7Jzted States," as three veeka frein next d caims et vbich Cisc> shil Cien bave dueI daÏy, (N 3d), wl e polliig day in M.James Ruddy, w. are peased ta notice. I1 ceidnia amigu Alth em-in emnn isimprovsng. . Dated at Whitby tbe 6th Oct., j&)6. j if cOngres., about twenty-tive of h. 31 .---ucto orEectrs aligaiid mn g rm=r of stages, tise saiene unber oaiT"________45_3_i._Solitor__________ D IOn'tbuy- If afn legialatures, ad municipal affidlals by WHITBY.th tC an prc fryu e. [iuý,sand, viii aIse 6e eiected on that lheat, vbite, 67 ta 68c; red winter, 63 taChIng.te8okadpie fr @ rsJ 'JMts novever>' trick hat ca be ne. 650;goase. 5Ã" taos5c.Baniey aS ta 30C-, W s 1hereby 'chllenge -Mr. lame Maynard, or O %'E8TATE 0OP1 v i C-to is belng ludulged la te capture , r8 [O 2ac. Peas, 42C tO 55. Ilav, $10.00. a. LÀitSaturday's Chicago Dispatcb, Stnav, 87ýo.0. -Butter,- rsç Ia î8c. E' ~ théise onerfeTexan Hank, to match ih acaisne d~'he li ony hicgopapen of note Chichena. -per nain, s5=.Pouaoes, per bush, my mare 8cuffl Maid, do tret mueilesais, 3 un 'rtpg ryn, nnoncs l- fimZg frec.ee O 1». Hon">'inu6o lb ins, 7c perlb; sr me e8h10a0 ero r $W Wbitby, for a puise et ta Engiand ia tbueateufing van if tii. trames. si.2o Per doz apple 50 go le per bar. _o $o o s b ait efthe eh.infl o be put 04vr platfones c4rres, tise ebject being reli; crabs 25 s. 3oc per busha el; ~s 40 tm p by the ovuer of cacis herse. i wl aji9 agi- 1 m9orP nd Britishs haing people ta per bushol , temaboes 951CO30C Pur basket; Plumaexpeuses- if ch. rice tÃŽle place a Port -Pîrry, * TeaChei' FRA daYfrom n ie end oettte land tote ~Wat>.As nec Waeted* 12 atWiitiy, 1unertad cbre-is am . 'l'o tOacheuu vauted for S.S.?o a and tho vrildest possibilith es of tise TORONTO. sas&rzp r gar thegubresagit, of th >ae ttowniship -eî Re 49,ctw -fOniro B tiei uibeme atffrd a apleudid themie for WisAm te, 7 C '6; ediiner hity ltu his these bars" erotted, 1ima kemiwae ocher os-.princip#al ,so, a r(enta~cre and It atôrs etbotis sîdes te rave about. Tii. 74e ; goese 2tO eoc. IiB«4e-56 3ete is D eU. eprvev - aiai' - ev- - cler'asusau.Ap- aÈotuv 0 > Wt- Ia ïl bas- pretey neadyi>' bit ls 2w w sa2= R>., 45 toO O= -'9Y, $[ - - reel ; b th Water. .lüpÏoCL l.» n4CIoa ram J, st mg frn g salarjr exp m.cted an dfu l OM W e w i e t i i < r O u r c o u s i s p s e s t i e r i o x 3 c ; r l s t t 4 g s ~ t c > ~ , ' e > . e v ; D a h s t m ~ z u r ~ g . < & D of eltoveamet wjic=te sbutHags, hsessed, $5 H. OYEkeui ~abou~ v m momv~l ~ 10 O duckss ,41 6 - . lB ER .g rghba .O.-ja mie ehave any Jde ft he -imspont- ouit strike ef operabirs along, Thée autbenities doclare 1 tise i0t tbiags are runng all iglit, are be inn Ing tg roîCl bere b. whole- rillikaipracticaîly tocs stand. - Ip wauy p laces a linii:a;sseu Pcrtras. rave, gu n o tes r htm. -Othe-r -"rt9 e 04gopa ito, ouci ffew Goode. ON HAND. ad Orookery. tg, Cheap. Deries, Teas, Çoffee,J' I -ces to Suit the imes. Winter TORN Kissal e- ecoptans iso Bot- el ut a New De ~od f anlkù d >6 4 Ld%. an, dpleut>' Of _i'olr $i.5u>at door7 ar~l te @To*isblp o! Whuhy, lu lv tIL UNI V eRsgre J'bJy gve I siai Couat>' Org lion of @Mys-10o FRIAY f LOCAL 'Remember Bengat $cott nepairs allii Fall vbeat is look Mir Alfred Taylor, lova. Wen's tweed pants ,Walters'. iinrdwood diniug t- ,W. Tiil's. gr G E Grass ieft a u'it bis brother A )on't miss Beugoi ,mnusic bal this, F 'urst cliws photco5 Brien & Stedham's Kn. Thos. Elwia, son, Toronto, vas t week. gn. Wm. Pnoudfkx ,ne on i visit ta bis udtot, Port Whiti isousinds of barre! rrozeui on the Cree, id sisakes Chein dc Ir. C A Conuen bas N. Y. Heisad n Ite enable hlm ta, an, aitheugis stimu miary. li. Gazette issued Rb'on Tuesdî> W'of Patent bolier i i Toronto foundu rpe set up ber. repared for bard ,belew the lov.st ci lëllrsvontis of bec bnced sales -d a 0 donbt about ou r and gods th. big ins, East Side. HE CHROWICLE o0 pnices of mny p, eer paver bas Globe for. 15 tisnth meersSun ne $z. 19 t0 fool pole és. They anou bing witb ai the. eprices, Pu. -H. Piper can seli lsc' Ch. best p la cleaned eut. Gi wireWs Society e MMi tuimeeting b. hld- on Monda il a7.30 P.um., ai Mss joitbe election .Pm the ane jWiU be pleut>' of iluComty Teacheri lanuM ilmeetingi i,Pez-ry- igb sCho ~V8hand 9eh I ~S8tMfent mal: ý-jeY4iTeacher i Iive r r tii anudita Predd 'ito 41 1. Fr' The uriulmcomprise.Co A ies(loudlsg ',the. D=àld i CouS,09 oaWOJd xxrl. >AP.ÈRiiqaý, No better value vý as ever gLowr. Every lady ýlA se -ALL UIP-TC.)--n.A cPV- Dress Goods me RO Mig

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