- .b'hc aeôerhr bw q 1b* bot 3ummr sm Waà hw.thlt'uldiner nlhtafter th1s.'au i Tiihot ummo Sunwasbeatinghath ti trai<avocetau s'u t '*V on the long white street.s'and Esrne'selbow adgtbwr-tg dov a,-#.ppcao utaking the flawqson the balcones bsat do ae abi dipand veé~ lavil of te l1m the10 ahe side oai :14Y. t» 10, where the waiter wasepuulttgtdown ut acof- .tffleshung listles and motionlesa in te ie a utù onýtecfiT ueey de 41Ç'great heat': Not'a single sot&l Ãb.emran ofte1 to be seen in the usually à ,dd n. Whynat, Arthur?' Ski aid. ,e sscI..Tiyh o could tebacbersubmitted to 'drassy street in Buda-Pestb, and the "Wha be-d b babarin eaughta 010I Porter of the Hotel Esterhazy sat have lighr.s brought now ? Look at . ci e ias bee liall asleep i hir weII drawn back ta uc U hr pointing ta the frled. la urne caseý Itt the shade; he knew very well that moon. The man opened bis lips, as, out of te there ii a3one vwould disturb him at that hour. thougb to speak. but shut them deter- no rec asfres n Esine St. M40ur lay down on the sofa iel .an eloe osat heu, the doctor in laipenting th4 - b fate had -made her ber steadily. Heavens!1 What- a mag- getnen ra raticeu'q spend this grflà 'ing afternoon in Buda- nificent woman she was, with ber t.awny e*=oPetent to treat d>erh "Hweersha Istad b~hair that glcamed like burnished gold Temae sa brauc weeks of it ? At any rate, I shallflot atemolgh- ratgc ysof !nedicine by be in town after to day, and 1 hope the ad the vivid scarlet lips and cheeks tbCWselvea. T he y country bouse of the embassy is cooler. that had before been so pale! are distinct from "Ittm si, lrj do not ave allegiance to two otbeyoubmerop. "Haif past four, milady; but the qi%,"besid auhngy reatue oybyand gentlemen mademoiselle expected is Dn't 'ou ?'she siluhnl rae nyb n wa'ting downstajîs, and wants to know as sue handcd him a cup. of coffec, wo aua p rac if You will receiye bim. " but you are a aithful soldier ail the aud experleuce ini this particular liiie. "Cerainy, sad Emelaziy, as ain, 1hop. -This la true of Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief con "Ccrtga inyros id Ese, blaz-iy fs mI hplae ot me." so -ulting hysielan of the Invalid's Hotei' tenig apin ros mno br bit; brig "t pease yo tobe errytO-sudSurical Institute, at Buffalo, N.Y, some more tea, Klimja and take thos night," he answered, quictly. Doctor Pierce'. Favorite Prescription,* foi cigaetts aay;1 sailnotwantthe - « Hve ou verread Mrs. Brown- ail derangeiuents of the reproductive or. ci artes a ay. saifo w n oe ',HMa kave y uvr ?"s es i,-H w gang of women, has been in actual use foi now" mnuts ltera tîlsunurttines Mank,' Arsthr?" shen sad, "Hl]w1more Uian tliirty years. It was orginaiîs A few ittnetmen underatood wome, after a ld with an bslu guarantee thatli ma caeit hero You sould know that the ting we woud cure every cage, or that the moneqv "So sorry, Arthur," said the lady. seem to b is onW a. cloak ta b ide what gaid or it woud e refunded tsu we ae relly eelng. ut ter bas been s50a niversai that this guarantee 1E "I'm positively too tired to move; this earralyflig Buthe-we no longer necessary. The '"Favorite Pre beat is killing! I'm so glad to sec you,"- tabooed feelings for to-night." aciption " relies now upon the thousandi- she entonlooingup a hi. -Let .'«Did we ? I only remember pro-. of testimonial, fromn grateful and happy mse we t oi okn g u at h im. "Ls inet .. t a n t ig o r pr a h women, in ail parts of thc land, whose me sc, t i ncrlythre yarssine mîîng to ay othng o rprocb lves have been made wortb living by itf we saw cach other; what are you doing you, and I shall certainly keep use. 'Favorite Prescription" is sold by here ? - My word. Indeed, 1 wiIl praise you. druggists. -I was hurryîng to England, Esme,"- It was awfully good of you to let me Complete information regarding it, and lie said, - because 1 heard a report comne--and have one evenirig like those testimonials froin bundredsç'yho have used about you that 1 could not credit; that in Ostend. Do you remember ?"He 't, are embodied in Dr. Piercc's Common you eregoig tobe arred. eand bck ad wnt n drainly.--jSense Medic'al Adviser, a standard medicai ~Ou crcgoig t bemaried" lane bak ad wnt n deaîily "Iwork of 1oo8 pages, jprofusely illustrated, Well, - said the girl, nervously suppose every man has some particular which will be sent tee On receiPt Of 31 picking off the leaves of her rose, li way in wvhich be pictures the woman one-cent stanips ta caver cost of customs ýs qitetru. N, no Arhur its n he ove. 1alwys tougt o yo onandi mailing ont>'. This work is a coniplete quit tr c. o, o, rth r, t a bhe loves. in alwahstehougbt of you n- fam ly doctor book and should be read by ise," she continued, sitting up and put- ohyugadl.WOLsDSN ing ber hand on bis arm; -"sit whcre ed by flowers, looking-wel-as you BAIY MEDICA.L ASSOCIATION, Buffs.Io, N. Y. 'ou arc and listen. Yusc er look to-nigbt. 1 shall remnember you ad to come to this somne day, and 1 al ways so. rUlila nay as well teil you bere as anywlrere Esme looked up in surprise. There On Monday, Police Magistrat. Laffer- Ise; wc cannot fight against fate, and secmed a resignation in bis t<>ne whicb yfudJh U, letCre n Lie fates are againsi. us. Look 1 Ithafltbetertrehusbfo. Benjamin Johnson 05 and comts each fort vould be ten years at least be-fore you "Arthur. your experience as a man creating a disturbance at à % salvation( lould marry me, and then 1 would be a of the world Must tell you that in a few army meeting.f niddle-aged woman. And even il years your feelings will cairmdown ; you Between th. ogg coilectors and wanton ould wait, what am I to do during will corne to London, and we shaîl bunters ail of Our native bird. have s hose ten years ? Grandmnamma, you meet as friends.- severe etruggle for existenceý. Slowly :now," she went on, turning ber face, He looked at her curiously. but suroly their niunber cil eora 0w appalling in its pallor, '-died and You sPeak to me as a man of the rhe foroste and thc copse that shelteg eft me £5o a year, and since her death world. I know I amn speaking to a &hem are disappearxng, and bbe vander. bave been living, yes, living on m y womnan of the world. Not to the Esme ing boy witb a gu n 1 everywbere. Law 1 iste's hsbad! Tink Theprod of three years aga. But even froru doos not rostraiju him, and the old sav 9 y!" t Mu actually living on char- your calm standpoint of a wornan of ago desire to kiW sooeet<hing do..Dot die .Y! t Mu the world you arc wrong. I admit out. 'Tbe cear. ad protection of oui " But, surely, " Arthur broke in> that a man's love might 'calm down,' (eathered frionds ought to b. taugbt I>y surely-" bc as >'ou say, even were it as strong as parents and in sohools. '*0f course te don't say so, but î Ine f rahsbi ol uhe To eee handreds and tho*adec now, 1 know. They have three ch iî remnoval & the prize beyond bis reach bushels of goodly appîcas trewi.ng on the ren to educate, and look at the posi- makes him long for it more fierccly. ground, becauee it doem not pay to, pick ontbey bave to kccp) up! 1 krio Such,* at least, is my case. you see, the nu adsnd them tob maret, is, to rank's incomne is by no means large dearest, wc feel so di1fferently. I could "aY the leaat, discouragig. It i8 to rea id 1 feel I've no right to be a burderi neyer bear to sec you anather man'slz ttebs-enso rusotto)a tbe wbn Ive gad ffe." if, ad tereoreI eye shh cm~yet provided by civilization -are insde & ther whn lve goo of er- wfe, nd herfor 1 nvershal crneqnate to moot ail the neede of humanity. P '*Who is the man ?" he said dryy near you again. You believe that my ~j oepsil o epeadtig Lord Hiflborough, -' she answered, loewl oldwn; I know now that t > are rmoeplc eaohe er eyes down. it neyer will, and 1 prefer to end it at u quickiy, easUy and 0 he Iry savWaioc *A man almost old cnougb tob its beigbt, flot to sec it die a slow dra hymy el o 4 af tur ur grandfather! " he said, getting up death by the stages of affection-re- tÃŽme, the poor of th. contres o pokuia. hi dI standing beside ber. "Do you gard-indifferenc." tion could b. broughî 1 apples kt g re for bim ?"',End it ? said Esmne, "what do you ing to vaste, or th. apple D o wgbca fo 'No,"- she answered, lowering ber mean ?" .ricd to tb iymrkt ?te r ld ýt elids wearily; "fn iabt I1espct-um I ean that alter t-n ight 1cuIisa 0obla^d-L-- i-b-oà -lois, that r a I ti yý h. t cc th c il3 kn ani le Ia dif a a t Witt -,on n sai abti difi if Eov South American Kidaey Cure e- e-t mo 1spainand s&emm P«"ioa0e re Dis1tréso Id it vua chronicled in Lb. local press a te fev day. 9go that, ose of Torontosa bt- g9 knOwn physiciewvasleaviD¶for a lead. fi ing United '. Statua Hospital, tcre t es undeo an operation for a bard fora. tieofctheskiducys. Everyone vili boec )f that tue experient, vili 1e sucemrafal. lu But lanfnot prevestion botter than cure, "t and ihere th. first mymptomi of kidney bat disease aaset hcius.lv.. 1]et hat vonder hfui specifio, South American Kidney y Cure, b. taien, and bhe trouble is speed y ily banished. What inhi ust as encouragt- ing in that whore the. dusease bastaken hold of the systein, even in extreme dcases, relief and cure in quickly secured eby tho use cf this medicine. Sold by J. E. Wilihs. AGLAN1 Mrs. Thou. Rose, wbo bas becs suifer mng vith inflammation, i. able to b. around again. Mrs. Ed. Holliday whc vas cailed toe the bedside of ber daugbter Vera, iu Tor- osto, bas rettarued to, report ber very mauch improved. The funeraI of Mrs. Haruden on Satur- day week wua very l.argely attended. The deceased was the mothor of Mr. Perry Haruden, of tbis place. c Mr. Jirmes Feweston, of Oshawa, vieil- ed friends bore and in Colnubus on Sun- day. Mr. Arthur Curtis spet Sunday under the parental roof. P The Mesers. Harper returned on Sat C urday after a tvo weeks' visit with C friends in Toronto. D ai A good deal of <aIl vbest hbu been stilra be realizeclnezt year. Apple buyers are around and report apple crop aead of lt îyer. Mrt. Btautos and Miss Curtis visibed the CE. in Columbus presbyterian curch ast Snday. Look out for a wedding in thc near future. CONCLUSIVE PROOF Ipponm B Wou KnownmCItze. M~5fbttP0l7 sfer morahsy di£e&Se.8hbad c=sta &=t etiPain ber baok. The. pinlubr la as a i and almeil anenduraby *ntedbh«rfrom atf& r.o M eg i tudyast hme pr»8h. hai ne @kppetft,and did aon sleeP Wou. T"epul vas vry seera rouni ber beart sud sb vi Mach troubl.d wvtbnu"tm&"anipaeptatioe Bbc vas compeloy verc etouinbcdy sud v& Mdrd and drovy ail lh. Um. IBr Mcli &ud Myseit boeam arOuslY alarmed uasb v a o n s ta n l y g I l g v r e Lait Juiy my daugh 1er Saa.. e.r S ~be PuIblie Sehool a Rinisle oOIant ome to spm. u evacaon. aaâ ndlng hem dster lu such a dlstrasslug and dnio conditîen, si& 1I aM taklugDon Ed e PlUs and bbey a» eli 0da wlb Pold IMbCi hb e <ld . B y l b l i t m e p o ly b a l is h l b . isif box berarev.meu l ublth vwu go marke , bal 1 proeued more from à &. Mpd u outlnueus, Shm a o oso b e r f o r m e r d u n g e r n , p i n f l i os r a O fu .dn _ trubls. i awaleq Md .su 'Oi more tbane niout& bas ml"ïyd q» .me« la orouenh. SL hO bas MllI&a ýday> eo 0 0mmec "kt"glie= Md has » m eh famli the=is aine m to es <lb er le M lb a t a I a e v n e 0kSe sxbox«,iluthe boume i & slmUS Mme tb Oy bould b o ie .l ud d av la ls 1« cur bas beesso vOudSrJ bé h"lis, Wm cur Msy, mplatnt Ir lie >1.bdc Mm0 , 1ox Ivouli mtà " v ba1 i.ithe muta iaralle. e<niy dU tfua airos aihco~fr théfem - s~ as mas ba ol=-e ffe «à m i d Ium u a ag 3osera bglE, aMOisuvs a lbqWd*I&i bsi a' w urne, l-InM iuty4voy« &euxe a. cr auts, by «Mas, é vba bis sra@gmjof-Set ytai, lrw&,Met a~ lit. %*lie %g& wuL~PE -FOR SA '~BY- henilat and Druggist, Brock Streét WHITBY, A Gemerous OUsoe. (.F~~bJùhed Ay *eqsse*t,) ar ,* ~ ~ , V.VNT* OP ONTARBIO18. OionîpOra,outh W4on k Oou *v~ Aolcit r O fio -ofuthJeuan.8 F eb. 8; m atch 3; &P i 0 rt~us~whitby. n 'J o.2 ct. 741 JAili VT8D<EOsxÂwi-D. C. MacdonenWi Barrister, etc. Office formerîy oCcpoâin. m4; Feb. 4; March 4;'Ap îj 3 M Parewell & RutJedge, neit oya, Hol.!, lime 8; JulY8;Sep. 8;'(Oet. 8'; Brock St., Wbitby. 'Doc. 8,> o,. BEOUGEAN - X. GIees,0 -reno DAVID OIREIITON, B-. A., Olerk.-Jan. 0; lszohb- MGreu, &ttorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chanoery, Sep. 4; Nov. 5. ,5» 9 Oonv.yancer, etc. Office -In theficern PORT PIR»Y - J. W. Bnrnharn p0 s o u h 0 t e p s t M e , i ) 1 » s, P eX r" , C l e r k - J n . 2 9 ; M a r c h 9 ; R y. 1 so ckh Bo oklb. tPoet, Office, ID O July 20; Sep. 28; Nov,. .' Y 1 ; Blook Broo Stret, Whtby.UXBRIC60-Joseph E,. GoUl d xbi Cierk-Jan. 80; March 24; M a 9h e 6. YOUNG SUITH. LL. B., 14; Oct 4 ;Dec. 16. ~ 13arrister etc.,-Money to Loati. Isuer CANNIIIG'ON-Geor e Smiîh, CJ of Marl'ge Licenses. Office - Smith'u Jan. 81; Mach2bga2; l Block, Soutb.of Market, Bi ock St., Whitby. 15; Dec. 17. 2;My2;Jl 5 c DOW & McGILLIVRtAY, BEAVZEETON-Geo. F. BrUce, Beaven0n Barrstes, Silctorulu hancry,.~.Clerk-March 26; May 21; Ju]y 16; Oct. 16, Barrster, SliciorsIn Cancry, tc.Dec, 18.# Office in Mathison h Hawken'a new block 'CTJPBGOVB-F J Gillepie, UPtrgro0 Brook St., Whitby, south of Ontari o batik. Clerk,-March 27; May 22; aly 17 ; oct. 17' 1 Octob By ord1895 £utbhctt 0r8. Warren à 2 Moore, J. J. Moore, M. D., P. Warren, M. D. b il1 a.m. b 9 p.m. ,AW Privale Telephc'nc Communicahio. D. P. BOGART, 51.D., L.D.B. 'hysican, Surgeon and Accoucher etc. Dffioe and Residence neit le Aill aint's' Ohurch, Dundas Street, Whitby. N. B.- Dental Surgery in ail its branches pîomrtly ýtteuded te. New Llvory, and Sale Stables J, E. PARE WELL DENTIS T. Over GTos à Gianger's. Whftby. Ke' Open every Saturday night. *- B- YARNOLD, D.L. B., WU. CALVERLET, HRMM s5 AKEE, WIUTET. Having moved mb nt new premlaes, w. lare pre]psred to extend the range of business. Ail work pertainig bto theharness-makitig and saddlery business willb. donc bo satis- faction. Co ars a specialty. (IBan ad se. my shop and stock. W. CALVEBLEY, Second door west of old shop. Dutidas Street, Whitby JNO. NOBLE, -DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF- Lumber, SbingIes, a"14 Boo s aad Blinds, Turaing aad Fr.t4sawing. W Alorders or information cati b. @band (o JOHN NOBLE, Dundas Street, Wbitby, opposite Mr. A. C. .Wil- ons'. residence. Wltby, April 4th, 1894. Estifblihed 1856. Il per anum ta dvanoe, oterwlue $LMO .orttus aapipayable at am. off ieo ufctoz ITb. publsherr »ost =ad«6&" to1.deliver the paper at :lr :v "It J 11. titon Cb." reIos pou-n ifftollou am amat io serion, aê5cnsprlu ahab. quoa n eto oas1 et a ia WAIchaiges forr early a1erttsements MMl b.brougbt la -sot Iater thanTueeday G l A N D 1 U I K DA i> m 4D A N oP - et....:4 a lotee ....4me rO.ý.t.. iS&pm .05p m Dundas St., Whitby, J. T. NEWPORT, Proprieer. Commercial men liberally dealt vith Teamiug doue at reasonable prices. Frelght and Baggae hauled at reascu. able price.. A eaul solicited. DENTIST. For thc next three nionîha I ami givire speelal attention tb patients troni a dus tance. Auxmlîll mnkxng plates in rubber, 88, oelluloid #10. Gold and silver fig work crovning by faret-lasi operaters st the most reasonable rates iu the oity. Wiien ii.heclty callunsud let mue examn. ine yonr teetb. I maie no extra charge, 0. H. BIGGS, Denti, soutb euat corner King and Youge Sts., Toronto. Nov. 8tb.1I M. wu H. WARNER,., DEALER IN OOAL, ILUMER, SNINGLEBi,Io.wcue AGENT For the PEOPLE'8 Office and Yard just East of Uptown- Station. Whitby, Oct. 25th, 1894. -FR SPÂRTIG, T~ I~XW WRITXNG PA.P TAKFi-ND-H' TAKE-NO OTHE HAS. SO0O' Res-UItS A OW ENOF Sc AVEFI A MEDIC 'WITIOUT A» stt.e5t of a Well as blood-purtfier and Sp esunot bave praise enaurz Ibmlt effocIsln chrorne ca kesluluvs off no ava asamoished at the resuit- -medicine that 1I-have eV p ýtrIed gbei 8, 15 50 thorc sud effects go many Pes - âgllMe. .&diitted ah the w~ .fyerD Pilla for lire A FÂTHERB [ÂPPINESS RESTi HOPE RAD ALM fs Daughter Began to -Was AttackE d w an&. Life vas Desp Again Enjoying Rok »om the Brantford Couri à recent addition ta t] à if in tht" City is Mr. r livig a 75 Chathi 11<1 w*bo vas formerly ie great City of Landon, pecimen cf an Enghsbî olteu seen in the Gri loy and who make s0oà r ditizens. Sinee hie is-been a varm advocai aown medicine, Dr. il,-s.through hb' ,zens cf boxes have bE odel and, acqaintance -4,. Courier representati ïrUgh not-surpri8ed, toj r Mr'. Chi's warm enh( ïudou that gentleman ttwilhngly consented iê in the foilowing starý r bing so sincere au or18 renovned medicin Dirt &go," said Mr. Chft iWy ýbegan t droop an Qwe .disinclined eitheï saur.  doctor in L< Sant4 le prescribed- ýnersi rousig up as th, effée tacure My da mt l o fallow bis instri rueflreime exbausted id ebeç-gradnally gre ght- I- and my vif, verf -b ry from Lilly,a Ic- faud ber sgi go, Wl adof ted.tI m ta uotaeeaa ber thieag.. a. be #r frai se suddte up~~ ~~ perec hehuihih:" aggard and ilI. I did not nlotic-é it FSEO JUWAUl OLL a, tbrngualdheltby ihathis afternoon. 1 wisb you would sot M. fortn pca n eclutyi a go back ta tbat horrid India! Wby £TI'UTION TOBIOWEf Ifonota st rn ucwnon; ny d 'don't you r.ake more care oaI.yoursell?5ADI irces hy, 1am sbo grl ouldmake Are you going to London now ?" te, liin ha sh i could mLeau-, Oh, do not talk about me, " the man LJ- 1"e lihen sa I going ov earhim said, hurriedly; l'tell me about your- YOU GET THE BU8T* COLOR Chi u know this must b. the'end," selfs Whathv oubc oigal fROM DIÂOND DYES. Dearst,"- be saiI, -in a broken these Years? Have you- been in Os- C, lit is only the beginning. you tend agais?'AThe & ago.dtiit me, and yet you rnarry thjo mani! "oU»se nserdge:l: ofav Browus viU b. in lavor the bçginaing of wretche(Iress for .neye cre tou ack thmeere aund. I~.tii y~ adhfiadme, for al aur lives !" "hnYural eebrdad~aemtl oi 5à rthur," kié ~, ~ ~ cared, lEsme ?" Tbie pain in 11Woc ju lsd~ytapmhs ovdess D me. I bayie made p'n md as terrible to hear, but he auddealy, f ta se ason, mmd nheb vi ar l hog. )ee~ recovered himseîf. -This l is c 1ikj,&içabuent- l'elo iê e7 & eu ber ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n cue ?e. acifthose evenings. -We only baat nairil. tih. re1 côe jano li8ig for anyself .and I1viii fot live the music," be-added, in a. 4i#çren s&Wou, or r e'eathe$, 14 oun! eerreaily-loved, il yau can AslnbyeUb ezquhn w a maeMtêtb&I. à oaa4* 5 Iice your love lp your :pnide, if you mnts b~ cmdualoal l,$hIUew~kor 1aibh1 &-_. ~) et-your head overn your heart' except on îhe.tubj=.i-b," yt me cantbel it, >Arthur,; 10 vodaSddulas thl gn a nà ý1M' UtoLor- îÎtorÃ"u¶1id'sd U swer to; Arn'ue-o ilei.-for 9 smtk t «,.t u hal -, 1tOb AIM ie r hm u ctber canc ~ curtain. onthie là ver bakon,: hà put ýer scenc, like this. Bdm Qd iWllB Il ~ ~ I4IêRh~e al ~ 1, lIy cmani 1ooke, hçr for a secondnght .th,is but on mâo *aq,,' 4y-u "iBZo4ù- me w ,both ,hei, nýh' s' îý"""b9'91, By order, Office bours 9. a. m. olace boum il am 1