Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 25 Sep 1896, p. 1

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a '.00.& VOL. XL. WTTV XTADT ETTA LaffP gooe Lainp goodsa Troronto Prices flot in it %ýVERE NOW HAN(N~~LAMPS $6.5o, $45o, 5.50, 4.00 HA L L 1AI \lS. . 4. sTA\H LAM>S . ELEGANT LINZ 0F .eHand, ail '! c- ( dt 25c. each, A. H. A CllE1:'rlST AND DRUG WHITBY, -C Hou8-cleaning time We have a larger and better am of window sbades this seaa have ever shown before, fi We use the best hand paii shade cloth, with Hartâhi roller. Aiso a fine variety of co Ask to see our latest style screens, to fit any window,j Our baby carrnages are ail of t Sîg ns. Gîve us a cal] before purchasinI We are takîng special paim elegance wîth economy in general utility. Our stock is complete in House 1 We invite buyers to corne It wîii save money. Leading Undertaker,- E. J. JORNi BROOK ST., WHITBI Established - 1849. Whitb Steam Marbie and Dundas St., WH ITBY. Chas. H. Smil , Fornaerly Wolfenden Wcl porter and Dealler lu MAR G~RANITE MsONUMENT, thelatest material snd dee kinda of Cemetery work. guaran teed. AeSFND FOR DESIGNS AND Afi ss Beatrice R Deoker, -GRADUATS OF-- TORO)NTO CONSERVATORY 01 L.UUAL NEWSI LE1TEE mONROictuE OomspcNDIl5cz. PORT PEuTz Mms. Jas Jackson, Toroenta, la visil ftiendi lu tisslocaliiy. Misses Scott sud Luxton, Oshava, W recent guests cf Miss Clara Roiph. Mr sud Mm-e Sam McCav, Chathami, w recent visiter. te W. H. XcCaw and fam 1Thse familiar figure cf Percy Pum-dy, Belleville, was seeri on oui' streets this ve àfiss Minnie Bond, Trenton, vas in tc over Sunday vriiug ber relatives&i frieuds. 9!; i~aci~ - - ti 7C DR I ES ry (,o, ethodjs t ifs of bd ex- adian itions n t a r i 2 1St, Mani- at the >;2 o 0 2-S 00 2s 00 28 oo 28 00 30 00 '3 00 3" 00 3,5 00 -1 -,Dicd, in the 8th con. Reacis, on tise 19 .0<1, $3.00., mat., Chsarles Cliriton, infant son cf Mr. Ge4 00, 2. 50, Dowsou, agcd 3 menthe. - A very peculiar case came before Justi( .25, $ .75, ofthe Peace Batetgnr on Tbursday cf lai l.0, 2-75. wecis, Scue person bad in somne manu secured some of Mecklenburg's busine! cardsansd had vmitteu some sîreug vords c therniasd tisen scattered tise carda lu th iLar,3s hotls.Information vas laid agaluet Mcci lnburg for writiug obscene vords on hi carda. Thse trial was ta come off that aftei wor-th 50(-- noon sud aller waiting neariy an heur, th prosecutar vas like Tepsy, he could net b -i-rn * fouad, and the case vas dlsmissed vit 111).coats. It vas tiseugis: that tise dfn i , wouid b. so badly scared tisat he weuld g and settle, net so, anmd he did right. ;GIST, Port Pe,-ry Division Court. Vernoni vs. Stili occupied tise time ef tis )NTARIO.court neariy ail day cf thse 23rd. The plain ti16 had tisree causes of action. At tise clos4 of the case Judge Dartriellinitimatcd that th% plaintif vwas enîitled wo somnethiug. but thi be would net fix tise amount for a ve ir orer te gitre tise parties an cppcrtunity c coD mpromising. Mfr. Chepple, M. P. P., foi piff.. Mr. Ebbels for deft. Nott vs. Burton -One of tise dcf'ta set up tise defence a la/ here. fi audulent representatien by wvicis be wv iuduced to aigritise note sued on, but faiied soited stock te estabiish bis contention. Judgzmeut toi son tisas ve pif. for $85 78 aud costs. Mr. Ebbeis for rom 45c. up. piff., Mr. F. Yaa-neid for deft. inted opaque Fatal Accident, on's spring It vas witis regret that our citizeris learned on Wednesday evcning that Mr. W. M. WJ- 'rucepols.cox had been throvu out cf his buggy andi of vindow dangerously injured. He vas geing dove at 30c. escis. tovu on some business sud vas lu the act af tise latest de- turning tise corner at bis evu residence, corner «fCochrane sud Macdonald streets, g elseviiere. wben tise axle brokre in tise vieel causlng *the wheel to run off sud t.hrow Mr-. Wiiicox _ta bobie i great force otegan.H ws i prie andpicked up by a ncighbor aud carried to bis ovu bomne viere Dr. Melow vas 9quickly Furnishings. called sud later Dr. Stan' cf Bronklis andi and sec us. Dr. Sangater vere cailed lu, vises it vas found Mr. Willcox vas pamalized fi-cm the -9 shomdders dovu. He liigered lu tisis state until this Thursday meruing vises ie died, Siccre sympatby cfounr citizens le given te rso.tise daughter, Mms. McDcrmott, sud tise three littie grand -daugbtera. Being armemis. er oftiseSous cf Englaud sud Truc Bines bis faneraI vill b. coaducted by those sodiem A. 'Rosa & Sain Briase. This entcmprising fins le atili doing busi- ness in tise old stand.- A mun tisrongi tiseir sbop shows very complete preparatians for tise [ail and vinter trade. Piles ef flanueis, blaukets, tweeds snd evem-y requisite to maire home corufertable. Tiscy are stockiag up this year witis ladies' mantles and bave a fisc assortment. Preparatigus are ruade in liseir sisoe departmeut for lonkisg after tise comfort ef boys, gis is, men and! vomen, by prcvidiug theni vitis consfortdble font vare. Tise grocery department seerus te b. ail that could b. desired, sud this hi-sncb of their business bas a tbriving patronage. This le probsbly oeeof tise best cf oui- veIl conduct- cd stores in thie town. Mr. Wm. Rase le keepirig up tise weli-descrved reputatian of bis fatiser intise very important bm-sncb of grain. He le buyiug at Manchsester, Port Perry, Seagrave sud Manhlla, ail kirics - t grain aud seeds. We notice in atise office of Mr. Rossa sncv typevi-iter opcmated by tà Mr. jas. Lucas visicis Mr. Ross infcrms me LI, facilitates bis office voris very grcaiy. rks. ) Im- W. J. No-r-. RBLE A.ND Poter Bau xbtr. 'S, Etc., of Pr e-yE-isa Dzeey tegns. Ail G. E. Wmt.i.&msor, barber, sext ta ptoilofic Our work Oct., Uti.-5 mas. Mu..my --M..Tausbas uerocelvetibei PRICES. new falstock et miliue yasndle pi-eparedt t tai-nout ftrst-elaeemlilery iu thse latIs styles and loy pice. 8tamplng d&ue ta ordgeaSep. lsecond-on baud parloir heaters villu oveas, vhicbh.6WIl »ei1 chesp foi- cash. CUansd inOpecithein -T I 1 ne they are good bai-gana Our' Speclal importation of. New Japau Tes bas inn aririver. Tis Iolethe saine hi-ssci ht bas giveis ur customers sncb - universal mtis- faction dunlugt the past eaai. It sellea t 23C. or 4r4 lbafradcfllar. SUGARS.-ý) Yon cazst Seat aur prieou Supl9g ra St. Lawrence raisuise& gà liefor Casb; St Lawx"-es glift Yellov Ib.for fr, Cas. Twed, Wôgmtubds a14 aithags O û lr n ew T e ê o u d s ? s ' p la ý il nnai à ý--- iog ere 'y. or A. wn id ;th eo. ie le lis cr- he be th nt o e D. %e ie at in 'f )r n.' l ai Mr. David Thompeos, o *f Raglan, paid your scribe a visit this week. Birth-On Wednesday, z6th inst., tise wife of Mr. Jerome Sutîli fe of a daughter. *Mr. Jno. Welsh, of the Windsor House. Lrndsay, made a short visit bere tis veek vith relatives. Mr. Frank Wilcocksos, Miss Ethel Wil- cockson and Miss E. Moore, of Columbus, spent Sunday veek at Mr. Thois. Graham'%. A number froni here took in the harvest homne et myrtle on Sunday and Tuesday evenings, and ail express theniselves as very well pleased indeed. Much credit is due Mr. Thos. Conolly for the tidy appearance of the Manchester sta- tion. Much improvements bas been muade, and ve cari safely say that the general sur- roundings neyer looked better. Mr. mno. Worden returned last week by wbeei to An Arbor, Michigan, vhere he viii continue bis studies in medicmne. Mr. Wor- don is a very capable yourig mari, and hav- ingfairly mastered the very difficuit courses ve feel confident that his efforts will be crowned with successa. Manchester cheese factory bas of late found no riecessity of boarding the cheese at Peterboro, as close at hand buyers are tait- ing ail the output. Messrs. Jonies & Co., o Port Perry, have already sold one ton and purchased more. This speaks weli of our factory and we hope the popularity and business may increase. The funeral on Tuesday of the late Mr. Simson Barrett, of Myrtle, vas very largely attended. The (minerai sermon vas con- ducted by Rev. Mr. Weatherall in the methodist church, here, ou Tuesday aller. noon. The service was ail tbat couldbe de- sired, and bis words of the deceased vere very appropriate. Up until thse last few years Mr. Barrett bas been a resident of this place, having occupied asd vorked bis farm jus: south of the village. H. vas a sharp business mari. and succeeded in making for himsclf a name in business circles. His ways and actions vere most pleasant, aud from the young boy to thse oldest settler in the township he vas weil respected. We in- deed sympathize wit tise bereaved wife, children and brother. in ibeir affliction. P. C. GRAHAM. 'F msic.i 1 Pupil of Mr. Edward Fisher. Teaebar of Pianofoste. - For texina, etc., appiy at residesce, Whtby, Aug. 27, '99. COUNTY BuilýDINGS. 1 T~ can employ five men and three 'illLlladiestow ork at and around home. A good thing with good salary for Dushers T. H. LINSCOTT, 49 Ricbmond St. W , Toronto, Ont. for Sale. Boat House in good repair, also a second- handPh-tton. Enquire atthis office. Whiti>ySept. l7th, 1x&.-3 in FOUND. A buffabo robe, a lap rug and a buncb of China asters. Ovrer may have thse property byet]uîaining how be lestfit, and visre and Whthy, Sept. I5, î1&». fui or Service. %~oi'ugb bred Jersey. Tern=s$1. Appiy 10 M. Cofféee, ppçSite Grass Grnger. pîaining Mill. Ms721, G. H. SONLEY,Whitby.- dà 2,1896.-tf. NEW MILOH 00W8:, Nqe* Mlch ()owsfor aCOeotb* One leruey d ye ýtist ave Igond pu#Wut jý"f JESSOP - We have had built for-oui- UudetakingDepartmnut a fine C»kiet Wagion. It vas msade accordlug -ta oui- avu designuand«ine aage! for evesy conveniece in cases of emergency. iu a fuir veeka w. sà isa!hve se-vers articles neady so as ta uak au MLBUlo&NCU, WAGON &f it in' cas of acciden4, di-ovusilg on sucide deati avay frt home. FURNITURE £0., krka"ad Yrs Henry Acdamaon are ln Mus- uoî iiig relatives for a couple of Mis Hamilton Dunlop la serlously iii with inflammation. May ase have a sp>eedy recasery la tise wi.si of aih.1 Mi»P 11, Green, accompauied by 13cr mnoti r Steveson, of Kinsale, are 'visitlug frleuds in the Cty for a short turne. Thse raisnfthe early part of tise veci bas greatly Irnproved tise ploughng The tur- uip# imdl meadows are aiea beunefltted by tise %aine. . 1r".One le busy isarvestinir tieir cors,- hh isa very _g cd crop coueidering tise dryBumr Tisose -viso have silos ar-e fling tem. Irapector McBrien visited tis ciool ou Ffli4a,st aud found everytising iu first- ClaI d* cosequently a isaif holiday for pupf t anudteaciser. A itumber cf tise people dlaim tisey have seen a gist several times within tbe last ve4ý or tva. No ose bas becs moiested. by 84, altisougs they have becs badly ffightessed. De weather appears ta be the tisse te dig weIll. , A short time aeo Mr. Harrison bal ose w h iichis lestili overgficwiug con- tincpfy Last wecis Arthsur Johuston had tiebond lcis ta flnd water butila a more abu*dant uatity. The atream, viici ff?4 froin it would, easily fll a tva lacis A aie arc ans mbundant crop in this sec- tionî,of tise country, but as yct the apple buyers have failed ta put iuanappeaanace. Soum daim that tise price of thse bcst vinter appl vill ot be over 75c per baird. This app4srs a very 1ev prîe1 but even at tisat if a pe#o* su a good bearing orchard it will psy tiýtter tisas asythiug ic se c asui-aise. COLUMUM~ If ». M. Tad's wagon daces ot oeil an you. si y4#oo grocer for Tad's bread. Mot R. Hugo, af Toronto, is visidang visi MJ, 1% Ii ba obas becs 111, ve are please go Iera ig issproving. bir,'a'md Mr&. Hortop, of Port Perry. speat Suuday vu Mi'. E. Taini Re*. Mr. Banner. of Myrtie, isad charge af thse rervié tu tise m«sisdis: chai-ch last Snnday. Rev. ýMr. AÂIlen preacbîsg asniversary services in Myrdie. A large numuber of [armets lu tisis vlcluity have -lubbed together 10 pack ansugnd to Eagland thidWn er lge Tbà isrenderednesar ar, . by pachastitis ss sou. We believe ibis a step lu tise rigisi direc- ion ta place producfr asti consuumrn laoser relation. a"sudtss reduce tise uumber af middle- mien visa maire tihe graeeît profits. Mess's Davs «ad fwihave charge o teai kîg LatWdaesday, ai Galt, Rer. Thomas Don. Hic, otTisarso Que., vas marrieti to Miss G 19% i at. A aumer cff relativoes[rom hert~ me tise interesting ceemny. A re- e-ption vsgives tisem hiere aitishe residence cf N4ir. M. dolle on Thunsday eveuan. A pies- ast dm was spent. -We extent Our coagratu- àtions to tisehappy couple sud viiss tism aisny rars of(pioee sud proSpeihy. HoSeaoders Ia tisis part ci tise coan»ry are se, thuali aSbrakea auto. 19 i-saposaci bey ukdifor mn"e as itvas suter tihe mumuc neetiug. Aise Mi'. Doubt's isacssmnlti sioç, drm McCulloch's bouse and tise' resitiue of abu McKenzie Were visfteti, but tsey vere- ghtesed away. Tbey vill get a vasa reoep- 1 David Briggs ia qaste seriously ini sud le i under the care of Dr Carson, cf Wisitby. f Mr. Chas Mosiser left on Tuesday for Part Hope, te visit ber sister, vhis aW1 at that place. Mr H E Brlggs retursed home freru hie easters tr-ip on Satan-day lest, censideraisly improvcd sinsealtis. Tises Mauderson received a bronze medai on Manday of tis week for grain exislbited at tise Chicago World'a [air. Mi- anti MrsHenr-y Briggs asd Mrs D A Brewn, of Tom-nte, vere viti Mi- David Briggs tise early part of this wecis. Misa Nettie McTaggas-t sud Miss Emma Carmichael vere appointcd delegatea from Myrtle sodlety te tise E. I. and C. E. con- vention iseld at Lindsay tisis vei. Luise Frances, section toreman on tihe CP.R. here, informs me tisaL, que a-oi. mes founci a banis note as tise truek h.- tvees here sud Buriseton laat veci. Thse note la la thse hsdaof Mr- Francis and viii Se gives to the persan -soving good i-es-- sons for Seing its evuer, or stata.ug tise number ef tise MIL1 On Sunday and! Tuesday eveslsg last tise haivest home exercises helci here in con- riectios viti tise cissicis vas quite succeas- fui ail arousd. Rev Mi- Aluin, froi Celais- bus, preacisci!tvo able sermons ta gooti cougi-egations os Susday. On Tuesday, after type chicisen piles sud othea- catables hasi been disposeti of, thse entertaismcut that follovcd vas prononocci good. Revs. Bedford, of Asisbura, sud Allun, et Colm. bus, dclivci-ed appi-opriate a.ddrcafs; Miss Yates, of Whitby, and Miss Lamhly, cf Bronkliu, reciteci. sud tiheincubera cf thse Brooklin choir cf course dii!vell. W. understand tisat about $S,5vere taken in tise night cf tise tes . Collections vere faialy good on Suuday sd ta vind upvlth tere se te be a sol is, Pi-iday, eveniug. Mi- Simpsos Bai-iett, of this place, dici! ou Sunday moi-ing lest, aftci- suffering for aeariy a year vitis diabetes. Tise body vas tases te tise Prince Alber-t ceuetei-y on Tuesday aftei-uooa, sud i-e igions serviice vas couductcd by tise Rev Mr Wea±iserefl in tise Manchsester- chai-ch aftei-tise burial. Deceaseci vas tise oungest sou cf thse late Saisuel Barret, chester, sud vas au energetic, strisgitorvard f[dcv. He hai! a fairly good start in tise vend, and imu- proveci hie opprtunities veli. Ris famliy vili Se left fly provideci for. Hie widov vas s augite? cf tise late Silas Versas, cf Reacis tovnshsip, sud like 1bcr late isbandi le oi-thy cf tise hijst respet Tise ieccased viii b. mach susseti here, as veil as at Manchester, bis formes houe.J We ex.tessd oui- sincere aympatisy ta-tise sorrow.strlcken wldcsw sud littie Russe! snd Un A lessiisha. been under thse dMeor cmanlsy. mui ride, & i Torot, ile spedlg.a e BnNea S Sys ou tie sertl ti.t.,Ue vi vice, at EpS on ouSuadayt se R«r, LUR- d talingf bis place bure v ei l ovanà d eutaw i la aea b p, r " k u sa yalu Scotz isbtis lmer reatives sud mà ds Oving go thsecnmuio ut a id tise u l e cemtos vida tbtise onsci'fT -M~.So.wvS bepi ls bly tbtiRW VL IL dnilàhul polot ta atend. flueuetbdistsnre é~awI S Gro gis 'au md, 'l'o h i I o foee dsed sutodk W$fa.re - Alex, GardS bia tined fors vi AU absenSoaf i3 yam Me is lookingli beatty. - Tiser. bas becsa Iap ýacMM",eofffat Wa«uiluthis lacahy, ésdsoerly evoey fà aawîng a Ici!ai i-y. Mr. Jlas Resale hm as ïiW ermt kir Hebu adsklie -Aucunsof ia tlsg in aU4prizoes5aiidaeVingo. a patad live velgbt a1 tise Sobt" is cisa bei-àe. The.am sD t i en s vne r . r p p ls * u . T b r.Ii was ap poîsced0 tatatpsition. h a ided. sot lparisases lirsr - bs * expemid tise oas ta.rvrds forthdy" Asonecf ouselgiboes toa'tws ol DMt mnoi~slb« iem4 unm», tohie*' ne douht tigt&ecsioe bin£; ~ f by'yi o Anie s s Mmbos e te oal u ck Et mw Tise be rmet tisae assi ack athGe e ofods Miss -c i aer atiaediug tva tie Ofsthei u. -C.!. Mis Kerr- sud Misses Coa and Westlake visned fieutis bem- this vecis Mn. McDonaid pi-eachcd au excellent sermon bore lms Sabbath. 1: is a pi:y more resalants do Sevezal from tisis place arm cmn stock in Condition for tise county fair. elistaitdrivers seems ta Se about couplete, visile thse p mdc ofi Use field takes ts place. Tbereaouhtbe enaugs. pus inlaout- agicutansts ta boom te [atir. As a general rai, tise best of aur Sannti'y's produce le neyer sec; Whea uh- font Sal] club again attempts m--or- gaasa tîis t vouiti b. atvisabLe ta do no.1in sou. veli-defiacti aider. No Sopefui sucee sl ever vitis a club caies good ju4àçmatisexer- ciseci. If tise- ssajarity tiik a met tiaraugis tise ai anti vtes mmuhs, vomigi y«t regainar gond sasse, fisere le moc" taJis going fards t vpmeet con. cernlng tise 1liqaor esuictitos <a Is isangmig aven our' faîr tcvu*ilp. - A petition vil 13 circled lu s féedays ftôtist stan visahofavor &ing avay -witbs a vmt for thse repeal. Jtiaay bc s. dmated tisal AudW wvîi gRo 'very ici-cg m grssting a .1ipem.Tise god of tisela* iakow log -tself, l in i mousse.ni the bscf bhave fllm. M g r t 1- " o ht a b l m p a r o p r c y u i s Ray Ilday R butsWI - SRO@*LW. I cf Tarotto~ hytslttsgat tsd PORT lPE RIf, v aa.M. AF Ji '%.1J.. CI.ÉJl.Jt.£v gIJ . A1, -FT'I'EI BEJR VIOTOFR 1996 1896 1896 n be lt the 1 owtýr 9 JLUeUe Fiis astones are sat in it with fox stonies tisese days. Ose of our sports got caught lu a shever os Moud lIan, aud as be vas carry. ing a muzzie Inader of course his charge be- came useles. Jut at thia tue he declares tisat no feer tisas four beautiful reynards eauntered by ithiitwenty feet ofhlm. We viii not publiss bis remars addressed to the gun. Tiseunion meeting 0f the Brokliu ad Colmbsus Presyterian cougregaions hich vas beld bure Sunday morning, as very lreyattended. The Sacrement of the Lordsy Supper was observed. Niue 5ev members ere received, tbree by certificate six by profession of faltb, of thse latter, two were young menand four young ladies. The metbodist churcs choir froru bere con- trlbuted thse music at the Myrtie harvest home service ou Tuesday evening. They vere quite succesful lu entertai ning alarge sud appreciative audience. The choir e lu ezceptioually good form just nov and vili no doubt bave nunerous engagements ta fulfil tihe coming vinter. Duriug thse espcially cold sriap Tuesday nigit tvo Wan erl g Willies tooÃ"k posses- siu of the scbaci bouse f scisool section No. i (Dryden'.), sud proceeded to niaire tiseni selves conifortable. After building a large fim-ç tbey ransacked ail the deska, including the teachers visics vas iocked, ad vere re- vardcd by fiudiug a few kuivea, pendis, etc. Thse tvo mes were seen leaving the building neit mornisg. Tise joint meeting of the young peopie'a societies of the town, under the auspices of tise E L of C E lu the methodist cisurcs Fr1. day evening vas largeiy attended and lu cvery vay quite uccessful. The prograni vas made upby contributions [rom mnemb- eas of eacb of tbree socleties ad cosisted of solos, quartettes, cisoruses, redis gs, ad ivo or tbreebrief addresses. After this bad becs disposed of ail vere Invitec ito tise basement, viser. ligbt refresisments vere served. Mms T. J. Hlolliday -and Messrs. G N Holllday, E J Holliday and W A Holliday bave becs cofised ta tiseir beds by serions Illness for tise past tes days. Tise syniptoma are tise msaniel eacb case, commenclsg vits chilis, bcad ache sud dixmisese. extreme nausea, cram ps sud isigs fever. Tise doc- tor ln attendance is flrmiy attse opinion tisat poison is tise cause, but boy receiveci is a myatcry. It '0 supposeci to b. possible tisat tihe cause may be from, thse velis, tisough one l ev su ad the otiser vas cleaned sud deepened hms year. Ali are nov lniprovlng, but it viii b. sonie tue before tisey vii b. ahi. ta be about as asuaI, owlug ta the veas condition in vhics tiey ver. 1.11 W.A.H. GUY& 0,9 -n -mi SB A L L , 9& - laurier of M ai iagel ic za W A MoNm, D V t3-Graduaetts ibe s O terloVetlrneryCollege Toronto; oeai member af the Ont.ro Kdci'osy Tru tea u a idseaes o thie dq . É st the agec for the Oshawa Steara Laundrj. Laundry wili leave bis shop ont Tbursdy miorning, and d v ib. retorned on Saturday. Afl worir guaranteed satiszactry. Hasding & Mannes, Oshawa Sieam Lauudry.-ar-tL. 1 1 25- Mrs. Smnith, an olid resident or this plaCe,ý aud ber daughter Ethel, were vislthsg friends- here last veek. It js about tes yesrs ao since they liit bere and vent to residé go the States We are glad to see theru once more. *WSe, woe, unto tbe correspondent win, dates ta tell the truth, for heavy le the sword 0f girl"s anger and boy's hatred, wbich haiigs above bis head, ready to iali at thse les« suspicion of bie identity. Get you lre lu. sured. We are sorry to learu that Miss Kate. Wright lsterids leaving us shortly- te go te, Coldwater, wbere abe vili follow more ClOse- ly ber vocation of teaching aveet sounds and barmonies. This young lady viii b. missed botb lu league and chtirch vork flot ta speaic of ber many personal friends in chia place. We-visb ber every euccess. It le toc, bad tbat the rod of restriction Mr. McKnight shows over Port Perry isonot aiso in use here, to keep the young mes and boys [rom forming a long and living val! along the uidewaîk before the cisurcis on Sunday eveninga. This habit is not only de- nousced by the ycung vain, but aIsa by- tiseir eIders, who caunot help feeling riglit- fully angered, wberi tbey bear their daugh- ters and their frieuds saluted as follov: Hello their Tom. Where did you get that bat? There goes Samuson. l'm goasg ho» 'vithsNel to-nlght. My, there le the nigge," etc. TOWLUNE A sister cm J TruIl's [rom Hamapton is vistiug, at bis home. Bor te Mr'. and Mms T. Marconib on Sept; 2atis, a son. Our locallty vas visited by a iseavy frSt aS 'luesday aigbg, Mr. Oke bas oetumsed frons Weston but bave not iseard bis report yet. Mr'. W. Kemptisora of Toronto spent the. day' wilh bis cousin, S T Kempthara, Quite a naniber of fat cattde bave beecsaiotd or sbipment this vuS arod uaiee. Mr. Chas. Neale aud faulgy, of NortS Tare osto, speni Sunday at bis faubee&s Mm'. L. Beckrett. Columbius. and lruMRm i Ragisu, were guests af Mii. West lut vee& Several Friends fItmPîckerinwehiu iane ta Newniarke:ta oattend uie LYmets$ A -party vas gises by tise Misses Harrsai.s tihe 3rd con., on Priday eveaiag Ias. A v"~ social tisse was ssit, Mr.ý S. L Brava bas esgagd'a bauue taM.; W. CUli'a terraoe sud sili oa. shfai kt in edlatély aller bis nde, wbibkes iIhq4 tise 7113 ai October. The pie social cm eauayeeIg~ sucess in te ayofpie atlbug. Eert ise shape of pie vas to belb& Sad, ai hpnl* be gratdWi!ta bis beartisconteîn. -?Af XVIRTLIC 1R.QA- - - NO. 43 E/*e 1 7-, ,

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