Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 7 Aug 1896, p. 8

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*'e..F. F. Newtoni otCbicaso, *ain t MIMsIlt os,*In t st ~eason i»o Mssru ~'ifoand McCaw p»ht Siaty in Hp ithd5t pcn lcsIkedý Pos ~» ':Port ope.pe« tPark on WedïesdaY# Mrs.D. McLean and famuly have returned Mr. and Mr&. True, retuhnéd frbii thcltý t. New York. wedding trip Ttsiea aftêttmioon. Tbey are G 001 8. Ur. P. Menu Io.spendlng some holideys lunliving 1nthé. irat houa.east9f the Aniericau Mi.D S On. Monday Township Clerk'Purves, Co- M dMas. eo. Milletr re' avay on lupibus, had a narrow escape (romn a run. their holidays.. way, his hqre baving taken fright at a BOTTLINd- WAX, and The barveat will b. finished here by the te cr 15th f Auust.Usually when merchants cal on each BUEBBER ]RINGS for Miss A. McGregor and Um A. Kitson are other it la to talkr of business, but not so fruit jars. vlsiting Mis. Jacob. with the Oshawe mercbants. Their subject .Mrs. Fred Birtl. and cbildren are visiting of conversation is baseball. FR S NE TPW E , at Mis. G. Scott's.. Mr. J. O. Henry's new warehonse at the FRES INECTPOW ER, Herb Gregory, of Gregory & Jury, is station is very neerly compIeted. At pres- POWDER GUNS, away ou bis holldays. ent he bas severai coopers busy menufac. Mns.. T. M. Kinsmen bas returned from ber turing barrels for their apple trede. FLY PALS AND PAPE R, holiday trip to Sirnia. Lest Saturday mol-ning Miss S J V HisI TANGLEFOOT, (sticky fly paper.) Mr. Dudley Dingle, of Chicago, la spend- w85 quietîs- married, at ber mothers re in~ i oia.i on dence, to Wm. F. McAdie, of the firm of 4 bi holdavain twn.McAdie & Co'y of Cadilac, Micb. Tbey left Mis. Fred Bickle and (amily are spending that mnonning for New York and aeiled this -.- a week in Bwmanviile. week for a two mots trip to Englad. 1 .vzsPensz>ng- of .trescriý-tzons Mr. M. Bannis, of New York, is spending The steamner A.J. Tymon bas been chart-! an>F mil Re*es bis holiday. ln Oshawa. ered by the employees of the Oshawa Mal-t an .am y itCzes Mr. and Miss Geo. Scales, of Winnipeg, leable Iron Co. to tae theun t. Niagara 'onf W recez'ves ou r tareful are visi-ting Rev. Mr. Scales. Aug. i3th. The boat is being relitied andc g .> Mr. Dingle and family have retumned (roi will be as speeýdy, if not far more a., thana personal attention. their outiug at Tbonsend Isiands. any of the excursion boats running out here.t i t Mr. John Coad left for Brockville on Tues- It will leave at.7 o'clock thus leaviug a good -AT- day. He i. going down in bis canot, long tinie t. be spent et the fails. Fare will Mr. and Mrs. J. and Miss W. Jackmau, of only be one dollar. 1' lb*Q~.s,> Toronto, are visitiug Mis. E. 1. Rowse. A double parachute drop.9 B yley's i.rug Store Ms aleRe ef nTurdy~ Monday next la civic holiday snd will bec MissMabe Rce efton hurdayforthe biggest day Prospect Park bas ever t Jamestown, N. Y., to spend bier holidays. known. Besides the atbletic sud musicalF Simacoe St. south, Oshawa. Messrt. Brookes, Robson, Woon, Luke part of the tournameut there will t'e a balloon t and Thomnas are spending a week in Detroit. ascension by Frank Wiggins, who dispisys 1 __ __ Mr. Carter, general manager of the tht uovelty of s double drop by parachuteb Oshawa Electric Railway was in îown lest hi. dog being lowered by one sud bimacîf week.y by the other. ri The Misses Kinsman, of Canton, were in Mr. Fred Alchin who (orrnerly cond,îcted e town on Wedueaday visitiug Mrs. T. Id. a flour aud (eed business lu Oshawa bas S) OSH WA, AU . 7 186 imce.At present be is busy booking engagements T~ MO.HW.AoliUg l7, on89o.da morningahead. Hi. irtengagement vil) be Aug. st Mr. . Dllig let o Moday ornngzoth when the True Blues bave secnred hau Ci ___________________for La Crosse, Wis., alter spending bis hbli- as one of their chief attractions. r days n Oshwa. -The Vindicator complains that ve steal Bi OSH A W A PA GE oMr. Dickson, of Bowmanville is in charge the., correspoudence that is sent iu by hi. rn ofIT T T Gregory & Jury's dmug store during Mr. ouf;ide wrîters. W. admit we do steal c.1 I NN IlUI f jJJ~jj~Gregory's absence. some, but we neyer clip the items that are(a Vui 11Owing to inabllity to secure a ful temr sent in (romn one place, as we do not shlow as dsaea Tennis Club did not go to Port our columuis to be used for the purpose of Ki ___________Perry last Saturday. writiug an autobiography of auy person. Lt Si Miss M. Lyon and Miss 1. Pope are spend- miay b. a great deal cheaper to publish hi. OSHAWA. ing their holideys iu Geenwood and vici nity. persoual paragraphs in newsPaper columns, Farmners will do wel 1 caîl at M. E. They are on a wbeeling trip. sud such items would no doubt be ead by a Mays fr bys'reay mdeclohiu. Mss eemn ud issChae wo hvegmesit any wbo otherwise would not sec May' fo bos' ead mae cothng.Mis BemanandMis Chse ho avethemi but stîll we can nut afford to give par- 1: ihlps an patis cu:enparig by-been visitimtg Mise E. Rogers for some time Iwlng an nem e cnt ein ring t. stepas: left for homne ou Wednesday. ldes a half columu of space to sdvertise 1B1 Ing n enageent r wddin rig toseethemselves while they only furished us W the large stock of FeIt Bros., Oshawa as Tbe streets committee are building a uew wlth 3 two lin. items. r they will sell this mou:h very cheap (or cash, sidewalk in front o( Mr. G. H-. Pedlar's re- The reaurn match with the Parkdale golf r Genuine diamond 14K. only $5. They are sidience. It vas not before it wass eeded. club was played at tht Oshawa golfing green D ais. makiug somte special offers ln Gents', M. Meckleuburg, scientific opticiaui, will ou Saturday last. Tht playera, six lnu s Ladies' and Boys' gold and silver watches. beda: Rogers' book store to-day-Friday- number, arived ou the 2.45 train sud were Ste t hem. Felt Bros. sud to-morrow, Aug. 7th and Sth. Eyes driven to the golf ground lu hacks. The testedi free, and spectacles. fitted to Perfec- home teaun suftered defeat, but it vas not a Wi tion lu ail cases. Cal) sud ste hlm. defeat to b. ashamed of as the visitors only L Mr. and Mrs. Tomsley, cf Torouto, Sun- 'Dab,<' vho ites "<Kinks" for the Vin- won by 7 bole'.. The matches were arrang- & dayed in town. dicator, màkes oui clippinga (romn the Vin. ed as folluvs: Captsin Provan sud Captain c the subject of oneof his jokes. Tht differ- Kirk ; Towler vs. Dick ; Lovekin vs. Baîley; ) Mrs. J. Varcoe aud children are visitiug ence betwetn us and "Dab" is that we own Beck vs. Johnson : Owens vs. Scott; Bab e( ln Batavia, N.Y. up when ve clip, whereas "Dab" steas bet vs. McLaughu. Therev was a vemy fair D.à Mr. Will Crase ha. returned 10 his home jokes and passes tbem off as bis owu. Lt i. attendance of golf enthusiasts. The visitors di ini Owen Sound. s: least twenty years since bis- ioke about the were entertained to supper at the Queen's f Mr. Ira Hall has left for a trip thmough the operetion of Lansing, Micb., apptared in the hotel sud weut home votiug the Oshawasj« Western States.- almauacs. golfes-s " jolly good fellows." U Master Fred Finuigan is speudiug a week The True Blues have completed ail ar- Tht steamner A. J. Tymon bs-ougbt down ' fshing et Ceesamea. rangements for thein day, cf sports on Mon- about 25o of the employets and friends of l<,, Miss Lena Hobbs has etumued from hem day, and ail that la required to0 make the tht Mos s-son bras. vors, Toronto. Tht ce visi: et Bowmauville. day a success is fists class weather. The party arsived at the wharf about- eleven alt Mis Kaie artett o Orlli, i viitig owu ought to have the larges: crowd here o'clock sud vert met by the elecric cars'O Mis Kti~Hatu~, f rilia i viitn;that bas ever bepen in. Tht programme of sud were immediately taken tb the park i 'with friends in towu. 'sports la ail tIse: could b. desired, sud tht fates. Alter dinnes- a good programme of o£ Miss Bts-dit Law, of Bowmanville, is visit- management deserve credit for tbeïr effors sports vas cars-led ou: much te the enter- X iug with friends lu town- in gettiug up such a programme. tainaient of ail present. Rein tes-ced thb. W Miss Celia Faim bas left (or a visit witb Mars-led. couipany 10 appeal to the pdvilion fdr èhelter ha friends lu Buffalo sud Cleveland. At tht residence of the bride'. tather, abouunt . 'lock, af:tiewhic hecigoas. .n Misses Pearl sud Cecil Manuell, of Tom- Coiborne streetest, July agtb, by Rev. S. Ekerpi pnil 1: as limt beeng thrboat. Sc onto, are sptnding their holiday.il towu. H. Eastmn, Samuel S. Trew 10 Alice A., 's ici pr Miss Jeunie Wilson, who bas~ betu vacat- OnIv daughttr <of Alex. N. McLean, al of season seemed bigbly pleased vith the park i.î ing iu towu, bas neturued t0 ber borne lu Oshawa. Ou Saturday, Aug. &ai 896, at and the accommodations that is given theun. 5 Rochester.-tt eiueothhtbie.e br yttMs-. MEmndsn l si>-eIof sth- mo: M awa, but nov of Monts-tai, la viiting wlth frientsisnlutovu. Aug. zothi l civic holiiray sud the True Blues fsouial directions vilI galber ber. fos- a big demnonstu etion. Ste adv. Ms-s Geo Fife sud famiy, of Strathroy, have eturned 10 their home, ailers- pending a pleasant visit vith Ms-s. Fife, Athol st. Miss Msud and Master Will Allen, of Ton- onto, as-t spending a ev day. viîb (ienda lu tovu, baviug vheeled dovo on Wednes- day lest. Salo-Caîl a: Mus-say's tht tailon. Ht bas a fine selection of panîings, suitiugs, oves-- coaings, etc. These goods mû.:su d vil! b. sold by the yard, or madie up, avay b.lov coel aI once. Tes-ma strictly cash. Ovung t.their rapldly increashug business the McLaughlln Cas-nage Co'y bave fonnd it zsecesser to iucrease theis- prst: capadity. Ï1Ihis Besson outalde shopu bsd 10 b. useti as a store roomn for finishedvos-k sud Uses-e vas riot even then sufficieut rooni for tbels- men to vorI i, Assuanentu reduced. Tht Oshawa Rallay Ce. sud ttc Bell 'Teleptone Coe. appealeti against their as. sesstintu Oshawa, sud trie appeal vas dliamlssed by the Cous-t of Revision. Au ap- c 1 against thia rulhng vws taken te thet lou ty Judge. Yester-dn&1 s-Orpreseastvesc of those iutes-esteti conaues mot tise mayos- i anti ether ,emnb.so! Use Cous-rt fRovsion 1 ant ars-lv.d aI a seulement, whscb Use jutige r vil)b. asked 10 confis-m.. Tise Tel e Ce'lsossmnt on oaspaes, etc., vs eddI fs-ens$a,ooo to $t,2=o.The propos-les orttUse Raftway Co. vere reduced asuff6lea- -I Pover lieuse fret» pwco w o ; StationIl anti Fs-olht Sheds »M sa cooto $4oot the xolact-es orleudoccupeda y the frelghtc Uino fr-eusKing Street to tiB Se LIufrotu6m p tao te 8oc. I1:wu'as dedt tisa'any1 italfoëf-tiseWoon lot ounlKing e West s a be n occupl.d for' rallway ps-o eot 1 hobe aIt muet psy fou taxes.i is loWa isseeti fos- 7oe, upon, viics uo reduction rs liras umade. 4 Mr.ad Nrs. Straltoa mrsev ascape» Mr. Thos, Masy, of titis towj -re"d a t 1 -, -f» ubi dugtç!r, J& toutA 1fordB. C.,omt Towlair, s(â. int taï,t dr- m.4 u- ta j ,vjas., tooSaaJ . V., eldest deugbîes- jf the late John Hlalop. Messi. Coulthard, Hart and Mus-ton at- tender! the Meeting of the commission to, di. vide the cotiuty, et Whiîby, on Monday. Osheaavas p t s a district vith East Whitby, sud the combinafion wiii b. kuovu as Otrio. Tvo county councilors vili b. tht fuli couu:y represeulution of botb fer next year, sud these. yul b. elected et New Years. No (suit cao b. fouud vitb the divi- sion, a. fer as this end of tht county la con- ces-ned. Ovenseer James Leuon ib abd ail tht rolling atones raked up and broken along the Kingston roar! fron the tovu Uine of Osh- avewa tte centttery. Let others follov sui t. It should b. made a unisdenthanos, puulsable vlth a heavy fine fer any roati oves-sets- to place gravel containing Iarge atones on the s-oads, os- te ailôvsolng atones to remain on the turupikies, ne mat- ter boy they go: Usti.. Ms-. Lentoame the duty of tht situation, sud attendu w .-1t. Why sbouid flot ovory pathusaster do the sainte? Those vite attend tw Us. mnater vil! fiud thet it takes vos- littie troublo wo rake up and bs-oak aIl tho itou.., andi the brol:on atonesimp-ove tho road vondetful)y if st-upg along tht centre of the turupike. Squea McCav, Ed. ogs-ansd Walter Pife rode their biles te Port Hope on Sun- bs-ougbî -into apaskng distauçog. On the, way back they b.d a mm t tying oxpert- euce. Rogorp vas selzod wlth a 2ucur i bis vunti, eud It took au bous-tolplastoup tho bol.Next McCaw bWôke tihe frme f his machine, tise loer tu,»be ontbrokeù gj oenratbed WItQwiniL nI, dInt workso tay'brrèw d me eOow4-t lé seps s as-ùu S'acoaru, boi t Urne - wereOI Ïhakoy, snd*, ia ie, ataa~ !mbla vas lu tise vluty of jp<i»sdg riod aIOawa about z a.m p>Mtidy witis osto o! 7%C'. W,0bouiJj. taches' t teoet lm,.bndes- groat tdi mta"1n1- Town Councl. The August meeting of the town council vas beld on Monday eveniug. In the ab- sence of Mayor Cowan, Reeve Couthard ~resided. Ail the menibers were present utMessrs. McLaughlin, Provan ana Nun- sbon. AK Hi nds petitioned for a drain froin St George's rector to, Sitticoe street and Mr. D. Lick asked 7by letter for the saine service. Referred to streets comgnittee. The residents of Mary street petitloned against the Oshawa Railway Company being allowed to lay a track on that streot. Re- f erred to railway tozbtkîtee- The finanee committoo recomnicuded the payaient of a nnuber of accounts, mnd reported that the council had no power to change th6e magils- trates salary. It le sac. and while th"y have to pay it the Ontario goverrnent bas the say of what it shali'be. The annual by-Iaw to exempt tarinâlande troîm taxes Tor drain- age, sldéwalks and street ligbuing was pas- se4, as well as the poli tax by-liw. Mr. lÃŽeàderson Cave notice of a by-iaw regulat- lng the storage oflgun povder, coaloil, etc., and Mfr. Deans, C E, reported that it would cost $3WO to lay I3oo foot of drain froni ng street Sutb to Celiii. stteet the b«x to be îoxi2 luches. The oS-k va» ordered doue. A drain 275feot long l* wauîed *a Rîch- moudtret tcos 8 T7h.three rWsdots interrestod oflered t'O M $15 Of the amount. No action vu, taken and- the council ad- Jonued. "tc toe .PubliC.'" This WM isM l mra uitabl*Illdhug- fite-ake. M eodg uis ofl lieJat week là*,"" meuof'"W iu >Jao e fe fr- ever ruined bWpeaoofu *0a4 dW0iàat 111 Mo L&-Lý_- . bo Ave itto ùr~etut akougb or nc ve-yspcll uaiîy Fr fev years therf basr been a 111:1 rsy'b.etveen King eau Simcoe Street$ as to, wblcb could play the b.:ter ball (soe ay the worse), aud or Friday las:tbey and about five hundre< rooters each veut up to Eli's to decide mat, ters. AIl tht Rugby and basebap pedde< pente lu towu voeecollected end douned, and vhen'tbe Ivo teams lhued up for play, ope vould >udge froun Ibtir suuburu: muge, rouuded shoulders and stock y legs lb.: tht> vere mostly proessonsm froni Bovunan- ville. Sumcestreet went to bat fins:, and Gos-ian opened tht gainoe uspiciously vit, à home rua, the reanît of a bit ove- tht left field fence. The Simcoe's' made tht mistake of supposing that vhen ont bas a good re- cord for batting h. cen play easy, a. they neyer bit auy more dunlng -the game. That la, they neye- bit the bail auy more--they hit tbe atinosphere regularly. Nott snd Cumihg efficlateti as the King Sret bat- tes-v lu a mos: effective manne-. Ger-man sud Tbcmpson set out 10 do likewise for Slmncot ustel, but Ges-man soon (tII a vlc- tii to the royâlists, sud wben tbey change! places Thouipson bs-oke bis asru above tht elbov wben ss-iking out the third man lu Succession. Then Coady made a futile et- lempt t0 stop tht King Street men lu thein mad cartes- of batting, but failed. Finally McLeeu, wbo had been mauufacturing twistsand cus-ves lu bis mind ever since the game vas talle! of, took the box sud cmr- culated leather sphertsalal round the bat- ters lu spiral curves suggestive of au sugur. lied lie been called to the central point e: the star? there is uot the sligb:est doubt that Rint street's score could have been nuni- bered with goose eggs. Sinicot street miade a bastball scorneof j . whil e the royal nine ran a cricket tally stick Of 30. That pionces- basebail magnat., Bob. Kirkpats-ick, umpir- ed the gamne with a startling amount of skilI, faimuess sud satisfaction, calliug halls and strikes impsrtially, sud vithout even taking into cousideration whether they vere 1igb or loy, or ove- or unden the plate. Tbe followiug is tht lis: of playess: Simcoe treet: Ges-man p., Miller If., Butler r f., :înnsmnn b., .McLeau 2 b., Chubb 3 b., rhompson (sud Coady) c., Simmouds c f., nrooks s. s. King St.-Adains 2 b., Kins- rian 3 b., Nothersill i b., Nott p,, Cumming Weeks ifC, Morgan c f., Porter s. s., Ellis and Luke) r f. Tht score by inuings vas Lt follovs: .iug St. 1 35 2 0310 5 1-30 *000:- L.sVIava.baber.Sioe trOe7. L.KS V1CKERY, abe. mcc street t.- rRO'IERY, =eumacckre, fo ert . ROLPE hameILau maer mRing st est %. PArrEaUONi, Dentist; offie over Rowu eitore. J. STÂLTnii-Dominion pianos and orgau Simcoe street. ELLUMà J. DEAws, Dominion and Onta, Land Survayor, Civil Englneer, Box 57, 0& LWs. imMEEciÂL Nor,-J. C. Woon, proprietc Vodern hostelry, fout and comfirtab equipped. Id. Ton.-Caterer for Balis, Assem biles, W. dings, Suppers, etc., etc. Also iKi kidu ffowers. e. HoULDEN - Whîtby-Oehava stage lin Leaveu Oshavia st 8 a mn and 2 p mn, am wwltby sat 10£a M and p iM. sxPn CRàxe, manufacturer of fine carrUge earts, wsjons, and aIl klnds of entters an delb . Rpafring a upeciafly. En ERUWIM paintsr and dcrator. Deai Wal eilins decoratio,pan ilbruhus. Wtudow sh^Al4«8seî u PBLTO'W, dalein lustove% traS.,,UE vMr, »tc. Large stock kepiomsamtly a in&L Jobbiug a speclat7. Simoooestret lortli. K. àu*Toy, B. A. - B rite, o ets iotary Publie, Conveyacer, &o. MoM.y to s u d . O a i e 9 e r D m n i n B t i , m c reet, Gsabavr B. -Xêy.-Leaxer lu oroeies.PFanOyOhim 1,okrTinvureasd Fancy = ou.Purg lotsand Cofem es.Boys' ready made szaita o nusN SÂu-Thesubsenlbar viii b. in Oui vo at lhé Central Helel. lnday 0etoh iec fo ne b o olo«k P.m., to mab. ar- igrnent. vi b pais-leuwlabng to haves LAXDEET & dons-Théa loadig tàloilig ýýdnu' turulsblng bouse ci Oshawa. Iý a s so r t âe n î c f t e e d s . v o n s t e d u , Si Ave I a' L P. L: mi VELT Bucu - Watcbmakeru sud Jevelon DouZ.,. ln atces«. elooa, le-velary, uivet. Flue wateh l4kok. sud Jewelory repalrinq a CIVIC. + HOLI DAY1 O0shawa, Aug. lOtlh.1 PROSPECT- PARK, u"« es- .dis-oction o!Victoria t. T. ~ Lotgo N. ~. god ror uba bpsesretin4d valubpr sViiim BASE -BALL, BICYCLE RACES, FOOT MES,' by t1h. eolehrMed 1% T oM t.. Gmd exii jth Pau.l e.n id le d a Great du/y Sale That. wha h. 5ys tog0 -- --w Ter8 Mroney seved in every traie, And 1ha1 15 vhat bas Slvays "made The reaestBarainsof he ea. Tht Dollar Core our way. The reaeetBarainsof he ea- Our- stocks tht mnarkets pck ad pràe son for the buying public. Its quality excites sus-Pnse It'. sncb a big display.' No vondes- ve tht trade cmaI Ail bnyers seek heedquartes-5 sud aSht Wè1iss and Blouse. Tht Dollar cornes our wy The magnetisi f On-store, Groing rspidly at th. price aked. The la simply this, sud nothing mort 75c. kind for 60c. The il 25 quality in Pals- treatint eve-y day. pretty pinks sud blues for 75c. The Like water, Dollars s-un dowm bilh To fi.nd themr level in Our tili extra finre- $1.50 hue goes nov for 81, The Dollar cornes our wy sizes &Ù1vellaasorted ; fit gusranteed.0 0 0 0 Print Wrapping. yIjaOYEfti The $1 quality for 50c. The better RING STREET, WE8T. cloth snd trimmed Garment, prie 81.50._______________ nov going for 01 eaeb, only s fev left, Don't dclay but corne if your in need ofEX U S O -, such a bas-gain. fasm Bsnscome. and Bessons g Y, And folks start ou: Jewelry te bùy, They corne vithout dla, To nst because our eholespî Includes tht newesi tle su h5lb Tht Dollar coDes Otir Wvay. 20o fine Zephyrs goiug for . - 25e colored Sviss Uuslins going for 15c Victoria Lawns going for. 18c Pnînted Léavns * 25e Cheekednghams "n As., l .....280 80c Peruian " -. 25C Biscarth, Man. d ...10 Moosomin, Assa. ....2 At This Our Greatest July Sale. Regina, f e ...." Moosejaw, do di...3000 Yos-ktou, ... 00 Parasols. Parasols. ric5AbeI0Ssk0 Calgary, Alb.,......... 0 Red Deer, .... 00 The 90. kiud for 60. The fue blak Edlmonto, ....-4000 Parasol, nie frame sud handie, et $1.25, L.rMI'S-Tices viii be good to,40 is selliiig for 75c. The $1 Creani Para- retumu as under. sol sella nov et 75., and ail the stock s-e- Solti on June 3, Good util Aug. 29, s1& duceti in proportion. JulY 7, Sept. 5, z86 July 21, Sept. i9, râfi Above tickets sud aill nformnation caui ho Great Sale of Hfosiery& Gloves obtained foui W. P. STERICKER atte Oshava Ry. Co's office, Oshawa. Elvery Baturday Night. 15e 10 20e **To Manitoba and the Canadian ** Northwest and Return. Excursions wiil be s-un fs-ou al stations lu the Provinces of Quebec sud Otr ou June 301h, July 7th sud July 21s, z896, :0 the following points ilu Masi loba sud tht Canadien Northwest at th rates shovu belov : R.~ ~ C.Crer %g.1 Oshawa, june 24th,186 acues'ana ines st raw Jiats rorth 75c. and il eaeh, going for 25e id trimmed free of charge. The buti .75 and $2 fine Hâa are being sold foi ;c triznmed free for this week only. -AT- 'Ede ELUS & Co., KING ST. WEST. uly Flaring hoe Sale. PIBoots and Shoes, like charity, cover a multi- tude of imperfections. We bave Boots and !IShoes that will cover âh. o.and ed. 60C of e id er i ,i SOME SPECIAL BARGAINS - hand-made..... .... $125 Ladis' Tan Bhoes, reg. 8O0.9,-now ...* ...06 Laioes'0an *ets* good Ladies Tan Sýhoes, fine hand turn soles, reg Yonth's Tan ]Boots hand m»dore$12,nw 0f ' The Joseph MA CHINE W OSIIÂWA, :-a -MANUFACTURE OVIMILML, tule C&aMPION MOWE anti supply parts, ancd rep Estates, having bought ail tb patter-ns, fornis, etc. Knives andfsections for mO auj make, mo'wer or reapq » lon Pipe., Steain Fittiw (braus or bron>.- ILubber Belting. Packing(rubber, garlock g ropo). Thresher Teeth most ail kixW Bea-Bicyclee, ad supW parts for, sàme BIngine& and Poilers repüirl xBpi achinery, any: aÏuaretuïs B Woon 410 àoei. &êOombFOn_ ORKS, ONT., par fl- Ix Our Coi I well e Je.1H, Dowr - OFFICI M(ARKET BJlL DIJ W.have a larges- sud b.i of windov shades tû -have overs- ab e We ue the best- ha shade cloth, vitb1 roller. Macs a fine variety Ask. teste ouir latet crens, to fit auy vi Our baby carrnages are smgna. Give us a-ca» before pu W.e taidnueapes *4egance wltb econ generaiutility. -Ã"àOui stock scomplete ln W. invite buyes-s t, It vil save money. -lge«oing -Undertaj lEse , T' .10 Bstblihed184~ iadead das St. ITBY. -I 1 -, ýG 'l 1 1 1 1 1 :1 1 WaW Goods and Mugins. 1 Isn't necessa.ry tOt keep the put, goods speak If re a re 8ome [r EPSOM SALTS ROCHELLE S.1 INSECT POWF GROUND andX CHEMIST AND BY BUVING lot UUr"lý» xx 9 i; op ý;RAND CELEBRATION AT l' 1 Goes merrilv on

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