Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 7 Aug 1896, p. 7

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Vtgb7, K. S., SUfl: id A Ittil. more thaa two years ag - ot0urn and fa!¶ ene bottie cf Ayer's flair Vigor my hair was restered te its original color and ceased talling out. An occasiona! application bas sl.nce kept the hair in good coniditîan.1"-Mrs, Il. F. -FENwIcK, DlgbY, Y. S. Orowth of Hai r. "Eiaht years ago, I had the varlo.. but(, aî1Idlost m y hair, which previ- eusly wNas quite abundant. 1 tried ,j ýaieY f reparations, but wîtir- outjwefcia rsut, il Ibegan to fear i slieild b)e permanently bald. About six tfofltb.8 ago, my husband brought home a bottie of Ayer's flair V-igOr, and I began at once to u8e it. I n a short time, new hair began te appear, and there is new everv prospect of as thick a growth of haîr as before my illness." - Xlrs. A. WEFBERt, Polymnia St., New orleans, La. AIER'S HAIR VIGOR PRRPARE» Br DR .C. AYER & CO, LOWEL, MASS., U S3. A. Àyera Pillae Ouroe* m eaach... BENT NECARLY DOUBLE. THE STOBY 0F A. WELL KNOWN DELHI MAN. Torturel wiîlî Rheumatism for Nearly Twenty Yers-Spent Largo Suins in a vatn Searcb for Renewed Hàea.lth -Hlow Hie at Laet Foiuad it. From the Dcihi Reporter. Tbero are very few troubles more vide spread and noue more diffcult Lu eradi- cate from the system than rhenmatisrn. The aufferer je racked with pains that seem unbes.rable, and frequeutly feels tbat ovetà death itseif wotild b. a relief. Ân>ong those who have iound annelaof their lhves made miserable by this dread trouble iis Mr. Michael Schott, of Dclhi, and havîng found a meane cf release from its agonies h. is auxioe that other oufferers should profit by bis expenience. Mr Schott le in Lb. employ cf Meaers. Q nance Brea., millers, aud bas a roputa- tion for sterling integnity amnong all wbo kaow I 'm. Wlben oeeof the staff cf the Reporter interviewod hian, Mr. Scliott gave tiue facts cf his ilînegsa nd recovery as foilowe :-Hie ad been a sufferer train tatIng i±t spending any more mcpey, in what Le now considered a vain pursuit ef bealtilihe at last oonsented te give thewà a trial. By tbe time ho hiad used a I]ajf lozen boxes there was ne louaoer auxV dotubt n i iie md that ho vas Sttailly îtnproving, and the treattéeot was tien gladly ceutinued. When he Lad taken a dozen boxes ho fcsund hum. self entirely recovered, eutirely f ree from t Pal', and frein al etiffuese in jcints. and le is now able te do as bard a days work Ils ariv'anein the village. H. bas now been frFF frein hiselad ençm fQ(grsolonge a Period tliat bhofesîà-s idu id perann ent and la consequenily an u ~tbusiatIo admirer cf Dr. Williaîe' wonderful Pisk Pilla, sud urges al vbo are ixilarlyt sUffering te givo tbevt a t'j.al, i -n COnfident that tbey yul prove as efficaci. On" as tbey did iD bis mae. .d Dr. Williamn' pinJ, pIU#are as ami 'boxes bearing thie--jniï i d, '" ln mind that Dr. illams' Pink Pe no'ver sold in balk or *'y teiii -I, ý aaddsnd aoy dealer who =111 umû L; n b j oula ao e:Thepublie Aare1oceau tionaa-et other 'o oalled blood blildii nd e'.ms PuIt up in imilar; fo= l in &~ ~ C61ve. Thoy are aIlîUý I', t4ousWbiç" m1akers hope Lu reîp a e âiut1ary l,avi 4ae froan the wondeifüul T.UItQD achieved by Dr Wili«W Pn lil .sk Your dealer OAa. om~aîu.Our uet wiah go;,wit iuhem Vlistoxzs-'eranad- Ui Â--àg liuby M r.,Ke) Joaph Maku Mr Gea Miarhham, Misses Giace au Etta Purvà,' of1 Toronto; Mrs Oso A, ling, of Eps; MriE Llke and Mis 1 CrowIe, of P * rt Perry ; Mis Co1ticei Claremont; Ms J McCorquidale, c Orillia; Mne JasMcT>hail, of Uxbridgi If the party who took the new parua by mistake, perbapa, at the corner aton cerenhony on 8aturday, would, returu iLtt the owner, Misa Jeniima Wells,, they wi receive her hearty thanke. Mr. Hugh Petty, who je teaching dew in Pickering, je apending his holida.j under hie father'a roof. 1Threshing has commencedain this lc cality. Mrs. Taylor ie still very ill. The Rev. J. M. Cameron ie off on hi holidaya. The Rev. R. Leask eccupiei hie pulpit laut Sunday. On Tuesday last, while Allie, thi< daughter of Mr. S. Dusty, was playing ii the barn, ahe fell down from the loft breaking one of hier arme above thi elbow. The clerk of the weather dîd hie par to make the corner atone gathering o1 SKiturday a decided sucOces. Indeed, i. anythiniz the weather was too fine te ai low înany who were huey at their harvesi to attend, but notwithstanding there wai a very good turn out, niany connng fronr a distance. A hitch in the programrni accurred when it wus learnied that Mi McGill, who wau te hâve laid one of thf srones, was taken suddenly ill. and would be unable te perform his part. Cern munication was opened by telephOnE with Mr W Rose, reeve of Port ?erry, and he was indueed te take Mr lMlcrill'E place. In. the meantime the gatherinie repaired to the preabyterian church whîcb wus filled te itu utmeat, and part of the cerernony wus gene through. The Rev. T. Manning, of Whitby, chairman of the district, presiding. The principal feature wus an address by Dr. J. J., McLaren, Q C., of Torento, who spoke of the wonder. fuli growth of the methedist church, s- pecîally aince the union of the diffeient branches a few years ago. He quoted figures te show that the increase of memn- berahip in the methodiet chîireh fair ex- ceeded in ratio the grewth of population in the Dominion as a whole. He b.- Iieved the aecret of its success t&-be the clame meeting, the itiiierant system of tihe minietry and the local presohers. He. expressed his opinion that there are toc rnany churches in soine locatities and it would b. better if twe or more weak con- gregations would unite, but they neven wilI until there are a few respectable fun- eraIs in those places. The Rev. Mr. Larnbly, cf Brookîju, then made a few well chosen remarks. By this time Mr. Rose had arrived and als proceeded to the new building, where, affer the reading of the acripture and a short addrieasby Rev. Mr. McCamus, Mr. L BurnettM P., placed the jar containing the uul' articles in the receas and Dr. J. J. Me- Laren with a few tapa cf the hanuner pronounced. the atone Weil and truelY laid. The. offering (wi'tho1ut' whioh, ne mxe'thodist meeting wotld b. comploe) wus then taken up and alsu a numnber placed their naines on the snimorption liât. The nex f atone vras laid ini the sam, way by Mr Rose, Mr. John Beare, ar., A foui breath la - coecf the greatest affictli3ns that s asa or woman can have. An affliction not only to thexnselves, but te those with whotua they corne in contact. A fouI -breath jei a dreadjül diecourajer cf affec- tion, or rather cf the demonstrafion of af- fection. Tt would probably be more so if people ouly realized jus: what bsd breatb meas. Bad breath je one cf the dymptoms cf constipation. Some cf the other synip- toms are wur stomach, luscf appetite, sick and bilieus headache, dizzinese. beart- burn and distrrs after eaig hsthirge meanIudiestoa~.The 1e~t. Y-pepsia and woree thinge. They al stant with con- atipation, sud copatipattôn je inexcusable because it ean >'ho cured - cw-eîd easilyr,I qnickly and peertanently, b y theuse of Dr. Prce's Pleasant Pelleta. Tey am a5 per- fect remedy fer tus moet coturnenon cfaI troubles. ThIzygive te nature just the little laelp that she needs. ThcyAm nery id ini theair action, and set with6' "Iôe whatever. In this, thegr are different (toua mau' rçw~tiisqéred a a tt% p. pcb,9dhstme lb réiaNy M Paine's Celer V Coirnpou6d Nature's Avenue to H ealth- If yen are siek and out cf sorts, it is witbin yonr power te make yourself bealtby aud strop2g. There is net the sligbteet reaonwby yen sbould go tbrough the bot summer ,weather fçeI.ing iniserable, languid and To be well, mease happidanad te joy, snd this je the season that ycu sboulc be bright, bearty sud gladoome. Let na,,itith sincenity and bonesty dir oct yeur attetitlos Io Paine'e Celory0Com- pound, naturo'a at'enue te healtb and per- feci physical strength and robustnu. This marvellous bealtb giving medi cine begina its vitalizing woik st the great nerve centr'es, snd socs braces up Lb. weak and frail body. giving erery or- Rgan that la ont cf Lune that full vigar snd strengtb set necessarv for the complete working cf the wbole buman fratre. Paine's Celery Compound je suited for ail ages and conditions ; it is purely veg<. table, pleasait te use, and prompt and efficacicus in tho meet datgerous and subtle cases. Tbcusands nov living owe their livee te ibis wonderfol medicice that always malte eick peoplo well. If yen are a doubter, and have not auy friende that cau voucb for ail that jes aid about Paine's Celer-v Compound, sond for our book of cenvincinoe cures; mailed free te any address. Wells & Richard. son Co., Montreal. Mi4; EXTERNALLY Por a&U Paino, Aches, Some joint% s, pana, ruises Scalde, Rua-na Sting, Bites sud Caiuilaàna INTERNALLY For Colda, Bore Tbrost Croup, As»thmeColle, Dtrhe, Pleurluy, et4. ov M£. Osueume n.OgLCAS M« 0.a m e .. MMs. ""U va Mmi misucm Miss York is visiting relatives in Keswick. Miss Foote has gone to Port Perr for a few weeks. Mr. M. S. Keller is visiting at Sharon. C. W. Davidson was ini the village last week. Mr. Jas. Raham and family, of Ux- bridge, were in the village on Thurs- day. Messrs. Dafoe, Smith and Hill wheeled ta Beaverton an Saturday ta be present at the Stouff ville-Beaverton lacrosse match. A large number from this place at- tended camp meeting at Morton's Park an Sunday. Miss Annie Turner lefi on Eriday for North Dakota. Mr. John Harrison and fasniiy have moved ta their cottage at jackson's Point. Mr. Chas. Wilson, of Taronto, is vistting at the home of his mother in this plac e. Conrad, the younlg son -of Mr. D. W. Lefiard, of the 2nd concession,. met with a severe accident on Wednesday of iast week.. The mon were drawing in alsike and unioading with a horse on the floor, grasped the rope, whih ruas the lower pulley, and the horses starting drew both bauds into sJhe puliey, crushingtheeaugers bely. Dr Richardson -dressed the wounds.ý Died.--On Satupday, July:2,* ,Joshtua, son cf Mr. Sarnuel ýLeitch, aed -2 jyrs. 6 mos. Rev. Mr'-. t>evey conducted the service, A lrold fiWhioned, -barn iquing too.knçu ôn Tht r3day o0lui ;, eek où Me. -Jesle Co>kei fitni neau ýr M-r. J. >Meye'and I h1 as" jO LD (iO LD ~ Plbaetuavnnt 86160- ion in town cf thos. BEAU TIFUL AMVERICANV IfIGRETES WALL PA PLERC8, W. 8 Kimalid~ G,,Borders to Match. ROOHESTER N. Y. ÀT ________LOWEST s:PRICES~ l~etaî EverwhereCornd early, and getfirgt C1toiCe. P. B. WARAM*, Bryan's oldStd 50 Per Pack-age.f Brocli St.,Wbt 17 First Prize Medals. DMNO AK Capital Paid up, $1590 Surplu, - - $1950 000 Whitby Agency 7=MMM%ý, General Banking Business 'N Tiansacted. 8&AVIGS DUMPABTMENT. rutereut allowed ai higb.st eursenjraha., AreYou 19 9LtKe ote f withdrawal .oqulr.4 Feet Mates?' -Sr do.. it coot you qmre psanu = mt In the mormb* f»nvnc them that ey arema=tes.P UrtlE' Mnd stylis a Iast"t MM cm produc.eS ody.*arwei Dem iporedcaif- In-blaak or tan-astamw>d O Sole Agent at Whitby, M. W.,Colljns. ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___STAR LIFE'ASSIJIAII .'Go ~~~1 W ~ 1 u L L O F L O N D N N ~ A D WoOd' ftopbQhodIlO.-T» GreatElr&ngfiedje.Establisbed-- 1843. la the rem" tof over M etu m reA4 tbm Uk oau c .s a u vatlfdsuba....4î,o m «. . ila1uS ueIuçuo a oumsyAt~m~Bns. aid.......... Sex Ol ô04, Men ,or Avenia, NnVo sw;w .iemm, wui,AeoadTotaW mutAsrnel 1oewpr. Eamiiw* Us(, of opir.% rom. o r,ÂoéZc5 gp A frpDc.'5........,. O,&,3L Wh" nomIêd t> !=nuity, O xam u, Md au n udygram e n :o's685 clatins peut ,qs amedna.*3 Bd... T Poebus hmbomeaud =Mtanuly by bmdmdsot «M b n 1 e.>.4........ ,SA6 almosihlu....sssthabad basa troàtsd IVtw ilémsitalsatedhu.GaEaio~jwd u sipt clness bioeo L.vegYo f ~policy. ý4IdpuaW tottedng S thi e Jjg ýbtwe týe contnu.d d mu1vhgçt-oretcto 840elef.. . wSda > o<r.phodini>Sb c« tb" d bemrofits In creaslng with e ofpli enough to you are e unâ It is,$eevere placë n is Utràlg caué 'byj '-rw .Îid t adia rubbez aillia' tors a City ex=n 3hargs cornel AWtaslon ai lb. vend et i elua. hua tisa. ira va.~ .ra,î ite i lhgi ibue bodlê gnou t O~u W.A hadystck be-« beyet 9 0 1- 1 o r k .t

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