Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 7 Aug 1896, p. 6

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t -'hsppened about srven year Xb.sd~I~ anactùg oxrae bu -iu ot nd ud asrmurnag b 4tnionmail ho My home ià country. lBeing the only occupe the carrnage in vhich I rode, 1I the. tedium of the. journiey by roi -i the dia ligit 'of the chili Dec, day, some cf the severai penleuý with which I furniehed myseif a bookstall previcus te my depai frein the station. The papers at that turne were Of accounts respecting somo star Outrages eornmitted juat proviens] a band et desperate nihiliste, wh their own particular mannerr levying war upen eîvilizationi weiI.known European capital. reports were alarmingly graphie, an air of insecurity waa engend *by roading them, for rumor ha that the ramifications were welI-i lirnitiess, extending into other la Lesides their own, and it was ple hinted that England was short]j receive a spectal share oS their ati 1 read on until the growing dE nese rendered the operation too d cuit to Ir longer indulged in, and t] mused upon what 1 had tead un haif rny journey being accomplial it became necessa ry Igrnme te chai any train. Wlth a quarter of an h( * te spare 1 entered the buffet attaci te the station ut which 1 had stopj: with the ebjeet of obtaining se needed refreshrnent. Having eai nething since breakfast, I was hung and looked round for something si etanitial wherewith to appease ni>' petite. The only available thing beside t usual sandwich was a Gernian sui age, which I began te hackie withc the lea.t compunction. Although r, an edible that I usua]ly indulged lu te he correct, I bad never before ta ed it-the inelegant polon>' seemed my sharpened palate quite toothsm food, and 1 ste vigorously, and Se a. 1 believed, ail the better for it whi the time carne te resurne niy journe 1 had a conipanion this tirne, a mi Who, like myseif, was closely wra ped, and who occu pied the seat direc ]y opposite te, the corner one lu whi' 1 placed anyseif. ln his hand 1 n tieed that he carried a smali, oblor parcel, incased lu hrewu paper ar, tied with a strip of thin string, se a I'ranged s te forni a loop for the fini ers that held it. On etarting, anv fellow-traveler ma< a Sew commouplace rcnaark8 absiî the weather, and lter ou, with an aý of decideil eociability, offered me h flask. 1 arn aware that it je nôt-D dinaril>' advisable to, uceept hospita, ity in thie way rom a etranger, au, it is a thing I always set My fac againht, but ln this instance, 1 brok througb ruy customrn d took the proi féred drink, and then, drawing an vrapq cloffeiy around me, snuggled lut xny corner, and tried te make myse] It was only for a 5ev moment%, boy- Over, for my senses returned a uck ] Y as they had left me, aithougli My paver oS action vws quit. gene. 1 seemed like a& Person undQr the influ- ence O oulsoe ahesmericseolifrm vhicb thero la no-escape. l, tIais con- Mny companion,: and 1 ioticedl tg I tâtgta inysterious change q £appearanee. IM oompleîlon LaW as- wild boôk, 'uround bii mouth tiiere 'ourled s cuà igsaile.,- A~ Tiat *st h i hlm e began ho ux~othe p7relluhiO bands, and Mwavng awaythpairl bcs1 waainoos., xPW osdt view a box appareutiy aadé -oStirs - Alti lie press&ty p iied,%lowed that ti. in et or ~ ss ~ i I D m w i. - s e i s <~ iweI r ïs Ufl Imm", J 01117U St 4 IM-ZUý'Qý 'y tise]oot u thie eriliauc 1tworf t- a t6ekid ýrrtaetyr.rny" ofaùébor4tý aut of 9n other voreds, "youiýr*a rMuh broke- a dnamirnd 1VI I soggetèd - %ding, "Use those hèrme if yoù like,'t ember replied. "There lu uothing M-ua tsi dioale Acta are the thinge whereby mouk et the. judged. Hear« whe.t i have ho a rture Thoe ociety te vwhich I belong bas1 creed the imnniediate doom of anE full thorative ruie, and vitir tlat objf .tng hue dispatched ceuaiesfer und wi y by te curry out its bebeats. Â big bI( [O, in le ehorti]y te ho strnck, and thone wero net a country ln the. whole oS Eura ina which wilI temcpe it it. Russas, CG The rnuny, Austria, France, ai] are co sud demned, sud even Engiand, the vaut lered edihome et the free, ieuot to be e kd it, enpt. At the presont moment the: nigh are 99 picked mon, smmed viLla t ands most deudiy bombe, in London itsel iniy swaiting the signal ta commeno Sto On. more worker je reqnired, aud ,ten- arn eomnrissioned te flnd some oee suPPly the waut. I have don. se, ai ark- my choice Salle upon. you.- iifi- 1 started in my seat ut these vord, heu uttered lu a fiercel>' earuest toue. H atil, concluded : hed, ",You Yes, you muet become oe e ,nge us ; must enroli yourseif under th, our banner oS emaucipation, and strike bed blow for liberty! " )ed. "A.nd what if 1 refuse ?" I inquired me as quietiy as my excitenient would al teu Iow. lie ieaned forvard, sud hisse ry, rather than epoke in my ear: ýub- '6If you w-ii net do tuis, then yot up- yen rseof are doorned1 Mark me, un less yeu join aur ranks you will nevei the leave thie train alive!" ýs- "«Wbo will prevent me?"1I skeý DUt again making a vain endeavor te, rise. îot "I 'will ! " he shouted, flerceiy. 1- 'il def>' you!i 1exclaimed, with a et firnrness 1 did not really feel, thinking to that a determned attitude might pos, me sably overawe hlm, fer ussasins are in- I 1t, variabi>' cowurds. I was mistaken in ken My man, however, for ou hearing my !y. words he put bis baud under the cloal an tiret euveloped hlm and drew forth a Ip poniard, the sharp-pointed edge of et- whic heho Sot crlLicâlJy with tie tip of ,ch hi. finger. lo- Ii ii give you one minute iu nag whicb te consider your decision, " he ud eaid, 1-and if ut tire end eft hast ime r yen remain obdurate, thon thus blade tg- goos îtraightway through yaur heart 1'" lu erder, 1l suppose, te amuse him- de self during tie luterval he pricked ut sieveral heles witb tir, point oS the ih- ir stru meut lu bis aras just above the is wriet. frea each ef which the blood r- epurted in %mai, purple jets, shoving ,]- -hoa harp vat the wespon>s edge. In id little vile ho. said : - Tii. tiae le 'p 'What say yen e nOw 1? ,f t " Wiat I said before," 1 rep]ied. "Do your worst! " S Inetautly ho sprang te, hie foot and if ciutched me by the throat. unugte My .limbe >I reidtIra nov vas My time. ooeutrvmaial the strengh. I Lad into -ome tm dous effort Imansgedto fremys, fit rom ais nsd lmmediahey.,Cbosed vits hm.W. struglod vlQlQtiy ho. igthefra-eseps Leir zug ~ 'y ti aey udthon 1I stumbl.d udwe both- feu to the. groud-h. uppera>wê, ~sea&tst My', en deady veapon. AfI,,sai*the glesm- ing blade desced 'i n.» uiStobe neadyl1 Iwhhmmmeo teav kyov tegiOerrad erth for. tbeluhaOré MvI eI anti very SKnown Aul Ovèr Canada-Everybody et aRuWord. of Praia@ for th, Tht.. Gret South Arnerican Rem.dj..- Abslut. Specifios for Sidney, Bbheu- in matio snd Nervous Trouble-They >eRelieve in a Few Hou"s. r*THE KIDNEYS-Distréu.ing kiduey a- snd blsdder dises... are relieved in oiù t-. houta by Souh American Sidney Cure. Thlis remedy àu a great surprise and de- 4h~t où amaont of ieexoedigprompt- ne" inn reliev ingpea th le biadaer, kid' eneye, back, sud every part cf the urinary ,Pasges in maie or female. It relieves retention cf water and pain in passlng il [ ameet irnxn.date]Y. It vil sure Bright'@ ,dises.. and diabètes after ail pille sud povders have Ïkiled ; a. il, being a liquid snd solvent, dissolves the sand.llke par Lioles wbich always a ppeur in the blood cf persns troubled villa thèe. disordoes. A. dry povder or pili eau net pesaibly do a.i, neither is a soivent. Use South Amorican Sidney Cure if you vould liv. and enjoy healtia. ]RHEUMATISM...."For tbe lust year,' wries William Marshall, of Vardon, O)nt., a resident of that district for 40 years. "'I was confiued aluacit enirelj te My bed with nheumatisan. NoLhing gave me relief, and I bail finully given Up hope. wbou South American B eumatie Cure was recomoeended Le me. The. first dose gave me instannt relief, sud I1vas eut cf my b.d the following day. I have uaed tire. botties, and I muigt "sa m ancer pletely enrsd, a. II suifer ne pain viat. ever nov." THE STONÂCH AND NEBVES- Mrs. Capt. Haekley, of Owen Sound, vus oue ou- viom La Grippe had leit lus marks. 8h. seemed nover to have coin pletely recovered frozn an attack, and mervous prostration took holai cf tb. sys- tom. AIl the. doetoring had oniy a toma porary effeet. She tried South American Nervine, and Baye tb. fireI boule gave ber hope, sud, contium.' ite use, in a short inea, ecompietIY regained ber strengila. Use South Ameracn Nervine rebula the life fome.. viti surprlaing rapidity. SoId b>" J. E. Wiiiis, whiLby. Funny Thinga. No answer. ,«Maggie ? Complete silence. - Madge ?"' Not a sound. 1"1Margaret ?" Then he whistied softly before mak- ing iris final effort. " «Marguerite? " And a flute-like voice replied in the distance: -Here, feliow, when dme the next train leave for the vest ?" inquired the pompous travelier af the local bagage pulverizer. "4Three minutes after is 'gets here from the est. '"kand before - id Peau- posity could talk back he had ta make a side jump of four feet and feil off the edge of the platform to dodge bis ovn -ou ------runk Only Daughter-Mamma, 1-m going to break off with Geratd. Mamma-Why,* my dear, he - will make you an -ideal husàband. He is sô scholarly. so cultured, so dignificd. 'I#That's jaast the lrouble. He gives me chilis every time we're together. Rneyer unbends. The Apolo Bel- videre is, an acrôbat compared toh lm".» EVSERY MILY MAT I. ste' I ap~ I oea set dos I t, Nonsev Ir MP e ntascon -West tmrnp.-Ea, icon W@St Totout@o-. iP CIànks, cou- N Ontaulo-MajorMiGilùivrayCou Londoni-Thomas Beatii,,-Con Buat Durba-T D Craig. con Zutst izooe-W* H Bennett, Cona BothaBrant-Boôbeat HB".con E North umberlnd-E "Cocharane, Con North Bruce-Aiez bMoNeili, Con. Motral SQutUo - Qin ontraS ueWJFQin Con mis1age« o Cbamplainoiargo, Con Ciampliu.-.Meauu, eCota Tedone-Ob Stanvuin-rTGod Mik onaStA ie-rTGRd diett-Care ConntL J'Aoliette-Charbe. aulut iL LAnempti-JE oprguthieLn Monft Rval agStMuie Sion d Tlht.. RivtsmdStMCola-irAd Moipheao, Ct auetAdPny TMonta St Aeutlien, Lii Two MonptainJA Etien i Maione-Lsgurl, Lon. Po Nu-OVporeCon. Election petitions in Nova Scotia clade Colchester, Victoria, Yarmoi Digby, Pieton, Invernees, Cape Bret Ricbmýoud and Luxaenburg Countiies. Nine are against Couservatice, ciuding tvo eacb ln Piston sud C Breton. The Diaby oeemasagainsttheLb.Li member, A J Oopp. Rent-G V Mcînerrney, Con We8tmoreland-ay A Powell Restigonohe".obn-MecUiste, Con Charlotte-Gilbert W Ganong, Con Caleto-F H Haile, Cota Vitoria-Hon John Coatigan, con York-Hon G E Foster, Con St John City-Jobn V EUis, Lib St John County-Jos J Tucker, Liii Ring'e--J ae Domylile, Lib Mun nad Queen 's--G D King, Lib MANITBA AIID N w TERRRORxma Wsnuipeg-H J Macdonald, Cou Marquette-Dr Roche, Cou Mâcdanald-N Boyd, Con Lisgar-R L Richardison, Liii Selkik-J A Muodoneil, Liii Oouzt tée Oao. o*S iî JAMES KUTLEDOB9 b r i t r t . O s c e fo rm e rlje e ci4 by awl 'te eetRyl .DAVID OnUlsiroi, iE. A., Âttornq.am-Lav, solicitor iu Ohan Oouveyascer, 'etc. office- In the C B6ooa-YBONG SIT Htb. ,B. Office lu Mathison & Havkeu'. nev b Brock St. Whitby, seuth et Ontarlo ha. Dr.Uaren d Mo. J. J. Moore, M. D., F. Warren, M, Brooklin. Whitby. c 'J West E Assii oiNF IDn o The Libenals have filed pelitiel ainsi Hlaokett in W.st Prince, MoDei I in King'e aud Martin il2 East Qiaee The Conseavataves bave filed a peitigm ainoi Yeo, Euat Prince A HEIRO 0F NAGDALA a4 ns 'a 18 A Chat Wfth gàVt.wma Who Wa BtitLsb valor je tthe tie of olany a Ihrilli stoey and stirring son&. Mr. Geo. Kingston, ef z36 John stret sorila, is one of Hamiltou's best known veterans. A -an of macrtial laer. mng, magnificeut physique and geais person- airy. he is a splendid represenative of the best clas ef Britisha soldier. To car reporter Mr., Kingston reudily gave su interview. Wlaailn thse pride of a citizen of that empire on w"ic the sun neyer ses. Mr. Kingston said: I au a Devonahire mm,, hem ucer the banks of tis Teign. I enteed the Briitm4,aranyi , and seved fourteen yers iu India. Was tbrougla the Abyssinian camp ansd fougha esme stcrming and oetrefega, igThb- dores sroahold ler t.eking sud bau. dreds ofhjaty*i. 1N~a , the *Hero-of M# da1a.' wvas created Napier of Mg da for- bis splendid srie.ARte, Ilis 1 rc>. turned to Ofd Eugiand, remalnÎng aboutt five yers, wheu I vas agýdn sent te the sunny south until my si yersservice vas nearly up Thuat s the place go get kidney sud liver treubl, ad 1wusnoerI- Iwb 1 sent ms an Ialid ta tbeeem lRHospital fo nldSoldiers, and for niontha vas a swffixing laimate. mil7 taeh, dsearu al a hepelessy ncurable ,uvid. w yem aQer I1tslied for Canada, sad bave 'ororr léemvr snc6rot esiatap yDsiey bt ki trube ntailà. Piecin mpin athe. bucbaaln u b= 1 una Kdney Pflatàd1*4s.. MOUen_t I Laaahwf... t ~ Ib< ll~ 'H Dr. H. Wightmai Office heurs 9. a. mu. FS, rivale TeZeh<me Communical D. P. DOG ART,9 l. D.,9L. D.B. 'lhyslcan, Surgeon and Accouchert Doce and Residence neit tW Au gai] bhurch, Dundas Street, Whitby. N. B Dental Surgery in a&U its branches prom]p OffCe heursIli DENTIS T. ~'Open every atrday night. W. eYARNqOLD, De Le., ounySurveyer aud Drainage Enginet THE FA VORI TE THREE 1 wu. CALVERLBY, Haviug rneved int our new prernlues, v are prslpared tl, exteud the range of buslnese Ail vork pertaining to the harnes-makin snd saddlery business vii be dons te salie faction. Colla"s a specisty Cal) sud se $p hop aud stock. W. CALVERLEY, Second dloor vest of oid sholp. JNO. - NOBLE, -DALER IN ALL KIDS or- T4urau . «d 4 retUawlag. Od Ail erders or information can bc ulned from JOHN NOBLE, Dun"a t'et, Whltby» opposite Mar. A. C. Wil. s' resldence. blitby, April 4tb, 1894. Obti Stre son0 07 ORT"X lan.8; Pe.8; Marc; April 2 WI)itbQIroùridtl talri"he186 tLG -»«o te.si n paabea ý"*W Tùqb Tble 1RM 'B-mmp à r 1 -. Baristeret.,-Money to Loan. len ofrism r Lcenses. Office - Bmi DOW &MCGILLiVRAY, Batriaters, Solicitorslu inOhauery, lt 14 is et y ici$ Mfce Muer IBby. ste. loc ' Lk. D. ion. ete. Qt'i LIjy n C r, t nq reKi IL 1 I Ai COAL, -. nlAE ~NOL~ GENT For tbe IPEOPLIl JA 0.. TORONTO.. ffice and Yard just* East, Uptown Station. Vhitby, Oct. 25tb, 1894. A8K YOUR 8TATIONEJ -10I- J' -a seror t ]EL W. than tg - suvàD.C. lMacdoneu, wib Ja.4; Peb. 4; merca 4; April - y 0-he jUtn. 3; JUly 8;S; ep. 8; Oct. 8;1. Dec. S. Enoueîur - 1M. Gleeben, 1 ta, Clerk.-Jan. $; Mr Sep. 4; N ov. 5. h;Ma ;Jî' PoItv PRIM - J.W. PeMr, Clerk-Jan. 29;Mac 9 July 20; Sep. 28; Nov. 16. Uzasames-Joseph B.' G<,ld U Clerk-Jsu. 80; March 4 a 14; Ot14 ;Dem.16. h24 y a *- OÂNNINTcN-4ieorae Bmith, C Jan. 81; Marcl 25; ay go; Jjj~ 15; Dec. 17. I BKÂYxiETôm-Gee. P. Bruce, Beave,«L Cierk- March 26; M ay 21 ; Juîy 16; oct 61 Dec, 18. Ua"IuEuG]ov-F J Gillespie, Upterp, Olerk,-March 27; May 22; 1 aly 17 ; Ot.0 WMtb He WARýN-E,*,ý L By erder, 895 New Llvsry and Sale Stahif- 1 1 01 Po F. ~.FAREWELýJ 1. T. NEWPORT, Propriew Oommsrciulmoun liberally deait with - Tearng don. at res.onable pric'ea Frelght and Baggage hamrled at reau&o. ýble prices. A eaU solicited. By order, Jor. King & Tonge k3t. Toronto.- For the neat three rnonthusrniam pecial attention te patienta lrom aà1a mnce. Arn stiflrnakin plates in rubbc,, 8, Celluloïd #10 . Golf snd silver iâ roù cre'wning by firet-elasu eperato st me - most ressonahia rates in the city. Mhen iu the city eaulu insad let ime ex&>,' e jour teeth. 1 make ne extra charg&e. . H. RIGG8, Den.tzst, south esst corae,- 1 . 91 111.1 1 1 ,uth,< in1 ci ing sud Youge Bts., Toronto. Noy. Bth.l 892. oliebotteôfA yersRaji as 'restored to i color and ceased fallin., occlonal application ba., the l'air in good conditi- F. YFMCE, Digby, OroNvth ."ýelgEt ~rM ago, Ihad 1oi su a Myihair, w eusiy ivas quite abu ndai, a vam BY ofPreparat ions. out beuficW resuit, tili feau 1 should be perman. Aboiut six months ago.. m broughrt home a bottie HgairýYIg9r and I began use It.L nSashort time, began to appear, and tbe evety prospect Of as thick of hait' as before my -Mn. A. WEBEE, Polyumnia Orleans, La. 10LJ. C. AER & 00., LOWEU... MD Lg.' Pll wr 8c»1 BENT NEARLY D( THE STORY 0F A WELJ DELHI MAiN. Totred with Rheumnatiaim Tweuty Yearspent ÎS*-vin oSoa.rcb for POe -How He.at Last Fou FiàS the De"i Reporter. -Thqre , ry f6w troubloi 1 prsad az'd noue mnore diffieu 'cal fro i;Ie stein than r The~slféreircked with aý eem unbearâble, and freqi that even a&«h flelf Would -ÂAeongthâèe 'Who have toun thir ev. oade.minerable by -trouble in Mr. Michael Sehot su *d hivinqg- found a ineans ûM.1tba~i"ahe le antiou-3 ,uffi' e hould profit by bis 9QnMM Bro., mlen.,Md ha tion foriterling integrity amo: kaoWbIm. wheunone of the Reéorterinterviewed ie gave the face of bis illDe8a aau a8 follew. :-He had been a si: rheumatipm Since about eg Of age, t '-tiwes h. was conr "but obtaiedYo reat day uer -th&ezrucîating pains ne was Àg iu h va able to go aboUt h -is-employ Meut, but even thel .IWaed about inanalnost conaditon. -Then again be çý -snother relapse, ond wold bi 1aki te bis bed. During aIl -~ ssa~lostcontînually doct naver ,b '0 e anything .tempS'ary relief for the. largi 1 xp.ù4dd ùxthia wy'Havai ' btai-relief iut homeeent îfok tratmeuît but reeeived no J" euelit ad soon afrer eOM .ng 1 -keI&t hét wuasseriouly d: couàà, e te looM k upon hM--I 1 NEW BRUNSWICK Dundas St.. whith,,,, DENTIST.

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