Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 7 Aug 1896, p. 4

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~V j ~ u n u o u e r e s e t . W h e n a p a r a b é i à ~U ~ W reprtsent.4 liere, and ad, ben bei prvadoit an a In ci COYt. a hat while thIe l çtty cu&lglr18 sttkd there, Seugog__ lba d~r becutUP igt6eteri1-oga df li ble circuit. 'Thilànd 1la Pedwitb a ba ' > , 0; 'adi Itppe r. tlart, intelligent, thrifty people, ready ed te be thegenral dis- bve uid willng, aye, nrostauxIous to take a live- BIS Wà i agreamenu1, whlckla y band lnanytlbing ipiritually or socially ILhadbetau signed bye ë uycôtancillot Progressivie, ansd wltii an extremiely fertile andrubleumaaiaseii #LUICIhé Su w sitii and tru sepy l in inailrUMcERlOODSein ord r t off Into the folow1iug &eV=a electoral dis cafluot but sucoeed. u ig t e M n h o .cttlagthe i souas th oro w.l uarcluete u ig th o t fA g s e w l fe a Fresh Ground Hellebore, as the Pickering d ct ; ', li Dosnhe l oty o rontoR n l S ME Pure Engli8h Paris Green, sip, to beknown as the Whitby dstrict; Wltor Ounakvilcar s n Wrothirnt m No. 2.'-Whitbyorowta wlltby roorri for ouri al Inp rai n Finest Quality Insect Powder, NO . âaç twan Zs Wib township, to be known as Ontario district - rtoofaUp the aofndmorytha t hir Blu Viroior o pr Slphte, NO. 4-Reach and Seugog townshups and to ptersavings admtgager hi l3Ie Vtrl o Cppe upae Port Perry village, to be known as Scugog Property here and in other p laces ten or distictwelve Yeari ago, and weut aud ruined thes. disrict; an Sot owshpselves booming Toronto. vWat property i.. and Ubridge towD, to bL known as Ritgheywandoterdid not pt G No ~-Ubrdg ad cot ows'Pltey utl b Ito that boom. Ulgll INSET PO DERLand disric. . w ythe building up CHURCH'S INSECI POWOER Lacamnthed:g nd s killi aU ear atin insc 8. No. 6.-Brock township atkd the villagetrOf a c f one anues.Thbaname turicg kil s a l l af ati g i se t Of Ctr ictto to be k no w n as B rock dis. c rahmu o o t e t d w n w t h s o f e0 h 10 CNTS PER IN. NO. .-Tora, Maa ad Raa twn.who had bees foolish enough to rnin them. 10 CETS PEpTIn7.the l-age f M ai- veat~ton . selves in booming it. The fool mouey from known as the Simcoe district. bethe cutyoloept fonvaluesreceflod, sud 7'ieeeo'saieaboltey ur MH oyle and thvlag e teof exetobe ale eeie adAiso a few R EM N A T et o d ' y ' ; , , , , Mr Hn e s dta t the ipn Inor m unici- Sheppard and M cLean of the. W orld and .i~ ese -oo s a-c oso llc >' ure paltie ii ca i g e~pwere adjacent to each others are to the fore with their fada in favor a~ fhefes u//. In the CHRONICLE to show that they ad a Tis, Mr Don Sieppard thinks, would mirae ih w ar cl i fairly unîifortu asseasment and Population. a contrast between the dreamineas of Tor- Th e Darnes signed to the areement, he otto and the slowness orfwhitby and Oak- said, embraced fifteen out of the seventeen bille. We i-snoqetnastwehe I 5W uinorxn onci aities ef th o ny- or not Sunday desecration furnis es a ivey PR @ m e m b D O l' u u s Ù 3 O L S l p ude esonasedho its acheme tlme, but we douiiî the efflcacy ofthe rernedy ,vould affect the interests Of the weaker offered for Toroto's dullness. Tradinter CHEMIST& DRUGGIST, tonhp ntefrh eeteent charming, quiet Sabbatb for a bullabullo \gm qotie whose ProsPetty would be seriousîy and forthe glare an glitter orf-fast,, Sun- MEDICAL -: HALL, ratio Of representation as the others ' t "on*"copaisnsweknw uc Mr.aoleswig t ot Tsocarceî ip on to w e utn as8 96o Mr C t e t l r. Holet houghlbelt ot bTis county bal things ae always odious. W hitby will last - -O F__ B r o c k S r e e t , - W hl i t b y a w y q e n v r ' l b r - t o t h e n o r t h e n a O i t s o w n m o e > a s l o n g a s T o r o n t o w i l I o n __ _ _ _ _ _ _ wnhPs. neer refusingz thein the neces- its sakn propensities. __________________________ ar>' grants to make bridges and other in- rown Councl. proveiments. %T g Judge Dea,,said that possihly the large Met Mjnday niglit. Letter read from G. a t ï epresentation and votîng power of the V. Smith, barrister, notifYinig the Council onN townships in question had compelled this behal of Thos. Snow, South ardi that e Meqsrs. Pringle. King. ~Ross and others he may sufferfrrom theabecofterig alway,; been made in a spirit of libcrality , pig n f h iig s fot epe a n e dst-'< > -a C o WIIT13P A CY.anîd fot under an>' sort of pressure. actieu wîll be cemmenced- at once to compel coh ommissioners said thîs was a p lea- th e town te bui Id one. AlsoaItefri ;.ant state of affairs, and each eXPressed the the WVhitby leîrc igh Cmpnyîereply Shot dt . chonetianu e th new siystesi it would to one they had received [rom Cierk W ie S h ort N~ .s.e r c ont n ed C n s l a t o ntati n g th a t the st ue eî l g î f h o w ill AfterscOm sonecosult ea ation d bente tcontinued fromnt iloclock 10 12 o'clock B O K r E Th ha ben a earof oî ble disastrs ommssiner-, udg Den saidthey ad ach night at a rate of 15 cents per nghî. through tidal waves, cNlOnueS, storms, rail- concluded that the divisions suggesîed Cu.Bo edarpr rmteci would be equitable, aud that th Cirt report teeprt mi te om wa v bridge%, shipping, and mnnng horrors. the Provincial governnnent woul et, adepott ttee on tewn and market property ordering Between tifty nnd one hunidred thusndtlofia iesgetIn fe ad fer Psyments as (olows : Pale, son & Co., Toi-- ente, supplies for fthe gutownOhallfroof, 8Aller People are reported as being kilied, besides receiving the thanks of the gentlemen pi-e- R.antspes f0or.fi S.ngormahall r To e lOSSes amounting hundreds of millions of sent the meeting R.sadou-nd.r ner w se. Co n. Derel $rad a; dollars.W e m ay ie erplia n a few nitters e- report (rom ths t-celaco u e r de r irid a The crop of bye-elections this timne is fot garn rteayewho i egle ontewonhil.rp ps-y nte tetscmite rdr gai - i g eneor t w ng c led c u t ou c L m n a o l u W mn. M ur-sy, clearingp lage nd(rm ih eprt btiabe o- ilae rto n e nclor m sy ru. The di hon Ah tr t, 14 0 P. Hamilton, ruption did flot prevail lsrgely in the laie Warden will appoint the retîu-ning officers work, $2.50; B. Barrett, werk, S1.5o; John f îi~ lC , e dtitons next ew Years. They B a e etéïam ing $35 ; J. J. Fothergill, D in i n la r e c rti o rs. t h e p L i e s h v p t w îî c il 1 . e le c to r s o g e îi ze r t e n o mt in a te g r a v e l, $ 7 4 0 ; W m . H o p p e r , w e r k , 8 1 4 . 0 7 ; i n a l a r es a jè r it y q c k n ow ie s Ï in gt h e e p - c n i d a e - o s e k b e f jb e th c u s u a l J n . c C a r i, w o r k , $ 1 4 1 9 ; h a -le s E a s tle y , - r qr ( EEE ? - for the ime being. In Ontario there are ions w ll be held on Ui sa ie day. R -ch Jackson read a report fi-m the fire n. ~E o ci-vatven a enl c kin e dgi ng dfatuicpl n mntons, bt sIs îe. w r, 8.3 Ti e ot ps e. Can .~~C E . ~ I J . agen e ervcetion elilo filed, s-il elector will have two votes sud he may water ccmmittee recommnending Puymcent of s-aist onevaivs The present i-e- either casî heinfooi-eecandidate or for $109 te Wm Ahb a0Jon ue'fc)dg quitements cf law do net make if possible îwo as -he secs fit.This will enable weak- gling tank near college gale ; also accouts te uPSet an election unies» brîber>' is quite er municipalities or minorities te double on for the lumber rcqulred to curb the well, phe caen t a d u slh eut h o no n he me ett heur mas sud preveut stronger parties fr en and Other accounts. Reeve K i ;,Deut>' Prove COUty fallures. Tiie lame te do the the cumulative systeino oig. omte el--e hyw rot consuteV a fgthelu s io ugiiec tii a . D miin il e tib ofth e prent s-cti fvs tinga Ocd P ingee su d ous-. B ra sot o fulte ~P p r , B b a n g s amsW g n flghlngla o elctio da. mebercf Uc cunI> concils cas hold as to tiie report, sad did nid concur. h- The CQuuty cf Onts-rio haviug been ay înciatys e r as s-essoin oalcWrallslai ovr or uriie cosieriC an>' ses-tyasrevor as oncilor in a mninr was a big kick in regard 10 ail f it, sud iq e , a d aifu m r a d s p r i g G o~ cd up lOto clectorai districts for the flcw systreasut-er, or achool htrustee . Thetr wil Rev Kla id-oue d ucr r nie tohue of out> cunil, icpepl m-y11w COU ty counciL The > w -ilî elect a w oeb y-a etlc yaxes gen c-al pu -poses ' n s l nç turn attention te the selection of suitble and exercise e Sa mce fu ictons as were T ii rate will be 25 mils Iis year nd ws->io n men tereprescutthein. Theduties c cus. previcusi>' within lhe scope c oit 6mtya.Ti mut .rle r t>' o n cîin ita c t th eot b . cith er i m p So rt nto r ot n ilUe - sfo llo w s : d e b e n tu re ls , sin k in g fu n d sa n d b irk s o m e ta t e fo H ard sw f lle ii o t c .in te res tr $ 7 5O .o , a fte r y 89 7 th is il ! b e - -bolisb lhe cunI>' council cuirel'. That Wrcduced about cau.inil s; te s $4<;f b e l n g a c o n i î . î e r e f o r b e c s - u s e I l d i d n e t~ ~ , , - . ~d u c e d a s - Y h a i f , a n d t h e t a x r a t e i j jH A L FT ARP prove haf s big a uslss Sotrpiaalknao up.and Water $700; towni sd maket pipr ty H A LFyt.al s t caTtH Eort b uv r d n g o ns t h en p o p l s il s be fm o r e . 2 5 c c lo r e d m u s lin s r d u c e d t e 1 2 4 c . o n $ 4 0 0 ; r e l ie f , i c lu d i n g w o o d l $ 4 0 0 ; p r n t î u I e u e i e o e i ye ,I s i I e r D a Seeigisfnîosfontoec ie aurda>', Aug. 8tb, s-t W. G. Walters'. and ststionery 88e; salarieb $13 20; plricn eftyt eueitbfr talgea municipal reeves bas curtailed the Prestige Mr Wm Meeker, of the corner grecer>' , i 9$; isuac$<o,-nilciesit tbatik a-nd usefu Iness of i he occupants cf beîh posi eloyighvI-crt frnilts e- $5856; lciensurn$ , adc elh$0 -tuons untîl in course c ienboywl encig e. nigirwaîgt, jav $85; lcion$40; uceleri aes$0e vaut eltier. The onl>' abselute powers aa 6 epieofsolidSv-outrparlr suitepluali, cas-ntoxehe money ceuntY ceuncil has s-ie te spend m6îe O i itisil lid baluds, frl$2 orute , i s-th 4 t 2esim rs'emp tin -7; pubic- A E C o col ektBiihD lrossand te regulate auctioneers anp ed- . SsPus ad, o 3, scelnos 7, rato igfteow s t Ie ,ia i % as.The law ostipuls-es - t ilsaî doW Till,% cios-4%; oleî-t ntAe ne ,gains Sap& )rice. >aIe ie same fil st k wh we teca Pyrtredtj ic enpfo.Mys-dte ht. _____themanhoe.ROn Frieay ust htpeanlad y [t e n ra e a e r o f eth e d h O i Ce .ho ta n k s O u i f r h o m e te it i t ii5' s nid o ren H U P T O N tieret wéud b nsnîugt u nsboe nf i da ais ld -fev J Ul' th, î86. ic oun ilb5. d rie t erei zsC . prosp c4ivefort ne, b t we a aw y a tain c me tont adyss-teveySîoMed a serzces to Sut the Times.;hey muat go liose canno go îô Brib ad- tbot or tvo to whoem il ma> conceru, Dandbyia14 hemmad~ bUi- to sec vhs-t tbey are buyiuig te keep sake cf tooting. Ber.s-rd ocsn' mmd--lit---cfu VIv riihCou.wthout s-ny apparent cbject except fer the Will Al"iaof Toronto. la visitiug is .patens D tq..... *- their mon.'. Net cie riayivs detoigbuthhredeteSt v i e s s a d w i l e v e r a z a s e e c n e t n < l t h . o - s d s d o t h e U n .M m . L E fo r d le a v e s iis w e k to vk # h e r t i a hepus -gin s- occasion inquestion tbcm isyywasoinCcg. wh e we s y t is e d n o et iu-'ead- m a-de su effort to fiy back a-nd foi-vsrd s-l v ca î& iI Vsok - ei-s'to inter that tiere la flot ý eAr s»" cf ove r the read s-t cuce, sud finllI>'set oft wlitf Msacaion i g sud vf., o-st.setSa go d in Br itish Colum b a. Te ue' ha lots of B aker u w ngMsm or.So n g-e - Pe d i s-y x a nd w iber. oroi n t o.s-dp .enAtî ¾ ! oal, i-on, leads-nidtilin uEniglisi ieia en aýV0tioUet, sud Brakesd su-S-,,, ~ Ian, vierea Briisi Clumba isfivelime iedtagond o gandBuake r ad- l uder t lte. Vu ètice&a >ia-sm QL but they only cover a sms-Il ares- cf thi a nom>' ifin carisveî-e jumping s-p and dowu in Mr-. F. A. Col. s ta uua s one fouadaiion MuYcGf,-A- pis larges-s Enigland.piàg on s gridd e. After aI as aid sud lcO= atS .Ss o 1 8 67set o i j M -g î -M*Zea>~ the runava>' wgs a failure as regards The. a-Ors-ent of the Lords S uppe .a96 .1~~oI*lI lu VC»UDVMU. resuftg, jaot so mucii as a wheeî cgyn-uilisee uli u1gu i-sbo- e,>'i.C-jUf ~ <ms~f At~lfUI5 k1il~.aIg broken. <01 àpu2beT, -(Ia-c-iud MEETING <OP eCOMISSIO)NERS- f~EO so-tsl -M .Bur 4oe fb-ae- fAta 0 eAaý,0 nd fig the Doup S', p c Ly - M o N D A y'.- &R G E TIU N O n-r O F L S D . o f bo os sd d o m sa i A az tio P ricew anei u ii i .Î g > c ~ . & . ~ &~y * ~ . 0 NG COUNI-v MaxN O MET j x s daysa tfw C 4I'lç io or 36 - - d DRAS AND BENSON. - TRE Cilaol- Es-st Side, Whitby. 0 s c apm aâ, o.àt, s-ithe rw.é È",4 -iCLF2sS S2RmE a&DOPTED.-.--uEic coçwf tgg.saOh-wa a.,,.g....~18sbp -é> TV BLICa» UP INT0 SEVEN DtVSIONS O3iInOhava'a > pf*«olrfatet as ~ ~ ~ , R iK>ct - sren 0iÀ. fem wr te ti f« va1neddio ruaitthgg vaa the Ç0uIn s- t8g. lvcy m nlepa i' a tIs "asnutb; em De areMtyl' *s-faa4"' b« be b O Dds- te new ousty o nseeilve r u aço q ts' t ?s-n' - -bre1 -n4.-- 7 ce s,« fo a eI d h nteý,tt ~ '<d. I-t is styligh ryclom et ers, WTch Hol J1708 00W may Wrat_ atW.tillf Mrgola Coualt rss sIon o nfaloca.p- -ra s-t f W. e Tuter's. MiRli. .McBurney, jT borelaves inuada for Mrs. Hri-ry Walers isr Mr. WmL. Mcune, T ycaîerds-y. H. says the fi thc sontivest lias spenl. Jamie SadIer, Wiiitby, papes- hanging at 5 cents pi viti your oi-dei-.-3-4in. Messara. Chas. Hall and osto, viiceled dovu bei-e ps-id a visa t toheir respectj ML-. Lewis Richardson Miss Ia visitcd Rcv. A famil>' ys-one, Uic firat cf Crinkle clelhs, coloi-ed atees sud straw bats, wv eue-bs-If price on Saturda As-g. 8hb, st W. G. Ws-kcrs Mr. Gus Pennel sud Mi Troromto, former resident wbceled ber.eon ubeir bicy aadi wlated, viti friends, i-s s-nidiCy. T ii.asdis-n Wheelm bs- anpounced thati h 'vi ts-el. ini usjurisdictien -bicy'cle races are 'permiîtc "àlords of creation" are cxci oughitt o bls-cklistthe boors order?. WeeU"eystolea? zoo pairs ladies' ious. sil -qt ztkè,, per usbduring this d4yast M. W. CoIlin's, the Sig Bas-ain. On 'Sattrdi>' Aug. Bah,- eW Boot and Sho.se. IOc pairs cf ladies' and ch s-t Soc. per pair. -epaîts ladies' buttonec Mea'a laced and galber Truwlks andI valises at coi- West Side Brock St. 1Eve-y ts-e bereis a fit tîdvdjp-«! toet ho "tbUmr - Tien be rings lie'MiWa dead: Sncb s- s Ms-cl mouroing te suybody vo-I Jel relieved if tht so ýia ould cease- soon nliger had* tedie. Soner. I1 k<os-rs-autd thaithee vi s".y'-Ir =I' te or îwes ÉISgi th kjjD - ab. s-s-zg for an 1Èaugte ai-esse teoafor -au h AUÙotZ~ ~3 ais-s- ve9 alaml t Xunl mo OODS, e -lem 4we iio« Wati for to

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