Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 31 Jul 1896, p. 8

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1veuingL,at8pm ~1 -uaiLiRMYI rHiIFi a a 0 ti ti o' a Co il a. ir 'bo lui us resoey a' r vr'u~- - il %q u6 Qn shawa, on Friday, july 21th, 1896, - 'r"b . mSOO rf Western Limne, grey and white, and ___________________________ Elizabeth Cowiing,, beloved wi!s of the late BROOK<>S' LIVE.BY, imuo. teet,taont. Blacksmith's Ceai, at C. P. R. station, John J. Gullock,i n ber *8 1sT year. At St. WU. ROLPHI, me akr Smoesret Myrtie. W. LEDINGHAM. Mary's on the t8th inst., Hannah Morgan, r. B. NOTESIr. butaher, Rin 9, Wes April 3Otb, 1896-3-mos. O5AW. -lict et the late Rev. Jos. Sbepley, aged 75 JG Farmnee wili do welI te, cail ai M. E. yeat-s. At Hayden, Oct., on the i9tb lest., L PàTTuaON, Dentist; oMfce e-ver Eovm.m UXEEZDG1-EL May's for boys' ready made clothing. Rboda Sophia Baoàd, beloed vite et Mr. E. @toe* s, .an Uxb1 metnig, h L.fini ed ku r te glmonthl T. Sîsmon, B. A.. Osbawa, aged 33 years k.. J. BTÂLAa-ojinpao i ra TweIftb,"' lutheir hall on Monday enilait, XI wiii pay any parties conteinplating buy- and 9 montbs. In Dan lîngton on the r8th Simo<> stneet. Wer. Bro. Muncus H. Crosby, .B peig. lng an engagement or wedding ring to e e lst., Anc Slute, aged 77 yeat-s. At lot No. Wxz.aà.n J. DEÂNS, Dominion and Ontario asuised by Wer. Bro. Kidd, I).M. The mint. the large stock of Felt Bros., Oshawa as s, cou. 6, East Whitby, on the 22nd mîst., Land Uurveyor. Civil Ezigineer, Box 57.0msb- ing beld on that evening vas ons of ths laiget they wili selI this month vet-y cbeap for cash. Mary McCulloch, reiict ef the laie Wm. &W&. meetings o!fibe Yean, and aise oeeof the mes: Genuine diamecd 14K. only $5. Tbey are Samith, aged 76 years, 3 meonths. OoMMBSj HL Orzz.-Ji. C. Woon, proprietor nthsiaid niheee aise making soins special effet-s in Gents', Mden osenahusian omorabyand energetic. Amme fvisie. Ladies' and Boys' gold and silver vatches. The Whitbv lacrosse club put in an ap- Meqsipe ly na i otbyOrs wmnepiSsent, aing others beiig Wen. Bn-. Ses t hem. Feit. Brou. pearance on Friday te play the bomne team aIUP.Robeit Bures, Grand Directer of Ceremonles of ai Prospect Eli. For somne reason the Osh- D. M. Ton. -Cati.rer for BaXim, Ammeablies, Wed- British Nontb Âmreica; Won. Si-o. lames ava club was an heur late in appeat-ieg for dinga, auppers, etc., etc. Alse ai kinda eofBi-sihoun. Ceunty Master of North Ontario; play, and then vert short two or tht-e etf lowers. Wor. Bro. Henry Mmdiii, Director et Ceremonjes Miss M. Huggins is visiting (niendsin LiLs- their best men. Hovever, lhey played il Ioà. HoULnhia- Wl&by-Omhawisotage lino. fer the coueiy ef North Ontarioe; Bt-o R. La%- tevel. eut bard and fast wheu they did gel stanted, loovee Oshawa at S a in aid 2 p m, and rnue, et McKinley L.L. 275, and Bro. V. M. Mr F T Verrai of Toronto, was in tovn and gave a splendid shoving for ebeir one Whitby st 10Oa m and 4 p m. Rare, et Lord Roasmore L.O.L. 1432, Torontr. Salut-day. sumlmer's practice. The day vas very bot, JOSEH 0551, manufacture fn e Iariages Telcue n secret vork of tht Onder bai - Sec Murray. Ail vool panti. eniy $1.50 and by the lime the b411 rang for 6 o'ciock, cii-ta l«nand ail klnd.s oecuttes n p 0 be 2lained aid exemplified by the Bro'. cah.th bysal hd her onue hngngou aoiavu ear, efit.Hart and Breboui-,the lodge pnoceeded te tht cash. the b o ysa n a iy le o fad their n g e i n g n g o ui * > . if l g B )0 5 5 .business p art et abs m eeting and as occupied Mn. E. A. Baker is spending a few days i nd c. h oean theycloset tr odb 4gingor o JNBau-wx, peinter aid deconator. Dealer for soins time in energetic aid necessary town. mcd achib. , Tht core ai hclos ee d s td 4 t or citn d o nateu, P8Bte, vork. After vbicb the W .M. calied on W or. ciil,, wbcb wahcenidet-d sasfactt-y indo« he '-Bre. Burns te addness the meeting duringth M.adMrs. A. 0. Geiger at-e visiting in te both clubs. To tbe credit ef the boys be h~s ~ dae esoetnaetn onse hc aifre h ebn !ti Coor.iî said tbat tbere vai ne quît-i-ding during wuý», etc. Large stock kept oonstantiy on iodge that the increase in the -memberslipoftbe Mr Dancy of Toronto, was in town on the gamte, a thing quite common amnong the baud. Jobblng a peclalty. Since treet Olaige Society la Canada laut yea'r vas over Satrtday. athietes et close neighboring burgs like north. 5000and itili icreasmng. This vas bis finit ap- Mr. T. B James, of Toronto, speci Sun- these. Hon. Paddy But-ns, Whitby, acîed L. K. MUarex, B. A. - BarnftenSctr, pearance in this lodge sunce bis appointuent te dav in town. te a Most impartial naanner ai retèee, andd Notary Public. onvey&noer, &c. Money te bis pi-tient office and hem ail appeaances be Miss Alice King retunned (rom Rochester nebody had cause to question a single de- iend. -Oafc, o-ver Dominion BesAk, aimle" vould be ýa1ways happy te viii agai. HReai- on Saturday. cisiotI be gave. Street. Ombava. ured the breibren abhat througbens the order wds The Simcoe st-et business men are sports M. E . MAY,.-D«Ueer in Grocernle. Pan China, on better standing than- ever before 6ud in>lybe- Mr. Grant, of Peterboro, "isited Mr. John and aller neading the sporting columns of Çrockez-y, !tnware, and Pan o oeds Pure lieved lu a grad nd us em iis year. Bro. Burnus H-ylacd on Sunday. tht differeat daily papers for a long lime Teas and Ceft'ee. Boyie'r=ad e m suite i1 vas htartily cbeered on bis nesuminihmseaot. W A Luke of F E Elhis & Co'v, leaves on have çonciuded that tht>' can play' base bail apeclalty-very cheap. The Won. M aster then calltd on the Suuderiaid ifonday for Detroit tb spend bis boiidays. equai 10 any club on earth. Betere chaI- Âuonxos SLE@-The ubsecnber wm lb. Iln 0mb van herse, WoS. Bro. James Bretbeur, C M., The 34th batl. band bas beeegaged by lengiaig any isague teams ibey thougbî ie w&W et the Centrai Hotel,Jr-iday of esch vho lanbis usual affable, snergseic and ettusi fie Toronto exhibition for tht atternoon and wiseto 0begin on sorne local iearn, se ibis w61 - OOt 'ck-, ~-t bave aaest mneadrsdthlogfrasot evening of Sept. bih. wek T. M. Kiesman, the acknowledged igements wtb parties 1m hv .apptiemAnv ewIic so neMtbeippemnate a Aug. îoîh as civic holiday and tht Truc leader of King street baie bal] enîhusiasts i nx utone.% aime, dung vfhice oke t highle! neh.i Blues trom al directions wiii galber bere for vas chal)enged te torm a tearn t10 meet the F. LàMBEET & MON-The ieading tailenlng 1 ht dernonstratden ai Sunderland on ti xzth, as - bg dmontitio. Se av.Simncoe street aggregation ai the park on aid a nte' !urnisbing houe.e!01Omba. veil as e! the band that a:companiet aer, aise à bg drnostitio. Se av.Frida>' afte-nocn. Mr. Kinsman bas secured oftOd aserliment of ltweed%, voneteds, expnessing hiniel! abat il v as the full intention Work wyul be begue on Mr. O'Brie 's new the toiiowing leain, T B Mohersilil, T M l tro»'4ok. si ' l' "SY e tan rabi euld b e ClduIbis Orane Dlu n 'bob~~ ganlestocek.wee.rleioinieded tlKinmanelAdaminH APorte, J NtinF1897. aht ake r ttnesi galery l t dt ul. e Elsa, Adrans. H Areks, J CuNot' VLT BEo - Watchmakae aid Javeler.Short addreists vers aise anade 'by Bree Ma- nakethi th fiestgaler- inthecouty. E Elis A orgn, WeksJ C maings, Dealers ilu vahos. clocha, laveiery, mUrver- dill, Lawrence and Haie, &fter vbicb tht lodge The Oshawa Railway Ce. kepi ibeir cars with a numnerous relmy et pitchens. Messrs, wa epeoaceatc. Egrvlng, g01d and coe nteu"frn e rpsd o Lt the lakre unail2.30 Tuesda>' moruing, D Cinnamon, B Simmons, J H Butler, L n-vu n platungaimnd old _boldringmm-adaover. cloe a n thal oa Sev prooiinsti vaiting for the Columbian te reacb port witb Brooks, A McLean, G Millet-, E Cbubb. A Fine vatcb, eock, ana Jevoeey ari>' a l meberbip din.sAssctiowyson this 'se rnoonlighî excursionisîs. German, J Thomsnoîyl do henor te Sim- ÇeOWtYe±aisrraff lodge vers bkeandtdl, hcbs ovathinUx- The Simcoe St. Methodist church Sunday coe e t-et, le lu understood ibm-t nelîber mût-ibhis tht banner Iodge ci the couity. Visit- :hool held their annual picnic ai the lake teai t t keep record efthie trrorsanade ÎALA. n brethiti always weicorne. Next negulan ýn Tuesday. Soins 675 bad their supper, duiing the garne. Game wiii be called ai 4 M.A onieiei od> IIes meeting ef tbis lodge on Monda>', a4tb day of Lnd yet tht tatables had net t-un out. e'clock. Mr .çutc pn udya oe uut Tht McBrieu tamily ai Kineale have for Tht pavillon a-i the lakt la net altogethen a We werepleased tp ste Mr, Harny Lyle witb 2yeans bad a farnil>' gnoup taken. W. E.' source of je>' te Mr. Malien>'. Ht hall: it us ou Sabbath lait. (JTI O I A "Briebai dont thetirick eacb lime as vith tht intention oet osing il as a day and Mr. WIII Haraden la on tht aickUt. We CI T ey havç toilgwved hlm fret Wbitby te evening place ef amusiement, sudfnot ms an hope le ses hMm ai - erk seon.HO I A >hawa. ail night concert hall, bis residence being se Mass Libbie Squelc ilasberne front thet su1, -IN- We botice b>' Toronto Globe tisa: Mr. ntit that vers it useti for this purpose Mr ipendig a ftv veeks vitb ber parents. bias. Kits, ef Oshawa aid severalete Maiiery's repose weuid net e eypace - Miss Goldit Sommetri'De bas relut-ced te ber j<~ entiemen, are applyîng /on incorpor astHineriastStrdyvIngMr home in tise cie', after a !ev vees'viii:itb _hI joint stock ceinpauy te acquit-e thetens al ylefi tht vindows optn andi sevenai frieils bers. eld y M. Knes n bi cyle lathr. f the young mnicamperastook possession sld y Mn Knes o bi cyce iathe. oe the hal lte bold a ----ypart'mfter haviug Wt are giad te repent abat Miss Annie Mo!- Sais-Cali mi Murra > tht talion. Ht bas their mldcight bath. be rs eneyiu !tts iprovig, afe four vttk's illuss& We GRAND CELEBRATION AT fine selectien et pant suitings, over- hiiîesinesl utlM.Mlin'a-bpe teoS erou on RO Datings, eticrThese g must sud vili peared on tht scene vitIt a iamp ln hand. D e ogse.pae-meeigo tns D D seid by the yard, or rndde up, ava>' baby Tht boys ail escaped,- but »Xr. Mm-lot-yvas dayevemnag. Corne aleug friende, ad givs our th rae -et'gouwdns P O PECT P R )et ai once. Terrne strictl>' cash,.mround tewdf on Monda>' booking fer war. uew Paster sente encouraget.i:y Ur. O' Bieî's littîs boy, Chester, vas set-- rante for the art-est of the shirt tail brigade, Mm WWn. Branad fantil>' renzned te ibear unden the direction ef Victoria L. T. .. mal>' hua-e last Thunstia> afteenoon b>' be- but up te the tinte of geing te prSsi nobody> home in Torento, on Saida>' lust ater Lotige, No. 55. A geeti pregramnieh g kuocketidevunb>' m-mai who vas tu-nu bas heen summoned, te appean befone tht iengthy vise vitb ber parents bemrs. betn prepared andi vainable prizre- ill ýng te catch a car. Hi. Ineevas badi>' magistrats for tht reaien that wben caught Our cliistian endearn as veR atteded on eofedfrB m aid hat te be dreseib>' a doctor. the beys put tbeirnaight govurs ever their Sabbaib 1mat We ans glad chat thse rus peo- BASE BALL,E Tise mmrt-led and siugt men et tht Malle- litada, oul>' ltavang on exhibition sucb sec- pie .tale au interes.:ineehis gond, v le Iron Wot-ks bad a gaine etfbm-at ballon tiens et their anatomy> as coald net readil>' Our blaeith and w odwerkÏr ame BICYCLE RACES) testday. Tht score vas 24 te 23 in .Îfavor lie identifieti on oatb. bus>'; you. cm hm he a a ri iw itm- FOOT RACES, tht single mec- After tise gm-me tht part>' Last Fnida> tise A. J. 'Tyiou to a toadnd aglt. Our vliage people Manner aw. TUG..OF-WAR- lioun-nd te "heatiquaters" vhers zoo et - pasngeris t Nevdastle, BovntanviUe iliens et "butter miii:" avaited mb- and Oshawa for Torento. hnru on there NSWG*8TL exhibition -drulli by t t ieha Nrption. rocks vest et Whitby ovlng te tht fog, and M 'm. ipeda e y :p rag atloTrpo Mr. J. S. Mut-s-my, through difficut hy us g? off vlth great -difficuli>'. 8h. asHope>.34h a.Bacwilpodems. e insua-nce cempaules oees bis receit force vncwad b> tise force of hersmhn . Outres aitBilBaed ae entpIng m * eteofrbis creditorsa rats on tht Y ndtht suer>f'het * tn la us.Grtisea arrivaiitusî s Plar. A setulement bai been madie tise mak iser rock fre ide op i tleo elk. Ontemwl ftevsiigbeb'n rm cditoesundertakiug te ceileet thse inur- IMonda>' the-Rurydice carne leng tise sUme - -Mii" Jean Wiltot btu been vigaglai Mas. T*Topotê.aGnui& Strceý Parade wil i .1a' ice Ms-. Mus-na>' viiinov offes- bis gei troute Atili*fft Clniln awuh.-'tiseJ[ > WW Shed' st ro À ii.n41wooardvm rgains. ?pppo5So _0 « iéa Kooc4lot of paatgeni Mim. Ktèalf auddangeter, MWi., ar e 5atleP1tesprsv Th utn rtrit i epeid ta MProspecles-, bt l es-1way bers 1 indsbers. >'tevenis ingtséeî1-betw-il!ü4 ri . un in f aî ru t ' il li p em se t is f g, ai s an a réu ad w eqt of O shaw a T o , C m p l , M P .P ., of X d ge l is t. wsn 6.de ciceri t t-, # r l a -5 i sov chat tht nailwm-ys bave made nev about a ils. Hon rk4el ,asb -ied lids i . Tor Cbp %D4ptay-of Fù1rà ý n4F«se "uî,çlôh m inlatiena b>' vhicli hunters fycarrY s20ôsanti aodeeply thaltatuhgboaî obte Wsent 'Mne~id«~~ s bag g, a dog, gun, anid ds sknevs IWe te 1'qrtéo Me'pull ff, As a mlb d d la at al] on thse usual fisst clas. ticket wben tluilni d aleo & ntagta ngte hooting iocalfties. bsendP"r1< . t ie-lybu ecs Mi 5a1&P~Hp JIO ia Iris piano venka bas been la operaticeOU,,on boaïd the -Barydc. spemt-a nilserte, ý Opemat sejake. - eny iittscÎscale fon qloane veelbut on -dM*p,ýpoited amd mofotonoua -alngtîie -lie Nwad.bu umbd thË , wid,iy w saifflng tie a inéev iât 1.tm 1 $be>*t ±ot4o:uIýýxtl o d M' #ee~ fei tliaplace wer.,/ Jamüï wers , JamesHËobbi, T Shoitnadge, M 7WIIIIs Rkhardaon, gilu E Harper and T Shortridge. if D. M. Tod'a wuqon dos fot cmli on ask your grocer for Tod's bread. Mn. aleoin, Stratford, ii at Dr. Mic Mis MeNally retumned to ber homo in W ti week. Mts Wbaelen aud daughter, Toronto, ai hng on j aistsaton. Mis A Gibbard and Misa Dunbar, Top at the Panrw.Gona". Our ichooI wifl aooa appear il u ermew and vili equM anmofete.own aid City mch MT RoRke retUrnnd te the parsonage on FI last. Hlm addrms on Sabbath vas very À r A Lm bert of Toronto,' I s pendng F 1 a ' t è {3oý ,d D r csonale """'çkY lmbldy ntw4Vad tt>JGbo s;LEey âMr D WArren of Gravenhurit ta apencllng J _Fveley 3rd. 6 entriça. hlm bol days. n town. Girls rmce-tS years-JE Barnford it ; G Mr. W. Gulleck, of Ottawa, left for home W'îckett 2nd,; , Mana 3rd. zo entries on.Wdnedey ornnt.Potato race-(Bobby Prr*gle barred)-F or. Wens.y ma nug LeIIJOX lot; Jas Wilson Mn; Steve Black- Mr Go.HavY Of Ptrboro, la viitIng lock 3rd. w e ntries. G O Ohlmis parents in Cear Dale. ,10o yards foot race-or chanponhip of BOTTLING WA.X, and Mrn. Férquharson, of Rochester, la visit- Wilson rd 12 etis RUBBER RiNGS for 10berMother, Mns J F Taylor. lind 0 eelbro e. - it;j M indus H P Gray bas returned from. Peterboro, R kelbrd 8 enn lo;js.WOd fruit jars. wbere he spent a two weekm vacation. RTCo-ar-Pi8 etearscptle. Mis 1 James of Toronto, lu spending her« Giboon and John vl- e woodwokru 11RS19 INSECT POWDER, holidays with ber mother, Mis D Drew. teanà were Jint Cinnamon, Wm Scott, R The Christian church Sunday school held Bassett, Thos Hawks, Wm Hastings Jea POWDER GUNS, their picnic on Wednesday aternoon. NOrtheyp R Pye, Wm Bennett, Geo gwan . FLY ]PADS AND PAPE R, Mr. Conlin drove into the lake eait ofthe 90D Blacksmltbs, Chas Keeler, S Dlckey, dock on Wednesday lait as many do te cool mO Leask, Wm Gummow, R Ruttan, John1 TANG EFO T sticky pae. their boises and get the dust off their bug Bale, Chas. Fletcher, Robt Garrow, Frank gles. The horse got into orne quickiand POsJeLn.Tebakmtswr and but for timely assistance would have awalded the prize on getting firut and sec- been drowned. It took sente time to get the ond pul- .Disbeni* f Prscrilios anmalout nd sfel ashre.Biscuit Raer-F Lennoz ut, J Reinard Dipnig1 f Pec1tin9aia u adsflyahr.nid, W Cawker 3rfl. 5 entries. Wben the salvation army was fit-st organ- Haîf mile single seuil race-_(Bro Gummnow and Fam;*Iy Recl,*beS ized bere Lt. Tom Caîboun was one of the and Fred Park barredl Jos Hastings îst, L fit-st officers mnd he did a great deal toward Connor2nd, T Sberidan 3d wieetis W recetz'es ou r are/ui, building up the local Corp. He wam known Tu ac-(GoS no, Si, lve M Cres lu. as " Glory Tom- and bis old friends are Rose barred) G Swanson lot, R 5'ugden pbersonal a//en/ion. glad to see himi back again in charge of the 2nd, R Robertson 3rd. Nine entries. -AT rchi-isuan tker o s hu t-h Ma Casei as Walking greasy Dole-The pole waS wella -AT-- tet redafie tw yers t fathfl srvies. greased and bolted to t h e dock. projecting About xoo went fromn here to Niagara Falls over the wster. A Flag was tacked te thet Ry e ' r t r ,per steamer ouba -on Tesday. The pole and the fit-st to get it was tbe pnize Y ore trp Rs etforasfin aday as one could winner, J. McEwan. Geo. Swanson, R. r .wish for, and there was not a single outward Sugden, Will Swanson made entnies. After Simcoc St. south, Oshawa. incident to spoil the day's enjoyment. Ail several attempts Geo. Swanson crawed out f of the passengers (roin bere took the clifi on the pole and took the fiag. R. Sugden0 line at Queenston and rode alongside the followed and WilI Swaruson wiped off wbata rapids to the Canadian fail. The boat did little girease there was left on, the pole. not maire asniuch sped as was antiipated, A swimmring match was arranged in which I but al] arrived back here by midnigbt. the two Swatison boys. R. Sugden, Ed. ~e Ih rnîchThe Vindicator complains because occa- Coedy started. Geo. Swainoît. WiII ¶ ~~ . sionally we clip 11.5 items. W ditteSwanson sud.E corn, but we usuallv credit the Vin. when F. Lennox won the five dollars given by il _____ ____________we steal, a leetie acto' outs wih Mr. McLaughlin for the one who cpue overlooks when it clips the CHRONYCLE. the most ptires. The different committees m There are several papers wbich do that, but having the affair in charge are to be con.-83 OSHAWA, JULY 31, 1896. who watch carefuliy and complain if we r,- gratulated on the success of the pic-flic and talite.Ourregersarewel awre hâtthewe opethat this pic-nic wlll beceme an CHRoNIcLE publishes very little besides annual affair. - .original matter. Besides, papers might well - 00 afiord to lend one another a few items to -i f~Q Il A H i lb A (1 1Jhelp pais the bot weatber. ~.- -- ba eS, Fi, laster Mnyo. re cal- rSte, oI& Friday ympehzewih IM i isgea otr Mr Maurice J Goedheart, the cotuver sew, viii deliver a lecture here on Tuesc lted ýday Great du/y Sa/e Gog. Mrn'z'ily on The Greateet Bargains of the ses,- son for the buying publie. Shirt Walsts and Blouse. Going rapidly at the pnice asked. The 75c. kind for 50c. The 81.25 qnality in pretty pinks and blues for 75c. The extra fine *1.50 lino g es now for il, Print Wrapping. id U y Wk) * je, The $1 quality for 50. The better KING STREET, WEST. cloth and trimmed Garment, price $1.50.________________ nov going for 81 eacb, only a few left, Don't delay but corne if your ini need of such a bargain. EXCURSIONS-%* -- - ** To Manitoba and the Canaia Wais Gooa an Muains Northwest and Return. Wais Gooa an Muains.Excursions will bect-un from ail Statj0% 20c fine Zephyrs going for . - 15c in the Provinces of Quebec and Otar 25v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o cordSia ulnsgngfr1e June 3eth, july 7th and July aa, 25ccolredSwse ualne oig fr Io 896, te the following pinsn 15c Victoria Léawns going for.. 10c toba and the Canadian Notthwest at ý a5e Checked Ginghama Mc Organdie Mushusi Me Dreaden 4" Wc Persian Il 2 2 p is di L [w .au si Parasols. ]Parasols. The 90c. kind for 60Oc. The âine black 'aramol, rtice frame and handie, at $1.25, smelliag for 75c. The $1 Cream Para- i soUs nov at 75e., and ail the stock re. uced in proportion. Ireat Sale of Hosiery & Gloves Every Baturday Night. idies' and Mmnes Straw Rats lorth 75c. and $1 eaoh., going for 25c., id trinrned free of charge. The best L-75and82 fine Rata are being soId for )c, trimmed free for thit week only. 20C 20C 25C re I -T-i& ho JosMAHIEph HaK RING ST. WEST.__ O H W Y O T JuIy -MANUFACTURE- Master Herbent Carvetb, sof o Dr. Clurveth, Ia vlsitung relatives bere. Mms Edniund MacNacbîan. of Cobburg, la vlsleing an 'Mr. Robt. Moment's. Mr. Elonza Wood bui become a inember of the baud and viii play fint tenon. Mns Crydeninan, Prealdent ef the W C T UJ, and Mis Levi W Tole, et Bewmanville, attend- ed a meeting of the local branch, heid at Mis Moment'. on Monday. The fine cornpany met Tuesday evening and dnafted a constitution and by-laws for tbs guid- ance of the new company, wbicb viii be knovn as the Orono lire brigade. .Dr G K McDowell, ef Staples. Mion., former teacher ef Kirby achool, came to town on his wbeel yesterday, covening the distance from To- rento in 3 heurs and 2o minuter. Mrs. Thos. Gray received a letter frein Nor- folk, Eng.. last week, informing ber efthe death of bei gi-cat grandmotben, Mrs. Fr-ancis Pooley, at the age of 103 Vear$. Ai the time of ber death there were representatives of five generations ef the family living. Mr. Jonathan Prier bas retut-ced back fro Hartford, Loon. Nir Prior bas expenece Bore trouble during bis short sojouru across the line, consequent on the desah et bis vite ; aiso sick>ess ef bimself and famiiy. He is pleased to neet old friends bere once more, ail of whom R. C. Carter, Ag Oshawa, june 24th, 1896. anti supply parts, andi repairalî chines matie by tht Josepis ý M'fg Co., Masson Ce. and-Di Estates, hav-ing - bought ailt pattes-ns, tes-ms, etc. Knives and sections for à~ any make, mower or reap Iron Pipe, Steam Fittii4 Ihoe Saleb- s u- tude «of imperfections. We have Boots and SShoes that will cover your imperfections. Boots and Shoes, like S0ME SPECIAL BARGAINS Boys' Tan Laeed Boots, hi&s and-made....12 80c.,' Tn o es.... .. 80ade., Tno....... adies' Tan Shoes, good band turn so1esi reg. $15,now.. ..12 Fouth»S Tn Boots hand ton , eg L5 nw10 .60o ~EA Rfubber, Belting. Packing, (rubber, garloci rope). Thresher Teeth'.mosi al Repafr Bieycles, and si parts for saine. Engines anld Boiers rep (any niake.> Repaà i machine ry, a ny Secription. Pea Harvester, Woon,, r Âiay 8 é$ie, Beel 1 BlebugWi Por-Âbe Threi They CreOui, As seasons coe nnd seasonsfl And flks start otjver o They corne Without delay To us, ecause our choice suppl7 1 Includes the newest styles:ty The Dollar cornes our way be Our prices are go very loy There is nowhere else it pa's That's what the buyers :a go,.. There's momey saved in every irad, Aid that la what bas always Muade The Dollar corne Our way. Our stocka the Inarketýs pick snd lrz Ita quality excites surprise. It's Auch a big display.' No wonder ve the trade com Al buyeri aeek beadquartersandl The Dollar cornes Our way. The magnetiant of our store, I& sirnplv this, andlothing meort Fair treatmnent every day. Like water, Dollars i-un down il To find their level in our tili The Dollar cornes oui- wa'y. I me ithae n J. H. Downe OFFICE. MARKET BUILDING Houme-Cleaning tii W. have'a langer aid hetter of vibdev ibm-des tItis ! have ever sisevu befori ebad clela1 h ar i-oler. Aise a fine varieS>' et -alte ses' our latest si s.ureens, te fit any i>'vdc Our baby car-nages are al 'ý Give usïa cali befone purch. W. are taking specialj legauce with économ,: genetatiit>', Our- stock is complets ln Ho We invitebu>rsrs te ci Leaing Underta3k-e ýI&Je JO Esalsed 1849. IWHIT B8Y S»c~77-7 -7 »ncoe: 1 1"ý 1 2ý Coup 1 Deaths :: 1 1 ffi .601 To Deloraine, Man, and retu-n .... 2 Resten, f .... 2 Esteran, Ass., ... 8 Biscartb, Man.,.... "0 Moosomnin, Asa, ....2800 Regina, id.... Moosejaw, d d ....30 c Yorkton, 49--9.... 3000 Prince Albert, Sask. id" ... 0 Calgary, Alb., il 5- f Red Deer, es ... 3 Edonton, "--40* .... 40 ç LIMI<TS-Ticketa viii be good te return as under. Seld on June 3o, Good until Aug. n2, O JuIy 21, Sept. 19, 110 Above tickets and ail information cau obtained from W. P. 5TERICKER, h Iffl't necessary to teil keep the pures- gooda speak if Hvere are some fres~ EPSOM SALTS. ROCHELLE SALi INSECT POWDEI GROUND an(. WHi CHEMIST AND DR~ $IOO forI I WWii pal Abovt for small quantil us to nake our VOL@ qwap"u nom u

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