Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 31 Jul 1896, p. 7

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IBBe )U);~ îrk of the leStable ltby, >roprietoe., ealtwjj ,prioem. d atrof, Toronto. fromnad. s in rubber the city. t meei- Itra Charge. east corner ER» ER, 'LES, N!OOD? ETO. PLE'S 0. £ast of iT. îhaî he. ig, andt o)f tbsi. Long'&-s incd. -OTT. Weil, Perry to itores. I "Il!' W. KL ward, Iiopeess Case.- à Terrible OoUgh. NO RELt Ntght z«r I1,. ie up by Doctor,. A LIFE SAVED 'CHERRY A~E'$PECTORAL .-Soveral years ago, I caught a severe cold, Sttended wîit a terrible ootigh that aflowed ce Do rest, etther day or night. The doc- tors, aller workiflg over me to the best of tIe'r abLlity. pronounced my case hopeless, sud said they could do no more for me. 'A frnend. learnlng of 1XIy trouble, sent me S bogie of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, whlch I zegan to take, and very snon I was greatly yeieved. B'y thé lime 1 had used the whole bolUie. 1 s'as completely cured. 1 have neyer ha mucb of a cough since that lime, and [ frmly believe that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral gjved mny life."-W. H. WÂRD,$Quimby Àve., Loweil, Mass. Ayer's Cherry -Pectoral ISHESI AWARDS AT VOULS FAIR. Lver's FUIs the .B«# Foemdy Physi. &f. WUUmUU' MoG1@1 - C&iip'ij fro_ e18h,? address. 'The-pWei stwhc h 'plutar nel dmû. e ourse of twe&t- mentoOusara8vely luepemmve8a Oonpa.dwiahothew.mediw or medi.a,l treament UXBEAIDGIE .Temple Beswick, a big strong look- ing man. died in Uxbridge Tuesday night after a couple of weekm îillness of typhoid fever. Deceased moved to this town from Reach a couple of years ago. We understand he earried $3,ooo nsurance on his life. mg hborne and big prlee. James Maduli of Scott, sold a horse weighing i66o lbs. to a Scotch buyer lasi week for $178.' The sam e buyer got a few other first-class horses in this section, paying from $16o up. They will be shipped to Scotland. After maUy dape A gentleman ' f the town lost a seal froni his watch chain two years ago at Sandy Hook, while bicycling. and had given Up hope of recovering it. Last week a child of Mr. H. Nolan found the seal. and it has again corne into the possession of the owner. This is the %eventh tie the seal has been Iost and found. It always turns up. The annual rifle matches in connec- tion with the 34th battalion of this county will be held in Uxbridge in Septeniber. The town counicil has do- nated $25, T. W. Chapple. M. P. P., gives a cup value] at $25. and other subseribers are contr:buting w-ell. With the Dryden and town of Whitby cups ($3o each) and the governmrrent grant there u-111 be in ail about $3oo. Competition wiil be confined to meni- bers of the battahion. with a match for subscribers, as well. Co,. Paterson. who is energetically looking after the aflai r, infornis us that the meeting o! the officers wkbç beld bere at the sanie time. ___ -The late Robert Everett, whose fun- DYSPESIA. eral took place on TuesdaV. î4th inst., ACUTE DYPPI. Came ta Canada froni, Buckinghamn- shire, England. in 1875, sett:,ing in 6th AFRI l"VTI-AI \fAK ES THEi con.. Scott. Remnoving froin there he ATRMIlocated in L'xDridge in 1876, where f'or L: V(IF'T H 0 1~L) S eleven N'ears is skW land strengtb er N 1 i FRAI 3 L L. well known ta I'xbridge peopuie. Leav- ____ n4 Uxbridge 'nl 1187 he nuved to Lornevile ami thence ta Il'dora, finally Thc (ln*bi Rational Treatnient lis to Re- localing on tb Sott in i SS9. About maOC lt1leCâL,îSe Of the Trouble- fifteen nonths ago a seriaus disease One wtoSuiered (;redtl y Show-S laid hold of bîlm.'incaipacitating bum for how brs an b don aravork causinv, 'Cm ta spend most of hom. ihs ca bedon at Coi- ast s'ummer in the Toronto hospital, e:, rîing xpese land finalbv causîng his deatb. 'His Tic iit, f a dyspeptic is bevond warm qualîties of heart won for hm '1H t fe mstu îîp< lot avfins. who Paid theïr last tri- thal, ai bet.îli burnanity. There îis ai- bute ta hum oun the arrivai af bis body ràýau-,îekgof aver-tullness and dis- ln Uxbridge. Hîs widow,% and tbree Ircý.u:e 11 iug no mattar how care- daugbrters are left ton ourrn bis loss. f.ihe toi ay be prepared, and other charges. een %Ilcii te patient. uses food spar- Wrn. Doble, wbo flgured in an ex- invthere is frequently no cessation pensive court case a few davs ago, was 'oh the iî1ýtressing pains. How thank- called on another charge on Tuesday, lu' rie uuio bias undergone this rmisery the dav after the first one was settled. and s been restored ta health feels The charge was laid .4)y Jos. Oke of càr iperiiaps be better îmiagined than Sundlerland and was to the etlect that descril <)ne such sutierer. NIrs. Doble bad received a dog stolen frorn Ti l-* F Wurrell, of I unbarton, N. f i- )ke bv Amaos. St. John. The charge heu' ir experîence ila the h(q haf of steailing aL!alnst St. John was dis- tm\.'tebeneile ahiLu >meother nii s.,'ýd. The ecbarge of receiving stoieni -U!trç-. Ms. W)rrýl aysprupertv uas ai:' ,urned. Oke's lawver th,, fo-r r thaii two t cars her life hopîng ro sbathat Dpoble retained Îie w«.-'ý -!r' ( instaint un s1ert _S e took dog knowing i,, was stoien bt- sonie- or.., 'hli Iulie>t fos.':d t\-et ber, body. J. Pls. liàrmîltion and J. E. c,'n il ' .et getting t' orse.1ant .s, < uld presi lerd . till another charge a: .r u î i uslvat , ro, t o ri b ,!iLt - as laii against D obie. that of buyi ng tuer't hurt r ui.~b onbv .reiquor i n a bii lafter h urs. H-e ad- St 'i o:~ohuhS. c fic 105ai! re i.sib ritted thte charge before J. P. Chiarles fc '1grew so uue-ak thabut ri <s (jouir! and was fined $5;and costs. wt' d iti j[ h ould go ;1uiout tî,:e 'This s a feature of the law that the hOL1(, 1 tal do ber share of trie public is not yet very conversant wuih. heusi oüsewurknmade lite a bur- -Journal. de!7 .\i: times t was simply 1 OS Strdye SI ht'br to take food 'as every Saudyeeni1ng wbile MIr. Hockley. p..h roduced a feeling o! nausea, a resident of 5th con., Uxbrîdgei ac- anc1 ".'[rusbOught on violenlt fits conpanied by ber son, was driving out. 0! , 'r \%ht ii b left hier weaker than 'f to)w-itîteir horse became frightened be r 'ire ta taken a great deal of at the railway crossing at the west end, i nuc._ o )it did not fi nd ant'impoe and running into the ditch upset the roct A a' sh rad n anewpapr'buggy, throwing the occupants forcibly Ot ~ et. d w asîruilar case through the ta the ground. MIrs. Hockley. who is use tP- r XVîhiuns'Pink Pulls and de- a m-idow wonnan. had ber anm broken. C:e1t 'tiien a trial. Aite r using but hier son escaped wit.fiout serious in- tfY rboxes there was a great Ju ry. The lady îs recovering under in~ ~ i ri mru er co'ndition and after! the doctor's care-Times. tf.s ýe'lit boxes j'urs. Worrell fLSAD Ui.s unlsur o 1 a n n u is-, N icholson. Pennsylvania, is W . ',raý strong as ever 1 was in, e. u:'! 'ue mvpresnt ondiion iting Mr. J. W'. Cornish. e 1 ~r'tr uwc nves Dr. niimn' Master Herbert Carveth, J. P.. ne- PLl wi.thiuîh fifiave proved t ea'cntly. Wcd'rtî r:chine. M rs. iWorrell Miss Maggie Stewart, Sixth Line, f cv, or t . at Pink Pilîs were also, was guest o! Misses Lawson recent]y. ,u t .utt'st benefit to ber husband, Mrs. J. W. Davey bas been slightlyc ered reatly with rheumnatsm indisposed.t iaii anarns. Atuimes these A. Olcott spent Sunday under the Wi;.iI S U;)u and the pains were soprna ofBwavle great tilat.he iînuld not sleep and would paretl oof. Bomnille. ngo S whe bîle nighit beside a fire in.Te olenmlinngon full crrer ta ger. a litt le relief from the pain tim and business seemts prosperous. i he Wdr enduring. Seung how much James MoffattLias takeia up hisL benefir. bis wjfe bad derived from the abode at the reeidence of Mr. Thos. use. if Pink Plls fie began theiruse, Brown. and sooan driv\e the rheumnatismn from The fam:ily of Mr. Thos. Adamns have hiS5s vtemn and fie has since been free meaSies. _( terrible pains which had form- Mr. Isaac Cbapman han ani excellentr m iebs life miscrable. Botn fpa o teCrel piis Nl~dfd îr,.Worrell say they willHcropoves of rte Coreell ecie ahr.uaVs strongly recommended Dr. Wil- Havsoprtosre elude lrlimPnkp uI t1 ilngfieds y and-.prospects general'y are good' Dr ila ink P is ag riens -ne cornplaà1ut since the change, of Dr.Wiliam, inkpW@aresod o* ggvernm-eent. Inl boxes bearirig the firM1s traýde lùark 1 and Wvrapper, (printed in ted ink). »est The stone-work of-Mr. . 'Arch ie - M c- 'nl rnitld that Dr. Willjame' Pnk Pilla are Connachieý' bar.n is, abç>t coinplet:e4 ""'ler sold in bulk or by the. dozen or> Fu-i house, *i4 an èxceUlËnt 'sérinoe horndred, and any dealer-Whoêoeýn s oeab. by R1ev r.. Adazrsreceth z!ýrs*es»b;. 'ttutes in this formn j trîing oi fxgnd re~pca YOe nd euhould b. a'void". Thé,Osie 1 aj*t, pa'f',B1 al8o eaution.d agamust &U ot4r, 80 *alled blood buildeo. aadî rvotomniqe<1 . u"Ck m PuUi p in iimilir Mf Ï ~e T h e y af , i à l i Ihkr ope te rte t -toge from ,.th* 'hiej7d4by -Dr.'-Wilhtp b4et at GO~V~ JulIy i &,AUithe membem rs pent .Mr. Millard prescuted tj poto the commnittee re james MèCuflough*s dlaim in reference to damage- to pro- perty on lot 8, Con. 2, by removing gravel from pit. The report recom- mnended that as no gravel had been taken from the bank nor damnage done since he came into. possession of said property, we do not consider ourselves liables for any damage,-Report adopt- John Palmer, with James Sharrard as witness, appeared in reference to some sheep killed by dogs. On motion of Messrs. Walker and Skene, an order was granted in favor of Mr. Palmer for $7, being ?;jý value of i sheep and 2 lambs. A large number of accounts were passed on motion of Messrs, Lamb and Skene, as follows: jas. Smith. gravel r. d. 53, $2: Geo Hockley, grading s. 1. opîoand ii. con 4, $i5;R Harper, work on Stouffville road, $80.20; Geo. Hamilton, ditto $50,60: Dan Haynes. repairing washout op 16 and 17, cofl 2, $5; Thos Maynard. gravelling con 7, OP 13 and 14. S14.- Andrew James, gravel r. d. 37, $2; D Mussieman, re- pairing washout. con 6. $2; M Sullivan, gravelling conl 5. 15 and 16, $646, Paul Jones, turnpiking con 6 and 7, lots 5 and 6,1 $26: Chas 'Vanluven, washout op 23~. con. 7. $11.25; \Vm. Johnston, Compton's hili, $2 1.80; Wm. Fulton, bridge Newmarket road, con. 5, $îq: Alfred York, culvert and ditch, 23 and 2.t.. con 6, $5:- M. Sullîvan, e-ravell1ng hill op lot 2c), (on. 6. $17;: R Compton, rai1ing,) 7th con, $5; Jas. Dîamond, work Newrnarket road, con -5, S'4: Jos Kennedy. gravelling s 1 $25 and :6. con 5. 1-2. 25;:-Johnston and Hockley, washouts cons. i and 2. s 1 30 and 31. $15 - Johinston Bros, cedar $îo: Widdifield and Dike. cedar, $11'5.75; jas Compton. washout con 8, Op 25, $9. 13; Wm Mfitchell, work s t 1, Pick- ering paying sarne. $70 John Mit- chell. ditto. $14.-75: Indigents. $33. Seneca Miller was heard in reference ta hîs horses which had got out of his field and iii .pouinded at Goodwood, for a few rninntes, încurring ý3 cost. The fine. amounting to $2,.%vas remitted. A second report of the road and bridge conimittee %vas presented by Mr Walker. in reference to some of the work that had bteen dorpeý as Fer state- ment ninl-st of acccunts.-Receivýed and adopted. -1I--,SOLsS IBRISTOL'S Sarsapari lia cpiA<,NAR% P IlaI ciL S Thé Greatest of ail Liver, Stomach and Blood Medicines. A SPEOIFIO FOR Rheumatlsm, G9ut and Chroulc Complalnts. Thcy Cleanse and Purify the Blood. Ail Druggists and General Dealers, Aziother Potato Pest. Another potato pest is proving very destructive in parts o! New York state anud perhaps elsewhere. The bugs are j to 1 inch longy, color dead black or dark slate, head very shiny and amail and voracius eaters. Prof. J. A. Lintner, strate entomnologist of New York, to whomr apeciniens were sent, writes : This Ï8 the aeh'grey blister beetle, Mac. roba8s unicolor. They are a well-known potato peat, although by no uieans con- fining their depredations te this plant. Franu the immuense nuxnber in which r.hey frequently appear and their vra- cia us feeding, they are at times very, destructive in petato fields. Their com-, ing ie of tn quite sudden. A field May be strongly invaded by them whele t e,- preceding day flot one cou-Id be see, correspondent lias stated that "they feed' together ini swarms, and seldom fiy in the. daytime. They will commence tefeed oul one row and follow î18 dean acroosani do net j uup tM, adjoining rowa it-ii. end eof'the patol is ereached2' Paria _grený ia probably as good au inseo ' 94 as oazcîAbI used for killing thern. Pyz»ehru 94 Or lafflt pewder, wouldüat mmre uickly, but itin-i more expeuýsirïe. Dry Ano duated over tue fellaga _would âer"'eŽ tê proteat it. Tley may -i4p b. diven: sway, sdthere *are * us hê o à]& recosnienc-i3 h. Plow, o"*d t ýû f. the, ervice thue larroe Of -tuha $poes, 4ûdu! otuher cf thée 1%ui-_ribeèr>l r -i OLO GOLD ~CIGARETTEs W. S. Kimbald Co, ROCHESTER, N.Y. Retail Everywhere 5es Per Package. 17 First Prize Medals. Sole Agent at Whitby, M. Manufactured b y Th e CoCoWindsor, Ont, and Detroit, Micli., is the onlý, known safe, reliable mnonthl y Medicine on which ladies cau depend in"the hour and time' of seed" IEftry lady who reads this is requested te inclose two post- age stamps, with hler address, for and fu21 articulars, whicli we will send by return mail in plain. sealed envelope. An old physician, 35 yesrs cou- tinued practice treating disessof women, lias charge of the office, and cani b. consulted by letter or in person. Addresaour Main office THE 000K OOMPANY, Boom 3-Jo. 253 F"odwud ÂAn,# LTCocu?. Cotton Root Cornpouad is sold )7 ail responaible wholosle, and retail drugzgists in the Doiuion ofCanada and Unîted States for One Dollar per box. Mfrand Mta. C. Stevenson departed luat week for Or"liato riait friende. 1frs. Matthis.e, of Teronto, M Maud Phillippo and 1Misn M. Nicholson,-of Whitby, are risiting at Mr. David Jack- Mauter Olareure Fralick left lut wéekj for Lindoiy, te spend a portion icf his We repet te chronie!. thé deatir of' miss eter Pluim b h id nW nesdy oflasCveol 8h.L Iu Pýbées aiing> riod aw y bybranfver. 'h u~ Psaermniih b lnasoseh pton.a preoh. byRev Jue W4tIk-in.- th W. Collins. MAlLE GROVE. Mr. A. W. Foley has returned from Quebec. .A number ram here patronized the methodist S. S. excursion te Toronto Ilsland Park last week. Master John and Elmer Little, Port Hope, are spending their vacation at their grandfather's, Mr. Wm. Pethick. Miss Beatrice Barker is visiting friends in Toronto. Visitors: Mr. Ed5ar Houck, Orillia; Mr. Frank Shelton, Mr. Geo and Master Chas. Power, Toronto; Messrs. J. and S. Goard and Miss Eva Cryder- man, town. Another of our old residents, Miss Annie Slute, han passed over te the silent majerity in the 78th year ef her age. for the past twenty years she Lias lived a radier secluded life with Lier sister, Mrs. Gea. Tnimble. MakesTwenty-four Dollars Woek Dyeang *With A cnstant user -fet b.wrld.famoid Diamond Dyes wrf tesa a ILilova al*ut bis quceeC wit& Zem Dye. frorm yenyars. -Jauolyu *ue 1 a, .'beso h .,.tJb wek udyig,~0 oulflot ir. ami Iwouldmot b. -wihout thý- ,m o'w. IO arn,,IOonsrder I amn withont znoneyY.l àenai: X>iamorsd D.yes- atihéê'beit m etu dégeau àljg6 as goq tion in~ tovlà ofthose BEAU(TIFUL AMERIGAN Borders to MWatch- Corne early and getfirist ch&ice P. B. WARAM, BryanIo old Stan.! Brock St., whitby DOM.INION BANKe Capital Paid ap, 150,9 Surplus, - - $1#500 000 Whitby AgeKcye SGenerai Banking SAVINGe DEPARTElT. Interest alo-wed Bt highest ourrent il... NO Dottoe 01 WL1drawal wequIred S-TAR LIFE AUURAUCE CL 0F LONDON, INGLÂND. Estabished 1843. Total funds iu baud ..... $ r8,rm.g Bonuses added .... ... .... I Total daims pad ..... ...... 22,3g6.3 Total, amount Asmurance in. force Dec '5.........70i907,26L 685 claims paid '95 amotint. iigte o ....... .I3066i Grants a world wide and indisputable, policy. 1 No restrictions as to resîdence.. Profits increasimg witb age oepoliçy.- Immediate payment of deatif cdaim. Interim ana compound bonusfs added., Eviery, description -of LIfé Assuaé policy grauted. Loca agents wauted. Most liberal t i Apply T H Carter, Gendral Ageiit, TOtfl ote Junctdou, Outarlo. Head- Office for Canada, No. z Adel1aidè 'i" St. East Toronto, Ont. Gen, Manager, A W ÊRIdGS, Esq, JUe 23, 1896-3m05. ,Tbrnt, nt aW. ADA MS, Recuis ove, john F«ro Farm to-l elnt. - ""Mum Businew Collins, . WALL PAPER& LOWEST :-: PRICES.,

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