Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 31 Jul 1896, p. 4

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SI Iarmat<#aprt a f.w- da;VI tbbs wi4visstlng. MIsaFuller, cf Toronto, à' hem Vlaltu,% .,a ~ b~ be alier, is.(Rev.) Broughal. Hi. Woeship Mayor. Rutledge, la answer toapetitton of buoinesatnmew-hs proclaimed' MM& Monday, Aug. zoUi, clvlc holiday. énre Leaia ityLIa e ber. uext Mon- sions for thc election of7eounty conis. FrenliGreun HeilboreMis Fox sud 3MiW Alie Vo; 'mother aud Fres Grona eUebre, sister of C Fox, manager of tfi. Western Pure English Paris Green, ha.nk at Hamnburg were the guets of Mrs jolauston st week. Fine8st Quality Ineect Powder, . Harvest ;a now over and upon thc wholc ilooks as if this were going ta be a year of Blue Vitrol or CopperSulphate, pîcnty. Farinersalal say the crops are pretty fair, or cisc very good. Mr. J. W. Lamoreau, Hamilton, spent ~ tuis week bere vis lng Principal Brown. CHUCHI INSCT RuwuH MrLarnorean was bmorn iu Pickering, snd CH R HS iSO acgt shat er uti ony kilisail leaf eating insect. The. Oshawa Vindicator tries to ofiset Uic 10 CENTS PE.R TIN. setting Up Oshawa's, Deputy Reeve Hare as a wheelman. 0f course if Oshawa cannot do any better that will do, but we wish it Tizese g-oods ar-e absolu/e/y tUre distinctly..undersrood that a deputy-recve- ard f M fiestquait hipunde th ne reulaion ispurely an a,' oflue/ins/ ual/y. honorary titie, and carnies noe municipal weight with it. a--a---v------__ ExcursionS WILLI CHIEMIST & DRUGGIST, MIEDIC AL :-HALL, Erock Street, Whîti by 6. ves nro Ito tch ial ne- for le- tiI th lis ie Cs, ýce s- 're WHITBY, JULY 31, 189, Short Notes. In another column we publish accounts the escape from death in a most remarkal rnanner of three boating parties whosc liv were in great perd, two on Lake Ontas and one on Lake Simncoe. Dri yen out ini deep water b>' the gaie of a week ago, eai of the parties lest control of their sm. boats by reason of the loss of oars <r sort thing else. Thus they were ail at the mer% of the waves ail night, and in one case f over 2o hou rs. The government of Cape Colony bas d cided that Sir Cecil Rhodes, who was uni lately cracked up as the Napoleon of Sou Africa, was chiefly to blame for Dr. Jamneson invasion of the Transvaal, and therefoi jamnesons defeat may be called Rhode Waterloo. The South African Company al pears te have b>een imitating the course on( pursued by the Easst India Company in a: sisting to subjugate territory where ther was lots of virgin wealth to secure. WVhile aIl the venld protesta with words instead of war, every few days another batch of news cornes froin some part of the Turkish empire showing that a few thousands more Christians have been slaughtered by the bloodthirsty Turk. The Chistians are forc- ed ta gather in large numnbers for self-pro- tection, and are at once set upon and mias- sacrtd by Turkish soldiers as rebels against authority. Frorm a standpoint ef humnanity it now beomnes obvious that the British mrade a mistakre in prevcnting thc destruc-j insiated on its existence agnntheUicwshes of Russia, and now Russia seeka te démon- strate the futility of such a plan by backing the Turks ini anything they.see fit Lo do. We notice that in various ether places th, county judges have split up mnunicipajitieý in ruaking electoral divisions tor the new e s tangled county councils. This, we fancy, is not desinable unless in extreme cases. A discrepancy et no great magnitude in either population or asscaed value sheuld net be made the teason for gerrymaffdering and coniplicating minor municipal boundaies and business. It will, we believe, be a mis- taire te mnake twe sets et boundat-les for municipal aflairs. The new countyè cou ncil la merely an experiment, and it will be time enougi-to cut sud carve when ih bas proved * itseîf a success, theugh 5we (cci i wiil be a success. Ini Canada we have run to seed with D. D'a and Q.C's, while in the United States a man counts for nothing unless he is an Hon., or Col., or.Gen. once these degrees and tities attested that the holders werc cithea- Iearned men in theology or law, or had per- formed honorable civil or military service. lTo-day those erititled to be called Q.C's and D. D's bl ush for the ten to one who are flot, and every American from a hog constable up tries to caîl himacîlf Hon., or Col., or Gen. A correspondent of the New York Sun asks tor know exactly what constitutes, a mn's right to be called Hon., aud our cotemn's re- ply was to the cfiect that every honorable mian ia entitled to the distinction, but that by general error it seldomn was applied to any but the conspicuously disWbnorablç çlass.6 1 A lot of nonsense la talked by partisans on both sides as to what one aide will do to an- * other in the election courts. A point over- looked by tiiese boasters is the radical çhange of thc law, siIIce thc wbolesale un- seating of members after thc general ýelec- l ions of 1891. The. law under which the lgst * Dominion elections were contcsted iu the courts, was terribiy severe. Proof of one illegal act would void an election no wutter how large the majQilty. niight be. It wais 2wt necessaryjo prove a sufficient flamber of Ilegal aztis to aV the resutt Proof of liue iIkg.I ett and-ProoI ofagency was cause ;26f tin"eig a inenbei Who misht bive tried bas best to run,,A P&teelec«ct , ud Who poleci an overwbelming majodly.Tbee Do. 4amideon election law bas bcàiu canged until fItpraéti1ny cortesponds othe i. Ontalo electlop law. And tiader thei. idatase dcc lion là* i !*it w aytbiugbut easy to u003Ma ipetler ieÇçd eveu 1 in" m e)uujui 'lie lte 1$ovi<wem 4rt O-8:4 e AboJýut 3w0 took pasmage by the Eurydice in their native C>nMtead-h'oî meltthg in ?ick.ria 3 '7. and tii, latter. whSie ad enmarne waa Fmyi cownug tu '4 udstùtUu lu Maniver. -MI. MadllIdld 0«t permit bas întended to remain long in tii country -before ahsing her his bride, feauig no doubt that soape sturdy Catnadian mlgbt steal bis Irisb beauty and carry ber 00 tobring suahin. sud«gladuesa to some barckwookls home. Xb. Rev. Mr. Lambi., old kirk nqlnter. perfotmed the requtaite ceemony t '46 and Mr. Madili bas, been the happlcst of men ever ince. BY Sturdy Industry and strict integrity Mr. and Mms. Madill wcre enabled to rais. andd liberamUy educate a large family and lay by a compe- ency for old age. là '73 tbey moved into town since which time by thefr unselfish devotion to ail good workts they have con- tinuosty added to their large cirele of1 fricuda many of wbom sent letters of con gratulation accompanicd by substantial- tokens of esteem. "Tih.day wecelebrate"l was responded tu bi Mr. Jno. Maàdili; " Thc sons " by Messrs. Thos., Walter and Benja- min; "The daughters" by Rev. Mr. Gadsby ; «"The graudchidren " bY William and "Our native country" by james. AU! the speeches were'most appropriate ta the occasion and merriment reg«ned su preme. The la lies of the W. C. T. U. tookrad van- tage of tic occasion to present the. followsng addrcss sccompanied by a pair of gold to Toronto on Friday, the Tymnon failing to Whitb7l, JuIy 28th, 1896. show up. Mrs. Jas. Madiîl, President of W.C.T.U. Abou ioo popl fro NecasleBow Dear ister,-It la with much pleasure that mian ville, Oshawa, Whitby and Pickering, ot'heiteber fteWfy T . ftet went to Niagara Falls on the Columbian o hty over which you have so long and abiy presided as chief officer tender their ruesday. The crowd was probably the congratulations to yourscî, and your estecin- largest that ever left these ports on any ex- cd husband on this joyous occasion, the cursion. celebration of your golden wedding. They The Richelieu Navigation Co's steamer, also take the liberty of prcsenting you with Columhian, filled its engagement bere 011 a simple token of ttîcir regard, not as a Noday, by carrying about 6oo people frein reward for services rendered (that you these parts to Toronto. The Eurydice also alrcady have in the consciouaucss o! duty advertised a 25.cent excursion, for the sake donc),*but airuply as an outward sigu o! the of tendering poition, but afler securing inward esteem and -affection which is felt about one hundÎridpassengers on that basis towarda you by the members of thi3 sister- she tan aground near Oshawa, owing to the hood and which thc present occasion aflords t og, and spent the day seasiding and getting thein of a fitting opportunity of exprcssing. off the sand bar. The general feeling was May your united and happy lives long be -ne o! vety little syrnpathy with ber owners sparcd for loyal service in the cause of eut under the circumstances The Columbian Lord sud -Master. aud may the present ta a tuagnificent ship for excursions, being nccasion be a foretaste of that crowningjo3 superbly equipped, sud capable o! bearing when the redeemned shall ait down togetber ooo or more passengers in comfort. The in blessed te-union at the 'Marriage supper trip to Toronto was very much enjoyed, the of the Lamb." turne made being tast, the. day very agree- Signed on bebaîf of tic socicty, able, and the. return early, the passangerk R. J. Mitchell. teing ianded here at 7.40 P. tu. The above vas read by Rev. Mr. Abrahamn Negiected and Dependent Chidren and respondcd to by Jno MadilI. Mn L HarieTorotoProvncil viit- In addition ta the spectacles aboe. pre- or under the Gibson Act for the protection etdthfaiypsne aarofgd of neglected sud dependent childten, viait- spectacles to both parents aud a well-filed ed Lown on Wednesday witb th, obj cci of pus of gold coin. Many other suitable enquiring into a case of alleged cruelty and presents were sent in by fricrids. The even- neglect which had been reported to Mr. ing was spent in social enjayment to which j j Kelso, Toronto, Provincial secretary o! every onc contributed his part. Photo- this svork. Wben Mrs Fiatvie amrved here grapher O'Brien took a group photo in the she fou.nd that the case in question wýa afternoon wbicb, will b. an appropriate some distance froan Whitby. Hevever, the souvenir of the occasion. We unite with day was &peut in interviewing parties who the many friends et Mr. and Mrs. MadilI in might be induced to go into the* work, sud extending our congratulations. she addressed a ver nice audience at nia-ht, in the presbyteraza church. In spcakfng she first gave tacts sud statistics o! work belng doue in other countries. She next took up tie Gibson Act, passed b yorPo vincial legatrein r9 ner hc power is given to, foran Chîldren a Aid so- cieties ina towus and villages, with power to enqui-e into ail cases of complaint, and evien to take possession et ill-fed, ill-cioth- ed, neglected or abused children, or these who are being allowed te drift into ian. morality. When such children are taken possession et, homes are found for. thean, and applications fer such children are con- st.anty bcing muade to chuldren'a aid so Cieties wherever forxned. Mnr Harvie cited many cases te show wicie neglected or abused littie anes have been prov-ided with good homes. Photog-apha were placcd on inspection to show the improvement wrought in these children by reason of their adoption into respý_ctable households. In conclusion Mrs Harvie announced that the Provincial autiorities bave a boy fine years old who desires a home on a tarin, and who promises to prove a wea-thy abject of philanthropy to any good fariner who chooses to adopt hlm. If any farmner around hene wouid like to take lis boy he may write Lhe CHRONICLE office or J. j Kelso, Toronto. Mlrs Harvie is a veteran in philanthropic work, and is admirably fitted for tie duties et going about the Province enquiring into cases of abuscl or neglected cbuldren. Whenever a case is reported te aeadquarters at Toronto, Mrs iat-vie visita the locality and very soon bringa the par- ties to tinte.- During her stay here aie ina- erviewed judge Dartnell, Mayor Rutledge, laeriff Paxton, County-Attoirney Fareweil, Polic*e Magistrate H.arper,% Lawyer Ormis- ou, Mr J E Long, Miss Starr, official riait - or for this ccunty nder tie Act, and otiers. fI is expccted that a Cbildren's Aid %ociety vwil be forincd ber. at once. During ier stay iu towu as Haie vas tic gnest tf Rev. John aud Mrs Airaaai. a 'J c CwIem Weddag.. 0O fortunate, 0 happy day! Tic people sig, the. people Say. The ancieut brldegroom sud tic bride, Smiling contentcd sud sciene, LJpon the blitie, bewildering scene, Bebold. velI pleascd, on cve-ry aide, Thcir faims and features multiplied, As-thc refllctot cf a light Bctween two burnishe<. minrois gleains, Or lampa upon a bridge at nigit Strctch on aud on be<fore the ight, Till the long vista cndleus cms." L-.ongfellow, The. scene thatï floated before the. vlvid imaginaion o et icimmortai Longfellow w-bcn, more than a quarter of a century ago, Lie peuued the aboýve stanza, vas Mnost realistlcaHly prcsentcd at tic residence o! Mr. snd Mrs:Jas. Mladili cf ti.tevu on Tuésdaylaut -tie occasion'beîug the Ceclbra- tien cf th i ui.;iàuniversary et their wed- ding day. The hapy-=ople,sirtouaded lby childron and gradcblldcn to tic -anmmic of twety4Ovollslvîng «unWeakbIe cvi- dence of beahsud prosperity, bad -evy resoncai esile " cnted snd seenc." Wbiie a kiud providence bas deah <smon llberahly il;bitan sd MIrs .Madiit, ytthey- bave net iceun vitieut their griefs sud asor- row% imd the aniel of doati bas been per, mittcd ivice toi enWterteir- peaefutl hone sud te carry off <vo of thew boeloved dangit - cms The beaatlfualy ts1 anbjlia ly llgbted diuiogroon, wl ia grnd deoeaaîed,,ables asurrondp4 btlifrtl-4x bappy guestéapreseaited a ~eddimg-brek-ý MvcGILL UNI VER8ITY. Montreai SEssioN 1896-7. The Curriculum comprises Courses ARTS (including the Donalda SPE-Ct COURSE FOR WoMEN), APPLIED SCîENCI iAL MEDICINE, LAw, and VETERINARY Sci- ENcE. Matriculation, Exhibition and Scholarship Examinations will be ield: ARTS ANI) MEDICINE, i,5th SEPT.; APPLiEv SCIENCE, 16TH SEPT.; LAw, 8TH SEPT.; VETERINARY SCIENCE, 26THa SEPT. Copies cf the Calendar, cortaining hulI in- lormation, mnay b.e btaiued on application te tieActing-Secretary. Jne. 26.-3mOa. $1.0O for Barley We CIJt ?a fiovePrice for small quantities to enable us to rnake our saruples. Not more than one peck takea frorn any one fat-m. e lt Immediat. ::Delivery. J. H. Downey & CJo. 4IARKET BUILDING, WITBY.1 FAIL WHEAT SEED. A limited quantity et Early Genesee Giant seed for sale at a reascuable Price. Tic On taria Agricultural sud- Expet imental Union bave tound tuis to b.euenetfLthe very bardest anid stiffeat strawed sud moat productive grovu li Uic province. MRS. Li. H. SPENCER, July 27, '96.-L. Over He=y' tailring establishment. Sultable for res-sakin.g. Apply to MRS. Wiitby, july 28, '896-3in. ANNUAL MEETINGo Tic anuaimeeting ofthle sbarea$derg cf Tic Wbitby He4ge Pence Co, LW., vine belaeld qt tudr offmc-i tie Town eor Wbft- b>,OU SÀmrlu;nsv.AUGUS? TiMat2p. au.., fote ptgrpose f'eectio Mohccrs. recev- igtcaud#lt's rpot,"d geu;;l but Wlzitby, July sgtb, 1Z896. RIM ANT-SALE SAT1IJRDAY, AUGIJST lst. s I I I w ODD LINES 0F Tzles, S/raw Hais, B races, týrT0 CLEAR, ANDREW DRY 000-DS, CARPE178, Special VELINGS, TWEEDS) OIL CLOTHS, SIL.KSI DELAINES, AND BATEENS. SATURDAY, AUG# Tht. REÂDY.MÂDE CLOTHING. Jt -iS8 s and fast workma CycIornet( Silver Na Tru r for duo5 8. z Discount Sale FOR THE NEXT 30'DAYS ONLY, "V7 la 000W iConne F et aAYPl W.Court. *lward1 Wall Papers, Baby Carrnages, Hammocks, Wagons, Cro- quet, and ail Summer and sporting Goods. Someof the Fine Stationery that has been selling for HALF Lef t yet. Secure it before it ail goes, as it cannot possibly-be replaced for the same AGENCY for School Desks, British Dying Co., and Buttericks' Patterns. of 1 Me N ewest ibtyles al.ways on hand. HA YWARD'S 4*,SPECIAL. Ioc~ Takin~ ~aIo. In taking stock wç find several things: F[RSTr-We fiud too mnay goode. 'Tis truc they arc ail New sud Scasonable, but thcy are SUM.BR GOODS sud they muet go. TUBN ticre's a lot of STRAW RATS in men'si, baya'l and vozn'a. THEN tiere's tic balànce of thc McKcndry goansd tic Quigley BOOTS sud SHOSS, sud ta cap ail,-scine beautf fu AMEIcÂN Goons whiîci - e bougit in Toronto fo er 10fte u oting, sud most sûitsble for Dresses, Waists sud Childreai'aWear. The~ whole lot goca on Sale as ARGÂtNB SAIURoA IET LU l1 mus'ns(spftd Mdancy>. ,. wortb S.md*e - glute and WhiteDuck e JUST IRECEIVED i/;~rd ~V -J Ohoice ffew Goods.- China Glassware and Croekery. Dinner and Tea Sets, Cheap.0 Choice Family Groceries, Teas, Coffée, Fruitse, Etc., Etc. Ckeap/.or Cash or Trade. Prices 'ta -Suit thse Times. D~tboy bofore oaanid xmn 4 stok andI picosforyorsl ESTTE0F yp .b ~OF 20 FERCEUTT 0 M 1 1 1 'l of 1 1 1- ýl 0 DRESS G00D8,9C PRINTS, * MUSLINS, LÂWNSCRETONS, L HÂMBNYSSHIRTINGS, COTTON&DES, TX CÂRPETS, COTTONS, FLANNELLETTES, 1 LOCAL Allns for pure d *«Whtby's civic h. -Pike fishing at th Read W. G. WaI Very few ha4t le days. Haidwood dinini at W. Tills. The refreshing were inost velcoin Mr. and M rs. ja.m golden wedding or *Save your býutter bread. Half the b This town mu-t bicycles within the Twoa-brick bous ences; low rentai. Mrs. Judge Dai *arc visiting viti week. Mr Sandy Franc on Monday, after tien in town. Mr. Jno. Bartleý clasa fanning mii wbîch he will selI The best, oppor perfect by caffling Royal botel Aug. i Men's, youtlis' reduced to oo.e-ha Saturday,*Aug. ast Mr j F Wilson l-, old position as mai road, and Mn La Lorneville run. Persons sending - nce of any kind quit. te scnd it sen~ ail that la necessai kind.- The CHRtONICLI that threc more tril Columbian on the - uaL, that is on Frid two following Frid. ronta at the usuai cent tare, wlth ct tovaispeople arc n( cd. Were they stolen ? 1oo pains ladies' atior oc.per pair dui 'days, at M. W. cul Big Bargains. On Saturday, A Sie Boot anc4 Sho loo pairs c.,iadi< at ix- oper pair. 50 pairs ladi.:s' awn puIce. -Meu's laccd an1 cent discouant. Trunks and vali West Side Brock Wbditby vithou a Pi To reni--cieap. ventent living rooi (oppotite poui offi O'Brieu for usai * essa and tbeoe bi .Waphr-W -iib mi A f ull stock c OFFICE ; SATURDAY, AUGUST lstq 4/0 Es 1 ROSSI 0080 THE REGULAR PRICE

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