Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 31 Jul 1896, p. 1

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xxxxe WHITBY, ONTAIRIO, -FIRIDAY, J iULY 31, 1896. - ___________________________________________________ I a We H ave Good a Thing In FOOT ELM. IT CURESOD Tired, Tender, Sweaty, Sour, Swollen, Sore E E E We wish to prove tlie aliove statement and for a litmited time wiilgive a full size package, ( rice 2r.) absolutti>' fret, ta an>' one who W1111 send us 6c. in Stamps ta caver po-tage. This offer wililibe vitbdruvu ai 5ý(0t as the remedy is introduced. We know vou wiii recommeud it ta >'our friands a, scon as you er>' it; for <bis reason va giv e one package ABSOLUTELY FREE. -f i[ERICAN JfEIICAL CO). BATAVIA. N.Y. A *a DRUGGIST, ÂiIin* -WHITBY. A<,;FNCY FOR- MUNYON'S Fic >NHIPATHIC :-: REMEDIES. 10W NI 211114DD House-oleaning V~me la here. We have a larger and better assorted stock of window sbades this season than we have ever shown befre, froi 4.5c. UP, We use the hast band painted opaque shade cloth, with Harthhorn's spring roller. Aisa a fine variety o[ cornice poles. Ask ta se aur latest style of window screens, ta fit any window, at 3oc. each. Our baby carrnages are ail or the latest de- Sîgns. Give us a cail before purchasing eisewhere. We are taking speciai pains ta combine elegance with economy in price and generai utiiity. Our stock is campiete in Hause Furnishings. We invite buyers ta came and see us. It wili save money. Leading Undertaker,-- ]Ee J. JOHNSON, BROOK ST., Established WHITBY. 1849. Whitb Steam Maîblc and 8îanite Woîks, Dundas St., WH ITBY. LI chas. HL Smith, <Formenly Walfenden Works.) Im- porter and Dealer in MARELE AND GRANITE MONUMENXTS, Etc., of the latest material and designs. Al kinds of Ceinetery work. Our wark guaranteed. SE DFOR DresIGNS AND PRICES. WANTED Genezal Agent and ane or two Local Agents ta represeut the Home Lire Associa- tion of Canada ini Wbitby and vici.uîty. Appi y ta GEO. B. WOODS, Superinten- dent o f Ag ancies, or at this office. Taronto, May i2th. x8q6. COUNTY COUNCiLS ACT, 1896 7o Ai Wlm il/May Con - cern. 1 have received from the Canimioners appointed under " The County Councils Act, 1896, " ta divide tha Cont>' of Ontario into Count>' Council Divisions, the followîng no- The Oonuity -Councila Act 1896. To the County Olerir of the Couzi- ty of Ontajo: SI1R :-TAKE NOTICE <bat the Commis- Sonersap Inted unde "heConnty Mo1n- tario into Coutity CouclIial , wi1I hald their Sittings for <ba )4TOS 04-~1 day, -h 3dday fAù ' a hehq day, as ny i, , ' th r and placetseCm parties luteres nd -jýtt oatb if offercd, Subp<ëeg%M'.' c on application <teiherof- tW ers. - Dated -thse 71 4sy o~~4 LOCAL NEWS LETTERS9 OnuoNîcLX CommspoxavzscB, EST. Canadiau rn., .11 Statios4 nd OnQtgkt wast at t<e .28 iQ .2800 30o .30 35 0o 40 S ta g. 29,<g t. i, 8g an can ba ER, at th, Instead af thteanuaichoir picnic Miss Ani Rave ga'ýe as jicnic ta <ha choir sud iser numens frienaldonouThursday after- noan. A nice calmpait> asatmnblad sud a good tinte vas enjoyed. Mr Alex Jeffrey lias cornpletad hie new aiotsLÏ10tise front road, and altisaugi tise company id n t;d te work tbey vert ex.7 tcçd to do 1Mr Jb»astisa stisfaction of awlug lie 679 a very substautialtane. Ni-sud Ni-sW Gold, Geaorgie. sud ]98thhrý Mr, Wttr MeGregor and luest MeGregos,, MrJ XcOregor sud dangister BlatSe Mi- gui ud dugixer.are,.thte sltitatrete- 72, Nichai Roberton 47, Deumis O'Connor 43Pat1.Lilly Robertson, Bdgar Ans- tinJohn O'Connor, (Arthur Wilson, Walter ,ul, Raz-i Bradley, equal). Pt, I. May Bradley, Goldie Truli, Frank Vaustone, Charlie Fatherpll, Russel Coakveil, <Rdna MeGregor, Olive Shipesan, equal,) Lily Psdgett. Winter Clams. Fred Davey, Edeel Harris, Arthur Rave, Frank Rave, Harvey Harria, Geai-je Lee. Thea followissg promotions wera during thse tairn : To IV.* -Georgie Gold.,- Walter Rodd. To Il.-, George Fothergili, Mona Taylor, Edua' Shipessu. Dennis O'Connor, Elsie Kemp. To Part IL. Walter Truli, John O'Connor, Rail Bradley. Arthur Wilson. Average at- tendance for the terni-6. School reopeus. on August 17. A. H. WitsT,. Teacher. Miss Garrow, af Toronto. bas beau visiting witb Mrs. C2. Grass. Mr. D. Mornison, of Toronto, is spending a weck'. vacation at home. Mr. aud Mms. R. M.ichie, ai Greeubank, visit- ed friends bore tbis week. Mr. John Momrsou bad fifteen valuable sheep worried bv da«s an Wednesday night. Miss Lily Knight 1sf t'on Wedntsday ta spend a few veeks wtb ber sister, Mis. Burdge, ai Oakviile. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Darliogtou and <hait son. Master Robert, of Buffalo, are visiting ai Miss Darlington 's. Tht Royal Templars viihold a garden parv, about tha middle of August. Pull particulars will be aunounced in a later issue af <bis paper. Mr. E. R. Eddy and family are now lacated in <heir new home, <he dwellng laid>' accupied b>' Dr. Starn. We extend a heurt>' welcome ta tbem. PRNCu ALEamT Mlts EBirdie Wilson la vlslting frisuda in QuIt Mr. C. Cruise of Detroit, le home for a -few days. Mr. D. Williamas, fi home for bis summer va- cation. Mr. John Bongard le spending a few weeks at MIS 1ooper. of Tyrone, was visiting Miss Minuit Heard lait week. Mr. M. Nuttiug, af Uxbridge, was visfting st Mr. 4. Bongard's lait week. Mir. Charles Bond and family of Toronta, are the guests of Mr. George Bond. Mr. J. Spence and famuiiy are speuding a few waeks witb Mr. las. Holman. Mr&. C. Bedeau and famil>' of Toronto, are spendîng a Ikw dsys witb Mmn. Edgar.' Miss Jennie Medd was visiting at Mr. J, Ploughman's, Scugog, on Sunda>' lait. Rev F Madden and famil>' of Detroit bave beau spending a few days with <hair relatives. lb. Misses Armstrong bave beau spending a 1ew days with <heur relatives In Cartwright. Miss Baguie Bongard, of the Jewish hospital, Cincinatti, is ho-ne spending ber balidlayi. Mns. L. B. Lazier and her daughter, Miss rFlots, af Rochester, N.Y., lvisiting at Mr. rMeid's. The msny fiands af Mr. B. R. Jones are pleased ta ste hum out afier a serions atuack of typboid féver. Tht Misses Pearl and Olive Reed af Toronto, are speuding <heir holidays with <beir grand- Parents, Mr. sud Mms. Neil. Miss Birdie Daves lof t Wednesday morniug for Rochester, wbere she inteuds ta reniain seve- 1rai weeka with ber relatives. KINSALE J.W. Salton officiated a< Audit>' Isat Sabbath. Miss Adah Rogers is visitiug frieuds in the viciait>' af Muskoka. Miss Florence McKay ie spendiug s 1ev days with relatives in tht Quten cit>'. The flu wheat sud bai-la> have been ssfely gathered in. The crop bas been a fair yieid we thiuk. Mn. McCullocli, aur pedagague, accoin- panied by bis brother and sister visited Iriends here ou Sabbath. Peter Stili runs bhis miik route ta tht Greenwood cneamery. He says the quan- tit>' of milk is on tht decresse. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbiert of Toronto were the guests of Mr. Samuel Disne>' sud accom- panied <hem to aur afternoon service. Tht Walker Co. psssed tlirough liert a few days since en route for Brougham where they inttnd giving Uncie Toms Cabju. Tht beef rings are said ta be vorkiug better if possible tbis yesr <bsn ever, uoth-i ing but No. i animais being siaughtered. R. R. Mowbray is smong the mxany appli- cants for the registrarship nov vacant 1< is flot suppoeed here b>' auy <bat lie viii be successfui. Oui- store keeper has dacided ta go west sud cousequenti>' sdvertises bis wbole stock at bottom iprices. Ht - toa bai been sti-uck witli théeAlgoma lever. Msuy lrom litre vert in atteudance at <lie houe>' social given on the lava of Mi-. J. Seldon of Greeuwood, ou Tbursday eveuing- al last week. A ver>' sociable sud plessantJ <hue vas enjoyed b>' aIl. Messrs. Neai, Silver, Rodd sud Wice bave given up <hein larmesud s uev set of tenants wl lioid tht forte utat sesson. We trust we viii get as good a delegation snd uo Isuit yull be expressad. Quartent>' meeting viii ha hald here uiaxt Sabbatli; service at 1.30 arn. Rev Mc- Donald will officiate. Tht usuai quarterly business meeting of tht circuit officiais viii ha held an the folioving Manda>' eveuing at6 P.=. The lecture given litre ou Fnidsy night lait by Maurice J. Goodlieart vas wel atteuded sud quite interesting, ail baing muchlpeased with bis nemanks.- Rev. Mc- Donald occupied tht chair. A collection af nesniy $6 was reaiizad. Rumor says our post office is gaing ta ha clianged, but we predict disappontmnt in this matter. 0f course gome lite troublas, have at times arisen here, but ou thtevliole we migbt lare a gi-est desi worsa. We would advise the authanities ta let veli1 enougli aione. If it ha clianged for <ha better af course we could not abject. It wouid ha mare coavenient in tlie store but h'ow long it would remain <litre is anothar <ing. Mn. Orvis is nov talking af gaing west ta locate sud va niigbt ha iaft witbont an office iun<lie village at aIl, whicli wouid necessitate a gi-est inconvenience. If s change must take place let it be a zeasonable ana and not a palitical ana. Petitions bava beau circnlsted asimg signatures <o aid in forcing another vote on <lie local option by-Iaw, Itiîs resu>' amus. ing boy man>' vent found naady sud appui. ently auxious ta siju a papar af <bis kind. Surel>' vben tht bîgliest autisorit>' wa can secure has pronounceed <bis by-law work- alte sud lagal it shonld ha an easy mattar in our humble opinion ta enlorce it ta tht letter. I< stns ta us, botel men ara quite liard <o satisly. Thare neyer liai yet beau a by-lsw euactad cot oiliug <hein business <bat liai mot beau bnokean d <at repeated- 1>', sud why uhauild sucis leniency exist ? Surel>' it canuot ha attnibutabie ta <lie good- uess denived lrom tlie accursad business. but as it bas beau va suppose it wiii stili temain a <natter to lie cousidared b>' thosa wha frame aur lave. Nov va do think it quite time <hase prohibitai-> lave vert put in fonce ta the letter or forevar obliterated' tram aur statute. Let us bave ana <bing or tht othar sud know for a cai-taint>' wbere we stand. TOWN LINE S T Ktmptborxi is off ou bis holiday trip. Vanstone sud Moore hava commaucad <hair season's thnashing. Miss Ma>' Brown af Tai-auto is visiting lieo"r gi-sdmotenMs Asa B'rava. Busiasos I>ireosr. GUY & CO., grin buyen. 4 BEÂLL, I. - lainer oaizriage Licems. Besd&noe opposite Tawn Hall, Broobliz. W A MoNrnv, D V S.--Grs.duats o! the On- tarto Veterbnsry College Toronto: Honorary meuiber af the On er&eMcl SSciety. Treatsa&U dIseases af the £am.«Utlated animaisby teaitapproved metbod. Aiea, partiularatteto asurgiasi aperatians sud deuisry Dy or nlght eauil promptly attedd a. maesud resiclence Brookfn, Ont&rie. B. Duncan, marchant tailar, bas secured [the agency for the Oshawa Steain Laundry. Laundry wyul leave bis shop on Thureda>' moruing, and wil ha returned au Sàtwrday. Ail work guaranteeti satisiacwory. Hastinge & Manners, Oshawa Steame Laundry.-22-tf. IuqUùl ùAkki To clear out the balance of SUMMER GOODS we willU giva special inclucements to buyers during this month. Specien Cash Prioe Lft:, Mtn's Dosck Vaits.....- ...were $2, nov -$xt. Men's Calai-ad Shirts vore #1, $'.Io, now8 Men's Fiat Strav Elas, vertpg, nov , Bicycle Sveaters. .....vee$1, nov 8 men's Catton Socks,........< pesta for a Men's Tan Boots, .....ei-e $40e »»nov Men's Tan Shoes»......re $x,4&, sev$1 Ladies' Tan Sisos..,.w.erc $t.io, ov Cildrsn'i and MissiesHats., voue 25C-4 Soc, nov 20c, 25 sud 5c White Skirting, vitb <uckud bouder, w uSe, nov î5c purya. Fency Ci-spens,bsi u ooev M) 00nov xc. peu ýyard.' Parasols, at 2o0 peu cent leoi a is-h St. Lavi-tuees GriuulAte4 Sugar «tb. be be oell' cash. IBest BB'm isw Sugsru7 Ih#z1fc -411 lier CGrocres-afatcimep cit- puls -W.dil isot tuaiiderp4, M Macklenburg, the ape, imn, is ha <ave for a 1ev days. Mr Steve Walsh laI t an Wednesday for Brit- ish Columbia. .Mms H H Burritt, of Mealord, le a guest of M1e Gea Oke. MissFloraes-Paxton le ou a visit ta friands in Port Hope. Mr Allenu Gade i ili vi<blaver sud undar the doctor's ouie. Mr D Lawrence, of Taranto, le visiing witb Mr. E J Whttlar. WiliamnArmstrang aI Colilgvaod, is visiting bis coinesdes in tovu. CiarenceElibels, of DolgevIla, N. Y>, is homne for a short visit. Mr n d Mn W L Parrish ratunneti fi-rn<tbain holidays on Waduasday. A 1Da vis sud famil>' bave be= camPing at ao"for the Pmstweak. Mra IBu WiIIof whitby Is vlsiting bu par- ente, Mr and 1frs lu=esevete. Min FHopson. a former- <tacher la aur echool, le a gdcst of Mr C Parrib sud f"utl>. Mess Curde, MeNlide and MlIh anad, Om-. Mies are camping st ffluibilt 1ind Mr asu'dMIrs, arbis, of BuUkJtarevstn Mrs JaumsGoade sud - anslly inTot.. Tis e xcrslon*of théo Motbolls<> S~ba ocbas) la i day asaw u »,il ue Ywy. Tise Fiions. au"lcpse balvlng a lorge emoum- 7s.. ce <ber uiiP <oeNIoaals on Au tg . T otosa gant of Mr JBZWDP(A aiM1, wiu1> & SOUs, Iaoss tklag8,Wd. 't77-7 ns, aud - a>'. J ESSOP Wa have had buit foi- oui- Undertakiug Dtpartteut -a fiue Ceeket Wagon. It'vas- made sccordlug ta, aur ave design sud is, sngud*for avey canveusence isu-Cases of enterge , lu a few, veeke i-o sis have seveud articles rady seas <o make su AMB L(~ WAGON- of it iu case -0f sccidets drovuing or audduu <letsî uvay, tuoïn, berne. FURNIURE G. aouaty aud tbat Sir Oliver Mowat or Hou. Win. Pptersou wauld contest <bis constltueucy. It is ayaru made up by soute one who wises ta heu, himicif taUt. There le no truth iu the sfliy me part By the way, wh3 does fiat the Ontaric Gaverument appoint the registrar andi end the suspense. It is said that tbere are about fony app'icants for the position. GaIL Saine people lu this world have a fuli upply of gal snd chek. About a year aga Messrs. Shiar and Purdy went Co Sunderland tu soU membership tickets for auir exhibition and to go- iait subscriptians as well, they succeeded li sali. ring one solitary ticket and aven that was under pressure. For severai years saine one or more persans connected witb Sunderland fair bave came ta Port Periry and were generally succees- fuI in receiving ver>' gtnerous subscriptions from ou# merchants and tradesmen, and 1< was thought <bey would returu tht favor When asked by aur fair cammittea, the results show how much tbey appraciated aur kind treatutent in tha past. It was with surprise thst aur business citizens.ware aslced on Wednesday last b>' a represeutative tram that place ta give subscriptions ta thei fair. T'hose people mnust think aur citizen> hbave short memaries. Fram whst can ba iearuad ha did flot get ver>'iucb. 1 know several who re- fused ta give one dime and did rlght inasa daing. For the future Sundariand fair subacription so- licitars shauld koep on their owu sod. Over-zealous prahbitionlsts. The last day's proceedingu of the prohibition convention in Toronto a few daya aga wfe ratherlivel>'. The reading of the doigi ware splcy, but many of 'those who weie present tbought it was mare like a bear.gikden when Mr. W WBuhan u d Rer K fer and Ket. tlewail sud <ber s cbtr.eof ilowers tuiad ta prevent the tion electin Hou Oea W Rose as one of vice-prsduof tha Ontauio Allianoe. Il three men d <thairsinal bind wera willi ta tbrow lie* ta the dagi 80olongast= y bit, . Rosa pltcaliy. Messrs Buhn ate, ttlewell are good taperanoe men Mrt prahibltists, bu thay areverypor s and nt at ail shewd luntetr tactt heu<ey attempt ta, strike at earceet w thetetmpanca cause asG W Ross and .Lan; tocap the cilmax <bsa t nsen their resiguatians as members of" execulive mftte, plaiuiy shawing ta t covention bled tbat thoir prohibition *pies were nil , d <bat all thav wanted to humiliate the G W Ross. Thba Reverande Keefer and Kefflewull shoulti have b.d mare respect fer their eulllug <han ta show their tamper, and sbould have ibowiu a little more christian charity; asifar as r Bûch- anan le coucerned he le fait developwcg into a first dlais tauiperance worar. '17bat convention did not do tbe.<emperance cause au>' good, and would bave beau better had it neyer bea held. W. J. NOTT. Port Pa" yBuaua »eom. G. B. Wnmuwsa, barber, nusainaPo"t OMMi Oct, Utb.-8 mas. Klimr».-NmxsTuoxpe al i reved hem new fal tock o aMiner=inuPzep.red ta twm ont ftrst-elass ml&lery lu 1. elatas styles and low prises. Stawypg-dpti t order. Sept. Ob--ie W H OzânX us fer sale tbree ao04 seeanê. baud perler htere with avons, wbhha vil) seli cheep for cash. C&and sud qmet tb.m as tbsy are goOd burgains. PORT'PERRY MM(B Thll~tie waôofisv.r iv ew VOL* -'i NO. bine and danbled tht price. The iuecréae meana about forty dollars a year toes*#Iý marchant tailor, and front2,5 cents t aa_ lar in tacbhanosebold. Thera are about a dozen campe 8< wMb harbor. Young men froi Taoronto say he lu tha bett flehlng sud camping bers tt' faund aloug the nartb shore near tht dityl. Tht Peanut Nine have pitched theur tant as; usual, and P. Mathison is on baud as ustu with bis party. Mr Wm Foie>' and Miss- Ansity' Bufao- bath former residents af Wbi<by, reZ--. here <bis wtek to visit friands aun' i marild. They are a worthy couple, andi bave doue thernielves credit actastt bor, der. We extend aur beatty congtatuIïý- tions. and bespeak <hem a.fine jourusj through life, Pr e. AIl yo~ wants suppliad at Allin's drug store; rings, coz-ki, sealiu& wax,et Great Sale af boots and sboas at auction prices for ýO days at M W Colline' Nevr- Shot Stor«. East Side, Whitby. Up-ta-date styles Met'. fine kid gaiters toc tip fi, Mens fine kid lace boots, narrow toc, $i ; lad fine kid buttoned boots, toe tip, narrow tôt oni>'$ $; ladies' fine kid oxford shoesi nas i-av toc, only 85c at tht uew abat store, -N W Coine. Binder <vine. Those dasirous afI-nsing the beat biI tvine made wiiI <la veli <o caîl on Mn.J Long sud st the calebrate-dcenrgl- <vine <bat b. bas for sale. Mfr. tf handles first claie goadi. This tact cpe vitb the reputation of <bis cord lsr tveryone satisfaction wbo purchases- téà Mr. Long. Jubiles number. The Scientifle Amiericanà of NewV-'Y hue signallztd ha s oÉba'Ivuay r pulçton , f a very buinE74 speclai nuzuber, wbich coistaine a révi~ Oet <adevelptu fscacead holug trial arts la eh UnitedStesd1nt past 5o years. It vas am bi & sW u taking, and the vosk bas. been WeUios The many articles are tborOngNsy t«*h and <by ortevyiten l us a n sd o I style, wbich iai-bs thteviait evoluWO.m nothlng else, bein<gi-stuaItéoa. Mg f ordlnairy aes-houghly redabe.It lnclocd lforprsraonla ud6 caver, sud j, soid ut tbe Prie c t0co ScraÛchlgPlateGlas Durlug the past few weeké e see glass windows lu towu bave beets or ent vîth a atone or diamond. Ti evidenti>' been dont by saine vtry- lais persans wbo did n«. consid er-hou 'ions a <hing <bey vert 'dolng r jobustou affers a reward -oft t visa wiii ibtarinhie s-cta the guutty Persoa dolng sncb a <bing as <bis s serions)>' puuiebed, as ne doùbt <bey ll if fonnd ont Annual rifle matches. Tht annuai ridle matches of lie 5t talion vii hoe beld at UÃŽb!kýp,iedi probably linSeteniber Ã"<thei, tpl:' addition ttis*e Drydeuzaudtoir a- .- inon s -udbeglu tOSt.$1 à shape t'y pcticea t the rang , ç. raugt cou% dbe goeýiu ai-dur b'-a vork add.-be expounditure ofas$ma;; of money. -Webopetô-ee'a-repri afth <4b. batttalion .outise BIsley' tht nemi- future. CoLjPates= so . - bard to thatee d sud 1< nly re!sti rank sudfile <o secondhbie effor-ts. Snrely-l<be.lïoiestoa r date, for çtr~ pain asbd st$pewb1,t& Imposes>on-ios. Tbeiharp brt out- climats miglit ons un not enudmea" s ettuo$êbgn consfot. -1Ttvas lTogft ta ha a perfec uniouduc6 cald halere auy oône'h.~êu o f - is ta c t. w o 4 I O U à fiiu durs and' tsbé û*ù et p)rotectio*sfrom, wldl ' Mn. Frank Valleaxi. vho veut ta Toronto Fnida>' evening af lait wetk, the Epvortb about <va yacks aga, lias tntered <ha sereice af League baud a social ut the nesideuca af Mr. tlie Street Railway Co., sud so vili reinain m Epton's. 1< vas-tenined <ha "OI0d Folk% s S. tha city. 1ia,' sud va saw insu>' of aur young ladies M-* Mn. Giles.inspecton for the Lancashire Insur- "ver>' ent costumes. 1< vas veli attandad, suce Ca., vas in tovu on Wednesday looking sud a ver> pleasut aveuing vas spaut. overt<ha varlous properbes ou whtcb bis compan>' WICK cari>' risks. Bitb. Thé wile ai Mn. S Rase of a daugh- Mn. E. Leader leIt liera on Wtdnesday fortan. Moutreal. He vili go tram <liane ta Liverpool Amouetwsptpinhec eer on ane of <ha cattlebhats. Ha oxpecti ta returu ouetvspt ph h eee> in abort s mouîh. here lat yack b>' a Lindsay' mai-bit daler. The opvorth league meeting <bis, <Frida>'> Tbrashing machinas ara again ut vwork. avening, viii ba devoted ta tha juniors. iTe The yield bas boas> good vhera threshing proramme vill ail lie given b>' tho yaunger bas buta doue. membens aI <ha league sud saine aI the cbfldran We ara sorry ta notice <bat tht trancept ut tram <ho Sunda>' scboc>l. tht i-aur aI tht tovu bail bas fallta dovu. Mesura. Edvards Bras., coaperu. bave returne Al <blugs must deca>', and tbis lias notted <o tovnansd b>' tha end af <bis vekviii be again dlown. makini- banaels as livel>' as ever. Froin present Mn. John Hadden bas latel>' retunned appeananc e hadamsudforai PPîts barTais will froin bis visit ta tha aid sod. We ai-e plas- ha large in ibis sectàon. ad <o set lin back again, sud aise ta lesa Tht Brookilu Elevator Ca. bai bad s uev <bat ha <hrt louud a most advantagtons houler put in <ha angine raom sud as] us nov in istarket for bis stock. wonking aider. Mn. John Rohuan -bai nonted ,W regre, 'ta state <ba tw<v of ou ,r i-si, tlie alavator for <ha season andi viii haraady to0 <larae iudispasad andi are undergoing raceive grain ai soon ai it is thresbed. dist-utetut<aostlinooto Mn. John Hudson ditti on Frida>' lait, About tbret veeks ago Mrs. John Tbomp- Thougb be bail beau in a feeble condition tor a sou left Ionr<liereansd <bis vaek Mn. Wilton long ine yat deast cama sutideal>' at lait. Haej cLfJd bas gant Wa vs for <heir had beau s resudent af Brookilufor minu>' >ar-nu, aedy sud permanent recavery. sud was staton oI several of the village churches I tiil about tan years ago wben ha hecaine total; i Pupils tram <bis school bava given a gnod( blint. Ha vas savety-eigbt years aId. écconut af <hemitîves utt<he receat examina- Farner ati ilir toca aisru bold a tiens. Thi-et triedth ie leaving exammnaUonms Farer ad tbe soca aier-s in b Mhe ansd sU bave passeti, Ilr names sasffrzing tramiventagionsthe:tase aost aand au animal le kuovu or suspacted cf bavina s fourghave. Fîe - l rtie cui-sueCl,u oft<hase diseasa. it sbonld ha isolated sud mini- our he ak ad-OliveClarkMlalak ter- ot agriculture ut Ottawa immedistel>' nodificd. Wli le u lv ace Ani Ispenionyl thon ha made sud tha casa Po83r FRZay part>'yffdLlt with. Tht inspectai bai latel>' Master Samn Race>'le nov ut Braad's barber ta ul saugliter sevaral animais that vent affect- ed vuth lump jav. There le a heavy penalty <on shOP- failing <o repart ail diseased suimtale. Mns John Shav af Dakota le visiting friands W.A.H. la tava. ail ia ph Han J Dingké 111 tboit- - i ï

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