ýntbs,..witli hardlabor," s ste ta tise prisenr [its 'vitisyen aforelog. touer te ise soicir.or fer tise asà h. (urned te descend te clc ieecqpd bhum. .Tb«erl a- bwidle of. rip'Banik Of Englaucimno"s .which Mr Tuznpany W drecwcdon the compietionoUfa cnuà eyaacidg miat;. ter after office heurs,? on beW o f hetli$ ceRensbaw feit hurt. That Stuffing the notei info bis- pocket, he solicitor, Benjamin T'impany gathered up* bis tooda and prepared tc ade a n~ote of the name and depart. To bis great joy he saw upo Astred a resolution flot tu forget it- the table a bottle of port wine and a "d conducted- his case with a zeal that tumfbler. ,ý -ebaed-to border on animus, other- "*Oh, ain't he kind" he soliloquized, - _i&Mr eshwseplntona to perwide refreshment as well as biis feec nicoe rmssa amusement? He might a' left it in a mid~igli miht hve ben cceped. tureen, and really 1 don't like drinkin Mv. impay hard he ords Heport out of a tuimbler. Reckon he's sawthoglncaTacmpan ed the. tooý thirsty for wine glarcses and mops Lt ~s fot areasurig gance Ifit up here on the Q. T." It WaSnota rassrin glnce If And taking up the boutle Mr Ren- une met it by the light of a bullseye at sa lcdi ohslp n rn m'idight-ugh! Mr. Timpany shud- and drank, until he had drained it to clered. the dregs. "Cieverest cracksman going, Joe'" Reptacing the boule on the table, he said the sergeant in a tone almost of picked up his tools. He was a bit admiration." Electric bells and a]] tired after his exertions, though he itlihat sort of thing don't bother him a had flot felt it so unmistakably as now. ~. bit. 'He can get through an iron shutter He slid into & chair to r-est for a mo- as i f ik was bro wn pa per." ment. He felt quite sleepy. If there Mr. Timpany's state of mind became had been more than halt a bottie of leus complacent than ever. He had port, he would have fancied he was done bis duty to his client in insuring drunk. this desperado's conviction, but he be.- This won'¶ do," he muttered. " gan to wonder whether a man could must get back to the pony trap. XVas- flot do his duty too well. ser matter, so sleep-eep-eepy! Ahoo-" He began to think how exposed his And he yawned loudly. house was, how low the back garden He essayed to rise, but could flot. 3!e!4 how close the balconies to the For a momeut he felt a thrill of fright, ground. how rusty the front door chain, but it died away in a deep and drown- and how insecure the window fasten- ing slumber. His arms sank upon the ings. There was, however, one con. table dnd his head-between them. solation-he had six month's start of *-P* Mr. Renshaw. And there five hours later Mr Tim- Mr. Timpany's politeness to the po- pany, trotting down in his dressing liceman whose beat embraced his house gown. found him. For a moment he and who had once been seen kissing his star-ted, then he said: housemaid was surprising, havi'ng re- "Mv friend's a man Of hîs word. 1I tý,ard to the indignation he had evinced thoughît he was, thought he was. when some tîi-e prcvio-uslv h e had though 1 began to give him up. So been informed of the 'housernalinci- the glass bottles on the wall, the bull-a denlt. dog. the electric belîs and the ironL The six nionths of his incarceration shutters a]],-failed me. But mv own did flot speed quite so quickl-IN-for joe dte drugged boutle of wine which Renshaw as for Mr. Timpany. i ef n ti omevrsnetis f -waS averse to laborot ans kind, gentleman's last sentence expred-haso -umeespectally to the hard v<arîety. done it's work admsrablv." Iehad , however, ample time and op- An-d then Mr. Timpany trotted upa portunity for meditation on what he stairs for that ptn lr hsl n considered the vindictive wickedness wroke up aIl the sleepers in the localitv V of Mr. Timpany and the means for its -except the burg!ar. who slept on for reqitl.seve rai hours more and awoke to findG Artist as he was in his own line. ini himself seated on a hard deal board ina tche operation contemplated he m eant a police station celI. % te excel himself. He wouîd rot hurr%- He is now cemmencing a term of i:! Over it; he would -bide his tim e.' years' penal servitude, and bis consiant .,.Eerythitig cornes, he reflected; to tl4e refiection is that it's ,"ail1 through doing ,mian who waits, He would wa-orbsneswtb(weX. Timpany. at - usns ih ayr.n là à at Carne the hour when he step- When s"y part of te vPed forth a free man-anyway fora thse bod y lsn't doing time. He began to look about for oc- the, w"'i th&t na±urt t cupation, not work. He had had six 1i lfttlded it te do, 1ft months at that, and if he cared for à '~~teisto e boles honest work outside prison walls it cf harmony. Whet nuId have been difficult tu find. all of thelarto-d One, twe, t hree months since the ex- gether, nione cf then. ,,iration of Rensbaw's sentence had ex- eauwoS**Just rigist. ed pired, and Mr. Timpany began to Sc tie b ssiepar iaiethat he had forgotten his pro- to t ody its à mise and to sleep soundîy at nîghts. of the body. It isntî aj ,~He ëyen ventured occasionally to necessar3' te be sickin .bring home valuable documents of title aer4rvr thetboeymay 'f and securities in bis black bag and to fe ikaleer 'once more believe in thse truth of thet hen ciildrnsta<e ý'1 a row of bricks or " adagc thgt an Englishman's bouse iS-entekocth bîs,ýcastle. visole row dewu by upsettiug eue brick. Vi à ut one night while Mr. Timpany That is léxactly what -happens te tise healt i IWÃŽt wrapped in gentle steep and his when the bewels fail te perfori their prop âk c'functien. Constipation ruakes treubkt pajamas a thin streak of white Iight a-Il aleng the line-puts the liver eut cf gîimmered for an instant along bis back erder, is bat! fer thse kidne.ys-bad fer tisE *garden. Bendigo, who slept with one stomatis. It holds iu the body peisonous to abuters.immense sale bave 1ýeenused lu publimhing thse finz Before long the, shutter had- been jirestt editon, a Cwor et Id ilbersent te quietly pushed opep, replaced; and Jo. (>< iP o31eoenm t s t a e #Rýenshaw. was seated in the breakfast »isumov Medicai ml ~ ?"m room, around which his bullseye flashmo Was movifflg. U. and. 11 -The disk ef light restet! a moment Divison court viiib. hold et Lise -t on a amaîl cabinet, the lock of* which market hall hbe.on u moay_ 21« 1nst., Mr Renshaw leisurely proceeded te instead of 14th 1us$, as - ev'ualy d#er.. ar -neatiy pick. tisgd, at Cani#ugton. on the Iffd, &t "Trâde.men's buis," he grunted, ' o'ono h d uan t ÃýIjptBe and1 receipted. Wot a spendthrift the gO" on tise 24h mot- thap must b., throwing away his On Thursday afternoon of luat week, ' n ey'in paYin' accouats! Some Samuel Jarine, ottbê 2ad 'b fT .lc1ks neyer knows the wiyo oe.bioge, was Up bek ïÉMgita1h#sW..H -lie earaf bis easier than 1 dees," flhsmiton and I .Qud *iawt < Then, bis light'shoes rnaldng et the Wit «-"..utr à 'O *de Bihgtest sound. he crept into a\*teoînm IAUIO4 - s isT"Se "Whih seve4Mr Tiçapauy- for a kin4 d. d I~XI e borne 4&â-,~U d0Wb~- 'This i. better, ",chuckled .-the burg-, 'ol. ~BEA4 P éî;w' Ià , in2 a aafe Wn thIýe ý,n£neend O ti 1tt*f " - *Ù7Ml-7 l "t'beitr " "t Geore-Hfowdo yen 11k.lt Cocra? Cora-It<s perfeotly lovely. But whéi de tbey have a-l &heus policeten at tise game for?2 0,I1know,; it isto keep the mon frýom stealing bases >% Mistrega (teo a servant looking for a place)- Wby don't Vou show your book of referenc.s ? Servant-Beca-uee I do net wish to reflocs on the charater ot tis, employer. whe change Stiai'servants He-And! dit! you ca-Il a-I Monte Ca vhile yen vereasa- Nice ? She-No, po calied on bum, I bell.,., but from' disappoinrtd appearance viien Le retui et! t tise htel, I think Mr. Carie mi have been ont. arle Spa- his lrn2- Obarlie De Broke-I suppose, Miss Roxy, that Ven ame avare that for soe cime xny boa-rt bas net been in rny p<>e. sesson. Miss Roxy-Wby, à dr. De Broke, I had neo ides that yen could berrow money on that.- Her father-Has my daughter givon vou a-ny eneoura-gcmeot, air ? Sator- Well aise sait! yen were alwa-ys a Tory gonerous parent,. She-'Vhen they hear yen are.going te b. inarriet!, dear, won't tbey rais. yolr sary?2 He 1 a-m afra-îd a ot, darling; "Mary, I hope yen toek good care my animale vhile 1Iwuasawa," 1"4Inde, I did, only oee I forgofeet iec- 1I hope she t!itn't suifer." $à o, n She a-ce tise cauary a-u thie parrt." of et! ,t. , lot Bebrey-Did Mr. Slimpley buy tise tickets you expected to esl im for the concert in aid of thse'- rpban asyluni ? Gimbey-No; bas he «prxomisedt! t write a latter expressive ofhbisyampathy for "Standing omrmittees in our 0club sait! tise new vei)na-n. "Cnrtainly. fermnet ef members who are in tise hak of riding in the trulley cars." Tise ma- in censcions guîlt, blushet! vociferousý, as Mr. Stepisen Cran. migbt ga-y. Si, y' Briggs-You kuow Maugle married a widow a-ut! ent on a wedding trip, didn'î you ? 1 sa-w hilm yestoa'day on bis retur Griggs-Yez. fHe ays that in s fit cf absent minaednesu aise proposed te hima &ga-in. A sharp boy being told by bis teacher eo repeat a leason in hiatory, aaid be couîdn', and it seeued to hbu quite un- nocess"ryte do so. "Quito. unnecesary 1 thondered the ta-cher. "What do yen menî " ",,W el]," ss.id t.he bey, I've ailways boa-rd Ilat history repeats iteelf." "A ahave, air ?" " Yeu" (The operation wua perfrmet! nore or lm s lumsxly.> "flow muob 1" "On.ehlig mDaue! Jought you onlycharg. "Y n, oraerdiuary shave ; but tusa me 1 h*ppened te eut yen and had te uply a stringeut lotion te stop the bleeci. ag-tsat makes six pence extra.' "'There are scathing political times rheu il behooves every mac t e und oing !"' sa-id Jorkins at breakfaist, '*Yes, déas,,- sa-id bis vite,"vhy monidu't it be a good time te ta-k. np the Pare room carPet vien yen are feeling ke beatiug everytbiug in sight V'i &&Do yen believe 11ha-t vo can telegraps the spirit land ?"' "Yes, indeet!: I had a dispa-teh fxrom ýb Badger yesterda-y."f 'But boy dit! yen knov it waa' trom >b 1"t "I haclte Pa-y tbe charges." Talkiiig to flem. There is a fish-dealer in New Viork ho bas a large number of ricli céus-_ rnerf. Once or twice a week bis ore #an b. feund full of ladies who edoing their own miarketi4 'rhTi; aler j is iles te hie custemerseon ch days, suad vtry anxious te keep eir good-wlll and tçade. For some ne an Irishnazu bat-been coming i* eplace, and afrerýiîng from stad stand, vand peeriag long and! dosely the fis,.he'fit viC 'vond eupby irchasing somecheap3specimen ftise Lny tribe,, and depaiting. TÈhis wa rioying ct thtdeale bien bis place ts ful nilfet ustomers. sud seo n. îrning wlur the Irishman eà tered' I beganging froM nestand-to an- ieras ralh.caled-eut: 'Look lerle, My 1gon4-man% visat you always smelling My fiss t$6r" ith~ istened-{or the, answer, Taigdid y0o ay 'ssre lm askin' thuxu th~~y 'Weil, Said the dealer, inup#etgl vhat di?-hey sayi? Heart Disease Relievet! in 8o Minutes. -Dr. Âgnew's Cure for the Heart gives perfect relief in aIl cases cf Organie or SYmPathibcHca-rt Disease in 80 minutes sud speedilv effecla a ciue.Itiaper Iseu remedy fer Palpitation, Shortnesu cf lgreath, SOeotbOring SpeIls, Pain in Ieft Bide a-d Ut!al yptoms of a Dimeaed Heart One dose convinces. Soîd by J. E. Wilis;, Whi&by.-al Sm. 1DOANS Kidney lPilrstMprovd te tise people ta Kidney disesse in curé.ble. Being the originLal Ldney reniedy in piliterni, the Oume tisey have nmat!, and"tbe tamne lissi ha-ve attalued have opened tise vsy for a boul of imitatiom nsud subsltuteu, kt Ihose visebave been eured of KIDNEY le e ik 6 Complaints Ibrougis the ose oet tisswon- dormi mediaine, tisose vse lame back is nov fme froni pain, tisa., vis now have ne headmobes, tise. uo bave esoaped froni the deatis grlp ef Dia-bel., sud Brigis'a dises.by liehe et ofDoen' PULLS are the cnes wbese opinion i. "a-luablo, Wben soores et sueis people con'-e torward sud t.11 publicly tisa-I Dean'. iduey Pilla eured theni aftei' otier means fa-lied, at la evideut the ls.only for Kidxiey DigeaeBlt4d.« sd Urlnar diMeiulties, Laine Bacis, and tise number. lmn remuits of disoderet! Kidneys la DoWs Kidney Plla. Be surete gel DoI' Prime Uty msats per boz For mal by -FOR SALE BY- J.w:n E83IL1 Chemist and Druggist, Brock Stree,, WHITBY. (PUblie et 4, Repsut.*' voi Ma-liedN ÙSe Debllityý * lag iuis,3ge à ( aqa~o sp k fo and by usls t!patatrsd<d ua. nv NareIstrCotunt, pro»va-ttoeae&, oeuaty éOJcdiiÃ". Office-Boua-lbg C oLU fo us, W iitbr. ' v- JAMES VTLBD<UE, by parewell &Rutladge, 'ne i oane DAVID DOU1TONt B. A., Attornoy-t-Lai#, SoUictor ln Obae, Cuveyancer, et. Offce -Inu the.0O setiso e .Post Office, lnu GMi] Bloek, Brook Street, Wisitby. G. YOUNG SUITU. LL. B., Jiuà eér, etc -Mouey te Loan. Ii of Marringe it*loenses,.office - Sml Bleek, Sentis cf Ma-rk.t, Bock St., Wisl DOW & NcGILLIVRAY, Ba-riter, Slicitors in Cancery,g Office in Mathison & Bavken's ne-w b] Teeare medîcines whlch change the action- of organs and tissue's, When a part does not properly perforin I4 work, they iestore It to health. Such remedies are called ',al-' teratives. " S5cott 's Emiulslon of Cod- iver Oul, wlth. yhs phites, Is& one of these rem- edies. This Is Iargely be.- cause of certain drugs which riaturally exist in the ohl, as lodine and bromine. If you are neither hard slck nor real well; If you feel below your usual standard, these altera- tives wilI change your con- dition and brlng back your health and strength. SCOTTS EMULSION bas bem . rdorug i be b. medù -ita ., ,te 'bfr t "er.(!Aerd br bù sboema a (Atmprdos umformpuresi miaiso the smw Cod-liver O,1 amd Hyp.phosp bie. '7> up t ; o crut am"$î. oo ur.,. 'Tirse 1s -o < rmut o.q'hte meeeurcour& or bdp yu a ScoU &Bevne.Belleville. ont. JJ. Moore, M. D., P. Warren, M. Brooklin. Witby. Office heurs 9. a. m. te - Pivl an teepon C .mn.a Offce burs il a D. P. BOGART, fi.D.gL.D.B. Phsian urgeon sud Accoucher e )ffioe sud Reaidence nit te Au in i Churcis, Dundaa Street, Whitby. N. B. Dental Surgein l&a-l ils branches promp Itteudet t. I c 'c i a Dr. H. Wightmai Ai an. Ke' Open every Sa-tarday niait Mtlîctllanwu9.b W. B. Y ARNOLD,9 D. L. S.. ountySurveyer sud Drahnage Emegnee srt Perry, Ont. WNK. CÂLVEIRLEY, R&AiNUsMAER, vITET. Ravlng moved inlo car new preuùses, w re prepared te extend tisa range ef businesi .U verk pertaiùùng te tise harneas-makix ad ssddlery business viiib. dene te salfi "lon. Collars s specie.lty. Cail and se yaisop aud t ck. - - 0- W. CALVERLEY, Second deer vest of old shop. DuxidasStreet, Wisitb1 JNO-. NOB.LE1 DENTIST. Lumber, ESitigos snob , fleere s d EIlad , Turulu a-ad r.4awtz.g ' leAil erders or information ceaubc dbtained froms JOHN NOBLE, Dundai Street, Wisitby, opposite Mi'. A. C. Wl son's residence. Wbitby, April 4tb, x8~. - Wum-DO. iaeoueWiiby, Cleri Jais 4 x~Pbq arch 3; April 2A i &y12; JUnns :July 7 sep. 2; 0ct. 2; ]Nuv Dee. 2. OsnÂVA-D. C.- sdounll, Wiiby, Clerk; Jan. 4; Fb.4; Marce ; April 8; I<fay 4 June 8; JUly b; Sp. 8; Oct. 8;y-N ov. 4; Dec. 8, BROX - M. Gleeson,' Greenwood, lerk.-Jan 6; Ma-rois 5; Iay 5; JUIy 9; Sep. 4; Nov. 6. PORT PZuar - J. W. Bnrnisa-, Port Perry, Cleris-Jan. 29; Ma-rois 9; )&y 15 JuIy 20; Sep. 28; Nov. 18. UIBames-Joeeph B. Gould, rUbriaze, Clerk-Jan. 80; Marcis 24; My l9th; Jniy 14; Oct 14 ; Dnc. 16. Cà ,XI5GTON-GnOi'gn Smiths, Canningtou, Jau. 81; Marcis 2e, y 20; July 1-) Oct, 15; Dec. 17. BZÂvzCATOw-Geo. P. Bruce, Beaverton Clrk-March 26; May 21; Juy 16;Oct.6; 'nec, 18, UPTZ2oAOù-;I? J GI.j~ Jtrrv Clerk,-Ma-ci 27; May 22; IiY 17 ; Oct. 17; Dec 19. W~~itb qlUjrrne Spe auabih.d 1856.taw *ljo. jiubsorIptloaa alva-jo payable aI t ise o2 oeceoe p u b lio ti o u. T ise v u ili m b er do Bet undort*he t. deul t.piper a&t pomozé bttWbftby. À&ay replaw l upon notifieeimis as*a- mater 01 trat,10ee t pr i ->, nopeimi boun- mrti on d per lis ra. al quant latioa <els1 sspU i. ý'Anr changes for yeary ad*erllsmts m~ust b. brougist ii flot iter tisa Tuesday JoOUR STi.Prop iotors. No Imted B41s5.......2#i D tus 1- -.ÂND.- AXE NO OI~!E HAS. S~ c~r' T, . i x )LO xx~ ro to et 2t r FE De pled £e jols mer bby. $te. 'ck ,es D. t'a SE i . i Di si IL Ett~ - i Agent sud represent the nada ha Wbitt o GI». B. ~ géucies,~or et i cers. October 7th 1895. )ver 1 j WHITBY. By erder, MA* lore CURE 1 - . fflWay 1 New Llvery and Sale Stable: Dr8. Warren £f Moo, J. E. FAREWELL, Olerh f the Peace. Dundas St., Whitby, r, T. NEWPORT, Proprietoe. Commercial men liberslly des]It vith Tnazung doue st reatouaisin prics. Fzeight sud Beggage auled t!a eson. ýble pricea. A caui olcited. DENTIST. or. King & Yonge k3t. Toronto. For tie nelt tiree mentis. 1 a= giving pcol attention te aiet, roni a dis.. sno. A=s ailma-bLing pite. in rubber, , cellulcid #10 . Gold sud slver filin9 rrk crowuiug by flrot-class operator ata à e moist reasouable rates iu tise cil7, 7heu iu tie city al lunsud let ne exai- ne your teets. I mab non extra charge, .H. RIGGS, Deutial, sents east cerner ing sud Yonge Sts., Toronto. Nov. 8t'-41892 Y. Hw - WARfNEÊR. IALEB III - ,. LATHit OORDWOOD, BLAu9Z, TC. GENT For the PEOPLES )ÂL CO.# TORONTO. ¶fice and Yard just East ofi < Uptown Station. Visitby, Oct. 25ths 1894. ASK YOLIR ST IO E 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DRUGOGIBTY AG13NCY FOR- HOMRPATHIC bave ever shown beib W. use thse best hani shsade clotis, with H meuer. Aise a fiue variety Ask te sec our latest screens, te fit a-ny win, Our baby carniages are a] signe. Give us a cal! before purc -We are takiug specai elegance vitis econol general ntility. Our stock.is complete in E- We invite buyers te It yull save money. Leading Undertaki IBO je JO] Estab~ Granite DunI 13WW~TI0 AZR 1- 1- 1 1, 1 1. ava Sod Thing FOOT IT OURESOD Tired, Tend -Sour, Swolle IE - E1 We visis te prove tht sud fer a limtitedt! ime wi pakge Price 2< C) absol postage. This offer wilî sonas tise reinedy is kuelw yeu wyul recemmeu< as soon as yen try it, fc give one package ABSO AMER IRAN ME! BATrAVIA. 1' 1- Bro tWily et t nal s 1 1 ' WH I Cha (P'~ ~e4