cý a verdict 0 the eg tb*t doe. carne tê Jide- lthfr94o gs muakuiwijoz Net27we*t'6 69~' oniMe a 40 5 47 MUW nem Peay, Trouo,836 MtPOR Fin t QiIitY IneCti Powder, May Perry, VKotreal, are gusts 81 Ur. 1. Bonds 7 Biue Vitrol Or Copper Buiphate, Galbraitbs. Town Raill 71 74 5 Mr .Godfrey, port Union, vîaited Mr. (>3 74 Sbreo 5 Horley On Saturday. 4 47 MsL.Dahu ban rcîurnedtb Toront, laSiy 183 192 17 OHRHS ISC U UI moulu.Wfng eltives ber. for the pasî Mio9t Ma1 x CIIBC 'S IN EC PWUr. J- Morris, Action, visited bis mauy Lticu R83 6o kisalee Oing iflseota. fileuds bore over Sunday. 83 6 .77 5 Mes. M. Murray and Misa Fanai. Hunter, = 20 89il! 50 10 CICNT13 PER TIN Toronto, were recent visitors at Mr. T. QtOObtUnk 693 Rookes'. 73 67a99 Thesegoods are absolute/y pure à -Woo l £'arm o Tuasday. Mancet 43 8z 7 //Md 6ïj4 nes Misa Lillie Smith, Toronto, vas borne for -0- a e~w days tbis wcek. Iajorit. 449 53 47 Mr. John Murphy is home (rom Cleveland, S W5 . S called ber. by tbe death of bis fatber. ES HTy j rL IIII Mrs. Çeasar and daughter, of Markdaîe, Rarmony 9 2 ww ~~ ~ are visitinig Mrs. Chas. McCaw. edrDm! 93 2 103 Mis Uîj Puda Qnhns 73 64 82 LizePnaToruntf a hm n-onÃŽns l2 59 1l3 CHI~fIT DR GGIT, a visÃŽt Ibis week. ' r wahoeo Columbus 1 36 C H E M I S & D E U G I S T PR a g l a n7 5 9 Miss Alice Hobbg, Oshawa, speryt a few - 4 ME DIC &L - HALL, days iast week wîîbh frienda ber.. 400 3L2 4r8 Mr. R. 1. Watson, London, ont., visited Majonit. 88 Maj ipr Mrs. Cbilds this week. wr~ ON Erock Street, - Whitby Mrs. Thos. Gale and children are visiting Ne ,E>oets 69 50 relati.ves bere. ewiafl's 69 50 6 The many f(nenda of Mrs. John Patro cann's 44 50 5 Iwiil b. pieascd 10 hear she is recovering Longs 58 396 from ber late severe lîness. 55t 6r ~ 6 8 SouthQL/runcI: 723 7 0652 Miss Nellie TboMpson rides a Dumninjon -- OnMnayngt sro bicyclists were Majoriry 2 Maj riding along the base ineroad their wheeis WESTWHITBy. ran together upsetting th. ridera and caus- k.S, 867 WHITBYJULY ~,1896.[Dg Borne confusion. Tbey were flot burt Broklun 88 8 -----and soon Proceede<J on Ibeir journey. BrookJjfl 84 8688 rThe. Gazette atseema beb.misinformne< or Aâhbur, 84983772 NOIET A yrththerotnrned a hort about tbe accident- -- tht apcn<Ja hotlime ago at the junc 350 289 324 Twice during the present year have we tion. In the irst place the young mnan asMaor6.6:M2É furusbd ecb uberier ii rrers o he wâuhed and dressed by tbe station men wbo CHRONICLE witb a statement of bis indebt. themacîves contribute<J the articles of cloth- su-G ednea. omeare ear beindgbut HeDovas decidedîy flot "buried l11k. a Sgog 68 8 ednes. Sme ae yers bhind butpay 9109dg as the Gazette states. There were verj*Ma attention bo our rePeated dians. W. need feur at the (nacrai, it la true, but tbat vas b.Mj tbe money, and are bound 10 have it. it is cause there was a mistake about the bour of RECAPITULATrON. madnLess for any business ma to give sucb burial. The lime bad been cbanged so that th19eredtsuanortuna te on gtsYoung fellci's fniend, who Oshawa 385 442 451 4Cý loang c fr4 , do i nd hat one gel 0no h d 10leave on the 8.o6 a m . train c<u <J be Pt Per rv, 8 921 4 ' thnafrdigs.Let it b. friend or Present. The minister who vas to conduct Rcacb 183 102 14 1 5, foe we shal ait no longer. thJîy~~~ e servic was absent bcaus.e be did Dot EW4îy 490 312 48 knwo h ftm.Tecorfna pro- EWhitby 4002 320 4187 2& âalplace ail unpaid subscription accouats 'ie!wso h orsîdsrpina .ib>.2372 289027 z6 la hebadsof lwyr orcollection. rudel7 put together that tbe men who baud. 32og68 26f -There are bundrcds of weaitby men wbo ap- led It vere afraid of it falling to pleces. Stijli- -8 iPear to tbiuk that we can publish a free everything vas donc decenti>. and iu order. 2039 2007 2r65 2021 We .may also add a beautiful bouquet vas 2007 2021 PaPer for their edification, and who ignore placed ou the coffin. Next lime th.Gazettîe any eftort ve make tb collect from îbem. underlaires 1repotayîigvehp le Ijority 3 a We shil udeceve hm onJulyzut.We wyul learn the (acta or the case and flot place OT.-cgg icgveMiil8mjr xe i e o r o u, a d s aî a e m e n o n- ab ef re c. u b lic . ty , w as fo t in clu d ed '0 S o u th O u u i o a t the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Oo n M o n d a > . n e r t b y i r e o f t h e L a t g e n e r a l e l c t i o n . ateamerEuyie Wluasby Town Local. Mrs. Hauna and famnil> and IMiss Beail, of Toronto, are visiting at Mr. ion. ICean's. THE V RyB8 al%'e for fi>. poisn, pada and tanglefoot A large amount Of correspondeuce is *ücky fi>Ë. crowded Out this wcek. V R fl 1&r Robt Holden, Toronto, arrivedhorne Miss Mahie Waratn and Mr. Roberi nhaeadBtmnu atve eka bts speud i uoîdb y .Iom p eon, of Toronto* apent the zt witb Sa, yor btte acoi~ty usaug Todls Mrs. D.. Camipbell. br Rd alf the butter wilIdo. cnei foot TWO ckbon« t , rnt aUcoueni Messes PF Swan and Walter Mayvmpiicc onces;loy rntai.ApplyOf M.W. Coiins visited at Mr. George Robsons ' o w e n t d ' P PI t O M . W C o li n th s w ek .a t lo w e s t p o s s ib le p ic e s . 1It is 1fr MudBMrs M W Collins amrved home Miss Bertha -Tm ncarrucd Sm tclas; hard, bright and cein roathef r wedding trip on Friday evening honora laSt vëekr at the metropolit a chool en ,ast-Of music, Toronto, lu Piano playigand Ur G H SouIey, butcher, bas had bis de- theory, and second clansa onors in hro> 1ler waonnewly repainted and itDO She stood second best in ber year. Wantedail0knday. IocksqUit. u«obby. MRates Redu-ild Lrtinthelieray-orkale oOkanactveteahes,'Ma t i ra tuerelgîu im gCaSI accomodatio. Orders Psprp> dtebuiO rciftebs ornd hag e, ~~ginavnage f(rom the atteaded tb. Cals af bluotesor excetes oedmr kese bso, patîai theb.closing CntO i4uâ ocr d tN rceaof bbe achool. So shine the ex- a dîaINeport's l.. or carrnage facto,,H Ipil-Ofibe . C 1.oppositle pogt offices. M pisoî1. . .Tbils concert was a ver>. pleasant onue, and 1p&tr EWPORT,Pr s t. thei RHearts. bose whO wte pesentmust hbave - oyd N KIasO Nefle Tbompson's engagement at porameacqutt- hetsine vr>tce iloe! hol oun d up on Tuiada>Y, Itably. Th e ;leclub of teslolve t arm toRe it tI. hidenmrkdtbe occasion ait choruses; isses McLe au, Thosspson, me-c.Ret 'ry indication Of strong- regret. Those Lellan, Vgneeakanbuirg and Ifourden, anda c have hsd occasion tO visit Miss Tbomp- Mfesses.. H. Smiith F. Beweli and W. H. LtRneLnPikrna ess i'ýdepartment at pylm aebeen Gepwoo rciec; (isC. JohustOn and L bt", E aa nsone, Pickeringan pres £h irpres.d by tht band of sympathy MisIs 8. L. TUiblYn- gave beilliant -Piano November 151, z89&. Apply 10 en Ich wav ' manifeat betwx= en obearta of solos; Miss Woodcock sad Misg; M. B. Tam. R.lchardson, Whltby. oxr4J cUr zd pil, ad tiw s More cIe. 4lyn, andMir A d«»u.-s»ugsolos éwh Whitby, Juil>.3rd, 19&...-j in. 8 ylodcd a secret ucheme w vh M sssArnold, anid-R lio gie"lark tsio h à aintheir ninds for Weks pietheMiduiglt Sllwl$l.'SetaiLy frn Ro Xucctedîy Mster Robald Hyland ïdu ,' 45tfodem.'.by iksc TumlnAnl tiRiiby Arnà ld, r. eat r*tiy ndad ffilary. The recitatios of issiiesMo sbqlcam<o aaeg aos lapcvlyp pt ss. TI JIIJ. Lnsand lUowdeuwere ver.ygodMn.bod fürfjUlmurnd éqovis a, 4, î 4 te Other bacersof the model eter. H. 'emwood bmrong-do" tiho pb duca-l Tbepr.S 4ettins. Tèties. Per Lt uesaie im. n d4reos watrend> bis ts êy {aughabl. istaI"ow e. trk.In Pe m uais. un d rn~aa~d*w~iD kgpptnied.by a loviel>.imanicuess ssbotaes *ss ';ubir'.c20 , soçk w~ saTI.Acuitl..,We hitveiconte-~ flr this' morning wi* t £fl1suoftj« Oqir hepiX koug tbat tt is 8tpobe Let joutteu groyes.4,.- luISRsr. mit~~~~i tapben hobntn »a -Sc_ In order to make sure- o! a Stock we have markedour ize Ithat it is big reduction in out Sulnmer figures very c108e. We real- The People must have Summer Goods while they will be o f ~ ~ - 1 c Dom e u s=tkh n g e h v e o v e o t i h OrfimRnie du i o on our large and well assorted stock of: 84TIN PRINTS selling for ...................... 12J ets. per yard COMMON PEINTS selling for... .8e., 10C., 11c. sud 12J- ets. per yard DRESS GOODS................ AT VERY CLOSE FIGURES. P r L . . . . . . . . . . . . . T BINEoC I N No gu ur No o k tnc,, eN o Wa Slet frm % t Doattfeag od s oslc m Dry Goods, m Carpets, .Ready-made Clothing. F MNý FOR THE BE8ST VALUES IN TOWN 'IN,. Wall~ ~ ~~~W?9». aprBbCrigeWgn Croquet, il Fine Stationerye - -' - - --- ont , leuc at UALF Pl S e c u r e s o m e b eo rfSr eoo l .D e sl I Iu cE) C\4g ncy for di0 ! De ksB uteri-ck.P ahter, aavd Bru/?is A4m e-rican Dyeng CÛ < r -r -~ - WATER1 lavingr bought a large lt of G0o06sve -1 vin place hemr onSae. Jq 1~T T OP IVS aturd a y z 'm -mai_ _ _ _ _ .YUST C lVD... It is sty -and -(ast: -workmanî finish. G;ycorneet Sivr - rr T88r (1170. 8. -w-Il' ,OMoIal Couaty Orga to oc aDy local1 FRIDÂY, J U LOCAL L Sccitt repaies ail kind Try Tod's bread, sc 5 cents per toa£ The Misses Laing, T, -Mra.Lawter's. Take steamer Eurye day sert Oni>.40 ce:a Mr and Mes Hepburi parenta of Mes A MRS hi> relatives bere and 6 piece solid valui with silk plush bauds,1 W. Tilla. Tii.ý cnngregaion of tý uuacle- propose having a tellege grounds on 'A nsext, Jul>.&h. Tlbere ,I'hwzr n d reftesbments s~ad marne b>. tbe archeE ~wMl b. 2o cents, and a. ýten& Oh four -Mnskoka, IN -Manuboba, Europe,. all L .snd Canadian PSonts, w'here b>. boat rail ort aftteed rzgbt r4rou8 'fromu Pickering, Torontc WbY. Write or sec beoetraveling. Choic ro best ocean Unes. Aie -ioundtnip tickets to-i To D" 111- Ice erean, cakes, boilE ýThe best Anthracite coaL ý Nuit tove, egg, 5.j-7ý ,yard. *J, ]H. Downey à 'Bartabb. 10pairs of ladies, an snd ilippes at 5oc. per1 ga"n outaide the West 5 Photg-o 'Mr W E'Q'Brien phoi -46s decided to offer a boi on the Oshaa stage Ici a Oshawa by that route ang Of work-ot nome.HetAs of bis latiest vor k, w"i Llont bers liea kwdaya, office o n.ofthe-ug ST.edtorof the Temp ÃeCret ery ofthue uati 4-fe (Great B"tan, -Rae bad niet1 LA, pue ofte and just bekn risdto n o Ohoice ew à o- Dinner ad ta e.,Oo. Choie.P~uiiy *re" .sýOff m Great 1 1 ý4 A rare chance. -Izq T.eln% r-q_ -120- in Prices m 'm 'gr q. - - il p pýAf Dncc RICIL 1