Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 3 Jul 1896, p. 2

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/1 Almost Passes Bel lef Kr. J«s. B. Nichol.oa, PlorenogvIfL., S. B., Strugri. for Beven Long Tests wfth CANCER ýON THE LIP, AND in OUR=ED31r AYERSparila Mr. Nicholson saya I oonsuIted doe- tors who pe d for me, but to no purposei the cancer begau tw Eat Into the Flesh, spread to my chin, and 1 suffered ln agony for seven log yas taI 1 bogan takIng yr Brapr1 a . a weel or two I aroticed a Decided Improvement. Encouragd by this resuit. 1 perse. vered, u n x a montb or 50 the sore undermxy ohinbegan to heal. hi three Inonths my hip began to beal, and, after usen the SarsapartJa for six months h t trace of the cancer disappear4L'I Ayor's "' SaîsapadIIa Admittsd the World's air. AT]FEe'8 PLLLSAeiguS.c SA Boai QORRESPONDENCE LINDSAY. A ged uggeStion. Bicyclists and others who have oc- casion ta travel the roads in Victoria count>' have made the suggestion quite frequenti>' lately that those engaged in road work should îake hè 2 u 'fulIYta Save the luutiber ad 1provei the spelead -of the, lm 40o doli proprty. -,The ottgin Of -the fire is Ur known,, ervçpt that, it *as fist disco% eted lna as=9aibara whteh atads clos to the Yard and whièh had preaumabl been occupied by chîldren duning tih afternaon. Howry & Sons WilI at onc rebuild' the raitroad tracks, their mi] haviîng started next day, and',tilI cor tinue to rmn night and day during th, sea son. The stock burned was princip ally 1 %, 1 4 and 2 inch selected pini Put out for export, and tnost of it wa sold to be shipped as sooc as dry There was also nearly five mxlol shingles, three million -lath and threg 'thousand cords of Wood burned. Ii slight wind prevailing at the ime. - ICOUGE HIUJ. A very melanchol>' fataiity transpirec here Saturda>' evening, when one ol our young men was suddenly callec away to try the realities of a beyond. In compan>' with George, Albert and John Marks, Archie Allison and some others, Ambrose Parsons went t o the river for a swirn. After being in the water for- some ime young Parsons happened to get beyond his depth and sank. In his frantic efforts to gain the shore he got hoid of Allison, but as the latter is b>' po nea-ns*a good swimmer he had to release himself or go down too. After much struggling he man- aged to geL free and swam for shore, at the same time giving the alarmn. Ever>' effort was made on the 'part of the others to locate the drowning boy, but to no avail. He being unable to swi m dîd not struggle very long before filling with water. Those who were presenit say that he neyer rose after going be- neath the surface. The body was bo- cated after being i !ý hours in the water, When ail attempts at resuscita. tion were of no avaîl. Deceased was a young man of regular habits, and of an industrious nature, and was nearly nineteen years of age. The fatal spot is the first bend bclow- or south of the big iron bridge. The bereaved par- ents as weli as the sister and two brothers have the sympathy of ail li their sad and ver>' sudden bereave- ment. The funeral took place on *Ion- day afternoon when the remains were interred at the Methodist cemeter>, Highland Creek. nr-1 e e il 1- se le Ls c The liver is the great housekeeper of Iour heakth. On iLs right and proper They Clease and Purify the a action depends our enjoyment of life. Blood. One of the simplest indications of a disordered and diseased liver is a nasty ÂIIa t. n tongue-furrej and coated. The coat-Drglt an ed Longue as proof positive that your Genrl D elr. liver 18 not working well. Other syni- ptoms are as follows: nauseous taste in- the mouth, pains under the shoulder blades, and in the region of the kid-w neys. The mental symptoms of liver Mrs. Franc>' visited friends at Vic- trouble are often far worse than the toria Square last week. bodil>' ilîs. Su iferers experience men- Miss Ida Gerow spent last week with tai anguish. gloomy forebodings, mel- friends at Raglan. ancholy, and a general feeling of dis- Mrs. H. Burton, and son, Chicago, gust with life. When these bodil>' and are the guests of Israel Burton. mental troubles are experienced, your MisHteLaoNwasli liver tells you it wants help. If hel P visiting her sister, Mrs. H. Wethereli. is not given at once, sxckness and death Mse etWtisn fCiao Tusandes fun Pîn'sCee s rustcating with his grandparents Compound a sure and certain cure for h e liver disease. It aîways acts promptiv Mrs J Rose spent iast week with her on the great nervous system and re- brother, Williamn Tredway, Highland stores that healthy and narural action Creek. that the liver miust have at aIl tirnes. Arthur Law, of Newcastle, was the Paine's Celery Compound drives from guest over Sunday of his brother-mn- the system aIl the poisions that have law, Mr H Wetherell. accumulated, and the sick one regains Arthur Annis, of Darlington town- his o'ýd-time vim and energy; the mus- ship. vîsited his mother-in-law, Mrs cles and tissues are made hard and Thos Pugh, last week. firm, the skin clear and fresh, so that Messrs Lehman and Wa.xey, of Tor- pefc Rea th is ete rerîtte .b s onto, cailed on Miss Lou Thornton on . R ad hisleter writenby Mrs C'o-Saturday. but saw her not, as she was Durant, of Elma, Ont. iN'o stronger absent from home. proof can be given of the vil-tues and danMisLuTotndrv powers of Paîne's Celery Compound i o SEd.ad Mis ountholbr tndrove the cure of liver troubles: o audyt on lett ii -For many years 1 have been a suf- relatives there. Mr. Beare's team, terer fromn liver troubles, and have doc- which they were driving, took sick tored with severai physicians, but onî>' out there and one of themn died. It found relief for a very short ime. My was quite a valuable animal. bspr.g LiverTNoubles PAINE'S PROMPTLy CURES THIS INSIDIQUS DISEASE. I3RISTOL'S8 Sarsapa *riltla Thé Greatest of ail Liver, A apeOIion FOR RbernnatUssn, out and the road - row ovr -iery 'umpounu. 1 did so, and tound immersion in the waters of the river 1jstse sme, and he bd il bgi so much relief from the first bottle that here on Sunda>' afternoon. the Rev. J. osestrthe. e, d tekprtcaryo andthu ev n ut he ravl, Sim ple Precautians Insure Com - 1 continued, and I arn now using the H. Oke officiating. Cobsuniption because bt s stoxies and earth. If thî's we re done, causet coauses mor our roads would flot oni>' be much im- plete Victory. third bottie. Your Compound has about the affair that maxi> got there ail deaths in thse %orld. 1done more for me than an>' physician. toa laite. Your correspondent arrived If 'thett is a weak and rml pti proved in appearance but would be the foundation of a bousteowe la znuchmorepassble ad muh beter CHIL ~ UE DIMONDFor months before using the Compoun3l but in ime ta see the postmaster's pup ont the decaying materiasupat 5wl Lo drive or ride on. I neyer had one night of sound sleep; take a plunge h That DX'ES SUCCESSFULLY. but now I can go to bed and sieep Lieut. W B Hagerman, Dr H F That's ail that's necessar *511ew murder . That is exactly ts thigto ovti h sou ndly and naturali>', and feel like a Whaiey anid Coi-parai John McCrae lungs. Keep theni fuIlofrcrdwoe The Agnew murder case came up be- When nsing the world-famed Dia- new creature in the morning.- eto usarfrTrno hysm loadtewans iIdsp fore His Honor Judge Street ait the lf oand yfr oono he onew moantherwe addutlt asizs er as wek M.Jon in.mond Dyes for home dyeing. use fresh, the>' will put in enaydilwthhepear. Decaying tissueswI ethunof * .C., for the crown, and Barron & dlean, soft water; hard and impure C REOT- GG.BG. hyprsne qitalungs are weladperfecl togann Steers for the prisoner John Kear water wili niar the beauty of the MisLzeRaoriswf hr fine appeararice as they cantered away Tis tis th that DrPec'soln e shades. Wooden, earthen, or enam-brteatRseufraLmra thvaeuntermetsoe edaiDcveyde.TslBwt The defexice brought in a plea of im - elled vessels are the best.b oh ra se uf atie. steeds. com tio vilre it is taeicorig5 c tiit>'. Ot t an 'this mtheeviece Old articles before dyeing should be Mrs. J. Mitchell, of W itby, is here Quite a number from here attended directions. It searees on dses grm contained nothingsoaewanro mathattwhich w ith her friends for a few days. the celebratio xi of Scarb ro tow nsh ip s. he av r they n ay bc i se b d.m x wan unt hsgo inAf e ailte den e move dix-t or grease, and rinsed ini hot Geo. Lidgett han returnefi from the centennial, anid had a ver>' enjoyable ue'nt to ieset Lsples tise om, wanns pubish AinTe lthe Warde soe temo't fthe> erts. t was given and the. usual addresses made water, and dyed while damp. When old country, where apparenti>' he was time. lo t rcI ta the jury, the jurymen retired and an>' particular shade is waxited, the dye weii provided for. On the i 7Lh inst., at 377 Sackville Iulîes tse eîe gde<,urmnta wihistohould be tested b>' dheyeing o ahsmallf Alex. Waddeîl, of Stouffvilie, was street, Toronto, the residerice of John ' tissnes and makes souud, eliySms vedc fgit.Judge Srpi a eceo h ti.here Tuesday, and linall probabilit>' Poucher, was consumrnated a ver>' hçreare some isterutsizgr~saotttl eentence Lo the effect that - Kearne>' If these few precautions are observed was looking after his vote. happy event in the mariage of Miss iu one chapter of Dr. Picrc'agetok,"o should be hne nteis coe you wiil be able to produce richer, Jh Reid has the stoxework of his Clara L Poucher, ta Albert E Major, mon u .sent free on isrcepettlyon The~5hanedonthezs o Ocobr.brighter and more lasting colors t hanbrno mlee ndteframe- of-hiplce.Thecermon' wssprntr onercotfutrsn Th aeagainst Pat Kearrie>'felI anfbarri about.cThpleted and tiseper- >onc.ent stamp o« an sea yeli ouejangvSeo.ng oMici Adxse Wr."T oo fzo through. an>'suream udeg ous carighe >Dia- work started. The old bai-n wilî be iorrneu by the Rev J H Oke, , White- 663 Ifln B , ualN.Y Be suresyouroealer givesaountiserDof toi-n down. vaie. Miss Florence Poucher, sister g~ Ieathis re rted t ht avnumber o mond Dyes; t e>' are the onu>' warrant- Rev, Leggott ha n g t nicel>' settled of the bride, and Debar Spink, nephew _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ visiting at thse Point ever>' season for_______ in his new home here. We trust thatgi, aayu- years past, and were struck with thse "TON&., he and thse famuil> wilI be pleased with port ta tise hippy young pair. Tise Cucumber and imulona sretobdn m" naturai beaut>' 0f the place, are negoti- ttheof hevillage. artes sinduigeno. 15 followed by ack faoea ating with Mi-. Wm. H. Simpson tor Mr-. and Mrs. E. Reesor spent Sun- Grahm Bras. shipped a c arioad ofa v f th .. 'ctn atis wsdimytripingetuic. 1 toIar eu the purchase of the Sturgeon Point day at Oshawa. heavy horses fi-rn here on Tuesdsy, 1,uiea large one. The presents were Sot avaret y -cmbd J.M3JjJVUy. I ale is effected nolo '3ubt W.- ------v ----a loa-- of-fat for "Mo"ntreal. They are for thse aid Majreoandthcost. n. bat rsfo Dt ellnt I ffl ae o buda oC-4fD Majoumroleftand tise af r.ondbot fr. onteen Dyif S.Wy Cor b diammd handsome sumner hotel will be erected hogs Thursday. cut-'mret otei hrete ilsed hi ueraU sulRiemmamite. at once. This is just what Lindsay Mr. Morganson, of Garabaidie spent cW.trymasrkhdLiesfret. o haemoo. Wheeeyeg ta ad ou r ..t au iigiu m "ë"o eW adl asr * wouldlike t see. unda>'here. osing a valuabie horse whiie doing a eratulations to tise mari> Mr. and Mrs. -pqmdIn.t o Otambaheoeeu Eauly Sunda>' morning tise residence Mr. and Mrs. Noah Reesor of Scar- i-oad job on Frida>'. Tise beast in turn- Major have alreadV received. piFWOIIS'S" OA*O of Mr-. E. Armitage, merchant tailai, bora were visiting friends here Tues-. ing around broke iLs ieg and had ta, be _______ who resides an Sussex-st,, nortis ward, day. shot. Dysfppulsosr Mdweme eosee4b wa eteedb> sm bd ol bngai. Messrs. M. R. Hoover. and Noah We understand tisat Mr. Eddy han *110w4 il 4acin uti.bii, d-1Oeso Happil>'tise noise awakened M1ss. Ramer of Cedar Grove wer hene resigned tise principalship of oui- hool Nervous Prostration. -WC.S. t b bbdhumo A.ritage and she aroused her husband, Tuesday. * n anacpedasmla otio t beusg t"i opai W U5 cm who ai-ted himself with a boaded and rhaelo.'a Vsgea simtilars*akeuIioait revolver and a pair of trausers and pr- Mi-. Daniel -Baike>' occupied tise Brooklin. He will change at sumrner erd-« t*l l cW iè o-aibe ivrf *ceeded ta anveitigate. On reacising methodist pulpit at Goodwood Sunda>' vacation, Mrs. Eddy wiil remain here landfetuly ybot a CamW~'~noe' ml thse foetoth ie stairs he found that his morning. until Xmas at least. dé)m pau'nîa dtu ,OP, W eanly mornoing caller had levanted witis- Mr- Epis Lehuxan wanns hie neigihors Tise Stouffville baud furnished music »-, o uit even Ieaving isis 4address. -'In his to keep their potato bugs ta home or at tise Scarbara Centennial lust week Hie he*rt isv" affectuI -hurried exit doors affd windows weré he wiIl kil! ever>' one af tisem. and won mucis applause, tise cit>' papers ë,gfno. ýSw tutu isi' sûsnn * left» open. Mr-. Armitage is now en- Rev. Mni Brown preached his lare- referring Co their selections in thse moSt in-iu»m quiring tise price af burglar proof sales. weli sermon- here on Sunda>',. aoal anr Overwork as a -studeut;Xat coureg to the Demoarteuoomeâijon A ver>' painful accident occurned at Have you tisat patcis af coi-n sowec Tise Erskine garden part>' at çSu bO#h fl natak inebus proatra. 'Rathburn's miii Tuesday. An emplayee forearly.feed. Spare thse weeds and bank, " tise beautiful grounds of De 01m ay Mi l"s., ilbe a lyr xiamed Albert Dufty tell on a circulai- spoil it fs au aid maxint. Macuais, Esq., ou Friday evening wu and if 1I exerted maymmif m h'si sgw, whicis was ln tise guusmer, iufiict- ' Messrs Epis Leisman and Ab Mandie ver>' vell atteuded and everytlung com ençedolt t ilnl-,, and 1w ing a seâvere gasis an tise side of hic face have been eugaged b>' Dr. lreeî, ai passed off pleasautly and weil. -Sbon'co warûcd tsSe i~iiryO*ts ea en-; *bout twa inches- arn tise eye, extend- Sit.uei~lle to domarne ditching on h 5i lard Mna ev~nt e gre jUf$Bi t6ête 9 'ing down ta tise chin, tise cheek beingfrma is onlu.socia wus ield when tise rMeats à >Stýtbi- laid open. He also received a severe a ýe anep isooed of, at' a redu e. jonI £m* , cabout anichand à hall- long on ~tth ie x ea - ftygr...A*r, sw bu a n anddth wektinsh nsing;thew!wwWe"b >tgly r redr*it pâw 14o thse ict shouider. Dr. -Poole wuuhn is IC er hglyp-ae-wt-re affrrslt xnorred and dressed tise wounds. TII. he ri shedt DiaiveHIU.ïo àpr Inj*ured inan is doing as ýwell as cari be M-taydPrst1 a iautonatuoz atthse haidsomne lavasd tt * expected fi-rn tise serious nature-ai hic en.dysirnodr orbnigg-ud.s u~v woinds, but he wiii carry tise'scars for '"~ .gtloso bc o.J someturn. . i-. AI>Wi4emnap js geiog on -a ws- ~* ateeIp ~ -pecting tPizbury, NK W. T.ethe firitot î" ý - ~ nrQvy~' ~ hV*a.adyselseol vil joi 1fi W- ... nmtlawlae ws -bof' ~ lu dt itpé ô f euctes"l. candi.. das as4eck ,we unintë*tionally omitted théenineof the most .Succees- fui one of the number, Mfr S S Sharpe. Mr Sharpe stood second ini a dlass of 125ç students in the recent Osgoode Hall exams., which standing entities himi ta a $î6o scholarship. Our young townsman has every reason to feel proud of his achievement and has the On Tuesday of last week the anni- versary picnic of the Glen Major methodist S. S. was held in a grove- near the church. Everything went welI till the program was abouit haif over, when sorue of the children on the platform turned deathly sick and bean to vomit; one child after another fell into line, and soon numbers of the audience turned pale. gulped a few times and became resigned to their fate. The programme stopped short and the sick ones were removed to neighboring houses, where a doctor pronounced a case of poisoning. An Investigation foflowed, and it is thought that canned salmon was the cause. The salmon had been poisoned by the tinning off the cans in which it was packed. Everybody recovered, but none care for a similar experience. Pui-chasers of canned goods should be ver>' careful to get nothing but the best brand. The case cited above should be a warning.-Times. IT bas beexi held tisat con suniption is hereditary and tise tact that one per son of a famihy ha( died with consump Lion was considerec a sure sign thai -others of that 1-an2il) could flot escape it 'This is partly truc - and partly untrue. A mani with wea# langs is likely to transmit SisaL weakness te bis child-en. But there is no reasson in Lise worhd wby the weakness sbould be aliowed to devehop. There is no reasen wb the lange sbould remain weak. Weak ngs predisoe hild Lo consumption. They provide a place for germas Le settle. That is ail that ta necessary. Once let the germas of disease gain a foot-bold, and they li- cemase wits a deadIl rapidity. Pretty soon the blood is fl'al o Lisen, and so loses it heaithfuliness, and iLs strengtb.giving quali- des If the jÇVL akns si ome ot0100 1, to if h e OshawI4 ont Pains in__the Joith Caused by lnfiammrat, SwOling A ee P.V c ure byWood,$ parilla. "It aNfordi me much pleasure to recOm.iu Bood's SarsaaMa. My son was Mitdg r great pain in the Joints, accOmpanieI jý sweIIig so bad that ho eould not get up Itgà Wo bed wtthout cralriia on hands and keM i WUa very alItons about hlma, and hav4 rW Hood%% ;PCures 80 mueh about Hood's Sarsaparma, 1 dot ned W ftry lt, and got a haif-dozen bu four of whlch entrehy cured huia. z:oo4 Là KEmiOshawa, Ontario. N. B. Be sure Wo get Hood's SamrW&~h Moods Pls a eashyyet pýrmptQy .. ofllclently on 5h.liver and boweLs. 25c_, Our C(*cer'ýL qrjEoDy frOR MAN ORt BcAsT. S is"uw - Mia rU i-aho Spiia alSnme e les ~SakbyUDgeuau.o g lui eau J. au zwUatctOXPjjJM - 3 -* T.r~ Lib C ~Io, 424 41904 .1.3 ïtobs Dljuwba 4 Mois ams E'yy N - - iThi Tua 7 the 1 mfàit-"i À~adington, ÂISoUi: Cla Brant, SouthbE Broek4Ie W, »ITcoe, North 3 jBruce, West T Brue, East Ce CarletonH Cornwall & Stormont B purum, East ( r Darhai West r Elgin, West B Elgin, East Cs Eusex, NorthM Eue, outh 'cc Frontenac elengarry Grenville GrySouth PL ariy, North Ci «Grey, Est Sr HnIdimand & Monck M Hiatonh Hlamilton M Hiamilton U Hastinge, West Cî Hasinge, East E Hastinga, North C Hguron, EButM arn, West Ci ]Juron, South M KnL c Kingston Ii5i»ptol, East I Lampton, West L Lansxk, North R Lanark, South il Loeds & Grenville IN F Leeds, South 1 Lennoi, West Lincoln & Niagara C, Lonidon Middleex, N 1 Middlesex,S E Middlesex, EW(c Muakoka & Parry S 'Nipiaing 1 Norfolk, North c Norfolk, South T -Northumeberland, EC Northumberland, WC Ontario, North Ontanjo, South,. l Ontaio, West Ottawa Oxflort, North O(Word, South ]Peel ]Perth, North Porth, South -Fêterboro', East Paerboro', West ]Prescott ",Ines Edward ,,ýBenfiew, North IBenfrew, South Siico, North iffxaoe, East -Bîmoe-outhflL ýTornt East Toronto, West fiToronto, West Toronto, Centre Victoria, South 'Victoria, North Wtorloo, South Watenlogo, North WelrngonNorth Wolatn, South Wefingon.Centre W.ntworth & Brant N «Wontworth CELERY COMPOUND ,.000/

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