Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 8 May 1896, p. 6

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Women," remarked Jack Fo are the banc oh bachefor civilizati 4 4WOmais S ifha 9 the star bechelor oh the combinatio "6If I bad choice of ail tbing eartb." said John Temple, -"1 w choose woman last. 'Wbat lu thunder are they for? " inquired WilI King. 640n one she smiles and he is hI( scorrifully quotes Frank Park. added, "and shen she smiles on aIl 'Fellow suflerers," said I, Thc Tommington, by superiority of age experience, chie! o! the celibate cote heartiîy coinciding with the indlvic and aggregate opinions just expresý -permit me to offer the following rc lutions: 'Whereas, woman, bv' her contini actions, shows that she >5 in favoi the utter extermination of bachelc and -"Whereas, woman on al] occasio r ohMy ihprisoxunent I had louged for ithe ime uhen I could get otit once mnore-eanti join thsectri;thenI 1be- gaS10t hink legs aou gù,~d nov, iwhcn I vas ready tos#a4m forth on my ýOumeéy oncemore, a'Cima o,*mre- Iol helt tatIwas foeiigsoehs% I oiditquite udriati ýand1 lige, V l rg s.u i e teim sty co ies iAboi aitaadutysef wui- mnqdt40 w"»êt>, the matter uatisfactorily epand ~ At the pext meeting oh the co*tie IIlle Mot. he eiù, whicI>BUOrasil Sbegan to tëée1 that 1 was under suaspc- bmi o0oo, oe dcaodbb tion. ' oulo "e ob e ion. Perbaps it was meoely a guilty 'ns&g loy. l>ulad of th. kwint, "~conscience, 'but 1 îhougbt my bachelor &Otbt o prh an&V othu r la r'n as friends coohed when 1 appeaired among "-to which ston v au j gs on them. 1 know that when John Temple *n-b.-îl; omslly plaft o thc b.e dit vould proposed the toast " Earth would be William Jîus MiekIe, the tIraîtor heaven without women," and 1 did flot (Jmmoens' ",Luiid," sand author of se heeempty my glass. every member present oral toloîmble poemu. Who wtas boru heelooked directlv at me and then at each 1784 and died in 1788. The song à lest,"' other. Any person of tb most ordi.. also beon attribntedlto Jean Adms,lb anth under such circumstances. Michie. But tbe fifth stanza, which A- th A ime went by, and suspicion grew the "In Of the comPosition, wB.s addi :Msapace, it became evident to me that 1 by Dr_ Bcattie. the author of l'The M: a nd ust get out of the coterie. There Irl, a.nd a vory close followor « adwas no other honorable course left me. disciple Of Gray. Hoewu, born 178, erie,I could sec that there was no longer an î d fe orl flce i ýdual hai-mony, and whan 1 read our resolu- i 88 ;sed, tions, as 1 did religiouslv at every And are you sure the news is true ? eSO- metn, 'ywregetd w..silnce. And are ye sure bes weel ? meetngt.~y wre reet "I!! ilece. Is îhis a time to ralk o' wark? ued Each mani suspected the other; each Ve jades. fing by your whelij rofman seerned to have a secret that was Is this a Ume to thinle o' wark? rofburdening hlm. It was evident that 1 When Colin's at the door ? ýors; th Gie me niy cloak, lIlI to the quay wsteJonah, and 1 proposed to make And sac hlm corne a-shore. iosa sacrifice of rnyself and save the others. For there', sac Iuck about the bouseý ions At the next meeting, therefore, when TVlere's ne luck at a', io-the time had corne to open the exer- Therc's blle picasure in the bouse, >raciscs with the resolutions, I rose in rny Wben Our gude-man's awa.' >raplace and held up my hand for atten- Rise up and mak' a ean fire-side, Jby ion. Put on the snuckie pot; -Men and brethren, - 1 said solemnly. Gie ittle Kate ber Cotton Zown, on salfotra h esltost And Jock bis Sunday coet; Vith-l hal notrea th reslutonsts And mnak' "her shoon as black as slaes, -îevening, nor shall I read them again. Their bote as white as snew ; For some tirne past 1 have observed It's a' to plcase MY' ain gade-man, nan that our anc lent harmony has been dis- For he's been lang awa.'1 I5 a turbed to such an extent as to threaten For tbere's ne luck, &c. its very existence. (Cheers.) 1 feeý There are fwa bens upon the bank tht rnte n Hae fcd this month and mair, tha 1am hedisturbing element ,an Mak' haste and thraw tbeir necks about, ri Is1 confess to you that your ill-concealed That Colin weel May fare. suspicions concerning me are not un- And spread the table neat and clean, warranted. I have bet rayed the trust Gar hika thiliw look braw; ýres you have eoeinm sprsdex For wba cen tel bow Coltn fared, yor reoe i e s prsedc- Wbcn be was far awa'. hrciternent); 1 arn no longer worthy to bc For tberes nac Iuck, &c. yorchief (great exciternenu; 1--1 Corne Rie me down my bigonet, oebrethren, 1 cannot continue what 1 My btshop-satin gown: Swould say to vou in disparagernent of And ria and tel the Baille, wife My actions. All I can say is that 1 ar That Colin's Corne to town. n lyto e mrrid tree onts fom exi Mv Turkey-shtppers Matin gae on, tobfaildtremnh rmnx My bosen o' peeri bl ue; fe- Mondav." (Vociferous applau se.> It's a' to please my an gudernan, eet I sat down after rny effort and looked For hes baith leal and true. us, helplesslyat rny accusers, as 1 felt thern, For tberes nae luc, &c. ne to be.1 was astonished at the recep- Sae truc his heari, a smoîbsseeh nvh iouldf y peech and explanation, and Ris bresth's bue caller air; cudforrn no idea His acio thcry h foot bas music in't, eeterie would take. Alnd wWll1Isce bis face again ? se Jack Forrest, as vice-ch ief, slowlh And wil 1 bear him speak ? er- carne to his feet. and, instead ojf lo 'in downriRht diuzy wulthe tboct- 1 n tma1 erdhe wol, ae In roth I'm like to greet. àtnabot omte, atI er e herwul azd For tbere's nae luck, '&c. abouten teeot"he meber. yo ae The cauld blasts o'the winter wind, "Gnlme,"h si.yo ae That tbirled tbrough my beart, ed heard the statement made by our Tbe1 Ore a' btawn by, 1 bae hbm sale, he orthy (how could he ever say that ? TIlt deatb we'Il never part. chief, and I cannot lead you in the ac- But what puts partinR in mny head ? dtion upon the maLter, in view of tht It may be far awa'; rTha present moment is our ain, afact that I amn to be maried myseif ten lihe neist we neyer saw! ho weeks frorn next Tuesday. " For there'. nae luck, &c. en Forrest sat down, and I sat in gasp- %îce Colin'. weel, I'm weel cogitent, nd ng expectancy that the roof would fali 1 bac sec mair to crase; in upoR mpeneuinsu.rty Could I but live 10 mak' hlm blest, ýx_ ohn empe, nxt n auhorty, hen I'm blest aboon the lave. l oheten And w"11'Isec bis face again ? es took the floor, and 1 could sec that And will 1 bear bîm speak ? ~dFoi-est was even worse rattled than 1 I'm downrigbt dizzy wî' the tbought, ruwas. In troth I'm like to greet. 'y1FelIow citizens," said Temple-he For there's nec luok. &c. ad was a stump orator in campaigri imes ,ns -- I haven't a word to say. I'rn to be en rnarried a month from to-rnorrow morn- ad ing at ten o'clock."- c) Park it Zng nd OL __RyanAZ who was i ýûý1 the MI. n hb. bt o! iF led [in- 6mi de, and at al l imes expresses her abl rence of bachelors as such; and Whereas, voman has no use fo: man unless she can iead hîrn around the nose; and 'Whereas, woman is constantly the lookout for that kind ot a man ws tliat kind of a nose; and - Whereas, womnan believes that n was provided wiîh a nose simply a! handie for her to take hold of, and ~"Whereas, woman thinks she ow the earth and the men thereof;- and "-Whereas, she was neyer more m taken in her life; therefore, be iL Resolved, that we whose signatur are hereto appended do hereby ass( our rnanhood and hurî defiance in h teeth, and f "Resolved, that we entireîy igno the existence of ail womankind; and «,Resolved, that we do solemi pledge ourselves to throw off the1 maIe yoke, to trampie beneath our fî the fetters woman would forge uponu to assert and maintain that we are ci and indivisible, and that hencefor and forever we yull neither mari-y ai voman nor be maried by her." As might have been expected, the resolutions vere received with vocife ous applause, and the meeting o! ti Celibate Club became so hilarious th ~- three babies on the floor belciw ar seven on the floor above were arous( from their angel slumbers, and soc bad awakened everybody else in tI building. After which we dore ~' having been implored Lo do so by committee oh twelve maried men, w), assured us that when we had childre of our own ve could 15etter understan U their feelings in the mater. At this point, possibly, I rnight e, plain that the gentlemen whose nam( *have been mentioned were un marrie 14 men, whose years were numbered fri 35 t0 50, vbo had been compelled, b --the emergencies by whicb they ha been surrounded, to take this mcar oh defence. They were al good me and true, and when their word ha been given, there was no powero earth could break it. We had formally resolved to be pei petual bachelors, and that settled th *business. For tht-ce months this blissful condi tion continued, and then I was throwi from a horse and sustained injuries t, the extent of a broken leg and number less other bruises. 1 had ordered rn' self to be taken to the hospital, wher, ail good bachelors go when they are ill but a cousin o! mine, a fine feIlow, ex cept that he was maried, issued orden to the cont.rary, and took me bomq witb bimu. There i vas flxed up ii royal style, and bis wihe took chargeo me with such motherly solicitude that ceased to growl about not goirtg te tht hospitaL * Within a week, I began to impçove, and about that ime my cousin's wife'i sister carne Lo the house on a visit, and not having much cIsc to do, she used to amuse herself with me. i objected at fit-st, and vowed l'd rout mysel! out and go to the hospital, but those twc women knew Lhey had me wbere I was 'defenceîess, and they only laughed at me when I growled, and fed me on dainties wben I was taciturn and silent. I didn't want to eaL their truck, but my appetite was %something soisig ~U.ib& A CITIZEN'S STORY Two are Feels Enough. Happler. Hi e DID NOT NEED THREE. Mr. - ames N. Dav.s, of 15 Wctllington st., St. Thornas, speaks of an event of tate occur- rence, whicb should be, of interest lu many of our citizen&. Mr. Davis, in conversation with Our representative, said: -Doan s Kidney Pis are the best kîdney remedy i ever heard of. They have removed the distressing iidney trouble with which 1 was afflicted, and madea stronger, bappier man of me. For sorne years I have been troublcd wuîb severe pains acros the ower part of the back. The urine waà dark in color aud causcd me a great deal of annoyance, being coru- petled te get up e nurnber of times during the nighL I was also a great sufférer froru severe cranips in my tegs, whicb becaine so painful that 1 had 10 get eut of bcd and rub them witb lin>iment in order to get even momentary casçe. 1 bad a great deal ef slck headache; was troublcd with weakness of the eycs and feit tircd, weak and vorr out. Walking distressed me because of the pain and general weaknes froinwhich I Sufféred. I l thiree boxes of Doan's Kîdu ills froin ur. EC Harveyat bis drug siore. and bave not taked thebc tird box because there vas mn ncesslty to do so. The two boxes bave bad such a surprisiug cflcct for good that 1 did net need tic third. Yes sr,Iftae apleasure lu telling wba:t th bave donc for rue because of thc beatth thai nov en>oy through their use. Ail my difficul- lies bave vanished ; Iba.<e 1no pain in tbc back ; no sick beadache; rny eyes do flot trouble me; 1 have bad no cramps since I began taking the pilla; sleep velsand Uic tired, ptayed-ouuféeeling hu ail gene. 1 beieve ail these troubles were caused simpi fo dn7trouble Vou may Say that I k w o sKiduey Pis te be a spcedy and vouderful specifle for kidncy and urinr diffi- culties, and I most strengly recondM the use te, anyeue afffiieted as 1 vas. -FOR SALE BY- E.fl W ILLIS hemist and Druggist, Brock Street, WH ITBY. Agitation in the wortd of homSopatiic in"e- cino. has been b!.@ ver seul of progroas, as in politie »d religion-tbe difficulties of opinion and the individocality o! mor, have been parent to the laa"reente bY whioh the standard of tbeme bodies have been elevated. So witb 'Dont eft our famunapreparations-foremoet in illustration Of vhîoh lruth stands lb. vord- famous romedy to genora debility and laugour ""Quinine Wins,"-aand vbich1 wben obtain- able lu il. genuine strengtb, te a miraclous Orcaler Of eppetite, Vitàlity and stimulant, to the genersâ fertility of the systeni. Quinine Wine and, ils improwement. bas, fromnthe Oral diacovery of the great virtueof Qunine as a medical agent been eue oh the mjont Ibor- oughly dacsse reanodies ever offered te tbe publie. It lu eue of the greal tonice Md lite- givmng stimulants vheb the mediWalprofession bave been courpelled te icognizo aud preserube Moes. Nqrtbrop & Lyman, or Torogato, have gisen to tft«preparatiou oh Iheir pure Quinine Wlne lbe gre"( cme due le ita importuses, snd te stanard ~eoeloeeeof tbe article vbleh lbey offer to tll6public eooees ifte .tarket purged of ldeects vhicb shilful obberva. lion aud seip ..Opinion bus poluted: ont iu the essa preparadion ef Ibe past. Ai Iruggicatm»Boi . Artesi e %lsare aolving lh. auid region Probteinin uArizonaas vel inlunome uortb- Nover b. witbout Eseljay'es Liver Lezeugea.1 GEAIDTIRUER AND MIDLAN1) Co= aiý±1# ffiee.8outh i BarIb$.T, oe. Onceformery oce by Farewell & Butledge, nazI Royal IR Brook Sb., Whitby. DAVID GIISTON, B. A., Attorney-at-Lav, Solicin l Chanc Gonveyancer, etc. Offce -Ina lie0 south of tie Post Office, ln MGNIE Block, Brook Street, Whutiby. Tiser, r» feu ubhe em ot boonm . uoyod by th. iijuriedobe . the»ittJ Pu& tf-Mpe have nflot y basa taken Ici proteel vinter clohosmd al.igh robes açuana t hoir depredatima no fortisor Lama should b. bat. The. damage is donc by amail whit e aterpiglar, vhieh batch from egga laid by tb. tiny fawn- oolored motlis which are found Iying in bouses, particularly during M.ay ; fot, as some suppose, by the large motha vhich fly &roundl lampoa t ns ht when the windovs are loft, open. . he caterpillar cen only originate from eggs laid by the moths, and only feed upon animal sub stances like vool, hir, feathers, etc. Paper la mado of vegetable fibres, there fore clothes, etc., wrappod uy securely ln piper or p ut avay lu boxes made moth. proof by having old newspapers pested securcly over ail cracks and openinga are safe fromu injury if they are put away before tha motho appear. Sbould there be any doubt on thua latter point the articles ahould be brushed or beaten welI beforo being put away. Camphor, nap- thaline, etc., are only partially effective. acting as deterrenta Lo keep the motha from Iaying their eggs near where thest substances are ; they will not kili the in- secte if the eggs have already been laid Any one can make a rnoth-proof box asi s.dviaed above ; any old box wiII aîîswer, and newapapers and peste can always be :,btained. Daýtr ol iGi iV cry, OBrr atistr oi&cito awkChaneryb BookcelaSt. htla onh Bofkentarineban JUtbicaL J. J. Moore, M. D., P. Warren, Mý Brooklin. Whitby. te il *.m. te 2 p.M. 'Ag Prn'aie Telephone Communwcait Phymican, Surgeon and Acconcheri Office a.nd RLeeidence nexit to Ail gai Chxirch, Dundan Street, Wbitby. N. B Dental Surgery in ail its bra.nches promr attended to. Dr. H. Wightmai o Cl PI J9ENTZST. »-.Z Open overy Sstnrday night. aizctiLantaue W. B. YARNOLD, D.L. B.. lunty Snrveyer and Drainage Engine4 crt Ferry, Ont. Arctec, A. A POITngl, Iage Burckie, Torato. withLneyforLagce VBkeanTorontt.ages "às for nrc Villas d ottagoe a seciatty. Dravlxu prfiear fr reodeiiVng wezitstruin sorfie-Firi 0iatover02,WRHowse d wu. CALVERLEX, HaiS ovdinUU MAIr ew pelT t. s a ng mved t lc outhrneofpromies, MIare t perd 10 extndhlb. rne of bui ail vork ertabuiness10 lie harnes-mati fatdn saddler bnes 'eil . doUe at mys&hop and stock. W. CALVERLEY, second door vest oh eld shep. JNO. NOBLE, -DEALER IN ALL KINDS 0F- Lamber. OSbitgl.B. Saah, Docisud iBilais, Turulag a"d Fwet4wtxg. ffW Ail orders or information can b tained from JOHN NOBLE, Dundai ret, Whitby, opposite Mr. A. C. Wil 's residence. V'hitby, APril 4tb. 1894. obt Str Son v il Per aanm laadvanee, otherviam 01.60. subsoriptions alva. Payable sa th. oMoie of publication.'Te publisheri do »ot underlake le deUvor lb..paff al uy post offlc but WbAtby. -A w" fas toreacb 1Usduestat replaoed upon nolftâois kM a mag o o oourWey. AdvertWsag rates nloe by coi liact, 10 ats Perlune, neapaif ilis' sertic, sad ô eents par liase eohsubse quet Insertion LOoss, 100cets par 1110 IWA1 changes for yearly advertisemente muai b. broughl in nol laie er hn Tneda moraing. JOIE NENDESONàhGRAHÂXA. 33t STANRTQN, 7onmaan. HXADACHE lu geealy the reSult oh a con- afipatod or des ag d ndton cf th.digestve wgaus, Tc eurd t"e beadh 11.sessar 0o geI astbeoot ci lb. evil, sud for *ltis a emnmg Ia""tiv a nob bttu "a volm migltivo. A dotor asys, &I 1mev oh »obel. er Mâeduefor Ii urosth"an Eele' ..voe Lozepgo. A vie"ituof Bzightla Dùmmsio lsaMyYas --UM~ by Dod4' Kidfoy Pilla. NEEPAVA,<pea) e4Ms.TB o ~e, fomerlyof w.1..io 'l ad !~ o~vo~ 11M TEaINI 019 WBOTwA3» vosx EirsDaiLA.l ....... N'o.& Aited Exp.s.-694 ào. ,masl, ezeiSnaby .. .O& woAP.ssosgoe" " I. 9.et ,;= " uc p axa SiEosMaL -net mr~a_ COUNTy OF ONTÂ1jO leu. l' G. YOUNG SMITH. LL, B., Dot ,-ad ag of mpied mlan's limer 11th'. etc. û0k. re. 1. a=r etc. 3.- F4 eno MEtl da.$8 'h F .c in lanu±acturera' Life & Accident Inaurance Co., Toronto. Largeat Capital Stockt Lit o Insurance Co. m lie continent Nlnety per cent, 0e l Scrnulatious et surplus in retunead te the olIicy boiders. AUl caits .aroe-paid vithout elay or discount ou proof of death or maturity of eudewment J. B. POWELL, 'eb. lit, 98. Agent, Whitby, o "r. King & Yonge k3t. Toronto. For the nezi thzee. montha I amn giving eocial attention to, patients f rom a l.- me. Am .1111 making plates in rtxbber, 3, celluloid #10. Gold and silver filli1 urk crowning by Lfim-claus operatoru SI e mou reasuonable rate« in th. ity. rhonnm b.theoCitycl lanand let me exern- LeYour toeth. 1 mmko no extra charge. -I GGB, Dentit, South .aut -Corner Lag and Yonge-Bts.,1 Toronto. NOVu. 8th, 1892. Un H. WARNER. 1l RZIGOGS. GOAL, LUNEER, OODWOOD, sLAES,. ETC. GENT For the PEOPLIE' DAL 030.9 TONTQ. fice and Yard just East of Uptown- Station. Vhftby, Oci. SSth, 1894. ASK YOUR .8TATIONER -10I-- PÂRTICA, m wimx~ PAPIR, -KE N OTHER N I - a T .'4- * ut WWMv-D. C. maedenf, Whith .. Jan.8Si:eb 8 -Marc 3; àprîL D oc. 2;LO ;t. , Omwiv-D. C. Miedonaîl, Whjjb7 C Jan. 4; Fb. 4; March 4; AP -i,8; I ha. 83; JUF8; sep. 8;c. i'8; Nov, j Dec. 8,1. ST BaouSe AX - M. Gleeon, G e n, Co erk -Jan 6; Maruh 6; a 5; J 1" ' Sep. 4; Nov. 5. YS; PoIa Pranr- 3,. W. Burnkar' PeMr, Clk-Jan. 29; MWarch 9; j'a 0 July 20; Sep. 28; Nov. 18. y ; tJxnamezC-Joaoph E. Gould, ulbtidge Clerk-Jan. 80; Mdarcb 24; May îgt, 14; Oct 14 ; Dec. 16. CÂwiIoeroNx-Ge'orgo Smith, Carnnîug, Jan. 81; Mardi 2b; Mday 20; July 1,5; Qls 15; Dec. 17. flEÂVETON-GeO. P. Bruce, Beavertou Cîrk-March 26; May 21; JuIy 16;ot1, Dec, 18. tTmTeEGEov-F J Gillesopie, Uptergro,.ý Olerk,-March 27; May 22; Isly 17; Oct. 17; Dec 19. TWO YO'UNG LADII BACK TO HEAI STRENGT One was threatened wit Following an Attac -The Other was Stage o! Anae«tia- Pink PuIs Restorý other Medi-ines fa. From the Truto, NS.. Among the residents ai-e noue better knoivnc e§teem--d than Mr. and uer. Mr. Turner is a Presbyterian church. an word is as good. as hi farnily reside two youn Maud Christie, an ado, and Miss Jessie Hall. Turner. Both young la to have had trying illneý said to have been resto-ri a popular me ficine, thu is a household word f ro-) to the Pacific. Judgi story would be of pop, reporter called upon tý for such information î choose to make public ladies- were averse to when It was pointed ou, perience migh b e h other suflerer, gave a publication. Miss Chriý is perhaps the most given precedence. Shi nov s19 years -o! age - ,been v-ery strong. Oni -last I was attacked ws brougbt on by a sever confined to bcd for almn wben 1 vas able to get Durlng these weeks 1 w ment by our physiciai tinued Laking bis rnedic appeer 10 recover rnY e!er. and on the 14t] *again horced to take t tîrne suffering from gre *nervus. Prost ration. -medicine now seemed good, and I grew 'grad became so low that iL possible that 1I could doctor said that 1Iwvai and. tiat medicine vasc to îme At shis lime ipulihedlutisepaper ýeurè ohf a Young lady in j4î. ýTutuer'atone Aftet I had used aboui - tdIla o rUiad ref. '*of-PinkPiIsahffl ittacked withd sabd .fknting Wéilix9g-Of tli dworld for me." I~m 8-No, 258 Woodwad Av.., This was rubbing iL in. We who Detroit M". had preceded Park feit that it was " 'sCtoRotomoa tenough to have confessed our crime is sold b ail responsible wholel without glorying in it, and when Ac and rZ2aidruggist in the Dominion turs ORya arse alosthoped that ofCanada and United States for Onse n He stood straight as an arrow. b O'Ryan was the handsom est man in thed coterie, and looked first at me, then in CExwo~ turu at each of the others. 1 feît that Er oc eundo hrdyo the ightnings oh his wratb would strike ls Ez ra ohietredon thrsdoneof us ail and strike bard, but I had îessîstekfrmistp1th Ponr fear t han if 1 had had to stand the bîow Farm, Rainy River District. While alone. However, 1 unconsciouisiy bac there he, took up a farm for bimself, id cd yscf s h bganspakig. and bas eome notion oh moving there 0 -Mr. Chief and fellow members of! next sprirlg. t the Coterie,"~ he said, ln that majestic Mrs. R. Wood disposed ohfail ber P and overpowering manner ofhbis. .1 bousthold effects on Tuesday, and bas*~ amn pained beyond ail expression at gone to live witb ber daughter, Mrs. wbat I-have heard here this evening. M. Summerfeldt, of Mount Albert. 1 badý expected something betterof you. _Mrs. Wood bas long been a resident of I had boped you vould set me, the Cherryvood, an w vIIi leave mùany youngest member of this Coterie, a bet- friends here to regret ber departure ter exatuple. But you bave Waied, fromn our midst. failed utterly. . OffDWOOIte -Our cbief is to be married vithin Farmers are very scarcein tovn this di three months, think of that, gentlemen, week as tue7 are airsl- engaged in as you reàd. our- belovedi resolutionsseigtc nov withering. fast away; our vice chief seig hs to be marrld viwthin' wo week; Temple M""Davyey,,p Toronto, daughter ofd is to be mazried vithin a month, King Mf.Jas Dvey, of tbîs place, is still?? in two weelciî and Park lin t#o dajs, <an'e<>s1y ill, ve artSfl to hear., whle1, gntemn-.te.-whom-you, Rev. Mr.» Tlôrtl>rpreached I have ýMË stwdase.tMwaies-.Ifthse Young. ageadattentive congregatIGn Sn'0 est of-Yeu .hl shaHflotï mar. a vng.. an âu éd ux. ve âl tsih t r. . T Lasher b s m n a cd# ,,ýç 1-'no, I , ary. t is Dm t Hmioit MoIofh NéS. Î ,neeeaat'tw-,e rmi1 A-.n r.. .-.À? 3 etc * -AND- Drs, Warren d Mooi WMtb A DOUBLE -FOR- r Barrister, etc.,-Money to Loan. hi of Marriage Licenses. Office - Smi Block, South of Market, B? ock St., Whi Hea. CURED PERMJ ]M TAXI Ayer'ys 'I as troubled a lor, bes4acbe. It was 11"U wltiisevere pains in li -of fuflneffl and Lerîderi bad teste In my mouti bands and feet cotd. ai stosnach- 1 trled a g<ai recommended for this vas fot until I Began Takii Ayer's Pis tQat I received anv-t nent benefit, A -qinti'- did the work for me,a irom headaches. and' C. H. HIUTCHIG., Eaý AYER'S Awarded Modal et Arme" s raasU 1 By order, 1 m 'l Wbitbp (,tlgonitte, Bstablbhod 18U. 1- October 7th 1895. Nehi thon and Sais Stabilo 1. T. NEWPOIRT, Proprietor, Commercial mon lberally deait with Taming don. as reaicnable prices. Preight and Bagfale hauled st rea8on. 1- ble prices. A eau .olîclted. LIFE INSURANCE. DOW & MeGILLIVRAT9 015ce hou-Te 9. a. m. OfEce hours Il Dundas St., Whitbye -:o:- M4 ..00-

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