Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 8 May 1896, p. 2

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Almost a Hopeless Ca-se A8 Torble Oouch. Ne lest IN1irl uer Day. Gves up by Ductoer. A LIFE SAVED HERRI AYER'S PECTORAI v. lit j', L *"everal years ago, I eaught s severe eeld, attended wlth a terrible cougb tisai allcwed mue ne rest, elther day or nlght. Thse doc- tors, after working over me te tise best cf their abilfty, pronounced my case hopeless, and said they could do no more for me. A friend, learnlng cf rny trouble, sent mne a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, whlcb I began te take, and very soon I was greatly relleveti By the time 1 had used tihe whole boitle, I wus completely cured. I have neyer bhad mach of s cough ince tluat tisue, and 1 firxnly belleve that Ayet's Cherry Pectoral saved asy life."1-W. E. WAm», 8 Qulmby .Ave., Lewell, Mass. Ayoî'rs Cherry Pectoral HIOM -TAWARD AT WORL'S FAIR £Yepe.s PUis Sst OasFoUF PAVaio OORRESPONDENCE Brechtia On Saturday nmorniag one cf Mara'e old residon te pased away ln thse perses of Mr. William MoLennan, deceased bad been oni>' ilI for a short tinie, and bua tintiznely destb will bo regretted by rnany friends. Mr. MeLennau vas a hife long resident sud bad reaobed thse age cf 65. TIse fanerai teck place on Monda>' te the Gameh-ridge cemetery and vas largely attended. The religions services voe( coaducted ut thse bouse and grave by tbe 11ev. M. N. Bethune. Tihe' (ami-y bave the sympauhy cf the entire cozxîmunity in this thoir sud bereavement. Mr. Edvard Kennedy aad bis cbarm- ing bride arrived from their vedding tomi Monda>' evening, and wyul take up their residence bore. We axtond our con- *gratulationse te bhappy couple sud wish tisera ever>' succose. Miss Maria Kyla left for ber borne in Orillia Saturday, Seeding ie in full pregrsa. W. are to bave a portable barber shop. This is the lairest invention et a villager. Messrs. Jobaston flues., vbo pnrcbased the fleur mili bore bave arrived and vili istart to refit ir eut with aIl nev machin- er>' sud tbe latest roller procese. This is wbat vo vant in Brecb.ua,-an rip io date fleur Mil. Mr. Addie Cuddabee ef Oillia spent Suinda>' tbo guest of Mr. W. Murphy. Oui implement agents seeto cb. the only people doing a rusising $radeast preseat. The>' ail report big sales. Mu. Jobs Mecuaig is fltting rip thse Mury sisop for a resideace Lindesy. Thse water in the lover lakes bas been higiser titis spring than for many mses's S aEt.Mr. Jos. Maunder, who bas been own the laka looking sfter bis od intarests, informe ns that in rnany places tise watar sctualiy rose e0 high as te carry tlha loe off the dampa, and float thein into the laka. Mucb vuluabia timber was loet in shis way. A brava raesu.. Frein HELaibartos comas another tala of a brava dead, a yeung boy saving bis compauuion frein drowning. Last Bunday while yeung Wm. Abbutt sowu ef Mr. Wm. Abbott of Holiburton, vau playiniz aroand tise lake ha feil in and gotbeyond his deptis. As ha could not swirn ha would usdoubtedly have beau drowned bad 1$ Dot beau fer Dne yes"r old Fred Dçmmfitt visejuin pad jto e .lak. spd affectaie reacua. Neediese te eay Mr. Abott féots higbly gratified to young Dmummitt fer bis bravary. otu r'a b!ins u. Mm«er. Gilmour, tisa vai known Trente. lumbermen, are constructing as immiense miii in Dorset, Bsherbourne township, Ralbuorton. Tise miii vii emIPl9 ome 700 er 800 men, cung- 00,0 est per dây. A bÉanch riâ**ay vii b. eonusîrnced frea tise ah le ocou- »neetvtb tise Ottawa. Ar4prier snd Parry Sounti railwýy. Mr. Mille, bricklayer of T~rntnvii reparé tb tÃ"ufl>hï fdr Botingtis bol~r sd macislaery. r> comupau'y bave, oouoludad lhsitiàcb"P. aito, «t ,thfr lopin Dorson thMaoflost thomn dovu some 200 mailes anti that vils Mxr. Wm. &tephans s, ho lii ' eMe 6nb~otbs SRîo, reuided lu the. townablp .rntS_ u*leelii itl a.eà,loeso Ilsý v.U ss~ té pb," t veuld repremeul a 0etfd dot00od koka, ~ va e mous accident boee! Mim Alli Bhzu~gam, augter ef oui fpopular fi.di. John à r1u of a tis sotthl ar.The. yoag vise Wh tasobatu siool a fev miles frm Hunts- ville, vas thse gusat of ber friand, Mie. McCrandall, nee Miss Hellen Foot., at cap lime a pupil at Loretto couvent. On tise evening above mentioned ManBlini- ingisaî vas valkiug on tise tracS nea» tise village, 5a stepped teose side te avoid an approacbing train. As ah. (ld so a proecting scsntling,. vhioh vas un- notiood, struck ber on tise iead, kuocklug ber intoe isadtoissud lnflioting savara wounda on tise isad sud face. Thea injnred young lady vas pîooeptly eonvey- ed su Dr. Howland'a huspital sud bar worndos attended te. Wa are pleaaed te b. able te state that ase is nov iri rvn as rapidly as oould b. expctd.- Wrer. oi yr h( la Wild ducks are ver>' plentiful op tise ake just now, and an occasionai flock of wild geese is to be s&en. Frank Markel, of the Gamebridge hotel, appeared before Magistrates Bruce and Treleaven on Saturda>' last, 'harged with violating the license law by sellîng liquor on Easter Sunday. Hle. bowever, proved that he had flot ;old an>' but bad treated a couple on -hat day, and as th is is considered an ufraction of the law, he was taxed $25 nd costs, in ail $32. 5o. A rather dear reat. BE*VEETON. Our yachting men are busilyengagq etting ttneir boats ready co launc tessrs. J. A. Proctor, W. Harrisc tnd H. S. Cameron, are having tbc >oats painted before pusrring tbem he water. Trout, white fisb and berring, a ,ry ple-ntiful now and the lake at nigi sdotted with the lights of those ci îtching fish. The cricket club bas sodded a creaý 'er in tbeir new fleld and now haý n excellent play' ground. >ed ch. Dn, ýeir in are >h t EU t ise Lve For tise privilege of doing a littît elling on t.he Street last week, Donald ,ameron was asked to hand over$47 fgood and lawf ul mone' se our wor-thy liage treasurer. It will likel>' b. in- ested in sidewalks. An agent of Messrs. Graham Bros., fClaremont, was in town last week >'ing to get a syndicase of our local orsemen to purchase a heavy Clydes- ale from themn. Mr. Jas. Birchard sold four ver' fin" >rses to a gentleman from Huntsville st week, and aiso one to D. M. Smith fthis town. A grand Conservative convention will be held in the town hall, Cannhng- ton, on the 5th day of May', for the pur- pose of selectipg a candidate to contest the riding of _borth Ontario in the com- ing general elections. Mr. A. D. Morrison is a hustler, and no mistake, and is one of our live men. He has this week put on the road a very handsome bakery and general de- livery wagon with which he will deliver any and ail purchases made at his store. The wagon was made b>' our fellow townsman, Mr. jas. Birchard, and re- flects great credit on bis workmanship. Monday morning the river below the dam was a scene of considerable fun and excitement. Several contingents of fishermen arrived early in the morning, and tried to exhaust the suppies both of the river and the hotel bars, and al- though not being able to do cither they dîd the best they could and left for home -Ioaded " in both senses of the word. Týhere is rejoicing in the bousehold of Mr. A. T. Elliott, one of our popu- lar druggists, occasioaed by the advent of a fine baby girl, which interesting event happened last Monday afternoon. Mr. Jao. McLennan, of jas. Birch- ard's carniage works spent Sunday witis bis famnily in Argyle. He wheeled over and reports the roads first class.e L. J. Cameron was in Toroato tis week. 1 Bv present indications the summer tourist business promises to be an ex- ceedingly brisk one here this year, as already many applications are being re- ceived by villagers as to cottages, boagrd- etc.1 Messrs. Parsons & Duncan are hav- ing a tali brick cbimney built on tise west end of their tannery.. Mr. Geo. L Wallis bas moved into J. M. (%ordon's dwelling blouse over J. J. Hoîrnes'store. N esers. C. Westcott and D. Ruther- forl wheeled over to Cannington on Sunday. Capt. Gilbertson left for Midland on Monday last to take charge of hie boat for tise comiug season. The Rev. D. G. Ross, of Cannington, vas .il town on Monday Laut. Messrs. K E. tameron andAibet Hamilton wem luin reChi legst Thurs,- day *on businons-Connected khte Beaverton Aùimeaint Club.ý Tise granolithic siwlk laid last- year t'as a bàd- (allure -in »me, parts, and thse cougdcil should attend to h se pairing of it at -oncý_e. M Moab Be.W .Wa4e0âIotor of Hmio' Dr. 4Âyzes aCitarrisalfoyder. A leader et tiseB]Episcopal deaomina tion in canada, is tiseRMy. W. H. Wade,' reotr of tisa ChureS ef tise AscesiWon. Among tisa metnbeis cf tiss oh areae numbers cf themisa mealtiy sud fahiion- able people cf tise Ambitions City, aud beloved ide th eiairector. In bis facnilyhS a asuead Dr. Agneav's Catarris- al Peyder, sud boas more tisa pleasd vitis tisa goed resaIt. obtaneti. Tisa t iefacticubs abean unobtisst ovar bis cwn signature bo bas frsnkly said te tisa peo. ple cf Canada thâst r.iiemedicisa il a good tiig, sud gives tise relief tisat le claimad for it. Ona short puiffcf tise breatis througb tisa Blovar, suplied vith eaciibottie cf Dr. Agnew's Catairbal Povder, diffuses tisis Povd.r over lise surface cf tise nasal passages. Painles ansd daligbtul te nu, it relieves in tan minutas, sud perman- eutly curas Catarris, Hay Foyer, Colds, Headacha, BSeaTbroat, Tonsilitis aad Deafaes. 60 cents. Sold only by J. E. Willis, Wiitby. WIEXTEVALL& day. H F Whaiey visited Toronto a few days ago. A E Tbornton is visiting friends in the city. Miss Francey, of Victoria Square. visited Dr. Francy lust week. Will Armstrong, of Collingwood, is visiting bis brother for a few days. We are very glad te bear of M&s Hamilton's recover>' (rom ber recent, illness. Rev. Mr. Paul, of Unionville. occu- pied the Metbodist pulpit on Sunda>' evening. Mrs. Dr. Francey spent a few days calling upon ber friends at Victoria Square last week. The boys of our vale have been en- joying tbemselves for tbe past week fisbing for suckers. Mrs. Fraser, wbo has been visiting ber brother, Rev. Mr. Oke, has returri- ed to ber home in St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Ward have taken up their abode at the old home-stead. Mr. Ward intends going to school at L c h E c b F S( ti ir a] Ni s ýa [ri )f qj ,e 0 is f REMARKABLE CASES ChromA0 Invalide Ratsd froua Thets Biot Bode Afier oevIng Up Hope. Lonsdon, ont.-Henry R. Niehoils, 176 Rec tory utreet, catarr:i; recovered. Dr. Chase'@ catarrs cure. 25. Markdale--eo, C we'u child. itehing eczen1a; cured. 'es Ointant. Truro. NS;-ELz Sutherland. travel- ler. Piles-ve e as.;, ured ; Chaws Giatieni. 60e. ,a enWM. on, gardeuer, pin Worms; go . 'sPilla. L'A V aa, eczema for three Chas.'. tiauuent. liw t- bana Bartard, dread- fl i tec ng île., years Well agois; Chase,§ Qiment 60e. Me g- sIon .Jisa tching Piles: cureti. (Cb9sntnéut. Ma.lene-GC".. hardson, kiduey and liver mffer ~tter. Ona box Olsase's Pilla. 2 .C -LWjîî'.seo. erippled i wth rheumatium and sufferln from diabetes, COmpletely reeolvered. Chase'@ Pilla. Matehard Townsbp-Peter Taylor, kld- nèy trouble, 30 yearu; cured. Chasm"@ 1>111K. 25e. fIoro=,o_4iým ]Hs>te Del&e.uy. 174 3w.'wferd etreet. -sbJet ci perpetal go?&s. CDxed by, Cbe.ee's Syrop ci ULia- Oeed «Md Tur.iVu». 25 cents. D r. (C>sse'à remodles are sold by «Il dealers. BduàasouBat- &C. a mctuqrz ,Togoato., IJ c e i Large flamber. of cattie are being de heraed in t.bis vieiniîy. Messis. Moore & Kennedy bave isad tiseir entire bord deborned by Mers. Themeeon Bues. On Monday Mi. Joeph Thomson dehorned @il cattle cf ibis bord in tvanty minutes. Dr Jebb visa agi"u Certain javelais sud local opticians of Barrie, fired by jealouey, conceived s brilliant ides of lijurirug the business cf Dr. Jebb, the opticriars, by isavinq bita brougbu befora tise magistrate'. court for violation efthtie Transet Traders bylav. The magistrat. disinissed tise case, atter hearing tisa coripiaint; Lb.etise aforesaid local jeveiers enlisted tisa services ef a lsvyar te remodel tisa by-law, and again lay for Lise Dr. The magistrat. evon on Lb. revisod coda, after isearing thea coun- plaint, diern"sd tisa case. Tha local prsr do set oves do Lb. Dr. any justice by annoaseing bis victery in aither casa, tiscugh tbey do mnention the faot cf bis prosecuticu. Dr. Jebb bas boas a rega- lai visiter ef nearly every tova in tis province for rnany years, and bis reputa- ion la tooe voîl establisbed te be injarad by sucb petty persecutiosu as aboya re- corded.. The fariners of &hi@ vicinity have near ly finiahed Beeding. Our pedagogue. Mr. C. Mackey, epent Sabbatb at hie hore ne aKiasale. A.rbor day lat F riday was'postpoDed untilins, Friday, wben the east sehool will join witb this and celebrate the day ini true patriotic style. The sick list of tliia neighborhood seems to ho anusaalv large thî%s sPrIng Mr. T. Wotî.en, Mrs. J. Hurlbut, Mrs. T. Hall, Mrs. R. Campbell, and Mrs. Virtue being all under the doctor*e care. Mr. B. Powell bad a vainable colt drowned in a welI last week. Hie had sorne difficulty in getting it out, but with careful ma.nagemnent lie eucceeded. Visitors-Mr. Herman Pascoe, Taun ton ; Mr. E. Hazzlewood, eaet achool pedagogue; frire. Smith, Liona Head. This village bas suffered the saddlest bereavement possible, ini the death of Mre. J. Gilbort, da.ughter of Mr. D. Dyer, Columbus. Deatb le rnourLed in any case, but when one is taken away, who has always lived in a place, and oeenaa perfect model cf goodaess and trntb, it cornes with a sudden shock te a aeigh- borhood. Mre. Gilbert wsau energetic coroh worker, being organiet i n Sunday ichuel and cburch. She was a member of the Choses Friands aeao. 8h. leaves a hnaband and tbree ohildon to, muurn the lues cf a loving sud patient wile and nether. Thae etire cemmuurity extend thair deepeat eyrnpstby for thse fansily. As thse strengtb of a building depends upos tihe solidity of its fouadation, se bealtb dspends upen the condition of the blond. To expeiin purities sud e'use the. vital fluid te bece vigerousansd life-giving, Âyeu s &rsparilla sà tii. amt poverfulsud affective usdiceini Us&. Sir Donald Smih busbew e ppeidWHlgh Commissions, AinLUndon. Ulna6's tuimsmueum *s asta A. e fie d dsIOifOO dam"e- otisImpoeIa 011 OempsuY' popSty At péoI E.ljsys iïo oane«Muge~stn Thes Bourgade1098,, e zibài for; te lit veS, hdas Dr. Archerls, Port Peiey. Tih. look plao. bomer . r ve oemelsy eran sd vua Tory uns. Gilbert vasu a fr. D; Dyar, Columibus, sud vas vaîy bighy respeeset inlutise inigis Mn. H. Elhiotut, jr., fs astli oonftsad te tise bouse. Miss Elliotî s uaise been Wi for tise last fev tisys. Mr,. Fred Euls As able te mova cul vils tisa ad of bis crutehas. Mr. T. T. Jardina, Oshaas, wu in car village Suuday. Mr. Thson. Ballai, Greoubank, spent Sunday vitis' friendi bora. Mr. Msnley Crydaîrn, cf tise Boy. manville post office, visited friande is.î. Snuday. Rev. RoaI snd vif., Orono, vas in oui Village Baturday. Our Sabisat s seiool as asual viii giva a grand autartaininent ou July lot. In th. absence cf Miss Elliotii throngb sicknaas Susday, Miss G. M. Brovn pie sided at tisa organ vitis ability. Rev. E. E. Howard tbrough sickaess, could set taka bis verS Sunday sItar- accu sud evaaing. Dr. Frauk Harvard wul uiortly rznsove te New York atata ce practice bis profes- Sion. Wa wisbh lm saccae. ORU.LI&. Farmers are vell on witb seeding this locality. Bert Hopkins is working for Rail Forsyth this surnmer. Fishing will be strictly Probibited both of the Altona creeks this season John Monkhouse, brother of oi Scbool lnspector McBrien was around and as a result the scholars had a haif bol iday. Thos. Burnhamn was greatly annoyed last Sunda>' night by some boys. He intends purchasing a gun, so boys beware. jAndrew Brown our venerable hotel keeper bas had ploughed that small parcel of ground just south of tise gar- den ef Eden. His watermeloas will do fine there but we ver>' much doubt if in ph in n. 'u r On. of our yeung people receiveda anonymous lester some time ago. T] sender will please remember that a anonymous lester is a mode of mon murder, wbicb, using only an inkstan for a bowl and a pen for a poignarc poisons confidence, and stabs charact without fear of detection. an 'an nd ýer - Cnpid breaks hi. bow al, the aiht of .., les end blotches. 1 Ho tw cheeks, * sunken eyes, and a sallow complexion wilI 'defy his best U * tentions. Beauty Me more than skin deep. The skin is merely the surface on whidh je written in plain characters - the conxdition of the body. The skin in flot a thing by- itself, and skin diqeases are frequently flot skmn diseases at ail. All the lotions anýd bleaches and creams and powders in the worldw-on't make a good complexion if the digestion is wrong. If the stornach is sour, and the, liver torpid, and the bowels constipated, the skin will show it. No use trying to treat the skin for sucli a condition. The only way to relieve it is to cleanse the sys- temn and punify the blood. As long as- the heart is purnping impurities to, every part of the body. juit so long these impurities wili show through the skia. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery ie guod for the complexion becauae il makes the whole body health-because it clears and purifies the bloo ,mak es the digestion strong and clears out irnpurities of ail kinds. By increasing the ability to assimilate nutritious food, and by the in- fusion of its own ing-redients, il enriches the blood and so makes soiid, keaithy flesh. Il fills out thse hollows, rubs out wrink- les and substitutes for sallowness a rosy, healthy glow. There i. no mystery about it. It isn't a m~iracle. It is merely the re- suit of a combination of rational, natural commun sense with expert -nedical knowl, edge. It cures- diseases of thse lungs, liver, stomacli, bowels, skis and scalp, simply because ail tise .diseases spring frai thse same cause - à disordered digestion and' consequent impure blooti. Don't letpr.j- dice -and scepticismi cheat you ont of our healts. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical DWs eoverywill positivel cure yon, if sufferisg front diseases, namedabove. If you want to know hundreda cof great medical truthe, seud ji ose-cent etampe ta caver customs %ad saaing ossly, andi we will send yoqr m a copy or Dr. Pierce'es 100 m od,"Comuion Senne Médical Ad- viser." Addreme, W01MD'S DKSPnSA*.Y The Sufferiu Of 014 PeOPIO. Fids Simple and Quiok Relief la theTJuse Of South Amerlea, idas7 Cure. The. Uffring6 he iue "rIé.1 u duW dby im â sa on. b> t i oif the hd..i jl .>paas vli<> ~ di bae oo & 5h8,w& -t*od, Moal.dsts ettaso --Ic MieCa, f o 1 * u '« seu iss a rwd of &ockhas edispeed' lîn eudy vt rinslut Mrint. JblSirhsbe p0 i Mr. Joh wt hier ba be speldnga few dywi.h srduitr ola W. are glad to sce that Mr James Shier. who has been contined to the e lieuse since lest fail, is nov able te be out driving again. Several business meetings of tie ciseese factory have beeu held and re- port says that ail necessary arrange- ments have heen made for the corning season. They intend openiag the factory on or about the igt of May. Mr. John Crown while leading home a colt on~e evening had a very narrow escape from being seriously hurt. The colt would flot lead ver>' velI go he de- cided to get on its back, thinking he would go faster, and ne doubt but what he did. The colt started at a furious rate, taki ng several charges at the fence which made him think he would be safer on the ground, but the colt soon tossed him over bis head, jumped over him and stepped on one of his hands met purge, pila or pipa. 5o14 by ail druggj~, DOIT SUCC siIUL REIEDY FOR MAU On RAsT. a ou"tke tio humu. k~IAL'SVA- IUw ne F: ENessuRGut VAL&S, vv. Olezl~ oID.~TL <' be For uuswJuwxeoj BNol mm.s. Bavai. mns- A. MoLe baad vils a son stism . omeo aS Mi. k oe bher br-other, Dr.] Part. erry fi"n NesWeddse,J Ps*ess lie «, lkr. lobu issn 1ellie B4aïtÃ"14 ofMarkham, with her p"rnts over Sqù.dày. We aoe lad te4SouMiss Annie.A rie's ýpleasant siles after heie Thne eêlW bfd kew" t ".-eWomrm lýtmdk Taylor and Lound are now kept busy, and are running the factory day and night. W. G. Gerow is doing a rush ing busi- ness just now, he having secured the help of two men. The B. Y. P. U. in connection with the Baptist church held a social even- ing last Friday. Refreshments were served and a short prograru was well rendered. Theo. Hagerman met with a serious loss on Monday fc.renoon through the destruction by fire of bis barns and stables. A quantity of hay and, oats, seed grain, a heifer and a numnber of hens were also destroyed. Loss on buildings $8oo, contents &8.oo. Insur- ance $700. Origin of ire unknown. A. E. Major met with a serious ac- cident on Thursday evening, while as- sisting to dress the carcass of a caif. In using a knife it slipped, striking him on the abdomen and cutting through the clothing, infiicting an ugly gash. Mr. Major was taken to the hospital,i Toronto, where he is doing nicely, the4 wound not having penetrated as it1 easily might have done to the vital1 parts. He will likely be around all right in the course of a week or two. 1 1 1 ' 1 - --, ANIDE s MIPSU 1 -. St. George, New BrumwieiL 1 1 After the Orip No Strength, NO Ambition Mooda S arsaparlila cave Perffti The ffolcvng bter là fronta s lkbo marchant taller cf B&. George, N. B.: C. I. Bond & Ce., Lewell. Mass.:. "'Gentlemen -I1 aM M tglati y 5that Gl BarspartUl and Hood's Pilla have dons me great deal cf goed. I ba severe ttack 0 the grtp in te inter, sud alter getting over the feer I dd sot sento gather strength, and Iua no ambition. Bood' arsamparilla proved to b n~t Vw uau 1nedei.Thereuis e ery *8l tlo s c use j' Poison sM d poor bloti. lways keep Road's Sarsaparlila in uny houa. anduse il;when 1 aed atoi. We aie kea,, Hoed's Pilla on hasd asnd thlnk 111gb ty cf theu." J. W. Dvxnusî, St George, Nev Brnswltk. HO"'$ P4116e r proY vegtable, and do -TMM liani*toba ialu*iwds for me held &afi» abject avenT elaction da. whsy shouid bar -ro, day visile other min open? Boca ad as domoralizing If se uen tisat da days ; and if close, otiser days? thougis tbe law it plied induoemnentr uise cf liquor on th Bobeiest days of th cf tise bars at nue, drunkefi spree. -1 prohibiting tise ai day atter an electu Tise London M e case as te temnpef in tise following wi a teusperance part sets its face as a sertatives and ch trada, it vil Pr(, aati-slavery party subordinated ever suprame dernand science. The teni nov antered thi vhicis every party bu a temperance r< veherntly OPPOÉ really effect the political hypeenru paralyze the moral t1ry until the slugg land st lmat avake Dr. Dawson But ed te the London letter on the rnii for 1895,' which printed and circu Tise bill shows an over the figures fo for 1895 being £11 noteti that this mec tara in more thani coma cf all tbe i * tis nation. Con perisead of thse p expanditure for la o1 £18 38 1(>4'd persans, compared LiT7 17s 84d in pý Tisa following a( London Medical P ed "Wbicis vas aserted Le be a fa Doctor, to pati saune whisky." Patient, a youný -"I oan't take th ai. Can you tel, patients you havE indirectly througis Dector changes Tise patient, of Sacremastal se cuit, nois Sanda, ai. Bey. S. G. î nigist on tise liquo lion te poulies. Bey. D. S.,nHna vited for metriodis Lectue by 11ev. 25tis. Arbor day vas c lot. Tise sobooli sud ranovated. mas

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