EulRlghts Mfeeting. woods, where t.hey will be captured adstrung up to the nearest treeAs A second meeting of the town equal ta the - general aspect of polities he rîgherswasheldat on.J. H I~g'scould just say that McCarty is ail right. oiche on an ed a Hni. JTHere wa's He is at Ottawa in daily consultation but a small attendance at the start, wt odAedeada ona owing-ta the fact that President Long the Tories is caught doing any monkey.. had expelled sa many members at hast ing McCarty wilI be called upon to meeting.Crsy ha make a cabinet, and then good-bye to W. H rsy who a apahogised office for the Tories and Grits. This for his conduct at last meeting and hadcutrwilte bedieedfm been rcinstated after day's pen- pirates, and after that nobody will get ance by going without socks, was re- an office but themn that does what Mc- appointed secrctary. Carty tells them. This country will be LFTTRS O by McCarty in future. He wilh 1.E'FERS E RERET.take a vote af each province on the A letter was read tram Hon. Jno. question, and themn that wants separate Dryden, stating his intention ta sup- schools will have them, and wilh have port Hon. J. H. Long stronghy at next ta pay for themn, and them that doesn't electian, and oflerîng ta take twenty- want themn wilI have better schools. five shares oi Equal Rights stock at No religion will be taught in the schools par. except Equal Rights, which means that Another irom Hon. D'Alton Mc- whichever way the majority votes Mc- Carthy, comiplimienting Mr. Long on Carty will give them what they want. the firm and strrng manner in wbich lie Fie will keep in office ail the time. disposes af rcfractory members at Nobod y but Equal Righters will be al- meetings, and assuring him that in lowed ta hohd office. poircs as tibcy are run ta day nothirig J. R. Philp-Didn't I understaud but the boss or ane-mnan power prin- yau that there will be no office holders ciple %\ 11 hold a party together. None aiter McCarty gets in. af the tallawers ai bis party mnust be The President-Vou misunderstood alo('wed ta farmulate policy for bis me, sir, I thought I had made it clear guidalicc. lie tinds it a great advan- that none but Equal Righters, that is, tage ta have Stubbs in pariament thlis them that does what McCarty tells Sest.There being onlv thrce mem- them, will be alowed ta hold office. bers ()f lus party yet, b e details thec J. E. Farewel-I have always sup- other twu, O'Brien and Stubbs, ta sit portcd majarity rule. Would that en- n the hanse turn about, and thus keeps title me ta retain office? the G t.. and Tories under strict The President-No, sir. There wil watchi As ta inatters ai policy, Chair- bc no lawyers kept in office.t manî Long exp)ressed hrffsentiments in J. E. Farewei-Mr. McCarthy is a excellent if rin a , ý t tmeeting. For awyer. the prese t flîsYnealir is ta ger office. The President-That's it exactly. lic lues not cka( tlv like the way Clark He knows what a set ai pirates they c Wallýca d INcd (larkec are setting nIp are. If the lawyers support McCarty,k thecir littieý show. l)ut hopes in a few rhey may bc given a case each ta prose- t (iay s tW rnakc thîer an aller ai cabinet cute the1 dishonest men naw in office, positions, wh îchi is wlîat thiey are aiter but they wih1 l ot be trusted ta handhe ani wiibrîrîg cin W his sie. The any mony G~ras, too, are tram plling an bis ground, NOCUC IFUNE by setting unp that it i riant OCUc NLECri ask iluvic to continue separate- Postmaster Howden maved a resa- fi scboals .îitur it lias decided ta abohîsh hution ta the effect that it is undesir- s thern. As tor Nleredithi,lie is inchi.ned able ta cast the church off entirely in r ru think tbe (bief -justice will not take aur affairs, and that this meeting favors f( up parts- puuitiu s again until sncb time some systrm af education by which iF as the Equai Rigbts party will swing ta the tenets ai the several prominent de- tl the iront. NIr. MIcCartby waund tip nominations, bath Roman Catholic and his letter by'cx pressing bis regret in Protestant, may be explained to chil- not being able ta attend Mr. Long's dren. meeting, and by baping that it would In speaking ta the motion Mr. How- be a suc Cess. den said he believed it was useless ta Col. O'Brien sent a telegram as fol- establish reigiaus and educational in- lows: Hanse ouf (aramons. Ottawa, stitutions at great expense, and at the Feh. k). 1896. Hon. J. H. Long: same time prevent rehigiaus teaching Regret cannot attend \'our meeting ta- from reaching the youth through the night. 1). MeC-. awavý, and Stubbs bas schooh. He believed this questian ta do 5uifle Snndav-schaool wark. Have should be largely decided by clergy- ta warch proceedîngs in Hanse. Stir men. tbe boys up. Wisli v~our candidature The chairman-Do you mean ta say sucCess. ()BRRIUFN\. that a clergyman wouhd be allowed ta Thie ilowing letter was received dictate ta you as ta haw your children frara NIr. ~.NIh, . 1'. :is ta be educated. losuf Cm ns, ()t\,.a, Feb. 8. Mr. Hawden-Yes. lion. .1. h. long, Whby. der ser- The Chairman-Welh, you may jain Rgrt vry mili tuit i shl nt bc abl ta atnd same party who wants ta be priesr- yr ntnig an Mundyc. Ws mb plcsd ridden. We wà nt equal rights here, wtb rcp)rt uf ls, t mr Sum rnersaiand dontneedgvrmnAofcast nie anc side an(] askd if1 spd tht way yaur letters and read the post crids, on purpuss, and i sd wbt way. He sd and we can get ahong without yau. it is ah rghr, and bye a cigr, Stubbs, and Nobody sent for you ta came here, and the marr dropd. Thes felhrs at Otwa it is ordered that nabody shall inter- spels diffrnt fim us, and guys us wbn fere ta prevent your exit. we dn't rake up tlir spein and redn hall Mr. Hawden vacated his seat, and talk. i byve a dat on fr Mndy nght ifi the chairman ruhed his motion as being can gt Oh3rine ta keep wtch in the irregular. Hase. 1 told hm i hd ta adres a Sndy A SWEEPING MOTION. scool convnrn, but the fack is, 1 hve a gaine on wth sum af the boys. The R. H. Lawder moved that the foi- grirs is stehng aur pohsy, an.d we hve howing be the platform ai the Equal toa mch eql rgbts talk here for the gd Rights association of South Ontario: ai aur prty. Tht's wht Dalton says. (i) Loyalty ta Great Britain; clark Walis and Bily Mclane ai Tinta, (2) Equal1 public recognition of is also setng up ta rab usonposy church andi schooh; O'brine sys the torys is usng us squre in (3) Protection ta manufacturers, regards ta stealng aur tnndr. i havn't rmechanics, fainiers and publishers; rnde any spches yet, bt wl tke hnd in (4) Simiuiar sthoah systeni in each the dbate when rmedil bih cums up. Province ai the Dominion. It wlh be downd, and thn aur tîn wlî The chairman - That'hI do ! You curn. If yu ar elctd i wil spk ta .dc- needn't read the rest of it, Mr. Law- Crty and O'brine for a port folio fr yu. der. 1 see what your driving at. ýI Push thngs in yr ridng. Na sprate have nua abjection ta yaur first clauseï1 scools, no bible or catchism, and fia about hoyahty. Every man who wants surendi is the motta. Yrs trly. wM ta ring in a slippery and dishaneat plat- STUBBS formn paint.s his loyalty-on the front of Wm. Smith, M. P.,.wrote stating it. Your second clause means that re- that he was ready ta resign his candi- igion and eduication is ta be bath kept dature un Mr. Longs favor whenever up by the country. the Equal Rights party got strang S. Quigle-y..Well, why flot ? enough in parliament ta take office, The Chairgnan-Mr. 1Quwgley, dici provided the weather keeps fine. ýýôu ever try keeping à haif 'A&zén R. H. Lawder and Thos. Rice ap- cats and a bi* in onc house ? Thet peared as bears of a petition for rein- school is like the bird,,*bich. bas be statement signed by Van Buren Wood- kept hung up high ta keep it aut a f ic rufi, William Hood, E. O. McCrohan, rcach of the cat.s, each of which watcb..C Thos. McCann, P. Ryan and S. Quig- ahi the while for an op portunuty . s 1z ley. The petition chaimcd for these the bird for itself. l' have 'see;'n the'3 gentlemen that they were inexperienced Tories ofthbis Prôvinicef-1 thIgh n in politics, and wrould in future subrnit necessary exteision of separ4te QçhoQfl ta the dictates of the president. whihc Uhc Gritsexcseithe: on. President Long said this is a mtteî the stit tiol gouto is. e zow114 which will have ta be looked into. The th nt styingt iiQfsprt pruncîphes of Equal Right.s demanâs s qoosin Mnthî mov boncnsictutia that its supporters shall acquit theni.m O)pSfgtii wV <1 sitUtjo, ' selves more equitably than these pa- ond bcrt>e's Poliy. p< ties han done in the pant. He would aYyW .0 ca~esho>sI admit them teporanîhy, ..and any p't»C i a t ,othej rcfractory parties *wýho b eze dnc ritl struck off the -memnbcrs mi nt fth 'wu, h ~jdyWI~pp~ thei conduct,provcdstlisfactoqq ho ,would accorchhcm fulJ 'eiptatncnt. '~ Whercupon the;Ln-eme etrdt vo * t Phlp, Péatsuaser 14 en* An<i -a-w%ýf -the Peace ?arowt Cm <,T-rusur« e- .-,4Ca~ b.CC... -fr F1ïî I- some factory if, theyd1 notý cnw s (3) rotection to them that has votes, no. matter who the be. (-We don't care wbo is protected, Provided they has votes and will gîve them tÃ" McCarty candidates. They s4iall have equal rights if lhe, st n in it u. We mean business, an d when we get a majority of the House we shall see where it came fromn and govern aursel- ves accordingly.) (4) I shall dispense with Mr. Law- -der's fourth clause and put one in its place like this*- We recognize McCarty as the only politician that knows his business, and knows what to do when' he gets a majority, and we declare our support of him on them grounds. The several clauses af this platform, said Chairman Long, is sound, and wll give us equal rights. 1 will declare the motion carried as amended. R. H. Lawder-I hope you do not intend to record that motion with my name attached as its mover. 1 arn en- tirely opposed to, every word of it. The Chairman-Well, if you are you have no business in this meeting. I thought you had some scheme on when 1 saw you comning in with your petition ta reinstate a lot of renegades who were fired out a hast meeting. Your motion was a mongrel Froduction of ideas, sometimes claimed by the Tories and sometimes by the Grits, but neyer stuck ta by either of thein. We want a policy here that gives the majority Aihat they want, and then we can stick to it ail the time. That is equal rights. Out of respect for your age and grey hair, sir, I shall spare you the pain af expulsion, but in return for the exer- cise of this clernency, you wil Dlease keep your seat in future and flot speak tiii youi spoken ta. Chairman Long said that having thus discharged ourselves ai the busi- ness braught before the meeting thus far in an equitabie manner, and quite satisfactory ta everybody, he would naw give the boys a littie enjayment for a few minutes. He cailed upon Pat Ryan ta sing a sang, and that gen- leman respanded as fahhbws: There was a inan in parliamint Prom Denegal he came An' it didn't matter where 7ou wint You'd hear thim shout lus name. CHORUS: For his naine it was McCarty, An' he was an illigent party, An' we cheered him good an hearty Phwiniver a spache he made An' phwin his spache was o'er, We cali'd hini back "Encore 11" Ti he cudn't talk ne more, Thin we'd hould a grand parade. He was an Aquil Roighter, Wid full manin' 0v the wurrd, An' a divil of a foighter Phwjn lis Oirish blucl wur stirred. We wud cheer him an' O'Brien An' we'd shont "Hurrah fer Shtubbs !" Wid the Grits and Tories flin' Phwin they saw we>d brought our clubs. CHORUS-FOi his name, etc. Oui candidate wus Jerry Long, A man of brains and munny, He like the bbys te sing a sang Or tell a stcry funny. CHORUS-He was a folicwer of McCarty To paîlimint lie had te go Among the knowin' cnes, He soon wore a p irtfolio An' at id _he-m Uns. CHRORus-He was a foliower, etc. MBERS MUST SAY NOTHING James Foley stated that he and sanie friends proposed ta become equal rights, or McCarthyites, prov'idiiîg they were satisfied on certain points. - He noticed from the repartof last meeting that whenever a nie mber exprçssed an opinion that didno>t, agree with the platfarrnof .') h, n nc-pce by Chairman Long, tËc latter -taok ,:oc- casi>n ta expel the member à aeree- fractory persn. Hc4n6t beieve a palitical organiggtion :êould long, <on-ý tinue inieiteùeUtr1 lttIK«wy. If men wcîe aske d ta Support certain principles they shaulti be ailowed ta enjoy an opinio'n as ta, their platform. The cW~rm4n-I may say for, Mr. Faley's bc2ncfit th,4t týç equal rights party of- this tdwn lias. been nun soýfa: -without tJe aid 'of mcii wha cannot be- 'long ta a party witlior unni, andi that I propose ta -kccp-it in the same Lunes in future. The gentlemen that .oine thzis znçe4izg Anaws what ika rules ilsioe)te joi nd ,ft Mr. Fole, or anybody elsc stays ýaway and don f joizn Jcan assure h1n tat he wittio be iUiied. lI h a*aeen Uich4ime ,Jený tbç.equ.ýi -nlghters of this îown coulci be ýç9upWçd on anc fingtjo but - th'y lô.thal:. The - is renw~ la enexpelled *om anc.nçe twas !Ugti tporne back at-ihe nt ME m Mr. quig1ey-Wel1 tell us the rest, The chairrnan-There is nobody else 'the board who is qualified for the Gi ion.- ~4.Quigley feu in-,a- heap, on Uice ,rwhie Tm.Mçann and- Pat ?anrau fOr the door ta catch- a'brethý fres .iir.Tbh other m mber gan cheering- and dlapping m =ng,, and after lrainly. caiIing -for 1er' for $sôme-- tim* êthe chairmn erdC êaIy &èo:î to,-put out -the i a blind stamipedç __waam,- ô doo, ndlthe -crowd, diser l"-.?Qo nLAR BLAoxis. IEY BELO>NG'TO TUEDIAMOND YFAMI LY, That gentlemn cooled off on el rights simply bécause 'equal rights 1 cooled Ã"ffg on himn.-The fact 's,' Bogart, had. drivlng ta Pickering m him (the chairman) 'ta speak at a pu] meeting, and an the way the docior 1 asked for the points he intended to, cuss, and aiter hearing Chairman Loni speech rehearsed, had appropriated i whole address and deliver-ed it. Bei called Iast, he (the chairînan) - had stand up before the audience and ch the cud of the Dr's speech. Dr. Bogard-Since I heft the pa equal rights party has been as dc as a nail. Chairman-It was when you join it that you killed it, and flot when y was fired ou t, sui Mr. Foley said that under the c cumstances he could not eurolh h narne. The chairman-Ail right. Yc name cuts fia ice here anyway. Y do very -weil ta boss a few Irishm and Scatchmen on the G. T. R., t~ when it cornes ta running politics a equal rights you are fia good. AN UNEXPECTED QUESTION. V. B. Woodruff asked whether or n Chairman Long favors separaie schoo The chairman-Well, whatdifferen does it make ? Mr. Waodruff-A good deal. T, members of this associatian are flot howed ta have any opinions of th< awn as ta pohitical matters, and weca flot tell whether we are in favor afse arate schoahs ar flot until we ha, heard your yiews ar instructions. The chairman-Oh, I see. M Woodruff is right. In j egard ta h questian I may say that I am oppos( ta separate schoohs, ar any oth, schools where any religian is taugl except equal rights, which means, as said befare, that thern that has ti rnost vates can have what they want. Mr. Wood ruff-Exactly. Now, M Chairman, as you declare yaurself ai posed ta separate schoals, haw is that yau are chairman ai the Whitt separate schaol baard ? The chairman-Weler-now..we -ex--that is a question which we inexpected, and-er--I rnay say wi require a little consideration before answer it. In the first place I don thank Mr. Woodruff for sticking hi Laose into my affairq. Mr. Woodruff-1 meant fia offencc Mr. Chairman. If you preach fia seu rate schoahs here and go outside ani ict as'chief officiaI for ane, why canna ther members talk equal rights her, tnd go out and take the highest place i the Grit and Tory town cammittees The chairman-1 accepted the chair nanship of the separate school boarc vith a view to having equal r1ghtý aught there. Mr. Woadruff-Weîî, did you suc ýed ? The chairrnan-Not yet. Mr. Waodruff-Well, did yau stol hem of teaching the catechism? T h e- c hmn:_e, si . T i DENs& TIS Tr. Mib ?Z'Open every Baturday niRht. W. 2. YA UN OLD,9D. L.S., Oounty Surveyer and Drainage Rngineer Port Perry, Ont. A. A POST, Architeot, late with Langley, Langley à Burke, Toronto. Designa for Chnrches, Vilas and Cottages a specialty. Drawinge prepared for remodeling existing structures. office-Fire flat over W. &. Howse'a dru@ 9tore. la"P O Box 202, Whitby. WU. CALVERLEY, Ha#ing moved imb oui new premi e are prepared te, extend the range of business, AUl work perta4-1--g e the harneas-making and saddley business wiilb. done to satis- faction. Coilars a specUaty. Cail and see My shop adstock. W. CALVEBLIEy, Second door weot of old shop. Dundas Street, Whitby JNO. NOBLE, -DEALER IN ALL KINDS 0F- Lumber, Shtngleg, Saah, D1o"a and Blinde, ="Ahi orders or informnatioun oband frein JOHN NOBLE, Street, Whitby, opposite Mr. A. &on>s residence. doWhtdbà eý, "&pouid *1 ~ ~ ~ ~ l ye uu i dyie tews in, uoqitoi~5w»sIbee ...... et ,pitoi m zpblhr eao N zo deTa.0 .ir h a can be Dundas Bfttigs 0f The- »lion c 0@i lual had Dr. ýbIic Barrister ouflIy rown Âtteoi. a had COunty Aeiicitor. Office- Soull Wing dis- Court Bouse, Whlitby. ig's the JAMES BRUTLEDGJ&l 'ing Barrister, etc. office formerly ocup 1to by Farewell & Butledge, next Rloyal Hot ew Brook Sc~., Whltby. Lry DAVID OIMISTON9 B. A.,o ead' Attoriey-at-Law, Bolicitor in - Chance] Genveyancer, etc. Office - In the 0f South of the Post Office, in MroMIh ied Block, flrock Street, Whftby. Ku G. YOUNG SMITH. LL. B.9 jir- Bariitér, eto.,-Money to Loan. lIse hiis of Marriage Licenses. Office - Bit] Block, South of Market, Bi ock St., Whltt Dur DOW& MeGILLIVEAY, er Barristero, Bolicitors in Ohanoeryt el but Brook St., Whitby, Suth of Ontario bank. Lnd lot ,, Drs, Warren cd Moori GOAL* 8LAB5i EToi AGENT Folrlthe PEOPLE'8S nad cf ry, xuer by. 4e. »k D. bon 's Iy 1 M r, Pt di Fi g t Stai 'w Nov Livory and Sale Stabi,:' J. B. FARE WELL, DuT.ndas St,Wity Commercial men liieralhy dealt with Teaming done at reasonable pruces. i Freight and Baggage hauled aI reasol. I e prcs mINSlicited LIFtatuErISURi &Accent IanuacesCo.,fTorontdo. Largest Capital Stock ie Insurante Cc. )u the continent. Ninety Per cent, 0 aul momuistionse t surplus is returned te the )olicy bolders. Ai laeis are paid without elay or discount on proof of death or naturity of endowment J. B. POWELL, 'eh. lit, 98. Agent, Wh.itby. m1 EJIGG-3S. leTIT jor. King& Yonge St. Toronto. For the next three montlis I a&m giving pecial atten±on- tOe patients fromn a dis- nce. Arn stil rnngplates ini rubbew, 8, celliloid $10. 1Geoild andslver fling ,ork crowning by &r%t-claas operators ai. le ment reasonable, rates in the City. len Inthe -city cai -in and lot me ezarn- Leyour teeth. I maske no xtra ýlebarge I. BIGGWS Dentiat, moi estone ing and Yonge Bts., Turent.. ive H. 1 WARN-ERO. Ofieand Yrdjst East of AX OUR#TITIORIER- Wmrn--- . C &acdoneli, Whftby, clerk Jan. 3; Feb.,$; Marob83; A pril 2; Ida June 2: JuJY 7 ; Bep. 2; Oct. 2; N,8!~ Dec. 2. - Osziw-D. C. Mdonell, Whitby, Clerk . Jan. 4; Feb. 4; March 4; April 8; Iday<4. June 3- July 8; Sep. 8; Oct. 8; Nov. 4! Dec. 8, BiaouGcaé.x - M. -Gleeson, Greenwq Clerk.-Jan 6; Maroh 6; May 5; Juîy 9;. sep. 4; Nov. 5.,# PORT PRIMa - J. W. Eurnla.&,pport Perry, Clerk-Jazt. 29; March 9; &fAy 15; Juhy 20; Sep. 28;' Nov. 18. UIBIDMG-Jozeph E, Gould, ulbndge, Clerk-Jan. 80; March 24; May l9th; J@j 14; Oct 14; Dec. 16. i CÂNuNOsTO-George Bmîth, Cannn~> Jan. 81; Mà arch Z6; &iay 20; Juiy1r;Ot 15; Dec. 17.y15t0 BEÂVETo-Geo. F. Bruce, Beaverto, Clerk-March 26; May 21; July 16; O)ct. 10; Dec, 18. UiPTnenv-F J Gillespie, Uptergyovb Clerk,-March 27; May 22; 1 aJy 17 ; Oct 17; J. J. Moore, M -D. Brooklin. office heurs 9. a. Mu. 0 etob By7t eider, ;M Pil a.m. teepo e 2un.lf D.P.ivate TelephIze Comurncts Physican, Surgeon and Accoucher, et, office and Besidence nextt Ail Saint Churoh, Dundas Street, Whitby. N. B.- Dental Surgery ini ail its branches promçtl attended to. Dr. H. Wight ma F. Warren, M. Whitby. Office heurs Il a. i IL 1 ý j By order, Dundas St., Whitbyl Proprietor. A CHANGE IN THE PROGRAMME. ý Over CiaoRus-For his name, etc. 1 ÙAT IL IN .AND SAW [,