Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 21 Feb 1896, p. 5

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WATOHES -AT- HALF PR/CE. To clear out a dozen Key Wind El. gin Rookford and other American Watches in Silver Open Fao. 'and Hunting Cases, we are offering them t.o you at haîf the regular prie«. This là A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY to secure the very best value you have ever seeri. Jurnp at Lt. S. Barnard, W a tch na ke r, W-1=TB-C Offiiai County Organ-Largest Qiroula- tlon of a.ny local paper un CSrlada FRlIIPAI, FER 21,1896 mît$ Cortsi {ohn rettoied bc . thl th e -Whitby Orchestra wll appear_ at the _g=4 dconcert lu the tuzflaai alon>I èP 6th lit. fl. Campbell, -ow~ la dîn~e où-àVtsit to hisparents,.Mr n C'ampbell. Mr. Wm. McCleilan of St. Thomas, broth'. er of Mr. jas MeClelfan, south ward, bas' been lni town for a few days. Mine Mima Lund, contralto soloist ln tic old St. Andrew's cburch, King-st, Toronto, wil I appear in the munie hall, Pcb. 2&th. Mr. Fred Howden, son of Postmaster Howden, [s taking a course ln the British American business college, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Maddeford, of Audlpy, enter- tained a large number of young pedple (rom Whitby and vicinity last Friday evening. They report having a pleasant turne. Mr Wallace Patterson, son of our esteem- ed townsman Mr R S Patterson, leaves in a few days for St Louis Missouri, and other p nlts in the west. iis genial &mile will bemissed by the "<boys" around town, as well as by others lu our neighboring town. Last Priday evening a sleigh Ioad of merry youngr people drove down from Pickeri ng anad took possession of the home of Mr and Mrs J R Philp. Aiter whilin away a few p leasant hours they returu cd tnuch pleased with the entertajomnent they recel ved. Mr R H Bradburn, electrician, of Bow- manville, was io town last wcek. Some time &go he opencd an electrical supply shop in Bowmanville and sice doing8 has succeeded in placinq the electric ligoi in a great number of residences, as well as ini some of the churches. He proposes e- tablishing a branch here. Townspeople will have a good opportunity next week of hearing somnething on the sub- ject of Anglican Northwest mission work. On Tuesday evening Rev. Mr. Stringer wilI address a meeting in St. John's church on work among the Esquimaux, while on Thursday et Ail Saint's school house the Ven. Archdeacon Tims, of Calga!y, N. W. T., superintendent of C. M. S. mission, in the Northwest will be the principal speaker. The public generally will be mnade welcome at both meetings. That Equal Rights Meeting A full report of Hon J H Long's éecond Equal Rights meeting will be found in an- other columu. - Reward. LOCAL LACONI/OS. '-cilt repairs ail kinds of purnps. Mrs-E llilker is in a precarjous condition. Ilhrdwoýod dining tables, 4 leaves, only $, at W Vlil's. Mr. Alex. M. Gorrie, tenoi soloist, will ipeinr the music hall, Febi 26tb. itro. Clarke, of the Pickering News, wes in town Wednesday attending the hockey mrat c h Mliss Ida Hatch, soprano soloist of the Bloor-st mlethodist church, Toronto, will ap- pear in the music hall, Feb. 26th. 1,overs of cornet solos should not niss hbaring Mr W Hlerbert Plant et the grand concert in the mxusic hall, Feb. 26th. A sleigh load of Pickering's fair ladies et- tended the Whitby skating rlnk on Tues- day evening and report having hed e good time. Corne again, ladies. Sait-rday, Feb. 22fld, ie bargain day et W G Walters'. Secure some of the bargeins offered in dress goods, menties, fut-s, etc., before they are ail picked over. Mr. Sid. Coxworth has returncd (rom Winnipeg, wherc he went a couple of weeks ago with a shiprnent of apples. He says that the weather on the trip eut was exceed- ingly fine. There is much less snow in Manitoba than there is here. He wiIl buy another lot of apples for the Winnipeg mark et. Key Lest Large brass key left et ibis office for owner. Auction business. Parties wishing te employ me te attend their sales cen jil&k~e arn Angements as te terms and dates at the CHRONICLE office. L. FAIRBANKS. The Dryden Cap As we wenîte press on Thursday lest word arrived that Oshawa had won the Dry- den competition at Oshawa, but it turned eut that Lindsay won bY 4 shots, and will bold the cup for the year. U. C. C. Hockey Tearu etertained. Saturday evening afrer the conclusion of the Hockey match between Upper Canada College and Whitby, the visiting team were euterteined by Mrs. Richardson, ber son, Mr. Will Richaidson, having accompanied his fellow students lt-cm Toronto. Qysters and e good time at-e semd to have distinguish- cd this kindly hospitality. Sale of horses, cattie, etc- The subsct-iber wiii bold a sale cf herses, cattle, etc., on or about the 201h day of Mat-ch 1896, et the towu cf Whitby. This sale will be extensively advertiscd and vil! afford an excellent opportunity for parties having stock Lo scîl te meet e purchaser. Thôse wishing a description et their animnals te be published can have [t donc by cntering the sanie with the subscriber or with John H. Pet-rim, or the Queens Hotel, Whitby. It s hoped that the arjicultural scclety wili hold their spring fairt early se that the sale and the fpr miRy take place on sanie day. L. FAIRBA&NKS, Auctioneer. Vlait (rom Arcbdea.con Tims. The Ven, Ai chdcacon Tirus, cf Calgary, N.- W. T., superintendent of the C. M. S. mission in the Northwesî, w[ll visit Wbitby next wcck. He wiii address a mlssionary meeting on the subject of Northvest work in Al Saint'as chool bouse on Thursday, Feb. 27tb, et 8 o'clock. Mr. Tims' name ia well known [n Ontario throngh which he, bas on several occasions travelled glviog nilssionat-y eddresscs. He bas donc much pioncer work among the Indians. UntIl last sumnimer the Blackfoot Indians ocar Gleichen, Alberta, werc bis special charge, among whom he began work [n 1883. He bas translated St. Matthcv's gospel for Lbern and is aIse thc author cf a gminar and diction- at-y of thc Blackfoot language. His address on Thursdey yul be illustrated by limne lght viewe, vbich vili b. a feature of special $io reward will be given te any person who can buy boots, shees and t-ubbers cheap- er than îhey can be procut-ed et the West side cheap boot and sboe store. Auctioti sale evcrv Saîurday evening Lost Goatakin robe, herse blanket and cushion, between Coffee's residence on the 4th con- cession, Whitby Lp., and Dr Warrn's resi- dence in town. Reward for delivering the articles or sending word to the Dr. Alger in town Many repirtts bave been fiyiog to the effeci ihat G. E. Alger, who [s to stand trial lu Met-ch on the alleged insurance freud, had left the country for good. These stories were the outcome cf a Toronto World ne- porter's Imagination, and epparently bave no foundetion in fact, as Alger vas bere on F'riday last, and stetes bis intention of meet- ing bis accusers [n court. Old Tume social. The social given on Priday evening lest et Lhc. residence cf Mrs. A. G. Henderson, under the auspices of the W C T U was un- usuelly weli ettcnded. The fair scx pt-e- domineted to au overwhelming degree, in fect the sterner sez were represented by a bat-c hall dozen, but the eujoynaent cf those present was none the less genuine and compîcte. The young ladies that teck charge of and carried Lhreugh an intcrest- ing pogremme, were gotten n p regardiesa of expense und gave eue a good idea cf how our grandmothers drcssed i their youth- fui deys. The receipts were about Sr6 and wlll go owards replenishing Uic reading room. The Public Libt-ary. There was an ettendance cf about two hundred people et the conversazione given i0 aid of thcpubiic librerylo ic h Oddfelbow's hall on Monday night lest. Ail sorts cf enterteinmcnt had been provided-spccches music, carda, draught, etc. Maj or Fare- well occupied the chair. M"s. G. A. Ross, Miss McKee, Miss Taylor, and Mr Ashbury sang solos, and Uic Whitby orchestra gave an ebundence cf choice instrumental music. Miss Annie Howdcn rccited thc Swan song. Speeches were heard (rom Uic chairman, Judgc Dartudil, J, H. Greenvood, D. Ormiston, sud Reverends Abraham, Brouglial, sud Gold. The general tone cf the speeches was in fayor cf popularizing Uic iibrary, and the library announced that eny two members cf oee household vould be allowed full membership privileges for a year for $i. The opinion was several imes expresed, and loudly apjplaudedý that thc tovu council should appropriate p5s te the library te, meet thc county grant cf s similar emount The result 0f reducing Uic membership fee should result in securi.ng et least threc imes as mauy members. Plenty cof people pay from $3 te $6 for magazines who could for $i have Uiceu»e cf ail Uic best one ecd month snd Lwo bocks9 et e ime al Uic year. No person need be without reading. A Serions Charge Couoty-Attot-ney Farewell speot Friday and Satut-day at Altoa.a looking [utc a case of bouse-breaking and assanit. Au old man namcd Hamilton lives near AlLoua, sud bas only a daughtcr twelve ycars of age in the bouse with hlm. About six wceks ago two young tellows cf about tvcnty-tvo ycara of age, namned Brownansd Larr, called at Homltons place sud riscouductcd theni- selves. Tbree weeka ago lest Sunda night about twelve o'clock tbcy stopd there again, and aftcr getting thc old man up, they asked where the girl vas. He sald she vas in bcd, pointing te, ber rom. On. cf theni started for tb. rocin doot, and Hans- itou attempted te mntercept buhi. The other seLzed Hamilton sud held hlm vbilst his pal vent into Uic glrl's room, sud soon a struggie commenced Liiere. Allersa ture the little girl get loose frein Uic fe1lo*'grasp. aud tan out teber father in ber nIgt " '0 Then the four of thens had s dircnafor tume, hen sons.noise outalde Scsed Brovu1 sud LUrr te goîeut. Hamilton, fùteedth door, but they returued sud brakeit* i. àim lrh. WhIthy orchëâtt cebutert lu thc Mf.A. j. Gould, soloïat, wil tappear In tiasich Iwoopackages Of eclpue dyea, were roc6 a package, for two weeks 2c., at corner drug store, A. H. Allin. kead W G Wsiters' new sdvertisement this week. Hfe le offéring somne very spec- il bargains for Saturday, Pcb. 2nd, Mr. Alexander M. eýorrie leader of the Westmiinster preabyterlan choir, Toronto, wlll appear lu the music-hall, Feb. a6th. Mr W Herbert Plant, Toronto's leading Ieading cornet soloist, will appear at the grand concert lu the music liai, Pcb. 26th. Mr M W Colline lias been suffetrlng from inflammation for some time, but ie again on deck, lookingr a little worse for it. We arc ail glad to sce hlm in hie place agan. Admission to the grand concert ln the music hall, Feb. 2Jh, will be reduced te the popular price of 25 cents, with all souts reserved. The salvation Brino officeru have moved their quartera te Mr. John Sander's domicile on Henry St. They would be glad te sec their friencis at any time, aiso to vieit the tick or the dying, or te advise anyone desir- lngt advlce on eternal matters. Adjutant Miller commences on Tuesday nert et 8 p. mu. a weekly meeting et Brooklin salvation army barrcks in addition to thc Saturday aternocu meeting R 3 P. im. Varalty Two Stcp b7 W. Alan Sadler. For sale at Mrs. Allîn's. The beui Anthracite coai. NuL, stove, egg, $47 ;NO. 2 nut $4 - s yard,. J. H. Downey & Ce., opposite post office. Scranton Coal" 'There is no better Anthracite coal mincd than hia. " Grate, eg, stove and nt $47 at barber; delivered$525 No. 2 nuL $4. Office opposite CHRONICLE.. R. Blow, Whitby, Ont. Railway Magnant. Mr. C. M. Hays, the new general man- ager of the Grand Trunk, passed througli to Montreal Saturday morning, returning from a two weeks' trip to Detroit, Chicago, and the western portions of the 9s1vstem. Hie train stopped at the juniction station here, but no inspection was made, Oshawa, net Whltby Several local papers [n this district report that Whitby will have a strong golf club this year, having sixty names already. It is Oshawa they mean, and the mistake arose from the item being fi-st published in the 1-1HRoNIcL.E, which gives better Oshawa items than do the Oshawa papers. The Liberal Convention. The Liberals of South Ontario meet lu convention in the town hall here to-rnorrow, Saturday, at 1.30 P. ni. to consider the re- signation cf Mr Burnett as their candidate for the forthcoming election to the House cf Commons. In case the resignation lu ac cepted, then will follow the selection of an- other candidate. Meetings to elcct dele- gaLes te attend the convention wilI be held simultaneously in every polling sub-division of thc riding at 7.30 P. ru. tiiis Friday even- ing. In the town of Whitby these primaries will for greater convenience bc held et one place, the Young Libers ' Club rooms over the corner drug store. Polling sub-division No. 27, that voting at Riordans in the town- ship of Whitby, will also meet et the Young Lib>eraes' roomes. There lu a greater uncer- tainty than ever what the outcomc wtll be of this convention. Much interest is manifest- cd in the extreord [ne-y,. situation lu which our Liberal friends find thcmselvcs et the preserit juncture. Hockey Notes Whitby can play hockey with any club i thc country. Our boys lost caste with the audience through their slow pie y on Sat-day after- 0000, but they more than redcemed them- selves on Wcdn esday. There vili bc twe matches on SaLut-day aftc: noon-Pickering college juiors vs. Whit- by juniors, and Toronto Granites vs. Whitby seniors. Fît-st game at 2.30 Sharp. If the Upper Canada College club eau be secured for another game thc bîpTest audi- ence that hias vislted the rink thas year will go te sec it. The opinion prevails th.at wc cao dowo that clubl aud we will flot bc happy tiii we do it. The prettiet match played bere this vin- ter came off on Thnrsday night lest between the Toronto university club and' Whitby. The pi'y wafest and eien, the home teain getting rather the best of it lu the play, and Uic Varsity boys in the score, vhich wBs 4 te 3 in favor of the visitera, onc goal bcbng uecessery aller the heur, to, break Uicetic. A Toronto club calling itselt the Granites is bîUetl te play hockey at Oshawa tonljht, and Wbitby wrete the. Toronto Granites asking thera te stay ,cr isud give Whitby s game on Saturday. A reply camte on Wed.. nesday-etating that Uic real Granites led' hleld ne correspondence with Oshawa and were scndinj ne teamn there. la some comn- bination fakzng Oshawa? Oshawa played hockey kt Bowmanville on Wednesday niglit and wcrc beaten te Uic tue ofS goals te s2. Considerable rougli Sla ws adulged in, and not thiebest of geýp-.evailed. Downey sud Léaing did mnout of the sluggig for, Bownianviie, whule Hstig ofciaited forOshawa. Gar- ret dld-motc therushig for Uic Bowman- -ville tcam. Fred Hebbs, Oshawa, refereed. DRESS * New Gooda arriving daily. Ail Remnnintê, etc., t~o b. cle&red -out rgd e * ~Modle>' no objeot. Magnetio Pricea.- Teniptations you canneotresit. Alwapa on * naew and more' interesting arriving every day. * Saturdaym--Speciai Bargain Day. 4-,à GOODS-See our Dres Goode, regular 25c., 35c. and 45c. goods, go on 8aturday for 124k.CfAZBR ELÂNNESVerybest ii th market ; regular prices 17 ots. to 20 ots.; go on Saturday for lj.(AE iNEW INTS, NEW SATEENS, NEW OErAMBRAYSY Special line English"Prints, on Saturday 5c yd., CASH. NEW COTTON ORiUPONS9 etc., jut NEW FLANNELS, (JOTTONS, PILLOW COTTONS, HrUCIC TOWELING, etc., juet in. Seo our New Towelle 5c., 10c., 12je. a pair ; great' values. gooda. Come to this Clearing Sale if you want genuine Bargains. LACES EMBROIDBRrss, We muet make rooni for e- NEW TWEEDS, WORSTEDS, SPRING OVERÇOITINÇjS, etc., just in. A special line of Tweeds, suit- able for Boys' Suite, etc., at 25c. yd-, CASH, Ail Soits, Overcoats, etc., made to order much oepr during thie sale. Corne and Examine ou,' New Goods. C. F.&SWÂpn1 GO N>TINFOIIST* TRIITM-01 Sorne very close figures for Shrewd February Buyers, who know that there ie ne duil Season here, but t! when it is dull eleewhere it je the time te find the greatest Bai-gains here, and who are wia e eough t& bI now at Haif Price for future needs. On account of our r'v.otrG REATi -0F O'UR- 8Uaomss~ SÂTURDÂY 0 BÂRGAIN 08 DAY O SÂLI we have decided te continue them. Those who were net fortunate enough te get here laat week. have the'. pertunity te buy better values than those of last week, as we have added many more linos to, our. Bâti liet fer Saturday, DRESS GOODS. [40-10 Tweed Effect Dresa Goode, value 25e Satut-day price ................. 9 4o-in l Back Serge, value ............. o SaLut-day price.................. 43c 42-lu Ail Wool Plaid, velue ........... 6oc SaLut-day price .................4c 42-n Ail Wool Cie ppou [n alL the even- ing shades, value 4oc, Sat. price..23 52-i0 Black and BIue Wbele Serges vraine $i Satnrday price................. 59c 46-lu Black Henrietta Clotb, value ... a Saturday price................. 7C :February :: 2 2nd, ONE TABLE 0F DRESS GOODS. Regular pricca vere 3,c,40c, 50c, 60c, 7.5c, ail reduced te eue price 25 otis. per yard. PUR CAPES. 22-lu Grecnland Seal Capes, value .... 1 Salut-day price.......... 00,10 2,5-lu Black Coney, value ......... Saturdey price............... Ladies' best quallty Persian Lamb Mitte, reduced to ... . Ladies' Grcenland Ses! MiLLe, real value................. SaLut-day price........... 009 e. ::.18 LADIES' MAXTES (1 only) Ladies'bMantle Sise 3& iac good Liis Besson, valse.... Saturday priée...... 4 Ladies' Matles, sIe 32,, 38, 1arg slee'vca, newest style, value . Saturday prîce........... 2 Ladies' Mantdes, sise34, 36,- value.-.' Satnrday priée: -. 0 ..0 i Tweed Golf Capsue....* $8.0o Satuttdayprie. . . Balance cf Misses Tweed Ulètera telà $4-50 '5 te 12.ageS, te clear t...,. $3.49 ecd. Some very special Bargains wil hoe ofiered, for Baturday only, ini Men'a, Youthaad hudre! Suite and Overcoats : MeWis Black Woreted Suitè, reg. prie $16, Saturday. priôe 9. Tweed Suite, reg. prioe 12, Saturday price *6.49., Mený Fmieze, tr, -reg.- 'rioe *9.,5Q *4.75. Ohildren a Overcoate and Ulsters at ONE-HALF PRICEÈ. Space will'neOt W4 SN. and see Bargains wê offer for Saturday whether youswtant W5ppurchaae r mt. G. WALTERS, F. PA TERSON, Q. C, Bat-rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. -Money to Loan. UXBRIDGEl ONTABIO.1 l uýiT ALL HIGHR Right o e STOP AtJ IMo~ At -wlWm~ ~oe~f*w i lx P -Hayw TAS T il Prîce ought 1 ý L-;ý

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