Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 21 Feb 1896, p. 4

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J CON ir AND ZNSPECT Our-Large Stock of Per/urnes, Hair Brushes, To i/e/ A rid e s, Etc., E/c., which we are iselling at Specîally Low Prices. 1 E. WILLISý Ohemist cd Dru ggist, Medîcal Hall Rrock Street, (Lc r (Ë ronic XVIIM 1 FEI3. 21t ict ýA lui v q-ý, si At Short Notes. ir. il. A. Massey, Toronto, the wealthy manuifacturer, s in very poor health. The ild geîîtleîîîar lias dîstnibuted so many bene- factions '30ir,rii out the Province that the de- l'ire for Iii-, iecovery s widespread. An amendrment ta the United States tarifi bill passed by the Senate, in favor of the free coînage of sil1ver an a basAs of$ r6 of sil- ver to évery $r of gold coined in future, was defeated Ain Congress by a Majority Of 125, the vote being go ta 215. Sir Oliver Mowat foutid a bonanza when he decided to tai the estates of wealthy de- ceased people, the term used being succes- sion tax. The income from this source lest YUar wAs $w)8,824 90, whîle the whole rev- enue fr i quor lîcenses only amaunted ta $272809.12. The succession tex arnaucted to etioeigh ta pay nearly one-twelfth of the Provincial expenses. Wealthy men will either have ta deed ewey their propcrty lie- fore they die, or cisc the Province will take uts ahane. Ex-Warden F. J. Gillespie, wbose necent candidature An North Ontario gave liArna boom An the study ai matters politicel, lias been studying the figures af the Canadien export trade An bacon. Fifteen years ega we wene exporting iangely from tht States, but e high duty vas put on, and Mnr. Gi- lespie gAves the increase An expont ince 1849t as foliows: Canada exported An 1891, 71,50,757 Ibs, value, $,590,9,52 ; 892, 11,544,295 Ilis, value, S1,094,205; 189!3, 17,288-311 lbs, value, $2,830,368; 1894, 26,826,84o Ilis, value, $2,- 754,479, ; [895, 37,526,o.58 ibs, value, $3,546,- 107q; preictlcally al vent ta tht vonld's con- sume'srmanket, Great Bitiani. Our exporte An tbis lAne ncreased over 500 pet cent, dur- ing tht peet five years. Duning tht past year we made immense gain in tht face ai e duli market. Tbe pee-fed bacon cen down tht corn-fed any day. Tht Britishi people vent quelity and Canada bas got t. The death of Rev. D. J. Macdoncll, To- ronto, removes fnorn viev a clergyman vel knownti lroughout Thet rovlnce ai Ontario. Ht vas a very clever man, aud ld strong views. Tht fret expression whhl he vas wont ta gAve ta these vieva got bimn Ato bot water and ruade bin famous tventv years aga. H.ý then preacbed a sermon lu vblch be cest smre doubte upan tht doctrine ai eternal tannent ei the vicked, which gave risc To wbat lias ince been cailed the famous lienesy triai. After a long vinded hearing Mn. Macdoncll finally agrted ta recede frein tht stand lie lid taken, ant talet the damu-. ed serve their tme An full. Tht populatiou. ai port Hope having fnl- len bleow 5,000 Inhabitatits, the tovu COUD- cil s ab lishing tht position ai police uuag- strate, snd tht sal ary af $6oo pep year, bu,&- tofane pattA, goes.vitA it. The chaiumnof the committeet ta viom vas reipred tii. matter af the Police M rts511 sait "everythiug w&.so90 c yrdeEnced"IA the Statutes.thie commnitt.e had uqi mucbu look Into. iýhe 14W asys the çcoUnciL 'c» pass any amoant for salay ýthu theyr à..ftt provided the tovn bas ot5,3o iiwotahts, A sweeplng refoun la conetion vAUthe"r tovn osfciels d tAi salres pattA to tbffl bas been MatA.. O. ..M, the merchants and farmera îrom -thieves and burgiars. Mr. Farewell, the cotÜnty croüwn attorney, knowe our situation here. Moni burgiaries have been commiitted, and mtlc property has been stolen, yet the oftenders invarlably get ofi free, because before we con get the means of arreeting them they cati bè many miles froni our locallty, and pcrbape operatlng An sanie other place. The follwngla sample. A few days ago a res ~ bydessed young mon, pretendlng to e wr for a farmer who reeided a short distance froni here, called et a store for tobacco, explalning that he did flot have the money, but lie and hie employer would caîl An the evening and pey for t. The merchant knew the fermer and gave hlmn the tobarco. He neyer camne bock. The armner neyer knew there was such a mati. He neit went nto the drug store, played the same cerd there, end a short timne ater he wee peddling pîls end tobacco around the village. Because we bed fnot the mneans of detaining hlm we had to let hlm go, as we had to let mnany othere go on other occasions. Now, 1 would ask If our hotels hed anytb tng ta do wlth keeplng tbe citizects up aIlInlght watching for this thief. As far as out hotels are concerned they are conducted An as res- pectable a mnanner as any An the county, but a hotel keeper cannot stop a young mati just emnerging from bis teens, who bas found that he cati spit clear off tbe tocs of bis boots, frorn yelling on the streets. If we had the protection asked for this nuisance would also cease. Ini thie petition we only asked for wbet we are entitled to, and which 1 trust wAll lie gratited. [t appears strange that aL township as large as Mara, and be- longing to a cou nty likÏe Orntario, 'Continues to lie without protection. The petition was j only three days An circulation, and about one hundred signatures were attached. [f it had had more time for circulation at least two thirds of the ratepayers of the township 'Whitby would have endorsed it, and will endorse a similar petition if their signatures are re- quired to brin gto our township and village what thev juseUy, demnand. 4 , ~A. J. O'13o0Y L., (Mr. O'Bole's letter does not explain it- le self. His petition to the county county asired for the appointment of a constable, a matter whicil belongs to the county court, and not the county cotincil, to deai with. If a mati who has beev guiity or obtaining i 9.property under false pretences bas the ev to hang round the village, why does not the -reeve of Mara or somne magistrate issue a n warrant for hirn and commit hîm to Whitby for triali? If the fellow were arrested An the hand and mnorning he could be committed for trial ,r on our before the evening train and could then lie miail. Let lodged In Whitby jail before 9 p. m. For our lves we cannot see why the people of 1them. Brechin have ta stay up all night ta watch a 1hutiured nliiti who s only doing a littie cheelcy faking. It is nonsense for Mr. O'Boyle hed with ta complain so because, as he al- r we do leges, the towvnship af Mare has no hemn, and protection. The municipal council is cloth oneycon-ed wlth authority ta protect the people of the ~tfY township, and the people of Bi-echiti have degenerated seriously since we knew theni eing peid if they have becorne euch a set of nitinies as r. Popleto let a cheap faker do them up as he pleasea. PepeSornehow tbey have gat t into their beads ther pur- that the county had ought ta take thetu und- ave a no- er its wing, but this is a source frorn whicb ithe fine they have no right to expect enything of the sort. The Mare magistrates are supplied that THE& with the statutes, and anc of themu, at least, lectful An Ex-Warden Gillespie, s as well qualified ta t s noth- administer t as eny man in Canada. Either comne t ta e akr ad caethe witou f will soon bring the t t time.-ED. CH.) Whttbr Town Looais. Hard on the coal supply, isn't t? w ce are venv near the nanth pale this Auction sale eveny Saturday evening et, the west aide boot and shot store. L4ook out for the ayster supper by the ladies af the methodiet tabernacle eeriy in March. 6 piece salld welnut parlor suite, plush, with sîlk plush bands, for S32, Worth $45, et W. Till's. Some parties from Illinois are here trying ta sei a trotting stallion ta a syndicate here. Auto harpe. Violins, and smaîl musical instruments et lowest prices for Chistmeas gifts et Mrs. Aluins. Get vour ire-pots, grates, iran or brick lininiga for ail kinds of staves, ranges or furnacea, from J. àMcIntyre. Mr. Alexander M. Garrde, condticton af Knox College gîte club, Toronrto, wil p- pear in the music hall, Feb. 26tb. The liaptist cliistian endeavor, af Oshawa, beld a rally lest Fniday niglit. A large representetion frorn lie was present. Mise Mima Lund was contralto soloist in tlie "Creation" et the Phuiharmanic so- cieîy's concert An Messey hall, Jeu. 23rd, Admision ta the grant concert An tht mtusic hall, Fcb. 26tli vii lie reduced ta the papuler price Of 25 cents, with ail seats re- served. .Mr. R. Downey, Oswego, mole agent C and W Ry., and Mr. Bludgett, ai New York western agent ai saine road, were An town o Tueeday. Cliairman Deverell's snîow piow cuts ae 6g- une these days. One man site on t ud driveis a horse whie enather wrestîes wth tht baud- les behind. Mr W Herbert Plant, carnet sololet for tht Philharmonie ociety, Toronto.his been securcd for thc grand concert lin the music hall, Pcb. 26th. - Miss Mime Lund, who appears An thie music hall, Feb. 26th, vas thee vAnner ai a contralto scholarliAp at the Toronto cou- senvetory of music. W. H. Piper selle the liest purnp niade. Thi.s s whist everyone uays that uses tbem. He wiii visit Oshawa and' Pickering evcry week.- He reports trade good et tAes.e places. AUl makes oipumpo'repaired, The61ai f lgAtitsow vwhich came on Wednesdey vas gathered theevAnd aendA i.e An heeps on thie roids. Thie Manlle traïn vent nrth - -th - -oning, enth Ae lIàt v. lisarci-of It beforegoing to,,prfflW" I h~it t lied only reacbed Por eryo Ae way along thiefrnradvaahotptasp to. The finit of tii eclle ctur MW Ail S81atfs churçb vii b. bel tb.aitl ai à Jock. Tb* 1ev. Dr. Sv5.tRu phinfi~s cucvi .ttpe "tade e1cone ,-he. la thetd l at ,Of precbr F*. grst. agev. Canoutsvw.yF rectwor sL, pffli' emicL7,Uecm ýsggotsviils oncert The gaggotsvtille ucitool wÎ11 give a con- cert atetr <chool. bopse to-taight, for the price of adtnistiOÏ; hu been cnt down to 52c. for adulte and ioc. for children, instead of toc and i5C as announced. Work for linem en. The Bell Telephone Company would be glad of alI the experienced telegraph or tele- phone linemen they can get hold of just now to work in Toronto for a few weeks. Ap- plication should be made et once at 37 Tem- perance $t., Toronto. Hard Luck Mr. Strain express tiiessenger on the Midland railway went to Toronto smre time a go to be trented for an aliment of one of hie legs. The doctors there pronounce hie trouble incureable but Dot serions, and advise him to obtain employemnent where lie will have to do as littIe standing as possible Dont forget the great sale ta commence Saturday, Feb. 22tid, and con - tinue for 3o days. Boots and shoes et auc- tion prices. See the bargain table outside. ioo paire ladies' house miIppers et toc. per pair. M. W. Colline, red shoe store, east side. Auction sale. On Friday, Feb. 2ist, Mr. A. Waddie, near Claremnont wil mclli by public auction hie large and valuable outfit of farm stock and Implements. Mr. Waddle lias retired from farming and has no for the listcd articles, therefore they will lie sold without St John's cbnrch M G-oodeve will ofilciate on Sutiday next, and on Tuesday evening 25th at 8 p. m. the Rev. 1. O. Stringer, B. A., will addrcss a mlsslonary meeting on " Life within the Arctic crle, " iilustrated with a stereoptîcon. interesting Eskimo curios, etc. The Rev's Mr. O'Mallcy antd Mr. Southam are expected to lie present. Evcrybody Welcomne. * C 1 Sleighlng Party Friday cvening a load of thepupile of the W. C. I., chapcroued by Mrs Cormack and Mrs Galbraith, held a sleighing party. They went ta Oshawa by the base line, and after driving around that town repaired ta, the bouse of Mr Galbr-aith, Port Whitby, where they spent the remaîider of the evening. Massey's mag,,zine for February. fromn the timelinesa of 'te contents and thce rtistic il- lustrations, more than mainteins the high standard of the initial number. The Cosmopolitan magazine for February As a beau ful exemple of periodical litera- tu rc Splendid prizes are offered by the publishers in a motocycle or horseless car- niage designing cantest. The Wabash Railroad. It le naw an ecknowledged fact that the Wabash Railway je the shortest, beat and quickest route from Canada ta Chicago, St. Louis, Hot Spiings, Texas, Mexico, CalA- forma, and aIl southwestero points. lU's train cquipment s superlatively the finest in America. Full particulars frorn any R. R. agent ar J. A. Richardson, Canadien pas- senger agent, north east corner King and Vonge streets, Taronto. Once More Pay U pl We sent aut a lot of subscription accaunts lest week, and are very much obliged ta those who responded so promptly. There are taa meny, however, who followed their usuel course- of paying not the slightest at- tention. 0f course there is lots of time yet, but we hope they will ail corne ta Urne prornptly this year, as we need the money, and are entitled ta have every cent of t. Carne, boys, remAt et once. Sor-y to at witl i hm Mr. Wm-. Lawrence, for three years the efficient and genial mail cierk on the Whit- by-Manilla mail car, lias been procnoted. Word came ta hlm on Mônday to report et Toroînto this week for service elsewlicre, and An the meantirne bis successor was sent here ta learti the details of this lins. We are glad to lie able ta congratulate Mr. Law - rence on liAs weil-deserved promotion, but et the arne timne the expression of regret on accounit of bis remnoval ie unanirnaus in town. A game Saturday The local team bau donc its ' West ta gAve patrons a chance ta sec first classhockey, and so long as the ce holds good will con té'nue ta do so, even f they are sometimes over-metclied. Tbey are now overwhelmect with offers fromn clubs:of the first.ank ini the variaus leagues. The Granites, wlio are ta, play off with Peterboro for the intermediate cbarnpionship, wAll lie i-erc on Saturdray atternoon et 3.30, and no doulit wiIl tex the skill and strength af aur boys to the utrnost. We cannot lie too sure af victory against a tcarn that bas woS its way to the foremost place An its league, and ageinstmany first class teams, but an opportunity will lie given for the loyers of this exclting winter's sport to se god dlean hockey, and thet s a. great deal Therink eabonld be crowded on Set- urday, as no doubt t wi ll le. War or Peace ita aul tt marne. Tht e r An Care A snov over andtAhei Manitobe struggit s on, as Wêil. as tht Britishi electiong. Murdtning s stili'n vogue aud on tht increase. -The tman whc, thinks lie kuows a solution of tht Manitpba edhool question, d4esn't know hov naucibe dotsn't knav. Hav Ait vii lie deait vithi s la vemeci question for politicans. Tht Britishbeltctions are sure tý go Couservative, and conserva- tism's carried on to-day means reai refori. We cen stop murdering ta sane extent if we nail every blood-stained monster tb tAie nmet nstead of making the.n recipiez9ýs ai syni- pathy and outraged justice Readers avre fa vored vitAi these philosophicel observations purely vith a view ta remindinig theni that E~ Hart stili selle thie New Wiliams oewingI nechine.,w vh is ahead of thein ail. à ruant isAsdee4., Oshawa,- Vindicator: Tht runtor '-vas.Pê1 about -tovu les week that Mr. J. Hantau Ferrytht efficient enA respected cou'ty î« registrar, vas ta retire enA that Dr; lIa. vasbrt ta lie appolnted te tht vacancy matA. h ifrSlei retlremeut. 1h vasuaMoieamatthat DnR. at <'<> voud echage h18 Oshavaresidence fo>r,~Y Dr.Ware'sWbitby rideé.Thé- doc- çbIb to'sabene u htCity last Thud bitW te marked.upon aaproofcopsfeta i.> tansc tiOU vas asgood as c ùmaý4= - D'.> - - Wd Rae w asemu nPia, s . s. hl Noew Spring- Goods ~~~J!IT T oliD O TII S1RIG New Cottons, New Ginghams, New Cotton Shirtings, New Cottonades, New New Fl-annelettes, New Carpets, New Ties, New Tweeds, New Prices, WMIntoi' Gooda at Prices neyer before thought of. H a ts, New Caps, New Shirts, Grand Assortment in al P. S.-Now is the time to buy 3~WW% Dry Goods. barrel of punch, forty galions of punch, nine bowls of punch, farty-five gallons of wine and forty-seven gallons of beer. Washing- tan, wha was not present, exprcssed hie surprise et their maderatian, and wrote bis agent that he feared he bad not been liberal enough, and expressed the hope that hc'had not neglected those who lied voted An the apposition. Jerome Scott's mail conveyance failed ta rcach Brougharn yeterday. Mrs. B. Gibson, base line, suffered a stroke af paralysie on Monday, and is lying very low, nat expected ta recaver. Yesterdays drifting stan le esaid ta have been the warst outaidie the tawn which lias accurred for ycars. Mesmr. R. A. Bunting and Bro. Clark of the News camne ta town on Wednesday to sec the hockey match. Secure yaur tickets for Wedneaday's con- cert in the nmusic hall et the corner drug store, where th- plin will open Saturday. Read the programme af the concert Wed- nesday niglit, and accore tickets et the cor- ner drug store. 25-cents for any seat An theA hall. The event of the week The great event of next week will ie t grand concert in the music hall. The pro,- gramme s out and la anc of the best offertd An this town in years. Young Griffin, chargcd with ste-ding rnoney fromn Fanmer Bell, of Baggotsville, was ta lie tried last night. There did pot seem To be mucli ageanst him. Notwithstanding the efforts of the local board ta nduce the Provincial board af healtli ta take etepe ta prevent the telring of ice fromn Whitbyliarbor, farmers and athers are still hauling it away. The water As 50 John A. Strathy, wlio vas chat by Brennan et Barrie on Tuesday, wes litre last faîl on, business. Brennan went ta Strathy's resid- ence and ceiled bin to the door, wlieni lie abat lin through the breast, and went Arn- mediately and .surrendered to Sheriti Drury. Strathy diedAn an bour udaa lsf. Brennan charges that Stratbhy wnonged him financiuilly. Tht coroner's 'jury brougltit n a ve:dict ai vilmnurder. Newspaper Ruterprise. THE CHRONICLE le plcascd ta note the confortable bionsing ai two Toronto con- temporeries, fur which wc entertainî most distinguished consideration-The Globe. @d the SaY<w-day Niglit. Juet'.down e half b-'c fron King st. au tht southwest corner ai Vonge and Melinda: As the situation of the Globe, being admirable for ea deily news- paper. Tht Gloe bilding s devoted solely taois owv use.. No noté modern conyen- iently arranged, 1eplendidly equipped .91fice cen b. found in Canada. Saturda y Night bas moved out ai thee Grand Opera buildin sgdfrts pu aoe and met- acrs d .tlaldae.,tréet Irontttot fie r hp pardys, r-ncent purhmese of fAit Seb as put néw-4if e sd vigor iu that Jourmal,,whïich >ei b..Pd rn ti reoent-,ouanRe t, Ready-made Clothing. JUST RECEl VED- Chot' gew Good& China Glaiisware and Crockery. Dinner and Tea Sets, Cheap. Choice Family Groceries, Teas, Fruits, Etc., Etc. 1 Prices to Suit -the Times. Don't buy before callng and examin the 8tock and prices for yonrse. Coffee, OF g1VESTATE Keep -Milch Cows5 in Good Health - ITPAYS u înt mee loua &, t-ow o ae a va am As neot ai ed "fitht facd becse..hec iges& a c i a~mor, Dick9s -Blood PunTiler =È *i4i1strngthen thte digestion Mnd makle thie food PnMduSMo slk. [tmail b u t fiftY C ent t iY ito n th t oe O e t o y a ha e a m -os i l p t bo For sale by Druggi.sat psa" sitesor sai pepsit o" «sece G. Un 4S8, ~. f I[rs. Judmon Gibeon le recovering front t ber attack of Uit gris>. MrsWTaitandMrsj G4-S. Gibson are aiea recovering front their iIlne~a. I )ié eool c flot get lU]p à uom bers. ortr of tovu se litS aboi di tI q4l è m@mqmý Pey Yonr Subsoriptiot \1 i ,etiis havinîg our money An .4l n1 -.rtrsfot alrealy ca îokwîll plvasic remit h%, return ir ail hI-ar mi riindi that iAr never fail ývi have carrîed along several sumi iur s w iG. othler papers club~ I*Hi (n SxoNi, * -., amdthe longe t hi-i thie leer it seemas to please t they pay no attention to the mi s id erastion We find our subscriptions are bi up far slower than usuai thjs year ctppear to have noney for every a î>obe, but a good niany appear ta h tion that the pnnter cat i lve on weFither. We believe we cati say (uRmîv LE s neyer slow or niet i., treat ment.of cour readiers, and mîg miore than fair that they should time pronîptly. 4iýl t4-eÉ--ï Lines to choose from. k, - - mým - -Cýýl MY mom'z veamba

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